Respect the Grind Podcast

Embark on a transformative journey with me, Chris, as we uncover the secrets to a booming digital product enterprise. Through my own narrative of evolving from a job-hopping individual to a digital authority since 2015, I'll illuminate how digital products are merely a piece of a grander entrepreneurial puzzle. Expect a candid discussion on the persuasive power of authenticity and the pitfalls of the 'coach for coaches' trend, underlining the importance of real-world experience in solidifying your niche expertise.

Get ready to elevate your digital offerings beyond the mundane. This episode is a treasure trove of strategies for devising digital products that are the answer to specific, pressing problems rather than just another item on the digital shelf. Discover how to carve out a unique space in the market with high-value propositions, like a bespoke fitness planner for top-tier executives, and witness how these tailored solutions can catapult your profitability and industry standing.

In wrapping up, we'll dissect the formula for maximizing your digital product's financial success. Learning to price for value and leveraging customer feedback for product refinement are just the tips of the iceberg. I'll guide you through the dynamics of engaging with a targeted audience, the compelling benefits of personal storefronts over generic marketplaces, and the strategic use of paid advertising to escalate your growth. Join us for an episode brimming with actionable insights that promise to transform your digital product vision into a profitable reality.

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What is Respect the Grind Podcast?

Welcome to Respect the Grind, the podcast dedicated to helping entrepreneur-parents build thriving lives for their families. Our mission is to provide you with the tools and guidance to create a balanced, fulfilling life centered around entrepreneurship.

In each episode, we explore the core pillars of success: entrepreneurship, serious relationships, personal finance, and personal growth. Whether you're launching a startup, managing a growing business, or balancing your professional journey with family life, we've got you covered.

Discover expert insights on entrepreneurship strategies, delve into the dynamics of nurturing meaningful relationships, gain valuable tips on managing personal finances, and embark on a journey of personal growth. We believe that a harmonious life where you can respect the grind of both business and family is not only possible but essential.

Join us as we navigate the entrepreneurial landscape while creating a life that empowers your family and fuels your personal and professional growth. Your journey to entrepreneurial success, meaningful relationships, financial well-being, and personal growth starts here.

Tune in to Respect the Grind and embark on the path to building a life where both your entrepreneurial dreams and family thrive.

Speaker 1: Digital products are a thing now.

Speaker 1: It's one of the best ways to make money,

Speaker 1: but there's some key things you need to

Speaker 1: know if you're gonna actually be profitable

Speaker 1: with making money online using digital

Speaker 1: products.

Speaker 1: What's up, people, I'm Chris.

Speaker 1: Welcome to my channel, and here we turn

Speaker 1: ambition into achievement.

Speaker 1: Now, before we get started on this, I wanna

Speaker 1: say I've been a digital entrepreneur since

Speaker 1: 2015.

Speaker 1: I've worked over 30 different jobs out in

Speaker 1: the world that I just did not like, so once

Speaker 1: I realized I can make money from my

Speaker 1: computer, I just been all in.

Speaker 1: So now I'm at the point where I have my own

Speaker 1: software.

Speaker 1: I have a community.

Speaker 1: I've made money on every social platform,

Speaker 1: like.

Speaker 1: I just have always been deep into this

Speaker 1: since like 2015.

Speaker 1: I have been really deep into this thing.

Speaker 1: So one of my goals now is to take my

Speaker 1: experience and the skills and things I've

Speaker 1: learned building my business over the years

Speaker 1: and actually give it away to other people

Speaker 1: using this platform.

Speaker 1: Here I want to also say this, to be clear

Speaker 1: and upfront I have made my money and I

Speaker 1: still make my money in the podcast space,

Speaker 1: right?

Speaker 1: I sold digital products, consulting

Speaker 1: services, built my agency there.

Speaker 1: My software is a podcast software tool, so

Speaker 1: I'm really deep in the podcast space more

Speaker 1: than anything, obviously.

Speaker 1: So I'm not one of these people that's like

Speaker 1: I'm building my business on, like this is

Speaker 1: my business.

Speaker 1: You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1: Like I think that's one of the biggest

Speaker 1: problems in this space and that's actually

Speaker 1: my first thing I want to tell you is if

Speaker 1: you're going to build a digital product

Speaker 1: business, it needs to be tied into a bigger

Speaker 1: thing, right?

Speaker 1: What I mean by that is if the digital

Speaker 1: product is tied to a book or a course or a

Speaker 1: community that you're selling people on,

Speaker 1: that can't be the outcome.

Speaker 1: You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1: Like we have enough coaches, coaching

Speaker 1: coaches.

Speaker 1: I think if you want to really be successful,

Speaker 1: you have to do the thing you're trying to

Speaker 1: teach people to do first.

Speaker 1: Right, and it can't just be I'm going to

Speaker 1: teach you how to build a coaching business

Speaker 1: or something like that, because there's

Speaker 1: enough of that and, honestly, people are

Speaker 1: tired of it.

Speaker 1: I also don't think you can be successful

Speaker 1: doing that if you haven't been successful

Speaker 1: anywhere else, like if you have not made

Speaker 1: money doing anything else.

Speaker 1: That's a red flag to most customers now

Speaker 1: even to me as somebody that's in this space,

Speaker 1: when I run into those people when they want

Speaker 1: to be a guest on my podcast.

Speaker 1: We meet at an event.

Speaker 1: I immediately, like my my scammer senses

Speaker 1: start tingling when I hear somebody say

Speaker 1: that they are a coach that coaches coaches,

Speaker 1: but they've never built any other business.

Speaker 1: That's just a red flag to me.

Speaker 1: Like, if you're a coach and you coach

Speaker 1: people on opening laundromats because

Speaker 1: you've opened a ton of laundromats and wash

Speaker 1: houses, that's great.

Speaker 1: I love that idea.

Speaker 1: That's a good concept.

Speaker 1: Like, I even saw this one guy who's like he

Speaker 1: coaches people on passing some like big

Speaker 1: nursing exam or whatever.

Speaker 1: I love that.

Speaker 1: That's amazing.

Speaker 1: I love that concept of because that's a

Speaker 1: good coach.

Speaker 1: Right, you want to pass this big exam and

Speaker 1: you just nervous about it.

Speaker 1: You don't know how to study for it, you're

Speaker 1: unprepared.

Speaker 1: You meet this guy and he actually helps you

Speaker 1: prepare and all of that stuff.

Speaker 1: I think that's amazing.

Speaker 1: I love that concept.

Speaker 1: But you can't have your business be

Speaker 1: building businesses at this point.

Speaker 1: You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1: Unless you've already built other

Speaker 1: businesses, you've been successful.

Speaker 1: If you've done that, that'll work.

Speaker 1: So the first thing you need is success in

Speaker 1: some area.

Speaker 1: Whichever area you want to make digital

Speaker 1: products for, you need to be successful

Speaker 1: there.

Speaker 1: First, some kind of success or progress, so

Speaker 1: that you immediately garner respect and

Speaker 1: credibility.

Speaker 1: If you don't have success or you've never

Speaker 1: accomplished anything in this particular

Speaker 1: field, it's really really hard to get

Speaker 1: people to respect you there.

Speaker 1: That's just the Okay.

Speaker 1: So the second thing you need is an actual

Speaker 1: offer.

Speaker 1: You're going to have a digital product, and

Speaker 1: when I say this I'm talking about a real

Speaker 1: offer, something that's going to make you

Speaker 1: some money.

Speaker 1: If you're just going to make templates for

Speaker 1: Canva and sell those for $5, then go do

Speaker 1: your thing.

Speaker 1: But if you're trying to build a real

Speaker 1: business where you're making thousands of

Speaker 1: dollars $10,000, $15,000, $20,000 a month,

Speaker 1: you need to be solving a real problem.

Speaker 1: And that's kind of the overall thing here

Speaker 1: is I want you to understand that we're

Speaker 1: trying to solve bigger problems.

Speaker 1: The template you make to sell to some

Speaker 1: business owner that's going to, you know,

Speaker 1: make something on Canva or something.

Speaker 1: If you want Etsy right now, you'll see

Speaker 1: hundreds thousands of templates that people

Speaker 1: can buy and go make their own thing.

Speaker 1: Whether that's for YouTube thumbnails or

Speaker 1: coaching workbooks or Instagram posts, it's

Speaker 1: a million templates available online.

Speaker 1: That's why they're so cheap.

Speaker 1: They're so affordable because it's a

Speaker 1: commodity.

Speaker 1: Anybody can make it, anybody can buy it,

Speaker 1: anybody can use it.

Speaker 1: There's nothing really different about that.

Speaker 1: I'm saying you need to create an offer

Speaker 1: because that means you're solving a problem.

Speaker 1: That's a big problem, a main problem for a

Speaker 1: specific group of people.

Speaker 1: In your own way, think about this the best

Speaker 1: trainers out there, the best coaches they

Speaker 1: make a lot of money doing what they do

Speaker 1: because they have a way to get people to

Speaker 1: lose this weight in a certain amount of

Speaker 1: time in a certain way.

Speaker 1: Right, that's what makes you more valuable.

Speaker 1: If you just do what everybody else is doing

Speaker 1: you're selling what everybody else is

Speaker 1: selling you're not going to make no money.

Speaker 1: You just won't, because then it comes down

Speaker 1: to who has the most reviews and at that

Speaker 1: point you're fighting on who's the cheapest.

Speaker 1: When I'm on Etsy, I never go on Etsy

Speaker 1: thinking I want to go in here and spend two

Speaker 1: 300 bucks on some templates for whatever.

Speaker 1: I'm not trying to do that, Not on Etsy.

Speaker 1: It's just not worth it for me.

Speaker 1: To be honest, it's not.

Speaker 1: But when I go on there, I go from low to

Speaker 1: high.

Speaker 1: When I'm on other websites, like if I'm on

Speaker 1: Nike, I'm okay with paying more for the

Speaker 1: shoes or whatever, because I know it's

Speaker 1: higher quality for me.

Speaker 1: So you don't want to be the person in the

Speaker 1: market that's at the cheapest to lowest

Speaker 1: level and you get forced to be that way.

Speaker 1: If you're not solving a bigger problem, if

Speaker 1: you're a commodity, you're just doing what

Speaker 1: everybody else does Focus on the same

Speaker 1: problems.

Speaker 1: Because again, think about this If you go

Speaker 1: on Etsy right now, you search for fitness

Speaker 1: planner, you'll find millions of options.

Speaker 1: It's ridiculous.

Speaker 1: Out of all of those options, they all look

Speaker 1: the same.

Speaker 1: They use some of the same fonts, the same

Speaker 1: colors.

Speaker 1: They give you the same thing.

Speaker 1: Nothing about it is different.

Speaker 1: So why would somebody want to pay more?

Speaker 1: Whereas if you said, okay, I'm going to

Speaker 1: make a specific fitness planner for this

Speaker 1: entrepreneur that is a CEO or a high level

Speaker 1: executive, right, I'm going to help them

Speaker 1: plan their fitness lifestyle around their

Speaker 1: life, right, so you can still work out and

Speaker 1: eat healthy and get the right amount of

Speaker 1: sleep.

Speaker 1: Right Now, that right there planner for

Speaker 1: that person.

Speaker 1: That's way more valuable.

Speaker 1: Number one, because that's a more valuable

Speaker 1: customer to have more money.

Speaker 1: Number two, because you're solving a bigger

Speaker 1: problem for them.

Speaker 1: You're not just saying, hey, here's a

Speaker 1: workout planner, you're giving them a sleep

Speaker 1: scheduler or a workout plan, a meal plan,

Speaker 1: all in this one planner.

Speaker 1: Now that's a good digital product.

Speaker 1: In this space, I see a lot of content about

Speaker 1: raise your prices and charge more.

Speaker 1: But focus on the value first and you won't

Speaker 1: have to worry about the pricing.

Speaker 1: It'll just all work itself out.

Speaker 1: I can guarantee it.

Speaker 1: By the way, if you're enjoying this episode

Speaker 1: so far, make sure you go and download

Speaker 1: immediate access, completely free, to the

Speaker 1: digital product profit secrets.

Speaker 1: It's my full workshop breaking down how you

Speaker 1: can make your digital products more

Speaker 1: profitable.

Speaker 1: Make more money a lot faster.

Speaker 1: Get it for free down below.

Speaker 1: The next thing you need for a good digital

Speaker 1: product is feedback.

Speaker 1: Right After I make my outlines for anything,

Speaker 1: I love to go to my prospects and talk to

Speaker 1: them.

Speaker 1: At this point, I'm usually talking to older

Speaker 1: customers, so that's kind of an advantage

Speaker 1: of being in the game for years.

Speaker 1: But that's what you want, right?

Speaker 1: Eventually, you want to have that set core

Speaker 1: of customers who you can always go to like

Speaker 1: hey, this is a new thing I'm making.

Speaker 1: What do you think?

Speaker 1: Right For me?

Speaker 1: I've sort of been making this transition to

Speaker 1: stop only being about podcasting and going

Speaker 1: into all the other entrepreneurship things

Speaker 1: that I do right.

Speaker 1: Like, yes, I'm considered a podcaster, but

Speaker 1: I have an agency, I have a software

Speaker 1: platform.

Speaker 1: I made money with digital products, right,

Speaker 1: like I haven't just been making money from

Speaker 1: the content that I put out, it's so much

Speaker 1: more.

Speaker 1: So now I'm just constantly showing people

Speaker 1: hey, look, what do you think about this?

Speaker 1: What do you think about this workshop?

Speaker 1: Check out this outline.

Speaker 1: That's my favorite thing to do is to show

Speaker 1: people an outline of what it is I want to

Speaker 1: make and the solution that you know people

Speaker 1: get right.

Speaker 1: Then I show them some of the features and

Speaker 1: benefits, the big outcome of each step,

Speaker 1: kind of the milestones, and then we talk a

Speaker 1: little bit about pricing.

Speaker 1: I love doing this because when they get the

Speaker 1: overall view, they can tell me whether it's

Speaker 1: good or bad.

Speaker 1: Now the key with this is to talk to people.

Speaker 1: That are your actual prospects.

Speaker 1: If you don't think they will ever buy from

Speaker 1: you, if they don't fit that bill, you

Speaker 1: shouldn't talk to them.

Speaker 1: So for me, when I'm working on stuff for

Speaker 1: this new brand, mogul Momentum Hub, I'm not

Speaker 1: trying to sell that to my PodCentral

Speaker 1: customers, so I'm not going to show them

Speaker 1: the same thing.

Speaker 1: Sometimes they might fit a little bit, but

Speaker 1: I'm going to totally new customers, because

Speaker 1: I don't even want the lines to be blurred.

Speaker 1: I don't want them to tell me it's great

Speaker 1: because they see my other podcast stuff is

Speaker 1: great.

Speaker 1: I want them to tell me it's great because

Speaker 1: it's just great.

Speaker 1: So I think that's the separator right there.

Speaker 1: You don't want to get the lines too blurred.

Speaker 1: I think it's smart, though, to get feedback

Speaker 1: from 20 to 30 customers before you make

Speaker 1: anything, because these people are going to

Speaker 1: tell you if it's good or not.

Speaker 1: They'll tell you what you possibly could

Speaker 1: change maybe even pricing changes and they

Speaker 1: could potentially be your first customers.

Speaker 1: So getting that feedback is, honestly, one

Speaker 1: of the best things you can do.

Speaker 1: I would say you shouldn't make anything

Speaker 1: until you get feedback, until people tell

Speaker 1: you whether they love it or not.

Speaker 1: Like, if you have people that are like oh

Speaker 1: man, will you get done with that?

Speaker 1: Let me know.

Speaker 1: That means you got something good.

Speaker 1: If people are like, eh, that's cool, that's

Speaker 1: all right, they probably don't like it.

Speaker 1: That means you need to make some tweaks and,

Speaker 1: honestly, you probably need to just add a

Speaker 1: few more solutions in there or speed it up

Speaker 1: a bit.

Speaker 1: That's really it.

Speaker 1: The fourth thing you need is to set up your

Speaker 1: own store.

Speaker 1: I'll talk about this in digital product

Speaker 1: profit secrets, which you can get down

Speaker 1: below for free.

Speaker 1: I don't think anybody should be selling in

Speaker 1: a marketplace.

Speaker 1: I know there are a ton out there now where

Speaker 1: you can go and add your courses and

Speaker 1: workshops or whatever you can sell there,

Speaker 1: and I think in a sense, it's a good idea if

Speaker 1: you're trying to get started and be seen,

Speaker 1: but in reality, I think you're better off

Speaker 1: building your own brand, because I've

Speaker 1: bought from these marketplaces so many

Speaker 1: times, like I can't tell you how many times

Speaker 1: I've bought something from a marketplace

Speaker 1: and usually I never go back right, meaning

Speaker 1: I never go back to that specific business.

Speaker 1: I'll go back to the marketplace to buy, but

Speaker 1: that brand I bought from.

Speaker 1: It's hard to even find them because there's

Speaker 1: so many brands out there.

Speaker 1: When I'm buying Instagram templates and

Speaker 1: like setting stuff up for my clients, it's

Speaker 1: hard to find a company I bought this other

Speaker 1: template pack from like two years ago and,

Speaker 1: honestly, I'm not even looking for them.

Speaker 1: It doesn't even cross my mind, whereas if

Speaker 1: you had an entire brand built around this,

Speaker 1: like if I can go to your Instagram and see

Speaker 1: the new set you put together and what you

Speaker 1: came out with it's like oh okay, I need to

Speaker 1: check this.

Speaker 1: I'm probably on my own on this, but I don't

Speaker 1: think marketplaces are all that great for

Speaker 1: online business owners.

Speaker 1: Like for the marketplace, it's great

Speaker 1: because they make money on both sides, but

Speaker 1: for you it's not all that good because you

Speaker 1: rarely build brand and you don't really

Speaker 1: have that connection with the customer.

Speaker 1: You may get an email or something, but even

Speaker 1: that, obviously, marketplace, we don't even

Speaker 1: give you that unless you pay extra for that.

Speaker 1: It's kind of crazy, like it's just so many

Speaker 1: downsides to it.

Speaker 1: Again, when I go on Etsy, it's so much

Speaker 1: competition in every single lane.

Speaker 1: If I search for rings or hats, if I search

Speaker 1: for microphone covers or a phone charger

Speaker 1: anything.

Speaker 1: It's a ridiculous competition on there.

Speaker 1: It's absurd.

Speaker 1: So I don't know why anybody would want to

Speaker 1: sell on a marketplace.

Speaker 1: I would prefer people to come to my website,

Speaker 1: right, and I even have the same theory when

Speaker 1: it comes to books.

Speaker 1: I think if you're trying to build a real

Speaker 1: brand, when you're selling your book,

Speaker 1: putting it on Amazon is fine, but when I'm

Speaker 1: selling, I will sell through my website

Speaker 1: because I don't want people to give Amazon

Speaker 1: their data.

Speaker 1: I want to get the data.

Speaker 1: I want all the visitors coming to my

Speaker 1: website so I can retarget them on my own

Speaker 1: ads, not with Amazon's ads.

Speaker 1: So I'm always thinking long-term how is

Speaker 1: this move going to impact my business in a

Speaker 1: year, three years, five years?

Speaker 1: Not just about getting that sale, because

Speaker 1: yeah, if I put on Amazon will I get more

Speaker 1: sales?

Speaker 1: Yes, but they're going to take a large

Speaker 1: piece of it and all the customer data.

Speaker 1: I just know somebody bought the book.

Speaker 1: I'm not really a fan of that.

Speaker 1: I know I sound crazy, but I would prefer to

Speaker 1: sell less of my product but have control of

Speaker 1: my customer base.

Speaker 1: Because let me just give you the bigger

Speaker 1: picture on this For me.

Speaker 1: I'm thinking about how many customers do I

Speaker 1: need to reach that point?

Speaker 1: With PodCentral, I have a whole plan set up.

Speaker 1: All I need is 500 podcasters to be a part

Speaker 1: of my brand and pay a $50 a month.

Speaker 1: I make $25,000 a month.

Speaker 1: Now that simple.

Speaker 1: I don't need to have a million people.

Speaker 1: 500 people is enough, that's it, and I

Speaker 1: personally know 500 podcasters right.

Speaker 1: So my goal is never to sell to billions of

Speaker 1: people.

Speaker 1: I don't want to do that.

Speaker 1: So I don't really care to be dominating

Speaker 1: Amazon and be a bestseller.

Speaker 1: In the beginning I did honestly because it

Speaker 1: was a vanity metric thing, but once I

Speaker 1: realized that I don't need that because I

Speaker 1: don't really care about that kind of

Speaker 1: publicity or attention.

Speaker 1: What I really want is to transform people's

Speaker 1: lives and make the money.

Speaker 1: That's it.

Speaker 1: I don't want the fame.

Speaker 1: I don't want to be bestseller.

Speaker 1: I just want to sell this book bundle 500

Speaker 1: times and then I make my make a quarter

Speaker 1: million.

Speaker 1: I'm happy, like that's what I want.

Speaker 1: So I think it comes down to priorities too.

Speaker 1: So if you're going to scale your business,

Speaker 1: I think having your own store is a good

Speaker 1: idea, especially if you're going to have

Speaker 1: multiple digital products available.

Speaker 1: You got to sell on autopilot.

Speaker 1: I just think it's better to have your own

Speaker 1: website up than to be all over a

Speaker 1: marketplace and shilling that forever.

Speaker 1: Now, the last thing you need I know this is

Speaker 1: crazy.

Speaker 1: This is the last thing I'm talking about,

Speaker 1: but I feel like everything before this

Speaker 1: needs to be said before.

Speaker 1: But this one is a big deal to lead

Speaker 1: generation.

Speaker 1: You need to get leads to see your stuff.

Speaker 1: This was one of my biggest issues for a

Speaker 1: long time because I didn't want to put

Speaker 1: money into ads and I was really good at

Speaker 1: getting referrals.

Speaker 1: So I focused on referrals for so long that

Speaker 1: I wasn't generating a lot of leads unless

Speaker 1: referrals were bringing them in.

Speaker 1: But I can tell you that you get a lot

Speaker 1: better results when you're doing all of

Speaker 1: them at the same time.

Speaker 1: I think having an organic strategy is good,

Speaker 1: having a paid strategy is good, and then

Speaker 1: also have a referral system right.

Speaker 1: So I'll start with referrals, because

Speaker 1: that's been the easiest for me.

Speaker 1: I use my podcast.

Speaker 1: When I have people on the show, they're

Speaker 1: usually a client or somebody that knows a

Speaker 1: client or something like that, and it just

Speaker 1: works perfectly.

Speaker 1: I either bring them on for business or they

Speaker 1: bring somebody else to me.

Speaker 1: It's just nonstop.

Speaker 1: That's how I've gotten clients for years.

Speaker 1: It's one of the easiest processes I've ever

Speaker 1: used.

Speaker 1: Like, I interview people and if they're fit

Speaker 1: perfect, they can become a client.

Speaker 1: If not, they usually buy something right

Speaker 1: Something, or they always send me people

Speaker 1: that wanted something in podcasting.

Speaker 1: It's just nonstop right.

Speaker 1: It's just a perfect flow for me and I just

Speaker 1: I feel blessed to have that kind of system

Speaker 1: set up.

Speaker 1: I'm thankful for that, but I do reward them.

Speaker 1: Obviously, that 20% is a big deal to people.

Speaker 1: So that's my referral system.

Speaker 1: Now, the paid strategy, I think, is a big

Speaker 1: deal too.

Speaker 1: I don't think paid needs to be as difficult

Speaker 1: as we make it out to be.

Speaker 1: There are a lot of different ways at this

Speaker 1: point.

Speaker 1: You can do paid lead generation.

Speaker 1: You can buy the list and stuff.

Speaker 1: I don't think I wouldn't do that, don't, I

Speaker 1: don't do that, but I know that's an option

Speaker 1: out there.

Speaker 1: I think paid is really a good option if

Speaker 1: you're going to focus on a whole

Speaker 1: retargeting strategy on Instagram or

Speaker 1: Facebook Like.

Speaker 1: If you put out a lot of organic content on

Speaker 1: Instagram, you run ads and boost some of

Speaker 1: your content that's doing well, make it do

Speaker 1: better, more your ideal customers see it.

Speaker 1: Then you retarget those people to interact

Speaker 1: with that content.

Speaker 1: Very simple, it's a simple method.

Speaker 1: I started off at a dollar or $2 a day.

Speaker 1: I kid you not.

Speaker 1: One to $2 a day will get you in front of

Speaker 1: thousands of people consistently Like.

Speaker 1: After a week I had like 10,000 impressions,

Speaker 1: which is amazing.

Speaker 1: A bunch of video views.

Speaker 1: Now I could just retarget those same people

Speaker 1: that watch my content before tell them to

Speaker 1: listen to the podcast, subscribe to the

Speaker 1: YouTube channel.

Speaker 1: All of this stuff, right, everything.

Speaker 1: So that's another lead strategy.

Speaker 1: Again, that's like 500 a month, to be

Speaker 1: honest.

Speaker 1: Like you can start off with that and you

Speaker 1: can make something happen.

Speaker 1: Then for organic, I think having a mixture

Speaker 1: of educational content, storytelling, you

Speaker 1: know, sales content, just a balance of

Speaker 1: content that's public and free for people

Speaker 1: to consume, is a great way to get them to

Speaker 1: become interested in what it is that you do.

Speaker 1: Right, like this piece of content right

Speaker 1: here you're watching right now is the

Speaker 1: organic strategy.

Speaker 1: Now, when you go and download the digital

Speaker 1: product profit secrets down below.

Speaker 1: Now you're moving into more of my nurturing

Speaker 1: process, right?

Speaker 1: So when you have these digital products to

Speaker 1: make selling easier, you want to have one

Speaker 1: of these three set up either a referral

Speaker 1: system, a paid acquisition strategy or

Speaker 1: organic strategy.

Speaker 1: The easiest one in the beginning, honestly,

Speaker 1: is organic content.

Speaker 1: That's going to be the easiest, but as soon

Speaker 1: as you can spare it, put that money into

Speaker 1: the paid strategy so you can start getting

Speaker 1: more leads faster, because then discovery

Speaker 1: of products and what works and what doesn't

Speaker 1: is going to move faster.

Speaker 1: You know, if people don't like something,

Speaker 1: you're going to know a lot faster.

Speaker 1: Everything moves faster the more money you

Speaker 1: put behind it, so don't be scared of

Speaker 1: putting money into ads, like I'm telling

Speaker 1: you.

Speaker 1: It's going to make business move a lot

Speaker 1: smoother.

Speaker 1: So there you have it.

Speaker 1: Those are five things you have to have if

Speaker 1: you're going to build a profitable digital

Speaker 1: product business online.

Speaker 1: Now again, make sure you go and download

Speaker 1: the digital product profit secrets down

Speaker 1: below is completely free, and if you got

Speaker 1: any other questions, put them in the

Speaker 1: comments below.

Speaker 1: Make sure you like subscribe all of that

Speaker 1: good stuff.

Speaker 1: I'll see you next time.