Welcome to the Business buffet your go to for healthy business nutrition. We offer generous portions of marketing management and strategy tips designed for your success. Pull up a chair and let's savor the taste of business together. elevating your business blog does symphony of visual and audio content. Sorry, sorry, I got carried away with that title. In the digital era, the landscape of content consumption is rapidly evolving, and for businesses keen on capturing and retaining their audience's attention, relying solely on the written word is no longer sufficient. That's enough exhibits we recognize the nuanced art of content creation, where each component plays a vital role in orchestrating the audience's engagement journey. This post delves into the significance and variety of visuals and audio elements that you should incorporate to enrich your readers experience ensuring that the media used mirrors the excellence of your business offerings, understanding the roles of visuals in your business blog. It's critical to clarify a common misconception from the outset. A business blog is not an infographic you know those graphics you see that? It's really just a picture with a bunch of icons and symbology and text and it just kind of those are cool. I love infographics. But your business blog is not an infographic if all your blog is is an infographic sorry, you've done it wrong. Threw in though infographics have their place in succinctly conveyed data. A plunks narrative demands a different approach, especially when we look at the previous two blog posts where we're talking about being an educational resource that people turn to over and over and over again, visuals in a blog serve as the spices that enhance the flavor of your content. They set the tone provide a visual break and make the content more digestible. However, the emphasis should be on choosing visuals that not only align with but also amplify your message and brand identity. Selecting the right types of visuals, high quality images and photographs, a relevant high quality image can significantly boost engagement and comprehension. Now, again, I've got links throughout this blog post, but you have to go to Zenith exhibits.com. And read the blog article for elevating your business blog in order to get those links, charts and graphs ideal for presenting data or trends making your message clearer, and more impactful infographics. They stand out for summarizing complex information of data making your point clear and memorable. But I insert here make him sparse, sparse sparse, or you would think a professional Narrator would know the difference. Don't use them as the only piece of content in your blog article. The infographics must support the text based message videos are a dynamic method to deepen engagement, offering a personal touch through visual and auditory cues, that text alone just cannot convey. Now, if people will automatically just jump right to a YouTube video, they'll pull out their cell phone, no record a video of them talking and then they'll hit publish. You know for authenticity, that's a great approach. But nine times out of 10 it's really bad content. Unless you're trained as an actor, you're probably not going to do very good. Unless you got a background in public speaking, training of some sort of improv comedians are great at this, you're probably not going to produce content that's going to connect very well. And why is that? Let me just take a little side view here. I do think I talk more about video later in the blog post. But as an aside,
if we don't do it for living, then we're not very good at it. That's why we don't do it for a living.
should rest right there. But I'm going to continue. So often when we turn on that camera. We start talking and we're not quite sure that our message is carrying through. So then we'll insert something parenthetically, parenthetically means we'll take a side trip, for example. I was going to do this video about somebody doing something the other day, and I got sidetracked on a bunch of Golden Retriever puppy pictures, and boy that just took me away and I completely lost track of what I was doing. And for that matter what I was talking about and that's why happens when you go parenthetical, you lose track of what you're talking about. And all of a sudden your presentation becomes disjointed. So if you're going to do video, for that matter audio, which I'm going to talk about next, script it. Go ahead and make yourself a script. If you can't memorize the script, get yourself a teleprompter.
If you can't do it off the cuff, and be professional, then script what you're going to say.
Even if it comes out a little bit stilted. Even if it feels just a little bit like you're reading it, it's going to be better than what you produce on the fly. You need hundreds and hundreds of hours of practice at improv before you're going to be good at it. And then people like me, who have a face for radio, I wouldn't even touch a video, people are going to be turned off by the video. I have this face that just naturally looks angler angry. You know, my neutral face when I'm just thinking when I go into Engineer mode, but I look like a mad. Some people. Are you okay yet? No, I'm fine. I'm, I'm just trying to solve Einstein's equation of relativity.
So I use audio. I love podcasting.
Because I love to talk, I am a professional speaker. I am a trained voice over actor. So I'm pretty good at using my voice. I'm also pretty good at reading off the cuff. So I can read something and not really sound like I'm reading unless I want to sound like I'm reading. So I use podcasting. I also use podcasting because it's a passive consumption, media. YouTube, it's an active consumption media meaning I get to sit down at a computer or watch my cell phone screen. And I gotta watch the video. I really can't do laundry, talk to my wife or or, or attend church. A side note here, remember city to church while we're listening to the Superbowl Riyadh, the transistor radio with the little earpiece in your ear and we're listening to the Super Bowl and all of a sudden, we're cheering because he got a touchdown. Yeah, we can't do that, especially while we're driving down the road. So video is an active engagement media. Podcasts, however, is a passive passive engagement media, meaning they can listen to you while driving down the road or doing the laundry or taking the dog for a walk. So I love podcasting. So I write my blog article that I'm publishing on Zenith exhibits.com. And then I'm doing what I'm doing right now. I'm talking to you on a podcast. I'm recording it and then I'm publishing it as part of my business buffet.
Continuing animations useful for explaining complex concepts in an engaging way, or simply adding a touch of fun to your post. Now, there's actually applications out there that you can get that will make animations don't target sakes, don't try to animate on your own unless you've got a 1000s of hours of practice. I used to teach a 3d animation class at Cabrillo College in Aptos. California. It's hard. I mean, my I had students dropping just because of the amount of homework. I told him right up front, it'll be 20 hours a week on this on this class. If you can't handle it, you better drop now the added value of audio and video components. While visuals capture the eye integrating audio and video components teaches multiple senses, creating a more immersive experience for your audience. Offering a podcast version of your blog post caters to the contemporary consumers multitasking habits, allowing them to engage with your content while on the move. Incorporating video elements facilitates a deeper personal connection as your audience can perceive your sincerity and enthusiasm firsthand. Fostering TRUST and CREDIBILITY prioritizing quality
in your multimedia content.
No matter what type of visual or audio content you opt for one principle remains paramount. The quality of every media piece should reflect your business's standards. Low quality visuals or audio can detract from your message and negatively affect your brand's perception. Investing in high quality content creation underscores your commitment to providing your audience with valuable engaging and professional grade information. This is the other reason why I say YouTube videos might not be the right way to go. In order to produce a good video especially from your cell phone which again, by phones today are fabulous. You can shoot and broadcast quality commercial you You know what you're doing and have the equipment, you got to have lighting, you got to have great microphones, you got to have mixers in order to remove all of the extra stuff now, I'm recording today's podcast in my home studio, and there's a heater going on, I've got the door open, my dogs are in the next room. There's noises all over the place. But I've got the software to filter all of that out, and then produce a nice, rich quality podcast don't so you're not turned out by something nice. Nothing normal sounded nobody's gonna want to listen to you on a regular basis. Unless, of course, you're reading one of my books in which the character is supposed to be sounding like that.
Your Visuals add to the message. But let me say that again.
They only add to the message. It's the message that's most important, your visuals must support that message. If you stick with an education based SEO presentation, and use visuals that enhance that message, you're gonna win. Incorporating a mix of visual audio and video into your business blog can fastly enhance the readers experience, making your content more engaging, accessible and memorable. Nevertheless, it's crucial to remember that these elements are meant to complement not overshadow your written content. By carefully selecting and investing in high quality multimedia that resonates with your brand and message. You set your blog apart in the crowded digital landscape. Let your business blog be a symphony of words visuals and sound harmoniously arranged to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression that you can explore more about the impact of visuals and content marketing and best practices for incorporating them in your blog through some insightful sources that I've referenced in the blog post from Brafton, Insta, and snapper. In our next blog post, we highlight the crucial role of strategic link incorporation in boosting website authority engagement and SEO, balancing internal and external links enhances credibility and user experience underpinning a strong online presence. Sure, thank you for tuning in and sharing these episodes. The business buffet is dedicated to helping you feast on today's difficult business challenges. Do you have a specific challenge you'd like us to address email info at Zenith exhibits.com And we'll publish content specifically focused on aiding you and your challenge. Please click subscribe and stay up to date with new business ideas. Until next time, heat party in business