Welcome back to the inspired
living with auto-immunity podcast.
I'm your host, Julie Michaelson.
And today I'm joined by Dr.
Doni Wilson, and I'm so excited
to share our conversation.
Doni is a naturopathic doctor who
through the process of solving her
own 25 years of migraines developed
her stress recovery protocol that she
uses with her patients to help them
reverse all sorts of challenging health
conditions, including autoimmunity.
Today, we talk about how important
it is to know your stress type in
order to dial in your stress recovery.
Why it's important to measure your
cortisol and adrenaline levels and how
to begin to heal your adrenal district.
Doni shares with us and valuable
nuggets from her upcoming book, master
your stress, reset your health, which
is just about to become available.
This is a must listen to
episode, you are worth it.
Dani, welcome to the podcast.
I'm so excited to have you here.
I'm so happy to be here.
Thank you.
I love to get started with your journey.
How did you get to be this amazing
naturopath helping people heal from all
kinds of chronic challenges and issues?
I always say I was guessing when
you were a little girl, this wasn't
what you thought you would be doing.
Well, and I, I joke that
I, I grew up in a pharmacy.
My father is a pharmacist, and
so I really grew up all around
the pharmacy and pharmaceuticals.
It's I think even my parents were
surprised when I then was studying
to get a pre-med degree in science.
Then I decided to add a degree in
nutrition and I started to have the spot.
Is there a kind of medicine?
Integrates nutrition
into care and healthcare.
And that's when I found out about
nature of having medicine and
immediately I was like, that's exactly
it, it was like, it felt like a dream
come true, you know, because that's
what made sense to me at that time.
And so instead of going to
pharmacy school, I went to
nature public medical school.
So it was, I was pretty
early on in my, in my life.
Then I ended up figuring this
out and I realized that actually.
As a pharmacist, my father, and through,
throughout, throughout my childhood would
always speak about how do we prevent the
need for medications whenever possible.
And so then I'm like, oh, no wonder I was
having those thoughts even from a young
age and when, and then went on to your
best year university in Seattle Washington
to, to do my nature pathic degree.
And I also became very interested
in women's health in particular.
Also trained as a
midwife at the same time.
And it just felt like
this was just meant to be.
And then I ended up when I
graduated, I moved to the east coast.
I ended up moving to Manhattan
in 2001, right after nine 11.
And the thing is, is that when I was
researching women's health during my
training, I was researching fear of
labor and how stress affects women.
And later.
And then I went and moved to Manhattan
right after nine 11 and realized maybe
I can apply some of what I learned about
women in labor to all humans at any point
in time when you're exposed to stress.
And so I continue to.
To implement and learn through
the years of practice, um, how to
help people recover from stress.
At the same time, I was
also having migraines.
I had migraines for 25 years and
I didn't talk about it though.
I felt like as a practitioner,
I'm not supposed to have symptoms.
I'm, I'm supposed to
be able to solve this.
I was helping other people with their
migraines and yet I couldn't solve my own
migraines and tell just a few years ago.
It kind of pushed me to keep researching,
keep learning, keep applying.
As I'm grateful now, to look back how
much I learned by solving my migraines
and eventually getting them to go away.
And in the process of that, developing
my protocol for, for stress recovery,
that helps with many different health
issues, including auto-immunity,
I love that.
I love how you were so ahead of the curve.
Um, so many people come on the show
shifted, you know, because of their
own health struggles and you just
kind of lived with yours on the
side while you were on this path
to begin with, which is amazing.
I want to circle back and
repeat 25 years of migraines.
That's, that's amazing.
And I love, um, You know what you're
doing works with so many things.
It's not migraine specific it, and
yes, I know you have helped so many
people with autoimmunity as well.
And even I've seen you help people get
rid of HPV and all kinds of issues,
all those things that we're sometimes
unfortunately told or often told,
you know, oh, nothing you can do,
but you know, surgical or medical or.
Um, so I'm excited to take it
into the stress connection,
obviously doing what I do.
You can't heal out of immunity
if you're not addressing stress.
And I say all the time, you know,
well, if you're on this plane, You're
experiencing chronic stress of some sort.
And especially if you have a chronic
illness or a chronic struggle.
Um, but, but let's get into, how
do we know if that's a driver?
How do we know?
You know, if, if stress is a big
player, um, because although I
tend to say everybody experiences
chronic stress, not everybody.
Has a long-term chronic
illness because of it.
So, so how do we know?
What are you, where do we see?
I love that question.
And because a lot of times when you see,
when we look at underlying causes, right,
from a nature pathic perspective and from,
from what you would do as well, it's,
we'll look at, we'll say, well, we want to
address things from an underlying cause.
Same thing with
auto-immunity to reverse it.
We need to look at what
caused it in the first place.
And you might see a list of things, right?
You might go, oh, well they're worse.
Maybe there was a viral infection.
Maybe there was a Medicaid.
What was your antibiotics?
For example, maybe there was,
you know, like there's a list
of potential underlying causes
and on that list will be stress.
Well, from my perspective, all of
those things are stresses because
when it comes down to it, ultimately.
I think of it as this concept
of nature versus nurture, right?
We always are.
There's this age old dilemma is
what, what causes our health issues?
Is it all genetics or is it all our
in our environment and from what I
see and what I read in the research.
Um, actually genetics, even though
we can have a genetic predisposition
to auto-immunity, um, I definitely
have the genetic predisposition
to auto-immunity myself.
I don't.
what else?
So it's not a hundred percent, right?
It's not always the case.
Um, but what the studies show
is that actually the genetics
play less than 20% of the world.
And the environment is more
of the determinant of what
happens with our house.
So what is environment?
Well, environment.
The various different stresses we're
exposed to whether it's psycho-emotional
stress, whether it's toxins as a stress,
whether it's an infection or an injury,
that's a stress on the physical body.
Uh, you know, these are the
stresses we're exposed to that.
Then make us susceptible to the
development of whatever health
issue, including auto-immunity.
And so to me, stress is absolutely.
The thing that needs to be looked at
with auto-immunity in particular, because
if we're not looking at a stress, then
we're not truly looking in identifying
and addressing the underlying costs.
I love that.
That's amazing.
And I always say when it comes to stress,
well, all of them overlap and you just
so beautifully and eloquently, you know,
Iowa often when I talk about toxic.
I talk about chronic stress as
a toxin and then flip it, right.
You just gave us the other side of that.
Also toxin exposure, that's
not cleared is now a stressor.
And so the, you know,
there's never one thing.
And I, the way my mind works, I, you know,
maybe this is all of my sort of math and
science background is I'm, I'm thinking
of it as an equation to solve, you know?
And so if I go, okay, W, if we're
going to solve this equation for
your health and end up helping you
improve your health, then we need to
look at what are the factors that are
contributing and even, you know, say a
diet that's not healthy for you, or is
inflammatory is a stress on your system.
Our bodies are, we have a built
in stress response system and.
It's not something we can stop having.
That's just part of being human.
We're going to be our brain and our body
is going to be looking for anything.
That's going to be a potential stress
trigger, and it's going to respond.
So whether that's a food or a toxin,
or maybe it's a lack of food, sometimes
it's that we're, we're fasting too
long or we're not sleeping enough
or we're eating too much sugar.
too hard.
All of it.
Like I joke that there's such a thing
as too much of a good thing, you know,
it sounds like it's a good thing, but.
It could be too much of a
good thing to end up caused,
triggering a stress response.
And once that stress response goes,
now we have cortisol our main stress
hormone, trying to respond and protect us.
We have adrenaline trying to respond
and protect us, and that's a good thing.
We want them to be responding.
We want them to exist.
So it's not like we're,
it's not black and white.
It's not like we're going to say, well,
you want zero cortisol or zero adrenaline?
Well, you want, as you want an optimal
amount of cortisol adrenaline at the right
time of day at the right, you know, right.
Amount of stress exposure.
And it's the thing is, is when we're
bombarded with all these various
stresses that gets thrown in.
It just, the cortisol gets out of balance.
The adrenaline gets out of the balance.
Our stress response gets out of balance.
And once that system's out of balance,
then it's going to send the wrong signals.
It's going to send a stress signal
to the digestion, to the immune
system, to the nervous system, to
all the other hormones in the body.
So it's like this ripple effect, right?
So it's like the stress hits.
And if it was just a single stress and we
respond and recover, that's a good thing.
But if it's like bombarding now, At
scrambling the signals throughout
your whole body over and over all the
time and tell them you can't even, you
don't even know anything different.
So normal to be constantly
in a stress response.
Then what I find, and this is
what I research is how each
of us has a unique pattern.
Like we would assume we're all
gonna have the same, right?
Like so many people assume, oh, we're
all going to have a high core resolve.
And we're all going to
have a high adrenaline.
But actually in the research, I do it
doesn't show that we are not all the same.
We're very unique in the way
our bodies respond to stress.
So some of us, when we have a stress
response might ended up with high
cortisol, some with low cortisol,
depending on time of day, some have high
adrenaline, some have low adrenaline.
So we're not, we're not even,
we can't even assume what our
stress response is gonna be.
So informative because you hear people
say, And we can get into, I might throw
you under the bus with this sometimes
to me, sometimes it's semantics.
People get really, you know, oh, you
know, you used to hear adrenal fatigue
and now they don't like to call it
adrenal fatigue or adrenal burnout.
Cause it's not really burnt out.
I say taxed or stressed
because that's what we can see.
High cortisol or cortisol in the toilet.
Like it can be either or.
no, I, I say in, in my new
book, I talk about that.
I, I don't like to use the term
fatigue during no fatigue or exhaustion
because it's not the case for everyone.
So I, I use the term adrenal
distress, which to me means.
The adrenals are in a distressed state.
Now we have to figure out
what that looks like for you.
And, and to me then the best way
to do that is to measure the levels
because we can actually met, we
don't have to guess we can actually
measure the cortisol, measure the
adrenaline and find out what adrenal
stress distress looks like for you.
And the important part of this
is the treatment is different.
So it wouldn't really matter if the
treatment was the same for everything.
We'd be like, well, does everybody do
the same treatment, but no, it's not.
If the cortisol is too high,
it's a different treatment than
if the cortisol is too low.
And if it's a different treatment, if
the adrenaline's too high or too low,
and not only that, but it requires
a sequential treatment protocol.
You can't address it all at once.
So as much as we, you
know, we would kind of.
I think sometimes we'd like
to just make things simple.
We'd be like, okay, let's
make it all adrenal fatigue.
And let's give everybody the same
treatment, but it doesn't work.
How many people are doing
adrenal treatment and they're
just not feeling better.
Well, and we're unique individuals,
as you just said all the way
around anyway, that the, how many
people, I'm sure they do it to you.
Oh, just tell me what you eat.
I'll eat what you eat and I'll know.
Cause you're not mean it's
not going to work for you.
Same thing, you know, it's, it's the.
The the, sometimes the diagnosis is,
well, not sometimes it's never the answer.
It, it could be a direction
that is not the answer.
it's usually just the label.
But we're trained that way from
the Western medical system, right.
Diagnosis equals pill, which we use to
consider, you know, prescription was cure.
And now we, we all know that's
not the case, but it's hard to
shed that mentality of like, okay,
just what's the fix that one.
I'm so glad you're mentioning this.
I mean, again, I grew up in the
pharmacy, so I, I saw it over and over.
It's like you get, and sometimes
we, we want that, right.
We want the name for it and
we want the pill to solve it.
But when you start to realize that
sometimes the pill doesn't actually
solve it, it's just maybe just
suppressing symptoms or, and it might
end up causing more side effects.
Once we start to realize, wait a minute.
I mean, yeah.
Sometimes it helps to have,
okay, I have this diagnosis, I'm
gonna take this pill to solve it.
But if it becomes something
chronic, like auto immunity now it's
Do not solving anything other than
putting a bandaid on a symptom.
Yeah, it's so true.
And, and I always, here's my qualifier.
I say it all the time.
You just said it, but I'm
going to reiterate clearly
there's a time and a place.
Thank goodness.
We have pharmaceuticals and
medication and emergency medicine.
And I always say Western
medicine is acute care.
You need acute care.
That's where, that's where I'm going.
For sure.
so it's not to criticize it or
it's not to say you don't need it.
We do.
Um, but especially when it comes to
something more chronic and that you're
like, Hey, do I really want to live
however many more decades of my life?
With this, these symptoms and being
reliant on such and such medication.
And then you start to think
maybe there's another way.
I mean, this was the case
for me with the migraines.
I was like, Hey, is there a way to solve
this versus just figuring, oh, I'm going
to be reliant on such and such medication.
Um, I just, wasn't willing to accept that.
No, there's gotta be a way that I
can solve this and it ended up, and I
think this is true for auto-immunity as
well, but migraines is a good example.
There's multiple things to address.
It's not usually just one thing.
You know, I needed to address my diet and
figure out how to heal leaky gut and you
know, not just eliminated foods, but heal
my leaky gut so that I could shift the
pattern we needed to look in microbiome
and go, okay, is there an issue?
Is it out of balance?
How do we solve that?
Not just some quick fix, it
needs to actually be rebalanced.
Is there a hormone imbalances?
Is there neurotransmitter imbalances?
Is there a toxin exposure?
I figured out I was sleeping on a.
Uh, memory foam mattress filled
with formaldehyde and I'm like,
what am I doing to myself?
Sleeping in this toxins all this time.
And, and, um, flame
retardants in the mattresses.
I'm like, okay, no more of that mattress.
So, but it wasn't just one
thing that solved the migraines.
I had to go on every level.
And I think that sometimes, um, People
start to feel frustrated with themselves.
Like, oh my gosh, how am I going to
have to, what do I have to work on next?
But I, I, if I can give any
insight into that and it's just
keep staying after, because you're
worth it, you're worth solving it.
You're worth figuring it out.
And it may take layers and, and
working through multiple factors
to get to the point where you
can turn off the auto-immunity.
Um, now both my parents had.
How do I meet it in?
I've been able to help them both two, let
alone all of my patients that I help with.
Auto-immunity and, and it's,
it's so amazing, right?
To be able to see that this is possible
to actually turn off the auto-immune
process in the immune system.
It doesn't have to be stuck that way.
It does not have to be stuck that way.
And I would have you say that a
thousand times, because that that's
exactly why I have the podcast,
because I was one of those people,
unfortunately, who, when I was diagnosed
and they said, oh, we're so sorry.
You know, dot dot, dot, you
know, your future is declined.
I believed them.
I had no idea that that wasn't true and
I believe them for, for 11 years before.
I, it was that same thing.
I was like, wait a minute.
You know, I was 10 prescriptions and
I was on 10 prescriptions at once.
You know, you know how that goes.
I was taking prescriptions for my
prescription for the side effects
of the other prescriptions, um, and
declining as expected because of
course that was my mindset as well.
Um, and, and that was it.
It was like, what can I try?
Yeah, what else?
This is clearly not the answer.
What else can I try?
Um, and I, and I will say, I
was thinking, I love that you
said, you know, stick with it.
You're worth it.
Um, which I find I'm sure you do too.
Is a process for, for so many to
learn, um, that they are worth it.
Uh, and, and to really reinforce
and kind of strengthen that
muscle as they go as well.
But you really, I mean, 25 years of
searching for an answer and not giving
up is beyond amazing and look at the gift
as, because as you're fixing yourself,
you were serving more and more people.
It's, it's fantastic.
Yeah, and I love it.
It's so rewarding.
I mean, I, I, sometimes I joke I have now
all this information and experience in
my brain and I want to be able to share
it with people who are looking for that.
Who've been searching for answers
and, and, and running into dead ends.
And that's exactly why I wrote this book.
The master, your stress reset your
house book, because I just feel like I
want to put the information out there.
I feel so grateful for.
For, you know, being able to solve
this for myself, that I want others to
be able to have the information they
need to solve it for themselves too.
And so I'm sad.
So it's so rewarding
to be able to help you.
And I can't wait until the book is out.
The book should be launching.
I'm guessing right after
this airs right around.
And we're going to have a link in the
show notes for you guys to pre-order.
Um, I am super excited.
Let's, let's talk about it a little bit
because you've touched on so many things.
Like I could, I could go down all
the trails and we could be here
for three hours, but I know we both
have other stuff on our schedule.
Um, let's talk about the book in,
you know, there are so many books
on stress, so share with listeners.
Um, cause I already know,
but why is this different?
What's different about this book?
Well, the one difference is
it's written from a naturepath
and doctor's perspective.
And from, from my experience to helping
people recover from stress, I've been
in practice now for 22 years and, uh,
you look 22, so that you're
doing something right.
You guys get the book.
Thank you.
Yes, I've been, I mean, I've needed
to implement everything along
the way because of the migraines.
Again, it kind of really pushed
me to implement myself and I think
actually that's how I've prevented.
Auto-immunity because I have.
Genetic predisposition to auto-immunity,
but I ha I don't test positive for
autoimmunity and it's, um, I think
because of these tools that I've been
implementing along the way, and one
other difference about this book is
it's really helping you to understand
how stress affects you individually.
So it's not just talking about
stress as something general, and it's
not just talking about the things
you might already guess, right?
When you think of a book about
stress, some people think, oh,
it's probably going to tell them.
To take deep breaths and medicine.
And I see you can almost feel like,
you know, what the book's going to
say, but this, I do mention taking deep
breaths and meditation in the book.
What I first do is help you to understand
how, what is stress doing on, uh,
you know, throughout our bodies?
What kind of disruption can it
cause what are examples of stress,
which we talked touched on here.
And then we look at, I guide
you through a quiz to identify.
When I call your stress type it's it's how
your body, the pattern your body goes into
when you're in what I call stress mode.
Is your cortisol higher?
Is your adrenaline higher?
Because again, then I, in
the, in the second half of the
book, I can guide you through.
How to implement recovery from stress
based on your stress type, because
it's different for each, you know, if
you're even, um, I use that acronym
care, which, um, is like with self care.
So the C is for clean eating
a is for adequate sleep.
R is for recovery activities
and E is for exercise.
And the thing is, is that.
Care is going to be unique to each person
based on their stress type and w there,
where they are in their stress recovery.
And I've found that this was of all
the, because people come to me, I
work with patients one-on-one by
phone and in person and by zoom.
And when they come to
me, they've usually been.
Dealing with a health issue
for a long time and worked with
many different practitioners.
And so though, I also had to figure
out what was missing in all the other
approaches that they tried already.
And this is what I found was missing.
It wasn't individualized based on
their stress type and it wasn't
matching up with where they are
in their stress recovery process.
And when we can implement
those two variables, now we
can actually be successful.
You think it's using diet, it's
using nutrients, it's using herbs,
it's using natural approaches to
help your body heal and recover.
And I, the ultimate goal in the book
is to become resilient, to stress.
So that, because it's not like
we can avoid stress, right?
Like some people think, well, you
know, am I supposed to just have
zero stress and that's impossible.
So then maybe they want to give up.
my mother.
So I want to say it's not
about having zero stress.
It's not about giving up on your stress.
It's about.
Harnessing it about being present with it,
embracing your body and how it responds
to stress and figuring out how do you
create and use your self-care based on
your stress type to ultimately become
resilient to the stress you're exposed to.
I love that that's such a powerful tool.
I'm thinking what keeps coming up
for me and I'm sure you see this too.
I have people show up and they, they w
you mentioned it before their there's
stress, the incredible stress level is
their norm, and they just don't feel it.
They're not even aware.
So can you.
In our last few minutes, can we
walk through just briefly touch on
some of perhaps the traits of the
stress types or what they are so that
people can realize like, oh wait,
maybe, maybe she is talking to me.
Yes, absolutely.
Well, for example, there's a stress
magnet, which is a lot of us assume that
we're this stress type where there's
high cortisol and high adrenaline.
And I have to say, Julie, I've seen more.
Stress magnets in the past two
years with this, with the pandemic,
it's really raising, you know, the,
the level of stress for people.
And I'm seeing stress, magnet pattern more
often, not high cortisol, hydro Mullen.
That person might be, they actually
might be very productive because they
have that cortisol, no adrenaline.
So they tend to be people who.
Have a lot of expectation
and responsibility.
They may work long hours.
They are pushing, they're willing to
push themselves, but at a certain point
they start developing health issues.
And sometimes it is auto-immunity
because the system can only be pushed
so hard before some things starts to.
Uh, appear in terms of symptoms.
Um, another is a night owl and
the night owl is similar to the
stress magnet, except that they
have high cortisol and adrenaline
more in the evening or overnight.
And so now they often are either working
late and so they ended up not getting
enough sleep because they're working late.
Um, or they're waking up there.
They can't get to sleep or
they're waking up early.
So it's this, it starts to
shift their sleep patterns.
And so these again,
it's, it's understanding.
Those two different patterns require
slightly different treatment and
timing of their treatment during the
day to really get them most recovery.
I'm like classifying.
My clients says, as you go through,
I'm like, Ooh, he fits in that basket.
She fits in that basket.
And then there's the block and blue,
which I, a lot of times find myself
in the blonde and blue when I test
my cortisol and adrenaline levels
and I, which is the low cortisol and
low adrenaline, um, where, you know,
where the adrenal glands just can't
keep up anymore and the levels drop.
And you just feel like, why
am I tired all the time?
And my mood is down and
how am I going to keep up?
And I also see this.
With moms, you know, it's very, I
think, um, the stress of being a
parent, especially moms, there's
a lot on our show shoulders.
My daughter's 19 now, so I'm
My baby's 22.
Yeah, there you go.
it's a, it's an accomplishment.
It is, but it's a lot when
you have children it's it's
and it can be very draining.
Well, and that was one of the reasons,
and I know we're, we're not done with
them yet, but, um, the blind blue makes
me think of that mom with auto-immunity.
And you may not be thinking
adrenals or cortisol or stress.
Because you've been told that fatigue
goes with your diagnosis and you've
been told, well, you're a mom, of
course you're tired and you're blue
because you have chronic illness.
And so we kind of outsource, you
know, oh, go, this fits that category.
I'm not going to look further down.
Um, and so I see that one,
a lot in my moms as well.
because you know, and
again, they're not thinking.
You know, they've been told that's
typical for their diagnosis and
nobody has looked underneath
And most practitioners are not
going to address this situation.
They don't test a cortisol or
adrenaline and they don't, they
don't, they're not trained in how
to use nutrients or herbs or how to
help them during a land's recover.
So it's not just know that
it's not something that usual
rheumatologists chronologist is
even going to mention to you.
Yeah, absolutely.
So more about the other than
the blonde blue, there's
Oh, yes.
There's also the, there's the tired and
wired and the sluggish and stressed.
And, um, and the thing here is where
you ha you know, they have either
high cortisol, low adrenaline,
or low cortisol, high adrenaline.
And so these can have slightly different
patterns where maybe the person.
Tired because their cortisol is
low, but they feel kind of like
heart racy and their mind's racing
and they feel anxious because the
adrenaline's high, for example.
So we need to rebalance those.
And, and here again is the key that,
you know, sometimes it's tempting
when we see a low cortisol to start
to support the cortisol right away.
But I've learned from patients that that's
not a good idea, especially if you have
high adrenaline, because most times, if.
Support the cortisol.
We support adrenaline
too at the same time.
And now the person feels worse.
So if you've tried supporting your
adrenals and you felt worse, it's
probably because you didn't, you
weren't addressing the adrenaline first
and, and, or the neuro-transmitters,
it also can I find is really
hormones or?
Any of the other things,
that's why it has to be.
I talk about in the book, my stress
recovery protocol, which is three phases.
And if we just jump in to phase
two before addressing phase one
and phase one is really about what
I call getting out of stress mode.
So ultimately the stress.
It's what happens when you're in
stress mode, your body's like trying
to adapt and help you, but it ends
up in this out of balanced place.
And so we need to help the body
get out of stress mode first.
If the cortisol is too high,
we need to get it down.
If the adrenaline is too
high, we need to get it down.
If we, as, as you're saying, if there's
things that are depleted, even nutrients
that are depleted, we need to correct
that because otherwise, if we just try
to make too quick of changes, as tempting
as it is the person that might actually
feel the worst, because their body's
not ready for that, they have to get out
of stress mode and then we can help the
rest of the recovery process to happen.
I hope that helps, but yeah, it's
like, it's it you've been struggling,
you know, it's it, it may just help
you figure out what was missing.
And this is exactly why, what you
shouldn't do is listen to this
podcast and say, oh, I'm stressed.
I'm going to go run out and order and
adrenal support or run to the health
food store and grab an adrenal support
because we, you need to know exactly
where you are, what that balance is.
And again, it's the same as that.
Give me a pill mentality.
No, we need to fix, what's
driving that to begin with in
order to get the best results.
Um, so I, I, again, I'm so
excited for your book to come out.
I think I'm going to just gift
one to every one of my one-on-one
clients, because, um, it is.
I joke.
I have said I have been referred.
You've probably seen this too.
I I've.
Because as you said that the, the clients
I work with one-on-one for the most
part, unless they're referred by their
functional medicine doc quickly, um,
they've been looking for years, right?
They've tried this, they've tried that.
And I have had people
show up on my doorstep.
With their correct diet dialed in,
that's taken them years and doctors and
tests and experimenting to figure out
nobody has shown up with their stress
management routine titled where that's
no longer a driver of inflammation.
I mean, to me, it is it's the biggest
driver, because again, like you
said, all of those other things.
Our stressors.
Um, and so you mentioned a word I want
to, I want to highlight you use the
word resilience and that's health.
Like that's wellness.
That's what it's all about.
We are always going to be bombarded.
There's always going to be an
opportunity and we want to have our
body be able to bounce back and manage.
I love that bounce back.
That's exactly what we want
because it's not going to go away.
You know, we're going to have, say.
You know, something come up with our
children, our parents, our loved ones.
There's some, you know, some things
can, things are going to happen.
We can't avoid all stress, but what
we can do is be prepared and knowing
what we knowing your, what your pattern
is, what happens to your cortisol and
adrenaline, when you're under stress
now, you know exactly what to go to, to
quickly recover instead of having it.
I ended up causing a health issue, right?
Like how do we address it in the moment?
So you can bounce back and, and become
resilient to the stresses that come along.
And that's, you know,
that's what I teach you.
But having the care in place, having your
self-care routine in place is essential.
So that means.
You know, like you were mentioning
diet, you know, fine tuning, what are
the dietary changes that are going to
help keep your blood sugar balanced
and keep your inflammation down?
And, you know, then you, you
got that, you know what to do.
The funny thing is when we're most
under stress, we tend to forget about
Oh, yes, totally.
It goes out the window.
Yeah, I did a podcast interview with
somebody else who's in this field a couple
of weeks ago, and he was super stressed
and not doing any of his care and aware,
you know, this is what I do for a living.
It is the human tendency
tendency to do that.
It just is.
So we have to have them in place as
routine, or, but I've had clients say
that all the time, like with breathing,
you know, oh no, I'm not doing it.
You know, every night or every
day I'm doing it when I need it.
And I'm like, no, you're not because you
don't have it in your pocket when you need
it, unless you're doing it as routine.
And that's what you're talking about
is really supporting yourself that way.
It's like, because otherwise it feels
like one more thing on the to-do list
and our to-do list is already too long
and we're already stressed about it.
So we need to have it set so that
it's not a, it's not another to do.
Integrated into your day.
It becomes your norm of, Hey, and,
and I think back to this, you're worth
it like to realize I, I have to take
care of myself in order to be able to
show up for others in order to be able
to go from my passion and my goal.
I have to be taking care of myself and my.
Or else, nothing else is really ultimately
going to get there because at some
point your health has been Italian.
Your body's in is how
you, it needs attention.
I say sometimes it's like, you know,
someone was running a marathon.
We expect that they're going to need
to stop to get some water and stop to
take one of those little fuel shots or,
you know, like they, you expect that
with someone who's running a marathon.
But we, sometimes we, we don't
expect that we need that.
We think, oh, I'm supposed to be able to
get through the day without food or water
or going to the bathroom, or, you know, we
were, we live in human bodies and we can't
go to the body store and get another one.
This is the human body than I live in.
So I need to, and we don't come
with an instruction manual either.
So it's not like, you know, it
doesn't say, oh, here's what to
do to take care of this body.
We have to figure it out along the way.
How do I feed this body?
How, how often does it need to be fed?
How often does it need to sleep?
You know what I mean?
Like let's figure out what your
body needs so that you can go
be running your marathon of life
and, and keeping up with it versus
crashing at some point along the way.
I love that run your marathon of life.
So I know how I would answer
this for you, but I'm not going
to, I'm going to behave myself.
What is one step that listeners can
take today to improve their health?
Well, you can definitely order the book.
That was what I was going to say.
Order the book is beautiful.
an early coffee that I got the
master reset, your house book, which
is available everywhere that, that
you might want to order books from.
And then definitely come and tell me on
my book pre-order page that you ordered
it because I have thank you gifts for you
and support so that you can really start
already implementing, learning about.
The self care from the perspective
of addressing your stress type, like,
cause that's the thing, it's one
thing to know how to do self care in
general, but it's another thing to
know, how do I do it based on what my
body needs based on my stress type.
And so I'm going to be, you
know, giving you extra support
to do that along with the book.
And I just I'm so looking forward
to having you all join me in this.
And so you can tell me, you know, your
experiences and how it's going with.
Oh my gosh guys, get it.
Get the book and take advantage.
You know, Dr.
Donnie works one-on-one and those
of us that do that, we can only
support so many people at a time.
So an opportunity for any kind of extra
support with the book is, is a huge gift.
It's a tremendous gift.
So I I'm so excited for that.
So before we wrap up, links will be in the
show notes, but where's the, the number
one best place for listeners to find you
Well, my website is drdoni.com, which is
you can either just do D R D O N i.com.
Or you can spell it out.
D O C T O R D O N i.com.
And I'm on social media as @drdoniwilson.
Um, so you can find me there as well.
I'd love to connect with each of
you and, and really give you hope on
this path of healing auto-immunity.
I'm so glad Julie, that you're
there helping them because
it's, it's definitely possible.
I see.
Every day with my patients,
those auto antibodies can
turn off your body can heal.
And, and so I know that it's possible
for you to, and we're here for
you to do that, help you do that.
Thank you so much.
You have shared some amazing
gold with listeners today, so
happy to have had you here.
Thank you so much for having me.
It's such a pleasure and I look
forward to staying in touch.
And for everyone listening, remember, you
can get the show notes and transcripts
by visiting inspiredliving.show.
I hope you had a great time and
enjoyed this episode as much as I did.
I'll see you next week.