Flipside Christian Church

This weeks sermon focuses on trust, submission, and living a life of faith, inspired by Mary’s response to God’s will: "I am the Lord’s servant." He challenges parents to prioritize their children’s holiness over happiness and lead by example in pursuing God. Using Mary’s story, Pastor Karl asks believers to consider how they respond when life challenges them, urging a heart of trust and submission to God’s plan.
He transitions from the joy of Christ’s birth to the deeper significance of His death and resurrection, emphasizing the importance of remembering Jesus’ sacrifice. Pastor Karl encourages the congregation to offer their lives as a living sacrifice and support church planting efforts worldwide, highlighting the revival happening in Ukraine despite ongoing war. This call to action reflects a commitment to advancing God’s kingdom.

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Flipside Christian Church
Madera Ranchos, CA

I. Mean

I think. It.

May be.


To. Go.

That is certainly the story of Christmas.

That God showed up
and he moved into our neighborhood.

And he knew that world was broken
and getting more so.

He had prophesied for generations
that he would come.

And it's that advent
that we celebrate at Christmas time.

But can you imagine

being the first one to get the news

that God was showing up?

Can you imagine what
it must have been like

to be the first one to hear
that God was finally fulfilling

what had been prophesied for generations?

Can you imagine being the first one

to hear from the angel?

Hey, the times come.

You imagine what it was like to be Mary.

No precedent had been set.

Only a hope

that was now being revealed.

What joy!

What joy.

I want to look at Mary's story,
the first part of it in Luke chapter one.

If you have a Bible or on your smart
device, if you turn to Luke chapter one

right in the middle of the chapter,
starting in verse 26.

To look at Mary's story.

The angel's announcement to her
and her response.

So I think there's a lot we can learn,

and I think it's

wise of us to study

this young little girl.

And the God that spoke to her and appeared
Luke one verses

26 to 27, in the sixth month
of Elizabeth's pregnancy.

We'll come back to that.

God sent the angel Gabriel
to Nazareth, a town in Galilee,

to a virgin pledged to be married to a man
named Joseph, a descendant of David.

And the virgin's name was Mary.

When the
Bible says that in the sixth month

of Elizabeth's pregnancy,

this is her relative, and,

she is six months pregnant.

When Mary gets the visitation
from the angel Gabriel.

Elizabeth was 88 years old,

and she'd been barren her whole life.

And so Elizabeth has her own
miraculous birth story.

And though it's miraculous, it's
not miraculous like Mary's.

Mary's is a virgin.


Elizabeth's is an old lady.


The old enough for its still miraculous,

but not quite like Mary's.

And the Bible says that

this angel Gabriel
went to Nazareth to meet with Mary.

Nazareth is important

because Nazareth

was a little tiny dot on the map,

probably between two bigger cities.

It probably had about
two stoplights in it,

maybe a small little Dollar General
on the main street that went through it.

There were probably more cows than people.

It was the little place

that people didn't mind being from.

But you didn't go to.

There wasn't business.

There weren't businesses in Nazareth.

There were businesses
in the towns around Nazareth,

but not really Nazareth so much.

It was one of those towns where

the kids growing up in Nazareth couldn't
wait to grow up and get out.

Can't wait to grow up and grow up
and move on to a bigger city

where they can make a name for themselves
so they can follow some of their dreams.

Because it's probably not going to happen
in Nazareth.

Do you know a place like that?

I love the fact

that God first shows up to the Nazareth


those places that seem a little bit
in the shadows, a little forgotten about

those places where

if you're really making it and set
your own agenda, it's not going to be


And God says no, other people
might not set this as their destination.

It is my destination.

And so he shows up to Nazareth.

The angel went to her.

And these are his words.

Greetings. You who are.

What are those two words I highly favored?

Mark that.

Underline it, make a note
of are going to come back to it.

The Lord is with you.

Mary was greatly troubled at his words,
no doubt,

and wondered what kind of greeting

this might be.

But the angel said to her,
don't be afraid, Mary.

You found favor with God.

Mary is certainly

a favorite of God, right to bear

the Son of God in the flesh.

Certainly highly favored.

Wouldn't you agree?

Nobody up to this point had men.

God chose her.

And so the angel's words, you

who are highly favored makes sense to us.

She is highly favored.

The Lord is with her.

She has been blessed.

I want you to understand something.

That when these words.

When the angel uses
these words, you who are highly favored.

Those words have never been
used of a human.

Up to this point in all of Scripture.

She's the first one in all of creation

and all of humanity where God takes her
and says, you are my favorite.

That's what those words mean.

Highly favored.

You're my favorite.

When we agree that Mary, the mother
of Jesus, is the favorite of God.

None of you women got to do it.

But let me tell you something.

As special as Mary is.

If you are in Christ, so are you.

How about I prove it to you?

In all of Scripture?

This is the first time
those words are used.

She is highly favored,

and they're not used again in Scripture
until one other time.

Ephesians one six

Mary was God's favorite.

And then the apostle
Paul writes in Ephesians one six

to the praise of his glorious grace,

with which he has what

blessed us in the beloved.

Exact same words used of Mary.

You are the highly favored of God.

She was blessed.

Paul, you.

Paul reaches back to the Mary's account,

and Luke one pulls out that phrase

and puts it on every
person who is in Christ,

the highly favored of God,

that he has blessed us in the beloved.

Was Mary special?


If you are in Christ,

you are just as

did you realize that

nobody, I think,

would question that at this point
in the story and Mary's story.

She was God's favorite.

None of us would question that.

But we have to understand that
if we are in Christ,

we have to understand the favor
that has been given to us.

So now,

if we assert that Mary was God's favorite

because that's what it says,
we have to agree.

Then if I am in Christ,
guess who else is God's favorite?

I am.

Did you know
you're pastored by God's favorite?

And I have a church full

of God's favorites.

It's the exact same phrase.

It's amazing to me.

You know why God goes to Nazareth?


Because his favorites are there.

That you,

the angel says the Lord is with you.

Guess what?

He's also with us.

Some of the last words of Christ
on this earth.

Teach them to obey
everything I've commanded you.

And surely what

I am with you.

How long?

Always the very end of the age

was God with Mary.

You bet.

You with us? You bet.

She was uniquely blessed.

No doubt.

Guess what?

Ephesians one verse three.

Praise be to the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has what

has blessed us in the heavenly realms

with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

Yes, Mary was special.

She was God's favorite.

God's with her, and she was blessed.
And if you were in Christ,

God has adopted you into that family
and that position.

Can you imagine?

Can you imagine

some of us walking around as the dirty

step kids of Jesus?

And then how good and how God does it.

I want that to sink in.

You are God's favorite. You.

And that's why you are so valuable.

He knit you together

in your mother's womb? Yes.

You are fearfully and wonderfully

weighed. Why?

Because he's
chosen you to be his favorite.

Do you think God's going

to take his favorite and discard them?

Or ignore them? No.

Look at the angels

where you will conceive
and give birth to a son, and you will.

You are to call him Jesus.

He will be great
and be called the son of the Most High.

The Lord God will give him
the throne of his father David,

and he will reign over Jacob's
descendants forever.

His kingdom will never end.

I want you to notice the angel's words.

You will conceive.

We don't know exactly
when the conception took place.

It may have happened right then.

It may have been some we don't know.

All we know is God made a promise.

And then there was some time.

And then there was the
blessing and the deliverance.

Please understand.

God's promises always precede the reward.

And sometimes when God makes a promise,
there's a lag

and we wait.

But we wait with the expectation.

And in the waiting we trust.

God has made us many promises.

If God has said, listen,

I know you don't understand right now,
but I am working things together for good.

You don't understand it.

But I've made you the promise
before you see the reward of it.

There's going to be a lag.

Don't doubt me.

Do you understand?

Yes. Yes.

Mary responds.

Look at her response.

How will this be?

Mary asked the angel, since I'm a virgin

now, when the Bible says
she was betrothed to her husband.

There were three,

three stages of a marriage.

One was the basically the proposal
and the minute.

Both men and women
didn't make their own proposals.

Their families decided for each other
and their families.

Mom and dad got together like,
we like that family.

They got a little one little girl.

My little boy.

I think
we're going to connect them together.

And so the dads would make an agreement
and they would arrange their marriages.

I think we need to go back to that.

Marriage was too important.

And it was it was too vital.

This is what they believe
to leave up to the whims

of the emotions of kids.

And so fathers got together

and that was the this is this
is this is who you're going to marry.

And you'll learn to love them later. But.

And so that was stage one.

Stage two was the was the, the what
we would call the engagement. The.

And it was a legal agreement.

They had been married.

It had been quite some but it was legal.

And this was where Mary and Joseph were.

And so the man would go away
and prepare everything.

When everything was ready,
he would come back and pick up his bride,

and then it would be consummated
with a great big feast.

And so biblical.

But during this

betrothal time, this engagement time,
it was a legal contract

that they had agreed with each other,
and to get out of that required a divorce.

But during that time,

the soon to be bride and groom
didn't have any contact with each other.

So for her to be pregnant
in man's eyes meant

she had to have contact with somebody
that you understand.

And so she questions,
how will this be now?

Six months earlier,
this same angel, Gabriel went to her

relative Elizabeth, 88 year old barren
woman, and said, hey Liz, guess what?

You're going to have a baby,

angel tells her husband, Zechariah.

And Zechariah says
the exact same thing how

he says it like this, though how she's old

and so am I.

Now listen, husbands

and I don't care how old she is,

don't admit it.

And so he says

how she's old and I'm old too.

And when he expresses his question,
the angel strikes him with muteness.

And tell this lady a little baby.

John, the forerunner of Christ
the Baptist, is born.

Why was he cursed with muteness?

Same question.

And Mary wasn't.

Because she was his favorite.

I think there's something more going on,

but let me tell you what I think.

Though they asked the same questions.

They came from two different positions.

But we gotta be very careful
the position from which we come

and we ask God questions.

Zechariah questioned
God from a position of accusation.

Mary questions
God from a position of expectation.

Zechariah was accusation.

God. That's not possible.

God, that can't be.

She's past the age and so am I.

God, I don't think this this is possible.

And I don't think you can.

It's very accusatory.

God, I don't think you're capable.

And you may have over spoken.

You may have overpromised.

Mary, on the other hand.

She says, God,

I don't know how, but I know you can.

How would this be?

I don't know the details,
and I don't know the future.

And I'm excited about
how you're going to bring this about.

I can't see it right now.

But I'm anxiously
awaiting its deliverance.

We have to be very careful.

The position from which we approach God.

And it can't be from a position of God.

There's no way

I. I know
you can't or don't think you will.

You know that whole thing.

Rather than God, I have no idea.

But I'm
so excited to watch how it happens.

That's a position of expectation.

And in verses 35 and 36,

I don't think I put this up there.

Let me just read it to you.

The angel answered,
The Holy Spirit will come upon you,

and the power of the Most High
will overshadow you.

So the Holy One to be born will be called
the Son of God.

Even Elizabeth, your relative,
is going to have a child in her old age,

and she who was said to be
barren is in her sixth month.

And so the angel simply tells Mary,

it's going to happen

because it's of God.

And then
I think the thing that changed in Mary,

the thing that changed
everything for Mary, is she believed

the very next words
coming out of the mouth of Gabriel.

She believed ahead of time

what Gabriel is about to say.

And in verse 37,
Gabriel says these words, I am oh, no.

Where 37 go there
it is, for nothing is impossible with God.

This is what Gabriel told her.

Nothing is impossible with God

and Mary. Believe those words.

And I think it's because she believed
those words that everything changed.

Nothing is impossible.

And I think that's
what drove the question.

God, this I I've never we've never humans

never experienced this before.

But I know nothing's impossible with you.

Oh, I'm so excited to see how you do this.

Can you imagine if that is our attitude

in approaching every unknown?

Now look at verse 38.

This is what she says.

I am the Lord's servant.

Mary answered me, and be to me as you have

please enter Mary.

We don't know exactly what she is,
but most people, she's somewhere

between 14 and 17 years old, 14

and 17, somewhere in there.

So the young teenage girl,

she's got this news that is.

Is is too wonderful and marvelous
and scary and frightful and unknown to

to to to put any in any type of box
you might have in her head.

And her first response is,

Lord, I'm your servant.

Do with me what you want.


Now think for a moment.

Just let's put ourselves in Mary's context

as the Jewish little girl,
part of the Hebrews.

You know, Old Testament

and Old Testament
religious law says sexuality and

and sexual activity was all.

It was so important.

Sexual purity.

It was not to be trifled with

and and to get pregnant out of wedlock.

Before the wedding is is

religiously was punishable by death

of the woman and the man.

And so what she's doing,
she's sitting here.

And what the angel has told her.
You're going to be pregnant.

That's all she said.

That's all the angel says.
You're going to give birth.

Gives no.


that she's going to be okay afterwards.

And her response to this?

She has no idea what the future it.

And her response is I'm
the Lord's servant.

Do with me
whatever you want. Can you imagine?

When you and I.

Get the news.

Especially the news

that makes your future
uncertain and unsure.

Especially the news that throws up
a roadblock

on all the rest of your plans
for your life.

Especially the news
that changes your family forever.

God. It's okay.

Do me whatever you want.

Can you imagine?

With any of us say, yeah,

that's pretty much our response
to most things.

Hey, that

difficult situation
you're in, please understand

that God's already in it
before you get to it.

You understand that

God's already in it before you get to it.

See, we have to learn to live
according to the promise

not just the reality we're experiencing.

When our reality

we're experiencing says God has left you,
we have to know

according to the promise, I will be with
you always at the very end of the age.

When the reality you're

says it's all done after we're this is it.

It's destroyed.

We have to live according to the promise
that somehow God's

going to work things together.

Someone said this.

I really like it.

Like I say,

like the greater the size of your god,
the smaller the size of your problems.

If you got a God

for whom all things are possible.

The problem is not quite as big

to him.

I guarantee you
it works this way for all of us.

If we got a small God, we got big problems


What if we got a great big God?

And so the story goes on.

If you if you look in your Bibles
and you didn't print it all, but

verse 39, and at that time Mary got ready

and hurried to a town in the hill
country of Judea.

Where she entered Zechariah home to greet

So she said she wants to go see.

She wants to go see a relative
who's who's, you know, six months pregnant

with this miraculous pregnancy of her own.

When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting,
the baby lived in her womb,

and Elizabeth was filled
with the Holy Spirit and a loud voice,

she exclaimed, blessed are you among
women, and blessed is the child you bear.

But why am I so favored that
the mother of my Lord should come to me?

As soon as the sound of your greeting
reached my ears, the baby

in my womb leaped for joy.

Blessed is she who has believed

that what the Lord has said
will be accomplished.

We just unpack this a little bit.

When the when Mary left
to go to Elizabeth, she made the journey

with somewhere between 80 to 100 miles.

It's a long journey.

Took days and days and days to get there.

Why did she go see Elizabeth?

Well, one,

because when you're going through

you want to be around other people
who are going through something to.


It's the power of community.

It's the power of relationship.

And sometimes it's just
comforting to know, hey, I've been there

and further down the road than you,
you're going to be okay, right?


That's part of what I think is going on.

But the other thing
I think that was going on

is that when Mary got the news
that Elizabeth was pregnant,

how far along was Mary?

Was Elizabeth six months.

Do you know how long Mary stayed
with Elizabeth?

Read at the end of this chapter.

I tell you,
she stayed with her for three months.

Six plus three is what

Mary stayed

so she could be
in the middle of her own stuff

so she could be an asset and a help
to someone who was going through stuff

and stay till John was born.

What an incredible young lady

who says, I got stuff going on in my life
right now, and I don't know,

but I'm going to set that aside
so I can be with.

What an extraordinary young woman.

And a great example.

And I love verses 4445.

I just want to come back from it.

As soon as the sound of your greeting
reached my ears, the baby in my womb

leaped for joy.

Blessed is she.

Who has believed that
the Lord would fill his promises to her?

The baby leaped.

This baby

in the womb, John, who would become John
the Baptist.

Here's the greeting that the Messiah,

that Jesus has entered the womb,

in the womb.

And that caused such joy

in this world,
this baby in the womb that the baby.

I wonder with that

I've never experienced what it feels like
moms to have the baby kick.

But can you imagine leaping

like the heartburn that would cause.

And here's what I thought.

If a baby in the wall

could leave for joy over
Jesus in the womb showing up,

how much more for those of us
who have a relationship

with the living Jesus,
and how much more when we get to heaven?

I mean.

It's amazing how.

And I was, I was I studying this
just this morning.

And what struck me as verse
45, blessed is she.

This is what Elizabeth says about Mary.

Blessed is he who has believed

that what the Lord has said to
her will be accomplished.

God pronounced Mary as blessed.

Elizabeth says of Mary, she is blessed.

But there are two different words

when God pronounces
Mary blessed, highly favored.

That's one word.

That's the word for grace.

Correct? Oh, that's grace.

Grace upon grace.

But this word, blessed is she who's
believe that God's Word will come true.

That's a different group word.

That's the Greek word Makarios,
which means happy.

Happy is the one who believes

that the words of God will come true.

That transcends time and generation,

and that applies to every person
who will believe the words of God

that they will come to pass happy.

Listen, I just in the few minutes I have,

I want to want to go through three things
that we can learn from Mary

and her response.

Now, just just three things.

And I want you to look at verses
46 and 47.

And Mary said, my soul glorifies
the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God.

My what

in? And God my Savior. Now.

I, for my Catholic friends,

I love you, but I just need to give you
a little trigger warning, okay?

Because I want to look at Scripture
and Mary

from the pages of Scripture,
not from church tradition.

So I just want to
look at what Scripture says

and what she says, even about herself.

My spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

She, Mary, knew her need.

Because who needs a Savior?

Someone who needs saving?

So, like Mary, we must recognize our need.

Mary needed a Savior.

She was not perfect.

You and I need a savior

because you and I are the church.

We might be God's favorite,

but we're not perfect.

And we need a savior.

So she knew she needed saving.

You and I both.

We all have problems
that we can't solve ourselves, right?


And if we can't solve all our problems,
we need a problem solver.

And if I can't solve all my earthly needs,

what the world will make me think
I can solve all my spiritual needs.

If you can't solve all your earthly needs,

why in the world would you think that
you could solve all your spiritual needs?

You I we need a Savior.


Mary goes on verses 4849.

For he has been mindful
of the humble state of his.

What servant?

From now on
all generations will call me blessed,

for the Mighty One has done
great things for me.

Holy is what I want.

You understand
something? Mary knew her place.

You and I must acknowledge our place.

What does she call herself?

I underline before you remember

a servant.

I tell you what.

If this were us and

we got the announcement from the angel,
every one of us would have thought.

Man, there is something magnificent
about me.

But right.

Right. Yes,

yes. Come on now,

every one of us would think you know.

God, I think you probably got it right.

I heard I was your favorite.

This proves it.

I'm gonna make sure.

Where's my Instagram?

I'm gonna put something on.

Here's what I know.

We would think it was about us.

Because when something goes wrong,

we think, what did I do to make God


Because we think it's about us.

And conversely, when stuff goes
really, really, really right,

we think, well, God

must be really happy with me right now.

We think it's about us all the time.

When our kids do

really well, our chest gets really big

and we don't have one big problem
telling people how great,


Because it's a reflection on us.

You better believe
there was this in any of us.

And maybe that's
why God picked her for this.

She wasn't, but her.

Now let me be clear,
because I do want to acknowledge

the fact that us Protestants, we
I think we do Mary a disservice most times

because we're so,
so cautious about making sure.

And I think I think

Protestants do her a disservice.

And what God did through her,
she is special.

But I need us to understand,

especially in the context
and our context, that she was special.

But Mary is not
Catholic sentiment. Special.

There's a

lot of traditional Catholic prayers
that are beautiful

and Christ centered and biblical,

but some verge.

On the ground of heresy.

One of them goes like this.

Remember almost Grace's Virgin Mary.

That never was it known
that anyone who fled to your protection

implored your help
or sought your intercession.

The Bible says
The Holy Spirit is our intercessor,

nobody and nothing else.

the name reserved for the Holy Spirit,

not for Mary.

That prayer goes on.

I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins.

My mother

to you do I come before you.

I stand sinful and sorrowful.

I stand before one and one only in my sin,

and is not the Virgin Mary,

which is Jesus the Christ.

The Hail Mary, Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women, and blessed
is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

Mary was the mother

of the Christ in his humanity.

Mary was not the Mother of God.

That goes on.

Pray for us sinners now.

There's nowhere in Scripture

where the dead prays for the living,

and the only ones who intercede before
the father

for us are Christ and His whole.

And the Holy Spirit.

That is it.

Hail, Holy Queen,

Mother of mercy, hail our life,
our sweetness and our hope.

Mary is not my hope.

Titus 213

Jesus and his return is my hope.


then, most gracious advocate, thine
eyes of mercy towards us.


Jesus is our advocate

was a very special you bet.

Is she venerated? No.

Nor is she the greatest.

We must understand it biblically

and understand
the same faith that was poured out on her

has been poured out on us.

So we don't need an intercessor other
than Christ and the Holy Spirit himself.

My clear.

And Mary wraps up

that portion and says, Holy is whose name

his name.

She doesn't say, Holy is my name,

Holy is his name.

And if you were to go further in Luke
chapter 11, verses 27 and 28,

right around there,
Jesus is talking to the multitudes

and someone cries out, says
Jesus, blessed is the mother who bore you.

And you said, no, no, no, no, no.

Blessed are rather
those who hear and obey the Word of God.

And if Jesus wanted to venerate
his mother, he would have done it.


She special?

Very much so.

And then God has taken that favor
and placed it on

all of us who would believe in Christ.

If you read in Luke chapter one, verses

46 through 55,
you read of this song that Mary sings,

and it is beautiful and powerful,
and I'm not going to read it all out.

I'm going to leave it to you to read.

But Mary knew her need.

She knew her place and she knew her.

God, you and I must acknowledge our need.

We must acknowledge our place,
and we must know God.

Mary's response to this incredible news

was to go right back to Scripture.

She immediately

went back to what she knew,
and the scripture says she had memorized.

And she took the word of God
and she put it in her heart.

She took the Word of God
and she put it in her.

She searched the Word of God,
and she put it in our

so that when the time came,
she could withdraw it from her mind, so

that her words in the song
that she repeated

are so identical to the words
recorded in the first Samuel chapter two.

When Hannah prayed this prayer
of thanksgiving as she dedicated her son

Samuel back to God, it's
oh, it is so similar to Hannah's prayers.

Why couldn't Mary sing a song
that Hannah had sang generations ago?

Because she had studied the Word of God,
and she had hid it in her heart

and her prayer 45 through 55

is is is one recitation
after another of Hannah's prayer

from the Old Testament and Psalm
after psalm after Psalm.

Here was a little girl,
14 to 17 years old, who spent so much time

in the Word of God
that when she got bumped, Bible came out.

Amazing young lady.

There are some 15 quotes

and allusions to the Old Testament
and Psalms in her song.

Let me ask you this when you and I

respond to something in this world

are the first things
that come out of our mouths.


It was for her.

She agreed and submitted to God's plan

with no guarantee that
that plan was going to go good for her.


I you

we must remind ourselves
of what I know of God.

When I don't know my future.

Some of you,
some of us are looking right now

at a future,
and we don't know how it's going to go.

And we're not allowed

control of it completely.

And in those times
when the future is unknown,

we have to remind ourselves
of what we do know about God.

I think if we were honest,

some of us would admit to being control


And the thing about control is,
is if I can know what's going on

and how it's going to go down,
then I can control it,



And that's why
we have such a hard time with God.

Because God doesn't tell us
all the details.

He gives us indication

of the end result,
but not the details of the middle.

And so we don't know.

And if I don't know, I can't control.

And when, when you and I
are in those situations when we don't know

and we can't control,
we have to remind ourselves about what

we do know about God.

And what Mary knew about God

was not from her own experiences,
because she spent time in the Word of God.

There are very few like her.

Very few, especially teenage

young men and women
that are so tuned in spiritually,

so attuned to the Spirit of God.

So in dwelt with His Word and His Spirit,

whose passion is is God's Word,

who study it, then, who rely on it.

So few are young people like her.

So few are old people like her.

And parents.

Let me just talk to people.

This ought to be our greatest prayer
for our children.

Not their happiness, but their holiness

that they would so desire
with every fiber of their being,

to know and to seek and to pursue

God and His Word.

Not only ought that be
every parent's greatest prayer,

it ought to be their greatest example
to their children. Yes.


you can pray all you want,

but if they don't see it,

they're not going to catch it.


is a beautiful example of the goal
and the pursuit

and the submission and the trust

in God.

I hinted to this early.

I just want to end with this. This is.
This is what.

This is what I see in Mary in her life

was absolutely overturned.

And what came out of her was a trust
and a submission.

What came out of her was,
is is the anchor of the Word of God.

And so I thought about like this

when you bump a bucket, what comes out

is what's already in you.

You understand that?

What comes out of you when you're bumped?


When you're bumped by people.

When you're bumped by life


Bumped by tragedy.

When you're bound by difficulty.

When you're bumped by your dreams.

Crashing down around you.

When you're bumped.


Anger. Disappointment. Grief.



Or I'm the Lord servant.

Do with me what you will.

What I know of Scripture

and what I know of my God's heart.

I will not worry.

I will not be dismayed.

For the Lord my God is with.

Well she's special.


Only because the God she followed

was special.

The Christmas story

certainly produces joy.

And it should.

But it also ought to call us
to something deeper.

So for a moment, let's think past Mary,

and let's think to Jesus.

Jesus was bumped by my sin.

And rather than condemnation coming out,

love came out.

My place

on the cross.

He traded his righteousness for my sin
and my sin for his righteousness.

He traded his life for my life and

you know what's interesting?

Jesus never asked us
to remember his birth.

He never said,

man disciples.

This thing 33 years ago

that was miraculous.

If you if I just want you to remember

the announcement,

the little trough and late in.

I want you to remember the shepherds.

Boy, they were stinky. I want

I want you to remember.

The innkeeper said he had no room.

I want you to remember my birth.

He never said that.

What did he ask his church down through

the eons to remember?

His death.

His death.

The cross,

the resurrection,
the assurance of his coming again.

And that's why he gave us these elements.

At Christmas, we remember his birth.

And we should,

because his birth meant that salvation

was at the doorstep.

But he asked us to remember

the crucifixion and the cross.

And he gave us two elements

to remember his body and his blood.

And that's what we remember every Sunday,

because it's important.

And so I want you to join me

as we take the birth narrative
and set it aside for just a moment,

and we draw our attention to the memory

of what it led to.

And we do this with this caveat.

That if you don't yet

have a relationship with Jesus,

a right relationship with the father

through faith in his Son.

Though Jesus has made the way,

that is not your experience.

And the only way

that eternal life
and salvation is your experiences.

If you come to the father
through faith in the son,

in agreement with His Word that says,

we all, like sinners, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way.

All of us.

And there is none that is worthy.

No, not one.

And that the name of Jesus
is the only name given

to men under heaven
by which we must be saved.

And I invite you

to acknowledge that and accept that

not to worry about this.

To agree with God.

God, I am a sinner
and I need your forgiveness.

And I accept it
by what your son did for me on the cross.

I'd like to invite you

to jump into this family.

If you have done that,

then we all we're doing is exactly what

Jesus asked us
to do 2000 years ago and remember it.

And so those of us who believe

we remember Jesus's words as he took
the bread and lifted up to heaven and gave

thanks and broken, said,

this is my body,
which I'm giving for you of my own accord.

Do this as often as you eat it,
and remember me.

Very similar way

we remember him.

Not just his birth,

but what his birth led to the cross
and the shedding of his blood.

I want you to understand something.

Jesus wasn't murdered

because murder has to do with someone

having power over your life.

Jesus said, I lay my life down,

and if I lay it down, I can pick it up.

His blood wasn't spilled.

There was no accident behind it.

It was poured out and shed

on purpose

so our sin could be forgiven.

It's important
that we understand these distinctions.

And because Jesus was about to pour out
his blood on the cross

for our forgiveness,

he said this is the sign
of the new covenant in my blood

shed for you, for the forgiveness
and remission of your sin.

Every time you drink this, remember me.

So we're joyful this Christmas season,

and we're called to something deeper.

I'm the Lord's servant.

May it be to me, as you have said.

Father, thank you for this day.

Thank you for your word.

Thank you that you love me.

You love us.

Thank you that because of your son,
we are your favorites.

And we sit here before you
this morning as your favorites.


that you are good, knowing

that you love us,
knowing that you work things together

for your good.

Sit here this morning,

willing to submit.

And willing to say, as Mary did,

I am the Lord's servant.

May it be to me, God, as you have said,

do with me what you will.

God, that takes so much trust to say, wow.


God, I pray with you to hear those hearts.

I would say that right now. Yes.

I'm the Lord's servant.

Father, do with me what you will.

Father, you said that those who put their
trust in you will never be put to shame.

We just put our trust in you.

Every one of us who said, do with me
what you will.

Put our trust in you.

And we're going to live.

I'm going to. I'm on behalf of us.

I'm going to speak it over us,
that we're going to live with that promise

that we will not be put to shame

because we put our trust in you.

Even if the lag time is long, we know.

We know that we will not be put to shame.

We trust you to

do with us what you will.

In your name I pray.



we have two more.

Two more messages in this series.

This Christmas series.

One next Sunday we're going to look at,
Luke chapter two

and the announcement to the shepherds
and them showing up and the birth.

And then two days later on Christmas Eve,
we're going to look at,

Matthew chapter two,
when the Wise men actually show up.

And it's

interesting, with the wise men,
they bring gifts.

And so in preparation, read Luke two

and Matthew two,
and we'll unpack it together.

But in preparation of Christmas Eve,
as the wise men did, so will we.

And there's two gifts I'm going to,
I'm going to ask you to pray

about your presentation to the to Jesus.

One is your life.

Where you say, God,

the best gift I have to bring is my life

off of your body.

Is this living sacrifices
holy and pleasing to God,

which is pleasing to God, for
this is your spiritual act of worship.

The Bible says.

The second gift is this

Jesus came

to establish
the kingdom of God on the earth.

That happens through the church.

And so I'm going to ask you to consider

giving to our church
planting work around the world.

One take, one big offering.

And I would love for you to participate
with us in planting churches.

The offering is not going to go to us.

It's going to go to planting churches
around the world because that is

God's plan.

A there is no plan B,

it's not to build our little kingdom
and our little castle.

It's to build churches

towards that.

And I'll tell you this,
I don't sure I was going to say anything.

Oh well,

you know, the war
that's going on in Ukraine

and right now God is

people are turning to Christ
in the Ukraine like never before.

It's a huge revival going
on, a huge revival

in evil always prompts revival.

And that's what's happening.

And we have pastors there,

some that are in prison still.

Some have been killed,
some are still doing it.

And if we had the pastors and the funding,

we could start 400 churches right now
in Ukraine

and a war torn country.

And so in the middle of May,

I am headed there

to carry out our training program
for church pastor, for church planters.


And I will run the the event there,

and we will train a bunch of pastors
to plant churches.

And I am so excited.

This is what we're about.

Do you understand this?

This is what we're about.

Do with me what you will.

We are the Lord's servant.

God, you're a good God.

We love the opportunity.

We get to be together with you
and with each other.

Continue doing what only you can do.

And thank
you that we get to be a part of it.

And your name I pray. Amen.