Well Well Well, If It Isn't The Saddleback Fantasy Football League Podcast

And vote on for the league villain, trade previews and CharNar's name here: https://forms.gle/cAjCWi6mCmE2mfU1A 

What is Well Well Well, If It Isn't The Saddleback Fantasy Football League Podcast?

The greatest fantasy football league podcast in the history of Saddleback's central connections team


How's your thyroid.

I just learned what that is.

Okay, what is it?

It's a gland.

Like, uh,

From your endocrine system.

And it's right in your
neck, like in your throat.


So how's yours.

It needs help.

Oh, okay.

So what's your endocrine system.

I don't know, like hormones and stuff.

Welcome to Wella.

Well, well, if it isn't the
saddlebag fantasy family football.

Podcast extravaganza.

I'm your host, James Browning.

And joining me here is.

I did fail anatomy once or twice, but
I'm pretty good at football analysis.

I'm Hannah brownie.

All right.

Welcome back to a brand
new season of well, whoa.

Well, if it isn't a Saddleback
fantasy football league.

And let's take a quick look back.

We're three, we're coming up on
three weeks into the season here.

So it has been a minute.

Uh, but I we're off to a hot start.

Let's take a look.

Hannah, why don't you break
it down last week scores?


I really feel like week one is kind
of a throwaway week as we're all

getting used to our players again.

Again, getting to know one another.

Um, so let's start with week two here.

We'll just kind of run down the list of
our match-ups this week, this past week.

So, um, first step we
had SCUP it's myself who.

Beat out the team helps smash.

It was very high scoring game.

I honestly think the only
reason you really beat.

Tim Hawk smash is his tied in with the
last minute scratch and they never had

a chance to swap out of his tight end.

So he had a player who didn't
play at all and was still like the

third highest score of the week.

Yeah, that was a really close call.

And really the entire weekend, our
projections were like neck and neck.

So why did you do so well,
what really kicked in for you?

You know, like I said, I took the first
week to really get to know my players.

And we did some bonding and team building
exercises, and I really feel like we're

starting out strong for the season.


Malique neighbors and Kyler Murray, both.

One-off got it.


Okay, so moving on char NAR.

Um, Carissa and Nereda beat the St.

Clauses is.

Cerna or Karner I think it's charter.

Like Carissa.

Is artsy.

I thought we were going for the Pokemon.


I thought it was a mashup
of Caressa and Nereda.

But Nurai does not spell
like Nereda is it should be.


I think we should probably add this to,
um, our topics that we're voting on later.

That's okay.


All right.

Let's see.

We want to hear from the
people, how do you pronounce.

The team name.


And rate as team Carissa and Nerida,
I think it's, But I could be wrong.

All right, so we'll move on
to, um, yo Gabby, Gabby and

the Bradley bears bears one.

And it looks like they both had some
really great top performers that seem

pretty neck and look, let's see the rest.

What happened here?

Well, yo Gabby, Gabby obviously got.

A heavy blow with losing
Christian McCaffrey.

Uh, this is now week two and
he's on the injured reserve.

So it's going to be a
minute before he comes back.


All right.

Oh, and it looks like, um, Bradley's
kicker did really well so way to go Abra.

Robbery on that really saved the day.

It was pretty close game anyway.


We'll move on to Scott's
tots versus Serena's team.

The Phoenix suns.

And I will say the sensor on a hot streak.

Let's see, they are too.


And I'm really Serina has, has really.

Hold it together.

So you want to say Serena
gets most improved coach.

Like really turn things around.

And one of the things I find most
impressive by this is just what she

has done, despite all of her injuries.

She's got Pooka, Nick, who out,
even a joke who, uh, Jordan

Love out and still dominated.

And has Nick Chubb sitting
in our injured reserve.

I don't know if there is a better manager
in the league as of this moment, then

Serena, she is really saved Lindsey's.

But with what she's done
with this team, Yep.

Well done.

And boy, I would hate to.

You know, Pays her in the next matchup.

I don't even know what their schedule's
like here, but, um, where to go Serena.

Okay, we're going to
move on to country roads.

Take my homes.

Who was defeated this week
by Germans, lifeguards.

Um, so James, how do you
feel about that matchup?

Uh, this is another one we're
going to come back to this in

a later segment, but I think.

Uh, this is a team that's coached
by two first year coaches.

And I think they could use a little bit of
mentoring and I know just a person, like I

said, uh, coming back in a later segment,
but I also think that there's a couple,

a bright spot for the S team coming up.

Number one.

Swap out Christian Watson that
obviously didn't do much for you.

And I think, uh, once Rahim muster
it's back from his injury, Gus Edwards,

I think his scoring is going to take
up because he still has high usage.

I, and you're kind of stuck between
a rock and a hard place with Patrick.

My home's in Brock party, neither one
of which who are doing much at all.


I don't know, honestly,
I don't know what you do.

How you get rid of those?

There's not honestly, there's better
people on waivers, but it's hard to

drop Brock party or Patrick Holmes for
somebody off of labor, especially because

your team name is named after moms.

That would be a really
heartbreaking to let them go.

But Kamara blew it up.

You had a high score of the week,
I believe with, um, Kamara as

far as the top scoring player.


I think a.

He is a good spot for me this year.

Jaylen waddle and Tyree killed.

That's a real heavy blow with
their quarterback being out.

Now I expect them to not do much.

For the next several weeks.

So I have low expectations
plus Michael Pitman Jr.

Who was drafted pretty high
and it has done Jack squat and

is now sitting on my bench.

I seem to be.

In a tough spot.

So if anybody is looking to trade
for running back, , let me know.

I am looking for a wide receiver.

Very good.

Thank you.

And that is the breakdown.

Good luck to everyone.

This coming week.

Um, let's take a look at
the schedule for week three.

Well, before we do that, Hannah, I'd like
to introduce this year a special segment.

Oh, Hannah's helping hand.

So Hannah, why don't you
take us through and, uh, do a

little bit of coach coaching.

If you will starting with
take my homes, please.

Let's go down here to
country roads, take my homes.

So this team is oh, and two.

And as you were saying earlier, James,
we have some new team managers who are

running this year at which I'm so glad.

Welcome to the league.

We're here to help.

So I would say again, you
got to bench my homes.

And don't drop him.

This is not forever, but, , he
needs to take a little break.


You can look on waivers.

You can offer some trades, but
Hannah is a big believer in

tough love for her players.

I do.

If they.

They take me off.

They growing on the bench.

And it helps really, like they learn
their lesson and then they're ready.

Um, to come back.

So her players really respect her too.

I think.

She's consistent.

Yes, tough love is the way to go.

I noticed also you have several
tight ends on your team.

You really don't need three.

You only need one if it's the right one.

So, um, you need to make some tough
decisions on your tight ends and that'll

free up some space on your bench for.

A decent quarterback.

I would suggest go ahead and drop Purdy.

This might be controversial,
but I would drop birdie.

Keep my homes, look for another
quarterback to, um, give a fresh start

to this week and, um, see if you can
get some more flex folks to replace

that tight, those two tight ends

one of the, one of the best
parts about being currently last

in the league is two things.

Number one, it doesn't matter
until the playoffs with the

exception of the punishment.

, everyone gets into the playoffs.

So you don't need to worry about that.

But also I you're number
one in waiver wires.

I mean, if you get first
picks on everybody, who's on

waivers doing really well.

So if you need help picking up somebody
from waivers this week or next.

Please let us know.


Hannah is here to help.

I'm here to help and next up is our
other team that has not yet won a game.

And that's team Hulk smash.

Now before Hannah starts giving
out advice, I do want to say.

That I'm not nearly as Karen CERN
for James ski Tucker in this case.

Because he is in the top
half for points scored.

But also number one for point to loud.

That's just bad luck.

It's just bad luck.

There's nothing you can do about that.

Uh, it just so happens that he's had
played against some tough teams so far.

And like I said, I don't, I'm not
particularly worried, but Hannah,

what advice would you give him if any.

I again, I feel like that.

Oh, and two is not a real reflection
of the health of your team and the

competence of your manager skills.

So you're doing great.

Are they facing each other next
week at my looking at week three?

Country rose and Hulk smash.



The good thing about this is at this point
this week, somebody is going to have a one

in their column and see they're going to
be a team Hawk, smash or country roads.

We'll get into the projections a
little bit later on, but honestly, at

this point, my money is on Tim Hawk
smash, and like I said, you, you had

a really high score this past week,
so you don't have to change much.

That brings us to some league business.

No we've business time.

We had a request from someone
in the league regarding trades.

And I want to talk trades
for just a moment here.

Before we talk about the voting.

I, if someone offers you a trade.

Different people, value
players differently.

Number one, in our league, for
whatever reason, we tend to overvalue

our own players to a certain
extent versus someone else's.

Which is fine.

It's just, uh, just be aware
that when you're making trades,

the other thing that, uh, is
important to note is different

people value different positions.

At different rates.

So for example, me personally, I.

Value quarterbacks, kickers
and defense is very lonely.

I don't care who your quarterback is.

Like, I, I'm not gonna trade you a good
running back or a good wide receiver.

For the best quarterback.

Like a top 10 wide receiver to me
is worth far more than the number

one quarterback, whoever that is.

I also value wide receivers lower.

In general, then good running backs.

And the reason for that is I feel like
there are more good wide receivers

than there are good running backs.

That's true.

So a top 10 running back to me is worth
more than most, top 10 wide receivers.

So that's how I personally view things.

You may view things
differently and that's fine.

And it is interesting.

There's already been so
many injuries this season.

Just about every team has been
affected by injuries in one way.

So then it really flips
the value on their backup.




So we saw Jordan Mason come up and be
the subject of a trade and the league.

That's a good, that was a good
pickup off of waiver wires.

All that leading up to this week's vote.

Currently, if you make a trade
offer with someone and they accept.

It takes a few days for that
trade to go through and other

teams have a chance to vote on it.

And then you think it's wildly
unfair, then you can veto it.

That's right.

Other teams have a chance to vote on it.

So Lindsay who made the trade requested.

That the trade go through
instantly in the future.

Now, what we're going to vote
on here are three options.

Number one, keep the trade as is
meaning someone makes a trade.

You do not receive the player that you
traded for, for, I think three days.

And there's a period of time
where people can vote on that

in the middle that's option.

Number one, that's how it currently is.


Number two is we narrow that down to
just one day, meaning everyone has one

day to vote on that player to trade.

And, uh, if it goes through,
then everyone gets their player.

Or Lindsay suggestion, which
is instantly go through.

So I suggest allowing the instantly
go through, if you absolutely trusted

everyone to take care of their
own business and not collude or.

Uh, rip anyone off in the league.

If you do not trust the
people in the league.

I would suggest either shortening
the time, but not getting rid

of it or keeping it as this.

Now, how do teams submit
their votes on this?

Uh, we will put a poll in the chat.

Thank you.

So in addition to voting on a tray that
goes through just a reminder, only three.

No votes are currently needed.

To veto a trade.

Meaning, if there is a trade
that goes through and three

people vote no out of 10.

Then it will not go through.

So that's the current situation.

Uh, please discuss amongst
yourselves in the chat.


And up next on league business.


This is a throwback from the
past two years returning.

We need to vote.

It's just about time to vote
on who the league villain is.

In every fantasy league, there
is typically the league villain.

Hannah wants you to
describe league villain.

Type of behavior.

All right.

So Lee villains.

They are like all of us
they're in it to win it.



They are not to be trusted.

They will play dirty.

They will try to get away
with whatever they can.

And they are heartless.

And one of us is going to
have to be the team building.

And this is something that we vote on.


So we get to vote on who
the league villain is.

Uh, everyone is up for vote,
I will say historically.

It tends to be people who are doing
well in the league and have a certain.

Ruthlessness to them.


And James is always suspicious.

Like anytime he offers a trade to somebody
everyone's like suspicious, like what's

he after what's he know that I don't know.


So it's could be someone
that you're suspicious of.

sometimes it is just.

Melissa's for their own entertainment.

A great example of this is during our very
first draft, uh, someone, I won't say who.

Suggested that Carissa draft,
all players named Mike.

And she had.

Which is hilarious, but also
league villain type of behavior.


And, you know, I CA I love that we
do have a league villain every year.

It keeps things interesting
and fun, and right.

It's like in wrestling, you need the heel.

Like if, if they don't have the villain,
the heel, the story's not as good.

So it's not just because
you're the league villain.

Doesn't mean you aren't
a extremely valued.

An important part of our league.

We appreciate the lead villain
in the same way that it started.

Or this would not be the
same without Darth Vader.


So, um, again, are we going to do a
poll in the chat poll in the chat?

All right.

Good luck to everybody.

All right.

You will be the villain by next week.

Good luck, everyone.

And that brings us to our final segment.

Looking ahead at this
upcoming week, let's look at.

The coming.

match-ups first up, we've got
SCUP master versus churner.


And right now, currently as it stands
Turner and it's covered master I both

one-on-one and Turner is projected to
win or I'm sorry, lose by five points.

So Hannah, your quick analysis.

All right.

Let's see, I'm going to say.

I picked up a few extra people.

I've have waivers.

I don't know, I had a hot week last week.

I feel like churn are, might get
this one, just a gut feeling.

Oh, okay.

Good luck with that gut feeling.

All right.

And then up next is St.

Clauses versus Scott's tots.

Currently his Seuss is projected
to win by three and a half points.

It's a pretty narrow projected.

Game I'm following this one closely
again, I, I think Scott's tots got

hit pretty hard with injuries with
both Deebo Samuel and Cooper cup out.

Hey, Susie has also, uh,
been hit with injuries.

Aja brown is out for now.


That's a tough one, but he's still
doing pretty good with almond Ross St.

Brown and Mike Evans.

And his lineup.

So I think he'll be probably okay.

As far as, uh, going forward.

So who's your pick for when my
pick for one and this one is.

Ah, man, I want to say, you
know what, I'm going to say.

Scott's tots.

The reason for this James Conner or I'm
sorry, Joe burrows starts to season slow.

As a quarterback.

So even though he's projected for
19 points, he is averaging 12.

Oh, because he starts,
every season says slow.

So I think Scott's tots
is going to carry the day.

I'm hoping that Derrick Henry.

Breaks out, , kind of makes
up for his, , slow start.

And we'll see again, missing Debo and
Cooper cup is a tough blow though.

So we'll, we'll follow that with closely.

Up next country roads.

Take my homes and team Hulk smash.


Both teams our own too.

And someone's going to walk
away with a win this week.

Yeah, I am pretty confident.

It's going to be team hooks,
smash, unless country roads.

Uh, does some waiver wire magic.

And honestly, I think it's probably
going to be a couple of weeks before.

Her team really turns it around.,
James Key Tucker his run of bad luck.

Can't sustain that long.

If he keeps scoring this
high, he's going to win.

I'm just glad that I gave helpful
Hannah hands to both of these teams.

I'm not like playing favorites here.

No, you wouldn't do that.

No, you're helpful.


I would not be, you know,


That would not have integrity.

All right.

Um, next, yo Gabby, Gabby,
and Serena's Phoenix suns.

The sons are on a hot
streak as we discussed.

I wish them both, like, I really feel
like the centers are going to keep.


Yeah, the sons have dealt with a lot
of injuries, but so has yo Gabby,

Gabby who still has Isaiah Pacheco?

And her lineup, despite him being out yo.

Gabby Gabby switch out Pacheco.

And she has Christian McCaffrey
on her bench and injured reserve.

So I think, uh, she's gonna need
to find a running back somewhere.

Whereas Serena's team again.

Excellent coaching.

Top to bottom has James Cook and Joe
Mixon who have just really filled in

and then say flowers in Jackson Smith.

Uh, I don't know how to say his last name.

I who are really filling in for Pooka
NACUA and, Jordan Love being out.

And then lastly, Germans,
lifeguard versus the Bradley bears.

I think this is going to
be a close game as well.

Uh, my team is not as strong as
Serena's or a few others, but I've

also not been hit by injuries.

So my starters.

For the most part are
relatively untouched.

I will say both my wide receivers play
from Miami and their quarterback is out.

So that is that spells potential.

Doom for me.

Uh, so I'm actually gonna say, I think
this one could go to that bears Bradley.


I think Bradley could take this one.

I think Bradley my runaway with this one.


This could be my first loss of
the week at the hand to the bears.

All right.

What'd you reminds me, I owe you pizza
since we lost our first marital week, I

lost my first marital week against you.


All right.

So thanks once again for
listening into the Wello.

Well, if it isn't the Saddleback
fantasy football league again,

I'm James running and joining me.

And is Hannah Browning.

All right.

And congratulations to early coach
of the year, possibly Serena and put

in those votes for league villain.

We'll talk to you later.

Have a good week.