
Let's face it: running a store isn't always sunshine and lollipops. Disagreements between employees and frustrated customers – conflict is a fact of life. But fear not, conflict doesn't have to derail your team or your day. In this episode, we'll equip you with the tools to address these situations calmly and effectively and maintain a smooth-running store.

What is Thrive?

This podcast is for assistant managers looking to get promoted to store managers and new store managers. Getting promoted is the easy part. Keeping the job and becoming good at it is where I can help. Good results, good work-life balance, and big bonuses are what I'm talking about!

Taming the Storm: Conflict Resolution for Convenience Store Managers
Howdy folks. Mike Hernandez here. Welcome Store Managers to this edition of Thrive from C-Store Center. Let's face it: running a store isn't always sunshine and lollipops. Disagreements between employees and frustrated customers – conflict is a fact of life. But fear not, conflict doesn't have to derail your team or your day. In this episode, we'll equip you with the tools to address these situations calmly and effectively and maintain a smooth-running store.
Strategies for Taming Team Turmoil
First things first, let's address those internal clashes. Here are some tips to mediate conflict between employees:
• Separate the People, Not the Issue: When emotions run high, physical separation allows everyone to cool down before a productive conversation can occur.
Okay, so how do we put that "separate the people, not the issue" strategy into action? Imagine two employees, let's call them Sarah and Michael, are locked in a heated debate about the best way to stock the chips aisle. Voices are rising; fingers are pointing – classic conflict scene, right? Here's how to break it up constructively:
The Calming Intervention: First, acknowledge the tension. Walk in, project a calm presence (deep breaths help!), and politely interrupt. You don't need to assign blame; state the obvious: "Hey folks, I see there seems to be a disagreement. Let's take a quick break and come back to this when we can all have a calmer conversation."
The Cooling-Down Period: A short pause allows everyone to take a breath, literally and figuratively. Let's suggest that Sarah dust off some displays in another section while Michael rotates the stock in the beverage cooler. A few minutes apart can do wonders for defusing emotions.
Setting the Stage for Resolution: Once things have settled, bring them back together. This could be a quick chat in your office or even a quiet corner of the store away from prying ears. With everyone less fired up, you can start facilitating a productive conversation about the chip aisle dilemma.
A Real-Life Example of Separation Magic
I once had two employees who just constantly clashed over cleaning procedures. Every tidying session turned into a passive-aggressive competition. The solution? I started assigning specific cleaning zones. Sarah tackled the front counter while Michael deep-cleaned the backroom. This physical separation wasn't a punishment; it was a strategic move! Suddenly, the tension vanished, and guess what? The store ended up cleaner because they weren't focused on nitpicking each other's work.
Remember, separating the people isn't about creating a permanent wall. It's a temporary time-out, allowing everyone to cool down and approach the issue clearly. Once the storm passes, you can guide them toward a solution that benefits everyone.
• Active Listening is Your Superpower: Hear both sides of the story without interrupting. Pay attention to the words, underlying feelings, and frustrations.
Alright, let's talk about the magic of active listening. Imagine you're a superhero, but instead of fancy tights and a cape, your superpower is truly understanding what people are saying. Pretty cool, right? Active listening isn't just about zoning out while someone talks – it's about giving your full attention and digging a little deeper to uncover the whole story. Here's how to activate that power:
Be Present: Put down your phone, silence the internal to-do list chatter, and make eye contact. Show the person you're genuinely interested in what they have to say.
Listen Beyond the Words: People don't always say exactly what they mean. Pay attention to body language, tone of voice, and any underlying emotions bubbling beneath the surface. Is a frustrated employee complaining about restocking issues or feeling overwhelmed by their workload?
Acknowledge and Summarize: Let the person know you're hearing them. Phrases like "It sounds like you're feeling frustrated" or "So, what you're saying is..." show you're paying attention and validating their feelings.
My "Aha!" Moment with Active Listening
We once had a customer convinced we were constantly out of stock on their favorite bottled water brand. They'd come in fuming, accusing us of poor inventory management. At first, I went into defensive mode, explaining our ordering system. Big mistake!
Finally, I took a step back and truly listened. They relied on that brand for their elderly parent who had trouble opening other bottles. With that understanding, we found an alternative with an easier-to-grip cap and a happier customer (and a calmer manager!).
Active listening isn't about agreeing with everything you hear; it's about showing respect and building trust. When people feel listened to and understood, they're more open to finding a solution that works for everyone. So, unleash your inner listening superhero – your team and customers will thank you!
• Focus on the Problem, Not the Person: Don't resort to personal attacks. Keep the discussion focused on how to resolve the issue for a better outcome for everyone.
It's easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and start pointing fingers or making personal jabs. But trust me, that's a recipe for disaster. Here's why staying focused on the problem is critical:
It Maintains Professionalism: Nobody enjoys being criticized or called out in front of others. When you keep the discussion on the specific issue, it fosters a more professional and respectful environment.
It Promotes Collaboration: Blaming doesn't solve anything. Instead, focus on working together to find a solution. Think of it like tackling a puzzle – you need all the pieces to fit together for a complete picture.
It Leads to Long-Term Improvements: By identifying the root cause of the problem, you can address it directly and prevent similar issues from popping up again. It's about creating a lasting solution, not just a temporary fix.
A Real-Life Example of Focusing on the Problem
Let me tell you about a situation I had to mediate between a customer and an employee. The customer was upset because their favorite chips were stale. It could have quickly devolved into a blame game – the employee accusing the customer of grabbing an old bag, the customer accusing the store of poor inventory management. But instead, I focused on the problem itself: stale chips. We apologized to the customer, offered a fresh bag, and checked the entire chip display to ensure all the products were within date.
Everyone walked away satisfied, and we learned a valuable lesson about regularly rotating stock.
Remember, when you keep the conversation focused on the issue and how to resolve it, you create a win-win situation. The problem gets addressed, everyone feels heard, and you move forward with a more positive outcome.
It's all about finding common ground and working together to make your store run smoothly.
Staying Calm in the Eye of the Storm
Now, picture this: a frustrated customer erupts at your cashier. It's easy to get swept away in the moment. But remember, remaining calm and neutral is critical. Here's why:
• It De-escalates the Situation: When you stay calm, you set the tone for the interaction. It shows the customer they're being heard and allows them to calm down.
Picture this: a customer walks in, fuming mad because their coupon wasn't accepted. It's easy to get flustered and match their energy, right? But here's the thing – when you stay calm, it works magic. Here's why:
It Diffuses Tension: Imagine a fire – throwing gasoline on it (aka getting defensive) only makes it worse. Your calmness acts like water, dousing the flames of anger and frustration. The customer feels acknowledged, not attacked, which allows them to take a breath and hopefully become more receptive.
It Creates Space for Reason: When everyone's yelling, logic goes out the window. By staying calm, you create a space for a rational conversation. You can explain the store policy, explore alternative solutions, and maybe even find a way to make the customer happy despite the initial hiccup.
It Shows Professionalism: Even in the face of a customer meltdown, maintaining your composure shows you're in control and dedicated to finding a resolution. It instills trust and demonstrates that you take customer concerns seriously.
A "Staying Calm" Story from the Trenches
Let me share a real-life example. We once had a customer convinced they were overcharged for groceries.
The receipt looked like a foreign language, and their frustration was boiling over. My first instinct was to point out the marked sale prices.
Thankfully, I took a deep breath and opted for a calmer approach. I walked them through the receipt line by line, explained the discounts, and even offered to rescan a few items to ease their mind. In the end, there was a simple misunderstanding, and the customer left happy and a little sheepish.
Staying calm isn't about being a pushover; it's about strategic communication. It shows the customer you're there to listen and help, not escalate the situation. Remember, a calm manager is a calm store, leading to happy customers and a more positive work environment for everyone.
• It Allows for Clear Thinking: Rational solutions go out the window when emotions run high. Staying calm allows you to assess the situation and develop a thoughtful response.
Picture this: a customer walks in, fuming mad because their favorite cereal brand is missing from the shelf. It's easy to get flustered and match their energy, right? But here's the thing – when you stay calm, it works magic. Here's why:
It Diffuses Tension: Imagine a fire – throwing gasoline on it (aka getting defensive) only makes it worse. Your calmness acts like water, dousing the flames of anger and frustration. The customer feels acknowledged, not attacked, which allows them to take a breath and hopefully become more receptive.
It Creates Space for Reason: When everyone's yelling, logic goes out the window. By staying calm, you create a space for a rational conversation. You can explain any stock issues, explore alternative options, maybe a different brand or a raincheck, and find a way to make the customer happy despite the initial disappointment.
It Shows Professionalism: Even in the face of a customer meltdown, maintaining your composure shows you're in control and dedicated to finding a resolution. It instills trust and demonstrates that you take customer concerns seriously.
A "Staying Calm" Story from the Trenches
Let me share a real-life example. We once had a customer convinced their lottery ticket was a winner, but the scanner disagreed. The frustration was real, and accusations started flying. My first instinct was to point out that the machine never makes mistakes (tempting, right?). Thankfully, I took a deep breath and opted for a calmer approach. I apologized for the confusion, offered to double-check the ticket with a supervisor, and even suggested contacting the lottery office directly. In the end, it turned out the customer had misread a number. They left feeling a little silly, but overall, they appreciated that I didn't escalate the situation.
Staying calm isn't about being a pushover; it's about strategic communication. It shows the customer you're there to listen and help, not escalate the situation. Remember, a calm manager is a calm store, leading to happy customers and a more positive work environment for everyone.
• It Projects Professionalism: Even in the face of a yelling customer, maintaining your composure shows you're in control and dedicated to finding a solution.
Imagine a customer berates your cashier for a long line, blaming them for the store's inefficiency. It's easy to get flustered and defend your employee, right? But here's the thing: staying calm and professional goes a long way. Here's why:
It Commands Respect: When you remain composed under pressure, it shows the customer you're a leader who can handle difficult situations. It diffuses their anger and encourages them to respectfully treat you and your employees.
It Builds Trust: A professional demeanor shows the customer you take their concerns seriously and are dedicated to finding a solution. It fosters trust and opens the door to a more constructive conversation.
It Sets a Positive Example: Remember, your employees watch how you handle these situations. By staying professional, you set a positive example for your team, encouraging them to do the same when faced with challenging customers.
A "Professionalism Pays Off" Story
Let me share a real-life example. We once had a customer convinced the price tag on a product was wrong. They were adamant, their voice rising with each sentence. My first instinct was to sigh dramatically and point out the giant barcode scanner right next to the register, not my finest moment. Thankfully, I recomposed myself and opted for a professional approach. I calmly apologized for the confusion, politely re-scanned the item, and even offered to double-check the price with the system myself.
In the end, it turned out there had been a genuine pricing error. The customer ended up happy (with a discounted item!), and I learned a valuable lesson about the importance of staying professional, even when you're internally screaming.
Projecting professionalism isn't about being emotionless; it's about presenting a calm and collected demeanor. It shows the customer you're there to help, not add fuel to the fire. Remember, a professional manager inspires trust and respect, leading to smoother customer interactions and a more positive store environment for everyone.
Role-Playing: Mastering Mediation
Alright, let's put these strategies into action! We'll do some role-playing exercises. Imagine you're mediating a conflict between two employees who disagree on how to handle customer returns. Remember the tips: separate them, actively listen, and focus on solutions. Let's see how we can resolve this situation. Volunteer for role-playing – facilitate a scenario where two employees disagree on customer return policy.
Okay, folks, now's the moment we've been prepping for! Let's get those conflict resolution skills working in a real-life scenario with some role-playing. Remember, we're practicing being the calm, effective mediator in a tense situation.
Scenario Setup
We've got two employees, let's say, Rebecca and Jason, who are locked in a debate about handling customer returns. Rebecca is adamant that we should have a strict return policy – no receipt, no refund, end of story. Jason disagrees, arguing that flexibility builds customer loyalty.
Their disagreement is starting to impact their work relationship and create tension for everyone around them.
It's your job as the manager to step in and facilitate a solution.
Volunteers Needed!
Who's feeling brave? I need someone to step into the role of Rebecca, someone else to be Jason, and I'll play the patient, hopefully, manager. Remember, it's all about practicing those techniques, not award-winning acting. Let's tackle this conflict!
The Mediation: Act I
Manager me: "Okay, Rebecca and Jason, there's clear disagreement about our return policy. Let's take a step back and have a productive conversation about this. How about Rebecca heads to inventory to check on the new shipment, and Jason finishes tidying that endcap? We'll regroup in my office in 10 minutes." Separation technique in action!
The Mediation: Act II

Manager: "Alright, let's focus on finding a solution here. Rebecca, I want to hear your perspective first. Why do you feel a strict return policy is important?"
Rebecca: Gives her reasoning, likely focused on preventing fraud and protecting inventory.
Manager: "Thank you, Rebecca. I appreciate you explaining that. Now, Jason, what are your thoughts on why some flexibility might be beneficial?"
Jason: Responds, likely focusing on customer satisfaction and building relationships.
Manager: "Okay, I understand both sides here."
Manager Notes:
Remember to actively listen, summarize their key points, and look for underlying emotions or frustrations.
Let's see where this conversation goes and how we can guide them toward a compromise that works best for the store, the employees, and the customers.
Tips for Participants:
Stay in character, but also be open to where the conversation flows
Remember, nobody's "right" or "wrong," we're looking for a mutually beneficial solution
This is just the beginning of the mediation process. Do you want to see how it plays out? Let's go!
Real-Life Case Studies: Dissecting Success
Now, let's analyze successful conflict resolution in real-life situations. Think of a time you faced a challenging customer interaction. What de-escalated the situation? How did you maintain a calm demeanor? Please share your experiences, and let's dissect those strategies that turned conflict into a positive resolution.
It's time to share our battle stories and learn from each other's experiences. Think about that difficult customer encounter that still sticks with you – what made it challenging?
But more importantly, what techniques did you use that helped resolve it successfully?
Here's the thing about conflict: each situation is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. But by sharing our stories and picking apart what worked and maybe what didn't, we can all expand our conflict resolution arsenal. Think of it as a team brainstorming session where everyone benefits from the collective wisdom.
Who Wants to Start Us Off?
I'm looking for a volunteer! Share a scenario summary: the problem, the strategy you used, and the outcome. Don't be shy – even slightly awkward moments can have valuable insights for us.
Let's Dissect the Success!
Once we have a scenario, let's dig in:
What was compelling about the approach?
Was there a point where the communication hit a snag? How was it course-corrected?
How did you stay calm when things got heated? Even the most seasoned manager gets a little flustered sometimes!
What lessons can we all learn from this situation to apply next time conflict arises?
Maybe someone had an "aha moment" with active listening that changed the whole direction of a conversation? Or a bit of creative problem-solving resulted in resolving an issue and improving a store policy for the better.
Each experience offers nuggets of wisdom!
My Messy Success
I'll be brave and confess first. I once had a shouting match with a customer who was convinced I was deliberately hiding their favorite snack. Now, that's not exactly a shining management moment. But, in the aftermath, I learned a ton. After cooling down, I sought feedback from my employees who witnessed the spectacle.
My tone of voice was more defensive than I realized. That taught me the importance of being conscious of my non-verbal cues, even when frustrated.
So, don't be afraid to share the triumphs and even those less-than-ideal moments – actual growth comes from examining them all!
Conclusion: Building a Conflict-Competent Team
Remember, conflict can be an opportunity for growth. Equipping yourself with these tools allows you to confidently navigate disagreements, maintain a positive work environment, and ultimately foster a stronger team.
Oh, and before I go, here are some questions for you to consider:
• How can you create an environment where employees feel comfortable addressing disagreements directly with each other?
• What communication strategies can you teach your team to help them resolve conflicts on their own?
• How can you empower your team members to stay calm and professional during customer interactions?
By prioritizing conflict resolution skills, you'll be well on your way to managing a store that thrives on collaboration and positive communication. Remember, a calm manager makes for a calm team, and a calm team makes for a smooth-running, successful store!
I look forward to your insights and questions. I am working on two exciting things I hope to have ready in the next few months. One is a digital newsletter or magazine for store-level employees called C-Store Thrive. I will share more information when the time comes. I will also start a podcast to talk to employees like you who keep the industry going. Let me know if you want to share your story with the industry. Please email your questions and comments to
Thank you for tuning in to another insightful episode of Thrive from C-Store Center. I hope you enjoyed the valuable information. If you find it useful, please share the podcast with anyone who might benefit. Again, I'm Mike Hernandez. Goodbye, and see you in the next episode!
Thrive from C-Store Center is a Sink or Swim Production.