The Pinch Me Pod - an MDT approach to delirium in hospital settings

The Pinch Me Pod - an MDT approach to delirium in hospital settings Trailer Bonus Episode 3 Season 1

The Pinch Me Pod - Ep3 - Management of Delirium

In this third episode, we move on to the next step and focus on the management of delirium. How do we look after patients affected by delirium? Can we expect them to make a full recovery? And if so, how long does that process normally take? We recognise that the management of delirium is multifaceted and it is crucial that we aim to identify and treat the underlying causes.  We also dip into some strategies we can put into practice when looking after patients with delirium, such as therapeutic activities, cognitive stimulation, and effective communication skills, as well as exploring the role that medications play.  Finally, our Falls Coordinator briefly highlights the link that there can be between delirium and falls, and how we can reduce the risk of falls in patients with delirium on our wards.

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We look forward to catching up with you in our next episode where we consider complex and prolonged delirium in patients, where symptoms are not easily resolving.  

What is The Pinch Me Pod - an MDT approach to delirium in hospital settings?

The Pinch Me Pod – an MDT approach to delirium in hospital settings

This is the ‘Pinch Me Pod’, a podcast resource from the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, to help explore the topic of delirium in detail, and what the multidisciplinary team can do to recognise and manage delirium in the hospital setting.

Dr Stephen Collins, Doctor in Elderly Care Medicine, hosts this podcast series, alongside a panel of staff from across the acute hospitals in Antrim and Causeway, in Northern Ireland. Over the course of six episodes, we explore what delirium looks like for us in our own day-to-day work and the significant impact this condition has on patients, families and staff. As well as the lessons we have learned, we also discuss lots of tips on how you might be able to improve the level of care you provide to patients with delirium in your own work setting. We hope that this podcast will begin to answer some of the questions you may have and help you navigate the medical minefield that delirium can sometimes feel like.

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