Soul Why? The Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint

140: 21 Lessons On Launching An International Platform And Make It Profitable Part 2. How you can launch your business and make it

I know a lot of you are curious about our Soul Rich Woman launch results.

I’ve made mistakes but I’ve also been growing steadily and consistently. As always, don’t compare results. Get inspired, assured and fire you up by tuning in to this episode!

Here are some of the biggest lessons from our biggest launch ever.

Launch resistance is real.
Refunds will happen.
People will steal your stuff.
People will unsubscribe.
People will get pissed off by what you're selling.
Plan but not too much.
You won’t be able to implement everything.
Incentivize and support your affiliates.
Mindset, mindset, mindset.
Mistakes are inevitable and very invaluable.
Don’t compare.

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Show Notes

140: 21 Lessons On Launching An International Platform And Make It Profitable Part 2. How you can launch your business and make it profitable

Today’s episode is part two of 21 Lessons on launching Soul Rich Woman and many other launches. 

Launch resistance is real

02:07- 02:27  Everyone experiences it so the fact that you have resistance, people have resistance signing up for your program, products, or your services doesn’t mean that you’re not meant to launch.

Refunds will happen

03:24- 03:45  They are a business rite of passage and are inevitable. Do not stress about it. It doesn’t mean when people ask for a refund, you are not good or you are lousy because everyone gets refund requests all the time. 

People will steal your stuff

04:33- 04:46 Don’t stress too much about protecting all your IP. Some people will join, competitors will join and steal your stuff. 

04:51- 04:59 I mean, get legal on them if you need to put Terms & Conditions in place. Don’t hide for fear this will happen.

People will unsubscribe

05:11- 05:18 Unsubscribes will go up during a launch. 

05:40- 05:52 We can’t just hold onto people forever. People’s needs and people’s seasons will change. It’s nothing personal. Just turn off those unsubscribe notifications.

People will get pissed off by what you're selling

06:02- 06:38 People will get irrationally angry that you’re selling something. Even if you’re giving away 90% of your stuff for free. I am a true-blue experience for that. That’s why I have to tell you this, it sucks and it hurts. I already did 3,000 episodes of Facebook live free, content that I teach, I share my knowledge. And then people get angry about the stuff that we are selling. But it’s okay for you to make money from your business. If people don’t like it, they don’t buy it, that’s okay.

Plan but not too much

06:47- 07:05 Don’t get caught up in creating the perfect planning spreadsheet or that perfect launch spreadsheet. A simple google doc to-do list will do just fine. Action beats perfect planning every time.

You won’t be able to implement everything

07:22- 07:40 You can just keep a file of ideas for next time. You won’t be able to implement everything this time, but it’s handy to keep it in one place so you remember.

Incentivize and support your affiliates

08:22- 08:35 I’m a true believer in affiliates or associate partners because they will help you sell more.

08:39- 08:57 But it takes work to support them. Like you need to increase your customer service capabilities because your affiliates will have a lot of questions. 

09:44- 10:13 Remember, your affiliate’s money blocks will come into play. Like for example the price of your program and their commission, when they will receive their commission, all these things will trigger their own money stuff. You will also attract different affiliates depending on the price of your program. For example, I don’t really bother being an affiliate for small things like ebooks, but some affiliates get freaked out on selling things they perceive as being expensive.

Mindset, mindset, mindset

10:46- 11:01 I worked through so many blocks during the launch. Book in with your mentor to smash through the blocks, talk to your mastermind about everything you need to keep your vibration high.

Mistakes are inevitable and very invaluable

11:02- 11:16 You’re going to make mistakes, I confirm and I guarantee that. And that’s fine. Because each time you launch, you’re going to get better and better. Each time you launch you’re going to build on the next level of success.

Don’t compare

11:17- 11:47 Everyone starts from zero. When I first started Soul rich woman, I had zero followers, zero members, zero people paying me 12 dollars a month on the membership program. nobody pays me. Today, 200,000 members. We all start somewhere. Don’t assume that everyone has seen your stuff. Launch it again.

Key Takeaways:
  1. Launch resistance is real.
  2. Refunds will happen.
  3. Plan but not too much.
  4. Incentivize and support your affiliates.
  5. Don’t compare.

Key Resources:
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Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" --->

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I believe we can change the world. But first, we’ve got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.
Hi I'm Genecia Alluora, Founder of the #1 Leading Female Entrepreneur Network in South East Asia supporting 1 Million women to Own & LOve The F-Word. Being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and Family.

With a challenge to women everywhere to stop TALKING themselves out of their dreams, Soul Why? Secrets of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviours to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence, and believing in yourself to be recognised as a leader online. Get clients online and to have more impact on the world!

Stop Believing THE Lies ABOUT Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be. You're Just an "F-Word" Away from The Life You Want, The Marriage You Want... The Family That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Business & Life You Build ... Join me, become a Soul Rich Woman. Alone we are strong, Together we are unstoppable!

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Genecia Alluora: This episode is brought to you by, the leading platform to launch your podcast in 48 hours and make it profitable. Get your free audiobook and free web class at I believe we can change the world. But first we've got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.

Genecia Alluora: Hi, I'm Genecia Alluora, founder of the number one leading female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia, supporting 1 million women to own and love the F word. Being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and family. With a challenge to women everywhere to stop talking themselves out of their dreams. Soul why - Secrets of the Soul Rich Women's blueprint identifies the excuses to let go of the behaviors to adopt and the skills acquire on the path to growth, confidence and believing in yourself to be recognized as a leader online, with clients online, and to have more impact on the world. Stop believing the lies about who you.

Genecia Alluora: So you can become who you are meant to be. You are just an F word away from the life you want. The marriage you want, the family that you want is going to be fueled by the business and life you build. Join me. Be a soul rich woman. Alone, we are strong. Together we are unstoppable. Welcome to the show.

Genecia Alluora: Hello gorgeous and welcome to today's episode, the part two of the 21 lessons from launching Soul Rich Woman and many other launches. Now, I am Genecia Alluora, author of two bestselling books, former Miss Singapore, Cafe retail chain owner, and Southeast Asia Woman of Excellence 2010, International Progressive Women 2019. I'm also the founder of Soul Rich Woman, the number one female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia. So right now, let's go to number eleven. Now launch resistance is real. Now, everyone experiences it so the fact that if you have resistance, people have resistance signing up for your programs, products or your services doesn't mean that you are not meant to launch halfway through. I always want to give up my business forever and run away and just hide under the blanket because there are a lot of resistance. People ask questions, funny questions, weird questions, interesting questions. Don't take it as a sign to stop, just keep going. Even though people are resisting. Like you send something for people to record a make it happen micro podcast show, like five minutes and then they write email to you saying they can reschedule it when actually everything is automated. Or someone that you think that would hop on to support the make it movement happen, they just say, oh, I will just give you a pass, I'm not interested, so it's okay. Don't take it as a sign to stop. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming and just keep going. All right?

Genecia Alluora: Number twelve. Refunds will happen, all right? They are a business right of passage are inevitable. Do not stress about it. Doesn't mean that when people ask for a refund, you are not good or you are lousy because everyone gets refund request all the time. I still remember when my very first time I get a refund request, I blame myself. I thought I was lousy. But you know what? It's never about me. Maybe the other person on the other side of the world or the other just isn't a right time for them. Maybe the thing that you are promoting isn't a good fit for them. Or maybe they are just too busy to go through with the program. So there are many hundreds and thousands of reasons why they ask for refunds. Just take it positively into your stride that hey, people are actually paying you at first even before the refund happens. So celebrate the wins and focus on that rather than celebrating and focusing on the negative. All right?

Genecia Alluora: 13, people will steal your stuff. Now don't stress too much about protecting all your IP. I mean, some people will join, competitors will join and steal your stuff. They will watch a one day live stream course and copy everything out. I mean, get legal on them if you need to put terms and conditions in place. Don't hide for fear that this will happen. Now this is pretty rare and lots of people will miss out on your goodness if you let the fear of all these copycats stop you from launching. Number 14, people will unsubscribe. Ha ha. Now, unsubscribes will go up during a launch. Before I launched Soul Rich Woman, before that I was doing a cafe retail chain and I was doing helping business owners to bring their business online on another platform. And when I launched Soul Rich Woman, there were unsubscribes because maybe it's not relevant to them. That's okay because we can't just hold on to the people forever. I mean, people's needs and people's season will change, right? It's nothing personal. Just turn off those unsubscribe notifications and celebrate for those who stay on your list or on your email list or on your followers list, whichever that may be.

Genecia Alluora: Number 15, people will get pissed off by what you are selling now. People will get irrationally angry that you're selling something, even if you're giving away 90% of your stuff for free. Oh my God. I am a true blue experiencer for that. And that is what I have to tell you this. It sucks, okay? And it hurts. I already did 3000 episodes of Facebook Live free content that I teach and share my knowledge. And then people get angry about the stuff that we are selling, right? But you know what? It's okay for you to make money from your business. If people don't like it, they don't buy it. That's okay. Because they are not your fish. They are just not your customers. They are not your tribe. Number 16, plan but not too much. Don't get caught up in creating the perfect planning spreadsheet or the perfect launch spreadsheet. You know what a simple google document to do list will do just fine. Action beats perfect planning every time. I personally use Asana, A-S-A-N-A a lot, and I use Asana to launch everything. I put all my thoughts, my ideas into Asana, this project management tool, and it's helped me tremendously. Helped me and my team tremendously.

Genecia Alluora: Number 1,7 you won't be able to implement everything. To be frank, what is on the paper and what is in your head sometimes don't get translated out to reality. Haha. Because you can just keep a foul of ideas for next time. You won't be able to implement everything this time, but it's handy to keep it in one place so you remember, like my current make it happen, launch this make it happen micro podcast. Launch the Five minutes a day podcast. You know what, I had this idea a long time ago, but I know that I won't be able to implement everything running Soul Rich Woman and so many other things in my background to be able to have energy to do this. It was after many, many years later that I eventually decided, okay, I can focus on this and build a team to run this with me so that I don't have to do everything myself. So, you know what? Even though you won't be able to implement everything now, you will still be able to implement something, especially after more experiences accumulated.

Genecia Alluora: Number 18 incentivize and support your affiliates. Oh, I'm a true believer of affiliates or what we call associate partners, affiliates or associate partners because they will help you to sell more because you are also leveraging on their audience. But it takes work to support them. Like, you need to increase your customer service capabilities because your affiliates will have a lot of questions. So your customer affiliate customer service capabilities is not just for your customers, it's for your affiliates, because your affiliates will have a lot of questions because their customers or potential audience or potential customers are asking them a lot of questions. Okay? So do that and someone is going to have to answer those emails or messages on your messenger or on your WhatsApp or on your telegram. So don't assume that people know how to be an affiliate or associate partner of Sou Rich Woman. Like, for myself, right? For us, I don't assume that they know how to become an affiliate of Storage Woman or an associate partner of Soul Rich Woman and EDUPAC. You have to spell it out literally, like how to log in, how to use use your affiliate link, how to market well, how to even talk about your program.

Genecia Alluora: Yes, that's right. Remember, that's how your affiliates money blocks will come into play. Like, for example, the price of your program and their commission. When will they receive the commission? and all these things will trigger their own money stuff. You will also attract different type of affiliates depending on the price of your program. For example, I don't really bother being an affiliate for small things like ebooks. But some affiliates get freaked out on selling things they perceive as being expensive. That's right.

Genecia Alluora: And people love competitions, so have a sales or elite competition. Like, for example, we give out $20,000 worth of cash prizes, and we'll be paying out around $150,000 to affiliates on top of the $20,000 we did in the affiliate prizes. So this is my experience, really launching. Don't do it alone. Alone, you are strong. Together, we are unstoppable. Number 19, mindset, mindset, mindset. I work through so many blocks during the launch, book in with your mentor to smash through the blocks, talk to your mastermind, everything you need to keep your vibration high.

Genecia Alluora: 20, mistakes are inevitable and very, very valuable. You are going to make mistakes. I'm confident. I guarantee that. And that's fine, because each time you launch, you're going to get better and better. Each time you launch, you're gonna build on the next level of success. Number 21, don't compare. Everyone starts from zero. When I first started solo treatment, I had zero followers, zero members, zero people. Paying me $12 a month on the Soul F membership program. Nobody paid me at all. Nobody paid Soul Rich Woman anything.

Genecia Alluora: It was zero. And today, 200,000 members. Hello. We all start somewhere, all right? Don't assume that everyone has seen your staff launch it again. All right? So I hope that you are ready for your next step. I really admit that. When I go through my own launch, I can't really see it for myself. It's only when I look back, I connect the dots. That's when I see it for myself. So are you in a launch mode at the moment and would like to share something with me? Do connect with me on social media. All right, we all have a part to play in this now. This is your time, and you are ready for the next step.

Genecia Alluora: The more you take action in a consistent way, the faster you build momentum. And really grow your business. Now, if you love today's episode, do rate review and subscribe to our podcast on itunes and Spotify or any apps that you are using to listen in because it helps us to get found. Someone might just need to hear this episode today. As always, I love you, appreciate you, and thank you for being here. You are the reason why I show up every day to walk with you in front of you. I'm right here beside you. Perfectly, imperfect. Thank you. Good luck. Love you. See you in the next episode. Bye for now.

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