Leafs Late Night

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Roscoe / Fanalyst
Tonight's Topics
  • Extend Dubas?
  • Questions
  • Netflix & Hogwarts

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Steph the Fanalyst 🏒🍁
Everything Leafs, fantasy, and NHL! Co-host of @LeafsLateNight, your #1 post-game podcast for breakdowns of the game and more! #Leafsforever 💙🤍🏒🍁🏳️‍🌈
Where it's Never Too Late for the Leafs💙🤍Presented by @inside_the_rink🎙️Roscoe @FanalystSteph @Andrew_jds @biehn25 @dartybrodeur🎙️Opinions are our own 😎

What is Leafs Late Night?

WELCOME to Leafs Late Night, Where It's Never Too Late For The Leafs!

Presented by Inside The Rink

Join us after EVERY GAME for a breakdown of each period, Leafs and NHL news, wild stories, and hot take games. Hosted by Roscoe with The Fanalyst, Suthy, Biehner, and Darty Brodeur
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @LeafsLateNight
Opinions are our own!

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: Oh,

[steph]: She's trying so

[roscoe]: oh, he

[steph]: hard.

[roscoe]: scores. Let's

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: go. So what that was was the brand new Toronto may believe,
Ryan Riley, spending his very last moments minutes hour, whatever

[roscoe]: it may be, as a Saint Louis blue blue, Saint Louis blue.
Is that the singular for being on that team? I never

[steph]: Just

[roscoe]: thought about that being a

[steph]: a

[roscoe]: blue.

[steph]: blue. Yeah,

[roscoe]: I guess yeah, because I mean it's like you're a lief.
You're a blue. so

[steph]: Unless

[roscoe]: okay,

[steph]: you have the blues

[roscoe]: Not any more. not when you'regeting out of Saint Louis,

[steph]: Right,

[roscoe]: he spends his last day with a kid from the wish foundation.
O Yo have the name stuff. Shut up.

[steph]: Yeah, Hank Walker made this wish back in twenty twenty
after being diagnosed with posterior, your three year old valves,

[steph]: something that led to a kidney transplant.

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: And yeah, his wish came through his his Hawke hero. That's
what he wanted to play Hawke. with. His hero happened to be Rianalriley.

[steph]: And his last day is the blue. There she goes. one day
Contract so cute

[roscoe]: That's awesome. good for Ryan, And that's what we're
going to start with. Welcome to the Tono Mapelieves, Riano, Riley

[roscoe]: and Nolakari, Is it a car?

[steph]: Tari.

[roscoe]: A char?

[steph]: It's a C. H, because I think it's an Italian last name
that Double

[roscoe]: I was

[steph]: C

[roscoe]: going to say,

[steph]: makes it an Italian.

[roscoe]: it looks a talent. and

[steph]: A. Yeah,

[roscoe]: at,

[steph]: Yeah, but you know now, just this clip essentially sums
up the kind of guy that ran all. Riley is right, like he is an

[steph]: ultimate leader goes beyond to do things for the community.
I mean, he's one, a lady being, he's a Stanley Cup winner, Con

[steph]: Mith, Silky, one of the best two way forwards in the
league On the dot as well, come on, this is exactly what we needed.

[roscoe]: Yeah, I mean, we talked about this back. We pulled the
two episodes up. It was December fifteenth and twenty eighth.

[roscoe]: I believe are two episodes. They're marked in the description
of them as Rianelriley and Rianalriley again. So

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: we, we did talk quite a bit about this. I know there
were a lot of names floating around there, but finally we find

[roscoe]: out who Dubs has been sneaking around about. So the
leavsequire Ryan Riley and Knoll at are from in a three team

[roscoe]: trade With Saint Louis and Minnesota. Saint Louis receives
Michel Brama and Adam Godet, Terno's first round pick and twenty

[roscoe]: twenty three, and Autowa's third, and Terono's second
and twenty four, Minnesota, receiving Toronal's fourth, and with

[roscoe]: that fourth they get Josh Polar, and another twenty
five per cent or half of the half of Rianalriley's contract,

[roscoe]: because to sum it up real quick, every team can only
retain fifty percent of a contract, so Involving a third team,

[roscoe]: they got another team to take on fifty percent of the
fifty percent leaps, winding up with a twenty five percent retained,

[roscoe]: one point eight, seven, five cap hit captain.

[steph]: Ten,

[roscoe]: So lots of you know what the thing that I wanted to
say about this and I know I'm going to criticize it, even though

[roscoe]: it's a leap straight. All I can say is it's a good thing
the salary cap works

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Because

[steph]: If it's

[roscoe]: honestly

[steph]: in the least flavor, Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's

[steph]: go ahead,

[roscoe]: in the least favor. but like honestly, the leaps giving
up a fourth round pick is just because the salary cap exists

[roscoe]: like they don't care if they have to pay him one point,
eight, seven, five, or I mean, it's pre rated for whatever how

[roscoe]: many games we've played up to this point, But they don't
care if that's three point six or one point eight. The money

[roscoe]: means nothing to them. It's the cap hit that they have
to make work, So really they just lost a fourth round pick Because

[roscoe]: the salary cap when real. The point of the cap of having
them not spend the money was irrelevant here. so it's just another

[roscoe]: example of why the cap is stupid not to get into it
too much. But that's

[steph]: Uh,

[roscoe]: It's really dumb that the leaves lost the fourth round
pick just because of the stupid salary cat

[steph]: And Minnesota essentially bought straight up a fourth
rounder for twenty twenty four because they're like Okay, twenty

[steph]: five percent. I'll take that deal. Maybe it'll work out.
I don't know what was

[roscoe]: Twenty

[steph]: going through

[roscoe]: five.

[steph]: their minds out. Yeah, twenty five percent, sorry,

[roscoe]: No, it's twenty twenty five.

[steph]: twenty twenty five. Oh,

[roscoe]: Yeah, the

[steph]: there's

[roscoe]: fourth

[steph]: so

[roscoe]: rounders.

[steph]: many picks involved in this trade.

[roscoe]: Yeah, let me look at what they have left because that's
actually kind of. I didn't realize it was a twenty twenty five

[roscoe]: pick. Im gonnalokat the lead cap friendly. What do they
have left for picks? So

[steph]: Well, the first is gone.

[roscoe]: First is gone. They still have they have a conditional
third. Arizona has the option to exchange the twenty twenty five

[roscoe]: second round pick for Toronto's twenty twenty three
third round pick. so Arizona might steal that pick, but potentially

[roscoe]: the least have a third fifth and sixth this year, And
that's it next year. they have a first fourth, fifth, sixth,

[roscoe]: and two seventh, and then in twenty five they have a
first third fifth Seven, So they're missing a lot of picks in

[roscoe]: the next couple of years, but they still have their
first the next two years. They just do not have a second for

[roscoe]: the next three.

[steph]: I don't know about you, but do you risk it for a few?
You know for a winning time now because this core is ready now

[steph]: like it's supposed to happen years ago. But if it isn't
now when, because also do this is up. like do you give those

[steph]: picks up or save them and they could potentially be busts
right Like, even though it's a first round pick included in the

[steph]: trade, that person is probably not going to break the
N H to like twenty twenty s. In ish, it twenty twenty six, maybe

[steph]: earliest, and like do we have the time to wait that long?

[roscoe]: I, right now, I don't care about twenty, twenty six,
twenty seven. I know

[steph]: Exactly

[roscoe]: in twenty twenty six, twenty seven, I will care and
be like. I can't believe we traded whoever. a couple o years

[roscoe]: ago. We're going to know who this first round pick was.
I don't care right now. I really don't care. We have such a huge

[roscoe]: draft pool that's going to have us set for the next
couple of years. I'm not concerned about who the leaf's first

[roscoe]: round pick a couple of years down the line is If they're
tanking like say, none of this works out, and in a couple of

[roscoe]: years they decided to blow it up there To get all of
these picks back by getting rid of these guys, so I'm really

[roscoe]: not concerned about them not picking if things go south
as long as things are on the up and up. Spend it. I'm tired of

[roscoe]: sitting on these picks. Dubs has had his time to draft.
We have a massive pool of prospects that everybody is excited

[roscoe]: about. We're able to get Rianalriley without moving.
Really. Any of them. They got rid of Adam Godet, who barely even

[roscoe]: played. Barely crack the line up, and Mcelbramof, who
I was, kind of a middle of the pack prospect. As far as most

[roscoe]: people were concerned, it wasn't at the top of the list.

[steph]: Lower tier. in my opinion,

[roscoe]: yeah, I'm okay with this like a hundred percent and
that means that they still have prospects and players to move.

[roscoe]: They have their first from next year. I know it might
be crazy to spend two first in the same season, but I mean, look

[roscoe]: what Florida did. They don't have any, and I know it
didn't work out for them, but

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's not impossible for a g M to just go out and spend
the moon Because the leaves are still. I'm looking at it right

[roscoe]: now. I know it was about four and a change yesterday,
but I think with Samson off being hurt, and the emergency loans

[roscoe]: and everything there, sitting at three point six, seven
for deadline, and I mean if you can

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: pick up Riano Riley at one point eight, seven five,
three point six is so much for dues to play with. I don't think

[roscoe]: he's done. I know that we'll get into that because it's
been a lot of people's questions is whether he's done or not.

[roscoe]: I don't think he is because he has so much more to play
with and to spend, But I really like this trade. Let's get into

[roscoe]: what Ranald Riley does for the leaves and Nolakari,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: but I mean, tonight was obviously the first time we
got to see them play. I missed the game. I made plans long ago,

[roscoe]: not realizing any of this was going to happen. Actually,
let's start there. So step, you and I both did the same thing

[roscoe]: in postponing Valentine's Day till Friday night, thinking

[steph]: Hm,

[roscoe]: all clear, you know We're approaching deadline day,
but nothing happens late on a Friday night, Lo and behold

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: got home and had but a hundred and fifty notifications
from every single platform.

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: Ryanallritley. S, a leaf

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: That was a little

[steph]: Writ.

[roscoe]: bit of a shock. I got it about forty five to an hour
late and it was like I've since starting to cover the leaves

[roscoe]: as intently as we have. I haven't missed anything that
big by that long, and it's like it was really jarring. Oh,

[steph]: Yeah, I was in shock. First. you know, you have to check
if there's any. you have to check for authenticity of the post

[steph]: rights.

[roscoe]: That was my first thought. My first thought was people
started sharing this, But it's fake. I'm like

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: I'm not going to get excited about this until I know

[steph]: Yea, and I didn't want to get pumped

[roscoe]: Marty,

[steph]: and it's so

[roscoe]: looking

[steph]: easy

[roscoe]: at

[steph]: to

[roscoe]: you.

[steph]: get pumked. rightbiht.

[roscoe]: Marty, changing his picture and named Elliot Freedman,
leaves get

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Meyer, you Dick,

[steph]: I was pleasantly surprised even though we brought him
up several times and kind of leaned on the favor that maybe he

[steph]: won't be a good fit because we don't necessarily need
him on a third line, and we were thinking for his value because

[steph]: he carries a seven and a half mile cab hit that leaves
simply couldn't afford him and we weren't expecting this double

[steph]: retention plan happening and such,

[roscoe]: And if it was going to go that way, I thought it would
be so expensive that it wasn't going o be worth it. But with

[roscoe]: what end

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: that up spending on it, I think I think what we take
for maybe not take for granted, but we, maybe what we underestimate

[roscoe]: is though the Leafs are up against the wall constantly
when they're trying to make these trades, like the Saint Louis

[roscoe]: Blues are up against the wall trying to get rid of Ryan
Riley, like it's kind of the balls in their court right, like

[roscoe]: they have

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: to either move on from him Or just burn the season and
not get anything, So I mean, I'm sure people are low balling

[roscoe]: them because you know it's It's kind of on them to take
whatever trade happens, because they have to make the trade.

[roscoe]: The leaves don't have to acquire Ranald Riley. right,
they can go somewhere else, so I think In grabbing him before

[roscoe]: to mayor comes off the market, you really get to underpay
for him. I think that's why Ducis was able to get away with not

[roscoe]: giving up some of those prospects that were coming up
like knives, and And such like, I'm not saying, he didn't spend

[roscoe]: a ton like the first and second and third and fourth
are essentially gone now, but in

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: what he got for it, I think it was a very good value
trade, and yeah, I'm just going a say. it's because he was able

[roscoe]: to pull the trigger on this before some of the bigger
names like Team of Mir and Jacob Chickeren go. Because that's

[roscoe]: going to. really. You know, Once Mayer's gone, Saint
Louis is now going to have all the teams that missed out on him

[roscoe]: looking their way and started biting war between each
other. But at this And it's still you know, on the leaves to

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: make a good offer.

[steph]: that's exactly it for what you pay for Rana, Riley, You
take that all day long. When we were talking about it previously,

[steph]: it just seemed like it wouldn't work, but tonight we
saw Tavaris on the wing, Rianellriley, on P. P. To killing penalties,

[steph]: We also had no care in the mix, which is for me, the
ultimate cherry on top. And I know Benner has mentioned him several

[steph]: times on this Paul Last year. This year. Like this, this
guy is a type of player you need In your bottom six. He enters

[steph]: the leaves you know, leading in the Hid category category
immediately, M second behind Matthews in blocks, he's not afraid

[steph]: to shoot. I mean tonight he had five shots, five hits
with seventeen, thirty, right on the fourth line. This guy was

[steph]: a beast for me tonight. Especial Le. he played on a line
with Zach, Aston, Race and kerfoot. It's like it gave them a

[steph]: whole new life Zacastonras. I really was sad for you
missing this, Johnny, Because you've been saying how disappointed

[steph]: you. You have been in him recently, Right and

[roscoe]: I mean, not

[steph]: tonight

[roscoe]: disappointed,

[steph]: he was all over

[roscoe]: but

[steph]: the

[roscoe]: just

[steph]: play.

[roscoe]: like underwhelmed. I don't know. I haven't been like.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: he's a staple. He's got to be in the line up. like,
just not sold yet, but I'm glad he was playing

[steph]: So

[roscoe]: well

[steph]: the first yeah, first period three shots on net for are
like they had

[roscoe]: On.

[steph]: multiple opportunities to the point When we were in the
third period. They're at four. One might as well start playing

[steph]: the fourth line a bunch and evening out the time on ice,
because if you look at everyone's time on ice, it's literally

[steph]: fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seven teens across the board.
It's kind of. it's all all good.

[roscoe]: Yeah, and so really, just just getting into what Ryan
Riley does for this team. Is, I mean, we saw tonight that it

[roscoe]: allows the team to spread out more. It gives them the
depth We talked about the bottom six s last episode and how the

[roscoe]: leaves just didn't stack up and we needed that. this
is like the best possible thing you can add to your depth, right

[roscoe]: like just looking at what he brings. I mean through
sixty four play off games. Ryan Riley has fifty six points, twenty

[roscoe]: two goals and thirty four assist. That is Insane like
Yes, he has six hundred ninety one points through nine hundred

[roscoe]: seventy eight, play off or nine, seventy eight regular
season games. But it's his play off numbers that are like. he's

[roscoe]: almost the point of game. That's insanity,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: and Nolichari brings in fifty four games of play off
experience. Yeah, he's only got seven points through them, but

[roscoe]: he's been in the playoffs every year since twenty fifty
sixteen, and it's been with the ruins and the Panthers, so it's

[roscoe]: teams

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: that know what they're doing, their bringing Experen,
And so I'm just glad that it's impact for people and not. you

[roscoe]: know only the bottom of the barrel. You know what we
were able to scrounge? up. what was we could afford? You know

[roscoe]: it. It seems like they really spent on something that
was gonna make an impact And that's what I'm the most happy about.

[steph]: Yeah, collecting captains once again, but this

[roscoe]: Okay.

[steph]: time around I feel like this captain is obviously proven
he has that dog in him like this guy doesn't like to lose, as

[steph]: Marty pointed out tonight on Twitter, And these two players
understand the difficulty of the Atlantic division, Especially

[steph]: Norah Chary, Right, coming from the bruns, The Panthers,
like he obviously plays a certain style for a reason and he stuck

[steph]: to his guns in. This Is what Sheldon Keith. I'm sure
Dubs is preaching to him as well, you know, Like they were saying

[steph]: it on the broadcast tonight. It's clear he knows what
his role is and he does it so well And it's just so nice to add

[steph]: that fifty four per cent on the dot, he's averaging.
Ryan Riley is around the same Um, at the same pace, but that's

[steph]: one of his lowest years in his career. Usually he averages
near fifty, eight, fifty nine per cent On the thought, So for

[steph]: a puck possession based team, Oh my God, this team is
going to be on fire like no disrespect to Homeburg, like I've

[steph]: praise him, But at this time period time is now to tighten
all up. Get everyone familiar with one each other one another

[steph]: and no, no more loose ends.

[roscoe]: I'm just looking at Rinallriley's awards voting history.
He has been nominated for the Silk and Bing, So twenty ten, twenty

[roscoe]: eleven, Selki, twenty, eleven, twenty, twelve, Selkiandbing,
These are just like votes, Uh, twenty, twelve, twenty, thirteen,

[roscoe]: Silky thirteen, fourteen, Silky bing, fourteen, fifteen,
Selkibing fifteen, sixteen, Selkibingsixteen, Seventeen, Slkibing,

[roscoe]: Ten, eighteen, Sky bing, eighteen, Nineteen

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: being heart wins, The Silky wins The Smith, nineteen,
twenty, selkibing, twenty, twenty, twenty, One, Being heart sulky

[roscoe]: last year being sulky, This dude is nominated for it
every single year. That is insane.

[steph]: And

[roscoe]: Both of them.

[steph]: yeah, yeah, it's it's nice, right. It's so nice to be
able to have this conversation and not just have like an outlier

[steph]: year, or even though he started, he was drafted by, or
Colorado goes to a pretty poor Buffalo team, and at the time

[steph]: Colorado wasn't the greatest team, either, Those where
the dark years for them

[roscoe]: There's a reason

[steph]: and

[roscoe]: they

[steph]: he's

[roscoe]: have the players they have Now

[steph]: Yeah, it's true, Remarkable how his career has been formed
and the progress he's been through, and now he's a leaf. He can

[steph]: play his thousandth game as a corona. Make Lief if he
plays the next twenty two of the final twenty seven games remaining.

[roscoe]: That's wild. Oh my God, So

[steph]: Yeah, and sorry, this is such a random, random thought,
but I noticed when looking at the pictures today he rarely smiles

[steph]: in his pick like he did one draft day he did when he,
Yeah, he got signed and whatever, but today he had the biggest

[steph]: smile on his face for his team photo and it was so nice
because every other year he just looks like a scruffy miserable

[steph]: bear In sense, but yeah, He's hometown boy. Got asked
after the game tonight. You know, Did you ever see this coming,

[steph]: and he said No, like I dreamt of it, but I never thought
it would ever happen.

[roscoe]: He was a second round pick. I didn't know that.

[steph]: Yeah, thirty third overall. I believe.

[roscoe]: Yeah, Nolichari, undrafted, Wow, and

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: an

[steph]: he started

[roscoe]: l. C

[steph]: later.

[roscoe]: at twenty three. what?

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: what?

[steph]: I noticed that looking at his stat. like What the hell?
this guy is? Thirty one and his states only start at this period

[steph]: in time and I'm like, Oh my God, he's like another bunting.
In a sense.

[roscoe]: Yeah, he signed with the Bruins out of Providence College
and C double for a couple of years.

[steph]: Yeah, yeah, but I don't know. I'm excited and I honestly
thought Adam Godet was going to be next up, But obviously

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: things happened for a reason, and I was. I was happy
with the rotational Marney Marley. like bottom six going on,

[steph]: you know, like one day Joe Anderson, one day the next
guy. But if we have solid guys like this, then there's no more

[steph]: worrying in a cent. It's like you can always put in someone
else to give them a spark once in a while, or arrest if someone's

[steph]: injured. but

[roscoe]: Yeah, I think

[steph]: ye,

[roscoe]: it's more important to give the younger guys a chance.
Like when you've got at Im got. it's almost like he's taking

[roscoe]: up a spot on the Marley's top lines because he's going
to be obviously night and night out more consistent than some

[roscoe]: of the younger guys, but it's not giving them a chance
to really take on responsibility and be in those top rolls down

[roscoe]: there, so I think it's the obvious choice to move out.
The thing that I like about Riley is like going back to the silky

[roscoe]: and being thing like, Because he's a two way player.
It's somebody that fits into the leaf system that they've been

[roscoe]: trying to call Vat, which is responsible forwards, And
you know, playing a two hundred foot game. You know, we've seen

[roscoe]: it from Matthews and Marner and New Lander, And like
they've all been really improving on that end, Tovarus was already

[roscoe]: good at it, but I'm glad they found somebody that already
fits that instead of not that team O Myer doesn't, but it's just

[roscoe]: I feel like he's just kind of like a Koi Lenard where
it's like we're just bringing in somebody who's good at the game.

[roscoe]: I get it Koilenard won the championship for the Wraptors,
It's a bad comparison, but it's more. just like this guy's Really

[roscoe]: good. We're just going to bring in the guy that's really
good. This is somebody that

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: good and gills with the team. There's a the hometown
vibe and be, I'm drunk, so I'm listening things alphabetically

[steph]: M,

[roscoe]: and see he.

[steph]: m,

[roscoe]: He's just he plays that full defensive game like it's
nice that the leaps have responsible forwards, especially with

[roscoe]: how much emphasis has been put on how un responsible,
Irresponsible. Some, some forwards on other teams, Vancouver

[roscoe]: are Edmonton in a peg. It's all Canadian teams. Wow,

[steph]: Uh,

[roscoe]: going back and playing defense.

[steph]: uh,

[roscoe]: So yeah,

[steph]: Yeah, I don't know. I'm happy. and today the lines like
the bottom six, you had zare char cur foot or sorry in Val camp

[steph]: yarn croak, and then Zare char cur foot. It felt like
it didn't feel like we had a fourth line. It kind of felt like

[steph]: we, Chris Hurley's idea of having like one a B and then
a three, a B. sort of line combination of because, our first

[steph]: two lines, Or let

[roscoe]: So

[steph]: to say

[roscoe]: obviously

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: I didn't get to see the game, So Riley wasn't the third
line center. They put him on the second line and bumped Varus

[roscoe]: o the wing,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: which is the thing that we all talked about and said
like, That's kind of crazy. What? in your opinion, Do you think

[roscoe]: that's the better move than spreading him out and putting
him to third line center with like curve, foot and Egvall.

[steph]: You know they did have their chances tonight. the first
period. I mean the first shift alone, Riley looked great. Had

[steph]: two chances. The thing was, J. T. it was clear that he's
not used to playing on the wing,

[roscoe]: No killing.

[steph]: and the only time that would really happen is like what
Team Canada games where you're playing with bunch of super stars

[steph]: out of position or something like that in All Star Game
or whatever, But he was a minus one. J. T. He had two shows,

[steph]: three hits, but I don't know. I saw a lot of complaints
online. I think it's still possible they can jail. I'm not against

[steph]: putting Um. Ryan on the third line either, I mean, Keith
said before the game, He has unlimited options now with the capability.

[roscoe]: Yeah, because just looking at the daily face off here.
So first power play, J. T Marner, knee lander, Riley, Matthew's

[roscoe]: second power play, Riley Bunting, yarn, croke, sand,
an liligran. That's disgusting. Like the fact that you can spread

[roscoe]: Riley out to your second power play center is crazy
like Well, also stacking

[steph]: Yep,

[roscoe]: the first line with Ford forward.

[steph]: Yeah, seriously, it was such a big improvement tonight,
especially starting some of the power or one of the power players,

[steph]: at least with the second unit, and you didn't feel like
you're kind of waiting for the core to come out and save the

[steph]: day, sort of thing, like they were firing on all cylinders,
and Um, Oh, Riley got his first apple tonight as a leaf and that

[steph]: was off a Michael Bunting goal and yarn crocuses, So
it's war King So far, I mean, obviously so much has happened

[steph]: in the last twenty four hours, and they had to fly today
and do everything right, but I think it gets better.

[roscoe]: Well, what I really like seeing here? It doesn't match
what the line combinations were supposed to be tonight, but the

[roscoe]: most time on ice for a penalty killing four word, because
Lolegran had the most team wide Nolichari over a minute tonight

[roscoe]: of short handed time, and Rina Riley with thirty seconds
of short handed time, so I'm glad that Keith is immediately trusting

[roscoe]: that these guys know what they're doing and putting
them into high responsibility positions and leading the It there.

[roscoe]: Because

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's a game against Montreal. You can kind of throw
everybody in and say great, How does this work Without easing

[roscoe]: everyone into it? Throw them into the fire. What happens?
You've got Riley leading your second power play and your second

[roscoe]: pony Kill, and your second line.

[steph]: Yeah, true leader through and through and a cherry is
the cherry on top here, I love it. I love it. There's more to

[steph]: come, I assume, but tonight it was great and I'm really
sad you missed it.

[roscoe]: Me too.

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: but

[steph]: my god,

[roscoe]: played some fun games. Did some board game night stuff
So you know

[steph]: Nice.

[roscoe]: it was a good time there.

[steph]: Yeah, fun fact.

[roscoe]: Go ahead,

[steph]: Oh, go ahead. go ahead.

[roscoe]: do

[steph]: I was

[roscoe]: it.

[steph]: going to talk more about Ryan Riley,

[roscoe]: No, from the

[steph]: if

[roscoe]: fact

[steph]: you want

[roscoe]: of it,

[steph]: to

[roscoe]: because I can't remember,

[steph]: Rianall.

[roscoe]: I was going to

[steph]: Riley.

[roscoe]: talk about the game we played, but I can't actually
remember the name of it.

[steph]: Oh, well, Riano, Riley, number ninety, first time in
life's history, number ninety, So that he's a little piece there,

[steph]: he'll forever hold with him. Also, he's a no visor player.
If anyone did not notice tonight,

[roscoe]: Interesting.

[steph]: there's only seven left in the N. h, L, and the leaves
have two of them.

[roscoe]: Wow,

[steph]: Can you

[roscoe]: that's

[steph]: guess

[roscoe]: fun.

[steph]: the other one?

[roscoe]: is it David Camp?

[steph]: No, it's

[roscoe]: Um,

[steph]: a grandfather, didn't thing, So

[roscoe]: Oh

[steph]: they've been around a little

[roscoe]: men,

[steph]: longer. right. No, Georgie, Ben,

[roscoe]: Georgie, Ben, there it is.

[steph]: Yeah, Yeah, and then Charles, number fifty two, who last
war, fifty two, Rosco

[roscoe]: Oh, when was it

[steph]: A while ago, we talk about him often, some sometimes,
but he hasn't played with the leaves for a good while. Now

[roscoe]: What era?

[steph]: it's like he never. It's like he never leaves. Just a
always a leaf

[roscoe]: What era?

[steph]: through and through Um, early Matthews days right before
Matthews, as well,

[roscoe]: Oh,

[steph]: Kestel days.

[roscoe]: fifty two

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Defense

[steph]: You got this.

[roscoe]: man,

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: Um,

[steph]: Everyone's screaming at home right now.

[steph]: More ten

[roscoe]: Martin

[steph]: more

[roscoe]: Verencan,

[steph]: in.

[roscoe]: No way I was like.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: It's

[steph]: Mardi Marincin,

[roscoe]: I couldn't picture it, but yeah, that's yeah. the era
when I was actively not watching the leaves

[steph]: Yeah, exactly just getting scared

[roscoe]: We're trying

[steph]: even

[roscoe]: to

[steph]: more.

[roscoe]: lose this season. Great, call me when it's the draft.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: let me know who we get. I'm not not hurting myself all
year, but yeah, I don't know if you've played this game before.

[roscoe]: It's like, kind of like a combination of a bunch of
different games. But there's like a stack of cards and you, you

[roscoe]: draw a bunch of them and you have to. It's kind of like
the pyramid game and charades and taboo, but like you have to,

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: you have to get people to guess what word is on the
card. You can say like anything as part of the description that

[roscoe]: it gives you. But then the second round you have to
do it as charades, and the third round you have to do it is just

[roscoe]: one word, so it gets harder

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: and harder.

[steph]: I've

[roscoe]: That's

[steph]: probably

[roscoe]: fun. though,

[steph]: seen that game. I don't know, but we have a huge cabinet
of games. We always bring a ton of games to every game night

[steph]: Like we actually pack a miniature suit case when bringing
the games.

[roscoe]: Oh my gosh,

[steph]: Because there's just so many, but yeah,

[roscoe]: I.

[steph]: no, I

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: love

[roscoe]: was in

[steph]: game

[roscoe]: college

[steph]: nights.

[roscoe]: during the height of Cards against Humanity, so my mom
for a couple of years

[steph]: Nice.

[roscoe]: just was getting me like the expansion packs for it.
So I have, like the Trump and Hilary pack, the weed pack, the

[roscoe]: nineties, Astlgapack, the eighties,

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: Nestalgapack. Like so many of these different ones,
they're fun Is just I have a lot of cards for that game.

[steph]: You got to buy the hard cover, um, little case thing
to pack all your cards in.

[roscoe]: I have the bigger

[steph]: Then it

[roscoe]: blacker

[steph]: divides

[roscoe]: box.

[steph]: it. We can buy a case for all the games until they're
not all over

[roscoe]: Ho,

[steph]: the place. That's what we had to do because it was just
getting out of hand. so

[roscoe]: One?

[steph]: now we just you open up the case and there's like twenty
games you can pick from with no boxes. You

[roscoe]: Oh,

[steph]: just

[roscoe]: that's

[steph]: grab it and

[roscoe]: cool.

[steph]: go.

[roscoe]: You'll have to send me that.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Do you know? But the big box for the Cards against Humanity

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: and the secret card,

[steph]: yeah, um, we usually play disturbed friends instead

[roscoe]: M

[steph]: of cards against humanity, because it's funny and I have,
like the Ex rated version of all the games,

[roscoe]: Nice.

[steph]: But anyway,

[roscoe]: Anyways.

[steph]: Leafs

[roscoe]: So what I think?

[steph]: leaves one.

[roscoe]: Yeah, leaps one Michael Bunting out of a great night
with two goals. Anything you want to chat as far as the goals

[roscoe]: go. Because I mean, we've got more to talk about as
far as trades and stuff go,

[steph]: I only want to say is that of course, Josh Anderson,

[roscoe]: Leah killer.

[steph]: leaf killer certified, Oh my God, thirteenth goal of
his career Against the reliefs. Of course, and yeah, this all

[steph]: starts in the second period. I mean the first period.
there were some great points. It just seemed like nothing was

[steph]: going in or they missed the ned or ding off the cross
bar. Right, But something super Funny. I just before I forget

[steph]: in warm up Riano, Riley is doing his pre game ritual
and then he showers himself with his bottle, which happens to

[steph]: have vial steel in it.

[roscoe]: Oh no,

[steph]: so he's covered in pink. Sit like. what the hell? looking
down at his hand like, Am I bleeding No wrong water bottle, but

[roscoe]: That's funny.

[steph]: couldn't read the label, so he had to shower himself
with the water and get on with his way. But that didn't This

[steph]: play because like I said earlier, the first shift was
buzzing, second shift. Buzzing Leafs were on their third line

[steph]: change and Hab still had their first line out. They just

[roscoe]: Oh my

[steph]: made their

[roscoe]: lord,

[steph]: change a minute and thirty in because the leaves just
hemmed them into the zone so much going on deflection ding like,

[steph]: Oh my God, shots, sixteen, thirteen to end the first

[roscoe]: And with that, let's start the show. I'm just kidding.
It's way too late to play the intro. I just realize we haven't

[roscoe]: done that yet and it's like half an hour and

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's like Aveyuever,

[steph]: I did

[roscoe]: seen those shows

[steph]: in the beginning.

[roscoe]: where the cold open plays out, And then the intro starts
and you have to like, literally check how long into the stream.

[roscoe]: This. it's like we're twelve minutes into the episode.
It is far

[steph]: Uh,

[roscoe]: beyond where you're allowed to play the Ntro. You missed
that opportunity. going town

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: through this. Don't through this. Anything passed

[steph]: Well,

[roscoe]: like three minutes. You missed your chance. It's the
worst for. I think it was how I met your moth. I noticed that

[roscoe]: the most what it would be like beyond a cold open. It's
like an entire scene plays out. They change locations that go

[roscoe]: back to the apartment and it's like Oh, first commercial
play break. So let's play the introit like No,

[steph]: Him and

[roscoe]: Then

[steph]: him

[roscoe]: now you can't do that. Play it at the beginning. then

[steph]: Well for any new new listeners, welcome back to life's
late night

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: presented by Inside the rank. This is Step, the fanalist.
I'm with Rosco, who forgot to click the button and now we're

[steph]: back to

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: the game.

[roscoe]: now we're back. Um, yeah, you can

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: you

[steph]: man,

[roscoe]: can finish up with a game. There's more like I said.
He's more trade stuff I want to talk about, but I missed this

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: so I'll get to see the debut of these guys tomorrow

[steph]: Yah leave second period. Oh my God, three goals from
the leaves, one from Josh Anderson, which honestly, Wall had

[steph]: no chance. It was deflected in front through traffic.
A point shot from Matheson Anderson, just got the dip and of

[steph]: course he certified. Just stamp it on his forehead, Certified
leaf killer. Boom,

[roscoe]: Sort

[steph]: and it's

[roscoe]: of,

[steph]: one. Nothing.

[roscoe]: I don't get it. It's so frustrating that somebody. uh,
yeah, I don't know. Don't get it. He has such a mediocre season,

[roscoe]: and like all of his goals coming against the leaves,
like he's paid five million dollars just to be good for a couple

[roscoe]: of games against Toronto.

[steph]: Okay, I saw a tweet, but I just got to check real quick.
Where is his name? Josh Anderson only has six assists this year,

[steph]: so he's played fifty three games. He has twenty one points
for fifteen goals and six asses. like come on,

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: Dan.

[roscoe]: know I can't. He's just not a play maker, and I get
not being a play maker and not collecting assist. But like how

[roscoe]: do you not get more than six secondary assist? Like
the amount of goals to Zookiin Field for scoring like he's just

[roscoe]: so far removed from anything going on there.

[steph]: Yeah, exactly. but the good thing about this second period
to the right after to answer to Josh Anderson. the Leafs convert

[steph]: on their first power play opportunity, which is always
a good sign. We want them to sink that ship real quick. Get the

[steph]: years a flowing and it happens to come off P. P. To so
Bunting gets the goal. Sanden dumps the puck before entering

[steph]: the zone and Matthews collects it around the boards.
cross crease, pass up and over, Ellen Older, because Bunting

[steph]: is right there down on one knee seventeenth goal this
season man, good news for bunting.

[roscoe]: I just got to shout out the habzonredit account on Twitter.
Our slash halves. Guess what they said about the game Tonight.

[steph]: Do we cheat it or something?

[roscoe]: Leaves are about to get their first win in three games
versus the hubs this season, and all it took was Monahan Goole,

[roscoe]: Galigerslavkovsky, Evans, Edmonson, Jack Koffield

[steph]: No

[roscoe]: and Dog to be out with injuries or sickness. Impressive,
very nice.

[steph]: Well, hubs have also allowed at least four goals in the
last seven of eleven games that they have played. They just lost

[steph]: the Carolina six two. And what the funks going on? Mardi
looks really pissed behind the bench. He looked mad the entire

[steph]: time and I don't know, man, it's a problem when your
newest people like your. Your prospects are coming in. Your.

[steph]: Your rookies are kind of carrying the game for you because
you have Harris, who just signed a deal. Um, they also had Peseta,

[steph]: who was also a beast every single game, but he's also
rookie. There was another guy on De, who actually tried to challenge

[steph]: Matthews after he dropped sazooki, but kind of accidentally
like Zook, just fell on his ass. So

[roscoe]: O,

[steph]: covicovsevic,

[roscoe]: Et Kovisevich,

[steph]: Ovis,

[roscoe]: and

[steph]: Covisevich,

[roscoe]: Baron, And what's

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: this guy's name? Shone Shunaman

[steph]: She, she.

[roscoe]: Lone in Bell Zeal. Like the amount of people in this
game that I have never heard of that is so unfortunate for the

[roscoe]: Canadians. I know you're trying to lose. but like my
god, that sucks.

[steph]: Yeah, Matthews literally smiles him off of him

[roscoe]: Uh,

[steph]: when he tries to push him like, Yeah, okay, but like
who the fuck are you right?

[roscoe]: Yeah, I mean, even at thirty

[steph]: But

[roscoe]: shots, Montreal was reduced to like eight and nine in
the second and third period, so

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: forty one to three shots

[steph]: A good thing you're here tonight Because Pierre involved
shoots the puck. Ellen saves it. It sneaks

[roscoe]: M.

[steph]: through. Oh my God, you got to watch this replying. When
you get a chance, it literally drops between his legs and it

[steph]: trickles And he does like a back flip to check And it's
in and we're all shocked

[roscoe]: Oh, man, well,

[steph]: draft

[roscoe]: I've got.

[steph]: power.

[roscoe]: I tried to watch it, but there's an add so I'll catch
it in like

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: six, five, four, three, two, a couple of seconds. M.
So how did? obviously we had? We found out that the liosamazona

[roscoe]: Okay. Actually, here, I'm just gonna ach the goal first.
Okay, So but fighting in the corner because he's big, Chad and

[roscoe]: valve.

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: Oh my god, See, that's how I should be scoring. Slam
somebody in the corner. Give me the puck bigger than you and

[roscoe]: just

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: throw it on net like, just force your way through. I
don't care if that created a rebound or went in the net. That

[roscoe]: is exactly what Pieringball should be doing. I hope
he does more of it and I hope that's what Play off an Pierre

[steph]: Yep.

[roscoe]: Loff and Go Ngvall looks like.

[steph]: So no, no on on Twitter was

[roscoe]: Oh

[steph]: like,

[roscoe]: no, no,

[steph]: What is Pierre Ingvall going to bring to the playoffs
and immediately after Pier in Val, Scores? so

[roscoe]: What's that?

[steph]: we were saying that Yeah, he summoned the beast. The
beast was unleashed from involved tonight and it was always nice

[steph]: to see, especially when you have bunting bunting, Ingvalneelander
camp. All four lines worked

[roscoe]: That's

[steph]: off

[roscoe]: awesome

[steph]: Our lines. scored pretty much right.

[roscoe]: And that's what you want

[steph]: and

[roscoe]: out of a trade is like.

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: Especially if you're trying to bolster every body right
like, it's hard to bring two guys in to effect four lions. But

[roscoe]: that's really what tubes did, because you can spread

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: out and put them in the spots they are supposed to be,
instead of filling holes where you were lacking. And I think

[roscoe]: this was the best possible. you know. move with the
least spend. I did not think you get this much for that little

[roscoe]: out.

[steph]: Carrie could have had a couple tonight. That similar
play like Ingvall there, getting in front of the net. A chare

[steph]: was all over that tonight and throwing his body around
with five hits. Um, then David camp right third period goal.

[steph]: I know Knee landers scored before him, but it's always
just this cherry on top for me when David Camp scores first and

[steph]: twenty eight, so it's nice to see these types of guys
get activated again and put on a show, The new guys and say,

[steph]: listen, Okay, this is the type of play we're used to
and this is the expectation. Goals come from everywhere and we're

[steph]: going to continue that.

[roscoe]: Yeah, just to to end off our trade, talk here, especially
the Riley one. And then I want to talk about the goals. I posted

[roscoe]: a pole on Twitter yesterday right after the deal, saying,
Is this deal enough to do us an extension? and from just under

[roscoe]: two hundred votes, have you seen what the results are?

[steph]: No, Actually,

[roscoe]: It's stayed pretty much the same From about, I would
say just under a hundred here to just under two hundred, and

[roscoe]: it's sixty nine percent. Yes, beautiful trade, thirty
one per cent. No results or bust. So I mean it's not like it's

[roscoe]: completely one sided. I would say like seventy thirty
is still enough of the audience that not everyone is convinced

[roscoe]: that I would say. It's just like you know a couple of
people that are just being negative. Like it's a fair point that

[roscoe]: You know you can make this trade. But until something
happens and they're able to actually turn this into success,

[roscoe]: it's hard for that to mean something. but as far as
Dubishis extension goes, I mean the trade is all he can do. Like

[roscoe]: the actual bringing in of players is the only thing
he can effect like everything is in motion. As far as the decisions

[roscoe]: he's made, it's all on the players after that, so I
think it's hard to say that the results are on him. I think he

[roscoe]: has done with this trade, and probably And more enough
to show like he's worth keeping around like it's We're talking

[roscoe]: about extending somebody we're not talking about. like
you know, Are they the best ever? Is he the most fantastic

[steph]: Hm,

[roscoe]: g, M on the planet? I don't know. That's not what we're
talking about. Do I want him to keep being the gem of this team?

[roscoe]: Yes, because I don't think there's anybody better out
there right now For us that's available.

[steph]: Yeah, seriously, for the price, you can't turn it down.
And even tonight Riano, Riley was twelve out of fourteen on the

[steph]: dot.

[roscoe]: Oh, my gosh. what

[steph]: Yeah, yeah, no, no, was it was a little bit less. I think
he was four out of eleven, but honestly

[roscoe]: A little.

[steph]: he always worked. but he recovered, you know, and like,
he had a presence on the ice and He was noticeable. so

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: thirty

[roscoe]: mean.

[steph]: six percent on the dot, but I think that gets better
with time.

[roscoe]: Yeah, it's hard to be impactful and noticeable in your
first game and the fact that both of them were you know in such

[roscoe]: high responsibility roles, like I said, Cary was killing
penalties the most minutes of any forward on the penalty kill

[roscoe]: tonight Like they at least trust him. So that's something.

[steph]: Yeah, M. Joseph Wall getting his first win at the Scotia
Bank arena.

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: Um,

[roscoe]: so Sammy,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: with an illness, we find that out just before the game
starts, so nothing to be concerned about. I think

[steph]: Might be a bug. I think it's maybe like like the flue
or something,

[roscoe]: The bug forcing the ebag.

[steph]: Which Sarandour Discord pointed out that the leaves are
over the maximum amount of contracts, but it's listed and read

[steph]: because emergency call up. So there is chagrin baby Gol,
backing up, Joseph Wall, and the leaves obviously had to send

[steph]: down to, so the only two who were not who are waver exempt
are Pontus Homburg and Wade Simmons.

[roscoe]: Oh boy,

[steph]: So they go down to make space. We have to call up the
two goals. We have one on emergency loan basis, and here we are

[steph]: hoping that Sammy feels better soon so we can smile with

[roscoe]: They also moved Matt Murray to long term injured reserve,
So all I can take from this is they're just going to let him

[roscoe]: rest up to be their tandem slashed, probably the back
up heading into the playoffs, but I think it, just it allows

[roscoe]: him to get back on to a hundred per cent and for them
to make some moves here like it's It's gymnastics. It's dumb

[roscoe]: cap ship, and it's an injured goal, so it's a good combo
for them right now. I mean, I don't hate it. It's just silly.

[roscoe]: I'm just going to go back to how dumb the cap is that
they have to have somebody take a rest in order to make trades.

[roscoe]: It's like

[steph]: Yeah, do you wan to go to questions? We have

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: a couple

[roscoe]: I was

[steph]: here.

[roscoe]: just saying we're getting a bunch here like late, so
I'm glad we're We're like

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: getting to this. There's been a ton

[steph]: nice,

[roscoe]: of them. Come in while we're recording. like over the

[steph]: Um,

[roscoe]: half hour.

[steph]: Sheldon Keith, Also a hundred and fiftieth win

[roscoe]: Wow.

[steph]: as a head coach. Yeah,

[roscoe]: Uh. okay,

[steph]: but I just want to say one more thing before we get to
the questions because

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: just based off your pole there, I had a thought in mind
that I lost my thought, but it came back thirty

[roscoe]: Good,

[steph]: percent of people. right, um, I kind of don't blame them.
They want to see the result or bust, Because we were once in

[steph]: this position where we gave up a first. in Others, Nick
Felina comes in captain of the Columbus Bluejackets, Complete

[steph]: bust or well, he was injured and it just didn't work
out right like it. Just

[roscoe]: Was he the captain? Yeah,

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: he

[steph]: he

[roscoe]: was.

[steph]: was the captain.

[roscoe]: Holy,

[steph]: So and there was the whole historic thing with his father
being a former leaf and everyone was so piped. So do people stay

[steph]: on the hype train, which is you know, mentioned in one
of our questions. You might as well, Mike. Mike, the fanatic

[steph]: says, Are

[roscoe]: Happy

[steph]: us

[roscoe]: Birthday,

[steph]: life

[roscoe]: Mice

[steph]: fans happy belated birthday? Mike. Yes, Mysa. are us
Lise fans overhyping this team after the trade or does this team

[steph]: officially feel different? Realistically How far do each
of you think they can go this year? It's a fair question, right,

[steph]: Like are people overhyping it or what like? Is this another
captain to our collection? That's just gonna collect dust On

[steph]: the I R shelf, because he just came off if I, r, or will
he be impactful along with his fellow former blue.

[roscoe]: Like half of the league has been on this season. It's

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's either like I said a cat maneuver or it's people
have just been getting hurt a lot. It's a physical game and they're

[roscoe]: giving guys a rest because I think it's becoming more
common place to just if guys aren't a hundred per cent. Instead

[roscoe]: of putting them out there and potentially hurting the
more, just throw them on. I call somebody up. You've got so many

[roscoe]: players and you're so restricted with how many you can
have up. It's almost an opportunity. It's a blessing and disguise

[roscoe]: kind of thing. Every Somebody gets hurt.

[steph]: Yeah, yeah,

[roscoe]: Uh, yeah,

[steph]: But

[roscoe]: where was

[steph]: for

[roscoe]: it

[steph]: the

[roscoe]: going?

[steph]: question, M overhyping this team after the trade. I mean,
we got to stay positive. There's so much to look forward to,

[steph]: especially with his cabinet of trophies and enlist nominations
for the trophies. right.

[roscoe]: I think overhype is the wrong word. I think it's just
people weren't expecting him to swing for the fence Is like.

[roscoe]: I know. it's been talked about like Freedman has been
saying. You know, Leave nation, like watch out. He's going to

[roscoe]: make a big move. There's going to be a block buster
here, but you know we just we never see it. It's always been

[roscoe]: like I said before the people that you're not expecting.
It's something out of left field. It's never the top names we

[roscoe]: talked about Riley being unaffordable. you know multiple
times, so I

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: think it's fair that people are shocked and excited
about this because it's not something he typically does, and

[roscoe]: that means that he has the confidence this year to spend
something that he wouldn't normally spend like. I mean, if he

[roscoe]: had the same confidence last year, we would have gotten
who was the big name at the deadline last year. That I'm forgetting

[roscoe]: it wasn't huge. Right

[steph]: Um,

[roscoe]: There was

[steph]: good

[roscoe]: somebody

[steph]: question.

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: There

[roscoe]: can't

[steph]: was

[roscoe]: remember,

[steph]: a lot the well last summer anyways, the big ones where
Hubert and cadre and Chuck, and, but for deadline

[roscoe]: Right Burns.

[steph]: purposes,

[roscoe]: And yeah,

[steph]: Um,

[roscoe]: I'm trying to remember

[steph]: you

[roscoe]: who

[steph]: know

[roscoe]: the big name was

[steph]: Colorado. Yeah, and like Tampa and Colorado acquired
bottom six players That really helped them send them over the

[steph]: edge and some, D, like Josh Manson, for example, For
For the Abs, and Um. who was it for

[roscoe]: Here.

[steph]: Tampa?

[roscoe]: I'm looking at dead line last year. When was it?

[roscoe]: It was like February, wasn't it?

[steph]: Yeah, it's

[roscoe]: Oh no,

[steph]: two weeks away. No, it's March March third,

[roscoe]: But when did they do it last year? It was late as March
twenty something. Yeah, here was like March twenty first last

[roscoe]: year,

[steph]: Okay,

[roscoe]: Max Dome, Victor Bras, Tyler, Mesnikof, Brasard,

[roscoe]: Andrew

[steph]: Mark

[roscoe]: Cop,

[steph]: Gerda,

[roscoe]: Andrew

[steph]: Andrew caught.

[roscoe]: Cop was

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: a big one, Riley Nash, Artery Luck, And so

[steph]: We

[roscoe]: it

[steph]: got

[roscoe]: wasn't

[steph]: a

[roscoe]: John. Yeah,

[steph]: licking

[roscoe]: it wasn't

[steph]: in.

[roscoe]: like. Yeah, capcackand, Mark Andre flurry, Brian, little.

[steph]: Oh yeah,

[roscoe]: so it

[steph]: flurry,

[roscoe]: was like it wasn't a big first line forward though,
so I think that's why this year it was like everybody was just

[roscoe]: expecting it to go somewhere else. You know, Boston
always gets the toys

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: they want. That's why we're allowed to be excited about
this. Yes, we

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: have to wait for the results. But as I said, this is
dubusis. Job is to you know, between now and March third, make

[roscoe]: the best moves he can, and it's up to the team to do
the rest and I think he's put them in a really good position

[roscoe]: to spread everybody out. Play the spot that they are
the best with the amount of responsibility they were comfortable

[roscoe]: with, and I think it's going to lead to great results
in the play off. So as far as how far I think they can go, Eastern

[roscoe]: conference final against the Rangers is gonna be really

[steph]: Yeah, honestly, does this team feel officially different?
It's too soon. I think it was super night seeing two elite lions

[steph]: just going out and no holes. I mean, we saw J T tonight
and it's not like he was horrible. He still did his job and everything

[steph]: was as great when leaves one. But give it at least ten
games right, Like just to jell with the boys, and maybe test

[steph]: Rianallriley on the third line center, just to see

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: or play around a little. And yeah, but obviously it does
feel different. I feel like Nick Felina was like a Ranallriley

[steph]: light in a sense, and this is like the real

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: deal this time right, like Nick Falino's worst game or
best game is probably Ryan's worst game in my opinion, so

[roscoe]: And and with what we

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: saw from Saint Louis last year, where what was it? Eight
or nine guys had over twenty goals. Like the potentials

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: there this year. They just can't find it and they're
falling apart, so I'm glad that we're getting him before. it's

[roscoe]: been too long removed from his good years. It's it's

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: just been this season and honestly being hurt, I'd rather
be hurt than be with this garbage team for the last fifty games

[roscoe]: and all.

[steph]: He's not going to have any any goal swinging at him.
He's not going to any

[roscoe]: No,

[steph]: hot heads or anything, but realistically. Obviously,
I think the leaves can go all the way on paper. They are solid

[steph]: and on ice as well. It depends if they want to play the
right way that night right. but Atlantic

[roscoe]: I just think

[steph]: division is the hardest.

[roscoe]: yeah, I just think it's going to be once if they can
get past Tampa. Um. it's going to probably be Boston, and then

[roscoe]: Rangers would be the route

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: if I'm not mistaken. Um, and I think

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: that's going to be really, really, really, really hard.
Like Tampa is probably the most beatabule followed by Boston

[roscoe]: and then the Rangers, but they're pretty close there.
Like with the moves the Rangers have made to bring in Terrisanco,

[roscoe]: and the fact that they've got Casteran back there like
their defense is that little bit better. I just I'm scared of

[roscoe]: playing the Rangers now, man, it's crazy they

[steph]: Yeah, we

[roscoe]: able

[steph]: have

[roscoe]: to put

[steph]: Shastirkin,

[roscoe]: together

[steph]: Vasalevski All mark great.

[roscoe]: Old Mark is having a good season. He's not. I don't
know. Don't put

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: him.

[steph]: I mean

[roscoe]: It's crazy to

[steph]: it's

[roscoe]: put

[steph]: hard.

[roscoe]: him in a conversation with those two. but yeah, this
year has been insane for him.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Okay,

[steph]: but the

[roscoe]: other questions,

[steph]: next question N. so just going off Rianalriley, Mike,
D as now that he is a leaf. If he stays, What does his next contract

[steph]: look like?

[roscoe]: This is interesting because he's thirty two, so he's
not in like end of his career mode where he's going to sign for

[roscoe]: seven hundred and fifty k, or eight hundred, whatever
it is next year, but I do think there's a world where he takes

[roscoe]: a couple mill to stick around, because I mean at thirty
two he has had quite a few years of making between six and eight

[roscoe]: million a year. That maybe he would rather stay here,
especially if they find this success in the playoffs. Make it

[roscoe]: through a few

[steph]: Yeah?

[roscoe]: rounds. I could see him sticking around if it's a first
round of exit. I don't think there's any chance. But if he has

[roscoe]: a really good second half of the year here and they
go on a deep run, he could do it because he's not going to get

[roscoe]: that. I mean, you're really starting over again. If
you do that somewhere else. He's an Ontario guy. I think it's

[roscoe]: possible that they could work out of deal. It's just
a matter of, Does that then force your hand in a year or two

[roscoe]: with your new land Deal or your Matthew's deal. So I
don't want anything at's

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: gonta hurt that, so I'd say the most you can give him
is like three million and you've got to get rid of somebody like

[roscoe]: like cur foot in order

[steph]: Her

[roscoe]: to

[steph]: foot,

[roscoe]: make it work Like if, if you're bringing a Riley into
replace Alex Currfoot a thousand per cent Because he's that,

[roscoe]: but better and more consistent.

[steph]: M, hm.

[roscoe]: I just, it's going to be on Riley whether he wants to
take that hit in his pocket to to stick around with the leaves,

[roscoe]: Kari,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: I think is the the more interesting one to resign, because
if he works, you can get him on Val, like Deal, and a couple

[roscoe]: of those guys are all running out this year, so it's
going to be kind of up to dubs who he wants to keep around for

[roscoe]: the bottom six.

[steph]: Too many clowns in the clown car. We did not give up
anyone yet beside some Marley's. So got to make the decision.

[steph]: The ability you know to play center was an attractive
aspect about cur foot or utility knife. Now we have a char who

[steph]: can play center as well as Ran Riley. So you got to you
kind of got a pick, because also on the P. Q, you, the leaves

[steph]: have marner in Val, camp r, r. a char yarn Croke Are
right and it's like you got to make the decision now, the hard

[steph]: decisions of who's staying and who's going, and as we
were speculating who's going to the leaves, I think we all agreed

[steph]: on it or hoped. anyways. I remember, I said I hope it's
a hometown boy so that they can take a discount because Kyle

[steph]: Dubs said he's only goin to go after people who are interested
in staying, And Riley already said Torone was on his short list

[steph]: Of teams he was interested in when he's going to test
free agency in the summer, so

[roscoe]: Okay,

[steph]: now he's getting a sneak peak. Yep, sneak peak early
and he has the option of staying or not and it has to be a good

[steph]: friendly team friendly deal. He has to have the dog in
him like bunting, who is also going to take a team friendly deal

[steph]: to play with his boys, and yeah, live at home, the dream,
the childhood dream, play your thousand games, Trying to make

[steph]: believe, retire as a leaf,

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: But

[roscoe]: like

[steph]: to

[roscoe]: it,

[steph]: do so, you have to meet us halfway,

[roscoe]: Please. The next

[steph]: Please.

[roscoe]: one

[steph]: please.

[roscoe]: comes from our very own Ja, Ben. Just in being

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: the banner, how will the other teams in the East match
up against the face off prowess of the leaves Now? So if you

[roscoe]: didn't catch on our last episode, we matched the Rangers,
the Devils and the Hurricanes, bottom stick up against the leaves.

[roscoe]: Sorry, the Bruins. Um, I think they, with the addition,
These two guys, like I was saying, it's it would be nice to add

[roscoe]: somebody to the top of six, but they really needed as
the bottom six. This somehow covers all of those bases with sending

[roscoe]: the least out the door, so I'm fine. I think they're
going to be more on par with Boston's bottom six where it normally

[roscoe]: feels like their bottom six s is kind of taking ours
out to lunch and it's kind of on the defense of the whole time.

[roscoe]: We're just trying to clear the pack. I feel We can actually
generate some offense now and get some scoring from the bottom

[roscoe]: six, which is something that other teams have over us.

[steph]: Yeah, and especially on the dot, we are already seventh
overall in the league. fifty two point three percent, But watch

[steph]: that number just go up,

[roscoe]: Oh hundred

[steph]: especially

[roscoe]: percent

[steph]: our power play. Last game. We were sitting at fourth.
We drop down to six again, twenty five percent. Now that we have

[steph]: Rinoriley on P. P. two, it's it's lethal. It's lethal.
You have bunting, being a little snaky snake in front of the

[steph]: goal. You have yarn crow You to shoot that at any point
San dine with a blast. Now you have Rianalriley and Ingvall.

[steph]: come on, bunch of shooters. so

[roscoe]: Bunch of shooters. M.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Next one comes from. Let's go to a blue and white Sapper.
Do you think the team was stoked about the new toys Dubus got

[roscoe]: them, or what? And do you think dubs s a couple more
up his sleeve? as we've said? I think he does just because he

[roscoe]: can. pardon me.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Do I think the team is excited about them. It's hard
not to be. I think adding Somebody that's a name like that, like

[roscoe]: Ranald Riley, that's a captain and somebody that all
of them have played a ton of games against. It's

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: hard not to be excited about that.

[steph]: Yeah, I believe Go said today. when asked his, his response
was that he was worried about who left the team. Honestly like

[steph]: he wasn't worried about who's coming. They're worried
about who's going, And that's the mind set of this team right

[steph]: there. They're all friends in the locker room, so obviously
they're super static. Even Go, said like, I'm just glad we didn't

[steph]: lose anyone at the end of the day, So Today is a good
day for the buds, because they're only adding at this point in

[steph]: time. in the future, tears may shed, especially if you
know Curve foot is out the door. For example, I think it's going

[steph]: to hurt for some, but it's the business and that's exactly
what they'll say. It's it's the business.

[roscoe]: Yep, next one comes from Ryan Williams, Ut. At what
is this? At one? seven o six, Ryan. So can we forget about the

[roscoe]: Columbus game and just called this one ball's first
game of the season? Yeah, what Columbus game?

[steph]: Yeah, a hat.

[roscoe]: We didn't even talk about

[steph]: next?

[roscoe]: it. Next.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Run it back for ever at Tmlfanand Van, K. Marty Zilstra,
is Rana Riley good at and I'm going to do it, Hawke in air quotes,

[steph]: What kind of hockey actually ran? Riley is. Um, I follow
the Saint Louis Blues on Instagram as well. They always post

[steph]: clips of him practicing. you know, using a ball against
the wall with his stick just fucking around. not even Figaro,

[steph]: just just playing around with his hand, eye coordination.
And he's really good at what he does using different types of

[steph]: weighted balls and and such like, kind of like what Goles
do. But he does it with the Ick, and of course he's good at hawke.

[steph]: Come on, even has a Hawke smile.

[roscoe]: So the answer yes, Rianall Riley is good at hockey.
Thank you for the question. Good one

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: next comes from Benito the Basset hound. What's it like
to have a five on three power play? I forget. Yeah, I didn't

[roscoe]: realize this until somebody pointed this out on Twitter.
Leaps have not had one, or they've had one.

[steph]: Yeah, so they've had zero so far this year, Whereas with
the Winnepeg Jets has has had three in their last game alone,

[steph]: the leaves have not been off on a five on three advantage
and they should have been so many times. So this is our tin foil

[steph]: hat growing once again and I am totally with you. Benito,

[roscoe]: That is

[steph]: the basket down.

[roscoe]: insane. he says, I forget. I'll stop now. had some whisky
and going to bed. Catch the show in the morning. you all rock

[roscoe]: you rock To be.

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: Also, Did

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: you see

[steph]: you rock.

[roscoe]: how Matt Austin was after dragging the pack out of the
corner with two abs on his back to pass to two back door Bill

[roscoe]: for the tap in? I don't think he realized they were
going to call a penalty.

[steph]: Yeah, man, this, this was a nice cool and William Ne
Lander tonight almost did the thing he did last game nine seconds

[steph]: into the peri. The first period, you know, wrap around
the to, and in his attempt didn't work because Allan squeezed.

[steph]: but this one man, I don't know how Matthews was able
to feed with all that traffic Cross crease did not miss man lander.

[steph]: Is he's evolved? Okay, They show this that tonight he's
averaging what? one point one, seven points a game, and Um, throughout

[steph]: his career, those numbers just steadily went up last
year. It was point nine. nine, damn William

[roscoe]: Last part

[steph]: Manlander,

[roscoe]: of Benito's question, can I get some dogs treats, or
can I get some treats? Or is he only dangle That does that? So

[roscoe]: does dangle give dog treats?

[steph]: Um, isn't that victory puppy thing in the beginning?
or does he give away? I don't know. I haven't watched one of

[steph]: those in a long time.

[roscoe]: We'll send you some treats. How about that? How about

[steph]: How about that? Send us your address?

[roscoe]: Send you one.

[steph]: Um, ah,

[roscoe]: That's all the questions I have.

[steph]: Um. I just want to say Mike. D had a fun question. What's
your favorite banker from Marti Zilstra?

[roscoe]: Oh, I've shouted it up before, but there is a song that
I've always finding myself going back to

[roscoe]: everything on Boom Chick is sweet if you're trying to
get into the game. But there's one from his older ones. Oh my

[roscoe]: gosh, it's from the dragon

[steph]: Wasn't

[roscoe]: in spider.

[steph]: it called music? There

[roscoe]: Now it's

[steph]: is

[roscoe]: called

[steph]: one called

[roscoe]: Moon

[steph]: Moon, Sorry

[roscoe]: From the dragon Fly

[steph]: or

[roscoe]: and

[steph]: there's

[roscoe]: the spider.

[steph]: one called. There's one called the music. That's really
cool. I enjoy. I totally agree with you there. The whole boom

[steph]: Chica album is awesome. Of course, Rattled the glass
is elite. Um, I don't know. I like all of his music. I'm very

[steph]: fortunate enough that where Marty sometimes sends me
music clips of songs that he's

[roscoe]: He

[steph]: creating.

[roscoe]: same.

[steph]: Yeah, and I really enjoy that. So thank you, Marty. I
appreciate that and check out his music, guys, Marti Zis,

[roscoe]: I like this one because it's spacy and like,

[steph]: It s a sweet sweet voice.

[roscoe]: Yeah, it reminds me of animal Collective, but it's better
than Animal Collective.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: So

[steph]: he's cool.

[roscoe]: anything you want to close out with? because I just
have one little quick thing.

[steph]: No, tomorrow. the game is at six p M, Eastern time for
anyone who is not aware, and we will be in Chicago.

[roscoe]: So

[steph]: So

[roscoe]: Monday's

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: family day

[steph]: But no good game. I'm glad we got the points against
the freakinghabs

[roscoe]: Thank

[steph]: but

[roscoe]: you.

[steph]: yeah, freak,

[roscoe]: Um, So I got Howlcorts Legacy to talk about this in
her last episode.

[steph]: You spoke about this. I don't know if we were recording
or not.

[roscoe]: Okay, sorry if I've talked about this already, but now
that I've put like twelve hours into this game, I have an honest

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: review of it. Find for like

[steph]: Okay,

[roscoe]: I like a week that's normal right so it's visually stunning.
The the actual landscapes and the buildings and the lighting

[roscoe]: and everything. I'm playing it on P. C, with a pretty
good graphic card, to be fair, but it looks really really good.

[roscoe]: The faces of people Likenpcs aren't great, but the actual
world looks gorgeous. Flying around on a broom is like

[steph]: M,

[roscoe]: so cool. It's so satisfying to hop on your broom and
fly around and cast spells. And like the amount of spells you

[roscoe]: can get, it's just a very satisfying Hogwart's experience.
Like what you'd expect from being a wizard or which the side

[roscoe]: quests are fun? There's a lot of like stuff you can
do. There's a big world to explore If you're into the part World

[roscoe]: where I don't like the game is the actual

[steph]: Hm,

[roscoe]: and this sounds crazy, but like the story itself is
not that great, even though the game is really fun. Still like

[roscoe]: I'm going a finish it and I'm going to enjoy all of
it except for the few main story quest. like there's so many

[roscoe]: other things you can do and explore. But like the actual
things that they lead you down that they've written for this

[roscoe]: game, don't make a lot of sense. It's supposed to take
place a hundred years Or Harry Potter, And you're like

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: this kid who joins as a fifth year student who can see
ancient magic or something. Sorry, there's going to be spoilers

[roscoe]: If you want to get through the game. I'm trying a trying
not to spoil it too much. but like you can see ancient magic,

[roscoe]: which the like these old magicians like, left behind
clues and you're supposed to follow them to find this thing that

[roscoe]: they hid. and it's like Why is if this is a hundred
years before Harry, Or why does none of this come up through?

[roscoe]: Like the seven books. Like, like,

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: there's some things that they took liberties with, And
I get it, But like this just seemed like it was out of left field

[roscoe]: and they make its main character syndrome where you're
like, Oh, you're special and you can see things no one else can

[roscoe]: And you have to go on as a special journey. It's like
No, I just want to be a student. I just want to go to class and

[roscoe]: kin some spells. I do this.

[steph]: How is the sound track? Does it live up to the You know,
Harry Potter has a crazy sound track. They've done obviously

[steph]: crustrated Um concerts for it Now. Does this game have
similar sound tracks?

[roscoe]: Yeah, I mean you get the Head Wags theme like the John
Williams the

[roscoe]: like all the time

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: to the point where it's like a little repetitive. but
it was kind of the fact that I took note of the fact that you

[roscoe]: can recognize an entire franchise by a short little
melody that John Williams wrote, which is really cool and do

[roscoe]: that for you know, Star Wars and Et and Drastic Park,
and all these Ere

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: home alone, like everything that he composed for you
can literally recognize the entire franchise by by a short little

[roscoe]: melody.

[steph]: Nice.

[roscoe]: but the game. Yeah, the music is good. I like how it
kind of changes based on what you're doing and I don't know the

[roscoe]: fact that they built out the world around the school
like there's a bunch of little towns around like there's not

[roscoe]: just hogs me, there's little hamlets and stuff you can
go to, And I don't know. I like exploring and like doing fun

[roscoe]: stuff, Ning treasure and things, And I just don't like
being special. That makes sense. They just

[steph]: Well,

[roscoe]: made it seem like you were just like you got to go to
school and be a student at Howard and do unship. Because like,

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: sure, like I don't know, Harry. You supposed to be like
special in the sense that he's special because his parents like

[roscoe]: saved him and this guy wants to finish off what he started.
It's not like he was born with like a gift. The fact that you're

[roscoe]: like born with this thing and you're just like inherently
good at stuff.

[steph]: M,

[roscoe]: That just I don't know. that just makes me feel like
I don't. It's hard to. I don't know. I guess games are a lot

[roscoe]: of bit immersion. and when you feel like you're starting
with a leg up on everybody and you have some some special task

[roscoe]: that like nobody else is a part of that like you have
to go do on your own. You can't talk to anybody about it. It's

[roscoe]: just it's not very relatable. I know being a wizard
isn't supposed to be, but they're supposed. You have to at least

[roscoe]: draw parallels from things to be like. You know, if
this was my

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: life and I was a wizard,

[steph]: Well, what I've been doing

[roscoe]: All that said, I gave

[steph]: is

[roscoe]: it like

[steph]: not

[roscoe]: a,

[steph]: that.

[roscoe]: seven and a half at a ten.

[steph]: There's a new show on Netflix called Perfect Match, which
is literally another reality T V show that I have a guilty Pleasure

[steph]: for And it has all previous cast members from other shows.
Sorry to change the topic on you,

[roscoe]: What.

[steph]: But like all of the contestants are either from Love
is blind, the mole to halt to handle, or something related like

[steph]: that,

[roscoe]: Oh my God,

[steph]: they're

[roscoe]: send

[steph]: all

[roscoe]: me this.

[steph]: from next. Yes,

[roscoe]: Oh my God,

[steph]: four

[roscoe]: send

[steph]: episodes.

[roscoe]: me this.

[steph]: Yes, Oh my God, And it's a dating show.

[roscoe]: Of course,

[steph]: So they are all dating each other and but some of them
are from Love is blind, So if you like it's interesting, they're

[steph]: different worlds. they connect. And if you're big fan
of reality television, it's like, kind of like Rude, Paul's Drag

[steph]: Race All Stars. It's like all your favorites come come
together in one show and you're like

[roscoe]: You know what other shows like that is on the beach.
It's a British one that they started doing in North America,

[roscoe]: but everybody on it like the whole premise is that you
go on to this island on resort or whatever it is, and they bring

[roscoe]: people in one by one, Is the same as any other of these
dating resort shows, But once they have the like core, eight

[roscoe]: or ten people on everybody, that gets added to the group.
Like every episode Like a bota. come in with two more people,

[roscoe]: and it's their axes from the shows that they were on
Before, So they're all from like Big Brother U K, and like all

[roscoe]: these other M t V shows, and they'll bring on the people
that they had drama with from other shows to be like. Oh, fuck,

[roscoe]: it's my girl friend. It's like. What on? though? So
everybody going back with It's like what you guys have been together

[roscoe]: for like three weeks. Like No, it doesn't matter. But
if she gets me, I'm just week. Flora.

[steph]: Wow. This show is the exact same whereas five girls,
five boys, half of the girls and boys have already been to with

[steph]: one another, and they

[roscoe]: Always

[steph]: admit

[roscoe]: love

[steph]: that straight

[roscoe]: it.

[steph]: up to the camera,

[roscoe]: I love it already.

[steph]: And they choose to elect new people to come into the
house, and literally every single time they've had a previous

[steph]: relation with them, or they were on the

[roscoe]: Oh

[steph]: show together, or like something fucked up,

[roscoe]: A time.

[steph]: they have to vote someone in, but they have to stay in
a relationship in order to stay in the game so it gets really

[steph]: cut throat.

[roscoe]: There was a show that

[steph]: I don't

[roscoe]: we

[steph]: know.

[roscoe]: watched on You Tube last year was like it called Reality
House and it was like kind of the same thing. It was just people

[roscoe]: from you Tube bought together to do this Big Brother
type show. But one of the guys on it was Peter from season to

[roscoe]: oft to handle. I, Now, if you watched it, he was like
the guy will

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: think, the like, the

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: brown hair who was like the little, like short King.

[steph]: Yeah, yeah, well,

[roscoe]: He was like the big name that they got for the season
of Reality House Was so funny.

[steph]: I haven't watched that one, but yeah, they even have
winners on the show like Joy from season One of the Circle. The

[steph]: winner is on this show like it doesn't matter if you've
won or lost in the past and

[roscoe]: If you came here for

[steph]: I

[roscoe]: hobby,

[steph]: don't know.

[roscoe]: I'm so sorry.

[steph]: Oh my God, stop paying recording. I know you didn't even
get our intro and the outtrois just non existent now. and sorry,

[steph]: guys,

[roscoe]: Yeah, well,

[steph]: Thanks for sticking with us.

[roscoe]: Yeah, thanks for all the

[steph]: Appreciate

[roscoe]: questions

[steph]: you

[roscoe]: and on that. Send

[steph]: and

[roscoe]: me

[steph]: watch

[roscoe]: this.

[steph]: the video.

[roscoe]: We got to watch this show on Netflix before I lose Netflix,
because I think in like a couple of days it's going to lock to

[roscoe]: my parents hopes, and

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: I don't want to do that.

[steph]: only four episodes are released at a time and chitty,
so now I have to wait for the new one on Tuesday or whatever,

[roscoe]: Fine. Okay,

[steph]: Like.

[roscoe]: well,

[steph]: they won't let me binge.

[roscoe]: Bullshit, Well, let's get out of here. Thanks step.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Thank you all for the questions. Appreciate it. Follow
us on Twitter and Instagram. join our discord. Watch us on you

[roscoe]: tube. If you didn't catch the last ones Because we're
gonna start doing more clips and stuff, and those are way more

[roscoe]: fun when you can see what we're doing By

[steph]: Bye,

[roscoe]: Ryan Riley is a fucking poof.

[steph]: You do.