Well Designed: A Human Design Podcast

In my best infomercial voice: 'Are you tired of trying to copy everyone else to make your business work? Do you want to tap into your hidden strengths and superpowers? Look no further than Human Design energy centers! Plus, this week only, buy one center and you'll get 8 more free!'

Ah, but in all seriousness, the centers are a very cool place to learn more about your design and how you operate best. In this episode, we give you the inside scoop on how to harness the power of your Identity Center, Ego Center, Sacral Center, Solar Plexus Center, Root Center, Spleen Center, and more. You'll learn how to work with both defined and undefined centers, and discover the unique gifts that come with each type. Get ready to unleash your inner superpower and take on the world!

This episode will give you a great starting point and we’ll follow up with individual in-depth episodes on each center too.

  • (03:19) - What are Centers in Human Design and why do they matter?
  • (06:01) - How can you find your Centers on the HD body graph?
  • (09:51) - What is the Head Center and why does it create a sense of pressure?
  • (11:44) - What is the Ajna (Mind) Center and what's it got to do with making up your mind?
  • (13:37) - What is the Throat Center and what's it got to do with sharing?
  • (15:51) - What is the Identity (G) Center and what does it have to do with nightclubs and nature?
  • (18:49) - What is the Ego (Heart/Willpower) Center and what does it have to do with your self-esteem?
  • (22:34) - What is the Sacral Center and what does it have to do with energy?
  • (24:53) - What is the Root Center and why does it stress you out?
  • (26:42) - What is the Solar Plexus (Emotional) Center and how does it effect our emotions?
  • (28:44) - What is the Spleen Center and what's it got to do with Bear Grylls?
  • (34:02) - Which Center should you focus on integrating first?

Links to things we mention:

Creators & Guests

Brandi Healy
Co-Host of Well Designed
Kyle Wood
Co-Host of Well Designed

What is Well Designed: A Human Design Podcast?

A podcast that helps health and wellness professionals find more ease in their work. Each episode we'll look at challenges that you might face in running your own business and how human design can help.

Brandi Healy: Welcome to Well Designed.

I'm your host, Brandi Healy, and
I'm here with my co host, Kyle Wood.

Hi, Kyle.

Kyle Wood: Hello, and welcome,
people who are listening.

A few people, there were a few people
lately who've told us we should do

some shout outs of people who...

I know Kara, one of my clients,
Kara, likes to listen to the podcast.

What about you?

Brandi Healy: I have a client, Jill,
that also listens to the podcast today.

She was like, I have a bit of
catching up to do and I was like,

don't worry, it's not going anywhere.

So thank you, Jill, for listening and
you know, if you have been listening for

a bit or even if it's your first time,
we would love for you to leave a review.

Um, you know, write a little something
to help other people like you find us.

The reviews that are left help
the algorithm gods send and serve

our podcasts up to people that
like similar things that you like.

So um, we would really appreciate
any, any love that you're willing,

willing to throw out there for us.

, I'll give another shout out to Gina.

Gina actually left us a
review on Apple podcast.

So I'd love to thank
Gina for, for doing that.

So happy to have you as a listener and
as a part of our well designed community.

Alright, so, we can save
your last shoutout for the

end if you haven't found it.

Kyle Wood: Uh, yeah, I can't find it, and,
um, so I apologize, but I, Yeah, this is

my, this is the problem of having, like,
Splenic authority and open throats and

Uh, if you do listen to it, uh, send me a
DM on Instagram or something or an email.

And, uh, I'd love to include you.



So now you can, now, Brandi,
you can introduce the episode.


Brandi Healy: great.

Thank you for that.

All right.

So our last episode, we talked
about the root center, both.

Undefined and defined.

And what we realized after
the fact is that this episode

should have come before it.

So here is your episode where
we talk about the centers.

All nine of them, not just one.

So we're going to give you a very general
overview of each of the nine centers

in human design and what they govern.

And then we are going to, in
following episodes from here.

Talk about each one individually,
just like we did that last

episode about the root.

So Kyle, what is a center?

Kyle Wood: So in human design,
there are nine centers and each, I

guess, speaks to a different part
of your makeup, um, as a person.

So by looking at these, Well, first
off, one of the main things your

centres are used for is to determine
your type, which we've covered before.

Uh, so if you've got certain
centres coloured in, which we call

defined, then that can impact you.

That can decide which type you
are, because that's parts of you.

Defined parts of you, colored
in parts of you, are where you

impact the world around you.

It's where you, sort of, send energy out.

Uh, if we're getting into wu wu energy.

I need to get away from,
like, feeling uncomfortable.

I feel uncomfortable when I start
talking about energetics because

I've never worked with that.

But then it's, it's weird because I come
from a background in, like, fitness.

And so I very much

Brandi Healy: understand that.

But you have lots of...

Yeah, and,

Kyle Wood: yeah, exactly, and
how like small things can impact

people energetically, and how
just being around certain people

can impact you energetically.

So, I do understand this.

Uh, and then, you, or, or, you know,
I've sort of skipped a bit here, but

I'm going to keep going with this and
then we'll circle back to the body graph

and show what they actually look like.

So then, these things, these things called
centers are sometimes not colored in.

They can be clear or white and then
that means you're undefined or open.

And that's where you are
more impacted by others.

That's where you like absorb energy
from the world and people around you.

Brandi Healy: What I love about open
centers or undefined centers is oftentimes

people see this as like a weakness, right?

Cause that's where we're
sensitive, but it's also, these

are kind of our superpowers.

Cause these are where we have our
biggest lessons to learn in life,

where we're here to become wise.

And often we're, we're here
to teach others as well.

It's like we learn the lesson and we
share that lesson with other people.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.



I can definitely speak to that.

When we get to talking about the
Solar Plexus or Emotional Center,

and also, yeah, just spoke a bit
about it at the Roots Center, and

how those two open centers have, um,
brought some challenges in my life,

but yeah, also a lot of, uh, empathy.

But, Brandy, do you want to share
about, because I kind of skipped, how...

You can even look at
what your centers are.

So how do we know what centers
are what in a human design?

Brandi Healy: So when you look at your
chart or, you know, as it's also known

the body graph, it's sometimes there's
like a little, you know, outline of a

human and then there are different shapes.

So there'll be nine different shapes.

So starting from the top, we have
the head center and then we have the

mind, which will be the head center
is a triangle that's pointing up.

And then you'll have
the mind right below it.

That is a triangle that is pointing down.

Then the third center from the
top will be a square, and that

square will be your throat.

And then going down from there,
the fourth center down the

middle will be your identity,
and that will be a diamond shape.

Below the diamond shape, there
will be another square, and

that will be the sacral center.

And then at the very bottom, there will
be a final square that is the root.

Then you'll have these other
shapes off to the side.

So on the left side, there will be a
triangle facing in, that is the spleen.

On the right side, there
will be a triangle facing

in, and that's the emotions.

And then kind of floating up in the
ether is like a little bitty triangle.

That is the ego.

So, there is your dissection of the
human design anatomy, if you will.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah.

Or, um, you know, your, your
circuit in a way, isn't it?

You know, it looks a bit like a circuit
with these like different, you know,

if you put your computer open, you
see all these little like squares and

circles, um, connected up by lines.

So, so the human design chart
kind of looks like that as well.

And if that made no sense
to you, look up YouTube.

That's okay.

Look up YouTube first.

Rewind about.

Two minutes, and listen to
Brandy go through that again,

and that'll make more sense.

But, I think...

You know, I even, we were, we were just
reading this article that was talking

about how oh yeah, you know, it's free
to look up your chart and then there's

often like paywalls to like understand
this stuff and I think that's what we

kind of want this podcast to be to, to
at least give you, so you look up your

chart and then you're like, Oh, this is
not making any sense to me, which makes

sense because there's a lot of information
on there crammed into this one chart.

Uh, so hopefully this sort of helps.


Decipher what you're looking at.


Brandi Healy: in a simple way.

Yes, it's, it's the map key.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right.

It's the little, um, audio,
you know, you click on it.

Maybe we need to have that eventually,
like a chart and you like click on the

section and it'll play the podcast.

Brandi Healy: There are some
of those, but you pay for them.

Just like the article,
just like the article said.

That's where they get ya.

Kyle Wood: Breaking the rules
here with, um, giving away

some of the stuff for free.

Uh, but it's just so helpful.

Uh, so what's the next thing we
need to talk about with centers?

Brandi Healy: Yep, so each of the
centers governs a different area

of our life, of our personality.

So, should we start from the top?

Kyle Wood: Yeah, let's just go
through each one and, and talk

about, yeah, how that impacts.

Uh, and then obviously if people want
more info, that'd be, uh, there will be

eventually a podcast, if not already out
on that center that they can listen to.

Brandi Healy: All right.

So starting from the top, that head center
is it governs how we receive information

or excuse me, how we receive inspiration.

Um, and so it is also what's
called a pressure center.

So it, can be pressured to figure things
out or to figure things out quickly.

So if this center is white, it will
be open or undefined and we'll use the

term undefined and open interchangeably
just For the sake of simplicity here,

and if that is shaded in, so it depends
on what site you're on, it might be

black, it might be gray, it might be
a different color, but if it's shaded,

then that center is then defined.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Uh, yeah.

I don't have a lot to add to that.

I think, you know, if you've got,
if you are undefined with this, it

can sometimes, It can just be a bit
challenging because you can be really

open to other people's ideas, which
can be a good thing or a bad thing.

So it's always good with this
one to like, take some time.


Brandi Healy: is wide open.


Kyle Wood: I'm defined, my
wife's undefined, so I just

feed her my ideas on this

Brandi Healy: one.

It'll be fun when we talk about, when we
get into these individual episodes, you

know, we'll dig into these a lot more.

Kyle Wood: So.


Do you want to take any turns,
or do you want to keep going?

No, you can do the next one.


So the next one is the arrow just below,
or the triangle just below that that's

pointing down in towards the other shapes.

And that's called Ajna.

And, or, mind?

That's referred to, some of these
have like three different...

Brandi Healy: Yeah, it's mind.

It's like mind, yeah, Ajna.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, mind.

Brandi Healy: Right.

So, for the mind, the mind is
the second shape from the top.

It's going to be the triangle that
points down into all of the other shapes.

And so, this actually governs
how we form opinions and insights

that we're here to share.

So, again, if this shape is white,
um, it will be open or undefined.

And if it is shaded
in, it will be defined.

And both Kyle and I have defined minds.

Kyle Wood: Mmm.

Brandi Healy: Mmm.

Anything else you want to add on the mind?

I'm like, I want to just
start talking about...

About the mind.

You know, what it means to be open and
defined, but I'm like, we have whole

episodes that we have to talk about that.

It's very tempting.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Well, I think the, the main thing
maybe with this one, and correct me if

I'm wrong, is that if, we'll share a
little tidbit, if you're defined with

this, uh, it can be very easy for you
to make up, make up your mind, like

to feel like certain about things.

Mm hmm.

So just realizing that.

For someone else, the reason they
might feel uncertain about something

is because they're undefined.

So giving them the space to,
to be different to you and not

expecting everyone around you to
be as certain about things as you

are is, um, can be really helpful.

That's a little tip.

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

And I think one of the things
to also appreciate about people

that have an undefined mind, my
partner has an undefined mind, is

they have this really beautiful
gift of being able to see things.

From all different angles, and so it
can be useful to have someone with

an open mind in your life if you
have a defined mind and vice versa.

All right, so the third
center is the throat center.

So Kyle, do you want
to talk about this one?

Kyle Wood: Yeah, the, uh, this is one
I've worked on a lot because I think

especially when we're undefined an
area and I have an undefined throat.

He can.

It is, it is an area we need to work
on and something we didn't touch on as

often when we're undefined in an area,
we, we get conditioned by the world

about around us because we're being
impacted all the time through these open

or undefined centers that we can start
trying to operate like those around us.

And that's not how we're meant to operate.

So this one for me has been a big
one to work on because your throat

is all about how you communicate.

So, with an undefined or open throat,
you might find it easier to not over

prepare what you're going to say, and,
um, we can get into also not speak when

you're feeling like a lot of pressure
to speak, like, oh, I need to, like,

contribute to this, so I'm gonna speak up.

Uh, on the other side, if you have
a defined throat, it can feel really

good to, like, Be very consistent about
what you, like, you know, work out

what to do, what does that voice sound
like and be very consistent in the way

that you communicate, um, and show up.

Is there anything you'd add to that?

Brandi Healy: I was just going to
say, fun little tidbit is so, as

Kyle mentioned, he is undefined and
I am defined and the way we prepare

for a podcast is very different.

I'm the notes queen, and, uh, Kyle
really loves to shoot from the hip here.

Kyle Wood: Which is fun.

Uh, normally I would still do some
reading, but yeah, we'll get, that'll

be a good one to get into as well
for the individual throat episode.

I feel like it's one we've
both experimented with on

both ends of the spectrum.

Mhmm, and it looks

Brandi Healy: very different, um.

But at the same time it

Kyle Wood: works.


Brandi Healy: All right, so do you
want to do the next one as well we can

Kyle Wood: go to the identity next
yes Yeah, so the identity stands out.

It's an easy one to find because
it's it's a diamond or a square

turned 45 degrees It's like a diamond
if you make one with your hands.

I'm making one right now as Called,
like, the G Center as well, but,

but some of these names, like, Ajna,
it's easier to remember that as,

like, Mind, instead of G Center.

Um, it's easier, can be easier
to just remember that as,

like, your Identity Center.

And, so this is a very important
center, because this is where, um...

Your sense of identity comes from.

Uh, so if you're undefined here, it
might feel more natural for you to have

like a more fluid sense of identity.

So depending on where you are and
who you're with, you, you might

notice that you change in the way you
express yourself and the way you are.

And that's, that's natural to you.

Uh, whereas if you're defined, you
might have a clearer sense of identity.

And, I think, you know, for the defined
identity center people, in some ways,

the way life is presented to us,
it can be easier, because you have,

having that sense of identity can give
you more faith, uh, more like esteem

in yourself, uh, whereas having that
undefined sense of identity, because

there's this pressure to like, be defined,
think of like, Social media and things

like that, where people are presenting
one version of branding branding.



Everyone's branding
their own personal self.


It, you might enjoy, you know, playing
golf, but then you might also enjoy, uh,

crocheting and then you might also enjoy
like hanging out with a bunch of like.

Um, old people or something like, you
like 20, and then you might enjoy it.

Like, you know, so you might
just find, like, the things you

enjoy and the places you enjoy.

You might enjoy going to loud
nightclubs, but then also really enjoy,

like, spending time alone in nature.

Uh, so yeah, don't Try and like pgy

Brandi Healy: as somebody with an,
with an undefined identity center.

I feel very validated there and if this
was something for myself, for myself

personally, when I found this out, it made
a lot of sense for me and was very valid.

Again, very validating that, you know,
I am designed to embrace my fluidity

and instead of feeling compelled to
show up consistently just in one way.


Kyle Wood: Hmm.

That's so cool.

Yeah, I have this defined, so I have
no idea what it's like to be the

other way, so that's really cool.

Thank you.

Brandi Healy: All right, so the next
center that we'll chat about, so I'm

going to kind of go off kilter than
the way that I explained it at first.

I'm going to go ego.

So this is off to the right, kind of.

off to the side of that
diamond shape, that identity.

This is the triangle.

And this also can, um, be
called the heart center in, um,

other human design language.

And the ego center, it
governs our sense of will, our

motivation, and our self esteem.

So, you know, for Kyle and
myself, we both have a...

defined ego.

And so how this can show up is just a
very powerful will to make things happen.

Um, and you know, it's funny because
like an example that is often shared

is, you know, people when you're in
the presence of somebody with a defined

ego, you feel like you can do anything.

And sometimes when these people
leave, you kind of feel like

the wind out of your sails.

Like, you get really jazzed and
they're like, Oh, these people

make great fitness instructors.

And like, Kyle and I were like, Hey!

Like, that really lives with us.


And it was really funny because there
were actually a few other people

that we trained with that were also
fitness instructors to find egos.

And so it was a, you know, really fun, fun
little learning, uh, to find out about.

But, you know, I think especially for
people that are leaders, um, you know,

as we'll get into later, this could be
something of like not expecting everyone

to have the same kind of willpower
as you do or for that willpower to

carry on outside of your presence.

And so on the flip side of that, for
people that have a open or an undefined

ego center, it's not that you don't have
willpower, it's that it's inconsistent.

And so, you know, it kind of will
ebb and flow the way that somebody

with an, uh, open sacral center,
which we'll talk about, um, how

their energy can ebb and flow.

So, if you have an open ego, your
willpower or your, you know, um...

Sense of self esteem can ebb and flow,
and that doesn't mean that just because

you have a defined identity or ego center
that your self esteem is consistent.

Um, there are other caveats to that
one as well, but these are, you

know, we're trying to get through
some broad generalizations here.

Anything else that you want to share?

Kyle Wood: No, there's definitely more I'd
like to say, but I think we'll save it.

For like the episode we just do on that,
because yeah, like you said, there's

there, because as you were saying,
willpower reminded me, I have heard

this referred to as the willpower center
before, which can be really misleading

as well, because you can think, oh, I
have, you know, crazy willpower if I,

if I have this defined and it's not
necessarily the case, but yeah, we'll

get into that in, in the full episode.


Brandi Healy: with each of these
centers, just like with each type,

You know, when we talk about type,
we talk about, you know, signature

and not self as the signposts.

Each of these centers have their own
signposts as well as, you know, when we

are in our wisdom of this part of our
design and when we're in our shadow.

And that holds true for whether the
center is open or whether it is defined.

And so that's, you know, we
will get into more of the like

juice in, you know, these.

single, single, uh, center episodes.

All right.


Kyle Wood: so we're going
to the Sacral center now.

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

So as I kind of touched on, you know, our
Sacral center governs our energy for work.

It's our, our life force.

You know, our vitality.

And so, you know, this is one of
the pieces that Kyle touched on that

determines whether, what our, what
our design is, what our type is.

So, if this center is defined,
you are going to be a generator.

Or a manifesting generator.

And if the center is undefined
or open, you will be a projector,

a manifestor, or a reflector.

So when it's defined, that means that
you have very consistent energy when you

are doing things that you are lit up by.

And when this is open, it
means that you have an.

Energy that ebbs and flows and depending
on your type, that could be throughout the

day over a course of days, weeks, months
in the case of manifest manifestors,

or it can depend on the energy that
you are in in the case of reflectors.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, no,
I think you nailed that one.

It's, uh.

It's a very, like, I guess, probably
like the identity, I mean they're

all important, but like the identity
one, it's a, it can be a really

important one because whether you
have energy for something or not.

Again, there can be a lot of like,
conditioning around here that, you

know, if you've got that undefined that
you're trying to keep up with people

who have defined sacral centers a lot
by trying to have as much energy as

them and just ending up exhausted,
ending up with adrenal fatigue.

Burnout, things like that.

So yeah, this would be a good
one for us to get into because it

is an important one, especially
as it relates to your type.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, we have
a lot of personal experience

Kyle Wood: with this one.


Yeah, I think, yeah, if you've got this
one undefined, it's, it's shown up.

You've definitely been in your
shadow at some point in your life.

If not all the times.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, right.

All right, you want to
go down to the root?

Kyle Wood: We'll go down to the root, yes.

So, um, so we just covered this
one in an episode recently, but

your root is your stress center.

So it's the one that relates to
your stress and your ability to

handle stressful environments.

Um, so, you know, if you're
defined, your stress can feel

a little bit more consistent.

I would say, having talked to people about
it, um, sometimes you're less bothered

by your own stress and the stress of
others around you with that defined.

So, uh, and often it's more sort of
intuitive to you on how to, like, sort of

move through that stress in a healthy way.

Uh, if you're undefined here, you're
more impacted by the stress of people

around you, and you can end up feeling
really stressed, uh, if you've got

stressed out people around you.

Okay, so it's important that...


Brandi Healy: be calm, you'll be not

Kyle Wood: so much.

Yeah, they'll be like, what
are you freaking out about?

Um, yeah, so it's important with this
one that you've got ways of, of managing

your stress and ways of reminding
yourself how to use those, those things.

Especially if you're going to
be in stressful environments.

And if you're like, how

Brandi Healy: do I do that?

Listen to the episode before this

Kyle Wood: one.

Listen to that episode on Root
Centers with um, the funny name.



Pogo sticks.

Pogo sticks.

Pogo sticks.

There you go.

So check that one out.

Uh, alright.

So we've covered seven centres now.

So we've got two centres left.

And they're the centres, the
triangles pointing inwards out to

the left and the right of the chart.

So, uh, I'll let you
speak to solar plexus.


And I'll cover splenic.

Brandi Healy: Yep, that's perfect.

So, it's funny, because
that's what I have defined.

That's fine.

Is the solar plexus or
the emotional center.

And as the name suggests,
it governs our emotions.

So when we have the center defined,
as I do, we have the ability to impact

others deeply with our emotions.

And when the center is open or undefined,
you are sensitive to other people's

emotions and can be deeply empathic.

And so Kyle has the center undefined.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.


I'm not impacted by other people's
emotions, what are you talking about?

No, I'm really looking forward to the
episode we do on this, because it's um,

it's really interesting having this,
this centre undefined, uh, especially

as a man, uh, because I'm highly
sensitive to the emotions of the people

around me, and I, like with anything,
being, having an undefined centre,

there's a wisdom to be found in it.

And there's, uh, things you can do to,

to um, separate what's
yours from other people.

Brandi Healy: Yes, very
similar to the root.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, yep.

So yeah, definitely looking forward to,
to diving into that and talking about

when I've been in my shadow about it and
when I've been in my wisdom about it and

sort of what the difference was and yeah.

Brandi Healy: Oh, that'll be a good one.

All right.

So the last, last, but
certainly not least.

So Kyle has this one
defined is the spleen.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

So that's, as you're looking at your
screen, it's the one on the left with

the triangle that's pointing inwards.

Uh, so this is your instinct,
intuition, survival, fear center.

That's it governs all of that.

So yeah, it's called your spleen.

I actually don't know why
it's called your spleen.

I do on some of the stuff, but I'm
not super interested a lot of the

times because I'm just like, I just
want to know what it does and how,

how knowing about it can help me.

So yeah, this center, you know, if
you've got this defined as I do, uh,

there's always going to be an aspect
of your decision making that comes more

from this like instinctual, intuitive.


Uh, and if you've got this undefined,
that's when it can be really easy

for you to be impacted by the
fears of other people around you.

So, you know, probably watching
the news, not a good idea.

I personally don't like watching the
news because of my defined stuff.

Cause I'm like, this is silly.

This is too much.

Um, but yeah, there's.

Yeah, yeah, with this undefined, yeah,
making sure, um, you're around people

who have their own, uh, fear in check.

And as having this defined, I'd
say there's definitely times when I

have projected my fears onto other
people in what was like maybe a

way that didn't freak me out too
much, but it would freak me out.

So rattled them?

Uh, it would rattle other people.

Uh, but yeah, but then it's also been this
like superpower in, um, getting through,

uh, challenging situations where people,
uh, like, you know, I'm just thinking

of like during COVID, there's like a
lot of fear going on and I felt like I

was able to stay fairly calm, especially
around like from a business sense with my

business and making decisions around that
and what was the right decision to make

and there's lots of aspects of my design
that probably spoke to that, but yeah.

Brandi Healy: I have the center undefined
and I can certainly attest that I absorb a

lot of other people's fears and you know,
one of the things that I've really learned

is how to discern is similar to you with
your emotional center, like what are my

fears versus what are the fears of others?

And it's.

Certainly a daily, a daily living
experience, or it can be at times,

at times, but yeah, this one is, this
was a really, a really good one and

I'm also looking forward to chatting
more about this one, um, as well as it

also relates to, um, you know, health.

Kyle Wood: Which

Brandi Healy: I think, um, for, you
know, those of us in the wellness

space, this is a really common one
to have, um, undefined or open.

Kyle Wood: Cool.

You know, I'm excited.

Yeah, I know, it was hard.

I know, I'm like,

Brandi Healy: every, every center, I'm
like, I can't wait to talk about this one.

This one's so good.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, we covered.

Uh, so much.

I think the only other thing, yeah,
probably the other thing I'd say

about centers and just to remember
is, um, There's no, like, there's

not better or worse, so being defined
or undefined is not better or worse.

In fact, The, uh, having it undefined
at, at first can seem like the negative

because you're being impacted by other
people, but when you, uh, meet people

who, like, are, are reflect, we had
a reflector on the podcast, that'll

be probably the episode we release
after this, you have someone with a

lot, reflectors have all their centers
undefined, so they're completely open,

but speaking to someone who's Who's
working out and worked out how to be in

the wisdom of those Undefined Centres.

They have so much to give other people.

There's so much they've learned
about being able to experience all

of the emotions, all of the fears,
all of the stress, all of the ideas.

So, yeah, don't think, uh, just
because you've got undefined

stuff, it's not as good.

And same thing, if you've got lots of
defined sentences, you might be more

rigid, but you then have the power
to really, like, impact other people.

So, that is a superpower as well.

So, not better or worse, just different.

Brandi Healy: It just says all
aspects of human design, right?

Like, it's not good or bad,
it's just what is uniquely you.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Yeah, and you have those little
bits that are like this, and

those little bits like that.

Uh, I was going to say
something else about centers.


Brandi Healy: you have
eight other episodes for it

Kyle Wood: to come back.

No, it's not even going to come back.

Yeah, yeah, maybe we'll
get, get, uh, done with it.

Yeah, so, uh, we need to listen to this.

Oh yeah, so I was going to say,
where should you start with centers?

Uh, it can be most helpful.

As you go through, as we put out, we'll
sort of intermingle these center episodes

with other ones, as we're saying to
have guests on the show go through.

Have a look at your chart.

Look up your chart if you haven't
looked it up already, or have a look

at it again, if you don't remember
which of those shapes are uncolored

or like clear that remember they,
you're open or undefined centers.

And I would start with those
first because, um, that is

usually where we're being.

Being impacted by other people so that
can help you start practicing or thinking

about ways that you can start separating
like other people's Stuff from your stuff

and it's like getting back to you Would
you recommend that to Brandi or would

you recommend starting with the defined

Brandi Healy: centers?

No, even when I work with clients,
I always start with undefined or

open centers because again, that's
those are Usually the places that we

can be taken off track the easiest.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah.

I think, you know, the defined
centres will show up in lots of

different aspects of your design,
like I said, like with your type.

So just by knowing your type,
you already have a bit of an

understanding of how you're defined,
some of your defined centres work.

Uh, and then you can go from there.


Brandi Healy: It was fun.


Kyle Wood: Always, always, always.

Uh, alright, so we'll be back.


In your earbuds soon with, um, with a
new episode and hope you enjoyed us.

And like we said at the start of the
episode, if you do have a message

or if you just even wanna let us
know that you're listening, uh,

we would love to hear from you.

So please drop us a review or
a message and, uh, We'll chat