The Traffic Hackers


In this episode of Traffic Hackers, Brent and Glenn discuss a free tactic to grow your followers and generate qualified leads. They emphasize the importance of targeting qualified leads rather than just any leads to save time and effort. The tactic involves finding connections and followers of your competitors or collaborators and tailoring your messaging to their audience. By using filters and adding connections and followers to your search, you can refine your audience and increase your close ratio. The hosts encourage listeners to implement these strategies for effective results.

  • Focus on generating qualified leads rather than just any leads.
  • Find connections and followers of your competitors or collaborators to target their audience.
  • Use filters to refine your search and add connections and followers to your audience.
  • Tailor your messaging to the specific audience to increase your close ratio.


Introduction and Overview
Importance of Qualified Leads
Finding Connections and Followers of Competitors
Using Filters to Refine the Search
Adding Connections and Followers to the Search
Tailoring Messaging to the Audience
Increased Close Ratio with Intentional Audience
Final Thoughts and Implementation


Dive deep into the world of strategic networking and lead generation in this insightful episode of The Traffic Hackers. Join Brent and Glen as they unveil a powerful, yet underutilized, approach to growing your followers and attracting highly qualified leads using LinkedIn. This isn't about broadening your audience with just anyone; it's about connecting with the right people who are already primed for your message.

In this episode, our hosts explore the importance of targeting the followers and connections of your competitors or collaborators, transforming them from mere numbers into potential leads that are more likely to convert. Brent and Glen walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to refine your search using LinkedIn's filters, ensuring you're reaching individuals who genuinely resonate with your offering.

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, you'll learn how to leverage connections for competitive advantage, craft messages that speak directly to your desired audience, and significantly increase your close ratio without spending a dime. From discussing the initial setup to revealing advanced tactics for personalizing your outreach, this episode is packed with actionable advice.

Tune in to discover how to navigate LinkedIn's search functionalities, utilize connections of connections, and apply these insights to create a tailored strategy that not only grows your network but enriches it with quality leads. Brent and Glen share their expert tips, personal anecdotes, and a dash of humor to make this complex topic accessible and engaging.

Don't miss out on this episode of The Traffic Hackers, where digital marketing meets practical execution. It's time to hack your way to success with strategies that bring results, not just numbers.

Creators & Guests

Glen Martin
Struggling with month-to-month finances, I reached a breaking point in 2013 and contacted a mentor who changed my life. His guidance shifted my mindset from an employee to an entrepreneur, leading me to create various business ventures in e-commerce, digital marketing, and coaching. Nine years later, my wife is a full-time homemaker, and we've been blessed with success. I'm passionate about helping others escape financial struggles and take control of their lives, aiming for impact, influence, and income. Let's connect to start your journey of growth and change lives together!
Brent Stone
Overcoming early turmoil, I've transformed challenges into resilience and success. My journey includes: Escaping legal trouble in my teens. Achieving national recognition in network marketing at 19. Transitioning from managing a multi-million-dollar dental facility to co-owning a Dental Service Organization in my early 20s. Launching a lead generation firm/software development company and starting the “Traffic Hackers” podcast. Undergoing a spiritual journey and creating the “Changed Podcast” with my wife. Today, I'm an entrepreneur, owner, connector, and author, inspired by my encounters with Jesus. I founded Funnel Force and developed leadtether, an innovative lead generation software. I focus on helping professionals streamline their business processes. Expertise: Advertising/Marketing Strategy, Scaling Systems, Dental Industry, Software Development, Podcast Hosting, Strategic Business Consulting. Looking for: Collaborations, partnerships, opportunities to expand my podcasts, and speaking engagements. Join me for a transformative journey in entrepreneurship. Let’s make an impact together.

What is The Traffic Hackers?

Welcome to "The Traffic Hackers" podcast, your go-to resource for mastering the art of lead generation and demand generation. Each episode is packed with insights and strategies to help companies and entrepreneurs skyrocket their business growth. We delve deep into the secrets of increasing sales and revenue, transforming the way you attract and nurture leads.

Join us as we explore innovative methods to increase lead sources and reveal the tools and tactics for automating your lead generation process. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, "The Traffic Hackers" is your guide to putting revenue growth on autopilot. Tune in to unlock the potential of hot leads and learn how to turn clicks into customers, driving your business forward in today's competitive market.

Subscribe now and embark on a journey to elevate your business with "The Traffic Hackers" – where every listener gets equipped to conquer the digital landscape and achieve sustainable growth.

#LeadGeneration #DemandGeneration #BusinessGrowth #IncreaseSales #IncreaseRevenue

Brent Stone (00:00.766)
Welcome back to the Traffic Hackers. I'm Brent, got Glen here with me. We're pumped to be with you all. And you know what? We're gonna talk about something pretty interesting today. This is a free tactic on how you can grow your followers. And I mean, you can do this across different platforms, but we're gonna talk about specifically just how you can at speed go and grow with not only just...

cold leads, but qualified leads. Because I think that so many people try to get leads in general, which you should. But if you don't get qualified leads, you're going to spend way more time on the front end, trying to weed through people. And Glen's got some gold here that he's going to serve you on a, on a, on a, I was going to say a silver platter, but I don't know that just, I'm, I'm having a problem with this, uh, he's going to serve you his laptop. Awesome. Hey.

Glen (00:41.501)

Glen (00:57.278)
On a silver keyboard.

Brent Stone (00:58.002)
I'm excited to take it away. Oh, your keyboard. Take it away, man. Why don't we give people something of value here and go from there.

Glen (01:07.361)
You bet guys, I'm excited because we're back with some more LinkedIn magic and I'm super pumped about it because in reality it's not magic at all and it's there for everybody. So we've been going through a lot of different tactics and searches and how you can do this because man, I say it all the time, we haven't really even got to messaging and things like that, but if your search is poor inside LinkedIn.

Your messaging will also be poor because you're talking typically to broken audiences and you don't know what you're doing. So this one is about finding people that are connections of, or followers of your competition or people that you know, you can serve their audience. So it could either be competition or it could be collaborators if you will. So maybe you worked with, man, let's say you worked with someone like Kevin Harrington or you know,

pick your favorite guy, right? It could be the people shark or whoever, you pick someone and you worked with them. You're like, man, I really like to find their audience because I could speak directly to them since we work together or since I was on this person's podcast or whatever. This is where this is really helpful for you because now you can curate a specific message to that individual's audience based on work that you've done or work that you can do either with or together. So again, you're gonna open up your LinkedIn.

because all this stuff happens inside LinkedIn. And you're gonna click on the search bar. And now this one, I actually should have checked before we did this podcast, but I know it's this very simple one on a laptop or a PC. And you should be able to do it on your mobile device as well, but I'm not exactly sure of the exact steps. So you're smart, you can figure it out. But you're gonna type in your search bar.

on LinkedIn. So I don't even type anything in. I just click my mouse in there and click enter. And it brings up, boom, just brings up a whole bunch of people inside of LinkedIn. Now on the very right hand side, you're going to see something that says all filters and in that all filters, there's a lot that you can start to build out. I mean, it's going to say first, second and third degree connections where you can start to first degree. We'll talk about that in another episode of what that really looks like and what that means. But, um,

Glen (03:28.605)
Then typically it's right below that. It says connections of, and it just has a plus sign. And then below that it says followers of, and it has a plus sign. That's what we're gonna talk about today is those two specific options inside your filter, right? And this is what's beautiful. So let's say that Brent and I are for whatever reason, competition or we've collaborated on something which technically we have, but you know.

Brent Stone (03:44.907)

Glen (03:56.169)
Let's say that we didn't work together, but I was like, man, Brent's audience is perfect for this offer that I have. And maybe I've even talked to him about it. He's like, dude, rock and roll. It's free game. I don't care. I'm con you have to be connected with the person that you want to search against. Okay. So what do I mean by that? Brent and I need to be a first degree connection. We need to be connected already inside the platform so that I can use him in that search. So now I'm going to click the plus sign.

type Brent Stone and bam, it'll pop up his profile that I'm already connected with. I will add it into the search. And maybe you're like, why also want to get people that are connected and people that follow? Because depending on which mode you have your LinkedIn set, if it's creator mode, people can follow you and not be connected to you, right? So there's different, so if I wanna hit both sides of his audience, then I'm also going to do that for people following, right? So now I've got both sides of his audience.

That's going to be the base of my search. Now I can go deeper in that search and I can, you know, find people in specific areas and locations and, you know, demographics of work that they do, et cetera, et cetera, but they will all be people that are either connected to or following this person. And man, it's beautiful when you know what you offer and how you can offer it to them, right? I mean, if you're a fitness trainer, go ahead, Brent, you got a question.

Brent Stone (05:22.198)
Question for you in your, in your search bar, what, what do people need to be looking at? So they, you said something about like you put a plus sign, the name, like what, like, will you clarify that?

Glen (05:26.529)

Glen (05:34.197)
Yes. So again, go to our YouTube channel because we're going to have actual breakdowns of us doing this live because that's going to be helpful for you. But this is actually not inside the search bar. You've only used the search in the beginning to just open up LinkedIn and open up the different search options. So you've typed nothing in your search bar. You just took your cursor, dropped it in and then clicked enter. And now boom, it opens up a full search option. Again, go to our YouTube channel. You're going to see this stuff there. But

Now on the right hand side, so underneath your search bar, it says people, it says events, it says groups, services, et cetera, et cetera. On the very right hand side, there's a tab that you click that says all filters and bam, opens up a full suite of options and that's where we're talking about here. So very specific place again, if you're on mobile, it's probably in there, it's just a little different to find. You probably got a hamburger menu and you go down through and find some stuff like that. So.

So the key things are make sure you're connected to the person that you want to go after their audience of, make sure that you know what you're offering to them and why you're doing this. Cause it's not just about, well, I'm just angry at this person. I'm going to get all their audience. It's probably not going to yield you the best result. It might be, I was, I was going to say, if you're a fitness trainer and you're like, man, I know this guy trains X, Y, and Z people and he's got a big following, but I'm

fairly confident that he's pretty expensive. Maybe you're a little cheaper or maybe you're more expensive. I don't really care which side you fall on. You're like, I know I can offer this that he doesn't offer, but he still has like the ideal client that I can service just in a different way. Beautiful. Now you go in there and you know exactly what they're getting if they're working with him. And so you can tailor your messaging then to that and then add on what you offer outside, right? So very complimentary.

And it's, it becomes a, a beautiful approach to your audience because now you're specific and so you're not some generic person out there just kicking tires, hoping to see who might fall into your messaging sequence and have a conversation. So pretty cool stuff.

Brent Stone (07:50.058)
It's awesome. Yeah, having multiple things in the toolbox when we're going to present our product and service to a client knowing that, hey, this person out there sells a similar product or service to what we sell, and now we can talk to their audience, but we have a complimentary product or service, and in that way, it's just simply a no-brainer for the audience. I mean, your close ratio will probably be not double, but maybe like...

four times more what it would be than if you were just, not cold messaging because you're gonna have a really low percentage on that. But just if you're trying to just go out there after, you do like a typical bullion search and you try to pull stuff in. Now you're going after people that have like intent, like they're intent, they have intentions to follow somebody doing what you're selling. Like basically you're going after intention, buyer's intention. And it can get even more specific than that.

Glen (08:20.205)

Brent Stone (08:46.814)
when you go after people that have already bought, which that's, that's leveraging a whole different data pool, uh, which we can talk about on a later episode, but there's, there's all kinds of stuff you can do there. And then that's also really cool because inside of like, you know, if you go to like programmatic services with like display advertising, you can, you can, you can target that stuff and you can follow people and do different things, which that's a whole nother thing. So we won't talk about that right now, but Glen, is there anything else that you want to leave people with that?

you know, as we wrap up this episode.

Glen (09:20.429)
You know, again, like I think just go and do these things that you know are going to work for you because we can all listen to a podcast and we're like, dude, this is freaking awesome. And then we never do it. And it's only as awesome as, as it is implemented. And that's really what I'll leave you with. And Brent mentioned programmatic, which we will talk about at some point, which we're really good at, by the way. And so stay tuned for some of that stuff too, because you're going to want to learn why that's good. And you know, just a little plug for.

Who knows weeks from now. That's it.

Brent Stone (09:51.63)
That's awesome. Hey, Glen, thanks so much. It's awesome. Until next time, we'll see you all later. Thank you for watching the Traffic Hackers.