SportsPrep Live

It's NV State Tournament Time! Tune in as SPL discusses who to watch and what's at stake as the best of the best go head to head is Las Vegas. And in more basketball news, to the people still debating the greatness of Caitlin Clark - stop the disrespect. Episode available now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podcast Addict, Amazon Music, Deezer or Player FM. 

What is SportsPrep Live?

SportsPrep Live is an engaging podcast hosted by Graydon Prescott, a talented 15-year-old with a passion for sports. Despite his young age, Graydon brings a wealth of experience to the table, having started his podcasting journey at the age of 9. With a focus on excellence in athletics, SportsPrep Live promises captivating interviews with a diverse range of athletes, offering valuable insights and inspiring stories to its listeners.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a k u and v studios original program.

Unknown Speaker 0:03
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:17
Hey everybody, and welcome to another episode of sports prep live, prep live. Where we unbox the mic and talk excellence in athletics

Unknown Speaker 0:33
What is up everybody? Welcome back to sports prep live. I am your host, Greg and Prescott. There's been a lot going on in the sports world recently. So what a time it is to have our first prep talk of season two. Y'all know the drill KB is here. You ready to go?

Unknown Speaker 0:47
Yes, yes.

Unknown Speaker 0:48
All right. Let's get started. Um, first topic of discussion. This is being recorded the day after at the NBA All Star game, right. All Star Weekend, a lot of negative reviews for what was happening. Obviously, the highest rated event was Steph and Sabrina going at it. three point shooter um, and I personally really enjoyed that. But All Star Weekend is a lot of people are starting to say it's becoming a joke. And the all star game specifically, right? It's becoming a joke. And that's because there's no defense played players don't take it serious. 200 points 200 211 211 twos. And not to mention the other team had 186. So what do you think of that? And what would you if you were Adam Silver? What would you do to try to improve the competitive nature of the all star game?

Unknown Speaker 1:43
I think he's going to have to incentivize it. There's gonna have to be some sort of monetary compensation tied to the winning team. I know that they get something for being on the team. But I think I think it's $100,000 if I'm not mistaken, if they make the all star roster. Yeah. But I think what they're going to have to do is to incentivize these guys by ponying up for the winning team, it's probably going to be with whether they have like 12 guys or something like that. So it's probably going to be, you know, a couple million dollars or more. But that will incentivize them to play defense, you're gonna get better basketball, you're gonna get more fan engagement. But, you know, when you have a game, and you they pop off nearly 400 points between the two teams, because there's no defense played, everyone is allowed to do basically everything. It does start to lose the tension. And that tension is a part of sports, not knowing what's going to happen, not knowing who's going to come out on top, because you see the effort being made to win the game. Yeah. And that just wasn't there yesterday, and Adam Silver has already begun to address it. He knows it's an issue. I know that Stephen A was really critical of the game on first take home, and they're having that issue with the slam dunk contest as well, that the players that the fans would probably most want to see in that slam dunk competition are not necessarily there. So I think they're gonna have to incentivize it a little bit more on the game side. Obviously, what happened, the shootout that went down between Sabrina and Steph Curry, I think that was the highest drawing. Yes, it was. Yeah. In terms of viewership. I was certainly interested and excited to see what was gonna happen. I think Reggie Miller spoke about it during the broadcast. And I happen to agree with what he said, which was I mean, Sabrina came out and shot lights out. Yeah, her score would have actually won at least tide. Yeah, yeah. For the the main, the main, the main event for the men's three point shootout. So she came in cold and knocks down 26 points. And I know Steph was nervous when she went through those first two racks. Shot and so yeah, that was really exciting. I was pulling for her. I love Steph Curry. I was pulling for her. But I do think the one thing that they need to change is to make sure that she shoots from the distance that she's accustomed to shooting from during the season. And then he shoots from the distance that he's accustomed to shooting from. I think they thought that there might be some gender pushback one way or the other. And I really don't think that would have materialized. I think people would have respected the fact that she's shooting from the range that she shoots from all season long, and he's doing the same thing, and then let the chips fall where they may have that not happened. Then that differential? I think she would have gotten him. She probably would have got her by three points. I think she would have got him well. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 4:51
but I mean it was her idea to shoot from the correct so she wanted to shoot from the NBA line. She showed up she showed out Then you gotta get you gotta tip your hat to Sabrina for doing absolutely. She's a flame girl. Yeah, that's incredible. So I mean, if she was shooting from her line, yeah, she would have won. But she also talks about she practices from the NBA three point line every single day, right? It's not like she practiced that, right? Yeah, it's not like she's always practicing WNBA threes row, she, she's so prolific at WNBA threes, because she practices because

Unknown Speaker 5:24
they guard that three point line as well. So I'm going to inevitably, you're going to have to shoot it a little bit further out anyway.

Unknown Speaker 5:30
Yeah. One of the things I've heard about the all star game or a theory is they should incentivize the playoffs or the finals by the all star game because they're back in the East West format. And I don't know if I agree with this, but I've just heard it from multiple people as to what would solve the problem, and it would solve the problem meet immediately of the competitive nature. Winner of the all star game winning conference automatically gets home court for the NBA Finals. Seems like a little bit extreme to me. Wow. But I mean, I see I see the thought process. Yeah, I really do. Because as soon as that happens, right, if the East wins, and their team, Eastern Conference team that makes it to the NBA Finals, they get home court correct. So everybody is going to try to win that game. And interesting idea. I know, I've not heard that. Yeah, I've heard that from a few people. I think Hassan Whiteside said something about it, Gilbert arena said something about it. And I think that is an interesting idea. And if I were the Commissioner, I would actually look into that, because that's something that would immediately fix all the problems would be all star game.

Unknown Speaker 6:46
That is a really interesting idea. And I think he can get creative with things. You know, for instance, I was just sitting here thinking, Well, you were throwing that idea out there. If the winning team got a few more rest days than the losing team, right? Like those are things that they really value. Yeah, they want to be able to take a rest, especially some of the older players, and make sure that they're taking care of their bodies. 82 Games is a grueling season. And I know the old hats always talked about what we did it and we didn't have a problem. We didn't take rest days. And all of that is true. But it is it's a much more grueling and a much more demanding sport. I mean, it's high flying, and up and down the court all the time, you know, you had guys that were a little bit heavier back in the day, yeah, that were able to play and now, you know, the athleticism is off the charts. So that may not be a bad idea just to come up with something really creative, where you're incentivizing the players in such a way that the value proposition that they're getting is something that they really look forward to something that they would really like to have. And I know rest days are really valuable. The you know, the idea that I don't know where it came from, that you just mentioned, which is probably the best of them all, is the winning conference, or the winning side gets home court advantage. I mean, that's huge. Yeah, really huge. And I think everybody will play defense if you throw something like that out there. So that's a really interesting idea. So we'll have to keep our eye on Adam Silver to see kind of what he does, but I know he understands its problem. And it's something that he needs to address and he needs to fix.

Unknown Speaker 8:26
Yeah, absolutely. Speaking. Well, switching gears actually, I'm in Vegas. One of the main sporting events coming up is the high school basketball playoff. Yes, yes. We have. Quarterfinals are over. We know who the semi finalists are for the girls and the boys and these games will be taking place at Thomas and Mack Center on Thursday. So for the semi finals on the boys side, Arbor view plays against Coronado team. And then this is what I think is really going to get some people watching Gorman plays Liberty right. I would have liked to see that in the final. But a, you know, they played at Liberty this year. It was a close game. I was there. It was a great game. So they're gonna get that rematch. That's going to be a great game. And on the girls side, Shadow Ridge plays Centennial two very good teams teams. Yes, Centennial is the number one seed. I think they're expected to win that and then Gorman Gorman, girls play Democracy Prep. Again, the milder self is another good team and Gorman has I think the two seeds. So these are all great games. I'm looking forward to them. Personally, I can't wait to see who comes out on top. Do you have any, any predictions for

Unknown Speaker 9:45
those? That's, you know, it's gonna be tough just to come up with a prediction this year because there's so much parody Yeah, unlike and maybe years past where you kind of had an indication as to who might come out on top with This year, there really is a lot of parity there is no visibility as to who is going to win the championship on the men's side or or the women's side or the boys or the girls side. On the boys side, I've seen Liberty play. I've seen Bishop play. I've seen Arbor view play. I've seen Coronado play, and all of them, all of them can have beaten one another, right? Like, no one team has been all three on the other three teams.

Unknown Speaker 10:28
Garmin hasn't beat liberty and they haven't made Coronado, but they beat Arbor view who has beat Coronado and right Liberty V. Gorman. But they'd lost to Coronado. Right. And they beat Arbor view, I believe. Yeah, so

Unknown Speaker 10:41
there's a lot of that going on, I think.

Unknown Speaker 10:43
I think Coronado has beat all three of them. That might really, that might be the only thing they haven't suffered. But then again, their record is like 16 and 11. Right, they beat Garmin, liberty, and unarmed review. I think they've played our review twice, and they split but I do know for a fact that they beat Garmin and I think they beat live Okay, so

Unknown Speaker 11:05
they're not undefeated. That's the point that I was making. The broader point is that they're not undefeated, going against these teams. And so you know, that just gets back to the parody. So and when you have parody, you're gonna get some really exciting basketball. So I'm hoping that the listeners because this airs tomorrow and Tuesday, I'm hoping that listeners, it's right here on campus, pop over that autonomous and Macarena. You're going to see some really great basketball and not to be outdone, on the girls side, there are holes on the girls side as well. I've always been a fan of women's and girls basketball, it is getting more and more exciting by the year. It almost seems like by the week, so I'm definitely going to be over there and I'm really looking forward to some great basketball on both sides from the boys and the girls. And I have no idea who's going to kind of come out on top on either one. There's

Unknown Speaker 11:57
some helpers for all the all the schools I mean, Liberty you got

Unknown Speaker 12:03
Tyus Hi, DJ younger brother. Shout out to Thomas's DJ goes

Unknown Speaker 12:09
here. UNLV Tyus is a Hooper man. He can ball the ball. He could ball not Oh, they got Josiah Cunningham and another hoop another color. Our view has Ferro competent right. Gorman, you got you know, Nick Jefferson Ryder, Ella solidaires jet the whole squad. Then Gorman has a few freshmen to who can really get it in. Yes. Cameron who? Cooper?

Unknown Speaker 12:33
Who's whose dad? He was an assistant coach at UNLV. An assistant coach. Freshman there. Ilan Nikolov. Ilan, another freshman who was starting actually. And you know, he's a flame thrower and then tie. Tie Watson why tie and you played with him? You guys want to tie in? I played together. Your championship this

Unknown Speaker 12:52
year. Should have been undefeated. Right?

Unknown Speaker 12:54
We have won lost by one point. But you did come back at obliterate the team. That's why

Unknown Speaker 13:02
we won by 25 and 20. Sec.

Unknown Speaker 13:05
Shout out to you guys. But yeah, I've seen Ty play a and, you know, they they rank the players here in Las Vegas. And I think right now Ty is number three on that list. Cameras number two and then number one, but eyeball test. Looking at these players now, tie, or I'm sorry, Elon and Cam have size, right? They're both like 6465. Right? Ty is like 511 six feet tall. He's explosive. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. If we're talking pound for pound skill set. He has got to be the best freshman in the State Bar. None. He if he was 636465 he would be a beast. He's tough already. And yes, there are those that would say he's a beast already. Ty Johnson audience why if you do not tie What if you do not know? You better ask somebody. This dude is a problem. And I heard you may actually even have coming up on the show in the not too distant future not too distant future. Hi is a problem. He is fast. He is He is explosive. He's got wheels. by that. I mean, he can leave for those for the uninitiated. leap out of the building. On the one hand dunk to hand dunk, snatch and rebounds over guys three, four or five inches taller than him. This this guy is lethal. And defense like oh my goodness, I haven't seen a game where he's not ripping somebody. Four or five six times. I mean, it's just it's unreal. So yeah, I would say to me, Ty is the number one and again no, no disrespect to Elon and Cam who can hope but skill set and Gotta go check these teams out. Check out Bishop Gorman. On Thursday, right here on campus Thomas and Macarena. Tie is a problem. And

Unknown Speaker 15:10
he's coming. And he's only a friend. He's a true friend. He's

Unknown Speaker 15:13
a true freshman as high as coming.

Unknown Speaker 15:15
He's coming. I'm great impressed got here on Sports prep live. You already know what's going on. We're back with the prep talk. First time of season two. Next topic of discussion. And this is a big one. Caitlin Clark now been there before. Yeah, we've spoke about Caitlyn before. Yes. We've seen a lot of a lot of disrespect coming towards her. Right, right. From notable people. Jay Williams was a little recent, little sideways. Sheryl Swoopes was talking a little sideways. She was I mean, these people, you know, to people who were professional basketball players, right. Sheryl Swoopes.

Unknown Speaker 15:52
Andrea Carter is another Staley as a

Unknown Speaker 15:55
no. And I'm paraphrasing here, and they've tried to clean it up. But yeah, all of them have tried to clean up their act. But I'm just going to start with Sheryl Swoopes. Yes. I'm paraphrasing. This isn't exactly what she said. But this is exactly the facts, quote unquote. WNBA

Unknown Speaker 16:10
legend for those of you who don't know, Cheryl is is as good as they come. Well, but almost, but

Unknown Speaker 16:20
Cheryl said that Caitlin only broke the scoring record because she's a fifth year senior 25 years old, and shoots 40 shots a game she did say that. Okay, Caitlin's. 22 Correct. She's in her fourth year of college basketball right? She's playing true and she shoots less than Cheryl shoot shot in college. Yes, she

Unknown Speaker 16:40
does. Yeah. So I don't I don't I don't know why we've got receipts.

Unknown Speaker 16:44
Yeah, I mean, Cheryl had something to say and Jay Williams had something to say correct state. are we noticing a pattern here?

Unknown Speaker 16:52
Mulkey like yeah, we we are noticing a pattern with the exception of KIM MULKEY. Yeah, who was coming to the defense of her player, Angel Reese. An angel has kind of smooth things over with with Caitlin so I'm not really going to go into much I have nothing to say about it has been fine this year. Correct? Yeah, on Angel, but for Kim Mulkey to see what she said and for Dawn Staley. What did come on. KIM MULKEY said that she we don't have people on our team that that take, you know, 30 or 40 shots a game and that are, you know, super inefficient. And you know, this is a team game. Like they're, it's if no one recognizes what Caitlyn is running with in terms of the team that she has around her. She doesn't have four and five star basketball players around her for Caitlin Clark to have gotten to the national championship game with Monica, when the rest of team that was a shout out to Monaco because Monaco is solid. Well, Monica was solid, but she wasn't a five star. No. And I doubt she was a four star. She wasn't.

Unknown Speaker 17:59
But she was solid. She was solid. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:03
For her to get Kaitlyn to get to the national championship game, and drop 30 Plus after dropping 40 Plus in the two ensuing games prior to that against South Carolina, and against Louisville, Louisville. It's just unheard of no one had ever done it before. That's why it was unheard of. So she is in a very unique position. And I look at it this way. You take Caitlin Clark, and you put her on. Let's put aside South Carolina, right because they're undefeated. You put her on Ohio State Championship, you put her on Indiana championship, you put her on UCLA championship, you put her on USC championship, you put her on Virginia Tech championship, I can go on down the line on the number, a number of teams that you can put Caitlin Clark on this season, and they're winning, I guarantee you they're going to come up with a chip, there's got to be like 15 of them, at least right? Because there's so many four or five star players on those teams. I don't think that any other player in the country save maybe Juju could even come close to winning a championship with all of these other teams. That's how special Caitlin Clark is. And there is no one again with the possible exception of Juju watching that you can take from those other teams, insert them in any given team and guarantee you're going to come up with a championship. It's not going to happen. Yeah, that's how special Caitlin Clark is. And Jay Williams I am sorry for you to suggest that Caitlin Clark is not great. Because now again, let's back up here he didn't say she's not the greatest because that's an argument that one can make. You've got Diana Taurasi out there. You've got Candace Parker out there. You've got a Breanna Stewart Well, here's

Unknown Speaker 19:52
the here's the thing. They were all on Super teams. Correct. So in Korea, I mean, Diana Taurasi. She won four national draping through 83

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Yeah Rihanna one for you.

Unknown Speaker 20:02
Brianna one for Diana Taurasi one three Yukon, right and this for I mean and when Brianna was at UConn they won like 118 loaded, they won like 118 games in a row, correct. They didn't lose at all in her four years there. No, none

Unknown Speaker 20:17
of those women may have thought to do this, but no one had the courage to go out there and say, You know what, I'm going to do it on my own based on my skill set and see where it takes me. And that's what Caitlin Clark did. She stayed in Iowa and every program in the country wanted this young woman. She is far more than just her scoring you when you were in what, nine years old, I believe, coined the term the maestro, and she really is the maestro. It isn't just scoring. She sees the floor like nobody's business. She drops down like nobody's business. She can use a little bit of work on the defensive side of the ball. That's true. Yeah, but she more than makes up for it with everything else that she does on the basketball court. She's gotten so much stronger than she was, you know, year after year after year. Her shooting range has extended year after year, her efficiency has gone up her assistive going up or rebounding has gone up. Man, Caitlin Clark is unbelievable. So for Jay to say what he said and suggest that she's not great. Because she's won a champ. She hasn't won a championship, I think is just the height of being ridiculous. Like you can go down the line and count the number of people who've won a championship. And would you classify just take last year's team? You know, Jasmine Carson? Alexis Morris, right. She's what the Harlem Globetrotters are they Yeah. would you classify them as great simply because they have a championship? And they did have something to do with that championship? In fact, I would say that Jasmine Carson is the reason and Alexis that angel Reese has a championship. But to suggest that she's not great, I think is just really grossly irresponsible. It's grossly unfair. You know, he tried to cover it up a little bit. Same with Sheryl Swoopes. You know, taking these days that Caitlin and I'm starting to think in the way that it happened in the 80s. I'm a little bit older than you. This happened in the 80s with Larry Bird. It happened in the 90s in the 2000 in the music industry with Eminem. I'm starting to think some of these these digs have a cultural tinge to them. If I can put it nicely. I'm starting to think that you know the brothers and the sisters out there a small contingent of them don't want to give this young woman the love that she deserves. Caitlin cook cart is a Hooper. I don't care what color she can be purple. Yeah, if all I care Caitlin Clark is a Hooper Barnard. So all of you people out there who are knocking on this young lady stop because she is

Unknown Speaker 22:52
her. And I'll just say a straight up I'm gonna say how 50 said about Eminem. Basketball historically, you know, it's been a sport dominated by black, correct. And 50 when he was talking about Eminem, he said rap historically, it's black music, right? This is objectively true. It's black basketball has been dominated by black people. Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, you can go down the line. Yeah. Rap dominated by black people. You know, Jay Z Biggie, Tupac NAS down the line, right. And when you get a white person who shows up and does it better, and rips it down, then all of the other I mean, down. Eminem is fierce on Eminem is fierce and don't get it twisted. The same thing is happening right now in women's basketball with Caitlin Clark. Yes, she is better than all of the other girls in the country. She's better than Juju right now. Juju can get there. Just a freshman Jews. Fantastic. I've I mean,

Unknown Speaker 23:52
has had nothing but nice things to say about Caitlyn, Jude,

Unknown Speaker 23:56
then I'm a big fan of her uncle. I mean juice. Juice fan. She's tough. She's a problem. And for me, she's clearly the second best player in the country right now. But she ain't number one. Right? Sin number one. There's a gap between one and two that's bigger than the gap between two and five. I agree. And I mean, that can't be said in many sporting instances ever. Maybe when Michael Jordan was roaming around the NBA, there was a bigger gap between one and two and two and maybe Patrick mahomes right now. Caitlyn right now. I mean, I can't think of too many other instances where the gap between the first best and the second best is bigger than the gap between the second best and the fifth best and that's that's what's going on with Caitlyn right now. Correct. So these people, specifically people of African American descent, right, who are hating on Kate and

Unknown Speaker 24:48
both of us are yes, yeah. And so we are we are keeping it a buck we are calling.

Unknown Speaker 24:53
I I will not have any bias in these only ISS backs. I don't let my background, my culture any of that influence my opinion. Only the facts get to influence Correct. Like this has to be objective when I say it. Caitlyn is the baddest on the planet right now.

Unknown Speaker 25:12
She is the face of basketball, not women's basketball. Caitlin Clark is the face of basketball. You will remember a few months ago on the sports on the prep talk. We were having a discussion, because slam magazine came out and I think it was Jimmy Butler. Oh, yeah. On the cover of SLAM magazine. Yeah, absolutely. And even though in retrospect, I understand where you were coming from you were like, look, basketball seasons about to pop off. This is why they're putting, you know, Jimmy Butler on the cover of the magazine. I was an advocate for Caitlin Clark Vianne on the cover of the magazine, because everything that we are now witnessing we knew was going to happen way back then. She is She has obliterated the NCAA record and she is not an NCAA record. And she's not done. Like she's going after Pete marriage, Pete marriage with Victor's record. And she's going to get where she's at 3569. Caitlin, as

Unknown Speaker 26:14
I think 9596 Points off the record with four games to go that Matt including Yeah, not including the tournament not included in the tournament, four games to go. So that math is about 24 points per game, right? She's averaging What 3332 points and getting 32.5 Or somebody because she had 49 the other day, so it's got to be a little bit higher. And she left the game. You know what three minutes should at 50. But she's about to beat Paytm or have it just record which has been standing since the 60s. She broke Kelsey plums record, which I mean, a lot of people said that it was going to be unbreakable. And now she's broken it right with ease and 15 less games than

Unknown Speaker 26:57
her and I think Caitlin's record might for men's and women but certainly women's I think it's going to be unbreakable. I do not foresee this record being broken. I mean, just imagine Pete Maravich his record 40 years he

Unknown Speaker 27:10
Maravich played a year he managed played three seasons he did he did average 44 when

Unknown Speaker 27:16
there wasn't a three point those ridiculous shout out to Pistol Pete But still Just in terms of the sheer number, right? She's probably going to hit 3700. But yeah, 3700 points before all is said and done this season, not including the tournament. That's just unheard of. I can't see that ever been broken. So she's still a William. ineligibility fall back? Yeah, Cheryl slopes now I will say that Cheryl did reach out to Angel Reese, and Angel reached out to Caitlyn. I guess Cheryl apologized to Caitlyn. She tried to clean up these remarks. But I'm telling you to the basketball world out there. Particularly you guys who for one reason or another in our culture, African Americans that are hating on this young woman. Stop it. Yeah, she is a Hooper. Period. Independent of color. Caitlin Clark can flat out ball.

Unknown Speaker 28:13
Yep. I think we should end on that right there. Period. Full stop. We should end on that right. Yeah. This has been a great episode of the prep talk. Thank you all for tuning in. To sports prep live. I'm your host Graydon Prescott and as always, we will see you on the next one. Peace. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of sports prep live. I'm grading Prescott. And don't forget to catch all of our episodes on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts and be sure to follow us on Instagram or Twitter at sports prep live. Thank you

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