The Lucas Skrobot Show

If we rid the world of everything beautiful everyone will we equally unhappy and equity will be achieved.

Show Notes

Time Stamps:

'Statement by the Prime Minister on International Safe Abortion Day' 00:00
Jew Free Zones 05:32
Elon Musk Buying Twitter 09:32
OPEC cuts oil output 15:28
Surrey Thought Police 20:14
Value for Value 31:43:11
Weaver and Loom - Mat Fraser  32:52
Outro 42:46

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What is The Lucas Skrobot Show?

Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?

Wanna fight back against deceptive narratives being pushed across the globe?

At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.

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Last week, Justin Trudeau made a
speech on International Abortion Day.

Now we're gonna read that
speech to you in just a moment.

We're he read it in, its a
section of it in its entirety.

Now, some of the verbiage that
he used was quite confusing.

You read it, you're like,
When is he really saying here?

So he had to change a word or two.

We set to the definition of
the words that he's using.

We just added some clarity
for, for the reader's sake.

So here it goes.

Here's Justin Trudeau's speech Today
on international Safe Killing Day.

We reaffirm our unwavering
commitment to uphold a woman's

fundamental right to kill.

No one should ever be forced to
carry an unwanted baby, and the

government of Canada is unequivocal
and that approach pursuit.

Here in Canada, we have had access
to safe and legal murder for almost

35 years, thanks to decades of
hard fought communist activism.

Murder is covered under our socialist
death care system, but there is

still more work to be done to
improve accessibility, particularly

in rural and remote communities.


The government of Canada announced funding
to support civil society organizations

such as the CCP and Action for Canada and
Sexual Dysfunction and Activism to crush

a Prosing views in the name of rights and
National Baby Killing Federation of Canada

to strengthen safe access and inclusive
extermination services of humans.

Including by offering financial assistance
to cover travel costs of those seeking to

kill babies, and training for healthcare
providers who offer death services.

Killing unwanted humans is an
essential healthcare service

when performed following medical
guidelines, which are never safe.

Fortunately, all baby killings
performed worldwide are unsafe, and

these unsafe killings of unwanted
humans are the leading cause

of death among birthing people.

Tragically, tragic and preventable deaths
will continue as long as women are denied.

The rights in developing countries
in which we are still pushing our

imperialistic colonialism with
funding to improve access to ripping

babies', limb from limb, post
killing care and family destruction.

Today we reflect on the progress we have
made and the work that still needs to be

done to ensure every birthing person has
access to the brutal killing of their own

offspring, including standing up to those
barbarians who want to take us backwards.

Those people who believe that human
life actually has value to those at

home and around the world continuing
to fight for the right to violently.

Rip and take away the life of
another innocent human being.

No, that we will always stand
up for your right to tear.

Babies limb from limb.

Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot, and
you're listening to the Lucas

Skrobot Show where we uncover purpose,
pursue truth, and own the future.

It is episode 3 0 2.

It is October 6th, 2022.

Welcome back to the show.

This is.

Actually, that intro is actually a
speech that Prime Minister Tru Doe

gave just last week in September 28th.

Of course, we changed the words
abortion to killing, uh, and some

other, you know, satirical things.

But if you, if you read the actual.

Speech that's in the show notes.

You'll see this is, this is what he said.

The whole of, of what we just shared there
is actually what he said in this speech.

And it is just atrocious.

It is atrocious to even put the
word safe and abortion together.

Abortions are never safe.

Abortion is the ripping of an
innocent human life, limb from limb.

And the thought, the thought.

A a, a woman or a man or anyone could
arbitrarily decide that one life is

worth something and another life is not
worth something is absolutely insane.

This is the postmodern irrationality,
the insanity, the wickedness, I tell

you it is pure wickedness, Unbeliev.


And then, and then here at the
end he says, Including standing

up to those who would oppos us and
wants us taste, take us backwards.

Obviously I change that to
standing up to those barbarians

who want to take us backwards.

But the thought that you or I who believe
that a human right has value, we are

the, we are the ones who are barbarians.

We are the ones who are seen as
closeminded and backward thinking

because we, we don't believe that
you are just a sack of chemicals.

Oh, gets me riled up.

Also, last week, breaking news Berkeley
to, besides to develop Jewish free zones.

Nine different law student groups
in the University of California at

Berkeley Law School have begun this new
academic year by amending its bylaws to

ensure that they will never invite any
speaker that supports Israel or Zionism.

And these are not just groups that
represent a small, a fringe fraction

of the student population, but
they include women of Berkeley law,

Asian Pacific American Law Students
Association, Middle East and North

Africa Law Students Association Law
Students of African descent and Queer

Caucus, Berkeley Law Dean Irwin.

A progressive Zionist himself has
observed that he himself would be

banned under the standard, as would 90%
of the Jewish students on the campus.

This is anti, This is
not just anti Zionism.

This is antisemitic.

You can't just say, Oh, well no,
it's, I'm not being antisemitic.

I'm just, you know, anti Zionist and
really, I mean, I want to just like,

I'm sorry I'm a little speechless.

There are actually, there are still
actually people out there who believe

that Nazi Germany, that Hitler did great
things to the world that had great ideas.

And it stems from this idea
that Jews are bad, that Jews

are wicked, that Jews are evil.

Back in, back in the day, a hundred
years ago, signs were being posted.

No dogs, no Jews, the antisemitic racism.

The world is quickly
approaching such a day.

Again, there will come a day where
the nations again turn against.

Turn against the Jews
and we say, never forget.

Never forget the atrocities
of the Holocaust.

And yet we are quickly
and swiftly forgetting,

Oh my,

it is just, is is speech.

I'm speechless to see this happening.

Across America, the blatant, the blatant
discrimination against people, and it's

celebrated by many, it's embraced by many,

and it it will lead to another genocide
just as abortion is a genocide.

This, this ideology of
this Nazi neo-Nazi ideolog.

That would push for the extinction
of the Jews for genocide.

It is a, it is abhorrent and the fact
that, uh, universities in America would

even tolerate such talk is incredible.

Now, of course, these groups are
making these arguments that well,

This is, this is free speech.

We have free speech and because
we have free speech, we can

stop other people's speech.

But free speech doesn't work that way.


The way they have free speech
works is that you cannot, I

impose upon other people's speech.

You cannot impede upon
other people's speech.

You cannot discriminate because someone
else has a different idea than you.

That is free speech.

So this idea that you can.

Ban people from your campus because
of their, their race or their belief

or their ideology, you can say, Well,
you can't show up Here, actually

goes against the freedom of speech.

It's not for the freedom of speech.

Speaking of freedom of speech, the one and
only Musk has decided to actually go with,

through with his deal to buy Twitter.

If you remember months ago, Elon
Musk decided to buy Twitter at $54

and 20 cents a share, which is a, a
large 24% premium from today's price.

Obviously, it jumped up since the, the
ruling or the, the, the announcement

that Musk made, but he's been like a.

You know, a, a boyfriend with cold
feet trying to figure out, after he's

popped the question whether or not
he really wants to marry this girl.

And largely because Twitter
wasn't disclosing how many

of their accounts are bots.

And it seems to be that a large
portion of Twitter accounts are

just walking spam bots walking dead.

and it looked like for a long
time that Musk was not going

to go with through with this.

I'm actually surprised
that it is going through.

We've, we talked about it early on
when he made the announcement and

then we, we didn't really mention
it very much since then cuz he was

just flip flopping back and forth.

Is he gonna do the deal?

Is he not?

Is he gonna do it?

It looks like he is now he's.

But finally he is pulling
the trigger on it.

Now, there's of course, more
controversy around it on both sides.

The the conservative side is waking
up and saying, Well, it doesn't

necessarily mean a whole lot,
It's just another oligarch ruling.

The the community square, which
can be both positive and negative.

Uh, some of that comes from our,
our Western democratic worldview

or ideology, that democracy is
the best form of government.

Now, America is not a democracy.

It is a republic, which means
it is not just the majority

rule, the majority votes.

It's, it's not how it works in America.

There are different levels of checks
and balances, so, So that not one

person or one party can have too
much power or too much control.

Also, the way that it works is that
you have representatives and there's

the executive branch in America, and
so it's not just, it's not a pure

democracy, like a parliamentarian,
it's a Republican America.

The problem that to talk fill,
uh, writes about talk fill was

a, a political philosopher.

He studied America and after going
through America, he said there

there's some traps that are here in
this democracy, like all democracy.

And that's the, the tyranny of the
majority and the tyranny of the majority

happens when a majority of people come
together and decide something that's

tyrannical and they push it forward.

Just because you have a democracy
does not mean that it is a

upright and standing nation.

The other side of the coin is you can
have a, a monarchy where you can have

a, a king who rules over a nation, and
that king can be periodical, can be

totalitarian, or they can be good and
just you can have a good and adjust king.

And right now, the way that we look
at the media landscape, we look at, we

look at Twitter and we can say that this
has been a, a, a tyranny of many sorts.

You, you see people being kicked
off left and right, even though it's

owned by many different shareholders.

It's not just owned by one
oligarch, not just one person.

So if when, when Musk comes in and
buys out the company, if he takes it

private, we will have to see will he
be a good king of that town square

or a bad king of that town square.

Now I've heard commentators say, You know,
this doesn't really solve the problem.

And I agree with him, it's not gonna
solve the problem because people are

still evil, people are still wicked.

Musk is not the, the savior of mankind.

He has his own issues.

And we can look at, uh, extensive things
in Tesla and see that maybe it's not

the best company in the world, the
best company culture in the world.

So will Musk be a righteous.

And adjust in a kind king
of the the town square.

And it's also a mistake to
think that the town square could

possibly be owned by the majority.

There needs to be some sort of checks
and balances in place when it comes

to these, these public forums where
we're all engaging these public forums

that are, that are so large that they
really do operate as a town square.

They really do operate as a, as a
place where everyone comes to talk

together, to debate ideas and subjects.

How do you do that?

It will take someone, maybe it's Musk,
maybe he'll be able to pull it off,

who transforms it by giving, by raising
up judges by, by putting the authority

into the hands of many that can rule
justly rather than just being a king.

I hope that's what he ends up doing.

I hope that it's not just him
running the show and I hope

that he's able to transform.

Transform that marketplace,
that open square into a, a place

that is productive to society.


Now, Musk, as we know, he's the
richest or one of the richest men

in the world depends on the date.

But even the richest man in the
world is not going to be able

to solve, or the richest men.

If you take the top hundred richest
men in the world, it's not going

to be able to solve America's
debt problem of $31 trillion.

America's debt tops off at $31 trillion.

Un an un.

It is a staggering number, 31 trillion.

You try to do some, some math on
that to see how much each American

citizen would own or would owe,

and the math comes out to an extraordinary
amount of money if a, if America

is going to ever try to pay off.

Their national balance and national debt.

And if you think, if you think that
this recession that is coming is not

going to be bad, it's not going to
affect the world, then we have, we

have another thing coming for us.

Cuz every, every analyst is saying
this is, this is gonna be the bad one.

This is gonna be the one that
really shakes the world when it

comes to a, a global meltdown.

Well, this week, That meltdown was
exacerbated by OPEC as oil prices have

fallen from about one 20 down to 80
in early June because of fears of a

global recession coming, and now when,
when a global recession coming, it's

not just that some few rich people
around the world have their 401ks hit.

It is the poor people around
the world who end up starving,

who end up losing their homes.

So this is something that is going to
affect millions and millions of people

worldwide, not just those who are living
in the top 1% in, in Europe and America,

but it affects people all the way a across
Asia who lose their jobs because America

or the West is not buy their products,
it's not importing their products.

Cause the, the economy is so suppressed.

Well, on Wednesday, a group of of
OPEC Plus or powerful oil producers

gathered together and decided to
reduce oil production by 2 million.

Do 2 million barrels a
day starting in November.

Now this is the very opposite
of what the Biden administration

was asking OPEC to do.

The Biden administration is in a
bind with oil prices going up across

America, which is ironic because
they, they're shutting down pipelines.

What the first thing he
does shut down, shuts down.

Pipelines starting to move
away from car, from carbon in

renew in, uh, in fossil fuels.

So they won't allow new drilling
on their own land, on American

soil, and yet they're asking the
Middle East to pump more oil.

Well, the Administra, the Biden
Administration said In light of today's

action, the Biden administration
will also consult with Congress and

additional tools and authorities to
reduce opex control over energy prices.

The statement added that opex.

Opl Plus announcement served as a
reminder of why it's so critical that

the United States reduces its reliance
on foreign sources of fossil fuels.

Yes, exactly.

But why have they hamstrung themselves
on producing their own oil when America

has the ability to do that instead?

Biden is, is going and be.

To the Middle East and right now America
is not in the greatest standings with

Saudi Arabia for a number of reasons.

As America's interests, interests
have begun to shift in the globe.

They, they are shifting
away from the Middle East.

And we talked about this all last year
with, with what happened in Afghanistan

and what happened with America pulling
out missile batteries from Saudi

Arabia that was protecting, uh, RI
and Saudi from drone strikes and scud

missiles from be shot from the Houthis.

Um, In Yemen across a city of 9 million
people, reya as this proxy war war between

Iran and Saudi Arabia moves forward.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Yeah, that makes sense.

In a post true society, we, The
exchange truth lies in reasoned for

postmodern irrationality, the absurd.

Finally makes sense.

Well, this story broke a couple
days ago out of Surrey in the uk

and a, the story goes like this.

There is a, a pastor's wife named
Hairline Farrow, mother of five,

and she shared a lengthy threat
on Twitter detailing how she.

Had this experience with the Surry Police.

Two police officers reportedly
forced their way into her home,

knocked on her door, she opened
the door, she's cooking dinner.

They forced her way into their home
and they says, You're under arrest.

And she said, Do you have a warrant?

And they said, We don't need one.

Reportedly, Miss Farrow claimed that
they replied, We don't need one.

This all started allegedly.

From a series of anonymous
posts that were shared on a

website, Kiwi Farms in June, Mrs.

Farrow was accused of posting
malicious content and harassing

others on an online platform,
supposedly around LGBTQ trans issues.

Supposedly, the police come
in, they arrest her, they

take her out, they search.

They search her socks to make
sure that she doesn't have drugs

or something hidden in her socks.

They seize electronic devices from
her house and from her husband's

parish next door that her autistic
son uses for homeschooling.

They seize her, her electronic
material without a warrant, No warrant.

They take your stuff.

They take her down to be questioned
at the police station concerning

post post, which she then says,
That wasn't even my material.

I didn't post that.

I didn't even post these things.

Now this is just totally, totally insane.

That's in the uk, the
quote unquote, free world.

Someone can be arrested by the
thought police for posting.

Offensive, possibly
offensive material online.

I, I misgendered someone,
Oh, you're offended.

Are you gonna come and have me arrested
now because I misgendered someone?

Is that a crime?

Offending someone?

Hurting someone's feelings.

Is now a, is now a crime?

Well, the Surrey police, they,
they put out a statement.

They put out a statement saying this.

There is a significant commentary
on social media around the perceived

circumstances behind this investigation.

We do not have the freedom of
detailing every stage of our inquiry

or the specifics of an allegation
on social media as it is critical.

We do not preempt or pre.

Or prejudice any further proceedings.

At this stage, when we receive an
allegation of a crime in this instance,

one where a grossly offensive message
is said to have been communicated,

it is our job to assess it alongside
any available evidence to identify

if an offense has been committed.

If it has, we gather evidence.

Further evidence and carry out an
investigation to prove or disprove

the allegation that it is, is exactly
the process that has been followed.

In this case.

The investigation into these allegations
is very much ongoing, and the relevant

inquiries are being carried out.

We have a duty to protect the integrity
of this investigation, and so we will

not be running, we will not be providing
a running commentary on this case, aka

we ain't gonna tell you a single thing.

So we're gonna do what we
want in the name of justice.

Now my questions, my, my na na
natural questions to this case is,

was she actually arrested or was
she just taken to be questioned it?

The fact that they were able, However,
and this is again from my American pur.

Where the police cannot just come in and
seize your electronic devices without a

warrant, the fact that they did not have
an A warrant to seize electronic devices

and search them, this is the free world
of the thought police, where if you post

something that is offensive, few offensive
someone, you're gonna be arrested.

Well, Farrow went on an interview
detailing a little bit of, of her

story and previous experiences that
she has had when she's come into these

encounters with the L G B T Q I A A
plus community activist community.

You know, I almost got, um, prosecuted
because I misgendered, um, Susie

Green's child, uh, and I called out,
uh, The fact that Susie Green had

taken her, her then son to Thailand
on his 16th birthday to have all this

surgery, and I called it castration
and mutilation and you know, abusive.

Now, of course, that was very strong
words, but I used those words because

I wanted people to be aware that
when we are talking about trans.

Transitioning of children that we
are talking about very severe, long

lasting, permanent, uh, measures,
which lead to lifelong sterility.

Um, you know, this, this
is major, major surgery.

This isn't just putting on address.

This is, you know, having,
having sex organs removed.

And I found myself under investigation,
uh, by the police for that.

Um, like Graham.

I was sued in the high court twice
for a hundred thousand pounds.

Each time, you know, the cases went away.

Um, cuz there was no case.

Uh, I was threatened with
being sued a third time in

January by the same activist.

And, and the problem is, is that, uh,
these people are using the police force

and, you know, the judicial system.

To, to do the, you know,
formally harass others for you.

And the reason, as Patrick said that,
said that they want to take away your

family, your children, your, your job.

I mean, I've, I've been really,
really lucky in that regard in

that, you know, I've had such
wonderful, supportive employees.

But the reason they want to do that
is Port encourage Oler, you know, in

order to, to show ordinary women what
happens when they start speaking up.

Show ordinary women what happens
when they start speaking.


They are weaponizing the police force,
their weaponizing, the judicial system.

This really is, it's, it's akin to
the Spanish Inquisition where the, the

religious church weaponized politics
and the police to go and do their

bidding to go and intimidate people
who were opposing their Catholic a.

Burning people at the stake, torturing
people, their political opponents

weaponizing the police, which,
which ought to be a, a tool of, of

justice, not a tool of intimidation.

But the issue is that this movement
is a religion, this movement, this

progressive movement of lgbtq of, of.

Uh, of progressivism when
it comes to, to abortion.

The, the, the progressivism when it comes
to the climate catastrophe that we're

in, this is all wrapped up into the same
bundle, which is being exported from the

west as a new imperialist ideology to
hamstring nations, to destroy nations.

And it is a religion.

It is a cult religion.

And it's being weaponized.

The the police is being weaponized
by this religion you see across the

world, police wearing the rainbow flag.

Now the rainbow was something that
was taken from Judeo Christian

faiths and has been used.

To essentially stand in the face of that,
to essentially say, No way we are going

to spit in the face of, of everything
that the rainbow originally stood for.

The rainbow came from the story of
Noah, where the world was wicked

and violent and, and people were,
had no regard for justice or truth,

except one man, Noah and his.

And afterwards, God destroys the entire
earth with a flood as the story goes.

And when the, the flood is over
and the rains are over, there's a

first rainbow, and it's a promise
that God would not destroy all

of mankind again through a flood.

And instead they've, they've opted
that, they've commandeered that

they've taken that symbol over.

A symbol of promise and said, You
know what, Actually we're gonna

use this very symbol to say we are
going to return to our wickedness

and we're gonna do whatever we want.

And now this ideology is being
used by politicians and police.

The fact that you can, that an and
American Embassy can fly a rainbow

flag next to the American flag.

It says something.

It says that we are no longer
a, a, a nation as America.

We are no longer a nation that is
about liberty and equality for all.

We are now a nation that has opted into
this religious cult ideology that we are

going to actively push around the globe.

This is our policy.

This is what we're doing.

Sued in the uk even this, this photo.

Of Sur.

This is from the Surry Police Twitter
of them wearing rainbow flags.

Next to their badge.

It says something.

It says, This is the policy
that we are going to enforce.

We are going to enforce LGBTQ policy
agendas cuz we have opted into the cult.

And it is a cult.

It is a cult.

They are going to continue to press
and press and intimidate just as they

intimidated this woman by investing,
arresting her in front of her children

for posting comments that were offensive.

The thought police, George
Orwell was right in 1984.

He just missed it by a couple decades.

Well, the show is brought to.

By listeners like you, this
is a Value for Value podcast.

If you get value out of the show, we ask
that you give value back to the show with

a measure that you got value out of it.

You can do so by visiting Lucas, or you can

stream Bitcoin as you listen on
apps like Pod Friend and Syncs.

You can also support the show
by getting my book anchored,

the discipline to stop drifting.

This book I wrote in a time of my life
where I was drifting my, the metrics, the

algorithm for my life was all messed up.

And I began to realize that
the path that I was on was one

of absolute and total despair.

It was not going to ever get
me to where I wanted to go.

So I, I took a break, I paused
and I write this book, wrote this.

Many years ago now, but I still think
about the principles, the actionable

principles that I talk about in this book.

Don't go away.

We'll be right back with our
closing weaver and Loom segment.

Welcome back to Weaver Loom, a part
of the show where we take ancient

wisdom and we weave it in with our
everyday lives so that we can own our

future and weave our destiny Will.

Today we have a clip
to start this segment.

Uh, an I.

With Matt Frazier on the James Smith
podcast and Matt Frazier, for those

who don't know, uh, is believe five
time fittest man in the world, CrossFit

champion, and he is detailing something
that I have experienced myself.

This feeling of when you hit milestones,
you actually feel quite empty.

You feel quite dissatisfied, rather
than the ability to really celebrate

and relish and have these massive
milestones in our life mean something.

Here's James Smith and Matt Frazier.

It's James who starts talking.

When we were like, One day we're
gonna have a million followers.


And we're.

How crazy is that If we keep
this up for another year, we'll

hit a million and we're like,
Let's do this, let's plan this.

The day it hit was one of the most hollow
days of my life where, if anything, I

actually felt less happy than usual.


, and then I was beating myself up.

I was like, You prick, you worked
so long to get to this point

where you're supposed to be happy.

Why are you feeling hollow?

And then I, I kind of excused it as
an arbitrary milestone and, you know,

10 million would be good or, you know.



Now let's, let's work
on your YouTube, cuz.


And the day I'm supposed to be happy, I'm
tearing myself down on something else.

But I'm grateful to the emotions
of the way I see those things.

But then in the other sense, it
becomes very difficult to fully

appreciate those wins on the way.


So, so identical to your story of
reaching, reaching that milestone

and being like it was a hollow day.

The first CrossFit games I won.

I hit the finish line.

I've been pursuing this, this
goal, this dream for a couple

years now, and I remember, I, I
specifically remember crossing

the finish line on the last event.

It just, boom, final stamp of approval.

You won.

You're the fittest man in the world.

And, and it was, I, I don't wanna say like
a fake celebration, but it was forced.

And I remember that night thinking like,
Oh, I thought I would feel different.

I've been chasing this thing for so long.

I thought like internally I would level
up to a new emotion of happiness, and

then I realized like I'm the same person.

There's no emotional change.

There's no internal feeling of success.


This is what we call just the
striving after wind in vanity.

So many self-help entrepreneurial
gurus talk about this.

I, I've talked about it myself.

This pursuit of a goal, and then you reach
the goal and you find out that that goal,

that milestone was arbitrary, it's empty.

And instead the, the, the new age way
to speak about it, and it's, maybe

it's not totally new age, but it's
this way that we talk about it today,

which is, well, don't pursue the goal.

Pursue the pursuit itself.

The pursuit is the pursuit.

So the, the, the pursuing the goal,
it's not the goal that we're after,

but it's the chase and we begin
to put on a pedestal work itself.

We begin to idolize work and we be,
we, we create a cycle in a system in

our life where, The, It's, it's, it's
not the destination that matters, it's

the journey that it takes to get there.

Like, okay, ask sure that that is
the, the ends don't justify the means.

Yes, and you should enjoy the process
in getting to wherever you're going.


But if you set your life up in a way
where your idol, the thing that you

are living for is the work itself.

You are not free.

You're a slave.

You are enslaved to that pursuit.

And it's an endless enslavement.

It's an endless enslavement.

The way that Matt Frazier and James
Smith talk about this, it's, it is

quite identifiable in that they have.

This goal, this place that they're
going, they're, they're thinking

that it is going to satisfy some
sort of longing in their heart.

It's going to satisfy them on a
deep level of giving a, a sense of

identity and purpose and meaning
if we can only reach this spot.

But it is an illusion.

It is an illusion, but when you go to
the place that they're going, which

is saying, ah, but then I realize
it's the, it's the grit and the hard

work that that is the goal itself.

It's unto itself, and that's my purpose.

That is, that is equally as hollow.

That is it.

That doesn't give any greater
sense of purpose, meaning,

or identity in our lives.

The prophet Solomon writes about
this in the book of Ecclesiastes.

I highly recommend you read
it, You know, watch out.

It can be a little, it can swirl you into
a dark and, uh, ex existential place.

But he says, vanity, vanity, all of life
is vanity, All of toil and striving.

Its vanity.

It's striving after the wind that
we strive and toil and we gather.

Only to die and leave it to someone else.

Probably someone we don't know.

It's all van.

He, he writes in the book of Ecclesia,
it's, it's a book of proverbs and

sayings, but it's really him reflecting
on what is the purpose of life?

What is the meaning of life?

And he says, there's nothing better
for a person than he should eat,

drink, and find enjoyment in his toil.

So this is very similar to what Matt
Frazier is talking about, but he goes on

and says, For the one who pleases, God.

God has given him wisdom and knowledge
and joy, but to the center, he has given

the business of gathering and collecting
only to give to one who pleases God.

This also is vanity and
striving after the wind.

What he's saying here is that you
can't have enjoyment apart from.

He says this also I saw is from
the hand of God, for apart from

God who can eat and have enjoyment.

The world is searching for enjoyment.

They're searching for purpose.

Each and every person is searching for
identity and ness to, to be filled with

some sort of significance and meaning
and, and, and rationality for their life.

But that only comes.

From the divine.

That only comes from God.

But those who don't have that are
busy gathering and collecting.

Now, notice both groups, those
who fear God and those who don't.

Both groups gather and collect.

Both groups seek, find enjoyment in
their work, but one group loses it all.

One group, it's just toil and it's vanity.

It's striving after the wind.

Another passage she says, Then I saw
that all toil and all skill and work

come from man's envy of his neighbor.

What's driving you and me
envy of our neighbor wanting

something that someone else has?

This also is vanity and striving.

After the wind,

he says he who loves money.

Will not be satisfied with money nor
he who loves wealth with his income.

This also is vanity.

When goods increase, they increase
who eat them, what advantage has their

owner, but to see them with his own
eye, sweet is sleep of a laborer,

whether he eats little or much.

But the full stomach of the rich
will not let him sleep and he closes

the entire passage, the book of
Ecclesiastes, with saying, The end

of the matter all has been heard.

Fear God and keep his commandments
for this is the whole duty of man.

For God will bring every deed
into judgment with every secret

thing, whether good or evil.

King Solomon, Prophet Solomon talks about
how God has put eternity into man's heart.

That there is eternity, and that is what
Matt is talking about searching for.

That is what James Smith is talking
about searching for, is that how do

we feel the eternal void in our heart.

It's not filled with riches.

It's not filled with fame.

It's not filled with prosperity.

It's not filled with having
the world's greatest friends.

It's filled with something that is eternal
and we can never fill something that is

eternal with something that is finite and
frankly, passing away with every waking.


Well, that's all for this episode.

Thank you so much for listening
to this show this week.

Go out and own your future by fearing
God, by not being afraid of the the

thought police that are chasing people
down left and right, but fear God.

Keep His commandments for
that is the whole duty of man.

Thanks for listening.

Go out own your future.