The D-List with Debrae Little

Discover how rugs serve as both practical and artistic elements in interior design, acting as the foundation for color palettes and setting the tone for furniture and paint choices in 2023.

What is The D-List with Debrae Little?

The D-List is a recurring feature on KUNV 91.5 Jazz & More that focuses on interior design practices and trends. Every segment highlights a new way to spruce up and improve your interiors.

Hi, this is Jason. This is Debrae. And this is The D-List. It's the weekly mini-show that talks all things design. Let's keep talking about the trends for

2023. Rugs are actually functional floor art. In my designs, I like to start out oftentimes with just the rug. Yeah. And I draw my color palette, I draw my feel for the room based on the colors that I find in the rug. And it sets the stage for all your furniture that goes into the room, as well as your paint colors. The important thing is choosing the right rug. And you want something that is durable. Wool is a great choice. But I don't have any problem with synthetics. And outdoor rugs actually used inside are my favorite.

That is this week's D-List. If you want more details, Debrae, tell them.

Hi, I'm Debrae Little from Debrae Little Interiors. And I have been beautifying Valley interiors since 2007. And I have been beautifying Valley interiors since 2007. Find more information about me at