What if you could get more of what you want in life? But not through pushing, forcing, or pressure.
You can.
When it comes to money, time, and energy, no one’s gonna turn away more.
And Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and host of Plenty, is here to help you expand your capacity to receive all of the best.
As a Money Empowerment OG who’s been at it for nearly 2 decades, Kate’s the abundance-oriented best friend you may not even know you’ve always needed.
Pull up a chair every week with top thought leaders, luminaries, and adventurers to learn how to have more abundance with ease.
I think paradox in this human experience, if you will, is that the way that we find our brightest light is going into the darkest of our own depths. Absolutely. Which is why the book is called The Light Work. Right. Because you have to do the work.
Jessica Zwieg:You have to do the real hard work of the human experience to truly fully magnify and embody your light.
Kate Northrup:Jessica Zweig is on the podcast today. Her new book, The Light Work, I absolutely loved, and today, we are starting with aliens. And then we are going to get into why joy is our birthright and how it's the unlock to everything else we desire, including love, money, all of it, and why our body is actually the answer. You're gonna love this episode. Enjoy.
Kate Northrup:Welcome to Plenti. I'm your host, Kate Northrup. And together, we are going on a journey to help you have an incredible relationship with money, time, and energy, and to have abundance on every possible level. Every week, we're gonna dive in with experts and insights to help you unlock a life of hunting. Let's go fill our cups.
Voice Over:Please note that the opinions and perspectives of the guests on the Plenty podcast are not necessarily reflective of the Kate, on the day this comes out, it is
Kate Northrup:your birthday. Yes. Kate, on the day this comes out, it is your birthday. Yes. So happy birthday.
Jessica Zwieg:Thank you.
Kate Northrup:Yes. Happy birthday. And I want to also, in a week, you come out with your next book, The Light Work. It's a big deal. Yes.
Kate Northrup:A book launch is a very big deal, and so I'm gonna invite you right now to remember the future Mhmm. And just start off with the imprint of what is happening now on July 30, 2024. You can close your eyes if you want and really tap in to casting the vision.
Jessica Zwieg:I am in a place of receptivity and allowance and trust and joy and fun, and I am starting to feel the electricity of this book in the women that know that this book is gonna turn on their light and illuminate who they are. They're gonna feel that in their bodies as they order the book, pre order the book, know it's coming because this book is this book came through me. This book is not about me. This book is in service to every single individual woman reading it, and I am holding on my birthday that that is what is exactly unfolding in a week from today at scale.
Kate Northrup:And so it is.
Jessica Zwieg:And so it is. So it is.
Kate Northrup:Happy birthday. Happy book launch.
Jessica Zwieg:Happy which is its own birthday. It's own birthing.
Kate Northrup:It's a very big deal. Yes. It is huge. When I met you in person for the first time well, and today is the second time, but it felt feels like it was many other times that we've hung out. You were about to go to Egypt.
Kate Northrup:Yes. I was. Not yet gone. However, we sat down at this like, it was like a picnic table with our little tray lunches. Yes.
Kate Northrup:And we just started talking about aliens right away, which I loved. So Same. Which is very related to the trip to Egypt. Yes. What so that this was November 2022.
Jessica Zwieg:It's wild that you remember that. Yes. It's November 2020.
Kate Northrup:I could so and then having now read your book, I understand that you were about to step into a massive portal, and you are now a different person than the person I had that meal with. So bring us back to what was going on in your life in November 2022, and then why was this trip to Egypt such a big deal?
Jessica Zwieg:So I loved that lunch. I love that that lunch finally allowed us to connect in the flesh and that it's brought brought me here. So thank you for having me. I met you. You wouldn't have known it because I met you at a conference, and we were there having a good time, but I was really in the deepest, darkest depths of my burnout.
Jessica Zwieg:I had built a company that was my dream and my passion at the beginning, and then it just scaled beyond anything I predicted it to. I had to step into a true executive hat of CEO and became essentially a firefighter for many years, as I'm sure you understand. And as when you grow that fast, everything breaks, systems process people. And in November of 2022, I had just actually come out of a reorg of my entire organization. I had hired up really fast in book launch 1 and, unfortunately, hired a lot of the wrong management.
Jessica Zwieg:And I had to fire 3 of my leadership team, announce to my company that I was that everyone was gonna have a new boss the next day. It was I was just the tip of the spear, not to mention how physically, mentally, emotionally exhausted I had been. I probably hadn't slept well in, like, 6 months when I met you. I was ragefully dark because, you know, when you're really tired, you get really angry.
Kate Northrup:I do.
Jessica Zwieg:Yes. We're we're just Also, so does my husband. Yeah. I'm just the same with mine. He got the brunt of it.
Jessica Zwieg:You you met me at a beautiful conference, and I was, you know, meeting you. Yeah. But I was underneath all of that, a miserable bitch.
Kate Northrup:Well, that's what was so interesting reading your book. I'll we're gonna go back to you. But I was, like, wow. Because when you were sharing and I was, like, aligning the timeline, and I thought that's so amazing that that's what was happening under the surface, which I think is very common
Jessica Zwieg:Yes.
Kate Northrup:That we have all these layers happening. But on the surface, you know, we're showing up at a conference. We're showing up at a lunch. We're showing up at a whatever. So we're not just, like, meeting people and being like, hi.
Kate Northrup:I'm deeply burned out Right.
Jessica Zwieg:And depressed.
Kate Northrup:What's your name? What's your
Jessica Zwieg:name? I feel as well, we are so attached to our identities as entrepreneurs, as female entrepreneurs, and not that this is a negative thing, but your your ego is wrapped up into it. So the picture that you're presenting, you know, cannot not always wasn't for me, at least the full story. And I just was really done with it. To be honest, I wanted to burn my whole business down.
Jessica Zwieg:And I had this trip to Egypt planned very fortuitously. I booked this trip a year before. You know, you have to do that with big international trips. I was taking 15 days off, and I had no idea what was in store for me in Egypt. I'm a big world traveler.
Jessica Zwieg:I've been to 35 countries. I was like, cool, I'm gonna go see the pyramids, and I'm spiritual, and that's a big part of my life, but I had no idea just how next level of a I would say it was an upgrade, but it really was a death. I went into that country on that plane to Cairo, one version of myself, and I came home 15 days later new. I could spend the whole podcast talking about that trip, but what I'll highlight is one of the most significant experiences I had there, which I write about in the opening section of my new book, The Light Work, where I went to the temple of Hathor, is the temple, the temple of Dendera, and she's the goddess of pleasure. And I had a full on light activation in that temple, which for those who don't know what that means, essentially, I got struck by white lightning.
Jessica Zwieg:You have these crazy experiences in Egypt that feel like you're on drugs, but you're not. Yeah. Like, they're
Kate Northrup:I've heard this from so many people.
Jessica Zwieg:Can I swear on your show?
Kate Northrup:Yes.
Jessica Zwieg:Egypt will fuck your life. Like, you go there, and it just these walls are alive. There's ancient galactic frequencies. It is a direct portal, open portal to the cosmos. It it your body has to metabolize it.
Jessica Zwieg:It's it's not an easy trip. You're up at 3, 4 in the morning a lot of the time to get access to these temples, you're up late, and you're going through these ancient sites that hold these frequencies that you feel in your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. And so, when I say I got hit by lightning, Kate, I got hit by lightning and my whole auric field expanded. Within a matter of seconds, I started hearing voices. They were definitely the Pleiadians, my alien friends.
Jessica Zwieg:And I won't get into too much detail because I would love your audience to read the book, but they basically told me, girl, Jessica, you have missed the point. This human experience is meant to be fun. I had no joy in my life for a really long time, And I I got the the message in my cells. It wasn't just audio. It was physical.
Jessica Zwieg:And, I felt like my cells and my DNA shed, upgraded. And for days after that, I was so raw. I cried at everything. I felt everything. My heart was cracked wide open, and this old version of me that felt like joy was, something I had to pay for, that I just sacrificed myself for.
Kate Northrup:For you to earn it.
Jessica Zwieg:I had to earn it. Dot like, she just died. And, I came home, and everything changed.
Kate Northrup:I have so many questions. So where do you think for you the conditioning came from that you have to earn your joy?
Jessica Zwieg:My lineage. I believe that it is etched inside my DNA of my ancestors. I watched my father, particularly my father, have zero joy for most of his life. He was a self made millionaire, but came from poverty because his parents came from poverty because his parents came from poverty. And they came to America as immigrants who fled the Holocaust, actually.
Jessica Zwieg:And this deep sense of survival was something I witnessed in my dad and my mom to some degree. And it was shown to me that if and told to me, frankly, that if you wanna have a lot of money, you have to work really hard for it. And money is something that isn't guaranteed, and so you have to hold it, you have to grip onto it, you have to hustle for it. And you also have to remember, I think you may have read this in my first book, when I got to be an adult and built my first business, because I've been an entrepreneur for 15 years. My first business left me in financial ruin, and I actually was broke at 33.
Jessica Zwieg:And so real scarcity was a reality for many years, and it stayed with me as a trauma response. So, I think I really believe that abundance versus scarcity versus hustling versus feeling to need to earn it, It's a physical experience that lives in our bodies. Yeah. And I had to rewrite that.
Kate Northrup:You and I are very much on the same page with that. So you come home from Egypt Yeah. And you said everything changed. And and some of this is in your book, but I'm gonna ask you about the parts that aren't
Jessica Zwieg:Let's go.
Kate Northrup:If that's okay. Obviously, if I ask you something you don't wanna talk about, just be I am an
Jessica Zwieg:open book. You read my book. I'm, like, naked in that book. I'll tell
Kate Northrup:you anything you wanna know. So, like okay. Here's what I loved about your book. First of all, I don't know you that well, even though I feel like I do. And I was, like, wow.
Kate Northrup:This is so unapologetically spiritual and out there for a woman who on the Internet, like, I, you know, I had been aware of you for a while, and I had experienced you from a, I guess, brand positioning or whatever. Right? As it's like a real go getter businesswoman. And then so then the book was just, like, it's out there, and I love it so much. It's, like, very cosmic, very spiritual, very much about, like, the big questions
Jessica Zwieg:Yes.
Kate Northrup:Of life. Yes. And there was not a thread of apology in there about that. No. So my first question is Yeah.
Kate Northrup:During the writing process, what was your experience with the inner critic, if at all? Mhmm. And what did you do about it if there was that present? Because it's not it is not present in the writing.
Jessica Zwieg:Thank you for asking this question. So you've written books.
Kate Northrup:I have. Many.
Jessica Zwieg:And Just 2. Well, a couple. I think that's many, more than one. It feels a huge journey. And you know how how long did your publisher give you to write your books?
Kate Northrup:Way a long time.
Jessica Zwieg:And then I just I write my books. I get them real tail end. Right. So So
Kate Northrup:that's my own thing. I books. I get them real tail end.
Jessica Zwieg:Right.
Kate Northrup:So So that's my own favorite.
Jessica Zwieg:A typical publisher gives you Like
Kate Northrup:a year or something?
Jessica Zwieg:A year. Yeah. I think so. Months. Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:Something like that. 6 months if you're on a trajectory that you wanna my publisher gave me 3 and a half months because I wanted it to come out.
Kate Northrup:No. I was not. I'm like, why?
Jessica Zwieg:He he it was my call.
Kate Northrup:Okay.
Jessica Zwieg:You know, he and it's just I feel like my higher self just led me to to pick this pub date, August 6th. And I knew when I wanted it to come out, and he was very amenable. He's like, that's no problem. But you do have to write it quite fast if that's the case. Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:My point is I channeled this book. I had come home from Egypt.
Kate Northrup:It reads like that.
Jessica Zwieg:Thank you.
Kate Northrup:Yeah. That's the like, I was just, like, this is just, like, a full reception
Jessica Zwieg:of what was available. Something opened Yeah. And it poured through me on the page. Yeah. I literally felt there were moments where I would look back at, like, my Google Doc, and I felt like Jackson Pollock where I had just thrown a bunch of splatter paint shit at the head screen.
Jessica Zwieg:I'm like, is this even good? And then I would go back and read it. I'd be like, this is really good. Yeah. I'm reading it back myself now because, you know, it's about to go out.
Jessica Zwieg:And I I'm like, I wrote I wrote this. Yeah. I I wrote this. Where did this come from? And I'm scared a little bit, to be honest.
Kate Northrup:Makes sense. Because you've read
Jessica Zwieg:us really good. That makes a lot of sense, Jessica, because it's woo. But I feel like it's my message for humanity. Yeah. And I was talking to one of my guides in my freak out moment.
Jessica Zwieg:I actually got the galley myself a couple weeks ago and was starting to read it, and my heart is racing. I'm like, I I am publishing this for the world to read. And I had this call with him, and he literally said, Jessica, it's not about you anymore. Get out of the way. And so thank you for that reflection because I was the bridge, and I wanna teach women in this work that we're all the bridge, that we all have access to these codes, to to this truth, to this information, that we play a very essential role here on this planet, that our light is needed to make this world a better place.
Jessica Zwieg:This is fucked up right now, and I guarantee the women who are listening to your show are already making this world a better place. And so I just want to give women the key. That's why there's a key on the cover, and there's a key on
Kate Northrup:my heart.
Jessica Zwieg:Yeah. I'm not here to, give you the key to me. I'm here to unlock the divinity in you. Totally. So that's really what the book thank you for reflecting that, Kate, As a writer yourself, you
Kate Northrup:Well, I was reading it, and I was just like, wow. She really went there. I was deeply inspired because there's plenty that I think that I'll, like, say to somebody, you know, off the record. Yeah. And sometimes I write about it, but not always.
Kate Northrup:And so you're a real wayshower for me with that, and I'm really grateful. I was inspired.
Jessica Zwieg:I'm really grateful. And it's funny because I that's why you and I think connected so much, and we were we we dropped in in 5 seconds about aliens in Palm Desert many years ago because I believe that most people actually are walking through this world. Not most, but people are waking up. Yes. And we have a level of consciousness and connection that we don't talk about out loud because people would think we're weird.
Kate Northrup:Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:And when the truth is, this is the deepest truth on the planet right now, and I love being able to talk about it and share it with my inner circle and community and guides and teachers myself. And I wanna invite more women to the conversation.
Kate Northrup:Yeah. Well, you are doing that with this book.
Jessica Zwieg:Thank you.
Kate Northrup:What do you mean when you say light, our light?
Jessica Zwieg:Yeah. And what
Kate Northrup:does it also mean to do the light work?
Jessica Zwieg:So is the Pleiadians define light?
Kate Northrup:And who are the Pleiadians? Okay. K. We're gonna do some we're gonna, like, build some framework here.
Jessica Zwieg:Frame it out. Let's map it out. So the Pleiadians, as far as I understand and believe them, but it is true, are an extraterrestrial star family in the Milky Way galaxy. So, there is a constellation called the Pleiades that you can see it in the night sky. There's 7 suns, and it's 444 light years away.
Jessica Zwieg:And there are multiple star families in our galaxy, in the Milky Way. There's the Sirians, Octurians, Minnetoncans, many more. But the Pleiadians are a family that I believe I'm from. Yeah. And I have connected to the most in my spiritual studies.
Jessica Zwieg:Their work really was a big unlock for me because I've been on the spiritual journey for a very, very, very long time since I was young. But when I read their work and I understood what that whole thing meant, star families, and that they existed, it was just so clear that that was true for me. It changed everything, And it was simple because their to me, their messages are very simple. Their messages, their their definition of light is information. Okay.
Jessica Zwieg:That's it. And darkness is lack of information.
Kate Northrup:Got
Jessica Zwieg:it. Dark is not evil, bad. Light is not necessarily good and perfect. Light is truth. Darkness is the lack of that truth.
Jessica Zwieg:And when we're in the dark, we can't see the truth of who we are and the magnificence that we are and the power that we are, and the limitlessness that we are. And we have been stuck in a lot of dark on this planet. Right? Dark dark manifests as ignorance, and when we're ignorant, we can't see the truth, which is love primarily love.
Kate Northrup:Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:And so what happens when we ignore the dark? Things turn toxic, things fester. Darkness manifests itself as hate and bullying and racism and antisemitism, but I believe that the average day woman has her own darkness that manifests itself as self loathing and competition and scarcity. Internalized patriarchy. All yes.
Jessica Zwieg:Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yes. Yes.
Jessica Zwieg:Yes. And we forget our light. Yeah. We forget just how beautiful and needed we are. And the, I think, paradox in this human experience, if you will, is that the way that we find our brightest light is going into the darkest of our own depths Absolutely.
Jessica Zwieg:Which is why the book is called the light work. Right. Because you have to do the work. You have to do the real hard work of the human experience to truly, fully magnify and embody your light. Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:And that that is It's like the worst. It's the
Kate Northrup:worst. It's no joke. It's the worst that it's the best.
Jessica Zwieg:It's the worst and the best.
Kate Northrup:I literally texted my best friend on Saturday night. I was, like, in it. We had a huge expansion last week with our with our biggest launch ever, and then these people on the Internet decided that, like, they were going to mount a little campaign, but enough that I saw it picking apart and judging, like, our Program. Our our program and our campaign. And I was, like, spinning out about it because when we have a big expansion, there tends to be, like you know, the nervous system freaks out.
Kate Northrup:Yes. So I was just in my in my nervous system dysregulation around, like, oop. I'm at a new level. Like, that feels really scary, so I'll just bring it down. And, we were she and I were just texting back, and she was like she was like, new level, new new new experience, baby.
Kate Northrup:Like, you just whatever. And I was like, this is the best and the worst. And I texted her, like, the vomit emoji, the roller coaster emoji, and then the, like, little one blowing like a like a noisemaker party.
Jessica Zwieg:Yes, exactly. Like, is
Kate Northrup:that what it is?
Jessica Zwieg:It is so what it is.
Kate Northrup:That's what it is. And so when you were in Egypt, it sounds like there was a real I don't know if you would call it an ego death, but it you you I mean, there was, like, really intense. You were crying a lot. Yeah. You had a lot of physical symptoms.
Kate Northrup:Yeah. And it was, like, everything needs to change. So and it was not comfortable by any stretch of the imagination. Okay. So then you get home Yes.
Kate Northrup:And you, like, come back to your business, and you come back to your marriage, and you come back to your life. And so, when you said, well, then everything changed, the integration on the other side of that, I mean, whatever you care to share, I just wanna know what happened, like, especially just in your marriage. Like, oh, hi. I'm I've been with the Pleiadians.
Jessica Zwieg:We almost I almost got a divorce, Kate. Okay. I like, I came back, and we almost got a divorce. Yeah. We fought for 2 months straight.
Jessica Zwieg:My husband didn't know what to do Yeah. With me. And I didn't know what to do with him. It was bad. And we had a really explosive kind of moment that brought us back down to like, okay, no, we don't want this to end.
Jessica Zwieg:But it was very difficult reintegrating into my marriage, most of all. I bet. The same thing with my business. I mean, what I had done very serendipitously by divine timing, right before I left for Egypt, I had hired an integrator in my business, you know, someone to help me execute, operate, you get it? And she had taken the reins.
Jessica Zwieg:So, by January, when the year started, she had pulled me out of the weeds, so my business was starting to without me. Awesome. Which gave me all of this new space and time to practice and integrate what I had gotten from the Pleiadians and from Egypt, which was, again, this human experience is meant to be fun. Mhmm. So I started incorporating joy in my life.
Jessica Zwieg:Joy was my word for 2023. I got this book deal in February. I had three and a half months to write it. I took a month long sabbatical to Costa Rica, and I wrote it. I when I was home in Nashville, I would close my computer at 4 o'clock and take a walk in nature.
Jessica Zwieg:I picked up art and started drawing for fun. Like, I was a little girl. I sat and stared at the wall with my dogs on my lap because I wanted to practice what it felt like to be bored. Yeah. You know?
Jessica Zwieg:Because I'd been working a 100 hour weeks for 5 years, and it just healed my body again, my nervous system, my emotional state of being, my mental health, everything just healed in 23. And I hosted a few retreats for me because I just wanted to have fun with women and be in community because it's my favorite thing to do. A lot of those women started hiring me as a coach. I was like, I would do this for free, but they're paying me for it. That's how much I
Kate Northrup:love this. Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:Meanwhile, my agency was humming, and I got approached by a buyer in the summer of 23, again, divine timing. And I decided to sell my company. And I'd been in a much better place than it was a year before when you had met me when I was destroyed from trying. I just had to rebuild my leadership team. Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:And we were humming as an organization. And this company that knocked on my door to buy me was actually courting me for a few years, and I kept saying not yet, not yet. As the founder, you at Mentally, not just your business to be in a state to get bought, but you have to be really ready to let go. And I was. And so that was, to answer your question in a long winded way, what happened and
Kate Northrup:And very well.
Jessica Zwieg:And very well.
Kate Northrup:Because I feel like I met you 30 seconds ago. I mean, I know that it was two and a half years, so, actually, that's quite a long time. Yeah. But in, like, the time of a lifetime, radical shift. And I I wanna highlight that because I think that in the personal development world, there can be this feeling of, like, it takes a really long time, and I'm gonna be working on this forever.
Kate Northrup:And it's like all this deep unraveling, which is true. And like, repatterning does take time. And I know you were pounding on work. You've been, you know, you've been on this path for a long time. It wasn't like you were a total normie and then, like, no.
Jessica Zwieg:Not at all. I've been talking to, like, goddesses and angels since I was 9.
Kate Northrup:Right. So and, externally speaking, your your world is pretty different, and, like, you Yeah. You seem to be feeling really different
Jessica Zwieg:Yeah.
Kate Northrup:In a relatively short period of time. So would you say that the main thing was just choosing joy, prioritizing joy over and over and over again. And do you think it's true that transformation has to take a long time given your experience?
Jessica Zwieg:I I don't. I I have so much to say, and I'm gonna be Great. Open book here. Please. So the truth is well, actually, if you read my first book in the opening Which is called b.
Jessica Zwieg:Which is called b. There's a quote in there that opens the whole book that says, do not be surprised how fast the universe will respond once you have decided. And
Kate Northrup:Is that from A Course in Miracles, or what is that?
Jessica Zwieg:I found it on Instagram. Great. From
Kate Northrup:the Oracle Club, Instagram.
Jessica Zwieg:The IG.
Kate Northrup:So so
Jessica Zwieg:I,
Kate Northrup:put it
Jessica Zwieg:on the first page of my book because it's it's exactly my philosophy on not just spirituality, but life and business and branding and building things and relationships. It's it's just it has to come from a full heart alignment, heart, body, mind, spirit, soul. And you I just think you know it, it's like a gut feeling. There has been some accelerators on my path in the last 2 years. I mean, I do work with medicine.
Kate Northrup:Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:Right around the same time of Egypt coming into my life, I met a healer who who introduced me to the profound power of MDMA. And I had done MDMA in my thirties at concerts, but Different context. Different context, different chapter, and had stopped. You know? I'm I live a very clean lifestyle.
Jessica Zwieg:But she brought into my world the the power of using this medicine in ceremony. And so, in a parallel to what happened with Egypt, I started doing work with her, and I did 3 ceremonies with her actually over the course of about 9 months. And that really accelerated my understanding of my message, my blueprint, my codes, my ancestral lineage, and what was living inside my own DNA. And to have a partner to really hold up that mirror, you mentioned internalized patriarchy. I mean, that really was one of the biggest unlocks to just choose my feminine essence and slow down and learn that I was safe in doing that when it came to wealth creation, when it came to my magnetism, when it came to my impact.
Jessica Zwieg:And so that was one of the biggest accelerators alongside that. But what I will say, and I'm glad you bring this up because it's an important point, and it's something that I'm a student of myself. My healer, she tells me, Jessica, you move at the speed of light, and I do. I've been that way as an entrepreneur. You've seen it in our relationship.
Jessica Zwieg:Thank you for that reflection last few years. It's a superpower because I am from there. Yeah. But she says to me often, you have to learn how to move at the speed of life to be here on this dimension
Kate Northrup:Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:And to trust that life has a greater plan for you Yeah. And to learn how to cocreate. And so I talk a lot about Gaia in my work. I talk a lot about that in my book, the great mother, the matriarchy that this planet was actually founded upon. And I think, it requires us to speed up.
Jessica Zwieg:Yes. We are we are able to do it in quantum time, but it's important to process and be gentle and take our time when we are in any sort of healing space.
Kate Northrup:Yeah. Thank you for that. Yeah. Yeah. And I think also time is a construct.
Jessica Zwieg:Sure is.
Kate Northrup:And so, you know, when we start to learn more about quantum mechanics, quantum physics, and the time space continuum, like, I know that that is from Back to the future, but it also is real for that, like, all time is now, but also, you know, it's all relative and so And parallel with other timelines. Put that out there. Yeah. Like, when we're having this conversation, yes, lived time here on planet Earth is a particular
Jessica Zwieg:Yes.
Kate Northrup:Way, and we can also speed it up and slow it down at will based on our own energy and our own perception and paradigm.
Jessica Zwieg:Mhmm.
Kate Northrup:Yeah. So for you, knowing that, like, you do move at the speed of light sort of as your default, which is beautiful, What are some of the things that you've incorporated into your life to move at the speed of life given that you do live here on planet Earth this time around?
Jessica Zwieg:I moved to Nashville. Yeah. I literally moved cities Uh-huh. To be closer to grass. We were talking about that right before this show.
Jessica Zwieg:It matters.
Kate Northrup:It matters.
Jessica Zwieg:It matters. I really feel I lived in Chicago for 20 years. I love that city. It gave me a lot, but I couldn't be there for one more day because it was concrete, and steel, and density that I just couldn't breathe, I couldn't thrive there. So, I try to get into nature every day.
Jessica Zwieg:I look at the sun every morning directly in my eyes. I try and put my feet on the ground. I hug trees on my walks. I literally have built as deep of a relationship with Gaia as I possibly can. I think that is a nonnegotiable.
Jessica Zwieg:Mhmm. If you live in a big city, put plants in your house Yeah. And and talk to them. They're they're alive. They have consciousness.
Jessica Zwieg:I I try and block my schedule for joy and playtime. Those are principles that have that are constant in my structure. I color code my calendar, so I can look at my calendar every week and say, blue is work, okay, pink is play date with my husband, green is self care, yellow is workouts, purple is creative time. So, I want my calendar to look like a rainbow every week. If it's not, I know I'm out of balance.
Jessica Zwieg:I really try and take Fridays off. I I gave up alcohol. I really try and take care of my body. I've mineralized my system. I started eating meat again.
Jessica Zwieg:I had ate plants for 10 years. I wasn't getting a regular period. I wasn't I was moody. I didn't have energy. I've really recalibrated my system Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:Mind, body, spirit, time, environment. And I I think in order to keep myself here on this planet, I think the most important thing, back to your story about what happened to you during your launch recently, is to not escape the pain and the polarity of this human experience. I used to want to leave, and I did through meditation, through travel, through disassociation, through watching all the TED Talks on spirituality, and consuming all the books, and doing the plant medicines. Yeah. And it wasn't until recently in the last few years, I'm like, no.
Jessica Zwieg:This is such an amazing planet to be on and to embrace the full spectrum of our emotions, which I talk a lot about in the book. Yeah. So those are the practices. Mhmm. But truly accepting that, yes, as your light is going to rise, I don't think that's at all an accident that you had the biggest launch of your business, and then that dark shit came out to get you because that's just what happens when we expand.
Jessica Zwieg:I do believe in Yeah. The dark and the light at odds right now in a very clear way, but to not run from it, to allow yourself to feel it, I think, has been how I've been able to slow down enough to metabolize Mhmm. All of this change and quantum pace.
Kate Northrup:Yeah. Yeah. So good. So I know that, you know, back in the day, money, a love story was an important read for you, and that's how we first connected.
Jessica Zwieg:In love with you.
Kate Northrup:That's how we first connected. And then cut to today, you have so you were broke from your first company at 33
Jessica Zwieg:Yeah.
Kate Northrup:And then built a new company, very successful, burned out, got a whole download, really shifted things, were able to sell your company.
Jessica Zwieg:Yeah.
Kate Northrup:So you've shifted your relationship with money
Jessica Zwieg:Yeah.
Kate Northrup:Many times over.
Jessica Zwieg:I have.
Kate Northrup:And I'm curious, how does what does joy Yeah. And prioritizing joy have to do with your relationship with money. And for those who are not in a place where they just, like, have more than enough. Mhmm. How do they prioritize joy as well?
Kate Northrup:And, like, what what do you recommend around relationship with money and and joy and having that time to connect and slow down?
Jessica Zwieg:Yeah. So I like to say that joy is a choice. Happiness is a fleeting emotion. Happiness is beautiful. We should all have as much happiness in our life as we can.
Jessica Zwieg:But joy is a conscious choice and it's a mindset, right? And it's not being a victim to your circumstances or to your day. It's really practicing gratitude, it's moving our bodies in ways that just get just get us into the frequency mentally and physically of joy. And when I think when we're in a state of joy, we get into alignment. And when we're in alignment, we become magnetic.
Jessica Zwieg:And when we're magnetic, we manifest. Right? And so I was trying to manifest first. I was creating a lot of money in my business from this scarce place, even though I was in abundance, which is what caused me to burn out because I wasn't in my body. Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:So I we've said this a few times. I think it really does come back to the body. So as to the woman that's listening that isn't there yet with more than enough, that's fine. Start to move your body, get into your body, just do things that make you feel really good as a practice that changes your vibration. I think the next thing I would tell her is this and this is a flex, is really the trust.
Jessica Zwieg:Because at this stage in my business, I really don't chase money. I don't chase clients. I have this deep understanding that what's meant for me is meant for me. Yeah. I have a lot of people that are interested in working with me, and many of them do work with me and some of them don't.
Jessica Zwieg:And I I don't have any attachment. I don't feel like and even if I'm having a month or 2, that's you know, I trust that it's always I'm always going to be provided for. Yeah. And again, back to the body, that sense of safety, that sense of trust has to live in your physical self. And that's what I talk about on my podcast.
Jessica Zwieg:That's what I've learned through the last few years of really healing my nervous system and slowing down and switching out of the toxic masculine patriarchal system that we have been programmed to operate within, and I call that a game written by rules that we didn't write Mhmm. Into the feminine vibration of magnetism and allowance and trust, and coming from a place of deep service. Right? So it's not just about what you can get, but what you're here to give. And when we attune to that, when we get clear on that, when we name that, when we write that down, when we put that in our brand stories, right, and put that into our programs and products, One of the things I love so much about you, I'm you're so of service.
Jessica Zwieg:Like, you really truly want people to thrive. And you have beautiful marketing, and I love your fonts, and I love your website. I love your social posts, but there's an energy to you, Kate, that is so sincere in your body. Yes. You're very in your body.
Jessica Zwieg:And so I only reflect all of that to answer your question because your audience knows you better than me. That that's where I would start with that woman that's looking to manifest more.
Kate Northrup:I love that because pretty much everything we want is free. Yeah. And everyone has a body, and it's really the great equalizer. It's like everyone has a body. Pretty much our nervous systems and our biochemistry.
Kate Northrup:Obviously, there's quite a bit of diversity and variation, but pretty much stuff works the same way. Yeah. Yeah. And so that's available to us. Like, the feeling we want is available Yes.
Kate Northrup:Right now. Yes. And I love that you shared your experience, which, again, I've heard from so many people in these temples was that it, like, felt like you were on drugs, but you weren't because all of that, you know, my friend Emily Fletcher calls it the the pharmacy. What does she call it? Some some like, the pharmaceuticals of, like, of the, you know, our internal pharmacy.
Jessica Zwieg:Yes.
Kate Northrup:And then she doesn't say that, but I don't remember exactly. Something like that.
Jessica Zwieg:I love
Kate Northrup:her. So true. Right? It's all, like, it's all available. I mean, you know, my husband, Mike, goes to Joe Dispenza events, and and the research they're doing over there about being able to create the d e d m 5 meodmt.
Kate Northrup:That's the one.
Jessica Zwieg:Yeah.
Kate Northrup:Through meditations,
Jessica Zwieg:you have a male breath.
Kate Northrup:I mean, it's amazing.
Jessica Zwieg:You can reach psychedelics safely breath.
Kate Northrup:Fascinating, which I have.
Jessica Zwieg:Yes. I have too. Yeah. Our so in my book, I have a chapter called body. And so I have a whole chapter on the body.
Jessica Zwieg:It's It's called your sacred vessel, and it's literally technology, our systems. We are encoded with light. We are encoded with limitless potential. We have the power to regenerate and heal ourselves and recode ourselves. I was just listening to Gregg Braden.
Kate Northrup:So good.
Jessica Zwieg:Oh, he's like my virtual mentor. I really, like, love him. I want him to hear this and like, will you mentor me? I wanna study under you. He's my guy.
Jessica Zwieg:And he was talking about I'm gonna botch this, but it was it was recently on a podcast, and he as well believes in the Pleiadians and that we were basically hybrids coming in to form 200000 years ago. And he said on this podcast, he goes, if beings came down from earth and created a species, don't you think they would leave us a message? Well, that message lives in our DNA. And if you look at the, elemental table and you look at the languages of, like, Hindu, Hebrew, Arabic, the letters in the elemental chart map to the first three letters of the alphabet in all three of these ancient languages. And if you interpret it, again, I'm I'm not botching this.
Jessica Zwieg:This is actually what he said, that you will see that it all says the same thing, which is, I am the body god eternal. Like, we are literally pieces of the divine. Yeah. Wow. And so when it comes to our wealth, our health, our relationships, our our dreams
Kate Northrup:Yeah. It's it the body is the way. It starts in the body. Yeah. So good.
Kate Northrup:Thank you so much for being here.
Jessica Zwieg:Thank you for having me, Kate.
Kate Northrup:Really such a yummy conversation.
Jessica Zwieg:I'm yeah. Yummy yummy is right. You're so yummy to be with, and I'm so grateful like that as your endorsement for my book, and it I meant it. I could feel it. I meant so much to me.
Kate Northrup:Yeah. You reflected that. I I mean and I really I really loved your book. I mean, I really did. It's one of my it's one of my principles that I won't actually I have I mean, I don't mean to sound like a snot, but I I have read books and turned down endorsing them.
Jessica Zwieg:Yeah.
Kate Northrup:And so I just I your book was great. Yeah. So everyone should get a copy, The Light Work. I know you have a virtual party coming up.
Jessica Zwieg:I have
Kate Northrup:to tell us about it.
Jessica Zwieg:So if you go to the lightworkbook.com, you can get a book there, and you can also get your ticket, comes with the book. August 8th, which is Lions Gate, 8:8, and we're in the year 2024. So it's 8:8:8. Super auspicious day. You can join me, Michael Beckwith, Koya Webb, and Danielle Paige, my friend who's an astrologer.
Kate Northrup:What a great lineup. Danielle has been on the podcast. Danielle
Jessica Zwieg:is every she was yeah.
Kate Northrup:She was there. Oh, that's
Jessica Zwieg:a good lineup. All 3 all 4 of us. Right. They're my special guests. From about 11 to 5, we're hosting a live virtual stream event.
Jessica Zwieg:You can dial in from anywhere in the world. We're going to take you through a light work activation, meditation, and channeling with Michael. Koya is gonna help us get into our bodies. Yeah. Danielle is gonna talk about what's happening on this planet and the future state, And I will, of course, be emceeing it, guiding it.
Jessica Zwieg:It's going to be the light work book launch party celebration, but it's so much it's gonna be so much more than that. Come, get activated, celebrate with the people that you're in the same room with. This is a very auspicious day. It is. And it's the day we manifest, open up the galactic portal portal.
Kate Northrup:And I also will say, you know, for those who don't know the hard science about quantum mechanics, there is something very well documented that happens when people gather even at a distance. Correct. There is a there's a profound that we wouldn't be able to if we were just hanging out solo meditating by ourselves.
Jessica Zwieg:Thank you for saying that. And just to reflect and hold that for yourself, yes. But, additionally, creating a collective Yep. Shift on the planet in this new consciousness.
Kate Northrup:Yeah. I mean, because you're gonna have thousands and thousands of people there. So that energetic wave will be profoundly healing. And if you were to run a study on it at the time, we would see the data. Yes.
Kate Northrup:Yeah.
Jessica Zwieg:Yes. And I would be honored if anyone from your community joined. You just buy a book to come and really step into that frequency with me. I would love to have you there and such luminary voices to join me on stage. We're all gonna be together live in person broadcasting this across the globe.
Kate Northrup:So come and
Jessica Zwieg:join us.
Kate Northrup:The light work workbook.com.
Jessica Zwieg:The light workbook dot com.
Kate Northrup:Okay. And I also know that you have a podcast Yes. That's new. Yes. Tell folks where to find you for with that.
Jessica Zwieg:Well, I've been podcasting for 4 5 years, since 2019, but I It's a new title. It. I rebranded it. I rebranded my life, Kate, if you couldn't
Kate Northrup:tell. 100%.
Jessica Zwieg:So my podcast is called the spiritual hustler, and it's really talking about the intersection of female entrepreneurship. Because I love to work. I love to make money. I love to create things. But to do it in a new vibration, to do it in the feminine vibration, which is why I named it the spiritual hustler and really reclaiming that word as a positive thing to be.
Jessica Zwieg:And it's so much fun. Come find me there.
Kate Northrup:So great. And I'm sure people can come find you on Instagram,
Jessica Zwieg:on your website. On Instagram. Jessica's wag is my handle. That's how you say my last name. Thank you for that.
Jessica Zwieg:Of course. It's I always I've been mispronouncing
Kate Northrup:it in my head for
Jessica Zwieg:a long time. You and, like, 95% people. It's Zweig. Thank you. It's German.
Jessica Zwieg:It's fine. Jessicazweig is, my Instagram, and you can find me at jessicazweig.com. Amazing. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me.
Jessica Zwieg:This was so much fun. I'm so glad. I love that we started with aliens.
Kate Northrup:Everything starts with aliens.
Jessica Zwieg:That's what I'm saying, Kate.
Kate Northrup:Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you. I'm so excited to be teaching a workshop for the first time at the Omega Institute in beautiful Rhinebeck, New York, October 18th through 20th called More Than Enough. During the weekend workshop, we are going to dig into healing and accessing more abundance for time, energy, and money from an energetic, emotional nervous system and practical standpoint.
Kate Northrup:There will be somatic practices. There will be journaling. There will be lecture. There will be dancing. And at the end of the workshop, you will have tapped into your access point for an experience of plenty in your life, specifically when it comes to time and money.
Kate Northrup:If you wanna know more to come join me for that workshop, head over to kate northrup.comforward/omega. I'll see you there.