Business Buffet

Embarking on a humorous journey, this article targets small business owners venturing into DIY audio production. It champions podcasting and business blog narration as effective, budget-friendly marketing tools, contrasting them with the high costs of video marketing. Offering practical advice on equipment selection, specifically the benefits of USB microphones like the Blue Yeti, and the essentials of audio editing and publishing, it serves as a comprehensive guide for beginners aiming to engage their audience on the go.

What is Business Buffet?

Welcome to Business Buffet, a unique podcast crafted to disseminate insightful business knowledge in an engaging auditory format. My name is Ed Bejarana, the creator of Business Buffet, where we sample a myriad of topics designed to fortify and uplift your business.

For over 17 years, I've run my home-based business, Zenith Exhibits, Inc., successfully. This self-employment journey has enriched my life and that of my wife of 33 years. The challenges of starting a small, home-based business can be daunting. Sharing experiences of how I survived, and even thrived financially, through the process, I believe, is of immeasurable value. Business Buffet is my tribute to the business community that has supported and nurtured me for over the years.

I also hold a deep passion for aiding visually impaired individuals by producing content beneficial to entrepreneurs struggling with vision. Existing narrated tools for the blind, available through various commissions, often operate in isolation and don't amalgamate to effectively aid a business start-up's success.

An interesting anecdote led me on this path. A friend asked me to record a magazine article for him. Inquisitive, I suggested he could avail the service from the Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, but he preferred the connection he felt to the content through my voice. After recording and sharing an article from Inc. Magazine, he sought to share these audio files with his entrepreneur friends. Voila! Business Buffet for the Blind was born!

My vision is to provide captivating business development content for both sighted and non-sighted individuals. I've reached out to business-centric magazines like Forbes and Inc., but obtaining permissions has been an uphill battle. Distributing these files manually became arduous, prompting me to revamp my previous podcast, Business Buffet, into an inspirational auditory platform for the visually impaired, aiming to inspire and inform through business content.

DIY Audio Mastery: Podcast & Blog Tips for Entrepreneurs
So, you've decided to take the plunge into audio production because, as the joke goes, you have a face for radio. Much to the chagrin of your friends who think you should be the next YouTube sensation, you've chosen the path less filmed. Let's face it, small business owners, wearing multiple hats is part of the job description, and adding director of your own low-budget film just doesn't fit into the schedule. Plus, who's to say video marketing is the end-all and be-all? Sure, it's great if you're swimming in cash and can hire a Spielberg or two. But remember the days when radio was king? There's a reason for that nostalgia.
You see, audio allows your audience to multitask like the pros they are. They can soak in your wisdom on their morning commute, during a workout, or while walking their dog. It's this flexibility that makes podcasting or narrating your business blog such an effective way to connect with your target market on the go. But beware, no one signed up for an hour-long sales pitch. Your content needs to either entertain or enlighten, or even better, both.
Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty that every DIY-loving small business owner needs to know about starting their audio production journey. You'll need a decent microphone. Yes, those USB mics are a godsend for the plug-and-play crowd. Take the Blue Yeti, for example; it's not going to record the next "Thriller," but for a podcast on the fly, it's your best friend. Remember, it's not about the price tag; it's about the value it brings to your business.
Having a top-notch mic is only the beginning. You've got to get cozy with terms like mic gain and LUFS, which sound more like something out of a sci-fi novel than audio production. Just remember, turning the gain up too high will have you sounding like you're broadcasting from inside a tornado. Aim for that sweet spot where your voice is clear, but not distorting the airwaves.
If you're now wondering how to bring all this to life, let me introduce you to your new best friend: Audacity. It's the MVP of free audio editing software. Sure, it's got a paid sibling, but we're here to keep costs low and spirits high. With a few YouTube tutorials, you'll be slicing through those awkward silences and "umms" like a hot knife through butter.
Feeling overwhelmed? Don't. Yes, audio production can seem like a beast, but for a simple podcast, you don't need to be the next George Martin. You just need a bit of patience and a willingness to learn. And the best part? Getting started won't break the bank. For less than $100 (minus your invaluable time), you're in the game.
In our next installment, we'll dive deeper into how your audience digests audio content and why you should care about filters and LUFS. As for mastering Audacity, let's leave that to the pros on YouTube. After all, I'm sticking to my guns with the whole face-for-radio thing.