Billion Dollar Backstory

Your backstory isn’t as cut and dry as your resume, but It’s not quite a full look at your diary, either. 

If you want to craft a compelling backstory, you have to find the sweet spot between these two extremes. 

And that’s exactly what Stacy is walking you through in this episode. 

Listen in as she breaks down:

  • How much should you share, and to what detail in your backstory? 
  • How far should your backstory actually go back?
  • Exactly how vulnerable you need to get in order to truly connect with your prospects 
  • The simple framework that every compelling backstory follows 

This is Story Snacks! A bite-sized, jam-packed series for fund managers who are ready to master strategic storytelling in less than 20 minutes per week! 

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What is Billion Dollar Backstory?

Host Stacy Havener brings you the storytelling tips, sales strategies, behavioral secrets, and inspirational stories that help YOU turn your words into dollars. Learn from sales and marketing experts. Meet finance and investment leaders, founders and fund managers who have made it, and the ones on the rise. Because there are people behind the portfolios. Their stories matter. So does yours.

@stacyhavener //

[00:00:00] Stacy Havener: Craving more knowledge, but don't always have time to sit down for a five course meal? Take a quick snack break with StorySnacks. Bite sized content to feed your funnel. Each short episode features Stacey digging into one question. This series has her talking stories, sales, and so much more. Oh yeah, it's time for story snacks.

[00:00:25] Stacy Havener: How much should you share and to what detail in your backstory and how far should you actually go back? Okay, this is a great question because typically when we're asked about our backstory we kind of do the like bulleted resume. So I was here and then I was here and then and then and then and then and now here I am and that doesn't work.

[00:00:51] Stacy Havener: So that is actually not a backstory. That is a resume and we're gonna we're not going to go there. So what makes a great [00:01:00] story? Let's review that. There's a relatable, likable hero who, in this case, because it's your backstory, can only be you. It is one of the only stories that you are the hero of. So you've got the relatable, likable hero.

[00:01:13] Stacy Havener: That is you who encounters a challenge, an obstacle, something big that must be solved and emerges changed or transformed. So if that's the story arc that works Then when you tell your bad story, you have to go into the detail of what's the obstacle. Like you got to get into the mess. You got to get to the messy middle and people don't like to do that.

[00:01:42] Stacy Havener: It's very vulnerable. It's really tough. This is an exercise in authenticity here, but you've got to go back to that. And You have to tell enough detail that the person who's listening cares. So if you're like, [00:02:00] well, you know, I had like a tough childhood and now here I am. Okay. But I can't, like, there's not enough detail for me to care.

[00:02:09] Stacy Havener: I mean, I'm sorry that you did, but you haven't invited me in. I'll use myself as an example. So If I'm the hero of my backstory, which I am, and I talk about how I am a fish out of water in this industry, and I didn't plan on being here, and I had to pay my way through college, and oh my goodness, like, she put her college on her credit card.

[00:02:29] Stacy Havener: How is she ever going to survive as an adult in the world? People can relate to that. Maybe they've gone through something similar and even if they can't, they're sort of cheering for me because they're like, what the heck is this girl doing? So, but the point is like, you have to invite them in and you have to have some vulnerability and you got to get to the mess.

[00:02:49] Stacy Havener: You got to get to the hard part. I would say more often than not when I do story work with fund managers, there usually is something in [00:03:00] kind of the formative years. Maybe it's not like going all the way back to like while I was born in this small town over here, but it could be the idea like I have of being an underdog and coming from blue collar roots and not having sort of people that grew up in Wall Street that resonates.

[00:03:19] Stacy Havener: It's us. pretty far back. So I think the trick with backstory on the level of detail and going into the mess is what's the thread that matters forward. So it's why should anybody care about the back? How can I take that to the present? And how can I pull it forward such that the person listening to the backstory not only is cheering for you as the relatable, likable hero, but also is able to say, this is the guide for me because they have to choose the guide.

[00:03:54] Stacy Havener: So really, the role of the backstory is to show them why. You, why [00:04:00] should they choose you? So that was a lot for a snack, perhaps, maybe this is more of like a charcuterie type of board that we're unpacking here, but I think it's important to go back far enough that you catch the messy middle, that you take that thread that matters.

[00:04:17] Stacy Havener: Why should anybody care? And you pull it forward to show them. Why should they pick you? Are you an investment boutique looking to grow your business and need a little help? If you feel like you're fighting for the spotlight and, well, still stuck in the shadows of the bigs, join us in the Boutique Investment Collective, Havener's new membership community dedicated to the specialist in the investment industry.

[00:04:39] Stacy Havener: In the collective, we'll guide you through the billion dollar blueprint we've used to help boutiques add over 30 billion in AUM. You'll refine your story, focus on your ideal target market, and practice your pitch. You'll rethink your marketing materials, rewrite your emails, and refresh your differentiators.

[00:04:57] Stacy Havener: We'll even help you step up your LinkedIn game and give your [00:05:00] profile a makeover. You want to grow your biz, we've got your back. Learn more about The Collective, the curriculum, and the amazing coaches who will help you on your journey. Visit havenercapital. com slash collective. High five! Hope to see you in a coaching session soon.

[00:05:24] Stacy Havener: This podcast is for informational purposes only, and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions. The information is not an offer, solicitation, or recommendation of any of the funds, services, or products, or to adopt any investment strategy. Investment values may fluctuate, and past performance is not a guide to future performance.

[00:05:43] Stacy Havener: All opinions expressed by guests on the show are solely their own opinion and do not necessarily reflect those at their firm. Manager's appearance on the show does not constitute an endorsement by Stacey Havener or Havener Capital Partners.