SportsPrep Live

Super Bowl 2024 lived up to all the hype! Join Graydon Prescott and TikTok giant Jawaun Ford (@fordjawaun) as they recap the big game and weigh in on OT rules, the Chiefs underdog status, and where Mahomes ranks among the all time greats. 

What is SportsPrep Live?

SportsPrep Live is an engaging podcast hosted by Graydon Prescott, a talented 15-year-old with a passion for sports. Despite his young age, Graydon brings a wealth of experience to the table, having started his podcasting journey at the age of 9. With a focus on excellence in athletics, SportsPrep Live promises captivating interviews with a diverse range of athletes, offering valuable insights and inspiring stories to its listeners.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in KU NV studios.

Unknown Speaker 0:05
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jas and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:17
Hey everybody, and welcome to another episode of sports prep live, prep live, where we unbox the bike and talk excellence in athletics. What's up everybody? Welcome to a special edition of Sports prep live today we have an influencer on the show with over 3 million followers on tick tock. He has grown his popularity through food reviews, discussing people's outfits and conducting on the go interviews with strangers today Jawan Ford is on the show. Juwan Welcome to Sports prep live

Unknown Speaker 0:47
was good man. I'm glad to be on I'm happy. Alright, we're

Unknown Speaker 0:50
gonna discuss a little bit about your background, how you got your start in social media and then just some stuff about you. And then we'll also spend some time talking about the NFL and the Super Bowl because I know you're a big football fan. Sounds good?

Unknown Speaker 1:01
Yes, sir. Let's do it.

Unknown Speaker 1:02
Alright, let's jump right into it. First off, why don't you tell the audience just a little bit about yourself. And what you do is

Unknown Speaker 1:08
i My name is JaJuan obviously, I do videos, I love content creation in general, I do full reviews. Now I do public interviews. I just try to be as creative as possible and just try to spread you know, positivity. That's what I want my content to be about. So I want to be remembered for.

Unknown Speaker 1:29
So tell me how did you get your start in social media? And what made you pursue it as a career?

Unknown Speaker 1:34
Well, let me I've been making videos since I was like, bro, since I came out the womb I feel like like a bind days type thing. So yeah, I've been I was making videos especially when I was in high school making music videos and stuff like that. And I didn't say get start taking serious instead of pandemic because everyone's inside school is kind of like, at that point. I'm like, bro, like, ain't no way I'm getting into college bro. I just I have one way I had one way so Tik Tok started booming, and moved out to Vegas. And I just started doing videos here. posted them and the rest is history. Like it was crazy. So

Unknown Speaker 2:08
what exactly got you started in that? Because I know you talked about making music videos in high school, but what actually got you started in those things? Like, like, who

Unknown Speaker 2:16
inspired me or like,

Unknown Speaker 2:18
yeah, you know, how did you get your start in making music videos? Just like what started it all, you know, everybody has an origin story. What started it off? Well, I

Unknown Speaker 2:25
was definitely say my brother because my brother he does social media too. So you know, as a kid, you know, growing up, you know, you looking up to older brothers or you know, just older cousins and stuff like that. And I see him doing videos like yours is actually pretty interesting. So, you know, obviously, you know people close to you and then you just got the internet in general, like rice gum was a you know, big part. I gotta take it this tracks and stuff. Yes, I really, I mean, definitely, you know, not only those two, but just from what I can remember. That's kind of what I'm thinking about now. Obviously, didn't do music anywhere. Make videos on iPhone edit on iPhone, especially back then you could do it right now. You could definitely do it. Yeah. make movies on iPhone, bro. So yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:12
One of the common things, themes that I have on this show is overcoming adversity. Have you had any setbacks on your journey to where you are? And if so, how did you overcome those setbacks?

Unknown Speaker 3:21
Yeah, I'm sorry. If we try to make a Disney bro would try and get you to Mad dollars. But uh, yeah, I mean, content creation. That's the whole thing, right? Because, you know, sometimes you evolve or die, you know, certain content won't work at certain times on certain platforms. Or, you know, I'm saying if you're trying to get your paycheck, you got to like, show, man, you got to switch it up. You have to switch it up. Because social media is one of the things where one month you can make 50,000 Next month, you can make $200. So if you know you're a game and not on top of it, you will get hit with a wrecking ball.

Unknown Speaker 3:57
You immediately keep evolving. Yeah, for sure. You've made 1000s of videos on your social media platform. Can you tell us about one that comes to mind as the most memorable and what makes it stand out

Unknown Speaker 4:09
for show I got you alright, so a thing would okay thing with videos, right? Especially short form consecration. You never know what's gonna blow up. You never know what video is going to be like, you can try to predict it. But nine times out of 10 you will be wrong. But this particular video I knew as soon as I did, it was gonna be viral. I used to work at Walmart. So this viral video was at Walmart. It was like a box prank video. Yeah, and the reason why I was so special was the whole time like, you know, I thought like, man, like, you know, if I get away I go to Vegas, and you know, then I could do it. Like, I'll always limit to myself. Like if I had this then I could do it. Yeah. But I literally went I visited Vegas for two three weeks came back to my hometown. At that time, I didn't have a viral video. Then I went back to my old job not to work there. But I was like, bro, I had this idea. It's gonna hit like 30 million views and I did it. And that just proved to me like, I didn't need all of this all along, you know, I'm saying like, obviously that helps. But like it, you just got to make the most out of your circumstances. Yeah, you know, I'm saying I could have made that video a long time ago being blew up, he failed me. But I feel like everything happens for a reason. And, you know, guy has a right time. And so, yeah, so that's the most memorable one to me for real. And that was like my first super big viral video. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 5:22
So. All right, well, I'm gonna ask you a few rapid fire questions. Just to you know, get to know you a little bit more. I'll ask you about six of these I and then we can get on to talking about the NFL, which isn't what I know you came here for? Yeah. All right. So do you recall the first video you've ever released on social media? Day?

Unknown Speaker 5:44
Oh, you give me with these ones? Honestly, no, I don't remember. No, no, I don't remember. Okay. What's

Unknown Speaker 5:51
the first one that you do? Remember, what were you doing?

Unknown Speaker 5:53
I was on Vine for sure. And I was like, making like some like cringy vine. Like reacting to something and it was terrible. I don't want to remember it. Honestly. It was pretty bad.

Unknown Speaker 6:03
Okay, you've done a lot of outfit reviews. Yeah. What is the most expensive outfit you've ever came across while doing though for

Unknown Speaker 6:10
shellfish? I got you. I was definitely a rapper. Probably a little dark. Honestly. Yeah, he has some he has some nice chains on burn like a dark listening, bro. Give me some chains.

Unknown Speaker 6:21
Man, okay. On all of your social media platforms. What video has gotten the most viral for show?

Unknown Speaker 6:28
Oh, I got you. So remember, I tell you my brother, right? Yep. At the time. I had a video had like 23 million views as outfit review and I was like, he's like yeah, I'm gonna top this I'm gonna get like 50 million views 50 million views on the interview. Yeah, I was like, Bro, are you crazy? I said I say Fe let's do it. So we went out one night and we shot it and we did the video like four times like people don't even know did it four times next morning. I woke up edit it for like three hours a one minute video and I posted it bro just video guy like, right now. It was like 56 million views Wow. 57 million views like it's probably the biggest public interview on Tik Tok like you put Drake Kanye West all the interviews of them doing the outfits versus me and my brother. All of them together still don't even top it like is insane. It's insane. So yeah, for sure. All

Unknown Speaker 7:14
right. You've also done a lot of food reviews. What is your go to restaurant and at that restaurant? What's your go to order?

Unknown Speaker 7:19
All right. I think a lot of you bro because I'm not sponsored look. The thing that sucks about doing full reviews, bro, I'm keep it real with you. Yeah, because you know, I'm a grinder. I like doing like multiple videos a day. You seen it? Yeah, bro. I did like five six videos at Chipotle bro. My stomach couldn't do it, bro. I had to tap out these four reviewers bro. Y'all, y'all stomachs are strong. I don't know how y'all doing it. But yeah, right, bro. It was terrible. But uh, wow, you gave it a point to say and the aftermath of all the food I ate was terrible. Yeah, but um, yeah, I mean, the go to order definitely Chipotle. I like getting either the Keith Lydia or like getting like a bowl and having Doritos on the side as well. Yeah, if I got here, so. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 8:00
sounds good. Yeah, you did the I saw you did the world's biggest burrito. Yeah. Did you get there's no way you got through that whole

Unknown Speaker 8:08
thing? No, absolutely not. Oh, no. Yeah, bro. I do it either way, bro. Do you?

Unknown Speaker 8:11
So when you do those? Do you just eat the little portion of it. And then, I

Unknown Speaker 8:16
mean, I used to eat like a little bit more like take like five bites. But like, for editing purposes only feel myself taking one bite because it's gonna, you know, cut your attention. But right now I'm taking like one bite at a time because like, you know, one bite of six items. That's more than enough. You know, stomach crazy.

Unknown Speaker 8:30
Um, what's the best or most important lesson you've learned? As your time or through your time as an influencer for show

Unknown Speaker 8:37
I got you already? My number one lesson that I've learned. And this could just be me, but I feel like is anyone being a just being a business in general? Like, nobody's coming to save you like, yeah, like, there's a lot of things that I had to do and learn by myself and a lot of hard lessons a lot of people like, because when you're young, like people look at you like, he's just making videos for fun. Like, you know, we can take his money and things like that, like, so. It's like no one's coming to save you got to be your own man. Because these people in business bro they savages bro, they'll take your money and don't they won't give F about you. So yeah, absolutely. Yeah, that's that's one of the takeaways. So

Unknown Speaker 9:19
final little Rapid Fire question. What is your favorite team in the NFL?

Unknown Speaker 9:23
Green Bay for show Green Bay? Yeah, Green Bay probably

Unknown Speaker 9:27
surprised some people. Nice play. Yeah, yeah, future's looking bright. Speaking of the NFL. At the time, this show is recorded Super Bowl 58 has just taken place with the Chiefs taking down the Niners 2522 in overtime. There are a lot of narratives surrounding that game, a lot of information stats, and as a big NFL fan myself, your big NFL fan. I'd like to take some time to discuss the game narrative stories surrounding the game and possibly give off some of our hot takes you good with that? Oh, yeah, come on. All right. First order of business, obviously, let's get the most obvious one out of the way chiefs win the Super Bowl. This is their third Super Bowl in the last five years. I believe they've been to four of the last five. Do you think they are cemented as one of the best dynasties that oh,

Unknown Speaker 10:17
yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Okay. You

Unknown Speaker 10:20
think they'll keep going?

Unknown Speaker 10:22
I mean, it's so hard to see someone three peed in. But I mean, if anyone would do it, it's Patrick. mahomes, bro. Yeah. So,

Unknown Speaker 10:28
I mean, the way I see it, a lot of luck factors into it too, because I'm not saying luck is in a call go this way a call go that way. I'm saying luck as in, somebody could end up breaking their leg or somebody could tear their Achilles, Patrick mahomes breaks his thumb something that you just don't expect to happen. Yeah. So I think it's difficult to foresee anyone winning three in a row. Even two in a row is so difficult. That's why nobody had done it in 20 years. Yeah, three in a row. Oh, my goodness. I mean, anyone who can do it, I would say it's them. But at the same time, that's a difficult difficult thing to do. Especially with you know, football, it's not a it's not a sport for the faint of heart. So yeah, you can get busted up playing football

Unknown Speaker 11:15
do you think is scripted?

Unknown Speaker 11:19
No, I mean, I know there are going to be those people who are salty that their team is losing and will say that it's scripted. And that's fair, you know, as fans people are going to have. They're going to be irritated if their team's not doing well. I know cowboys. Fans are always saying that they're they should be used to that though. Like yeah, I know what I mean. I'm no Cowboys fan. I don't like the Cowboys. I'll just throw that out there. Yeah, there should be used it. So yeah, I mean, you get the Cowboys fans that are always saying it's scripted, scripted, but if you don't hear anybody who is winning, saying that is scripted, so I mean, that's just a point of view from the people who are frustrated with the success of Patrick mahomes and he's kind of taken on that villain role in the NFL and but you know, it's definitely not scripted. You think mahomes To go okay, that was something I was gonna get to a little bit later. Okay, you can say we can save it. Alright, let's let's save it just a little bit. Or another thing. Obvious Niners they had a great run ended up losing in the Super Bowl. Do you think there'll be back I personally think that the Niners are poised to come back next year just as strong and make another run at it. Do you think they are? Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 12:24
think they're I think like they're the better overall team. I mean, you put but the thing is with the Niners, though I think the team's overall is good, but I think if you put anybody at that quarterback position, I think they're in the same place. Honestly. Regardless,

Unknown Speaker 12:36
that's another thing we could get to Brock pretty good. He did. He went 23 for 38 for 255 yards and a touchdown with no pics. Yeah, I think he did a great job. And Cam Newton got called out for calling him this game manager. Yes. But I really do think he did a great job managing that game, keeping them out of trouble when he had to. But he also spoke about how Patrick mahomes Lamar Jackson, those guys are playmakers and I just don't think that throughout that game, Brock already made as many plays as he could have to win that game for them because when you saw them putting the ball in Christian mccaffrey's hands, he had eight receptions for 80 yards. 22 carries for 80 yards. He's the first player ever to go 80 yards receiving 80 yards rushing in a Super Bowl. Nobody's ever done that. When they put the ball in his hands. He's one of the best playmakers in the NFL, a lot of good things happened. And it's not that bad things happen when the ball was in the hands of Brock Brody. It's just I don't see I didn't see him making as many plays as a Christian McCaffrey or Patrick mahomes. Throughout that game, so brought party. I think he's a good quarterback. He's the right quarterback for the Niners right now. I don't think they move on from him. And I'm not going to give him the disrespect of saying that any quarterback could step in there and do what he did because I just don't agree with that. I think he did a great job. But at the same time it is you know, it's kind of tough to say that he is an MVP candidate or one of those top tier quarterbacks because of the talent he has around him. Brandon aiyuk Debo Samuel Christian McCaffrey, George Kittel like all these guys are insane. So

Unknown Speaker 14:11
all right, so okay, you're telling me if if Josh Allen go went to the 49 Wait, they're not in the Superbowl. Come on. We gotta be honest right now.

Unknown Speaker 14:20
You're changing my words. I did not say that. I said that. I don't think any quarterback could be plugged into that situation. Okay, Justice was fact Josh Allen is a perennial MVP candidate and an All Pro every year. I think he's been all pro each year of his career except his rookie year. Maybe his second year. He wasn't all pro Josh Allen is an elite of the elite quarterback. But I will say this, you throw Josh Allen onto that team. I still don't know if they're winning the Super Bowl. And here's why he's turnover prone. Very dealer prone. Yeah. You can't have that in the in the playoffs and that's why he hasn't been able to get past the divisional round since 2020. And he hasn't made a Super Bowl because he turns the ball over. And that's not something you can do in the playoffs in the NFL. Now. So Josh Allen as your example? No, I don't think the Niners would have been any more successful with him as they would have with Brock party. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 15:07
I mean. Yeah. What do you think about the 40 Niners fans complaining about overtime rules? Okay, look, you're done educated.

Unknown Speaker 15:17
Here's what I have to say about that. Yeah. First off, the Niners whether or not they knew the rules, taking the ball first or not saying oh, well, we didn't know the rules. So we wouldn't have taken the ball first. Even if you did know the rules and elected to take the ball first, it wouldn't have mattered, they didn't get a touchdown, I got a field go astray. So if say they say the NFL overtime rules hadn't changed, and the rules are still the same. They come down, they get a field goal, chiefs come down to get a touchdown game's over, you still get a chance to respond. If the other team gets a field goal night or split. First, they got a field goal. So it does not matter if they knew the rules or not because they didn't capitalize as true. In my in their defense, if they knew the rules, they would elect to go second, because it's always going to be the catbird seat to know, do you go for it on the fourth down where a field goal would be 46 yards? Or 51? yards? Do you go for it? On a fourth and goal? If you're down by three? And you are going second? Probably not. But, um, so that's, you know, do you need a touchdown? All those things you could know if you go second. But all of those things are eliminated if the first team gets a field goal. So yeah, that's true. That's why even if they didn't know, even if they did, it doesn't change the fact that they got a field goal. So it just it doesn't matter. I saw a lot of people in

Unknown Speaker 16:38
a congressman's home also why they changed the overtime rule without notice. And I'm like, do not read the Chiefs was winning so much. They changed the rules for y'all. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 16:49
I mean, I don't think that you should be able to decide a Super Bowl or a playoff game on a coin flip. Because all these offense is even the Niners, they're just such an elite offense as true chiefs, Niners bills, these are such elite offense is that if you give them a chance to get a drive, there is a high probability that team is getting a touchdown, regardless of who's on defense, that's what was shown. You know, the other night with Patrick mahomes, they get the ball down three. And he gets him downfield does

Unknown Speaker 17:15
a lot of cross that fourth one man, I was

Unknown Speaker 17:19
always on the edge of my seat. Yeah, I mean, and you see him in shotgun, you're like, What are you thinking? Yeah, but you know, like, Tony Romo couldn't have explained it better in that instance, put the ball in Patrick mahomes hands and let him make a play. Yeah, that, to me is, you know, one of the biggest moments of the game and just got chances like that elite offense is, those aren't things that teams are gonna miss out on a lot. So with that being said, that's why they changed the overtime rules to give both chance teams a chance to score because it wasn't fair. If a team loses a game on a 5050 chance if they get a coin flip, right. That's not a good way. You know what they say though, defense play two, defense. Yeah, and defense wins championships. That's why these two teams were the teams that made the Super Bowl, they were two of the best five defenses in the NFL all year. And they both had very good offensive. That's why they made it to the Super Bowl. But then again, you got to give both teams a chance to do it. And I know, you know, in college, they let both teams get rebuttals as much as they want. In the NFL, it's only you know, if both teams get a touchdown, then it's sudden death. But still, you have to give both teams a chance to get the ball at least once. Yeah. So that's that's the that's the my opinion on the overtime with the NFL right now. What about you? What do you think?

Unknown Speaker 18:39
I mean, I liked the rules. I just didn't like that people was crying about my days, like you don't know why they changed.

Unknown Speaker 18:44
And the crazy part was when they changed the rules. People were crying for them to change the rules. But now they've changed the rules. They're crying that they changed the rules. Yeah, I don't get it. It's it's almost like the NFL, they're putting the NFL between a rock and a hard place. Like if I do this, you're gonna be mad at me. And if I say what you tell me to do, you're still gonna be mad at me like, What do you want me to do? But you think

Unknown Speaker 19:07
the Chiefs should have been underdogs? Honestly, do you really think okay, even though 49 As we all know, 14 hours had the better overall team but you put in them as underdogs is crazy.

Unknown Speaker 19:16
Here's how I see it. I think that was as close to the game as you could possibly imagine. Yeah. And if those team if those two teams did an NBA style, and it was a seven game series that would go seven. i Okay. The quarterback is such an important position that I think if you are taking into account who the Chiefs have is their quarterback, then you should probably never make them an underdog but I don't have a problem with viewing. Viewing the game as an overall team game, defense, special teams all that stuff. The Niners are just an altogether more complete team than the chiefs. Yeah, but it makes a difference. Having Patrick mahomes at quarterback. So I think the Niners were right to be favored, but I don't think that it really made a difference at all because that game was it could go either way. And if you played it 100 times it would be 5050.

Unknown Speaker 20:14
That's fair enough. I got a conspiracy theory.

Unknown Speaker 20:16
Okay. All right.

Unknown Speaker 20:18
This is what I got all playoffs, right. We got Patrick mahomes is underdog most of them I think, besides the Miami game. Yeah. And I watch a lot of sports. You know, first take, you know, yeah. Shana sharp to Stephen A. Yeah, whenever he talks to ojo. Cam Newton. Yep. And I had noticed him telling me if I'm crazy. Oh, tell me if I'm crazy, right. I think the NFL is not necessarily scripted or rigged, but I definitely think there's some stuff going on. So we got sports betting, right. Okay. Right. And we have all the major like, sports networks sponsored by sports betting like DraftKings. FanDuel prize picks ESPN bed. And I'm like, yo, after every single chiefs game, they call the other the bills, we're going to win the ravens, we're going to crush them. The 49 is Brian who's going to absolutely model them. And it's like after every single game, and they all choose the favorites. The 14 The Chiefs always win. And they never say anything about it. And they always and they always like okay, I got a I got a Ravens money line, this and that. And you got hella people losing all this money, like 80% of the best mentors, the bills and the Ravens, but after the 49 I think most of the best went on the chiefs. Everyone said eff that we're not going to do that again. Yeah, so I just, I just had to I had a conspiracy theory, obviously, they're paying them, but could they be like throwing up some extra bread to just influence the crowd? What do you think about that? I

Unknown Speaker 21:41
don't. I think that um, I think the way that betting goes a lot of times is the higher seeded team is favorite. The Niners were the number one seed in the NFC. The bills were the number two seed in the AFC and the Ravens were the number one seed in the AFC chiefs were three in the AFC and they did not have a great regular season. mahomes did not look like an MVP candidate throughout the regular season. They did not look like a functional offense throughout the regular season. In fact, in the second half against the Niners, they didn't get a touchdown. It took them until the third quarter or not even the Niners the ravens, They didn't get us Yeah, they did, right like it took them from the second quarter against the ravens to the third quarter against the Niners to get one touchdown. Offensively one. So I understand absolutely why the chiefs were underdogs. But for me, I would not bet against Patrick mahomes. But it makes sense. And it is entirely reasonable that the chiefs were underdogs in all of those games, because they did have the worst record. That's That's why I see them as the as why they were underdogs. Because in in reality they were. Yeah. I mean, there's no amount of underdog that can Overmind what Patrick mahomes does, and what Travis Kelce gives to you and how Andy Reid is as a coach. Yeah, but throughout the regular season, they did not look like my team that could make a run at it. And the Ravens were dominant. I mean, they beat everybody. They beat the dolphins 56 to 10. They beat the Niners in dominant fashion on the road. This was a team they looked like they were going to stomp through the playoffs and beat everyone by 30 knots bro. Lamar

Unknown Speaker 23:14
Jackson, bro, he had choke artists. That was the game I was least worried about, bro. I was like, bro is gonna choke in dramatic fashion, bro. He does. He doesn't show up during the beat moments.

Unknown Speaker 23:22
Yeah, I mean, I he's still young coming up, so I'll give him another chance. But it's gonna be tough. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 23:29
wouldn't. I mean, if he's playing Patrick mahomes Again, and that's true. And then Joe burrow is coming back. Yeah. Joe burrow is only like I've patched most playing Joe burrow. I'm putting my money on Joe burrow. I'm putting on my dog.

Unknown Speaker 23:39
That's a stretch. I'm a I am Joe burrow has beaten once and Patrick mahomes has beat him once in the playoffs.

Unknown Speaker 23:45
Yeah, but I mean, you got that. Okay. Well, I mean, we could be talking about a different game because last year they had that late roughing the passer right and they go and get that game.

Unknown Speaker 23:54
Yeah, but that it was a tie game either way.

Unknown Speaker 23:56
I know. That's not to say it could be a different game we talking about could be but it was a it was a tie game.

Unknown Speaker 24:01
I mean, both every game that they played against each other in the playoffs had the chance to go to overtime. One of them did, and Patrick mahomes Do a pick, I think and the Bengals got a field goal. And then the other one, it was about to go to overtime, but the Bengals for no reason whatsoever shoved mahomes while he was out of bounds. That's unnecessary roughness that's on them. That is I agree. Both games were decided by three points. So I don't think I would jump to put my money anywhere. But for me, it's always going to be Patrick mahomes. One of the things that you brought up earlier was mahomes. And is he the goat? Yeah, yeah. What do you think you asked me

Unknown Speaker 24:34
now? Okay, now, I mean, he's Tom Brady's one a he's one be he's not too,

Unknown Speaker 24:40
for sure. For me. Look, Tom Brady. Beat Patrick mahomes In a Super Bowl, but a lot of people fail to account for the fact that he was injured and his receivers did not have a good game at all. There were so many drop passes in that game. Yeah. And everything that had to go wrong for the Chiefs went wrong. But Tom Brady's the goat he's the seventh Time Super Bowl champion three time MVP. He's got he's got it all. One without Bella, check all that stuff. So for me, Tom Brady's number one, then it's between mahomes and Joe Montana. And the way I see it because of how just talented he is at football. I would put mahomes ahead. I would Yeah. But you know, there are going to be people who say Joe Montana is ahead of them. And that's not wrong. It's all a matter of opinion. But yeah, I think objectively, Tom Brady is still number one. And then mahomes is probably too. That's That's how I see it. But

Unknown Speaker 25:34
what would he have to do to get that number one spot like to

Unknown Speaker 25:37
you? Okay, I think he needs at least one more MVP, maybe two because if he gets four and Brady has three, that's something but then again, Peyton Manning has five and Aaron Rodgers has four and they're not even in the conversation right to me, so I think, but for me, I would need more I would need to see mahomes get at least one more MVP. And then I think he has to get to five rings. If he gets to five rings and three Mbps then it's a different conversation.

Unknown Speaker 26:01
It's a different conversation, bro.

Unknown Speaker 26:02
I'm not gonna because just because of the talent level, he's I mean, Tom Brady played with Randy Moss, Julian Edelman, I mean, Rob Gronkowski and mahomes. He's played with Tyreke Hill, but he only won one Super Bowl with Tyreke Hill. Yeah, and the other two he's won without Travis Kelce is always gonna be there. But mahomes hasn't had historically great receivers on his team by any stretch of the imagination throughout his career. So I think mahomes gets to five then he is my clear cut greatest of all time, you have to get to five Super Bowl rings and three Mbps Oh, that's my

Unknown Speaker 26:35
only thing that turned me off about this conversation is I mean, I know you talked about him having off game in a Super Bowl, but I just feel like I feel like what people are going to do, their resumes are going to be very similar. They're going to go back to them to games, you know, they are the two playoff games and they come by well he couldn't get it done against okay person first

Unknown Speaker 26:53
won the AFC Championship in 2019. It was mahomes was in his second year in the NFL first year as a starter. And even though he had an insane year, 5000 yards, 55 touchdowns, MVP, all that stuff. He still was in his second year. This is going against Tom Brady. And that was one of those coin flip overtime games where the Patriots got the ball first. In overtime. That's one of the best games I've ever watched. And then the second one, I'm not you know, I'm not going to hold that against mahomes and Nick goat debate. It's one game. I mean, if those two teams and those two teams played each other next year, and the Chiefs beat him like 4412 So

Unknown Speaker 27:30
was that in the regular season? It was yeah, I'm telling you bro, I'm telling you people gonna be like bro that does not matter. They go and come to it back to them conversation guys I mean, unless I go live this is it's gonna be very unrealistic. Maybe I don't know football like that. I feel like Patrick mahomes Bro you gotta get to eight bro eight figures day bro then yeah, bro. Now super unrealistic seven is already crazy. Yeah, I just feel like because I mean for me I'm just gonna come back to them games because I mean it's a difference between like we have the Michael Jordan debate we got LeBron those two right but they never faced off each other so it's like but if Jordan or my Are you know I'm saying of Jordan at him if if if

Unknown Speaker 28:07
LeBron in his second year face Jordan and like when he was in the middle of his second three P would we would you hold that against LeBron as a? You know? 21 year old kid. And I got to be 21 years old. LeBron in his second year you would hold that against him against Prime Michael Jordan maybe a little bit past his prime Michael Jordan, you would hold that against Brian. I would. I would, bro.

Unknown Speaker 28:29
I mean, you got to think about it. Like I don't see it like that. Okay, well, it's okay then. Yeah, I'd be if if they don't go against the Patriots in the AFC title game they want to get someone else do you think they weren't? If it's not Tom Brady? i Are we gonna give them credit, and we're gonna give him credit if he wins. You know,

Unknown Speaker 28:44
here's what I'll say. I think the Chiefs win that game if they win the coin flip, which is why they changed the rules. I can argue with that. Yeah, I can. Again, that game came down to a coin flip and the Patriots had a double digit lead on these dudes and Patrick mahomes in his second year, led a comeback got them tied. And the Patriots happened when the coin flip it is what it is. But that game I refuse to hold against most Super Bowl maybe when the Super Bowl 55 When bucks beat the Chiefs down 31 Nine. That name? Maybe he beat him on two different teams, bro. But I'm not holding the AFC Championship against mahomes Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 29:18
That's fair. I mean, I respect the outs. Patty mahomes. Want me some money yesterday? I respect

Unknown Speaker 29:23
he can be won a for today. Yeah, absolutely. All right. Well, this has been absolutely fantastic interview Juwan it's been a pleasure having you on the show, man. It was great having you. Appreciate it, man. It was great coming. All right. And thank you everybody for tuning into this episode of sports prep live. Hope everyone has a great day and we'll we'll see you next time. Peace. Thank you for tuning into this episode of sports prep live. I'm grading Prescott and don't forget to catch all of our episodes on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts and be sure to follow us on Instagram or Twitter at sports rep law. Thank you

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