Paid to Bring Peace

In this episode, I share how making one key mindset shift can not only make content creation easier and more enjoyable, but also lead to better results in the long run.

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What is Paid to Bring Peace?

For multi-passionate creators who want to get paid for their knowledge and wisdom. Learn how to build a business that gives you freedom and flexibility to be your most authentic self.

If posting content online feels difficult
for you, if you have a lot of resistance

to doing it, then this might be why.

I think there's a huge problem in the
industry with how content creation

is taught, how it's normally taught.

And I think it's normally taught from a
very tactical and strategic perspective,

like you're creating content because
you want to generate more views, more

leads, more sales for your business.

You're creating content
as a means to an end.

You're Creating it because
you're hoping for some particular

result to come from it.

And the problem with that is if
you're posting content from that

perspective, it's always going
to feel slightly inauthentic.

It's always going to feel a little sleazy,
a little slimy, a little unethical.

Because deep down you know that you're
only doing it because of some selfish

reason, because of some outcome
that you're hoping to get from it.

And people can feel that also, you know,
like your audience can feel when you're

not authentic and when you're only trying
to extract money from them basically.

And it also creates a lot of resistance
within you, and it makes it much harder to

post content online consistently because.

You're so attached to the outcome.

You're so attached to how well
the video is gonna perform, or how

many leads it's gonna get you, or
how many sales it's gonna get you,

and it just makes you inauthentic.

And when you're inauthentic,
it's not enjoyable.

It doesn't feel good to be on
inauthentic, and so you have resistance

and then you can't be consistent,
and that's why you're not showing up

consistently because you're not really
being your authentic and genuine self.

Your authentic and genuine self
is the self that wants to serve.

The self that just wants to create for the
enjoyment of creating, for the enjoyment

of being of service to others, you know?

So I think that you have to approach
content from the perspective of, I'm just

creating this because I wanna be helpful.

I wanna serve somebody.

If this video only reaches one
person and it helps that one

person, then I've done my job.

And if you create content from
that perspective, you're gonna

have way less resistance.

It's gonna be easier, so you're
gonna be more consistent with it.

And when you're more consistent with
it, you're gonna get better results.

And when it feels more genuine and
authentic, your audience is gonna

resonate with your message more.

And so you're gonna make better
performing content anyway,

just naturally by doing that.

Without having to think about the results.

You don't have to think about
the outcome or the result.

The results take care of themselves
when you're just being your authentic

and genuine self and you're just
showing up trying to be of service.

So instead of thinking of like.

How do I need to script this piece
of content so that it goes viral?

How do I make the perfect hook so
that I capture people's attention?

How do I have the perfect
copywriting so that it leads to

the most sales for my business?

Like throw all that shit out the
window and just focus on helping

other people, and then you will
get everything you want in life.

When you're of service to enough
people, that's when you get

everything you want in your life.