Front Porch Radio - 3 Dudes with a View

With guests Seth Campbell, Mike Roden,

What is Front Porch Radio - 3 Dudes with a View?

Local, Politics, Information - reflecting the tone of the community with informative and entertaining talk weekday mornings on WKOM 101.7 FM with Delk Kennedy, Jim York, Clayton Harris and many "Special Guest Dudes" for a variety of views

Speaker 1:

Gentlemen, we went over the rules in the dressing room. I wanna caution you

Jim York:

to keep this fight clean at all times, and

Speaker 1:

do what I say you must obey.

Speaker 3:

Live from the WKOM Studio in downtown Columbia. It's time to wake up and get woke. It's 3 dudes with a view.

Delk Kennedy:

Let's get it all. Alright. We're back. Monday morning, 3 Dudes with a View. It is mule day week here in Murray County, folks.

Delk Kennedy:

So it's gonna occupy our attention all week long, and it's always fun. It looks like it's, you know, spring's here. The dogwoods are gonna bloom, and we're gonna have meal week, meal day, meal parade, all of it right here in Columbia, Murray County, Tennessee. My name is Elk Kennedy. I am dude number 3.

Delk Kennedy:

Dude number 2, Clayton Harris, Good morning, Good morning, everybody. Good morning. And mister Jim York, I hope he's on his way in. He might sometimes he has a election commission meeting or that kind of thing. And we're having a progressive party here at, to today.

Delk Kennedy:

First of all, regular special guest to Seth Campbell. Good morning, Seth.

Seth Campbell:

Hey. Good good. Alright. We're gonna get you Good morning, everybody. Thanks thanks for having

Delk Kennedy:

me. There we go. Alright. Seth is a teacher at Mount Pleasant High School. He's, of course, out this week because it's spring break, and we're gonna Hallelujah.

Seth Campbell:

Spring break finally came.

Delk Kennedy:

And we are happy to have him. But he, he he takes the progressive, democratic point of view. Also, regular special guest, Mike Roden, 25 years, my colleague in the US attorney's office in Nashville, a a really fine lawyer, fine person, but he had a picture of every democratic president from FDR all

Mike Roden:

on us. Bring that up.

Delk Kennedy:

That is true. That is true. Good morning, Mike.

Mike Roden:

Good morning, everybody. Hey. Happy April Fools' Day.

Delk Kennedy:

Oh, yeah. Forgot about that.

Mike Roden:

Today would be a good day for me to announce my candidacy

Delk Kennedy:

So April fools. April fools. Yes, sir. And there there has been no opposition materialized to Andy either on the Republican side or the Democratic side.

Seth Campbell:

There there are people that have that that that are going to run, definitely for the in the Democratic party, I know of some people who who are going to run one Williamson County person. I don't know if they're ready to announce yet, but he will face opposition. I also heard that he'll face some opposition in the primary. I think that's public. I I can't remember the person's name.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, there've been rumors about that, Seth. I mean, since the last election ended, because a lot of people, various reasons, felt Andy was vulnerable.

Seth Campbell:

Yeah. I can only That's on the

Delk Kennedy:

that's on the Republican side.

Seth Campbell:

Yeah. Yeah. For and I've heard that he will be have a primary opponent. The degree to which that opponent will be well funded and be competitive, I don't know.

Clayton Harris:

Or or get kicked off the ballot.

Seth Campbell:

Or get kicked off the ballot. Yeah.

Delk Kennedy:

If they don't.

Mike Roden:

There was a Nashville scene article a week or 2 ago that mentioned, I think, both on the Republican side and the Democratic side, some possible candidates, but I don't recall

Delk Kennedy:

their names yet.

Seth Campbell:

Yeah. Yeah. I've gotten word that there will be he he will definitely I think it's a Republican plus 9 district, So, it, like, you know, it goes Republican 9 points, which isn't insurmountable if you're a Democrat, but it's gonna be a hard it'll it'll be uphill battle, but he will face a Democrat opponent, for that district.

Delk Kennedy:

And I

Seth Campbell:

just don't know if they're gonna announce quite yet.

Mike Roden:

Look what happened in that state house race in Alabama, however.

Delk Kennedy:


Mike Roden:

That was shocking.

Delk Kennedy:

I hadn't heard about this, Mike.

Mike Roden:

There was a, and I don't know the number, but it's in it's it represents parts of Huntsville.

Seth Campbell:

Southern Huntsville. Yeah.

Mike Roden:

Southern Huntsville. And it's been a Republican district for probably since, you know, the Jim Crow era, and it has been consistently Republican but plus several districts.

Seth Campbell:

Yeah. 25. I think it was a Trump 25 district. Yeah.

Mike Roden:

Plus 25. And a the Democratic candidate, I don't remember her name, but she ran in 2 years ago and lost by how many points, Seth?

Seth Campbell:

It was just a few.

Mike Roden:

A few. She lost. She lost, but I think within single digits. Yeah. But then she she won, apparently, it was a special election.

Seth Campbell:

Yeah. Special. Which are always tricky. You don't know who's gonna turn out.

Mike Roden:

That is true. That's always true. But she won by double digits.

Seth Campbell:

Yeah. She won by quite a bit. I mean, they said she made the abortion issue and IVF, a central part of her campaign, and I think everyone in this room agrees that that's a tricky situation for Republicans.

Delk Kennedy:


Seth Campbell:

And, if like Delk always says, if it's a hill they're willing to die on, then they'll die on that hill. And in that special house race in Alabama, the the Republican died on the hill and the Democrat won.

Delk Kennedy:

Yeah. Yeah. Republicans need to pay attention to that. That's that's right here at our back door.

Seth Campbell:


Delk Kennedy:

That's that's that's an hour, hour and 15 minutes away.

Seth Campbell:

And the the the Tennessee 5th district, you know, there's some affluent, you know, parts of it, a lot of suburban Republicans. You know, I don't I don't know how Andy Ogle stands for, you know, in a competitive election against a well funded challenger. I don't know how it'll

Speaker 8:

hold up. I mean, he has the advantage. Don't get me wrong.

Seth Campbell:

But I don't know how it'll hold up in in these times.

Mike Roden:

But the rule of thumb is always if you're going to beat an incumbent, the time to do it is the their for the first time. The first time they they run as an incumbent.

Seth Campbell:


Mike Roden:

And that that's when, you know, they're probably the most vulnerable. If they if they tend to win the the the trend line is if they if they win, that first race as an incumbent, it's gonna be hard to kick to kick them out.

Seth Campbell:

Yeah. Yeah. And then to Delk's point on Andy though, and, you know, he says he represents him well, and I think there's a lot of people in the district who like, Andy Ogles and who thinks he does represent them well. And then there's some who some republicans who are upset with all the extracurricular type stuff, the, you know, the kinda hamming it up for the news media and for attention and that kind of stuff. And, you know, so we'll just have to see what happens.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, I I mean, Andy's gonna be reelected elected because of what I call the Scott Degelay rule. And that he he he has voted and voiced the will of his district. And, if you do that, you're gonna be be reelected, and he's done that in spades. Sometime, Andy has a tendency to go out there and take positions, you know, that or introduce bills that have, you know, no possibility of passing whatsoever. And sometimes you're sort of going, why

Speaker 8:

are you doing that? Well, he's he's he's standing up for people

Delk Kennedy:

who feel like they don't have a voice. And then,

Seth Campbell:

you know, Scott Desjarlais just I mean, there were some races with him, I think. Was in 2014 in the Republican primary. I think he beat Jim Tracy by, like, a dozen votes.

Mike Roden:

He did.

Seth Campbell:

There was only a dozen votes.

Speaker 8:

So, I

Seth Campbell:

mean, I'm sure he was sweating.

Speaker 9:

I mean, he he's still up

Seth Campbell:

there, you know, but I I know what you mean.

Delk Kennedy:

You're right. It was correct. I mean, and Andy has voiced and voted and voted is the more important key is, you know, every time he sits down to vote, he hadn't voted no before he votes against it or whatever. He just voted he has voted the will of this district. And, for that reason, he'll be reelected, and I I don't there there are no challengers at all.

Delk Kennedy:

And it's decide who have a chance.

Seth Campbell:

Well, I I I'm not gonna go so far as that. I think that someone will have a chance. It's only a plus 9 district. Has he voted the will of Hoenwald and, you know, Marshall County that's in the district? Absolutely.

Seth Campbell:

Has he voted the will of the whole district every time? I mean, you're really discounting, you know, a good chunk of Democrats in that district. He doesn't vote their will. It goes up to Nashville. His district includes Nashville.

Seth Campbell:

Did you know they gerrymandered Nashville? They chopped it up so Andy Oglis would become a congressman. And that's not right. The 5th did Nashville should have its own congressional seat, but they chopped it up. So he has parts of Nashville.

Seth Campbell:

And I would argue that he doesn't vote to to, this reflective of Greater Nashville area.

Delk Kennedy:

The will would know Greater Nashville.

Seth Campbell:

And that's part of his district, though.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, the southern part of Nashville is part of his district, but, just the the southern part of Davidson County, not even the whole, more more or less a Yeah.

Seth Campbell:

Because they chopped it up. They gerrymander. Yeah. The other

Mike Roden:

More more Republican district.

Delk Kennedy:

In answer to your thoughts, though, Seth, I mean, the epicenter of Andy's support is go up to the pay Paytonsville exit and just draws about a a 4 or 5 mile radius around the Paytonsville exit off I65. That's that's that's the that's the epicenter of the district. That's the the mass of the voting in the district. And, they They'll vote

Seth Campbell:

for him.

Delk Kennedy:

They'll write it. They're gonna vote for Andy.

Seth Campbell:

I agree with that.

Delk Kennedy:

And, so that's that's, and like I said, people are frustrated. Andy represents people's frustrations.

Seth Campbell:

Years later, congressman. Well, I mean, like I said, he and

Delk Kennedy:

he goes out while he's county mayor, and he declares a county emergency. And the and and and the

Clayton Harris:

He had an interpreter in the background. Uh-huh. And the the race

Delk Kennedy:

says that there will be no mask mandates or vaccine mandates in Murray County.

Speaker 8:

He's handing

Seth Campbell:

it up for many years.

Clayton Harris:

People vault it. People vault it.

Seth Campbell:

Yeah. He's showboat.

Delk Kennedy:

But, you know, people it it was pure. I mean, it had he didn't have the authority or the power as county mayor to make that happen although he did have the option on the county mask mandate. He's a great political I mean

Seth Campbell:

I say this and I say this out of love.

Delk Kennedy:

People people just you know, you're sitting there going, why are you know, this is you know, you're going this is showboating.

Seth Campbell:


Delk Kennedy:

But people were looking for somebody to stand up and say something. And and and he did it.

Seth Campbell:

He he knows how to navigate political waters.

Speaker 8:

I'll put

Seth Campbell:

it that way. He knows how to capitalize on politics of his time at America's for prosperity.

Mike Roden:

I think it was particularly embarrassing that right after the school shooting in Nashville that, you know, it became public that his Christmas card had his entire family holding, assault weapons.

Clayton Harris:

Yeah. Poor taste.

Delk Kennedy:

But he likes the attention. That was why that pic picture circulated for Yeah.

Mike Roden:

But it circulated in the national media at that point, and it was just embarrassing.

Clayton Harris:

It wasn't very genuine.

Mike Roden:

No. No. It's it's again, it's showboating.

Delk Kennedy:

It's Just

Seth Campbell:

like the political commercials of him driving T posts. Yeah. I mean, you

Speaker 8:

know, me

Seth Campbell:

and him get along. We've always gotten along, but I don't think Andy spends his free time putting up farm fencing.

Delk Kennedy:

No. I don't I don't know. I I remember that too.

Seth Campbell:

He's a political ham. I mean, he's just a showboater. But, you know, like you said, he does reflect the majority of his district. You are correct.

Delk Kennedy:

Frustrated, and they they want somebody to stand up and do something. And, you know, so that that that's the key. That's why it'll be reelected. Mister Jimmy York, everybody. Good morning, mister York.

Delk Kennedy:

How are you?

Jim York:

I'm trying to figure out your conversation. What is what are people frustrated about? I I don't get it. Can you spell out what exactly people are frustrated about?

Delk Kennedy:

Well, yeah. I mean, how long do you want me to go on? The

Jim York:

thing Andy Ogles, you know, he he was showboating like Seth said, but he didn't realize that the hospital makes 1,000,000 of dollars of government money, and and it was gonna put 100 of thousands of people out of jobs.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, I it it didn't happen. And, you know, when No.

Jim York:

Because the hospital took the high road. They did what they were supposed to do.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, it didn't happen. I'm I don't think anybody was let go at the hospital because they refused the vaccine. And, it it just it didn't happen, and a lot of people may think that Andy had something to do with that.

Mike Roden:

My issue is with with with mister Ogles, same same as I have with mister, Deshortles and the same as I have with Donald Trump, which we can get into as well. I understand the district is conservative, and that's and that's fine. These are all good people. They're they're more conservative than I am, but they deserve if if they're the majority in that district, we can argue about how the lines were drawn, but they're the majority in that district. They deserve, you know, a conservative.

Mike Roden:

Why this guy? Why this guy who brings all the baggage, all the showboating, all the, circus with you know, why why someone like him? Why can't you find another conservative who doesn't bring all that baggage with you?

Delk Kennedy:

Because he stood up.

Jim York:

Someone who's serious.

Delk Kennedy:

And we had 2 Someone

Jim York:

who's serious.

Delk Kennedy:

We had 2 very traditional, hardworking type conservatives who are not showboaters, Beth Harwell and general Winston.

Mike Roden:

Beth Harwell would have been a fine representative of that district. You know, again, more conservative than me, but I wouldn't at least I wouldn't embarrassed.

Delk Kennedy:

People are frustrated and, they Andy stood up and said something.

Seth Campbell:

And the comparison I mean, think of who we had before. I mean, we had a hardworking, like, humble congressman in Lincoln Davis who showed up at every event, who supported the district. And he was a conservative. He's a Democrat, but he's a conservative Democrat pro.

Mike Roden:

John Cooper as well.

Speaker 8:


Seth Campbell:

Yeah. Pro second amendment Democrat. And I mean, any high school you needed him at, he was there. He was drafting letters to get our students in the service academies and stuff and was just kinda behind the scenes hard worker. And then we switched to Des Jarlais and now Ogles.

Seth Campbell:

It's just been a heck of a transformation.

Jim York:

2nd question. 2nd question: Who was in line first to shake Joe Biden's hand at the State of the Union address?

Seth Campbell:

He knew where the cameras were. He knew where the cameras were. That's all I'm gonna say.

Jim York:

He was on his knees. He was on his knees to Joe Biden trying to be the the first one to shake his hand.

Mike Roden:

He knew I hope someone got

Speaker 8:

a picture

Mike Roden:

of that.

Seth Campbell:

He knew exactly where the hard came

Delk Kennedy:

from. Yeah.

Mike Roden:

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It was on the Everything.

Jim York:

You didn't know.

Clayton Harris:

If I was running against him, I'd play that on a clip. Exactly.

Mike Roden:

That's what they need a picture of

Seth Campbell:

that. Yeah.

Delk Kennedy:

Why would I watch Joe Biden's state of the union?

Seth Campbell:

It was

Delk Kennedy:

a good speech.

Speaker 8:

It was

Delk Kennedy:

a great speech, Chuck.

Seth Campbell:

Right. You should have live streamed it.

Delk Kennedy:

Hell, it's just campaign speech.

Jim York:

Oh, it was. On any day he was. Joe Biden. That's a good caption. Ogles on his knees to fight.

Seth Campbell:

Oh, I don't know if that's gonna get past

Delk Kennedy:

the editor. That's good. I don't

Seth Campbell:

know if that's gonna make it past the editor.

Delk Kennedy:

Like I said, he's voted and voiced the will of his district, and he stood up. When people feel frustrated, they feel oppressed, suppressed, not represented. And, he is that's that's what that's what's gonna happen. Well, I will not be

Jim York:

running the financial support. Coming along, I wonder. How's this campaign financially

Delk Kennedy:

It doesn't matter, miss York. It just doesn't matter. That's the truth. It really

Seth Campbell:

doesn't matter because people don't care.

Delk Kennedy:

It doesn't matter. Alright. Let's take break and come back.

Speaker 10:

Hi. This is Murray County mayor, Sheila Butt, and I wanna welcome you to one of the most fun and exciting weeks in Columbia in Murray County known as the Mule Capital of the World. This year's mule day events have evolved from Breeders Day, which was a one day livestock show and mule marketing event in the 18 forties. It has now become an almost week long celebration that begins with a wagon train and includes craft shows, old fashioned log pulling, bluegrass music, a nationally recognized state auctioneer contest, a lyre's contest, and a mule day parade on Saturday at 11. All of this and more is presided over by a lovely mule day queen and her court.

Speaker 10:

In Murray County, we value our community traditions and faith, family, and freedom. We also have a strong team of people here pulling together. We're team Murray, and we're glad you're here. Make yourself at home and enjoy the festivities with all of us.

Speaker 11:

For 60 years, people all over Middle Tennessee have returned to Parks Motor Sales again and again because they get the best vehicles and best service possible. Go to parks motor sales dot com for options. New Buicks, pre owned cars, trucks, and SUVs, financing, certified technicians, parts, tires, and more. Then stop by 919 Nashville Highway. Test drive a Buick and see why the Buick Encore and Buick Enclave are among America's most reliable vehicles.

Speaker 11:

Experience the new Buick at Parks Motor Sales.

Speaker 12:

Hello. I'm Barbara Lincoln with Hollins Pharmacy. You may have heard our previous commercials about compression hosiery that we carry at Hollins Pharmacy. Well, we've recently expanded into a full line of knee braces, back, wrist, ankle, and other support wear. We will gladly help you get just the right fit for these items and, of course, special order items to ensure the proper fit.

Speaker 12:

Come see us at Hollins Pharmacy 1608 Hatcher Lane or call us at 931-388-4233. 388-4233.

Speaker 13:

Hi. I'm Steve, the garbage man. Are you new to Murray County? We want to welcome you and your family. We are a local residential garbage service, and we want to be your garbage man.

Speaker 13:

We've been around for over 30 years, so we have a reputation. Check us out at garbage man or call Mike at 931-540-0919. You could also ask your neighbor. 931-540-0919.

Speaker 14:

American Standard Heating and Air Conditioning is built to a higher standard, so you can focus on the problems in your life that actually matter, Like the drywall that somehow isn't. American Standard Heating and Air Conditioning built to a higher standard.

Speaker 15:

Call Davis Heating and Cooling at 931-388-2090 for all your home comfort needs. Davis Heating and Cooling is your local American standard dealer and proudly serves the Murray County area. Find Davis Heating and Cooling online and on Facebook or call today. 388-2890.

Speaker 11:

Do you suffer from knee pain? Is it painful to walk or perform your day to day activities? If so, we have great news at the doctor Gill Center. We can relieve your knee pain fast and easy no downtime and no surgery. The FDA has approved a new nonsurgical treatment for knee pain, and it's covered by most major insurance, including Medicare.

Speaker 11:

This treatment has helped millions of people across the nation. Call today to see if you qualify for a free consultation and get back to a pain free life. 615-551-9224. For 40 years, the jeweler's bench has worked hard for their customers and provided the highest quality jewelry at the best price. They keep going back.

Speaker 11:

Recent renovations have allowed them to expand their inventory. More high quality jewelry, custom, vintage, and estate pieces, and professional jewelry and watch repairs. They also buy gold. The jeweler's bench, still here, still great service. 808 Trotwood Avenue, Columbia.

Speaker 16:

Hello. My name is Connor Mims. My wife, Bradley, and I live in Columbia, Tennessee in Riverside. I am a deck and porch builder and my wife is a second grade teacher at Riverside Elementary. My specialty is designing and building elegant and comfortable porches and decks.

Speaker 16:

Let me work with you to design and build the porch or deck of your dreams. Give us a call today from our website, MEMS modern That's MEMS modern, and check out what we have to offer. Thanks.

Speaker 17:

The generations that have paved the way for us deserve respect, integrity, and compassion. This is Kelly Dobson, owner of Caring Hearts Home Healthcare. My grandmother and mother started this business in 2005, and I was honored to take over in 2012. Licensed and insured, we help our aging community stay in the comfort of their own homes online at caring, by phone, 931-381-5470, or in person at 1121 Troywood Avenue here in Columbia. That's Caring Hearts Home Healthcare.

Speaker 18:

Hey. This is Seth Moss at Tennessee Valley Equipment, a premier FAE Primetech, Bandit, and Surex dealer. We are your dealer for all of your land clearing and forestry mulching needs. We sell equipment, provide repair service, and parts along with rental fleet of mulching equipment. We also offer mulching teeth, blades, and sharpening.

Speaker 18:

Our number one priority is getting you up and running as quickly and affordable as possible. Tennessee Valley is

Speaker 19:

Farmer Johnny here at Taylor Family Farm.

Jim York:

I'll give you all a

Speaker 19:

little look see. We raise a 100% non GMO grass fed beef, pasture chicken, and pork on our family farm. Everything that we grow is raised with love and care to ensure the highest quality and nutrition for our family and customers. You can shop online at or visit our farm store in person at Edridge, Tennessee at 301 Dave Reisner Road. That's Taylor family farm for more information.

Speaker 11:

The mules are back in town. For nearly 50 years, mule day funds have supported local schools, civic organizations, and improvements at the Murray County Park. Now mule day is working to positively impact the lives of young people in Murray County with the mule day work scholarship. Encourage young people to apply online at or check it out to see how you can help support career and technical education in Murray County. Support meal day works by attending meal day April 4th through 7th.

Speaker 11:

Visitmule day dot com slash works. That's meal day dot com slash works.

Delk Kennedy:

Alright. Welcome back. 3 dudes with a view. I'm dude number 3. I'm Del Kennedy.

Delk Kennedy:

Dude number 2, Clayton Harris. Good morning.

Clayton Harris:

Good morning, Del. Good morning, everybody. I did get get a message between the break. I wanna address something Yeah.

Delk Kennedy:

I got one too.

Jim York:

About Andy Ogles.

Clayton Harris:

He was trying to give the lake and rally pin on his Oh, yeah. Sports coat to to Joe Biden allegedly. So, at least that's what he claims.

Delk Kennedy:

So we're gonna report that. The text I got during the break is from somebody that I I don't know it, but I know that that this person is a very strong anti support. And he he said if if you read Andy's lips, he said to Joe Biden at the state of the union, Lake and Riley, you need to say her name. And he did. Oh.

Mike Roden:

And he did during the state of union address.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, that's

Mike Roden:

not He addressed

Delk Kennedy:

it. That's not the point though. This person It's not it's somebody asking to

Speaker 20:

do it. Literally.

Mike Roden:

Of course, the point.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, but you you don't

Mike Roden:

No. The point is he wanted to make a political point. That's that's And

Seth Campbell:

he wanted to be in front of camera. He

Delk Kennedy:

wanted everyone to see me. Even though it had absolutely no effect whatsoever, Andy stood up. He did something. And people are frustrated not frustrated, they're horrified by our open border and the people coming across and the people like this illegal who killed and raped Blake and Riley, and they just want somebody to do something. And Andy did something even though

Mike Roden:

Something would have been the bipartisan bill.

Delk Kennedy:

No. There you go. There you go. No. No.

Delk Kennedy:


Jim York:

That was something. I know.

Delk Kennedy:

That was not something. That was worse than the status quo. Alright. Let's let's get around the room.

Jim York:

Understand how the whole economy is

Mike Roden:

using everybody.

Jim York:

Labor to build this country.

Speaker 8:


Jim York:

I just so understand that, and then you all complain about the immigrants coming here. Well, everywhere I look, immigrants are working on construction jobs, working on state jobs, working on federal jobs.

Mike Roden:

And losing their lives, sadly.

Delk Kennedy:

Dude, number 1, mister Jim York's made his speech on Good morning, everybody. Open borders. Alright. People are frustrated. They're horrified, and they want something done.

Delk Kennedy:

Alright. And if it all it is is just saying something to Joe Biden that has they're not gonna have a bit of effect on what Joe Biden says or does, then they're gonna vote for Andy for doing it. Seth Campbell, regular special guest dude, taking the liberal progressive point of view. How you doing?

Seth Campbell:

Hey. Good morning, everybody. Thanks for

Delk Kennedy:

having me. And Mike Roden, 25 years my colleague in the US attorney's office, also taking the liberal progressive point of view. Good morning, Mike.

Mike Roden:

Good morning, everybody.

Delk Kennedy:

I can't

Mike Roden:

believe it's Monday again. Didn't we just have a Monday about 7 days

Jim York:

ago? Are we gonna talk about are we gonna talk about, Trump's hawking the Bibles? Seth, how you and Mike think about that?

Delk Kennedy:

Are we gonna talk about Biden declaring Easter to be a national trans day?

Mike Roden:

Okay. Now stop right there.

Jim York:

That's wrong.

Mike Roden:

It it has been National Trans Day since 2009 on on March 31st. So that's that has been set in stone for a long time. I didn't set it in stone. Joe Biden didn't set it in stone. Whoever decided that we needed the National Trans Day made it March 31st back in 2009.

Mike Roden:

Easter, as you know, moves around on the calendar sometime between and then there's a formula for it. I forget what it is. It has something to do with the Equinox and so on, but Easter moves around. It just so happens that this year, Easter and National Trans Day fell on the same day. That's not Joe Biden's fault.

Delk Kennedy:

You don't understand what you just said infuriates the audience of this show Truth.

Mike Roden:

More than the truth infuriates them.

Delk Kennedy:

But you better you better not have an an address that's public anywhere, buddy.

Mike Roden:

Because But why is that? Now explain that to me.

Speaker 8:


Mike Roden:

why should I be afraid?

Delk Kennedy:

Because they're tired of people pissing them. You're saying the servants

Mike Roden:

who disagree with me are going to do violence against me. Is that what you're saying?

Delk Kennedy:

Well, they'll send you a bunch of nasty grams. We get them all the time.

Seth Campbell:

I would hope that everybody who's upset about that, that

Delk Kennedy:

But you don't understand how much that that hits that hits the hot Seth gets it. That hits the hot button of of the people who are frustrated. I mean, that just frustrated. They are literally throwing, you know, whatever they can find to throw at you right now. They're throwing it at the radio.

Delk Kennedy:

But Because

Mike Roden:

I tell them the truth. Telling the truth.

Delk Kennedy:

But we know they're tired. They are tired of being told that that

Mike Roden:

The truth.

Delk Kennedy:

They are tired of people pissing on their leg and tell them it's raining.

Mike Roden:

That I'm not. I'm telling them the truth. That no.

Delk Kennedy:

Look it up. It's your truth, Mike.

Mike Roden:

No. It's not.

Delk Kennedy:

It's your truth.

Mike Roden:

Not. National Trans Day has been on March 31st since 2009. That was as I recall,

Delk Kennedy:

let's see. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. National Trans Day has been around, but the White House is issuing a proclamation saying it it Easter is National Trans Day with a little Easter.

Mike Roden:

Would they say Easter?

Delk Kennedy:

It had a Easter bunny at the top of the document. That is a tweak. And and let me tell you what that was too. It was a it was a deliberate tweak to conservatives to get them to act out so the liberal media could go report on them. I know.

Delk Kennedy:

That's exactly what it was.

Mike Roden:

Mission accomplished.

Seth Campbell:

But but really in the grand scheme of things, if, you know, practicing Christians, you know No.

Delk Kennedy:

But, I mean, you can have national translate that you issue a proclamation.

Seth Campbell:

I I don't I I understand what

Delk Kennedy:

you're saying. Easter bunny at the top of it.

Seth Campbell:

I understand, but let's let's take the teachings of Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ, and let's let's let's not you know, let's take it in stride. Okay? It doesn't need to it doesn't need to cause anybody's anybody to fall apart that they happen to coincide

Delk Kennedy:

you need to have

Mike Roden:

hate towards those and

Seth Campbell:

and your heart about it. I think that directly contradicts the teachings. Our teachings. That's all I'm gonna say. So don't don't don't get all hateful about it, everybody.

Seth Campbell:

I mean, they coincided one day. I'm sorry it happened if that if that upsets you, but you're gonna be okay.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, I can't

Jim York:

get it.

Mike Roden:

Affect you. How about all these southern states that that when, that we declared Martin Luther King Day in in the early eighties, they made, they they coincided that day with Confederate, you know, glory day or change Robert Lee Robert e Lee's birthday

Speaker 8:

or something.

Delk Kennedy:

Point, Mike, though, it it would have been National Trans Day or whatever. What it's like, a trans day of whatever it was. It'd have been National Trans Day without the White House issuing a proclamation with an Easter bunny on top of it, and which they did. And it was a deliberate it was deliberately designed to trigger a response. So then the national media

Mike Roden:

If that's true, then you took the bait.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, I you know, it was I don't know I don't know

Mike Roden:

if that's true, but if it is, you took the people.

Seth Campbell:

I was surprised that

Delk Kennedy:

they took

Jim York:

after they to the

Speaker 8:

trans people. What's wrong

Delk Kennedy:

with that? Yeah. What's what's happened, Sean?

Jim York:

I say saying happy Easter to trans people. What's wrong with that? They're human beings too.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, I don't have any I I don't think that's what this is about. But I think

Seth Campbell:

a lot of people's reaction contradicted how you should act, you know, as a Christian, but that's okay.

Mike Roden:

It's another one of these things that everybody gets in your.

Delk Kennedy:

Yeah. Good points there. The like I said, I think the White House was deliberately trying to provoke what they visualize as, you know, these nasty militant white Christian nationalists, whatever.

Seth Campbell:

I'll agree with you on that, Dalton.

Delk Kennedy:

And, I will. And, of course, they and they beautifully came along with a little press release a little while later saying, you know, the the Biden administration, you know, regrets all these people who are angry about being National Trends Day and we treat everybody equally in this country.

Seth Campbell:

I saw the tweet about it and I was like, boy, they're really they're really doubling. The White House is doubling down

Delk Kennedy:

on that.

Seth Campbell:

I was surprised to see a tweet about it. I thought maybe, you know, they just like it's just one of many proclamations every day, announcements every day. And I saw it and I said, oh, they're really doubling down. And they they might be doing it to to draw a reaction. So I can't

Mike Roden:

Did you see Donald Trump's Easter message on truth social?

Delk Kennedy:

It's appalling.

Mike Roden:

It's appalling. I don't I can't, recall it, in in verbatim, but, basically, he said happy Easter to everybody, including and he's named this long list of people with all kinds of slurs about them, all the people who he he perceives as, doing him evil, and then, he it's goes on for, you know, several lines, and then he says happy Easter,

Delk Kennedy:

everybody. Well, and that's I mean, you know, you wouldn't find anything

Jim York:

After talking about

Delk Kennedy:

Again, that's Trump's magic

Mike Roden:

in the bible for $60.

Delk Kennedy:

What what Trump understands is you know, is is that people are tired of being told that it was gonna be National Trans Day anyway, and the Biden administration was not trying to to act act out

Mike Roden:

I don't know if he mentioned National Trans Day in in this, in this tweet or whatever they're calling it, military social. I think he just talked about all the people who

Delk Kennedy:

But Mike I've heard him. You you keep asking me, you know, why do people support Trump? They sup what what you said this morning makes motivates and makes the Trump supporters angrier than anything that's happened on this show or other shows or any other conservative radio or or liberal radio. I mean, you just you you push their hot button

Mike Roden:

and By telling them the truth.

Delk Kennedy:

They and again By telling them the truth. They're tired of being told

Jim York:

fan the truth.

Delk Kennedy:

They they are tired of being that's now you're getting the 2 number 2 hot button. They are sick and tired of being told that they are incapable of ascertaining the truth instead of having the truth imposed upon them by people who don't know the truth when they see it.

Mike Roden:

Doug, you bring us up bring us up all the time. You you imply that by opposing Trump or saying something about Trump or Trump you know, and and and saying that the people who support him are don't have all the facts or being misled. You're you're suggesting that I'm saying they're stupid. I would never say they're stupid. I never have said they're stupid.

Delk Kennedy:

You're suggesting that they're not capable of determining

Mike Roden:

the truth to themselves. There are smart people who are

Delk Kennedy:

You won't depose your truth.

Mike Roden:

Make a mistake. Do you think I'm a smart guy? Yeah. Okay. But you disagree with me on politics.

Mike Roden:

So, yes. We can disagree with each other and think that maybe you don't have all the facts or you're seeing it wrong or you're drawing the wrong conclusions from this or that, but you're still a very smart peep smart person. And I I would never, call anybody who supports Trump with the possible exception of some of those people

Speaker 8:

go to the rallies with all

Mike Roden:

the paraphernalia. They're I I worry about them just a little bit, but with the exception of them, I think people who support Trump are are fine citizens, but I think they've been sold to build goods. Well, I do think And

Delk Kennedy:

you're suggesting they're too stupid to figure out.

Mike Roden:

That's not what I'm saying.

Delk Kennedy:

At the end of the day Where are you over there, buddy?

Clayton Harris:

No. We got we got 1 minute. You know? Here's here's what he said. Happy Easter to all, including crooked and corrupt prosecutors and judges that are doing everything possible to interfere with the presidential election of 2024.

Clayton Harris:

Put, and put me in prison, including many of people that I completely and totally despise because they want to destroy America. A now a now failing nation, like Duranj Jack Smith, who is evil and sick, missus Fannie Fannie Wade, who said she hardly knew the special prosecutor only to find that he spent years loving her long before the Georgia prosecution of president Trump began and thereby making the case, against me null, void, and illegal. And lazy on violent crime, Alvin Bragg, who who with Crooked Joe Biden's DOJ thugs, unfairly, working in the DA's office, illegally indicted me on a case he never wanted to bring

Delk Kennedy:

You said that we

Clayton Harris:

never wanted to bring

Delk Kennedy:

where that police officers would have asked Alvin Bragg to leave her husband's funeral.

Seth Campbell:

Well, I mean, this tweet just screams happy Easter.

Clayton Harris:

And virtually all legal scholars say is a case that should not be brought is breaking the law in doing so, was turned down by all other law enforcement authorities and is not a crime. Happy Easter, everyone. Oh, man.

Seth Campbell:

I'm just overflowing with the Easter spirit.

Mike Roden:

One sentence, by the way. We need to have a serious discussion. We need to have discussion about the mental health of 1 of the presidential candidates, and it's not Joe Biden.

Seth Campbell:

No. He I mean, I I he's just pissed off. I mean, this is his this is his vengeance.

Mike Roden:

He's unraveling. He is unraveling before our eyes.

Delk Kennedy:

No. He's

Clayton Harris:

That's just typical Trump.

Mike Roden:

It will, but it's getting worse. It does. He's always been a little bit like this.

Seth Campbell:

Point, it is typical Trump, but this isn't gonna help him win the election. He has to attract moderate and independent voters.

Mike Roden:

Which he's already said he doesn't want.

Seth Campbell:

And this is did this directly to

Jim York:

Dick's Nick Denny's voters.

Mike Roden:

He says he doesn't

Seth Campbell:

want I don't understand him.

Jim York:

Voters, but he don't want them.

Seth Campbell:

I don't understand him. This isn't how you win an election.

Delk Kennedy:

No. Y'all y'all don't understand. I mean, I I do. I mean, and don't don't don't think that the the symbolism of him suffering for he he is the the American people perceive that he is going through this for us. Don't, go to it.

Mike Roden:

That's and and, again, that's part of the bill of goods that he has apparently successfully sold to a lot of people. I mean, he

Clayton Harris:

78 years old. Never had any problems before in his life until after his

Speaker 10:

4 years

Mike Roden:

Entirely accurate.

Jim York:

That's not the case. Correct.

Clayton Harris:

Let me guess. You're gonna bring something from the 70

Jim York:

involved in law suits all his business life.

Mike Roden:

He has. And nobody in New York would do business with him, before he ran for president. So yeah. I mean, is yeah. He he is.

Mike Roden:

It is true that because of the media spotlight he's been in since he's been a presidential candidate and president that more of a spotlight has been put on some of his practices. That is true. And then a lot of the the current indictments have to do with stuff he did in the closing days of his presidency when he was trying to hold on to power. But, but but, you know, there is a point there that that he did escape justice for a long time, but

Jim York:

y'all just follow-up

Mike Roden:

on him now.

Delk Kennedy:

And you don't you don't understand why that message resonates, and it does.

Seth Campbell:

It's gonna be a it's gonna be a heck of an election.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, it's I'm not sure that's what's gonna happen at all. Alright. Let's take a break. Come back.

Seth Campbell:

I'm gonna go with Yeah. I wanna

Clayton Harris:

hear more.

Seth Campbell:

I wanna hear more than that.

Speaker 15:

This is Barry Duke, and you're listening to 101.7

Speaker 8:

WKOM Columbia.

Speaker 9:

Hello, everyone. It's Columbia mayor, Chaz Mulder, here inviting you to join us in celebrating one of Columbia's greatest traditions, Mule Day weekend on April 4th through 7th. This long standing event unites our community like no other with mule shows, craft fairs, and, of course, the Mule Day Parade on April 6th starting at 11 AM. Come 1, come all to Mule Day in Columbia, Tennessee, and let's make this year's celebration the best one yet. For event details, visit mule day dot org.

Speaker 9:

I'll see you at the parade.

Speaker 21:

Hi. This is Terry Tillis from Tillis Jewelry. Here is what some of our customers are saying about us. Great people, a place to shop for fair prices and great craftsmanship, beautiful vintage and custom jewelry. Thank you, Beth.

Speaker 21:

That is our goal. Stop by and see for your self. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Speaker 11:

TELUS Jewelry, Downtown Columbia, owned and operated by Rick, custom designer and Carrie, registered gemologist, assuring you the best jewelry value and expert services.

Speaker 3:

Are you thinking about a new fence? Maybe you need a pole barn. Then you should give Sands Fence Company a call. That's 931-309-1644. Will Sands has built his business based on the principles of honesty, quality, and integrity.

Speaker 3:

Sands Fence Company has been in business for over 20 years, providing the community with farm, residential, and commercial fencing, as well as pole barns and buildings. Call today for a free estimate. Estimate. Sand's Fence Company, 931-309-1644. 931-309-1644.

Speaker 20:

Feeling lucky this month? Enter Happy Heller's Golden Ticket Sweep Stakes for a chance to win big for your home. Just visit and enter to win a Happy Hiller Club membership for a $1,000 or a $5,000 Hiller gift card. And everyone wins with 0% interest financing on HVAC systems, tankless water heaters, or whole home generators. Enter to win now at

Speaker 22:

This is Mark Curry at the trailer store. We are a local family owned business. Every day, I work with my wife, Susie, my mother, Becky, and my son, Justin. They offer a full line of lawnmower trailers, utility trailers, stop trailers, and a full line of trailer parts. We also offer service.

Speaker 22:

Come see us at 1021 New Lewisburg Highway. Call us at 931-381-2795. That's 931-381-2795.

Speaker 8:

Do you have trees that need trimming or removed? Do you have stumps that you want ground? A one Tree Removal is a family owned and operated business local to Columbia and Lewisburg and servicing surrounding Middle Tennessee. They are licensed and insured and provide free estimates. No job is too big.

Speaker 8:

No tree is too small. Give old Luke a call or text Luke at 931-359-3113. Or you can check them out on Facebook and tell a one tree removal that you heard this ad on the radio. If you love America, you will love a one tree removal.

Speaker 23:

This is Debbie Matthews with the Nashville Realty Group. And if you've been paying attention, you know the housing market has been tough, but rates are beginning to thaw. So if you're thinking about selling, the time to jump in is getting better every day. But if you're thinking about buying and those interest rates are still a little bit too high, a good agent knows how to negotiate interest rate buy downs. And I'm a good agent, So call me.

Speaker 23:

Debbie Matthews with National Realty Group. 615-476-3224.

Speaker 24:

This is Trey Adcock with Dixie Equipment Sales and Rental. We sell ASV and Wacker Nordson equipment. We also rent a wide variety of compact equipment in the Middle Tennessee area. Come see us. We're located in Columbia, Tennessee at 200 East 16th Street.

Speaker 24:

You can call us at 6159 690118, or visit our website at We have been in business for over 42 years, and we would love to help you turn your project into reality.

Speaker 25:

Hey, Tennessee. Did you know that in the year 2022, more than 38100 of your residents have lost their lives due to opioid overdose? Do your part to help lower these numbers by counting your medicine, locking it away, and disposing of it at a local medicine drop box location. You could also stop by your local health department and pick up a free medicine lock box. This project is funded under a grant contract with the state of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.

Speaker 26:

Hi, this is Sergeant Brian Goetz of the Columbia Police Department. Mule Day week is March 31st through April 7th. This year is the 50th anniversary of Mule Day and thousands of visitors are expected, and you're likely to see horses and wagons along the street. I encourage motorists to be patient and drive responsibly. Remember, Tennessee is hands free, so no distracted driving.

Speaker 26:

And don't drink and drive. Let's exemplify Columbia Hospitality to our guests. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Mule Day.

Speaker 27:

Come, senators, congressmen, please heed the call. Don't stand in the door way. Don't block up to haul. For he that gets hurt will be the one who has stalled. There's a battle outside and it's raging.

Speaker 27:

It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls for the times they are a change.

Delk Kennedy:

Alright. We're back. 3 dudes with a view. My name is Del Kennedy. I'm dude number 3.

Delk Kennedy:

Dude number 2, Clayton Harris. What's happening, man?

Clayton Harris:

Good morning, Del. Good morning, everybody.

Delk Kennedy:

Dude number 1, mister Jimmy York, good morning.

Jim York:

Good morning, Dale. Good morning, everybody.

Delk Kennedy:

Alright. We're having a progressive party here today. Seth Campbell, he's on, spring break from Mount Pleasant High School, and we welcome it welcome him in. Good morning, Seth.

Seth Campbell:

Hey. Good morning, everybody. Thanks for having me.

Delk Kennedy:

And Mike Roden, my colleague for many, many years in the US attorney's office in Nashville, had a big picture of Obama and Clinton and all those folks up on his wall, and but we still worked together, had fun together, had offices side by side every day. Good morning, Mike Road.

Mike Roden:

Good morning, everybody. Every every day, Dope would come into my office with some coffee and or I'd go to his office, and we talk about the world, what's happening in the world. And, you know, we we got along. We we we would talk it out, and usually we would come to some kind of an agreement. And if the world would just let us run it, it'd be it'd be doing great.

Delk Kennedy:

And, Mike, that's I mean, my gut instinct has always been to try to okay. Let's let's talk this out. Let's find some common ground. But and and I thought that this show might be about that. I mean, that's what I really

Mike Roden:

There's some tough issues going on right now.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, that's what I really hoped it would be from the beginning that, you know, we the the 3 dudes might keep talking till they found some common ground. Unfortunately, that, it just that's been very difficult to do. And I think that reflects the division that's going on. It it it I don't think I know it reflects the division that's going on in this country. Yeah.

Mike Roden:

We were talking while we were on commercial, among us that the real divide in this country is not so much Republican, Democrat. It reflects that, but what it really is is rural versus urban. And and it didn't used to be that way. It has somehow evolved into that. There's it's probably taken 40 plus years for us to get there, but it's it's largely I mean, obviously, there are there are progressive people who live in rural areas and and conservative people who live in in the cities.

Mike Roden:

But for the most part, it is a rural urban divide. Every city excuse me, every state has a city and has rural areas, and that's why we've got to learn to get along with each other because, you know, people talk about, you know, splitting up and the red states going along and the blue states going another way. How's that gonna work? Because you've got millions of people who may not be the majority in their state, but they still vote the other way. You show me the reddest state in the country, and I'll show you 35 to 40% of people who vote vote blue and vice versa.

Mike Roden:

So what are you gonna do with all those people? Are they just gonna be refugees in their own state? So look. We gotta get along. We gotta learn to to find common ground on issues and work together.

Mike Roden:

We've done that in the past, and I think we will do it again. It's just that we're going through a period right now where it's very, very, very, very partisan.

Seth Campbell:

I agree, Mike.

Jim York:

The the whole thing is that the right refuses to allow you There

Delk Kennedy:

you go, mister York.

Jim York:

Participation by the the left. I mean, the progressive people, the right doesn't want any participation. They just wanna overwhelmingly have their will bestowed upon everybody for the sake of doing it. You know, we, we beat them, you know.

Mike Roden:

I'm not gonna make a blanket statement quite like that, but I will say there are certainly examples.

Seth Campbell:

It's character building to be a Democrat in the rural south. It it will it will build. I mean, I have a story. We, in 2020, we would go put out some Biden signs and man, you would think I would rather have I would rather do a lot of things than do that again. That was rough.

Seth Campbell:

I mean, it will build your character. People are mean. People are ugly. People are nasty. But then and I don't share that.

Seth Campbell:

I don't share that about my Republican friends. Like, virtually all my friends are Republicans. And I don't, you know, I I don't share that animosity and that ugliness. And I mean, we have to get by that. It's a good thing people are supporting other people.

Seth Campbell:

That means we have a democracy, Democratic Republic. You guys, you you can't be ugly to your neighbors if they vote for someone else. You just can't do

Delk Kennedy:

it. Yeah. They are.

Seth Campbell:

You know, and I really I applaud Delt for having us in here because it would be easy for him to punt Democrats out. Like, you don't hear too many Democrats on 99.7. I don't know if I should say that, but, you know, you don't hear Democrats on on, you know, these conservative radio stations. And he lets democrats come in here to share their perspective, which me and that makes for a healthy conversation. Absolutely.

Seth Campbell:

A healthy conversation. That's not

Delk Kennedy:

that's not the way I roll at all, and I'm also a firm believer and, again, this miss Jork, when you start hauling truth, that's when, that's when our phones start lighting up and all that.

Jim York:

Yeah. But, Dale, I I you know, you are lawyer, and for years, you've practiced law. The truth is the truth. That doesn't change. I don't care if you're a democrat or republican.

Mike Roden:

Maybe a better one would

Speaker 8:

be Fox.

Jim York:

Somehow some of the folks on the far right now I divide them. Miss

Delk Kennedy:

York, they confuse

Jim York:

truth with

Delk Kennedy:

the right

Jim York:

and there's the middle. The far right refuses to believe anything around truth.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, miss York, they have a different opinion than you do. Well, there are facts

Jim York:

but there are facts. Make it right.

Delk Kennedy:

And and they're they're tired of having, what your version of the truth, but the liberal media, the leftist politicians, even our administration, the Biden administration, shoving the truth that they that they see down their throats.

Mike Roden:

They're tired of And Republican administrations don't do that?

Delk Kennedy:

Yeah. It's just a all

Seth Campbell:

it is is is it's it's a seesaw, Delk. I mean, it goes back. I mean, I've I I noticed it when Obama got elected. That's when I think I was 18. And it's just a seesaw.

Seth Campbell:

It's gonna go back and forth. Democrats are gonna be jolted when Republicans are in power. Republicans are gonna be slighted when Democrats are in power. That's all it is. And so we have to get along because it's it's it's cyclical.

Seth Campbell:

It's gonna go back and forth. You gotta get along because, you know, a Republican will be in the White House again one day. And, you know, I I just I'm gonna carry myself, like, you know, have some sense. I'm not gonna lob out assaults anymore and insults and stuff. And, you know, Trump Trump retweeted or something, a hogtied picture of Joe Biden over the Easter weekend.

Seth Campbell:

And it's just no. And I'm not gonna do that. I'm not I I don't care if it's Trump. I'm not gonna do it.

Mike Roden:

The Secret Service should have paid a little visit to mister Trump on about that.

Jim York:

What's what's amazing to me is all three democratic presidents this weekend rallied around each other supporting their particular agenda, and I have yet to see any support from ex presidents rallying around Trump.

Mike Roden:

There's none. There's none.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, the only one

Jim York:

out there is I don't know what.

Seth Campbell:

Is the only one alive.

Mike Roden:

And the vice for the vice presidents too. I mean, you don't,

Seth Campbell:

does Trump want Dan Quayle's support?

Mike Roden:

Probably not. Right? But but it's

Jim York:

On my offense. My offense.

Delk Kennedy:

I mean, that's ridiculous. I mean, I'd first of all, Trump and Bush are as opposite as Trump and Biden. I mean, the the Bush is a liar and crook and everything else.

Clayton Harris:

The Democrats were on

Mike Roden:

the charge of war

Speaker 8:

crimes No.

Clayton Harris:

No. Years ago.

Mike Roden:

Well, I I will agree with that. But I would say policy wise, though, there's there's a lot more in common than there are.

Seth Campbell:

And it brings up a good point that who's gonna staff the Trump administration if he is to win? Because he is on that out with so many conservatives who have accomplished quite a bit. So your normal pool to run the Department of Defense, your normal pool to run

Mike Roden:

the Department of

Seth Campbell:

Transportation, who's gonna do that?

Speaker 8:

Who's gonna do that? Because in

Mike Roden:

the one of the first Trump administration, he had he had adults in the room. He had, Mattis and and

Seth Campbell:

John Kelly.

Mike Roden:

John Kelly and all the others. And he has run all those people off. They're opposing him. People who worked with him day to day are opposing him. That should tell you something.

Delk Kennedy:

Baseball alright. That's a good point. That's a great point. Here's here's the gold standard for Democrats and Republicans. This is what here's where the Washington Post and New York Times go.

Delk Kennedy:

Real clear politics who averages all the major polls. All polling. All polling. And they they just put out an average. Now this is not you know, you need to think of polls like weather forecast.

Delk Kennedy:

I mean,

Seth Campbell:

several months out, trying to forecast the weather in November. Well, good

Delk Kennedy:

luck. Exactly.

Jim York:

Real care Foulton, Texas. All those

Mike Roden:

like the

Delk Kennedy:

weather forecast. They they are useful. We do pay attention to them, but we have to be aware that sometimes they're the weather forecast

Seth Campbell:

Many times.

Delk Kennedy:

The weather forecast is wrong. You know? I mean, that's I'd say that's a very good analogy. But anyway, right now, nationwide, average of all major polls, Trump 46 point 5, to Biden, 45.5, that's Trump plus 1. The top battleground states, Trump is plus 3.2.

Delk Kennedy:

And, so that's, electoral votes right now. Election held today, the polls indicate Trump to get 312 electoral votes. And it has Biden's 226. It's narrowed

Seth Campbell:

greatly in the last month too. It has narrowed, but I'm I'm I'm saying with at this point in 19 84, Walter Mondale was beating Ronald Reagan. And if you know how that turned out, I think Reagan won 49

Delk Kennedy:

states. So you're you're seeing me stop way short of me to say that means that Trump's I'm

Seth Campbell:

just I think totally has been a disaster for the past

Delk Kennedy:

10 years. When you and Mike start talking about how can Trump appeal to this or that, well, he is appealing at the present time, and he's appealing very well.

Seth Campbell:

To his end of the way

Speaker 8:

it is.

Delk Kennedy:

That is but that is not his base. It's not 46% of the American electoral. I think it is.

Mike Roden:

It's true that the democratic party

Delk Kennedy:

be. Yeah.

Mike Roden:

It's true that the Democratic Party has some fence mending to do. We gotta we gotta bring the people who are very upset about, Gaza and back into the fold. We we we gotta amend that.

Delk Kennedy:

Did y'all see that at my alma mater? There's so much going on with the the snowflakes. I was wondering what was going on. At Vanderbilt, the the doggone snowflakes, and I finally saw the video of it. They go in to protest in the chancellor's office, the about Vanderbilt, you know, did not divesting itself of because they're in favor of the Palestinians.

Delk Kennedy:

Well, these and I've they showed the film, and I realized who these dimrods are. They're they're all this nothing's changed in the last 50 years. They're all the the the the loony tunes who who used to hang out around the divinity school. And all these kids are still wearing masks. They all got mask on coming to the young to Palestinian protests.

Jim York:

Is it But but their freedom, There's When they're young, they're young.

Delk Kennedy:

Nobody that I even knew or associated with or I mean, they they Vanderbilt's always had this little click of liney tunes that hangs out around the divinity studio. When you're young and

Mike Roden:

in college, that's the time to be very passionate. And sometimes, in in hindsight, you look back and say, wow. What was I thinking?

Delk Kennedy:

I've never shared a beer keg with any of these idiots. It just it didn't happen.

Jim York:

Colleges are research areas. They are research. They're kids learning like Mike said, and they're trying to find their

Mike Roden:

dignity in life.

Delk Kennedy:

Still wearing mask. Oh, lord.

Seth Campbell:

May maybe they're immuno compromised.

Jim York:

Maybe they're allergies. Allergies, Bill. Maybe they have allergies.

Delk Kennedy:

Yeah. Looney Tunes. They still

Jim York:

wear masks in Japan. They they maybe they have allergies.

Delk Kennedy:

Looney Tunes. Well, maybe they're the Looney Tunes country too. Who knows? People are frustrated. Through math.

Jim York:

You see what I'm working with, man.

Speaker 8:

I know. I know.

Delk Kennedy:

Y'all y'all have tapped into it. Miss York, the only Seth has managed to not get Trump more votes this morning.

Mike Roden:

Yeah. Well, look, see, you need to have me on every day. Yep. Yeah.

Delk Kennedy:

Alright. We'll see you tomorrow.

Jim York:

Bye bye.

Seth Campbell:

I'll see you.

Jim York:

Great day, folks.