Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, October 10th, 2024 / It's time to get rid of your crocs, how do we get rid of our bad habits, Chantel finally admits she was wrong, Chantel gives her rankings of the hottest Quarterbacks, we give our review of the Dua Lipa Diet Coke, we finally decided on our Halloween costumes, Chantel gave me another great world record attempt idea, and we talk kitchen envy.

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Thursday, October 10, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

It's time to get rid of your crocs, how do we get rid of our bad habits, Chantel finally admits she was wrong, Chantel gives her rankings of the hottest Quarterbacks, we give our review of the Dua Lipa Diet Coke, we finally decided on our Halloween costumes, Chantel gave me another great world record attempt idea, and we talk kitchen envy.

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Full show transcript:

This is Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. Happy Thursday. It's Josh and Chantel. It's October 10th and on today's show You're a 10 out of 10 on today's date. Alrighty.

On today's show, it is time to get rid of your crocs, Chantel. Okay. I don't have any. Me neither. So check.

How do we get rid of our bad habits? I don't know. Chantel finally admits that she was wrong, and it's a big moment. It's a big moment. I'll never say it again.

I said it once. And she gives her rankings of the hottest quarterbacks. Oh, yeah. But it really came down to the coaches for you, didn't it? Oh, yeah.

Stop it. You're gross. We give our review of the Dua Lipa Diet Coke. Mhmm. We finally decided on Halloween costumes and actually bought some pieces to make this happen.

I'm I'm excited. Yeah. Me too. And Chantel gave me another great world record attempt idea I'm not super into, though, because soup. Give it a shot.

It's soup. Hot soup. And we spent some time talking about kitchen envy today. Thanks for listening to the show. Live every weekday morning from 6 to 10 and right here on the podcast.

Subscribe wherever you listen and rate the show. It really helps. We hope you enjoy today's show. Alright. Enjoy.

Have fun. Have fun listening. Well, hi. Well, what's up? It's Thursday.

It's the double digits finally. It's October 10th. It's 10:10. 10:10. Yep.

Here we are on World Mental Health Day. That's important. It's very important. Mental health. Mental health is a serious matter, and everyone should, take it seriously.

Totally agree. You can, help end the stigma around mental health by, supporting others through World Mental Health Day. Different events happening all over the world and, different fundraisers, of course. So get involved. Yeah.

There's some great I go to see a therapist. She's awesome. Deal. Yeah. I love her.

It's important. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Well, thank you for your update. It is, world porridge day. Porridge?

Yeah. It looks like wet oatmeal. Yeah. Yeah. Porridge isn't a real thing.

It sure is. Fairy tale food. Nope. Fairy tale food. It's very rich in fiber Oh.

Which is why, porridge should be considered. How do you okay. Hold on. How do you think for a porridge recipe? Yeah.

Yeah. But while you're doing that, it is world sight day, all about your vision. It is also world homeless day to help raise awareness about the over 100,000,000 people worldwide who are homeless. You can donate to help, those folks, which is always much appreciated. It's hug a drummer day.

Okay. Yeah? I'll go find 1. Cake decorating day. Wait.

Wait. Wait. What's your who who if there was a drummer that you could hug, who would it be? Ah, your buddy is a drummer. My buddy Jason?

No. Your buddy Dana. My buddy Dana is a drummer. I know some drummers. Go give him a hug.

I could hug a couple drummers on National Hug A Drummer Day. Yeah. Sure. Be ready for a hug. Okay.

Bring it in, buddy. It's Hug A Drummer. National Cake Decorating Day, it is I decorated it. I took a cake decorating class once. Yep.

You made a fish cake. I did. It was very cool. It's walk to a park day. I've walked to a park before.

No. But today. Not just any day. Oh. Today.

It is world day against the death penalty, which is unfortunately very timely. It is handbag day. Do you you carry a handbag? I do carry a handbag. Yes.

I do. And it is also angel food cake day. Oh. Did you find a porridge recipe yet? You've been typing for 45 minutes.

What's going on over there? That's a little bit of an exaggeration. Well, because here's what happens. If you look for a recipe, you click on a recipe, and then it's a whole blog post about the recipe. Yeah.

There should be a button that says jump to recipe. Yeah. Not on this website that I picked. So I picked the wrong recipe. And, plus, this computer that I have in here is super old I know.

Or something. It doesn't work, and it freezes. Okay. I did find 1. Whole oats Yep.

Filtered water k. Salt. Oh, boy. That sounds real delicious. You're supposed to then, have your oat porridge with fresh berries on there.

This one has, like, butternut squash on it. You can make That's a dick. You can mix it with butternut squash. This is just an oatmeal recipe. Porridge is just oatmeal.

Porridge. But it doesn't it's like It's whole oats. Yeah. I think it's like blended. Yeah.

It looks kinda smooth and also chunky at the same time, doesn't it? Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't. You can do an apple pie oatmeal, a peanut butter Nutella oatmeal, a pumpkin pie oatmeal.

These are all ones I found Would in 13 seconds. Malt o meal be considered porridge? It would be considered the thing you use to kill ants. Oh, it's so a maltomill is delicious. Raise your hand if you like maltomill.

Alright. Well, good morning. It is Josh and Chantel. So a lot of people around the country are trying to find a way to do whatever they can to help with the aftermath of these hurricanes that have been, pummeling into the East Coast. Mhmm.

And, 5 year old Henley Castellon of Hendersonville, Tennessee. He's been keeping an eye on the news and the aftermath. And he excuse me. She. I let me get that right.

Okay. Henley is a she. She has a big heart. Realized how many children are displaced. Now, again, Henley is 5.

And on a Okay. Yeah. 5. And she realized that a lot of children have been displaced. They've evacuated.

Homes have been destroyed. They don't have stuff to play with. Yeah. And so Henley is gathering up a bunch of her own toys to share with the storm's youngest victims and with some help from her mom. Her mom's name is Jennifer.

She's gone on to inspire others to do the same. Mom posted a message on a local Facebook group about Henley's efforts, and donations have been pouring in. According to Jennifer, people have dropped off bags and bags of stuffed animals, cash donations, toys, all kinds of stuff. And Henley's generosity has led to a donation of over 900 stuffed animals. Definitely.

Which are now putting the smiles on face of children who are currently dealing with a crazy rough situation. That's so great. Isn't that cool? 5 years old. 5 years old.

And when 5 years old, it's a good time. I know. Mister Rogers told us to watch for the helpers. There's one right there. Henley is the helper.

Hen Henley is the helper. That's incredible. Yep. Good job, Henley. So, that, Henley, is how you make good news to get you going.

Bad news for people who are wearing Crocs? What's the bad news? Specifically for kids and teenagers, a podiatrist. Wasn't yesterday podiatrist day? Something like that.

Earlier this week, for sure, we've talked about it, being podiatrist day. Well, listen to the podiatrist. They're saying straight up that these are bad for your feet. For specifically kids and teens. Really?

Specifically people who wear Crocs all day, every day. So teens. They think it's okay if you wear them occasionally, but they say it causes heel and arch pain, hammertoes, and blisters. Hammertoes. Mhmm.

Now what is that? I don't I've heard that before, but I don't know what that is. A hammertoe is curled due to a bend in the middle joint of the toe. Oh. Hammertoe and mallet toe are foot problems that cause a bend in a toe or toes.

Wearing shoes that don't fit well can cause hammertoe and mallet toe. And other causes are a foot injury and certain illnesses like diabetes. Interesting. It says I don't wanna look at images. Because you have to I do.

That's the first thing I went to. No. No. I I got enough from the description. You don't look at it?

No. I don't need to. I don't look at the description. I go immediately to images. Nope.

That's that's true. That's different. You and I are so different. No. I'll get the information and move on.

I'm a need to see. I'm a visual learner. Ugh. I don't need the visual of hammertoes to understand. They're saying hammertoes happen because you have to grip the shoe to keep them on, and so the toes are overworking.

Oh. Maybe throw those crocs away. Or wear them like a slip on. Don't wear them, like, all day every day. Yeah.

Does it matter if you wear it with or without a sock? I don't think it does. I don't think I'm just asking. Don't think it matters whether you wear them Four wheel drive or not? I can't remember what they called it.

You got a sport mode? Strap Yeah. Up or down. When you wanna go fast. In a croc?

Who goes fast in a croc? Well, look. That might make the big difference. If you if you put them in sport mode with the thing flipped over on the heel, your toes might have to do less work. So that might Maybe.

That might be a game changer. The same thing could be said about hey dudes, I bet, because I don't own a pair of crust. More of a loafer. But I do have a hey dude, and sometimes my toes hurt from wearing those all day because they are working overtime. I don't have hay dues.

And flip flops. I don't I don't particularly like the look. I know. I know. It's fine.

I know. Good. Good for you. I don't know why I said it that way. Throw away those crocs.

Okay. I don't own any. Oh, good job. Yeah. Thanks.

Josh, what is a bad habit that you have? Probably nail biting. I'm not I'm not happy with that habit. I thought I had beat it. And?

What happened? Have not. It's I don't know what it is. It's a thing. And it's real bad if I'm, like, trying to occupy my mind Yeah.

And my hands aren't doing something. Yeah. Like, when I'm watching a movie, I I can't figure out I need something to do. That's how I am too. Strange.

I don't understand it. I get bored watching a movie. My parents get bored. It's my it's it's a tactical thing. Mhmm.

Like, I I'm fine watching the movie. I'm engaged in the movie. I'm enjoying the movie. I'm not bored by it, but I find myself going like, what do I do with these? Because they need to be doing something.

I can't just sit like that. I'm a lip biter. Right? I know that. I don't like it because my lips are all chapped and Mhmm.

Then they get sores because I bite them so much. And I used to just do it when nobody was looking, and now as most bad habits are, I just do it Sure. Whenever I want to now because I'm like, whatever. It's my life. It's a habit, and I'm gonna do it now because I'm got an obsessive compulsive personality Yeah.

I suppose. There are certain habits that people have and they realize they have, but they refuse to change. I would like to change. They say, nope. I'm not not giving up.

How, how can I change? Do they give you tips on that? No. They don't give tips on that. You've gotta probably replace it with something.

I'd imagine it's you've gotta find a healthier thing than the habit to replace the habit with. Okay. So it could be a healthier replacement. For nail biting? Or lip biting?

I don't know. Here's the thing. When I bite my lips, I it messes with my jaw. It makes my jaw out of That's why I don't do I don't do the bubble gum. Yeah.

Same thing. And so then I get a headache, and I realize it's the cause. I know what the cause is. And then It's because you're comping your lips. Know.

And then I go when I real when I am biting my lips, I go, oh, I know I shouldn't be doing this because I'm gonna get a headache later. Right. No. Does it stop me? See, yours yours is not hands, though.

That's a mouth thing. That's a that's a different kind of fixation. Yeah. I don't know I don't know how you eat something. That's not the right answer.

Jerky. Jerky. Yeah. Something something that takes a little while to chew on. Yeah.

Right. A dog bone or what? A teething ring. Get a teething ring. That's still gonna hurt, though.

Right. But but it won't make your lip all chapped and hurt. No. But I'll have a headache. I just what do you replace it with?

It's gotta be something accessible too because I do it all day long. Those wax lips. Oh, gross. Right. But you're then you're still chewing on lips, but it's not your own.

But I'm still chewing. But wax isn't like a teething ring, like or, you know, or hard like jerky. It would be it'd be, it'd have some give to it. I like the jerky I did. Just random Yeah.

You just pieces of jerky. Yeah. When you feel the need. Oh, sorry. I gotta get my jerky out.

You know those little picky pads? Yes. Maybe it's that for, for something to do with your hands in the movie. I want one of those. I know.

It's the grossest thing. It's a little yeah. Explain what that is. A little silicone, pad with stuff in it that you can use tweezers to dig stuff out. I saw one.

I know. Look at your face. I'm so excited. So bad. I saw one that had, like, little strings of plastic, little flat long ones so you could you could grab them with the tweezers and pull them out.

I know. So, like, long strings pulling out of the silicone mat. I want one of those. You'd have it done in 4 minutes. Yeah.

I want need to be like, I need more of this. Give me more. So I would like to publicly announce that I was wrong. What? Hold on.

Where's the calendar? We need to write this day down. It once. That's it. Woah.

Get it once. Hold on. You were wrong, and you said out loud? I said what I said. Roll tape?

What'd you say? I'd said it once. Too good to say it twice? I'm not gonna say you were right. Even know oh, okay.

I don't even know what you were wrong about for 1. Okay. And for 2, what was I right about that you won't admit I was right about? Necessarily right because it wasn't that you disagreed with me. It was just that I was wrong.

Okay. Her Let's see what happened. You had an alarm. You had alarms that were going off. Yes.

And I said, there's no point in that. Yeah. You don't do anything but turn them off, and you only turn them off when I tell you to turn them off. Yes. You don't get out of bed with your alarms.

I'm the one getting us out of bed in the morning. Yeah. So I said, turn them off. They're not needed. Turn them off.

Mhmm. And you did. Turn them off. I do as I'm told. So, my alarms, I did not delete.

I just turned off. Are you asking me now to turn them on? Yeah. I think so because it's been it's been difficult to wake up this week. And I said, I don't know what's happening this week.

And you said You told me to turn my alarms off. Turn my alarms off. Yeah. And I went I have turned them all back on. Okay.

What hold up. Every 5 minutes. No. I can't okay. It works.

They're on. Oh. They're on. I've turned them on. I've put my phone away.

The alarms are set for tomorrow morning. Times do you have? No. Because that's the surprise of it. If you know, then you have too much information.

Just know they're 5 minutes apart on odd numbers. I I don't think that's necessary. I still I'm not entirely not entirely wrong. I still think that some of them need to be turned off. They're all on.

Dude, I'm gonna get in there and turn some of them off. No way, Jose. I know your code. I know you do. So I can get in there.

I will turn them on again and again and again. It's fine. Why? Because it works. It's effective.

It's a good method. It's a good system. It works. At making me cranky. Yeah.

Yeah. Because it gets you out of bed. It's effective in doing the task it's designed to do. The alarms turn on. They go off.

You get out of bed. That's the system. Okay. It's a system. Yep.

The the alarms are reset. They're ready to go tomorrow morning. Stupid. Yeah. I know.

I know. People magazine just released a list of the top 12 hottest quarterbacks in the NFL. Is that right? That's right. So who's give me the top 5.

The top 5? Yeah. Justin Herbert from the chargers. Okay. Is he on your list of hottest quarterbacks?

He's number 5 on People magazine. I don't agree with any of these. Okay. You don't agree with any of the top 5 or any of the top 12? There's 32 of them.

So like, 4 I agree with in the top 12. Kirk Cousins is even on this list. And okay. And you would say he is one of the hottest Yeah. Quarterbacks?

Yeah. I would. But I would also as I'm looking at because I don't know some of these, quarterbacks, so I had to look some of them up. Okay. And I went, meh.

Some of them look really young. Like, Brock Purdy is on this place from the 40 niners. He's a baby. Right. He's just a person.

Herbert's number 5? Yes. Number 4? Dak Prescott from the cowboy. Okay.

Here we go. Alright. I think he says that when he picks you up for a date. Yeah. He's like, good day.

Here we go. Yeah. Do we have to do that every time, dad? Okay. I'll have the shrimp.

Yeah. Get the shrimp. Get a box to go. You know, that's that's how he exists. Alright.

That's number 4. 3, Russell Wilson from the Steelers. Yeah. He used to be on the Broncos just recently. Right?

The Seahawks. Oh. Yeah. Oh, I thought I knew what I was talking about for a minute. But he's, like, 3rd string on the On the that he's not even 1st QB?

He's not. He's not. Threw him in in this last game, I thought. No. They their their main guy missed one place.

They brought in their secondary. Uh-huh. And and Beck, our son, was like, bring in bring in Wilson. Let's go. Give him some field time.

Alright. Number 2 is Caleb Williams from the Bears. K. Number 1, hottest quarterback in the NFL according to People Magazine. Joe Burrow from the Bengals.

Really? Yeah. What's your eye roll mean? I don't agree at all. Also, especially because he dyed his hair blonde.

Yeah. He did the bleached Tim thing. He's Like, it's 1998. Here here here is what I have to say. I you know you're old when the coaches start looking more attractive to you than the players.

Okay. And so I look at this quarterback list, and I go, nah. Nah. And then I'm like, I'm gonna make a list of the quarter or the coaches that I think are Do you have a do you have that list right now? Yeah.

You have the hottest the hottest top 5 I hottest quarterbacks. Them. I just You did just in one pool? Yeah. So the these are the hottest quarterbacks in the NFL according to Shantel.

Okay. Matt LaFleur from the Packers. Oh, okay. Antonio Pierce from the Raiders. Look them up here.

Sean McVey from the Rams. Whatever. Kyle Shanahan from the 49ers. Nick Sirianni from the Eagles. Uh-huh.

And my one number he's probably my number one just because I think he's hilarious and funny gets me every time. Mike McDaniel. Yeah. From the Miami Dolphins. He's top of your list in the pool.

Yes. Okay. Yeah. I'll I'll take these coaches over the quarterbacks any day. You know?

Because I have all of the choice in the world. Sure. Yeah. You know? One of them just married a supermodel, but if they were to see me, they'd be like, let's have a let's have a date.

Do you think Michael McDaniel is a tall guy? No. I don't. You you how tall do you think he is? I think he's probably 5 8.

He is 5 9. Look at that. So he's taller than me. Rude. Rude what?

Do you think he's a tall guy? No. I Which means you think he's short, and he's already 2 inches taller than me. So I'm super short. Well, according to, like, athletes, tall is over 6 feet.

Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure.

Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure thing. Sure thing.

It's fine, Josh. Well, thanks for, that list. Yeah. You bet. Well, how would you rate it?

I your list? Yeah. I'd give your list about a 7. Why did you make me drink that last night? I didn't make you do anything.

You were in the middle of filming a video, and you said, here, try this. And I said took it and tried it. And I said, yeah. It's okay. It was okay.

You told us the story yesterday about Dua Lipa's diet Coke recipe That is correct. Where she pours in a splash of pickle juice and a splash of jalapeno juice Yes. And mixes it up in her diet Coke. And you so you said, I'm I've got a diet Coke. I've got pickles, and I've got, jalapenos.

Let's make this Dua Lipa Diet Coke drink. And, you filmed the video. You've posted the video. I have. You see the video.

It exists online. And, in the video, you try it. You describe what you're doing. You use a chopstick as a swizzle stick Yeah. To stir it.

Because I'm classy. And and then, we tried it. And what were your thoughts? I didn't hate it. It's it's off putting more than anything, or it's not off putting, I guess.

Well, hold up. You can smell the pickle juice when you hold the cup up to your to your face to get a drink, and so that's off putting. It is aromatic? Yes. Uh-huh.

But because there's just a splash of it, you don't necessarily taste it. I could taste it. I could taste it too. What? This has been But it's Gentel tells us things about things.

It's not disgusting. Sure. Would I try it again? No. Because it's not necessary.

Was it refreshing at all? Did it did it improve the diet Coke? You felt like the diet Coke was better on its own? Yes. Okay.

Or I'd rather mix in, like, a creamer, like a coffee creamer Oh, okay. Sure. Like a dirty diet Coke or like a churrannies syrup. That makes sense. What I'd rather mix in with it rather than the pickle juice and the jalapeno juice did give it a little bit of a not a kick, but you could feel it you could taste the jalapeno juice on your tongue.

Does that make sense? Like, you could feel a little, like, sparkling. What I said in your video because I said, like No. But your part got cut off in the video. So rude.

I didn't do it on purpose. Facebook did it. Facebook? Why you do this? Later after I posted it, and I went, they could it totally cut off your part.

It shows me handing you the cup, and then it's like, end. Rude. Well I didn't do that. Might have to reupload or something. We'll get that sorted.

But but, anyway, the the my my take was that I could taste the sweetness of the, Diet Coke Yeah. But then I could also taste the bitterness of the vinegars next to the sweetness, and then there's this big salty flavor as well. And so it kind of made my tongue have a a bit of a freak out Yeah. Because there was too many things going on Yep. At once.

Agreed. Where if I would have just had the sweetness of the diet coke or pickles on a sandwich where I expect them to be or jalapenos on nachos where I expect them to be. Those are all different things. That's what I yeah. I'm I'm happy to to have tried it so that I could have given an honest review.

You said Gordon Ramsay posted a video of it. Did. What did he have to say? See. I didn't see.

You didn't see. You just saw that he posted a video, but then that was the end of your I was watching the beginnings of it, and I went, hey, Gordon Ramsay posted a video. And then we had to talk on radio. And then it went away. I just wanna know if he thought it was like I he would use a word like repugnant.

I it wasn't that, though. It wasn't repugnant. It was neither good nor bad. It just was. It just was.

Alright. Well, try it for yourself if you want. It's easy to make. It's just pickle juice, jalapeno juice in your diet coke. Video.

Yeah. Let's see your video Yeah. Of the Dua Lipa diet coke. Your video. Yeah.

You make a video. Yeah. Post it on the Facebook community. Yeah. Maybe it'll cut off the end of yours too.

Oh. Hope not. Are you excited? Yeah. I am.

Are you? Not as excited as I was gonna be, but, yeah, I'm excited. But you backed away from the Robin Hood costume because you didn't like the Peter Pan costume that you wore last year. No. Yo.

I backed away from the Robin Hood costume because no one wanted to dress up with me as my partner in crime. I give you so many options to be my Robin Hood partner in crime. I know. So You had little John. I know.

You had prince John. I know. You had the snake. I know. You had Robin Hood dressed up as the stork.

Which would be weird that there'd be 2 Robin Hoods. Made Marian. You had so many options. Friar Chuck, the sheriff of Nottingham. Friar Chuck?

Who's that guy? Friar Chuck. Friar Chuck. Listen. You listen.

Okay. What's up? I backed away from it because I didn't wanna go Uh-huh. As Robin Hood myself, and then I thought, yeah, I could. And then the Peter Pan costume I wore last year can also double as a Robin Hood costume.

Correct. You add a fox tail Yes. Little face paint, some ears, a yellow hat instead of a green one Yeah. A bow and arrow It works. Instead of a sword.

It works. And bada bing, you're not Peter Pan. You're Robin Hood. Except I saw the picture of myself in that costume from last year, and I didn't like it. Right.

So you walked away Yeah. And said, I'm not gonna wear that. And I said, okay. Alright. What what are we gonna do?

So yesterday, you sent me a a picture, and you just said, for Halloween, question mark? Mhmm. And I said, yeah. Absolutely. Let's let's go.

Well, I was just gonna do it by myself. Yeah. Because I just sent your a picture of the thing that I picked, and then you said, yeah. I can be this with you. And I went Correct.

Okay. I think it's great. Okay. And so you've purchased items? Yes.

Well, partial. Partial items. But the stuff we looked at online, you purchased. Yeah. We have to make a couple of items.

Correct. So we'll have or we're gonna do a big reveal. What's the plan? I don't know what the plan is. A big reveal will be cool, I think.

Okay. And and is the reference do you feel the reference is I don't know. Super well enough known that people are gonna be like, that's cool. I didn't know that that was a thing that people could be, and now that's awesome. If you were a child from the nineties, If you were born in the eighties, childhood through the eighties nineties.

Yes. When did this It was 90. It was, like, 93, 94, 95. I bet you. Okay.

Because I remember watching that. So, not the movie. Yeah. The show. TV show.

Did you get it? Did you find it? I'm still looking. Okay. It premiered in 1989.

There was the 3 seasons of it. Is that all? Yeah. 89 to 91. Oh, but then reruns aired until 93, and then reruns aired again in 95.

I knew it. So they they aired they aired reruns, and then they released the series on Blu ray in 2022. Okay. So that's you can still get it. I did not know that.

But, anyway yeah. No. This is a thing. They also made a movie of it. Have we seen the movie?

I don't think I want to. I'm nervous about it. When did the movie come out? 2022. Oh, yeah.

John Mulaney is in it. Yeah? Uh-huh. Yeah. I'm kinda and Andy Samberg and Seth Rogen.

I think it's gonna be awesome. I'm excited, and we're kind of putting our own little spin on it. So it's not gonna be a direct, like, here's the actual costume. Yeah. It's kind of a our own little spit.

If nobody gets it, who cares? If if we walk in and people like, who are you supposed to be? Yeah. Then you don't get it. Yeah.

I'll be like, take a guess. Yeah. I'll be over here until you figure it out Yeah. Carving a pumpkin. Alright.

Well, we'll see. We got a we got a little bit of time to put together all the pieces. We'll do a big reveal. We'll, we'll share our costumes soon once we get all the pieces put together. You're a part of your ship today.

So Really? Alright. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Cool. I know it'll be fun. I think it'll be fun. K. Well, we have Halloween costumes.

So Indeed. Are you excited? I kind of am. Alright. Good deal.

Congratulations. To you too. Take your hand. To you too, sir. Alright.

Thank you. Josh. Chantel. Another world record attempt for you. Alright.

Let's see if this is one that I wanna try. Alright. Probably might not be. Alright. This guy from Canada K.

Broke a world record by eating almost 2 and a half pounds of Sriracha in 3 minutes. By itself? I like Sriracha. I think it is by himself. Not by himself.

By itself. Right. That's what I meant. What did I say? 2 and a half pounds of Sriracha.

2 and a half pounds of Sriracha. I have a video, but, yeah, it's just by itself. He has a he poured it in a bowl. It's 2 jars of it that he poured into a bowl. Yeah.

And then he just ate it like soup. Ate it like soup. Yeah. I don't wanna do that. That's pretty awful.

I like sriracha, but after that, I don't think I would. No. You wouldn't. You'd you'd hate it. Yeah.

But what a weird record to be like, I'm gonna eat £2. And he's just scooping it up by the spoonful. Is that right? Yep. That's right.

You act like you don't believe me. No. I believe you. Or you're not interested in this story. Why am I seeing that a 20 oh, it's that's 12 bottles.

I'm like, why am I seeing a 28 ounce bottle of Sriracha for $70? And it's because it's 12 bottles. That's why. Remember when we couldn't find Sriracha? Well, yeah.

There was a shortage on the on the peppers, but, you know, things got better. Everything's cool now. Well, this guy's like, there's an excess of sriracha. 2 and a half pounds of it. 2 and a half pounds of it.

Yeah. That's not a record I will. Try it? No. But I I love putting that on stuff.

I I really enjoy it on, like, Indian food, and, it's really delicious. So you. If I could just have that, I'd be good. I don't want 2 and a half pounds of it. Oh, the rules are that he had to eat it with a teaspoon.

So it's not a regular spoon. It was a teaspoon. Yeah. And he said he wasn't too worried about it destroying his digestive tract. Well, good for him.

I've heard about, like, hot sauces and things before, like the spicy Yeah. Cheetos and spicy Sure. Takis and stuff. I've heard that that will, like, destroy the lining of your digestive tract. So I mean, what do you got to lose?

Your digestive tract. It doesn't do much anyway. So you don't wanna do this 1? 22 and a half pounds of hot sauce in 3 minutes. You're not up for the challenge?

Nah. You like your guts? 1, I like my guts. But, 2, like, I like Sriracha, and it would ruin Sriracha for me. So I don't wanna do that.

Okay. There's a couple of reasons. Those are good. And also the 2? Soup.

Soup is so good. Yeah. This isn't technically a soup. It's a bowl of hot sauce. A bowl of hot sauce.

But he ate it like it was soup. They ate it with a teaspoon. He didn't eat it like he was, like, shuffling. Yeah. Well, of course, he would have been.

You would have to go quick if you're gonna do that whole bowl in a couple of minutes. Gross. You said 3 minutes? 3 minutes. 2 and a half pounds.

That's nearly a pound a minute. Nearly. Man, I can eat some sauce. Good math, but No. Thanks.

Hi. What's up? What you doing over there? I'm waiting for you to talk. Okay.

I wanna talk about, kitchens for a minute. We have one. Yes. Our friends have kitchens. Yes.

Our family members have kitchens. When you go to someone else's kitchen, do you ever look around and go, this is a nice kitchen. I wish I had this kitchen. Yes. You do?

Yes. Whose kitchen do you do that to? People's Who? Well Name a kitchen. No.

I'm not gonna call it kitchens by name, but I I don't want to offend a kitchen. Who whose kitchen do you look at and say this kitchen's awesome? House is was built in the seventies. And so it is a small kitchen, and it's separated by a wall from the living room. Correct.

So I wish that I had an open a more open floor a different house. Where my living room and my kitchen were the same kind of room so that we could gather in the room. That's a whole different house. I know. I'm just talking about kitchen.

I also want new cupboards. Yeah. And I also want a door that goes from my kitchen to my deck. Yeah. So So the so And the new ceiling.

Alright. So I know all the reasons you don't like our kitchen, but that wasn't the question. What's the question? Whose kitchen do you go into and go, I wish I had this kitchen. I still do.

I'm not gonna call out kitchens. Okay. Question number 2. When you are in someone else's kitchen Mhmm. Do you snoop the fridge?

No. I went there. No. Never. You don't, like, go to put a a a dessert or something you brought for a dinner party into the fridge and quickly scan and see what is in the fridge?

No. Because I don't have Come on. I don't have fridge envy. No. I've never done that.

I never, honestly. Just browse around the fridge and go, that's a weird product that I've never seen before? I don't like people's fridges. I've told you this before. You don't like other people you don't like public fridges.

Yeah. That's a public fridge. No. It's not. Other people's fridges is a public fridge.

No. It's not? Yes. It is. No.

It has their food inside of it. That's And I get gross profit. Private fridge. Yeah. I know.

I don't like it. I get this stuff. Public fridge? I don't like it. A public fridge is the one here at the work where everyone who works here uses the public fridge.

I've never I've never opened somebody's fridge and been like, what is in here? No. I don't I don't do that. I don't have fridge envy. I have kitchen envy.

Different. Have you done that? You've done that, obviously. We've talked about it. No.

What do you see in their fridge? Do you like organization. Oh, I feel like our fridge is pretty organized. Sure. That it could be better, but it's just it is what it is.

What's wrong with our fridge? Oh, it's not decorated with, like, a flower pot and stuff inside. And it's never going to be. I know. Do you ever you know, you wanna, like, pull out their mustard and go, this expired a while ago?

No. I no. I don't do that. Well, that's happened to me. Strange.

People go, oh, I wanna use this sauce, and they go, the sauce is expired. I'm not using this sauce. It's absolutely sad. But fine. That sauce is fine with me.

So quit snooping in my fridge. They didn't snoop in their fridge. We put it out for them to use, and they said, why is this brown? Still tasting good to me. Supposed to be red.

Anyway, listen. When we moved in to our house, our kitchen that you hate And the I don't hate it. I just don't love it. Yeah. Okay.

So our kitchen had, a golden harvest stove. It did. It was quite the color. Yes. Did you know that those stoves are making a comeback?

Good for those people that have those. Yeah. Congratulations to you. I'll never get on that. The seventies era decor is coming back, and not just in the kitchen.

Like, the the appliances, sure. No. But the wood paneling, people are bringing back wood paneling. No. Yeah.

So I think we need to redo our basement. Wood paneling, orange carpet, brown furniture. No. Brown, all the things. Everything was brown and orange with a hint of yellow and red.

What kind of cupboards do we have? What's that type of wood? Ones? No. What's the wood?

Uh-huh. I don't know either. Not a wood guy? Ask your brother-in-law. It was dark.

It was seventies. And the second we could, we painted over them because I couldn't afford to buy all new kitchen cupboards. Right. And the second we painted over them, your grandma Yeah. Oh, that's gonna that's gonna tank your resale value.

Well, you know, they're tanking my happiness right now, and I'm gonna be living here probably forever. So They were ugly, So they gots to go. Yeah. Pastel tiles in the bathroom making a comeback. Really?

Yeah. Pink, sage, those colors coming back. Gen z homebuyers want it. Do they? They want that seventies decor.

I'm not gonna get on board with this. But listen. I'm not one for following trends or styles. I know if you go on to Zillow, you're gonna be able to cruise through and find a bunch of houses that have not been updated from the seventies. Guarantee.

Yeah. And you're gonna see the stuff from the nineties where everybody had the exact same, you know, stained wood in their in their, kitchens with the little gold you know, gold with the little white handles. You know the ones I'm talking about. Every kitchen had that stuff. They were all the same Yep.

In the nineties when they were built. This is a nineties old wallpaper, little flowers on it. Those kitchens. You wouldn't? No.

They have pantries. I do wish I had a pantry. I know. I knew it. Way to go.

Way to drag me down again. Would you rather this or that? Would you rather go apple picking or corn huskin? No. Either picking corn or picking apples.

Why? Because it's fall. Duh. Y'all, don't they I I Don't huff and puff. Just make a choice.

What are you picking? I'm gonna go corn picking. Why are you going corn husking? Because then I don't have to climb up and down on a ladder. If you get low hanging fruit, then you don't have to climb a ladder.

But what if you're required to get 2 bushels of apples and all of the low fruit only fills up half your bushel? So you'll have to climb on a ladder. I just I don't do I have to I don't have very good balance, and so I'm afraid of standing on a ladder because I might trip and fall. Plus, also, I'm clumsy. Could we put you in a in a cherry picker?

That seems double dangerous. No way. You're just standing there, and you let the truck do the work. Alright. Then I would do that.

If that's the option, because I'd rather I honestly would rather pick apples than corn because earwigs, Apples and worms. I don't mind worms. I'd rather have worms than earwigs. Is that right? Yes.

What what are you picking? I'm struggling. It's not a difficult choice. Just make fun. I think I'm gonna pick apples because it it feels like less work to collect a large amount.

Okay. I feel like collecting the amount of corn that I would need is gonna be more work. Because you got with an apple, you just kinda like plunk and your apple comes off. Yeah. With a corn, you gotta really twist that thing, I think.

And I just don't feel like putting that much effort into this weird this or that today. Okay. So I'm taking apples. You're apple picking? I guess.

Go in apple picking. Sure. Worms, bud. Yeah. You got worms.

No. I don't. The apples do sometimes. Then you're gonna get them. No.

I'm not. That's gonna do it for today's show, Chantel. Oh. Yeah. Yep.

Everyone is so sad. I know. But, hey, the good news is we're gonna be back tomorrow. We are going to be on the road, which I think is kind of exciting. We are going to be standing instead of sitting This is true.

Outside. Yeah. Yeah. We'll be out what's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow? Hopefully, good.

We're gonna be out early. So we're gonna be at break for the cure, which is happening at, Teton Cancer Institute on, 17th Street. And you can stop by starting at 7 AM, and you can grab yourself, some breakfast, which is great. Yeah. And we're also gonna set you up with some information and a discount coupon for a mammogram, which is a big deal.

Yeah. It is a big deal because early detection of breast cancer saves lives. Idaho consistently has one of the lowest breast cancer screening rates in the country. So let's change that. Teton Cancer Institute and Mountain View Hospital want to help change that.

So that's why they're trying to help make mammograms more accessible to women in our community. So stop by Teton Cancer Institute tomorrow at 7. I can't 7 to when? 7 until, like, 9. 7.

Yeah. Stop by starting at 7 AM, and, you'll be sure to get your gift bag On 7 to 7 in Idaho Falls. Break for the Cure tomorrow morning. Come see us. Yeah.

We're gonna be there live. So, it's gonna sound a little bit weird tomorrow. The usual routine is kinda gonna be broken up a little bit. So just be be prepared for that because that's gonna be a little bit weird. But, you know, other than that, it'll be, it'll be fun, and we'll see you out there.

You can drive through, wave, give us a high five. It's a good time. And that's gonna do it for our show. That is gonna do it for our show. So have a great rest of your Thursday, and we'll talk to you tomorrow morning.

Bye bye. Okay. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.