Church Nerds United

Welcome to The Greater Guild's Sunday service! Today, Pastor Brandon dives deep into the question: "Why Don’t I Feel Like Enough?" This message is part of our ongoing sermon series "Almost True," where we explore the subtle yet dangerous half-truths we often encounter. In this sermon, Pastor Brandon confronts the uncomfortable reality that while we often hear “You are enough,” the truth is we aren’t—not without Jesus. Drawing from Colossians and Romans, he shares why only a relationship with God can complete us spiritually, mentally, and physically. Tune in for a heartfelt message about faith, purpose, and the pursuit of true fulfillment in Christ.

Remember to subscribe and join the conversation in the comments. God bless!


A list of how we truly are without Christ

  1. Dead in our sins. Eph 2:1

  2. Without hope and without help. Eph 2:12

  3. Foolish, deceived, and slaves to sin. Titus 3:3

  4. Spiritually blind. 1 John 2:11

  5. Wretched and miserable. Romans 7:24

  6. Ignorant, separated from the life of God. Eph 4:18

  7. Objects of wrath, destined for destruction. Romans 9:22

When you embrace you lack of being enough
  1. You’re helpless, but Jesus is your helper. (Heb 13:6)

  2. You’re weak, but Jesus is your strength. (2 Cor 12:9-10)

  3. You’re depressed, but Jesus is your hope. (2 Thess 2:16)

  4. You’re exhausted, but Jesus is your rest. (Matt 11:28)

  5. You’re anxious, but Jesus is your peace. (John 14:27)

  6. You’re struggling financially, but Jesus is your provider. (Phil 4:19)

  7. You’re hurting, but Jesus is your comforter. (2 Cor 1:3-4)

  8. You’re in bondage, but Jesus is the Savior who sets you free. (John 8:36)

Creators & Guests

Pastor Brandon Holm

What is Church Nerds United?

Welcome to Church Nerds United, the ultimate podcast where the sacred and the geeky collide! Dive deep into the Holy Scriptures with us as we explore sermons sprinkled with your favorite gaming quests, cosplay characters, and anime adventures. Whether you're a Paladin of Prayer, a Cosplay Crusader, or an Otaku of the Old Testament, this is your sanctuary.

Join our fellowship as we level up our faith through the lens of epic battles, legendary heroes, and fantastical worlds. From the wisdom of the Proverbs to the valor of the Apostles, we'll draw parallels between biblical narratives and the beloved realms of gaming, cosplay, and anime.

Tune in for:

Sermon Side Quests: Discover the deeper meaning behind Scripture with analogies from your favorite games and anime.
Cosplay Character Spotlight: Unveil the biblical virtues embodied by iconic characters and how they inspire our spiritual journey.
Anime Apologetics: Engage in lively discussions that bridge the gap between faith and fandom, unraveling the spiritual themes in popular series.

So, grab your controller, don your cosplay armor, and get ready to embark on an epic quest of faith and fandom. Church Nerds United is here to guide you on a heroic journey, one episode at a time. May the faith be with you!

Guild Announcer:

Hey there, fellow church nerds. Welcome to another episode of Church Nerds United, the podcast where faith meets fandom and sermons are the new superhero stories. That's right. Today, we've got a sermon that's more epic than the battle of Helm's Deep and more inspiring than Captain America's pep talks. But before we dive into this week's divine download, don't forget to hit that like button, subscribe, and ring the bell so you never miss an episode.

Guild Announcer:

And, hey, if you love what we do and want to support the show, consider donating. Every little bit helps us keep the nerdy goodness coming your way. You can find find the donation link in the show notes or head over to our website at Join the ranks of our Greater Guild army and help us spread the geeky gospel far and wide. Now without further ado, let's jump into this week's sermon.

Guild Announcer:

Grab your Bibles, light up your lightsabers, and get ready to dive deep into the word of God.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Well, welcome back everybody. It's Sunday again. That can only mean one thing. It is the Greater Guild's traditional service. I am your host.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I am pastor Brandon here at the Greater Guild. I wanna thank you for allowing us to be in your home or your personal space, on your mobile phone, wherever you are. Glad to be having you with us, and I'm glad that we can share a moment here. But today we are talking about, you know, why don't I feel enough? And that's a great question because there's a lot of truths that we have talked about in the last 2 weeks.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I know I missed 2 weeks, but 2 weeks

Pastor Brandon Holm:

that ask us the question, what's what's truth?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

What is the truth out there? And in this section, what we're talking about is why don't I feel

Pastor Brandon Holm:

like enough? And that's a really great question because in

Pastor Brandon Holm:

life, we do hit a brick wall. I mean, it's like we're going, we're charging through, we're taking care of business, we're getting through all of life stuff and then all of a sudden, whap. We hit a brick wall. And it hits us hard where to the point where, like, I need to sit down. I need to stop.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

But it's like you feel this wall come at you and it hits you really hard where you can't get through your job or your work or whatever little activity. Even the honey do list becomes a major chore. And ladies, I understand this that, you know, you want your man to take care of stuff but also, you know, he needs to get some time in. Same for wives who also work and husbands who stay at home. Same thing.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know? Gotta, you know, there may be a honey do list. Gotta give give the folks time. Even the weekend, you know, we can't go and do our workouts. There are days it's just like, do I really wanna workout today?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Do I really wanna go out

Pastor Brandon Holm:

and lift weights? Do I really need to work on my cardio? And you don't. Or even a round of golf and I love playing golf, but there are times that I have in my past just went, and I really don't wanna go play golf with you guys.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, sorry about that. It's not gonna happen. So we get

Pastor Brandon Holm:

to that point and all of a sudden you get people in your life saying, hey, you are enough. You know, it's okay. You know, we're gonna get through this. We're gonna you know, believe in yourself. You know, you're perfect the way you are or you've got this.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And we hear it from our peers at work, from our family, from our friends. But again, it always goes back to that same question. Why don't I feel like I am enough? And, you know, it's simple. You know, you are not enough or wait.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Wait. Wait. Before I get, you know, people raising their fists and the torches and the pickaxe, you know, and the and the pitchforks come out, and when I say that, It's true. You are not enough because I know I'm not enough half the time,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

and let me be more accurate and a

Pastor Brandon Holm:

little bit more succinct here. You're really not enough without Jesus, and you aren't. We all have this, you know, as I've mentioned on previous, sermons. Sorry. That's the age.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

In previous sermons where I tell you,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

you know, hey, you know, without Jesus, you know, you're not a 100%. We can't do this without Jesus. We can't do this without God. And it's true because I've also mentioned the triumphant not just here on earth but, you know, this father, son, and holy spirit. But here on Earth in our inside ourselves we actually have a triumph for it for ourselves.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And spiritual, physical, and mental. And spiritual is what a lot of people don't get. I mean a lot of people you hear say, oh, I'm so spiritual. I'm one with the universe. Are you?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And how's your life going? Oh, I hear most of the times, like, oh, this is happening in the world. This is happening in the world. True. Life happens, but depends on what those people are doing.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

What about you? Let's focus on you. You're spiritual. Great. But do you feel spiritual?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Do you feel like the spirits got you? And a lot of people are like these worldly spirituals go, oh, no. Not really. I've heard it. Now that's not for everybody.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I'm not blanketing everybody. I'm just, like, for some of the people that I've worked with and talked to and and interacted with, you know, sometimes they say, yeah. I'm worldly and and spiritually, you know, in the world, but, you know, I don't feel the same. Well,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

your spiritual aspect of you, That's

Pastor Brandon Holm:

what you need to to get raised up. That tank needs to be filled. So without Jesus, without god, you don't have real spirituality in your life. And just because people comment, doesn't mean it actually does fill those three things for us. You know, our physical, our mental, or spiritual banks.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

With some compliments, hey, mentally, you get you your bank is filled up, but doesn't, you know, raise you physically. You you get hugs from running. Physically, that's a great thing. Fills up that tank. But it still is not enough and you still complain going, why don't I feel like I'm enough?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Well, part of that is because when we talked last time in our, you know, when selfish is when being self selfful is selfish. You know, that's the selfishness because we're not enough. We want more. We want more. We want more.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

We go looking for it, and that's great. But we don't go to God to ask for that. And that's what was part of that that message

Pastor Brandon Holm:

2 weeks ago. And the exact thing you hear is because from

Pastor Brandon Holm:

your because, again, like I said, it's not from God and it's not from Jesus. It's from your peers. It's from your family. It's from others here on Earth. And when you hear from God, and this is why we go into the word, this is why we go into the Bible, is because you read it and you can apply it to yourself, to others.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And I don't mean proselytizing here at the Greater Guild. We don't acknowledge proselytizing as a great way to get people to but just having a conversation saying, you know, God, you know, God has your back. God's got you covered. And the thing is is that with all these peers and and all our family members saying, oh, you've got this. You're doing great, and you're enough.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You have it all. Paul actually in in Colossians said something completely different. He actually warned us that this could actually not fulfill our full selves. So he says in Colossians, you know, don't let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from or and from the spiritual powers of this world rather than from Christ. For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

So you also are complete through your union with Christ who is the head over every ruler and authority. And that's what it means. You can get as much divine inspiration from me, you can get as much divine inspiration from everybody else. Joel Osteen, you name it. Every philosopher in the world.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

But those are empty philosophies. They help you here on Earth. But even then, a lot of people just don't get it and don't have that enough feeling. But when I pray to god or I you know, when I do this and this is from coming from me. I maybe different from you.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

But for me, it you know, I pray every day. I read the book every day and, you know, it fills me. It gives me enough to get to the next message, to get me to the next, you know, helping, you know, anyone out there. And that's the whole thing. I don't use empty platitudes, because while I do use philosophers, I've used philosophers, and and and authors, and everybody else out there to make an example or to give a point.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Everything for me always returns back to the Bible and to God because at that point, you need something here on earth to understand, and then you can expand out to the next spot. And peers are good. Peers and family to support you are great. I'm not discounting that, but remember that's here on earth. And Jesus and God, they're here for you eternally.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

They're gonna be here for you today, tomorrow, and the next day. What can you say that for a lot of friends? I've lost so many friends myself just because I said, you know, I'm gonna be a pastor. Lost a whole belly full of them. Tells me who my true friends are.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I've always had God and Jesus in my life except for that one, you know, brief 10 year period. I think it was 10 years. I'll have to get back to that. But in all real you know, being real in this whole aspect is I know God's gonna be there for me when I when I was born. He was there, you know, during my darkest moments even though I got rid of that ideology.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I got rid of the religion. I got rid of all that and really didn't believe in God and Jesus for a long time. And then I come back and you know what? God and Jesus has my back. God and Jesus has have been there now and will always be there.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And when I die, I'm gonna be going up and saying, hey, you know, I did the best that I can. And the only thing that I wanna hear is, you did well my good and faithful servant. I don't need a an accounting of how good or bad I did because I already know that. And like our last message, only listening to peers for support is never enough because they only stoke your ego. They only stoke that portion of you that, you know, it's the drive and ambition which is great, but that's only one part of you.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And in this aspect, the problem of having just this ego being stroked is twofold. Because once you believe you are enough with just your peers and your and your family and friends on earth, when you you you will reflect and believe basically the opposite sometimes. It's it's it we're weird humans. You know, we can be praised for everything and still go, like, you know, I'm I just don't feel it. You know, I'm angry or ashamed because, you know, great people see this in me.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I just don't see it myself. And the second part is when you do have these feelings of having enough and you wanna do it on your own, you just wanna do it and say, hey, you know, I don't need god. I don't need Jesus. I can do this myself and try to be self sufficient. But in the end, you know, you are not really the whole sole source of your happiness, and you're not the sole source of your complete list.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, God gave men and women a chance to be together, to be a couple, to be in sync with each other, to get through life together. That was his plan. You know, we always have friends. Not all the time, but I mean, you get married to a to your favorite friend and lady like I did 2nd time around,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

not the first time around. But you know, without her here, I can't really be fully happy in many aspects. It took another person to

Pastor Brandon Holm:

be part of my life to do that, and that did not take my eye off of god in the least. I'm glad god put her in my life. Because when you believe the two lies I mentioned, you only focus on the selfishness that selfishness that is in your heart. It's always there because listen, the world says to me, we gotta have me, me, me, me, me, me, my, my, my, I, I, I. Right.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I know many of you are saying, well, that's not me. That that can't be Believe me, everybody gets there. I've been there, and every so often I'm tempted to go back that way. It's like, oh, you know, can't do that. And when you believe you are enough and keep getting that idea that you are the sole source, or the person next to you living life with you is a part of that source, you'd start to think, I don't need God.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, you don't seek God. You don't seek Jesus. In helping you get through the very tough times which everybody is gonna go through, it doesn't matter if you have a companion, if it doesn't matter if you have a dog, a cat, it doesn't matter if you have a wife, a girlfriend, boyfriend. I don't it doesn't matter. Because god's gonna like I said, we are a 3 part, you know, human you know, humans are 3 come in 3 parts, mental, spiritual, and physical.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Here on earth, we get the mental and and physical. The spiritual comes from God. And by denying God that, I opportunity to come into your life and say, hey, I've got you. You're going to have trials. You're gonna have tribulations, but if you just focus on me, I will help you get through this.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

That's the whole thing in this way is I don't feel enough because I don't have God in my life. And that's a scary proposition. Yeah. Especially for me. But let me tell you really and give you a list.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

There's about 7 items here in this list, and I'm gonna put them in the description when, when we put this all online is Let me tell you what life is like without Christ and what life is without God. So we are dead in our sins. We're never gonna recover. We're not resurrected. We don't go to heaven.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Yeah. It that's it. I mean, a lot

Pastor Brandon Holm:

of people say, well, I don't remember any time before being born. Nobody does because, you know, it takes, you know, the neuralizer right off the bat and then we're born. You know? And that's great. That's groovy.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I I don't mind that, but that's permanent. You you don't have

Pastor Brandon Holm:

a an eternal life with God after that because we still are drowning in our sins. And believe me, I'm just as sinful as the next person. I'm not gonna sugarcoat anything. I'm not gonna put myself on a pedestal saying I'm above it all. I'm not.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know? It's it's it's really that simple and a lot of

Pastor Brandon Holm:

pastors miss that part about what we do as ministers is we're the same as as you folks out there. We're not better than you. I'm not better than you. You have more skill sets than I do. I have more skill sets than you do.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

It doesn't matter. We're all in the same boat. I'm just basically a beggar helping another beggar find the bread. Secondly, is without hope, you know, without Christ, we're without hope and without help. You know, the everybody for the last 10 years have been saying, you know, hope and hope and change and hope and change.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Okay. We've hoped. We've hoped for a better life. We've hoped for better stuff. And we've seen in the last 16, 20 years, hope is dying for a lot of people.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And they're not getting that help that they need. We've seen it. We've watched it on the news. We watch it on the Internet. We watch it in social media, and that is without Christ.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

What about Christ in your life? Try that for a little bit. See if you have hope and some help.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You never know. And without Christ, you know, number 3, we're foolish, deceived, and are slaves

Pastor Brandon Holm:

to our sin. We become the shackles to our sin. We are bound to our alcoholism. We're bound to our drug addiction. We are bound to our porn addiction.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

We're spiritually blind. We then go and say we don't need God. That's the end of it. And your spirit inside you dies. A lot of people say, oh, no.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

No. I've got I'm real spiritual. My spirit's up. But it's like some of them are, you know, living in a one bedroom apartment that's in a bad part of town trying to get through life just chugging along and not seeing the full picture. And that includes God.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Without Christ, we're wretched and miserable. Look on social media. I'm not gonna point out people because on both

Pastor Brandon Holm:

the left and the right

Pastor Brandon Holm:

of the political spectrum, you see this. Right? I mean, on the left, they have the people who are who dye their hair, who are very liberal, but then you have the hardened, hardcore, very right ring idiots, and both sides, I'm sorry to say it, are wretched and miserable, and you just have to look at it. Many of them on the right say, well, I'm with God and all

Pastor Brandon Holm:

that, but it's like, are you? I'm sorry.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, you're gonna be shouting this hate and all that. No. No. No. No.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

No. That means you're gonna be a wretched and miserable. You're just projecting what you feel onto me. Without Christ, we're ignorant, separated from the life of god. Like I said before, you know, dead to our sins.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Well, we're not gonna be with god. We're we're gonna be so stupid. I mean, the tree of knowledge, gone. You know, all that is is is totally out and absent from our life because, like I said, I'm just

Pastor Brandon Holm:

a beggar helping another beggar find the bread. Well, you're gonna be ignorant on where the bread is if you do it alone. And then we become objects of wrath,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

and then we are destined for destruction. Again, I've made the example when we're wretched and miserable. Look how angry, you know, both extreme sides of the political spectrum is. I know more people who are center and more understanding have even on the left side, they understand god and they love god with all their heart. Just as much as these people in the center right are, they love god, they have god in their heart.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Yes. They can get mad, but their mad their anger just goes. Whereas, if you see the extremes, they're, again, slaves to that wrath, and look how destructive they are. They don't like each other, and they don't like us. And I do mean on both side because we get people commenting on our Twitter feeds saying, hey, your philosophy is bad.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Your religion is bad. You don't know what you're talking about. You're blaspheming. I've heard it. Again, objects of wrath.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

All I'm doing here is giving you some faith. How to get that faith back? How do you have the faith of a child in God? That's all I'm my job is if you know, yes, we do have religious I you know, constructs, you know, we do do communion. We will be doing communion soon.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And, you know, we do do water baptisms. That's because Jesus showed us how to do life, and he did those two things even though he didn't have to. God said he didn't have to be baptized and yet Jesus did. So you're probably asking yourself after hearing all these things about my life without Christ. It's like, you know, I'm a good person.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Even those of you out there who are are Christian say, you know, I give my tithes to the church. You know, I watch the guild's messages live, or I I check the recordings when I can.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, I have a good heart. That's great.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

But that's righteous thinking, like, I am the righteous person. And I'm gonna tell you, I'm not a righteous person. Never have been, never will be, and neither is anybody else. Have you ever seen, you know, people say, I'm the righteous leader of this. And you look at them going,

Pastor Brandon Holm:

okay. Figure it out.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, and unfortunately, you know, it it's true. Many of highly religious people believe this because the church does prompt them. You have a lot of bored again people going, I am so righteous now that I'm filled with, you know and they become arrogant and blind to what really God is saying to them, God is getting in their heart. And again, you see this. And Paul again warns us about this because he sees it not just a problem in selfishness, but also in the wholeness of the being.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And that comes from, again, the scriptures where in Romans he says, as the scripture say, no one is righteous, not even one. All have turned away, all have become useless. No one does good. Not a single one. Okay.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

So what does that mean? It's like I go to church. I do this. You know? Do I, you know, have to go out?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And do I have to go and, you know, volunteer? Yes.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

That's always a good thing. You know?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And we'll get into the semantics of what is works versus work later on in the season. But the thing is in in this passage, what happens is that we and you've seen this like with folks like Joel Olsteen and and those on Twitter who are denouncing, you know, certain things in especially like gaming, you know, here at the gaming church, gay at the greater guild, we've heard it. You know, gaming and cosplay, you know, that's all sinful. But the problem is is that that's comparing our sins

Pastor Brandon Holm:

with peers. And the reality is we

Pastor Brandon Holm:

need to compare our our sins to how god sees our sins. Every day, I'm just like, I've screwed up so many times, god, and yet you still love me and still melt me around. What's going on? Am I, you know, am I missing something?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You know, I'll take the vow please, sir. But

Pastor Brandon Holm:

we need to compare our sins to how God sees them. If it's not how I'm better than you because I'm less I don't have that I don't have that sin. That's not how we do business here, and that's not how God will do business. When you get to see god and he starts judging you for how you did in life, he is not gonna say, woah, let's see. Brandon, you, well, you know, you had more sins than this person did.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

No. He's gonna look at our sins for ourselves. He's not gonna compare us. And many pastors, many people say that our sin, you know, our sins basically, you know, we can be absolved of it. No.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

We can't. We can be sanctified through Christ because god bore all the sin in the world and all the sin for us humans into him so that we could be saved. That's salvation. But in many religions, sin is a legal issue. Like it's a speeding ticket.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Like okay go on with your sin blah blah blah you're done you know. No. Sin is not like a speeding ticket. You don't pay a fine and then you you you know don't do that, you know, and you can go on the rest of your life without getting another speeding ticket. No.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

This is a spiritual offense and the spiritual offense stays with you. You know, we can say our sins don't, you know, don't look bad when we talk about other people. Okay. But the problem is sin for us is a sin for us is only directly linked to how god sees us, like I said. And it's a relationship in that word.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

It's not legalism. It is through the written word. It is through the bible.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And when we do this, you know, sin is still breaking the law, and it's breaking god's law. And when I

Pastor Brandon Holm:

say that, we're talking about the 10 commandments. We're not talking about, you know, all the Levitican and Deuteronomy text that have been wiped from book thanks to Jesus and faith in Jesus but when you break, you know, god's law, you're also really breaking his heart. He is so sad because every time you sin, you have a disconnection. You get further and further away from god. And being a Christian, it means that we have to understand this and fully believe in g that Jesus died to ensure our salvation even though we are still sinners here on earth.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

God loves us. He sent his only son. We've heard it many times, John 316. Figure that one out. It's it's the most prominent passage that everybody says and yet nobody fully understands stands it.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

So to fully treasure what you have in Christ, you need to remember that you are that what you are without him. What was your past like? Reflect on where you were when you did not live in Christ and understand where you are today. Have you become more fulfilled? Have you done more?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Have you been able to do more? Have you been able to give more? Not just in time but you know financially or spiritually to others. So embrace that not enoughness that you have. Seriously.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Embrace it to the fullest power because God knows you will never be enough, but he still believes in you that you will join him. And again, it's through Jesus' sacrifice that's the reason. You have faith in Jesus that he absolved all, you know, that the sins of humankind, even though we're gonna continue sinning for the rest of our life, That sacrifice took care of all of that once we die, and God does not want you to be enough. He just wants you to be your best self. We've heard this too.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Do your best. That's what God's saying. Do your best with the time you have and try to do a little bit more. And to understand this concept is basically the core in what we see in Ephesians. It says, once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins, you used to live in sin just like the rest of the world obeying the devil, the commander of the powers of the unseen world.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey god. All of us used to live that way, following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature. By our very nature, we are subject to god's anger just like everyone else. But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much that even though we're we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. It is only by God's grace that you have been saved.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Grace is the most powerful thing that God ever has for you, And that's the truth. I cannot I can't explain it because when you feel God's grace, it's gonna be different for everybody. I'm not gonna tell you how it is just because as most commercials for financial products, you know, results may vary, you know. Think about that. So for you, God's grace may be different from what it was for me.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Now I know you want I I've been telling you and berating you and telling you bad news, but let me give you some good news here. And it's when you embrace that lack of enough and say, you know, I give my life to Jesus. That's when you're gonna have the best time of your life because you know you're helpless, but Jesus is helper is your helper. What we're doing here is self advocating for ourselves to God and to Jesus, because we acknowledge we're weak, but Jesus is our strength. Now we get depressed, but Jesus is our hope.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

We get exhausted, but Jesus is our peace and rest. You're anxious, Jesus is your peace. You're struggling financially, but Jesus is your provider. You're hurting, but Jesus is your comforter. You're in bondage?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Well, g Jesus is the savior. He will set you free. Now many people have commented to, you you know, about prisoners finding Jesus. I go, oh yeah. You know, he only wanted to do that so that he can get a lighter set.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

No. There are many people out there that I have met in churches all over where they were in prison for, you know, maybe a year, maybe 5 years, maybe 10 years. They came to Jesus and fully understood, and now they're just walking out there working hard, doing the work that God wants us to do, and being just the fullest they can be, and they are so fulfilled. It's great. So I have 2 questions for you at this time.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

The first one is, in what area of your life are you relying on yourself instead of God? It could be anything. It could be spiritual, financial, physical, mental, doesn't matter. And here on Earth, there's a lot of places where you can get that help. Just have to ask for it.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

We have to self advocate for that. But where

Pastor Brandon Holm:

it comes to the spiritual, why are you relying on yourself instead of God? That's another question attached to

Pastor Brandon Holm:

that first one. Now the second one is, what is God calling you to do about it?

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Now, god says to you constantly, call to me. I will answer you. Now, that's in Jeremiah 333. Call to me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Psalms 5015. The lord is near to all who call on him. Psalms 14518. When I'm in distress, I call to you. Psalms 867.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

What about this? Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, Romans 10:13. So just because you are not enough, with having Jesus in your life and having God there with you, you'll be more than enough. You don't need to be enough as God says and God wants. Just do your best.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

That's the power of faith. That's not religion. That's faith. Faith in Jesus, faith in God, that's where you get your enoughness. That's where you get your fullness in your spiritual.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Religion just gives you a way to praise and understand God. How he does business. How you feel comfortable doing business with God. That's religion. Faith is when you have that full deep down undeniable understanding that God is in your life, that Jesus is your is in your life, and they're helping you to create a better life for yourself.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And yes, there's gonna be problems. Yes, there's gonna be issues. Yes, there's gonna be so much trial and tribulation that you may not seem like you can handle. Call on God. He says that himself.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

That's the power of faith and that's not religion. The psalmist said, when I'm

Pastor Brandon Holm:

in distress, I call to you, and the you is god. Call on god. Call on Jesus with

Pastor Brandon Holm:

the fullness of your faith, not religion, your faith. And I will tell you this. It's it's not a 100% guarantee every time, but when god answers and says, hey. What's going on? You tell him in your prayers.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You'll be whole, and you will be enough in your life in no time whatsoever. That I can guarantee. I can't guarantee when or where, but I can guarantee when you start doing that, and when you say I've given my my my life to Jesus. I will tell you this, you will be whole of it enough again. So thank you for joining us here today.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I wanna thank all of you who watched. I wanna thank everybody who out there has contributed to the guild. We certainly do thank you for all your contributions, whether it's a volunteer, whether it's financial, doesn't matter. It is all welcome. And we all thank you for contributing.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

That's it for me here at the Greater Gill. I wanna wish all of you a happy weekend and I will see you all next week.

Guild Announcer:

Wow. That was powerful. Pastor Brandon never fails to deliver a sermon that's both thought provoking and nerd tastic. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and donate if you want to keep the sermons and discussions coming.

Guild Announcer:

And remember, you can always connect with us on social media. Just search for the Greater Guild on all your favorite platforms. We'd love to hear your thoughts and geek out with you. Thanks for tuning in, Guild Nerds. Until next time, keep the faith and stay nerdy.