Clydesdale Media Podcast

We talk about how the Adaptive CrossFit Games by Wheelwod are kicking off this week along with The TYR Cup and TYR Wodapalooz SoCal this week as well.  How will this affect the streams and attendance for both or either?  Wodapalooza Miami announces a new South Beach location with promises of more big news to come.  Carolyne breaks down her performance at the Nor Cal Classic, plus Rogue Q results even if they are unofficial at this moment.  We talk All Access Episode 2 coming out on Monday and whatever else is brought up in the chat.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

We're on a little bit early

tonight because...

I love the Chicago Bears,

and they're on at eight fifteen tonight.

So my co-hosts were gracious

tonight and allowed me the

opportunity to watch them.

And we would just go early.

And if you like the eight o'clock time,

all you do is hit the

replay button at eight o'clock.


That works.

You can watch at that time if you wish.

But we wanted to come on and.

even though I thought it was

going to be kind of a slow

little news week, uh,

we got a little bit of,

a little bit of excitement

this week with some announcements.

Um, and, um, we have, we awards, uh,

CrossFit games,

the adaptive CrossFit games

this weekend coming up that

can be live streamed as well as, um,

the tier cup water Palooza.

So Cal is going on this weekend as well.

so we got we're going to

preview a little bit of

that and then we're going

to talk to carolyn about

her podium finish last week

and we haven't got to see

you since then so

congratulations in person

thank you um so and the

other thing is don't forget

to like subscribe join the

channel hit the notifier so

you know when we're going

to be on um the other thing

we've talked about is

We have loved the Sunday

night additions of this.

It started as a Thursday

night CrossFit talk.

It moved to Sunday night

because the demand really

called for that.

But with football season here,

we want to put it out to you,

the audience.

Do you still like the Sunday

night time for this show?

Or would you like to see it

on another night or another time?

This is the only Sunday

night game the Bears have all year.

So I don't need to go

earlier any other week.

But just putting it out there,

if you are...

if you want it on a different night or you,

because of football season, we,

we are open to moving it.

But we have definitely got

more demand on Sunday night

than we have on any night

we have run this show.

And so we want to stick with that.

If you guys want us to, if not,

we're cool with like

considering some other,

other options as well.

Yeah, because of the Bears.

We're one to know.

And for Chicago Bears fans,

that is as much hope as

we've had in the last twenty five years.

I know, Andrew,

we're interrupting the

Chiefs Bengals game and it

actually is really tight.

Is it?

It is really tight.

It's like seven, eight, sixteen.



It's on commercial right now.

I'll be here.

My wife is upstairs watching

the Steeler Bronco game.

Um, so yeah.

So moving times,

we're going to hit somebody, something,

um, you know, at some point.

So we just want to make sure like, if,

if you love Sunday nights,

we'll keep it Sunday nights,

eight o'clock and keep moving forward.

Uh, Lynn loves Sunday nights.

Haven't missed one since it moved to the,

the, this time slot.


Well, continue to write it there,

or if you're watching on replay,

throw it in the comments,

and we'll consider anything.

But it looks like just with

the response we have now,

we'll probably keep it at

Sunday nights for now.

But we will definitely.

Andrew Sten votes for Sunday

nights as well.

I'm looking for Lana in the comments.

She's usually there cheering

for the Lions.

I'm curious how she felt

about our game today.

She must not be on tonight.

Wallowing in the sorrows.

A little bit of an upset, huh?


It was a bad finish.

The Niners lost too, so I'm sad.

I'm sad because they lost.

I'm a bandwagon Niners fan.

Since Lex.

I can't cheer for another

team in that house.

That's fair.

The Niners are a likable team.

Very likable.

It was an easy bandwagon move.

Like they, when I was a kid,

I hated the forty Niners.

Like I hated the Joe Montana, Jerry Rice,

because they were winning everything.

And, you know,

but these guys are kind of like,

I love Christian McCaffrey.

I'm sorry.

He's on the injured reserve

list right now.

Oh, Lana.

Lana's too sad to talk.

I hear you.

So how's, how's,

how have your weeks been ladies?

Mine's been busy just after three days of,

uh, school or three, two and a half days.

Cause I went to,

I took a half day on Monday.


but just playing catch up on what was

actually done when I was away.

And, um,

getting work for the first

couple of weeks of school.

That for me is always more

stressful is like the first week,

week and a bit,

because nothing's really

established for like routines yet.

And then once you're in the flow of things,

it's, it just gets like easier.

So it's just been stressful.

Just again, stuff going.

Does your workload change

from year to year?

Cause I know you teach multiple subjects.

Do you get a different ratio

kind of every year?

Um, like this, um,

This semester I have a

leadership class that I've

never taught before.

Normally I have like two

math classes or a math and

science and then a fitness class.

But then I just found out

this week that one of the

teachers moved away.

So they're looking for a math teacher.

So I might actually possibly

lose that leadership class and

get my math class that I normally have.

Um, so that's also stressful this weekend.

It's like possibly preparing

for a class that I actually

won't be teaching after this week.


But I would, I,

I hope to teach the math class.

I like that math class a lot.

Were you, were you sore?

Are you feeling okay?

I was so sore from Kelsu.

So sore.

It took me many days after.

It would almost be like a

bruising feeling when I

would squat because I

wasn't ready for loading.

Mostly just that one.

Upper body felt fine.

Just the quads from that.

That's why I did Kelsu two

weeks before so nothing

could touch that soreness.

I got to the games like I

was like I'm I'm good I'm

gonna be good I mean the

females I mean we didn't

fully do kelsey only colton

did the full one hundred

but I mean we were pretty

close like um yeah liz and

I were you know less than

ten reps away so right

pretty close to all that

volume um yeah that was a

tough workout uh lex asked

jamie how's tennis

Uh, yeah, it's, I mean,

I'm happy that I'm in like my off season.

Cause it is a lot like we're

in our second week of Tuesday, Thursday,


So I've got three,

we got our third week

coming up this week of Tuesday, Thursday,


Um, so it's just, it's a lot.

He's, he's doing good.

Um, he plays four singles.

He did, um, uh,

last year hazlet one of the

schools near us um we never

beat hazlet um I feel like

the last several years it's

been all four doubles will

win and all four singles

will lose and so we we

split four and four um and

last year lucas played four

singles and won that match

so it was like it was the

first time that they beat

hazlet that I know of like

in like last ten fifteen years um

So I felt like he had a lot

of pressure on him to win

the four singles again this

year and he didn't end up winning.

So they ended up splitting four,

four again.

And I felt like he just, I don't know.

He looked like a different kid out there.

Like he was like discouraged and, um,

but he went on Thursday.

So that was good.

And then he took second in

the invitational they just

had on Saturday.

So hopefully he's getting

some confidence back.

That's awesome.


Sports are, are rough on the psyche.

That's for sure.

it, it, it's hard to watch him.


and there's so many rules with tennis.

I just can't like,

like you can't talk to them.

You can't, I, I, I don't get it.

Like we got yelled at Aaron and I,

cause we like,

they needed to switch sides, you know,

every two serves they switch.

And I just like, I just did this to Lucas.

It wasn't trying to comment

on score or anything.

I was just making sure the

kids didn't play another set,

another game there on that

side of the court.

And they're like, you can't say anything.

And I'm like,

just I don't care if it's

even against my kid I just

want to keep things fair

out there like it's just

it's it was eighty six

degrees hot like they don't

need to be doing extra does

you want to play after

graduation I have no idea I

you know I'd I'd be curious

if when he go like I think

he might end up going to

msu um if they have like a

club team if he would

keep keep at it he's got

watching him is crazy

because he's gotten so much

better just even this year

just over the last few

weeks um I can't even like

play with him anymore so I

don't know yeah that's cool

yeah um lex asked how I'm

doing and my wife's knee

surgery soon so we went to

pennsylvania this weekend

to see my mom and julie

went to see her parents um

those are rough trips now

because with Julie's knee

and the shape it's in,

our parents buy the,

this furniture that's like

lower to the ground.

And it just,

it makes it so hard for Julie

to get up out of a chair

like all the time.

So she has to like sit in a

dining room chair or

something like that most of the weekend.

And it's just hard.


But the surgery is coming soon.

It's actually January.

So Julie's lost twenty eight

pounds for people who don't know.

She's working very hard so

that when the surgery happens,

she wants to get as much

weight off as possible.

So the recovery is better.

and faster.

And she made the decision to

go till January because she

wants the opportunity to

lose more weight before it comes.

I've tried to convince her,

you're in so much pain now,

like rehab pain is going to

be there regardless.

I would rather like get after it

But the cool thing is we

switched back to my

insurance and they have

sent her a program where

she gets an iPad and they

do virtual physical therapy

with her up to five days a week for free.



Ten to twenty minutes a day.

Um, so she's going to start on that now.

Um, and it all takes,

it takes into account like

that she's using a cane

right now and that she

can't put full weight on

her knees because of where they are,

but it's designed to like

strengthen the muscles around that.

So when it comes time for the surgery,

she'll be prepared.

So we really lucked out with that.

We got that in the mail last week.

She signed up and that'll

come hopefully this week

and she can start with that.

I'm excited for her.


I think it'll be life changing for us,


My only issue with the trip is my back.

Just not having my furniture, my bed, my,

you know, typical thing.

And sometimes the bed my mom

has is really comfortable, and I am fine.

But I woke up this morning just, like,

all jacked up.

So it's getting it loosened

up today before bed so that

it feels better tomorrow

and ready to get after things.

But, yep.

But there we go.

So first topic of discussion

tonight is going to be a NorCal Classic,

which you've already

started with some Cal-Su discussion.



walk us through what the weekend

was like because it started

off rough and it ended really awesome.

And I'm sure there's a lot in between.


it started off fine in the run and


I don't know what's going on with my body,

but I just have never done

well with heat and running.

And this isn't the first

time that this has happened.

This happened to me in Dubai,

this happened to me at ruck

run at the games in like post ruck run.

I was really, really struggling.

I ended up having grabbed

out like the next day, um,

after Mary and then the

semifinals this year.

But this one was like the

worst one of them all.


I finished the race like I

was keeping us keeping

close to Trista basically the whole run.

Like she was probably so

annoyed at my mouth

breathing behind her as I was running.

But I was just like,

I'm not at the pack that's

in front of that.

So I'm just going to stay

close to her and see if I

can out sprint her at the end.

Like that was my plan in the run.

I know that she was one of the ones,

one of the competitors I

had to stay close during,

like during the event.

So I was like,

I may as well stay close to her.

And then I was,

I just kept looking at my

watch in that run.

It was like,

it was supposed to be five

point five miles.

I think it was maybe a

little bit more than that.

Um, but yeah,

I just was starting to overheat.

Like my feet were getting

hot and then the last

kilometer and a bit I let Trista go.

And then I just was holding on for,

for dear life.

I ended up making it to the finish line,

but then collapsed.

And then they got like ice

all over me for a while.

Like they were keeping my

head up or else I was just

gonna fall forward or

wherever the direction was going.

And then they brought a Jeep

and took me to the top.

The firefighters were there

trying to get me to go to the hospital.

I just didn't know,

like as a Canadian being in the States,


like I know I'm insured like in

Canada with my work, but I just like,

wasn't sure with all of that.

So I'm like,

I'm not going to the hospital.

I'm good.

Like everything's good.

And like, um,

so we ended up like waiting

it out a little bit up,

like at the top of the place,

ended up like puking there

for a little bit.

And then Lex and I made the

decision to go back to the

hotel and see whether

everything was just going to settle down.

Cause at that point it was

only ten forty five AM and

my next event wasn't until seven thirty.

So we tried going back to the hotel.

We chilled,

tried to get some sort of fluid

in me or food.

Nothing was staying down.

Like it was just coming out.

Like I was just puking for

like the whole afternoon.

So then Lex drove me to the

ER and then I got two bags of fluid.

Like even after the first one,

I wasn't fully great.

At that point,

like I was ready to withdraw.

And then like Lex and I were

making plans to go to the

movies the next day.

We're like, no,

we're just gonna go by the

event a little bit and, you know,


And then the afternoon we'll

go watch a movie.

And, you know,

like I was set on withdrawing.

I'm like, there's no way,

like the events in a couple, like two,

three hours,

like I'm still here at the hospital.

And then like,

I'm getting a text message

or not text message,

Instagram message from one

of my competitors that

asked how I was doing.

Lauren Stalwood.

I've never even spoken to her before,

but she reached out and she

asked how I was doing.

And then she was like,

just get your head in the game.

Come back to the event.

I have a change of clothes

for you if you need it.

She was like,

these two events aren't as

like taxing on the body.

Just see what you can do.

And then on the Friday, like,

or on the next day,

like if you don't feel good type thing.

And then I just started

reflecting and I was like, you know what?

Like these two gymnastics

specialist events aren't that bad.

hard on the body in terms of

um where my stomach was at

that at that point so I got

out of the hospital it may

have been five forty five

we was about half hour from

the venue we went there and

an hour later I was on the

competition floor doing

circles around the that pull-up bar um


That event I was fine with

the handstand event.

I was really disappointed in

my performance there.

And I don't know whether my

heat exhaustion from the

morning had any factors in

my handstand walk being not

as good as I normally am,

but that was a poor finish for me,

which normally would be a

pretty strong one.


I ended up diving to the,

like almost diving to the

finish line on the

backwards walk at one point.

And I didn't think anything of it.

Didn't feel anything during the event.

And then that night when I was showering,

I was like, Lex,

there's something wrong with my shoulder.

I did something to my

shoulder the next morning.

I couldn't even hold a bar

empty barbell above my head.

So I was ready to withdraw again.

Um, I'm like, this isn't worth it.

I did something to my shoulder.

And then somehow, uh,

like once I started warming up,

like I could feel it a little bit,

but then I was able to snatch.

very good for me and

finished the weekend with

no pain on the competition floor.

Um, so yeah,

it was a very up and down

weekend because I was ready

to withdraw multiple times.

So just happy to finish it,

finished my swimming event.

But yeah, I think she makes fun of me.

This is what Lex says.

She says she has pretendinitis.

She thinks I pretend that I'm injured.

And I'm like, no, I swear it is hurting.

There's something wrong with it.


I ended up getting an MRI this week.

So waiting for the results of that.

I'm calling my doctor tomorrow.

So, yeah.

But most of the events went as planned.

The one I'm the most

disappointed with is the handstand walk.

I feel like I could have

been a top five in that one.

I was like seventeenth or eighteenth.

I didn't really know what

the tiebreaker was.

A lot of us tied and I was

in the first heat at that point.

So we just didn't know what

the tiebreaker was.

Yeah, that one, the swim is what it is.

I never do well in the swim.

I think I was one of the

last ones out of the water again.

so you you killed the end of

the weekend like with two

seconds to get it was more

crossfit like to like I did

I had the most top fives um

within the group but I just

have I had too many holes

right I had my swimming

event wasn't good and my

handstand walk event wasn't

good um but mostly like the

crossfit stuff I was good

at so I wanted to get your

opinion on this lynn talks about

She wanted to know your

opinion on the bucket hold thing.

What was your strategy other

than not to drop it?

And then I heard on Barbell Spin,

the organizers say that

they actually eliminated

that score because of

judging inconsistencies.

And when I heard that, I thought,

what a breath of fresh air.

They took the opportunity to

correct something they saw

in judging inconsistencies

to remove that from the

overall score and allow it

not to affect the leaderboard.

I thought it was the right move.


I have no idea where like my time would

have been.

I think it like,

it was pretty close to what

I had heard from the other people,

but it just, as the weekend went on,

like there was just

different people working

that station and the

standard was not the same

at the briefing.

We were supposed to hold my

shoulders hurting a little

bit at ninety degree.

And then as I got to the place.

The bucket could be at the at the aisle.

It was like you can't have

your your hands above the eyes.

Now, when I got there,

it was the bucket could be

at your eyes level.

People weren't exactly there.

They're a little bit more in front.

Some people,

their wrists couldn't be bent.

Sorry, I'm going to go like this.

They had to be like this,

holding the bucket there.

So there were so many

different iterations of the

workout from the Friday to

the Saturday at seven when

it was due that like it, it wasn't fair.

Like it literally wasn't

fair to judge that for that

to be a hundred point when it

It was all over the map.

So what they did was

basically if you did the event,

because you had to sign up

and do the event.

So some people may have

forgotten to do it or didn't sign up.

So they got zero points.

But if you showed up and did the event,

you got fifty points at least.

It was like just for doing it.

And then the ones that got

the win overall ended up

getting a barbell.

So I think it's the best

that they could have done.

I always expect some like

different events at NorCal Classic.

They've done that for many years.

Like last year, um,

they had like the double broad jump.

They had a, the,

they did the pullovers in

the backwards Hanson walk a

little bit last year,

but like Lex has always told me,

cause she's competed at

NorCal many times that this

is what they do.

They always do some unique

stuff and things that you

don't see at other comps,

but glad that they, um,

address the issue of that challenge.

Um, so the,

so CrossFit says basically it

was a CrossFit pass fail course.



And like some people were saying like,

well, what about, uh,

like that was hard on the body and, um,

or sorry, uh,

like the inconsistencies in judges,

you know, from lane to lane on a workout,

what's the difference

between that and this event?

But I think this was way different than,


an event where you're getting more rep,

no reps than someone else

or someone getting away with something.

Like, I think this was,

there was significant

differences in the

challenge hold from person to person.

Jamie, your thoughts on them canceling it?


I mean, I,

that one would be frustrating if

you knew that you weren't

allowed to hold like that.

And some people did, or whether like,

whatever it was,

if somebody saw something

like pretty different and there's a,

The Arnold did a similar

thing with the axes and you

could see that the judging

there was even like

slightly inconsistent.

They would get called at

different points of when to

when they're starting to drop.

So, yeah,

if it's if it's not going to be


And I think that's the

problem with a floater WOD

like that is it's not just like a group,

a lane of people doing it

once where it's visible to see.

So I don't know if that

floater WOD is the best,

if it can't be done in the

same day with the same

people in charge of that event.


I just I like the way they handled it.

I've never really heard of a

pretty major competition doing that.

And I thought it was in the

best interest of all and

all people participating.

So I thought that was cool.

And that should be

highlighted as something

they did that that others have not.

So kudos to them.


clock says a sack town deck

can definitely get hot in the summer.

I've seen two week heat

waves with temps from one Oh two to one,

ten gets old fast.

And it was one Oh five that day of the run,



there was multiple people that had

heat exhaustion.

I think one athlete for sure, one male,

didn't come back to the

competition after his heat stroke.

I know another guy that came

back that night,

I saw him on the handstand walk event.

But yeah,

there was multiple people

struggling with the heat there.


Did you feel like the PFAA

failed at setting up safety

for that event?

I don't think that they were in charge.

The only thing the PFA did

with that one is the NorCal

ran the swimming protocols

with the PFA just to make

sure that they could go on

with the swimming under

like a checklist that they provided them.

And the PFA looked over the swim.

Nothing of the event was

looked over by the PFA, just the swim.



I got corrected on that on Tuesday on

the roundtable.

Oh, interesting.

So, yeah.

And when you go out and read

all the actual words under

the pictures and stuff,

it's very clear that they

only were partnering on the swim event.


The next thing I wanted to

bring up is the European

Championships secretly getting canceled.


So not only do you cancel an event,

but then you don't tell the

people that are coming to

the event that you've canceled it.

What's that?

Is it on Netflix or there

was like a concert or

something that got canceled?


Yeah, that's basically that.


CrossFit's version of Firefest.


Make all these promises,

do all these qualifiers to get there.

And then when it's time for the finals,

you just shut it down and

don't tell a soul.

Thank goodness for Jason CF

media for alerting the world, getting on,

doing a quick Instagram post,

tagging everybody he knew

in the media space to get it out.

So people wouldn't waste

their money going to an event.

Um, man, what a shame.

When is it?

When was it supposed to be?

I think it was supposed to

be this weekend.

So like people for sure had

like probably

non-refundable airline tickets.

That's awful.

I mean,

CrossFit brings up the people who

failed to pay.

which we had at can West.

We had events in, in Europe as well.

That was all around the COVID time.


and so I was hoping like once we got

past that, like things would be better.

And we were on a pretty good run.

So this one, um, wow.

but there's no regulatory

body on these events.

So there's no way to even

try to prevent this from

happening at this point.

So I don't even know, but man,

I think if you're a competitor, you've,

you've really got a, yeah, I don't know.


It's tough.

Like you want to pick

competitions that are reputable, right?

Like, and they had someone wrote, um,

they had problems.


Like years ago,

maybe that if that same

event had problems year, years ago.

Um, that's why I like,

I like going to the NorCal classic.

Like I,

I had a great experience last year.


they paid right at the podium right


Everything was organized.

Well, I was on time.

It's like, I just, you know what you get.


And then same with crash

crucible coming up.

What a palooza.

Like, you know what you get from there.

Like every year when you, when you go to,

um, Florida, you get a lot of rain.


But the SoCal one, I'm assuming,

will be a similar style of

event as what we're used to.

But sometimes you just don't

know when you go to these events.

I've been doing this online...

competition for the last,

it's like a quarterly competition.

And I've had a few people

message me because they

haven't messaged us for the last prizing.

And they're like, they just,

so I'm waiting to see

whether we're affected

because it's been like almost, you know,

three, four weeks.

And normally they're like

right after sending us the message.

So who knows?

Like a lot of,

a lot of competitions promise things.

That they're not ready to give.

And I don't know why they

promise all these prizing

money and stuff like that.

If they don't have that money already,

they're ready to give.

I just think that there's a

lot of bad business people out there.


With good hearts trying to

like good intention, but just bad,

bad plans.

And yeah.

Yeah, I agree.

I agree.

You would think a budget has this,

this bucket is for this,

this bucket is for that.

And you don't steal from the

prize bucket to pay for the

banners at the venue, right?


You don't.


So, but I don't, people,

people that run these competitions are,

are probably not people who are,

have run a small business either.


They're gym owners or, well,

I guess that is a small business.

So yeah, nevermind.

There's a reason a lot of

those are in financial trouble too.



Let's talk about the Rogue queue.

I'm going to try to pull up

the leaderboard.

As Rogue often does,

they posted their leaderboard,

and it shifts and it

changes because of

everything that's happened.

And so...

Because they have the most

stringent rules in online

competitions of any competition.

And you know that going in.

There is no,

you can't use it as an excuse.

You can't say you didn't

know because it is what it is.

So here is the leaderboard

as it stands as of this moment.

So I will blow this up.

And there's been penalties.

And in the past,

Rogue has changed the

leaderboard as they've

given out the penalties.

But this year,

they've frozen the

leaderboard until I think

all the penalties are addressed.

Because I think that was of

concern in the past year.

People were complaining that

the leaderboard just kept changing.

People were like, oh,

just wait until it's fully done.

So right now,

I haven't seen any changes

since the original night.

And then I'm assuming this

week we'll get an update.

So as it stands currently,

Georges Kerevis is in the lead.

Tudor Magda, after doing NorCal,

still qualified.

And you know we are big

Tudor fans on this show.

I wonder if he did any on the Thursday.


He did one.

And then the rest of them, yeah.

yeah crazy um and then cole

grease saber in third jorge

fernandez in fourth and

trayvon traven benton uh in

fifth who is longtime

friend of the show he's

been on a couple times to

our semi-final series um

and is abby domet's training partner

For people who don't know.

But he is.

And he's always at Waterpalooza.

He's always at those

mid-major competitions that

aren't necessarily the games.

But great kid, too.

I say kid.

He's got like a wife and a

kid and himself.

But I'm old.

So that is the men's side.

On the female side...

Mano Anganese is in first,

Jamie Simmons in second,

Sydney Wells in third,

Emmett Tull in fourth, and the Rogue,

other than our very own Carolyn Prevost,

the other Rogue challenge champion,

Taylor Williamson in fifth.

And Dana's doing well this year as well.


I was really surprised and

really glad to see her up there,

whether she gets in or not.

What a confidence builder to

go toe to toe in this, in this qualifier.

There was a lot of power

output strength in the workouts.

And besides Jamie, like you can just tell,

like, these are some,

some good bike or you have

to be good on the echo bike

with that one workout

strong with the barbell.

Where's our,

where's our friend Hattie sit in?

I think a little bit lower, like,

seventeenth or something.

Holy cow, there's a lot of names on here.


I don't see Hattie right now.

I'd have to go to the next page.

Crazy for Manon, though.

She qualifies every year

through the queue.

Every year.

Very consistent there.

Last year, I think, got second.

This year wins it.

Someone who didn't get the games this year,


Yeah, and Rogue suits her.


And then good for Amartal for getting,

you know,

her redemption from not being able to,

well, deciding not to do the games.


Taylor's someone that, you know,

would be exciting to see at

Rogue because of her

wheelhouses that she can, that she has.

She would mess up the

leaderboard for sure.




definitely with like machine baser if

there's a max lift.

Same with Dana as well if

she could sneak in there.

They have some very good,

like they're specialists in some stuff.


it's been a while since we've seen

Taylor as an individual too.


So it'd be cool to see that.

She saw Andrea perform at

the Masters and she's like, you know what,

let me get on this Indy train.


Lynn asked Carolyn,

why didn't you do the cue?

The workout seemed to suit you perfectly.

Did you hear her say she did

two bags of fluid at the

hospital the weekend before

just to get to the end?

Yeah, I had a rough weekend.

So I think I was just happy

to finish my NorCal and

I'll take it there.


Lynn points out her own bias

that she's very happy to

see Jorge up there.


Yeah, there's a lot of names on this.

Rogue gets their pick of the

litter every year.

That is for sure.

So there is that.

Before we get into the next topic,

one thing I have to remind you, tomorrow,

tomorrow, twelve thirty p.m.

Eastern Standard Time.

The next episode of Behind the Scenes,

all access behind the

scenes of the Masters CrossFit Games.

This is going to be more the

length of what you're going to see.

This one is just a little

bit over twenty minutes

long because it only

focuses on one event.

And that is the deadlift run,

which our very own Jamie

Latimer won in her age group.

And she hid from me,

so I didn't get a single

bit of footage from her

after this for the behind the scenes.

I thought we were friends,

but she went into hiding

after every event.

I did not.

I didn't see you.

I would have talked to you.

You never came to the warm-up area.

I now believe you do not

warm up for any events.

I was in the warm-up area for like,

you saw me in the warm-up area.

Don't even.


You mean afterward?

You're under the impression

I don't cool down?



I don't really love to cool down.

Did you have a lot of time

between your events there?

Not really, no.

Between that one and the... No,

I had like two hours.



there was some events you had a long



On the third day, there was, like,

a four-hour break between

the second and third event.

But there was, like, only, like,

a two-ish hour break

between the first two events most days.

I guess I was starting with the fifty-six,

fifty-five to sixty-five plus at, like,

eight in the morning.


You guys didn't even roll in until, like,

eleven noon.



And the men were worse.

The men didn't even start till two.


Like, it was crazy.

yeah tomorrow twelve thirty

p.m eastern standard time

uh another killer cut by uh ortega

uh, on the workout.

Um, we got some great footage, uh,

before and after with people.

Um, so I hope you like it.

This will be kind of the

format going forward.

And as I said,

they get better and better as it goes.

Um, but the other thing is day one,

we had full access to the warmup area.

I could walk up to anybody

on an echo bike.

I could walk up while they

were dead lifting.

So this, these first three,

these first three workouts,

you'll see more intimate stuff.

Cause I could walk right up to them.

once that day one is over

our access changed so that

changes a little bit too

but hopefully I I talked to

joe this week and this is a

good proof of concept and

he can see what we're

trying to do and that we're

not trying to burn their

house down we're trying to

pump it up um and that we

can get more and better

access at moving forward

will they be sharing your stuff as well

So they finally shared one

piece of thing I put out on

Instagram this weekend,

and hopefully that continues to go.

Lex is asking if I've gotten

any feedback from the comp at all.

The only feedback I got is I

thanked Joe for the access,

for letting us come in and do this,

that we couldn't do it without him.

And he wrote back,

thank you for being there.

We appreciate you.

but nothing on the actual

footage or the actual,

but hopefully like as,

as more competitors watch it,

because I know it's getting

shared amongst the competitors now.

And then they're sharing it

as more people get rolling through that.

Hopefully it gets back to

them in a different way than just for me.


I want to make a partnership with,

with Bob and Joe.

I want to do this every year.

This was so much fun for me.

I love these athletes and I

love the stories they have.

And the more I'm there,

the more intimate this will

become as we get to know

each other more and more.

And they know why I'm there.

I don't have to explain, hey,

I'm doing a behind the scenes, blah, blah,


People will come in knowing what that is.


And then be more open.

I don't know why they took

away your access.

If you were there to do behind the scenes.

I don't,

I don't want to get into it too

much because I still was

able to get good stuff.

I was still allowed in the warmup area.

I had the access level of a coach.

I did not have the access

level of an athlete or a

media person that could do


and maybe Jamie can back me up on this.

They did the team's

competition at the same time.

The teams took over the

warmup area when they were back there.

It was unsafe when everybody

was back there with their coaches.


So the band I got for being

a coach got nixed because

there were too many people

in the warmup area and it

was becoming unsafe.

I get that,

but maybe I needed a different

color band.



So, but again,

this is the first time I've

ever done this before.

And so I need to prove that

why we're doing this and

we're there to highlight these athletes,

not to drag anybody down.

Um, so yeah.

Lana actually allowed me the

higher access.

She was guarding the warm-up area day one.

And I don't want her to get in trouble.

She let me go.

And you'll see in this next episode,

I'm right there as they're deadlifting.

I'm there as they're cooling

down on the bike.

It's really close.

And you get more...

you get more um intimate

talk after when they're

like on the bike cooling

down because you're not

interfering they're just

they're just moving their

legs to flush everything

out I'm not interrupting

anything they're doing um

and so it was really cool

uh just seems odd that they

like that like we don't

have people showcasing the

masters and scott was there

to do just that and then

they take it away

I think that they were in

such a weeds element set

day to morning that they

didn't have time to sort out the mess.

I'm giving them the benefits of doubt,

but even,

and there's a lot of stuff

coming in here.


My becoming better may have been because I,

my access was limited

because I had to talk to coaches.

I got to talk to,

and then once you talk to the coach,

then the athlete comes over

and then you get the

conversation between them.

Like it just becomes different.

Um, so yeah.

And you get conversations

that had nothing to do with CrossFit.


that's going to be in some

of these episodes as we go

go down the road that are

just hilarious I couldn't

believe that that's what

they were talking about but

anyway let's move on I'm

not mad I'm not mad at

legends I'm happy that I

got the access I did I'm

happy that I got to do this

pace is really good I have a

nice schedule for the week

to get these out um and

holly does her thing ortega

does his thing it all comes

together on like friday

morning and then I load it

up there and get it out

there and make a trailer

and boom and then we're on

to the next week cortez has

been a busy man he has

because he was a norcal

too so yeah I need I need

time to just kind of chat

with him a little bit once

he gets in one place for a

while so let's talk about

the adaptive crossfit games

um I'm gonna pull up their

instagram real quick

because they've announced a

lot of the workouts and I

don't know if we can go

through them because there

are so many divisions but

like here's their first announcement

And everything is a reel.

So if you go to CrossFit or go to them,

you can check this out.

Kevin Ogar explains what it is.

If you look in the description,

it's a two thousand meter row,

two thousand meter ski and

a one mile run.

But then there are

variations for every different division.

And what better kind of shows this.

And I'm really promoting the

wheel wide Instagram page.

All this stuff is there.

So you go to Enter Sandman,

and the reel starts, and here it is.

Here's upper one point.

This is their version,

and it morphs into upper two point.

And so they run through all

the different variations in

these reels for all the

different divisions.

So they've done a really

nice job for these if you

want to go see what

workouts are happening this

weekend at Wheelwod.

And they have a lot of the,

so this one is a click through, but it's,

here's the vision hanging phrase.

Here's the seated hanging phrase.

Seated two.

C to three.

You have all the versions.

What is a phrase?

It's Fran and Grace together.

I was just about to say I like the name.

That's cool.

It's Fran and Grace.

Grace has thirty reps.

I like it.

It's hanging because it's a

hang cleaner jerk.

Got it.

Or you're hanging from the pull-up bar.

that too.

But it, but it is a hang clean and jerk.




And I think the hang

actually lets them have to

modify as much throughout

the different divisions.

Um, so, but yeah, I love the way they,

they use the Instagram

reels to do this and go

through all the different, uh,

all the different versions.

So they have like double sided coin,

cool names.

And then they list,

these are the divisions

listed on this one.

So ring dips and you never

see ring dips in the elite division.


Too many back tears.

Uh, then they have the combine.

Max bench, ten burpees,

one rope climb for time,

and then sandbag over bar.

We have under the spotlights,

one rep max clean.

the chipper,

thirty heavy rope single-unders,

fifteen handstand push-ups,

twenty-calorie echo bike,

fifty-foot handstand walk,

fifty-foot sled pull,

five-bar muscle-ups.

Ooh, I love that.

That'd be rough in the elite division.

That sounds like a great workout.

So, yeah, it's all here on their website,

and I believe...

They're streaming on their

YouTube page as well as


That's interesting.

So, I think.

Cause games didn't do the, uh,

the masters and the teens

on their website, right?

Well, definitely not on their YouTube,

but I think you could go to

it through the cross of games, um,

website, just to the link,

which would bring you then to the legends,

um, page, right?


Something like that.

The, my biggest thing is they have,

there's no leaderboard through the games.

You could go to

games age group and c or

teens you cannot go into

like I can no longer see my

play scene but from open to

quarters to semis games

like games is not on the

yeah that should be on

there with your placing of

this year's games

absolutely why is the

leaderboard not a part of

it that makes no sense

That should be emailed to

support to see if they can

update that because that

should be on people's profiles.

And you should be able to

look up someone on the game

site and see that the

athlete finished X position.


it just further makes it look like we

didn't go to the games.


like it's not even part of the season.


Yeah, I want to, that really stinks.

And is it just not updated or is it just?

Not even there.

So I want to read some of

these Lynn things because

Lynn and Lana are both very

much a part of this.

They had demo athletes for

all the divisions.

Ogar has been amazing as a

leader of adaptive.

And equipment products

showed the trailer sending

over all the equipment.

enough of my rambling but I

wish there was a way we

could support the adaptive

games other than watching

I'd buy everything if it

helped and lana uh is

bragging about one of her

own athletes going uh they

have an athlete first ever

intellectual division yeah

I know that's something

she's been fighting for for

a long time that the

intellectual division did

not got eliminated

It was a small version of it to begin with,

and it got eliminated from

the CrossFit Games when it

was part of the overall thing.

Now that it's separate,

they've been able to bring

those people back in, which is awesome.

It allows so many more

people the opportunity to compete,

which is cool.

But do what you can.


watch their stuff on Instagram, like it,

share it, do those things.

Those are the ways that you

can support people without

even paying any money.

Just share their stuff.

Get eyes on what it is they

do because they put so much work into it.

And they would truly,

truly appreciate that.

Kind of on another note,

there was kind of a secret announcement.

I just happened upon it that

the classic Wadapalooza has

announced a new location.

Last time I talked to Dylan,

they were thinking about it

because they could not

expand Bayfront much more,

but they were afraid to

move because it has become

a staple in Bayfront.

However, here it is.

So they're going to South Beach.

That is Miami Beach.

It is going to be on or near the sand.

How far away is it from Bayfront?

So we have our resident Miamian.

I am so upset about that.

The area where they're going

is super touristy.


Which means hotels are

probably going to be even more.

I've never pronounced it.


So, Bruce, how far from Bayfront is that?

Since you are a resident Floridian,

lived right near that.

Bruce was a staple at

Wadapalooza Bayfront.

About twenty minutes.


So, yeah, crazy.

That just kind of snuck up.

I was thumbing through Instagram and bam,

there it was.

And I I was shocked that

they had made the decision

to to move there.

But they they were not going

to be able to expand to Bayfront anymore.

How high they were building

some of those stands was becoming,

I am not a construction expert,

and I do not pretend to be one,

but it seemed dangerous.

But they were packed.

You could not get into the

elite events anymore at Guadalupe.

So hopefully this helps with all of that.

Um, then we have tier cup, water, Palooza,


We're going to fit finish with this topic.

And it is,

if you have not seen our reps

ahead is decided to do an

event at tier water, Palooza, SoCal, uh,

where they're holding,

they're saying it's a knockout version,

but they've only announced

a couple of athletes.

So it only looks like one or

two or three head to heads, uh,

What we know for sure is

Sprague and Hopper are

going head-to-head.

We know that Annika Greer

and Kyra Milligan are going head-to-head.

Good pairing.

And we know one other pairing,

which is two more local athletes.

No, Devin Kim and Lauren Stallwood,

both Invictus team athletes.

So, yeah, I'm excited to see it.

it's a nice place to kind of

get um to get some exposure

for them as a competition

and hopefully hopefully uh

it helps grow what they're

trying to do uh because I

applaud them for what

they're doing and pumping

some prize money to

athletes and supporting the

athletes the way they do

Um, but I,

I think it would be a cool

knockout style event if you

had like event one and then

you move the net and all

the winners move to,

to group B another workout

move to see for like the championship.

I think that would be pretty fun.



I just watched the game-winning

field goal for Kansas City.

I just happened to look,

and there was like three

seconds left in the game,

and Kansas City.

Kansas City beat Cincinnati.


Last second field goal.

Twenty-six to twenty-five.

Last second.

The Swifties are going crazy.


Kenneth says fake Fit Wars.

I love One Zombie to Death,

and I loved Fit Wars.

It happened one time.

Reps Ahead has already had

three major events.


plus a bunch of,

before they even did the major events,

they did a bunch more.

They've really moved ahead with it.

Fit Wars is going to go down

as this iconic legend that

happened that one time.


It was a good battle.

I did like watching it.

Scott versus Colton.

It's fun.

Someone's got to take over it.

It was a great concept.

The reps ahead has been

entertaining to watch.




the other thing we get to watch this

weekend is this new format

of North America versus the world.

If you do not know the rosters,

I will read them off to you.

Team world is BKG.


Guy Mejeros, Enola Kai, Brent Fikowski,

Tia Claire Toomey, or Captain, Emma Tall,

Sahir Kaya, and Gracie Walton.

Team North America is Pat Fowler, Captain,

Jeff Adler, Justin Medeiros,

Dallin Pepper, Danielle Brandon, Captain,

Alexis Raptus, Ariel Lowe,

and Emily Rolfe.

So what we're going to do,

they've announced a handful of the events,

five of them.

Five of like the seven or eight.


We're going to go down

through the workouts.

We're going to see who the

team should start in those divisions.

Some of them are at all

hands where everybody has to participate.


We'll go down through them.

And I made little workout cards.

So hopefully I can pull this off.

the first event that is

announced and the schedule

is Friday night.

This is all Pacific time.

So most people on the East coast,

like it doesn't even start

till well after my bedtime.

So Friday night,

it starts at seven Oh five Pacific time.

I believe that is ten Oh

five East coast time.

I think Lex is just getting

up before her workout.


Essentially bedtime at that point though.

All right.

So here we go.

So the first event is a

CrossFit games team.

So this is two men, two women.


It is four rounds for time.

Eighteen synchro chest-to-bar.

Handstand walk O course.

You go, I go.

Twelve synchro kettlebell deadlifts.

One twenty... One twenty-four.



eighteen echo calorie bike at

the same time.

Twelve synchro kettlebell deadlifts.

And then handstand walk O course.

You go, I go.

Time cap, twenty-two minutes.


Oh, those are some heavy kettlebells.


Any thoughts on who should be starting?


they should put Danielle Brandon on

that one.

For world?

Is there a limit of how many

events someone can like

because I feel like tia is

going to want to

participate in every every

event I don't think you

would use her for all of

them just to save her for

some I don't know if that's

gonna matter she's their

only hope like tia and I'm

a tall on this one would be

my choice yeah I don't know

like I have no idea how

grace walton's hands dan

walk capabilities

Kaya does really well with running,

gymnastics as well.

Very good runner, actually.

You need some power output on the bike.

You need some strength on the deadlift.

I don't think the handstand will walk off,

so of course we'll stumble many of them.

Most of them have pretty

good handstand walk.

think tia and emma on world

and ariel and danielle I

was thinking ariel and

danielle for this one ariel

for sure yeah you have rolf

and raptus yep yeah

probably dingo I don't

think that kettlebell

deadlift will get her back she has

Nah, she'll be all right there.

Good strength still.


I think that's good picks.

For the men on the world.

I think you give Enola Kai

initiation with this one.


For Brent?



How's Guy's handstand walk?


I mean, he's mayhem.

They do those obstacle

course all the time.

I feel like that's weekly for them.

I think that that's fine for Guy.

I think this is a Dallin Pepper.

Then Justin Medeiros.

I would probably put him with on this one.

I mean, Pat would do good at it too.

Yeah, I don't know.

Well, you got to remember,

they've got a bike with the girl.

I guess I don't know how

they're pairing that.

It says at the same time.

I wouldn't just throw Dallin

at this just to watch him kill the bike.

That seems unnecessary.

I would almost do Justin and

Pat on this workout.


I just think Dallin would handle the


Pat's going to be great at it.

Pat and Justin honestly has

a great deadlift.

Yeah, I would.

And just on this one.

That I think this isn't

going to be as easy as people think.


it's not going to be as easy as people


I pick.

Let's go to the next one.

I have to do something first.

Cause I made these little slides.

It makes it a little more difficult.

I got to write,

I got to write our picks

down to see if we're when these get done,

if we chose good.


Event two is Miami team.

So there's not a lot of detail with this.

Um, I got this all from barbell spin.

You can go to their website

and see all these listed.


Miami team is three-person same-sex,



So does that mean that

they're just going to mix

it up or that they're going

to go three men against

three men and three women

versus three women?

Yeah, that's a good question.

But it is twenty four

alternating wall walks and

then three rounds of

eighteen worm push press,

twelve worm squats,

six worm thrusters and then

eighteen alternating wall walks.

And then it's just a

descending rounds and same

reps on the worm.

I mean, the wall walks,

like the girls on the girls

on North America are so good at like,

you have wrapped this aerial.

So good.

Dingo, like Emily wrote, like,

they're all very similar.


I would look at the, the worm though,

as like trying to get also

like similar height.

Like I agree.


I would almost maybe leave aerial out

of this one for height purposes.

I like wrap this for this one a lot.

Wrap this and Rolf.

Well, if it's three,

I would probably leave Ariel off.

Miami team.

And then you have your Rolf.

Danielle Raptors.



And then men, who do you leave off?



Is he the shortest out of that group?

So you'd have Pat, Justin.

Brent, no.

Pat, Justin, Dallin.

Pat's played around with the worm.

He was team before.

I don't know how much Jeff

has played around with the worm.

Jeff's not.

I think I would leave Dallin

off from this one because

he's a little bit taller, I think.

That's fair.

I'm okay with that choice.

I'd take Dallin off.

And then on the team world, men?

You might want to leave Brent off,

although isn't Noel kind of tall too?

leave bkg off okay there you

go yep I'm good with that

and then for women just

give tia rest on this one

just because so she doesn't

have to do everyone sure good with that

Like, would you go strategy-wise?


if you know you're going to lose the

workout against North America,

just rest your top person

just so they can go get points elsewhere?


it's because that can be a strategy

for sure,

is if you know you're losing

that workout.

Not that anyone is,

there's no bad people in

any of the rosters,

but there's better fits.

So event three just said

weightlifting spotlight.

I mean, this is pretty easy to pick.

But I think Emma tall beats

all of the girls.

So would you waste Tia here?

Tia's on the same team as Emma.

That's what I'm saying.

Like how many, is it just one in one?

Beat everybody.

You don't have to use Tia

beating everybody.

That's what I'm saying.

Yeah, that's what I was trying to explain.

I think you're right, Carolyn.

Is it one person going and doing both,

or one person snatches and

one person clean and jerks?

You have two people from the team.

I believe this is the one person spotlight,

probably one male, one female.

Doing both lifts.


Yeah, you could use, I'd say, yeah,

use Emma.

And Guy.

And Guy, okay, for Worlds.

And then Jeff,

you'd almost have to go Ariel.



I agree.


She got left off on the last one.

So user here.

I like that.



Now we're into, there's a,

there's a skip of four.

And we move on to five,

which is the gymnastic spotlight.


For total reps,

two minutes of max rope climbs,

two minutes of max

freestanding handstand pushups,

two minutes max ring muscle ups,

two minutes max

freestanding handstand pushups,

two minutes max rope climbs,

one minute of rest between movements.

I'm assuming spotlight means

one athlete again.

I'm assuming that as well.


I mean... Danielle Brandon?

She's a great rope climber.

She's great handstand pusher.

That entire group is so good

at these movements.

The females.


I think you picked... I

think you might go with

Alexis on this.

I would pick Alexis.

Her handstand pushups are incredible.

I think I would pick Alexis.

Freestanding, yeah.


Boys from America.

Maybe Justin again.

Or Pat.

I don't know.

They both like

I'd probably go Pat.



I'm good with that.



I like Pat world.

I mean, do you pick Tia?

So it's Tia, Emma, Sahar,

and who was the fourth woman?

Uh, Walton.

Oh yeah.

Oh, how's.

I know.


I feel like Kaya is good at gymnastics.

But, I mean, Tia's going to – I mean,

I feel like they would – Yeah,

we haven't used Tia in a while.

But I feel like she's not

going to want to do, like,

every single thing.

She's going to want to let her team,

I feel like,

get their opportunities as well.

We gave her the lift off.

We did.

That's true.

Okay, Tia.

Okay, we'll put Tia.

And is Akai – I think he's a

really good rope climber.

I don't know about all the rest of it.

Probably BKG.

Brent's great at group climbs.


Too long maybe for the

handstand push-ups and ring muscle-ups,

although he did great on

the freestanding at the games.

I think he got like a second place.


I don't know.

I think I'd pick BKG.

Yeah, I think BKG.

Okay, writing it down.



And then that was event five.

Event six is CrossFit Games

team number two.

Female-female pair performs.

Seventy-two D-ball over the yoke.

Seventy-two weighted GHD sit-ups.

Seventy-two ping-pong wall balls.

Seventy-two cow ski right

into male-male pair.

Seventy-two cow ski.

Seventy-two ping-pong wall balls.

Seventy-two weighted GHD.

Seventy-two D-ball over the yoke.

For the female-female here,

I would have Ariel and Dingo.



And female world.

Female world.

Tia and Walton.

Okay, I'm fine with that.


Male, male pair, America.


And... Justin.


I am thinking Justin over

probably Jeff even.

I think we've used Justin a lot.

I know.

Probably we haven't used

Jeff a lot other than the lift.


Maybe Jeff.

Well, we used Jeff on the lift.

We're using Pat in five.

So yeah, I mean,

so Dallin and you want to use Jeff again?

Yeah, I think so.

The lift was the day before.



Wait, was that Dallin and Justin?

Dallin and Jeff.

Jeff, got it.

Okay, got it.

Okay, world.

And then this is the last one we know.


Wait, did we do world men?

Oh, we didn't.


Go ahead.

Probably, I don't know,

Brent and Guy together.

Brent for sure with the ski.

Probably tall for the GHD.

The wall balls could get rough for Brent,

but... He's great at wall balls.

Why would they be rough for Brent?

He's tall.

I just wonder what the ping pong means.

I think just going over... Yeah,

I think...

side by side or do you have

to go over something I

think it's got to clear

something like a pull-up

bar or something I don't

know I could be wrong I'm

cool with brent and gee I

wonder if it's just like

off the target and it just

yeah like side by side like

side by side like you just

share the rep that way and

it's like I've done local

comps yeah I could see it

that way yeah where you're alternating

All right, last one we know,

and there's no choice here,

but we'll throw it up just

so everybody knows what the

seventh workout is.

And that is all hands, four-time,


So the only strategy is here

is you have to pick what

female is going against what female,

what male is going against what male.

It is...

Bar muscle ups and clean ladder.

So I believe it's twenty one

bar muscle ups than a clean ladder.


Explain to me how this is all hands.

If there's three females and three males,

they go against each other.


Isn't there four on a team?

Yeah, there is.

I don't know.

Does the captain have to sit

out of this one and the

captain chooses the order of their team?

Maybe, yeah.

Oh, yeah.


Well, it sort of sucks for Tia.

I mean, actually,

I think they'll do all right at this one.

You put Emma as the heaviest

female and Grace is the

second heaviest and Sahara first.

You have more,

you have more bar muscle ups first,

but low lower weight.

Wouldn't that benefits to her?


I like that.

So here, grace, Emma.


We don't know if this is how

it's gonna work, but yeah.

The women are all on the

North American side are all

great at gymnastics.

So it doesn't matter how

many bar muscle-ups they have to do.

It's just what weight they handle.

And it's power clean.

So some of them will power clean.

Well, you got to put Emily first, right?


And then wrap this scenario.



And then for men on the world side,

I'd say put Guy last.

Guy last.

Guy last, yeah.

Brent next to last?

Well, if we're not using the captains,

Brent can't do this one.

Brent's not a captain.

Oh, no, you're right.

He is.

Yep, okay.

So, yep, Brent there.

And then Enola Kai first.

Yep, like it.

I mean, even for an elite male,

whether you're top end or not,

twenty-one bar muscle-ups is nothing.




And then for the American men.

So Pat can't go.

So we put, I mean, Jeff, Jeff is last.


This power clean is so great.

So is, so is just, I mean, dude, they're,

they're all going to be great at this.


But I think Jeff's power

clean would be better than Justin's.

Justin would be second to last.


When I put Pat on the most bar muscle ups,

I think he's the fastest.

What if it's squat clean?

Did you see the speed of

Justin Madero's twenty one reps?

I look or how many he did in

a minute on his Instagram.

His bar muscles were fast.

That's why we bring you on the show,


Just posted an Instagram

reel of it like two days

ago or something.

And it was like how many he

got in a minute or something.

And yeah, he is flying fast.

Who was it?

You and Jamie are here to tell me.

Justin Medeiros.

Oh, yeah.

That doesn't surprise me.

So you want to go Justin, Dale, and Jeff?

Because they can all handle the weight.

Yeah, all of them are strong.

Love it.

I like the speed of Justin's

muscle-ups I saw.

Yep, gets you off to a good start.

That one's going to be

pretty fun to watch.

That is a fun one.


these are all happening in the

middle of the night, East Coast time.

There was another one that had a run,

I remember.


Is there an eighth workout?

We don't actually know.

The rest said to be determined.


There's an echo bike burpee one and run.


On the list I put in the notes?


Oh, man, I messed up.

It's event nine and ten, or nine.

monostructural spotlight oh

yeah I didn't oh that one I

have roll for the females

yeah I like that because

she's great on the echo

bike but fifty bar facing

burpees and then she's

great runner yes or forty

fifty bar facing burpees

and test three is fifty

meter assault run so Grace

Walton for sure

She smashed that burpee bike at the games.


Test one, two, and three?

How does that work?

I don't know.

I like someone like Rolf or Danielle.

I like Tia.



I would, I would do.

When in doubt T is the answer.


I think that's going to be

the interesting thing.

I think the workouts look fun.

And the last one is a nine, fifteen,

twenty one wall facing

strict handstand push up

burpee box jump over.

Shouldered overhead burpee.

and then barbell back rack

lunge in meters.

You have Indy for that one.

Is that for the individuals

or is that for this comp?

That's just what was in.

I copied and pasted right from the spin.


and then a two minute rest and it goes

into twenty one fifty nine

toes to bar box jump over

alternating jump.

s a dumbbell snatch single

arm then single or dumbbell

overhead lunge for meters

that sounds like a jamie

ladder workout that sounds

awesome uh and then event

eleven is the captains so

the captains have to do the

workout against each other cool yep

So, yeah,

I think what's going to be fun is

to see who is going up against who,

how they split up the work

for the whole weekend and

how that works out.

Yeah, when you look at it on paper,

North America is much

stronger than the world.

I did hear that part of that

is because of the sponsor of the event,


that they were trying to get

a tier athletes in this

because it is the tier cup

and it's their event.

They can do what they want to do.

They're the ones forking

over the prize money so

they can do what they want to.


but the world does have some home run

hitters and they have Tia.


Like they're going to win

the lift already.



And, and power output, they've got,

they've got some power output that, yeah,

especially the American

females do not have.


Um, so it's going to be,

I would love to see this

format at the games where

teams have three males,

three female or three males,

three females instead of eight.

I think that'd be a little bit too much,

but then the events are out and

you pick your best two for

that event or whatever,

and you can have some specialists kind of,

but you need a minimum of a

certain amount of events or something.

I don't know.

I've always thought that

that would be a cool way to

do the games because if someone got hurt,

then you would have that

other person to step in and it,

and a whole,

whole year is not wasted

because of one injury.

Yeah, I agree.

But then your team is down

to where the two people

left have to do with the ball.

So you are at a disadvantage,

but at least you get to play.

I've actually thought about

having Raph Sanson on.

I don't know if you – is it Sanson?

No, Duran.




Uh, because he's been really pumping the,

uh, team competition up a lot.


Just have a discussion.

Cause he,

he put out questions like what

would make the team competition better?

What would improve the team competition?

And I'd love to have like,

just maybe have him on with

us to have a round table

discussion about team

during the off season when

we have one of those slow weeks.


and just talk about ideas that would

make it fresher.

I think that'd be cool.

And he was a correspondent

for us a couple of years ago at the game.

So he's a friend of the show and,

and he's two years in a row

on a team at the games.

So any other thoughts about

this weekend guys?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't think I'm going to

have even time to watch it.

Not that it's at a great time of day, but

Try to stay as up-to-date on it as I can.

I did want to say I did see

Clark's comment earlier

about Justin Fields and

Luke Getzey both winning today.

That was not lost on me.

I was not ignoring you, and yes, I get it.

The offensive coordinator

and my quarterback from

last year that we sent to

the junk pile did win today,

and now we're riding it

with some new people,

but I'll take the new

people tonight for sure.

Uh, I'm excited about the week.

We get some live CrossFit to watch.

Uh, I can't wait to check out.

We award adaptive CrossFit games, uh,

down in San Antonio.

I'll be watching some of that.


I would definitely be watching some

reps ahead.


I love those cause they're quick hitters,


yeah it's it starts and it's

done in like ten minutes

and you you have a winner

and it's fun to watch and

then definitely watching uh

water palooza socal odyssey

what goes down I'll try to

take a nap in the afternoon

so I can stay up to watch

crazy a little bit of this um

And then we'll be back next Sunday night,

eight o'clock at our normal

time when the Bears aren't

playing next Sunday night.

And we'll recap everything

we saw from the weekend

from all three of those

events that are going on next weekend.

And I'm going to reach out to Amanda Hari.

She's competing at SoCal in

the community division.

uh so maybe we'll have her

on for like ten minutes

just to talk about what the

vibe was like what it was

like being a community a

participant during that um

and we can get the kind of

what it was like there uh

to find out it was if it's

like miami with all the

lights and the dancing and

the hoopla um or if it had

a different vibe than than

the miami version

All right.

Carolyn, good luck with your MRI.


Oh, the results.

I was going to say I already got it.


good luck to Lucas this week in his

tennis matches.

Thank you.

I got to say happy birthday to my mom.

Happy birthday, mom.

Happy birthday.

and with that thank you

everybody for joining us

tonight again like and

subscribe to the channel

hit that notifier so you

know when we're going live

um behind the scenes all

access tomorrow twelve

thirty pm eastern time make

sure to check that out I'll

be in the chat

as it goes live if you want

to chat about what's going

on there and then uh the

last thing I was going to

say was we are open to

moving this if football

season gets in the way but

right now the comments are

like we like sunday night

at eight o'clock so if

everybody's good with that

we'll keep it there if not

we're willing to take a

look at it if not we will

see everybody next time on

sunday night crossfit talk bye guys