National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Friday the 24th of May 2024.
Proposals set out in a joint NHS England and NICE consultation have outlined a new route for MedTech developers to access NHS funding to fast-track clinically and cost-effective products for use by the healthcare system. The plans will ensure the growing number of game-changing products recommended by NICE can be introduced in the NHS on a large-scale to improve patient outcomes.
The proposals have been developed by NHSE, NICE, the DHSC, the MHRA, and the Office for Life Sciences

The world’s first business school dedicated to health at University College London has appointed leadership expert, Jean Gomes, as an honorary professor of practice in the school’s latest move to cement itself as a centre of academic excellence. Jean has more than three decades’ experience in business and management, having mentored over 80 CEOs and senior leaders in sectors ranging from elite sport to financial services.
In his role at the UCL Global Business School for Health, Jean will explore the theory behind fostering a sustainable, productive and motivate workforce, including how this can be achieved within healthcare. Jean has previously lectured at Oxford University and co-authored a New York Times bestseller.

Health Innovation West Midlands has launched a first of its kind resource for the country’s health and care sector. The guide has been developed to help healthcare professionals adopt an appreciative inquiry approach in the workplace.
The Appreciating Health and Care resource gives teams practical tools, guidance and case studies alongside real-world examples of appreciative inquiry being used in a positive light. The guide has been created in collaboration with Appreciating People and Aqua, after the two organisations help HIWM identify the need for better support for professionals looking to navigate the pressures and demands facing the sector.
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