Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional

This month, each of our daily devotionals are from Stories of Faith, edited by Vania Chew and produced by the Literature Ministries Department of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the South Pacific.

To find out more about this month’s heritage celebrations, visit the Adventist Heritage website or follow the devotions on Facebook or Instagram

What is Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional?

Imagine a thriving Adventist movement in the South Pacific. Do images or stories come quickly to mind? This podcast recounts important events, stories and memories from Adventists throughout the South Pacific. These mission stories from our past are proof that the Adventist movement is alive and thriving. Listen to these podcasts and step out to join these pioneering Adventists with Jesus on His mission of making disciple-makers in the South Pacific.

I had a dream read by Megan skein.

I'll ask it.

It shall be given to you seek
and you will find knock and

the door will be open to you.

For everyone who asks, receives
he, who seeks, finds, and to him

who knocks the door will be opened.

Matthew chapter seven,
verse seven and eight.

Georgia Kenny recently participated
in youth rush a two week summer

literature evangelism program
aimed at youth and young adults.

During evening worship, the group
would pray in advance for the next day.

Hoping that God would connect them with
the people that he wanted them to meet.

Pasta Holly Southwell would often pray
that God would send people, dreams that

troubled them or questions that they
didn't have answers to commented Georgia.

That way when we meet them, they would
know that it wasn't a coincidence.

One day Georgia was out canvassing
when she saw a young African woman

and felt impressed to talk to her.

She really liked the books said Georgia.

She bought a cookbook as well as
copies of the great controversy

and peace above the storm.

So we'll just then ask
the woman whose name was.

if she could pray for her.

Oh yes, please.


Chris modded earnestly.

After Georgia had prayed.

I R revealed that she had grown
up Christian, but attended

church very infrequently.

Her brother had passed away a
while ago and she hadn't been able

to attend his overseas funeral.

A couple of her close friends
had also died recently.

They sat events had led.

I act to begin questioning
whether God really existed.

If there is a good, and this
is what he's doing to me.

I don't want anything to do with him.

She had reasoned.

But then she had a dream which
convinced her that she needed

to give God another chance.

And then she met Georgia.

I think God did this declared IOC.

Why didn't I walk in the
opposite direction today.

I think he led us to meet.

I October Georgia, that she
wanted to learn more about God.

Georgia then invited IOC to attend
church with her, that Sabbath.

I'd love to come.

I Aqua's wanted enthusiastically.

I have a friend who's really
interested in God, I'll bring her too.

They both came to church that
Sabbath praise God said, Georgia.

I had never really read the Bible before.

So she enjoyed Sabbath school.

Both Iraq and her friends said
they wanted to study the Bible

and plan to attend church again.

Just as God use dreams to speak to
his people in biblical times, he can

still use dreams to reach people today.

Megan Skein: This year literature
ministry celebrates 175 years.

This month's devotional readings come
from stories of faith edited by Vanya

Chu and produced by the literature
ministries department of the seventh day

Adventist church in the south Pacific


Jarrod Stackelroth: To find out more
about this month's heritage celebrations,

visit heritage dot Adventist church.

Dot com.