Join Don Marquez, your insurance connection, on a journey to explore the intricacies of auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and life insurance. In this episode, Don imparts valuable insights on the significance of early financial planning and the importance of securing life insurance at any age. From debunking myths about procrastination to addressing health concerns, Don provides a roadmap for listeners to safeguard their future. Whether you're a seasoned policyholder or a newcomer to the insurance landscape, Don's engaging discussions offer practical advice and highlight the critical role insurance plays in shaping a secure and worry-free life. Tune in and embark on a path towards financial well-being with Don Marquez.


We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in

Unknown Speaker 0:04
KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donnell Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Good morning. My name is Dan Marquez, this is another edition of your insurance connection. Welcome to my show. I just want to wish everybody a Happy New Year. And hopefully, you started to new year off what are your list of to do things. I don't like to do new year's resolutions. I just do it. Why should I wait to the new year to do the things I need to do in my life. And I encourage you to do the same thing. If I'm on your list, and have been on your list for quite some time to contact me. It's okay, you don't have to wait to the new year to do it. You can contact me at 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez, I'm an insurance broker. I've been on the arrow here at KU on the 91.5 Jazz and more for close to two years now. And I want to thank you know Ashton, a doctor asking really for this unique opportunity. And my engineer Wes Knight, to keep it a time for me. And the listeners that tune in every week from eight o'clock to 830, right hit K, u and v 91.5, jazz and more, and listen to my talk show about insurance. And of course, the listeners that listen to the show, and came and purchase home auto. And yes, life insurance, that this is a new year, let's get it done this year. Well, we need to do make a list. You know, it's always good if you know you don't have to wait you to first of the year to improve your life. Write a list down every day, the things you need to do. It'll get you through it, it will end do it early, the sooner the better. I've talked to people that love to procrastinate, you know, when I talk about life insurance to individuals that's in their 70s and 80s. And sometimes it really blows me away when they said well, you know, I like to think about it. What is that a thing about you in your 70s and your 80s? I had a conversation with a gentleman just a couple days ago.

Unknown Speaker 2:56
And he needs life insurance. And he's 75 years young. At 75. I don't think it that age. It just blows me away when people have to think about purchasing life insurance.

Unknown Speaker 3:10
I don't get the thought process when it comes to that. And I talked to a gentleman, you know, about six months ago, he was 82 years old. And he also said, Well, let me let me think about

Unknown Speaker 3:23
you know, when you when you when you say things like let me because you've thought about it for 75 years, you thought about it for 82 years, what is there to think about? There's absolutely nothing to think about. Procrastination is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Procrastination is the worst thing you can do to your family. Because there's no time to think it's time to act. When you think that means you delay whatever your responsibilities are. And you lay that responsibility on someone else.

Unknown Speaker 3:55
For you to take care of your final expenses. And I say this to you because, man, we procrastinate way too much. When it comes to our health. we procrastinate. You know, I've talked to a man who has never had their prostate checked. Never. And they're well in his 60s and 70s. And never well nice. If it ain't broke. I want I don't want to fix it. What do you mean? Because the thing with a prostate you don't you don't know the symptoms are there until you fill it in. Once you fill it, it could be too late. And I encourage a man out there to

Unknown Speaker 4:31
take care of your health. Go to the doctor. You know make sure you're okay get your blood checked. Get your prostate checked any any age over 40 You should get new prostate check. If you're in your era, mid 40s that's when you should start getting your prostate checked. Make sure you're okay because when a silent killer hits is bad. You know it could be too late. You know my name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. And I want you to get connected with your health. Get it connected with the things you need to do.

Unknown Speaker 5:00
Life is not that difficult. Write a list down on the things you need to do for the month, okay, I need to whatever it is, you know, start writing it down today. And check it off what you need to do. And if you don't know what to do,

Unknown Speaker 5:16
ask your significant other. Ask your wife, what you need to do. I'm pretty sure she has a mental list on the things you need to do. And she probably also have a list of written is this written down? Things you need to do? I know it's football season. Everybody's excited about football. Right now. I get that. I can watch college football all day Saturday, and pro football all day Sunday. I just don't my friends call me up. Hey, you want some college games? Well, that's all day Saturday. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 5:50
What about I watch pros, because that's Sunday, I may watch to two and a half games because I will sleep to a game. Now I definitely will, you know, I'll catch a game. This is what I do, I'll catch a full game. And then maybe their second game, I'll I'll take me a break around the second quarter took me a nap, I'll wake up right right in the middle of the third quarter beginning of the fourth quarter, and I get a really good rest.

Unknown Speaker 6:15
I do because I'm gonna take me a little nap in between games.

Unknown Speaker 6:20
And I'm gonna do that because I don't want to be glued to the television all day long, I have things to do. Now, if you're dilute to do this is working out a change in your diet, or going to the doctor getting you getting yourself checked out, this is all healthy things to do.

Unknown Speaker 6:35
Change in your food selection that you eat daily, you know, stay away from so many fried foods, you know, maybe reduce your intake on beef and pork. These things in life as we age, you know, we need to keep in check. You know, we're not getting any younger, none of us are getting any younger, I just celebrated her birthday last last December, December 22 was my birthday. And next year would be the big seven Oh, for me, I'm not ashamed to say that I feel good, I look good. I keep I keep my weight down to a nice healthy weight. And I get I do what I want to do. I still ride my motorcycles, I still work out, I eat healthy, I have a love to have conversation with people. You know, my mind is still sharp. But you have to do things in life at this age, you know, to make sure your house is hold a family. Raising a family is like raising a business. It really is. Now if you work every day a new way and make so much per hour and you go home to your family. You have to be organized, you have to be structured with the food, pantry utility bills to make sure we have a lights. Now you have to pay for television back in the day. We didn't have to pay for television, but we do now. But all that income was taking care of your family business. And part of your family business is having a life insurance policy. It truly is. Without life insurance, you know the continuance of your family may be interrupted or maybe even devastated one of the leading causes of bankruptcy today, because people pass without any type of life insurance. Not only job no life insurance at all, because they want to think about it. Right. We talked about that early in the program. Well, we need to think about it. We need to talk about it. I want to congratulate the women. I really do because women contact me regularly to take care of their business to take care of the home business, the house business, they do they contact me regularly say You know what? My husband is kicking the can he just was sitting down watching television without a can or without a care in the world. And I tell you is that is that healthy, to sit there and watch television Awesome. All day long. I know you may be retired. And I've heard this conversation before to well, I'm on a budget. Well, I'm on a budget too. And I work every day. People that work are on a budget. We're all on a budget. That's fine someday you can afford. But you can't you cannot afford not to have life insurance. But when that day comes, and it will comfort every last one of us. Is your family members prepared. If you sit them down smoking cigarettes, listen to this program right now. You know you can afford a life insurance policy. Just reduce the intake of your cigarettes. Okay, reduce that in half. And you could afford a life insurance policy with a pack of cigarettes about $8 a pack. And I guess I don't know if that's a good deal or not. But I've seen that around town cigarettes. 799 a pack of cigarettes. That's a lot of money. I don't smoke cigarettes. I don't smoke at all. But I tell you if I did, that's enough to make me want to quit, because I know people smoke a pack a day. And if you smoke an $8 pack of cigarettes in 10 days, that's $80 Right? And 20 days. That's 160

Unknown Speaker 10:00
dollars, right? In 30 days a pack a day, you buying a pack a day, and some people like to buy a pack a day. That's $240 Check my man makes your point, well, my man, sometime I could be a little off, but $240 a month for cigarettes.

Unknown Speaker 10:18
That's a lot of money.

Unknown Speaker 10:20
That's well over, that's close to $3,000 a year. Smoking cigarettes. Now, if you cut that in half, you know, your body would love it. You know, and, and you can afford a life insurance policy. If you spend 20 or $40 a month on cigarettes, you cut that in half, you could spend 120 on a life insurance policy up to 120 for a life insurance policy. And then you could smoke up the rest if you like. And your body would appreciate it too. Because when you and take cigarettes, expressing nicotine cigarettes, all the cigarettes, they have a warning on the label.

Unknown Speaker 10:53
It is clear, this good cause you serious health problems. This could be harmful to your health. It used to be the cause cancer. Yeah, I used to put that on cigarettes two years ago, we found in studies that, you know, continuing smoking cigarettes could call cancer. One of the leading causes of death today is people smoking cigarettes. And I say this to you about cigarette smokers. Because I rarely get cigarette smokers contacting me. Every everyone that comes to see me and I've seen a lot of people and none of them smoke.

Unknown Speaker 11:27
And sometimes when people come in, I can smell it tobacco on their clothes. You know, you smell like you just smoked a cigarette right before you came in to see me. Do you smell? No.

Unknown Speaker 11:39
Kind of you do? Maybe he was at a bar or you know, give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was at a bar. Right? And you had a couple of drinks at the bar. And that was a couple of days ago and it's you know, the in the cigarette smell and you're still in new clothes from two days ago. So I give him the benefit of the doubt, whatever. But I really get cigarette smokers calling me for for any type of life insurance at all. But you can you know, if you are smoking and you listen to this program, and you you said you said you know this you I'm gonna stop smoking. I'm gonna stop smoking don't quit stop. Because it's you know, it has taken out family members of my family smoking cigarettes. I don't smoke cigarettes, I never found

Unknown Speaker 12:23
out I'll get the pleasure of it. I really don't know. And I know some people Oh, you know, this isn't the only advice that I have is smoking cigarettes, well find something else to do, you know, maybe find another vice ride, get a bicycle, ride a bicycle, find another vise because cigarette smokers is one of the leading causes of death in our country. Today, it kills over 14,000 people a year.

Unknown Speaker 12:46
Let me say that, again. Cigarettes, kill over 400,000 people per year. Now if you do have a life insurance policy, and of course we just finished up the holidays, you may need some money. If you have a life insurance policy to build cash value. And you've had your policy for quite some time, maybe, let's say at least eight years, you've had your life insurance policy. And you have money on your policy. Could you have some other bills you pay? Look, you spend a little bit too much for Christmas. And maybe you need a little bit of money and you're a little extra money in your pocket. You can contact your life insurance company if your policy has cash value term does not have any cash value. Okay? Accidental only does deadly doesn't have any value at all.

Unknown Speaker 13:28
No cash value, but no value to me. Because I've been in this business for 27 years. I've never known an accidental only policy payout. When when seniors get you know this information in the mail, accidental only in a feel good about themselves. You know, I can get a million dollars for $6 a month. Well, something's wrong with that. For real, something's wrong with that. You cannot get a million dollars a life insurance policy well in your 70s for $6 a month. You just can't do it.

Unknown Speaker 14:02
Now, if you don't have money in the bank, you don't have money in banking. If you're terrible with saving money, I can find a life insurance policy that will fit in your budget, regardless of your health. If you have lupus or history of lupus cancer, have you taken blood thinners, diabetes, COPD from smoking too many cigarettes, or if you you know your health is challenged kidney liver disease and you have more than 12 months of

Unknown Speaker 14:32
heart disease. Let's have a conversation. I can get your life insurance policy from age 50 to 80. Up to $40,000. If you have underlying health conditions, if you have AIDS or HIV, and you're between the age of 40 and 80. I can get you up to $25,000 in life insurance coverage. Now in the past, if you had

Unknown Speaker 15:00
AIDS or HIV, I cannot help you. But I found a life insurance company because I've come from time to time. I do receive calls with people with HIV and AIDS conditions. And you know, God bless them. You know, that's a terrible disease, but people are living longer with AIDS, HIV.

Unknown Speaker 15:19
I mean, look at magic, you know, and there's nothing magic about that. He just takes his medicine, he works out. He lives him positive health lifestyle. You know, and I know people out there with AIDS, HIV, I've met him over the years. And over the years, I've turned them down. I said, Well, I can't help you, because I didn't have a company that can help them at that age from 40. To 80. Now I can write

Unknown Speaker 15:43
life insurance from or at 40 to 80, up to $25,000, life insurance coverage. If you have AIDS or HIV, or if you need a larger life insurance policy, I can help you with that, too. My name is Don Marquez. If you're just tuning in for the first time, welcome to my show. I broadcast here right at K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday morning, from 8am to 830. Every Sunday morning, right here. Okay. You want to be 91.5? And when we when we do have our membership, Dr. K, u and v 91.5? Are the people's they have deep pockets? So University? Yeah, you know, but, you know, we were public, we're, you know, we're public. So we do take donations, and then there's a tax write off for you get all the tax write off, you can get,

Unknown Speaker 16:31
I always pay. So I'm looking for all my tax write off, and I paid for this radio program. And I use it as a tax benefit. I do I need to. But what I really, what I'm really blessed with is the opportunity

Unknown Speaker 16:47
to talk to you, many of you in your homes right now, about insurance, that many of you you pay for insurance, and you don't know what you're paying for. I had a gentleman came in just just a few days ago. He said, You know, I heard you on the radio. And I want to bring my life insurance. I love it when you bring in policies. And so I can review your policies. But because because I can now pull the policies up online. However he came in, and we looked at his life insurance policy, but he had what we call a flexible premium life insurance policy. What is a flexible premium life insurance policy is long as you pay the minimum which is supposed to pay on a universal life policy, the policy was they enforced for a particular time, not till you age 121. Usually, it's going to cut off around in your early 80s. So let's say for an example, give you 55 years, you take out a life insurance policy. Now you don't buy from me and you bought it for someone else, because I don't offer the flexible policies. But you bought it for someone else, because it sounds like a pretty good deal. And it probably was pretty good deal at the time, at that first 10 years probably was a good deal. But when you start turning 6570, then a good deal maybe not being a good deal initially, because you're still living a flexible premium is let's say your your minimum payment is around $100 a month, right? You own your flexible premium. As you pay into that $100 A month further of life insurance policy, you're not paying enough into the policy to keep the policy active. Now the flexible premium means you can add more to the policy premium. So when you initiated the policy, let's say you should have been paying $150, around $150 a month, because the premium is flexible, they allowed you to pay a lesser amount. The reason why that is. So your your time is cut off short. We're not talking about term, we're talking about universal life. I don't agree with those type of policies, because you can easily outlive the policy now. And a lot of these policies too. If you bought them years ago, let's say you bought them 1015 years ago, they do build a cash value to make up the difference of what you should have paid. Let's say you should have paid 100 around $150 a month, but you're now you're only paying $100 a month.

Unknown Speaker 19:10
So in your cash value, that additional $50 a month that you should have been paying comes from your cash asset. And eventually it depletes the cash value. Now your policy is over at a young age. Let's say for instance 7879 which is still healthy, you still live in now who wants to buy a life insurance policy 7879 Because you waited so long or you bought the wrong life insurance policy. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. I will offer you no obligation insurance reviews. You can bring your policy to my office with an appointment. And we'll sit down and I'll review your policy. And as I said to this gentleman that came in, we found a way I called the life insurance company up no company that I offered him what we call the life insurance company and

Unknown Speaker 20:00
We got his policy extended, by way of showing him a roadmap showing him an illustration on how much to pay each month to keep your policy active well beyond age 82.

Unknown Speaker 20:17
I helped him I can help you My name is dark mark has my contact phone number 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. My Location is on a corner of Sahara Rancho, in the US Bank Center, located on the eighth floor, I can help you every situation is different. And if you don't have any life insurance, whether you smoke or not, now is the time to start. Now, keep in mind,

Unknown Speaker 20:50
I had Martha Gonzalez on my show. And she works at for bunkers, cemetery. And she was on the show a couple of weeks ago,

Unknown Speaker 21:02
talking about the importance of understanding the cost of your funeral at the set at the cemetery is different from the cost at the mortuary when you go to the murder where that's a separate cause they don't include in the plot the headstone the container, they don't include any of that the vault, okay, they don't include any of that. They don't, that's a separate fee. And the average cost today to go to the cemetery for a loved one to bury a loved one. That's, you know, that could be up to 8000, or even more depending on the headstone. The more elaborate the headstone is, the more it's gonna cause. But these are expenses your family will encounter, sooner or later in life, depending on where you are. If you 70 years young, when the life insurance, let's have a conversation. If you I can write a policy up to 85 years young, up to 85 years long, even if you have underlying health conditions, I can find a policy for you. Again, a history of lupus of you'll have the current lupus, history, cancer, or diabetes was or it's whether you're type one type two diabetic, or if you have a kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, lung disease, that's a noun, have a conversation 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 Many of you have come to me and asked me, Well, how much can I get and how much life insurance can I get as well how much you can afford. You tell me I can afford? Whatever dollar amount per month is, I'll put that information in my computer. And my computer based on your age, your health and medicines, you take, oh, take all that in, it'll tell me how much life insurance you can get. And the life insurance policies, I'm all for you. Depending on your age now view, you know, it's going to be permanent. Now, if you are a young couple listening to this program right now, and you're in your 20s 30s, or even your mid 40s. Let's sit down and have a real conversation about to protecting your family. Because you can get a lot of insurance for low cost. And I'm not you know, I talk about this I talked to directly to the seniors a lot 55 and older. And this is really come see me on the regular. The 55 Note is very rare when I get someone listening to this program. That's in the mid 30s. So you know what, I'm in my mid 30s I have three children, I'm married with them. And we just bought a nice little townhouse. And you know, we don't have any life insurance. Or if you do have life insurance on your job, it's not going to be enough. With three children. Let's just do the math real quick. I love doing the math. If you make $150,000 I mean if you make $50,000 a year, that and they give you at your job three times your salary, which is $150,000 You have three children. How long would that $150,000 Last with three children. And your children are young, they on the age of 10. You John,

Unknown Speaker 23:57
it's not gonna last long. And you unless you really, really good with money. That's not gonna last long. If you get three years out of it, that's pretty good. But more than likely you won't. Let's say what because 150,000 You pay for a funeral that's 20,000 right off the top. Now you're down to 130. Okay, you have a car to pay off. Let's say that cars $20,000 You go from 130. Now you're down to 210.

Unknown Speaker 24:22
You want to put some money aside for the kids college. You have three children. Let's say you put I don't know $50,000 away for him for their college. Now you're down to what $60,000

Unknown Speaker 24:34
To feed and house your children and you lost the income. You lost the income. You lost that $50,000 income now you're down to $60,000 because you put 100 you put 50,000 away for the children's college. And that which is a not a lot of money these days, by the way, but some colleges will take you know the college funds now for later, which is good, you know, and you need to check with UNLV maybe they do that too.

Unknown Speaker 25:00
I know they used to I don't know if they still do. It's been a long time since I've been a student here at UNLV. So at one time they were taking, you know, you could pay for the tuition now, for later, but you know, you can check with certain colleges, if that's come up. However, it leaves only $60,000 to feed and how's the family? How long was $60,000? So if you're in your mid 30s, or mid 40s,

Unknown Speaker 25:26
now it's time to have a serious conversation about getting let's get a half a million dollar life insurance policy on you and your wife. And it's not going to cost you that much. Because what are we going to do a 30 year term policy is not going to cost you much term is a lowest cost life insurance you can get now in my office, all for auto insurance, homeowners renters, yes, and life insurance. But I find that

Unknown Speaker 25:50
people have auto insurance, I was trying to compare rates, you know, we pour more money into an auto insurance policy than we do our life insurance.

Unknown Speaker 25:59
We do. And I'm gonna ask you about your auto insurance policy. What coverages are you carrying?

Unknown Speaker 26:06
Don't say full coverage, don't say, what is your bodily injury? Do you know your coverages on your bodily injury? Do you know what your property damage coverage is? Do you carry uninsured or underinsured motorist? Do you know what that mean? Do you have medical on your policy? Now you may know what your deductibles are? Do you have Roadside Service? And if you do, what is your limits on Roadside Service? Do you do you have rental car coverage? And what are your limits? On the rental car coverage? These are questions I'm asking you. And if you don't know the answer, or you answer is I have full coverage. We need to sit down and have an insurance review. Because you don't know what you're paying for. And car insurance today is way too expensive not to know what you're paying for. My name is Donald Marquez, my contact phone number is 702-236-2624. I'm here to help you.

Unknown Speaker 27:00
It's step by step. I'm a licensed insurance agent right here in beautiful city, Las Vegas, Nevada. And I've been a licensed insurance agent for the last 27 years. And I come I come here at K u and v 91.5. This is an educational show.

Unknown Speaker 27:16
You're bringing awareness of if there's ways to save money on your auto insurance, hey, you know what, let's save you some money. Because I like to save money on my auto insurance policy to as well. But in Southern Nevada, we pay some of the highest car insurance rates in the country, we really do. And most people that come from different states, they say, you know, we moved to Vegas, and they thought their insurance was gonna be the car insurance was gonna be a lot less than they were paying for. And they come from from some Midwest town with a population of 25 people.

Unknown Speaker 27:46
But, you know, the point is, they come from small communities, and they think the car insurance is a lot less than Vegas. I don't know why. I don't think people go to LA and say, You know what, I think the current year's is gonna be less than LA. Or they don't go to New York say, you know, I think the car insurance is gonna be less than New York, but they come to Vegas, and they say, Well, you know, we moved to Vegas, we thought the cartoon was gonna be a lot less. You know, let's see what we could do. My name is Don Marquez, my contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 located on the corner, Sahara Rancho. In a beautiful building US Bank building our work by appointment. My business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm. And some Saturdays I will work because I know a lot of the work during the day from Monday, Monday to Friday with you know those hours of 10 to six or are tended to or whatever, whatever hours you work, I can help you on the weekend. Only on Saturday, some Saturdays not all Saturday 702 to 362624 Let's set up an appointment. And I do appreciate the people that drop in but you know, a lot of times too I'm back in my office with a customer. I work by appointment 702 to three 626 24 Enjoy 2024 It's gonna be a roller coaster this year.

Unknown Speaker 29:06
It really is was a lot going on in our in our world. You know, stay in tune. For more shows like this right here K u one v 91.5. Jazz and more. My name is Don Marquez. We'll do this again next week. Until then, stay safe and just keep it crispy.

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