The Stories That Make Us: An Enneagram Podcast

Join us for the start of your most paradigm-shifting journey!

Show Notes

The Stories That Make Us: An Enneagram Podcast explores the beauty and complexity of humanity through stories: real and fictional. Best friends, Sawyer and Scott, interview live guests about their story through the lens of their types as well as dissect fictional characters. 

The Enneagram is a marvelous tool to grow in self-awareness because, let's be honest, it can be hard to see ourselves accurately sometimes. After all, the eye can see everything but itself.

Join us on this exciting journey, we promise you'll learn a ton and also be thoroughly entertained.

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What is The Stories That Make Us: An Enneagram Podcast?

The Stories That Make Us podcast explores the beauty and complexity of humanity through the 9 unique stories that all human beings - real or fictional - share. Best friends, Sawyer and Scott, interview live guests about their story through the lens of their specific Enneagram types as well as dissect the motivations and types of beloved fictional characters.

Sawyer: ​hey friends.

Welcome to the stories that
make us where we talk all things

Enneagram, and how this magnificent
tool intersects with our stories.

The Enneagram is a nine sided figure
that helps us understand ourselves

and those that we love, and we wanna
invite you to join us on this journey

to self-discovery so that you can enjoy
greater freedom in your own life, as well

as deeper intimacy in your relationships.

Scott: So you might be wondering
why another Enneagram podcast.

Sawyer and I wanted to create
something unlike anything out there

currently, we're both fascinated by the
intersection of each Enneagram type and

people's personal stories within them.

So in this podcast, you're going to hear
a lot of people whom we have encountered

tell their stories from the lens of their
types, how their types have affected

their lives and how they respond.

Sawyer: Yeah, exactly.

Cuz it's one thing to have a head
knowledge about all the nine types.

But to have experiential
knowledge is an entirely different

way to know the Enneagram.

I only know what it's like
experientially to lead with type two.

And you only know what it's
like to lead with type seven.


So what about the seven other
types that are out there?

We don't have the lens through
which those types see the

world and perceive the world.

. And on top of that, there are other
type twos out there that see the world

a little bit differently than I do.


. Yet we have the same core motivations.

And so that is the whole
point of this Enneagram tool.

And it's why it makes it so much more
powerful than any other personality

tool that's out there, it's because
it is not focused on behavior.

It is focused on motivations.

Scott: And we feel strongly that the
best way to understand what our core

motivations are and how that affects
these different types is to hear

people that actually experience it.


To hear real people, to understand
their stories, and see how their

life is affected by it so that we can
better understand why those motivations

lead to those choices and those

Sawyer: outcomes.


A huge source of most of our tension
and conflict in this world comes from

our relationships with each other.

How amazing and different this world would
be if we all had a little more compassion

for each other because we understood
the person sitting across from me.

There's such a lack of compassion that
we have for each other, and this podcast,

one of the biggest goals is to help Scott
and I grow, and then also all of you

guys who are listening and participating
in this to grow in compassion for

yourselves and for those in your

Scott: life.

But we weren't just gonna stop there.

We also want to add something
that's a little bit more fun.

We want to dive into fictional characters
as well and take a look at who those

characters are, whether it's a series or
a movie whatever it may be, what is this

person's type based off of their core
motivations, cuz in all good stories,

character development is defined by how
well their motivations are perceived and

how well they're illustrated on screen
or in the book or whatever it may be.

So to understand what somebody's
type is or to better understand

what is driving them we need to
know what their motivations are.

We need to know what is driving
them to make these decisions that

maybe look crazy on the screen.

But when you look back and say, okay,
what's their core motivation that

can help understand who they are and
why they maybe made that decision.

Sawyer: As we talk about the core
motivations of each type we're talking

about the core fear, the core desire,
the core weakness, the core longing.

Any good story arc has a character
who has some kind of fear, in

which they need to develop courage
to overcome and to work through.

They have some kind of desire,
a goal they're working towards.

They have some kind of weakness.

There's some wrench thrown into the plans.

And then there's some kind of longing
as well and that's the transformation

piece, the piece that speaks to
their heart and changes them into

this person that's not controlled by
fear, not obsessed with their desires

and not crippled by their weakness.

So we're super excited to dive into
that and talk about how that reflects

our own lives as well, and how we deal
with the same things that a lot of

fictional characters that real life
people have written about and created

relate to us and how we relate to them.

At this point, however, you guys may
be wondering, who the heck are these

two dudes, so let me introduce myself.

I am Sawyer Witted.

I am a musician.

I am a lover of people.

I am a manager at a coffee shop
currently, that is my day job.

And then I am also an Enneagram coach.

I have my own business beyond your fear.

Through which this
podcast is coming out of.

I coach people to help them enjoy freedom
in life and greater intimacy in their


Scott: And I am Scott Tress.

I am an engineer.

I am a father of two.

I am a lover of sports.

I'm a lover of the outdoors.

I am a lover of getting to know
people, getting to know how they

tick, and I am an enthusiast.

A young enthusiast into
the world of the enneagram.

Sawyer: Yes.

And we are best friends, so that's fun.

Scott: Yes.

Sawyer: so, That's a really short
introduction to who Scott and I are.

But you'll learn more about us as we
interview guests and like it or not.


, like it or not.

. As we put out more and more episodes
you'll get to know our stories

more and more piece by piece.

Ultimately, this is the gift that we
hope to bring to: people's stories.

Because people matter and each
one's viewpoint is as important

and valuable as the next.

So the first nine episodes that we're
actually gonna be putting out for

you guys are individual interviews
with nine different wonderful

humans who each lead with one of
the different nine Enneagram types.

These first nine episodes are gonna
be a little different, however,

because it's going to just be me
and the guest together, whereas

normally, Scott and I will be
together interviewing all the guests.

And the reason why Scott actually
won't be around for these first

signed episodes is because,

We just welcomed the arrival of our
second child who is, so I will be a

little bit busy in the beginning but
we were pretty excited about this.

We had some interviews lined up and
we just wanted to make sure that we

kinda hit the ground running with this.

And then I can jump in when I'm ready,
when my wife and I feel that we're

good to go and I can dive head.


So he'll be around for episode
10 on, but these first few

episodes, it's gonna be just me.

And we're gonna focus a lot in these
first nine episodes on each of the

nine guests that we're having on, who
are gonna be sharing some of their

story through the lens of their type.

Scott: Can't wait to get into Type 10

Sawyer: you're such a troll.

There are nine types.

. Thank you all for listening to this
episode and just hearing what we're about.

We are so excited to do
this podcast together.

Do us a huge favor.

Share this podcast with
your friends like it.

Give it stars on Spotify.

Give us, Give us feedback,
us, give us some feedback.

Yes, please shoot us some emails.


As long as you give the five stars,
tell us how much you hated it.

Yeah, just, you know how
it's five stars, please.

We are really excited to take this
journey with you guys and thank

you so much for listening in.

How do we end this?

Scott . How the heck
do we end this episode?


Scott: I'm trying to think
of something really cheesy.

. Oh my gosh.


Sawyer: your stories sore
as far as your dreams.

I hate you so much.

. That was the worst thing.

No one's gonna listen to this podcast.

The sultry

Scott: stories of the In

Sawyer: the sultry stories
of the Enneagram . Okay.

This is not that kind of podcast.