The Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast

In this episode of the Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast, I'm honored to sit down with Joey and Drew from Few Will Hunt, a brand that transcends the boundaries of a mere apparel company to embody a lifestyle of purpose, hard work, and community. We dive deep into the heart of entrepreneurship, exploring how the challenges and triumphs of building a business from the ground up can lead to profound personal growth and fulfillment. This episode is a must-watch for anyone looking to ignite their passion, pursue their purpose with relentless determination, and build a life that resonates with their deepest values.

Get A Free Copy Of My Book: 5 Things You MUST Do to Build a Successful Cash-Based PT Practice. This quick, easy-to-read guide is your no-BS steps to what really works in building a Cash-Based Physical Therapy business.👉
For more on our in person Physical Therapy continuing education classes, check out our Primal University 🎓

Show Notes

In this episode of the Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast, I'm honored to sit down with Joey and Drew from Few Will Hunt, a brand that transcends the boundaries of a mere apparel company to embody a lifestyle of purpose, hard work, and community. We dive deep into the heart of entrepreneurship, exploring how the challenges and triumphs of building a business from the ground up can lead to profound personal growth and fulfillment. This episode is a must-watch for anyone looking to ignite their passion, pursue their purpose with relentless determination, and build a life that resonates with their deepest values.

Get A Free Copy Of My Book: 5 Things You MUST Do to Build a Successful Cash-Based PT Practice. This quick, easy-to-read guide is your no-BS steps to what really works in building a Cash-Based Physical Therapy business.

For more on our in person Physical Therapy continuing education classes, check out our Primal University 🎓

What is The Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast?

Welcome to The Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast! Here I'll be talking all things physical therapy, raw and unplugged, giving you the unfiltered insights you've been searching for in your cash-based physical therapy business. If you're caught in the grind of the traditional model, swamped with paperwork, or feeling like you're not reaching your full potential as a physical therapist, this podcast was created just for you.

Joey Rosen:

Nothing is more energizing than having the freedom to choose where you spend your time

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Who you spend your time with, how you spend your time. Like, if you're spending your time with the people you wanna spend it with on your purpose, nothing is more energizing than that. So that's how that's how entrepreneurs that are doing it for the what I say the right reasons

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

That's how they survive, literally. Yeah. Like, that's what they that's what they run off of.

Drew Beech:

Welcome to the doctor JJ Thomas podcast.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the doctor JJ Thomas podcast. I have 2 of my great friends with me here today. I'm so happy to have them. If you guys follow me already, you probably already know who they are because I'm a big, big fan.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I'm always touting about their awesomeness. But if you don't, let me introduce to you Joey and Drew from Fuel Hunt. Thanks, guys.

Drew Beech:

Happy to be here, Jojo. Happy to be here.

Joey Rosen:

And honored to be here. This space is beautiful.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Thank you.

Drew Beech:

Oh, my gosh.

Joey Rosen:

Like, I can't believe this is the first time I'm seeing it, but your space is absolutely amazing.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Thanks. Yeah. It's a great space. It has history. Like, when when I was at your place, we were talking about history of spaces and how you can just feel it.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. I do. So I I'm not surprised you appreciate that. I wanna tell you guys a little bit about more about these guys before we get started into some of my questions. But so, basically, when people see me wearing fuel hunt stuff and they don't know about them, they're like, what what what they'll look at me and they're like, what what do you what?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

What's that? You know? They're kinda, like, inquisitive, and I'm like they're like, what's Fuel Hunt? And I'm like, ah, they're my friends. I'm like, it's an apparel company, but it's more than apparel company.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, that's kind of how that's, like, my that's my how I introduce you guys. Mhmm. And so that is what what I love so much about what they do with Fuel Hunt is that it's a vibe. It's like it's a mission. It's a vibe.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Everything's done with intention. And so, really, why I wanted to bring you guys on, besides I just like hanging out with you, is, is that the purpose of this podcast is really to help my fellow physical therapists, clinicians, other people in the field, do better. And I think by doing better, I don't just mean, like, physical therapy. I don't just mean do better with how we're getting patients better, but, like, just do better in life. And you guys are 100% leading from the front in that.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So so that's why they're here. Mhmm. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. That's a it's a, a good explanation of, who we are and what we do. We, we get the same look sometimes, you know, because it's few will hunt. And, like, is this person a hunter? Are they and they say, do you hunt?

Joey Rosen:

Like, somebody will stop me and they'll say, do you hunt? I say, yes. Like, I do figuratively.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Exactly. You know

Joey Rosen:

what I mean? And literally. But this is the the figurative hunt. And then I kinda go into, you know, what it means to be on the hunt and do the hard work for who you're meant to be and, who you aspire to be for your family and those you love.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's awesome.

Drew Beech:

Sometimes if they have to ask what it means, I don't even take the time to explain. Because I'm like, if you don't get it just by hearing the phrase, then you're probably not one of us.

Joey Rosen:

I I will say that there are some people that do get it when they see it.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

They just 100%. Like like you say all the time, eagles, no eagles. You know, eagles recognize eagles. But, there are a good, number of folks that need a little bit of an explanation. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

And I like that. It gives us the the opportunity, you know, the the platform or the moment

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

To explain our mission.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

But it's true. You can almost see I've had that same but all of those experiences too. Like, I think it's much easier for people when when the whole, like, everybody wants to eat, but few will hunt is written out.

Joey Rosen:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

But when it when they just see the few will hunt, there's this look of intrigue and you can almost see them processing. Like, some of them are like, I'm interested in that, but I'm also a little afraid. Or like, I'm interested in that, and maybe that's something I'd be into. Or, like, heck yeah. Let's go.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Yeah. That's part of the magic. Like I said, it gives us the opportunity to explain who we are and what we do and how great our community is and our community members. You know what I mean? So

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's awesome.

Joey Rosen:

It's cool. Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I wanna, I wanted to ask you guys. I've heard your story a little bit, but I wanted for the audience to hear it a little bit more. Like, when you guys developed fuel hunt, give give the background on on when you, you know, when you decided to go for this and and a little bit of story behind it.

Joey Rosen:

Sure. You gotta go for it. So, right now, everybody knows Fuelhunt as or new people that see us.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Right? No Fuel Hunt as a clothing company.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

But our roots, who we really are, and you know this. Right? We're a community

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Mhmm. And

Joey Rosen:

we're a counter movement. So that's how it started. The clothing company came much later. It was community and counter movement first. And there were some there were some rumblings of fuel on in 2016.

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. But Drew and I really sat down and made a run at it in 2,000 17. So we're many years in, to the journey. It's been a wild ride. You know?

Joey Rosen:

We're many years in, but really it was born from the fact that we felt alone in society. And I'm giving you a little bit of the cliff notes version, the short story version, but it was born from the fact that we felt alone in society. We were noticing trends around us, which I'm sure you see as well. We were seeing them in, our communities, you know, workplaces, social circles. We were seeing entitlement.

Joey Rosen:

We were seeing, you know, the victim mentality. Mhmm.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

were seeing shortcut seeking. Basically, everything that was the opposite of who we were. Everything that was the opposite of hard work.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

And we're like, this feels so foreign to us and it seems like it's taking over society. Like, where are the people like us that still believe in the power of hard work and getting up every day and earning what they want for themselves and those they love, like I said earlier. Yeah. So we set out to build a community. We're just like, look, like, we're going to build the world's largest community of hard workers.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Sounds crazy. And we're, like, in, like, if it sounds crazy and impossible, we're in. We're gonna build this community and, attract people that not only think like us, but people that act like us on a daily basis, and we're going to have an impact on society. We're gonna be the counter movement, right, to the movement that we're seeing of entitlement and, shortcut seeking and and things like that.

Drew Beech:

But the story the the tale goes that Joey was one of my first mentors and my cousin, and I always looked up to him. I would call him on my ride home from the office of my old company, and I would be frustrated or feeling alone because we were fathers, salesmen, employees, entrepreneurs that we wanted to do better every day. We wanted to wake up every day and progress for, like Joey said, our families and our communities. And I would just be so frustrated by the end of the day with my my coworkers or the people that I encountered in that day. And he said the one day he was like it's like we say, because everybody wants to eat, but few will hunt.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yes. Mhmm.

Drew Beech:

And when he said that, I was like, we need to get that on a shirt ASAP. I fucking love that.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Drew Beech:

And we printed we did print one for ourselves or 12 for ourselves.

Joey Rosen:

My mom.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Like my dad. Our biggest customer to

Dr. JJ Thomas:

date. That's awesome.

Drew Beech:

And we wore them proudly, though. Yeah. Yeah. We did.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That is awesome.

Drew Beech:

But it wasn't until 2 or 3 years later after we had already built a pretty massive community that we actually started to sell them because we realized we needed a way to fund this mission and vision we had of building this community.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Well, and something concrete for people to attach it to. Right? Because it's yeah. It's awesome.

Joey Rosen:

No no pun intended. But, like, to materialize the identity Yeah. That we had and that we shared with our community. It was it's ironic that we had teas made initially and we gave them out. And then we also gave up on that idea.

Joey Rosen:

Like, we were just like, okay. Like, we did our 12 or 24 ts, whatever it was. We gave them out. Alright. Now on to the community building.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's so funny.

Drew Beech:

And then,

Joey Rosen:

like Drew mentioned, 2019, then our community members started to say, like, comfort is a slow death, prefer pain, luck favors hard workers.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

What we

Joey Rosen:

now know is the rules of the few. They were our mantras back then. They're like, we want that on a hoodie. Yeah. Because I wanna wear it to work to show people what I'm about, or I wanna wear it to the gym to show people what I'm about.

Joey Rosen:

And we're like, ah, the apparel thing. Like, let's try that again.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Awesome. So

Joey Rosen:

they they asked, and we delivered.

Drew Beech:

It's funny. If we did see a shirt pop up on Instagram, someone would tag us, and we they would have to

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like one of your shirts

Drew Beech:

or someone else's shirt? We did have the shirts up, but they were basically hidden on the website.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

We would

Drew Beech:

have to

Joey Rosen:

It was like blog. It was like, read our blog, join our community, and then, oh, if you would buy

Dr. JJ Thomas:

it, there's this other thing over here.

Drew Beech:

So you have to be basically a a detective to find

Joey Rosen:

that shit.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So funny.

Drew Beech:

And one of our first customers was from South Africa, and it was the coolest thing. And he posted a picture, like, repping the view in South Africa, and we're like, this is awesome. And it would, like, make our month we've been like, this is meanwhile, we have no way to pay the bills of a a business or and by any means.

Joey Rosen:

We quickly found out that, we were givers. You know that. You are too. Right? We have that in common.

Joey Rosen:

So, like, we were just giving of ourselves and providing value to the community.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

And, there was no environment. Like Drew said, you had to be a detective to find the t on Yeah. Thing. So we came to a point where we said to ourselves, like, if we're really going to maximize our meaning and our impact, we need money. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

Like, money is a multiplier of meaning and impact. So we're sitting there and we're thinking, and then I assure them, like, look, we need to make a decision. Do we have a blog or do we have a business? Or maybe we have both. But we know in order to maximize our impact, we're gonna have to do things a little differently than we've done for the past 2

Dr. JJ Thomas:

years. I'm so glad you got to that. Yeah. Because that is, like, again, my my mission here is to help physical therapists who wanna do better. Mhmm.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Do you know, wanna help people live physically better and Mhmm. And let that translate into doing the things they love. And 2 things you guys like, first, when Drew when you were talking about driving home, calling Joey, and being so frustrated, that is literally what drove me to open my own practice. And and what I envision other physical therapists, you know, in that cash in that insurance based world of PT, it'll burn you out. And and if you wanna live by your own values and really do right by people, you have to get out of it.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And and a lot of times, cash based practice is a way to do it. But like you said, I think people are, like, struggling. PTs are struggling to make that jump because they realize that I wanna do these things because they're right. Yep. But, like, how do I still provide for my family?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And how do I still have enough money to pay the rent here so that I can actually provide the service that I wanna do?

Joey Rosen:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. That's cool.

Joey Rosen:

I mean, it's a grind, man. You know, so so is a grind, but, you know, we didn't leave our full time jobs until 5 plus years into

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Into fuel hunt. And, honestly, you had left already. It would have probably been later for me Yeah. If it wasn't for Bedros. Because when we teamed up with him, there's stipulation.

Joey Rosen:

He's like, no part time owner.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I love it. He's so funny.

Joey Rosen:

You gotta get out of there.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I love it.

Joey Rosen:

Like, okay. Like, I'll I'm gonna rip the Band Aid off. But, yeah, it's it's a it's a grind. So I understand the position that they're in, but, there's a there's another way, and it's through hard work.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's through hard work. I like that. Do you find that in your current, like, in your current state I mean, I watch you guys. You guys are everywhere. Like, I you're literally I don't know how you're getting it all in, but I'm We

Joey Rosen:

don't either.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I know. And and I I so I think I I I I recognize that and I think I'm probably in a similar situation as I grow. And so, what I'm aware of for you is, like, do you find you're working as hard or or even harder now, but but maybe it's worth it? Like that's that's the perception I get.

Joey Rosen:

Harder for sure. But that's the that's the paradox of freedom. Like, you know, when everybody when folks start their own business, they want freedom.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

The the paradox is you're you're actually much less free

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

In some ways.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's true.

Joey Rosen:

You have complete freedom of purpose

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Because everything you do is feeding your purpose.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yes. You know

Joey Rosen:

what I mean? And your impact that you wanna have on the world, how you wanna serve humanity. But from a, like, a general life freedom From a time standpoint. Time standpoint. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

From a freedom of time standpoint, you actually have less. Yeah. You know, in my experience and opinion.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I think so too.

Joey Rosen:

I think really want to go for it and go big, you have less. Yeah. So, you know, after this, before this, I I was telling you I was at my breakfast bar with the sun beating on my back. Yeah. I'm gonna after this, I'm gonna go home and do the same thing

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

For another 7 hours. Yeah. You know?

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Drew Beech:

I would definitely agree that I'm probably work I'm definitely working harder than I ever have before. But it's funny. I was at a wedding this weekend, and a friend of mine introduced me to his wife. And he was, like, dude, this guy works harder than anyone I know. Like, this is the hardest working guy ever.

Drew Beech:

And I was, like, you're really talking me up here. Yeah. I really just enjoy work more than I enjoy anything else. 100%. What I do.

Drew Beech:

So there's not a day that comes up where I'm like, oh, I gotta go to work today. I'm like

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

I jump out of bed, and I'm like, it's time to get to work.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. I think that's that's what I exactly what I wanted to bring out because I think there are a couple things that limit PTs from making that jump, and I think, oh, some he agrees. And, one of them is that they're afraid. You know, the fear of, am I good enough? Imposter syndrome's everywhere.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Am I going to be able to succeed in it? And then that other like, okay, am I gonna be exhausted because it's now my own and it's on me? But I think what I noticed and it sounds like you guys too is that you are working harder, but it's more rewarding because you're fulfilling your purpose. Uh-huh. And and, you know, it doesn't feel like a grind as much because you're you're serving you're serving the people.

Joey Rosen:

Not nothing is more energizing than having the freedom to choose where you spend your time

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Who you spend your time with, how you spend your time. Like, if you're spending your time with the people you wanna spend it with Yeah. On your purpose, nothing is more energizing than that. So that's how that's how entrepreneurs that are doing it for the what I say the right reasons Mhmm. That's how they survive, literally.

Joey Rosen:

Like, that's what they that's what they run off of. They run off of that energy.

Drew Beech:

I feel like by building this cash based practice, you're actually working with people that want to get better for specific reasons and have big goals that they wanna achieve, not people that just wanted to come in, take the the pill, and get an easy solution

Dr. JJ Thomas:

right now. Mhmm. That's I mean, you you you guys help me with my sort of my mantra here, which is, like, defending the few. Mhmm. And that is, like, we really only want the patients that wanna get better.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, we only wanna give our time to the people that wanna give their time to themselves.

Joey Rosen:

It's too extreme.

Drew Beech:

And that makes

Joey Rosen:

your Yeah.

Drew Beech:

You can. Yeah. That makes your entire day better too. Someone that comes in there in here that wants to get better is bringing an entire better energy

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Drew Beech:

Than someone that's coming in hating their job and their life and their their leg hurts and those things.

Joey Rosen:

Or with a fix me mentality. Exactly.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like a passive fix me. It's literally like everyone wants to eat, but few will hunt. Uh-huh. It's the same thing with our patients. Like, if you wanna get better, I'm gonna show you how to hunt.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Mhmm. I'm gonna show you how to get yourself better. But you gotta show up. You gotta do the work. Yep.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

You know? Yep. So that's awesome. What about so one of my other questions for you guys circles around that busy schedule of entrepreneurship and and on the also on the line of just you guys are both stay physically fit and and and working on yourselves on a personal level. And how do you manage that with your schedules?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, how do you find the time? I know it's an evolving thing because I I know for myself, like, it's an evolving project to stay doing all the things that I need to do to be healthy. But what how do you guys prioritize that for yourselves?

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. I mean, I have I have my own strategies, you know, like time blocking and daily attack plan that I talk about a lot, but really what it comes down to is subtracting or removing Yeah. Everything that is not my vision. That's what it comes down to.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So I

Joey Rosen:

and Julie asks all the time because I I say there's 3 things I do. I girl dad. Like, you

Dr. JJ Thomas:

know what

Joey Rosen:

I mean? I grapple.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Right? And then it's fuel hunt. It's growth. That's like

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

I do those three things, and that's it.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's awesome.

Joey Rosen:

It's very predictable. To most, it's probably boring maybe. No. I live the same day over and over again. But for me, like we were just talking about it, it's energizing, it's fulfilling.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. And I also incorporate, as does Drew, I believe, like, I incorporate my family into what I'm doing. You know what I mean? My girls come to HQ with me. They come to jujitsu with me.

Joey Rosen:

Like, you know, it's, addition by subtraction. And then with what's left over, it's a very tight mix, you know, a blend of all the stuff.

Drew Beech:

That's awesome. We're very aligned in that that matter. Like, if it doesn't serve us, we just don't do it. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

It's good. It doesn't

Drew Beech:

people ask how to stay so focused and zen out all the time. Like, just, like because nothing that doesn't move my mission forward to be the best boy dad grappler, and growth addict, it doesn't it's not gonna get in here. Yeah. And it won't find time in my day as well. So and like Joey said, just work a work life mix.

Drew Beech:

And that's why it seems like we work so hard because our work is life

Joey Rosen:

for us.

Drew Beech:

And that involves our kids coming to the warehouse or coming to a an event we're going to and learning how to sell. Like, I have a picture that says my favorites now. Parker just we were at an event in New York and was watching Joey basically pitch a customer. Like, they were asking about the community and the movement. And part of it just sitting there, like, staring at Joey.

Drew Beech:

Like, wow. This is so awesome.

Joey Rosen:

So good at it. Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's so cool.

Drew Beech:

And I live in my in my favorites forever because we incorporate our our our kids and our family into every day.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

We couldn't

Joey Rosen:

we couldn't be on you said, well, you may not have used the word omnipresent, but, like, that's that's our that is our duty to be everywhere. Yeah. Right? Because if we're not everywhere, we're not at HQ. It's sirens, like, gunshots.

Joey Rosen:

So, like, you're good.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, squeaking

Joey Rosen:

breaks and, like, they're

Drew Beech:

all like, why is that? They they gets the the, the same the similar aesthetic in interior, but

Joey Rosen:

With safety.

Drew Beech:

Without the dames, like, the idea.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

He's saying, like, but the entrance. Right?

Drew Beech:

It's different. You have to walk through hell to get

Joey Rosen:

here. Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

But I said, like, walking through going through that sketchy elevator in your place to me is like a life it's a life analogy. Like, if you wanna get to the beauty of the inside, you gotta get in the squeaky elevator. Exactly.

Joey Rosen:

But, yeah, what I was saying, like, we're omnipresent because we only do a few things. Like, that's how we stay omnipresent. Yeah. Because, like, we're every we have to be everywhere. If we're not everywhere, we're not maximizing the impact that we wanna have on society and moving our mission forward of restoring the dignity of our work.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I'm picturing I would love to see that picture. I'm I'm picturing it, and I I can only guess too. I think it's cool to, like I'm envisioning Parker. Right? I'm envisioning him and, like, what's going through their mind, and and their their lens is so different.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, he probably was like, wow. Like, I knew what they did was cool, but now he's now you he heard you. He witnessed you putting it into, like, structure Mhmm. Into, like, a structured concept that now he's like, oh, that's what they do.

Drew Beech:

And he's so proud of Fuel Hunt too. Like,

Dr. JJ Thomas:

he loves

Drew Beech:

that his dad does this. So to see Joey project that and talk about our mission

Dr. JJ Thomas:

and our

Drew Beech:

team was probably, like you said, materializing. Like, okay. This is so

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So cool.

Joey Rosen:

I was speaking with, like I I think you you sent the picture to me after Yeah. I think you did. I was so convict like, I was speaking with so much conviction

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

That I didn't even realize it was happening, and he sent the picture to me. And I was like, wow. I hope Parker felt like my conviction. You know, more than anything else

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I feel like you you always have a good. Yeah. You're good.

Joey Rosen:

I I hope you felt like what it feels like to have, like, a purpose.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

Exactly. And that's that's what I hope for him as he grows up too. Like and and also for everyone listening, like, that you wake up and you're energized and excited about what you're going to do that day. Right?

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. For sure.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's a that's that, like, kinda brings me to my next point is that you guys have taken the concept of branding and really I mean, you guys have exploded it. Like, to me, when I think of when I hear anyone talk about branding, to me, you guys are the epitome of of and and I think it comes from your, like, everything we've been saying. It's like, to me, you and I before the show started, we were talking about how everything really needs to be done with intention. And I think that's part of the reason to me that your brand is so strong is that the intention behind it is so strong and you're unwavering with that intention and you're uncompromising with, you know, if people aren't on board with it, that's okay. I'm not gonna judge you, but you don't need to, you know, join the movement then.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

You know?

Joey Rosen:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

So, that's my long winded way of asking you. You know, what advice can you give our PTs out there that want to work on their own branding?

Drew Beech:

Yeah. It's well, real quick. I'm about to, Wednesday, do a branding exercise in, if you want Rise, our private pay community.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I wanna talk about Rise, so let's do that. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

So when I was putting that together, that whole presentation, I said it's not what everyone thinks branding is your logo or the words on your website when realistically it's what people feel when they see your logo or experience your product.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Drew Beech:

Right? So you need to believe in your product, your mission, and your movement more than anyone else does.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Drew Beech:

And that's why our brand seems so strong because Joey and I eat, sleep, breathe, and live a you want and live the lifestyle as you do. And that's why you Mhmm. Are so fired up every time you hear the word Fuwan, and I wanted to slap Fuwan all over.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's true.

Drew Beech:

Your brand, which is we're so grateful for. Right? Like, that means so much to us that you feel so strongly about our mission, our movement that you wanna incorporate into your own.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

100%. And

Drew Beech:

that speaks to the power of brand.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. I I would agree. I think I define brand as give. Like, that's my definition of brand.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's awesome.

Joey Rosen:

And that's what we've done since the very beginning. So when you talk about intention,

Dr. JJ Thomas:

you can't you can't

Joey Rosen:

give of yourself without pure intention. Like, you have to sit and you have to think about it.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

And that's what we've done since the very beginning. We've given to our community value, products, service, you know, everything. Yeah. And we've given it with pure intention and pure hearts to advance not just our mission of restoring the dignity of hard work. The only way we're gonna be able to have that impact in society is is if we play a role in advancing each and every member of our community, their lives.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Like you're saying, you know, get up every day and do better and also, you know, help other people be better. That's Better than you you found them.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That brings me back to RISE because I love the RISE community. If the for those of you that don't know the Rise community, it's it's an online community. You guys can probably describe it better than I can. I'm I am a part of it, but but what's cool about the Rise community is, first of all, these guys are very active in it. Not only are they active, like, themselves in there and commenting on, actually bringing up different conversations, just initiating conversations, but also commenting on other members and just collaborating with each other, and additionally, bringing in great resources your own personal growth and your own business growth.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And Mhmm. And it's literally I was actually these guys came in. Okay. I got these really cool sneakers last time that

Drew Beech:

That was I gave it to them.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I was so stressed out. I wanted to give them something when they came, and I really wanted to get them this fountain with I I envisioned that somebody can make it for me. Like, a fountain that had a a continuous drip that made a ripple effect. That was my vision for you for my gift for you because because that's what fuel hunt is, and that's what Rise really is. Is it's Drew and Joey are like this continuous drip on this beautiful pond, and it ripples out.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And, you know, so that. Yeah, the

Drew Beech:

key that comes call you every morning and just get your my positive information from you. Like, I would feel so much better.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Happy to voice memo you

Drew Beech:

every day. Like, please Alright.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I got you.

Drew Beech:

Speaking of Pedro's, Joey and I signed up for his thing years back before we were ever

Dr. JJ Thomas:

The that the

Drew Beech:

Where you got

Dr. JJ Thomas:

the m m thing?

Drew Beech:

You got

Dr. JJ Thomas:

a voice mail.

Joey Rosen:

This was, like, 2 this was, like, 2,000, like, 16, he did this thing where every month So every day. Or every every day for, like, 90 days, you got a voice memo from

Dr. JJ Thomas:

him. That's awesome.

Drew Beech:

And I just looked forward. You made set up that service.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I'm gonna do that. Yeah. That's actually great. I started voice memoing more since Pedro's. Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's so much faster.

Joey Rosen:

I'll be honest to you. Like, Bee, I know you're listening. He started me on voice memos. He sent me a voice mail once.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I was

Joey Rosen:

like, what is this sorcery?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Me too. I was like, what the heck? I just taught Eric. I'm like, you know, you can save that, and it can actually and he's like, you know, it's this whole Yeah. It's funny because, actually, my husband and I went through, a phase where we would we didn't we weren't I didn't know Bedros yet.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

We didn't we would text each other, but we were, like, not actually, it was when I first started my business.

Drew Beech:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

And I feel like we were we were not seeing each other a ton, and we needed we needed some relational

Joey Rosen:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

Connections. And I would and I can't I I was like, let's start texting each other once a day. Like, at least once a day, something positive that we like about each other. And we just went through this, like, for 30 days or so. It was like, it could be the next 30 for 30.

Drew Beech:

Is it?

Joey Rosen:

Do that with my wife?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's awesome.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Awesome. And, like, even though it was sort of a planned force thing, it was amazing. You know? Oh, yeah. Absolutely.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So, yeah, it's good stuff.

Joey Rosen:

So you said that we would be able to describe RISE better than you, but you did an amazing job. So I don't know if we could Exactly.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I love RISE. I mean but but what I can't describe and so you guys will have to see for yourselves is is just how powerful the community is, you know, and how how vast it is. Like like, I am one personality type, a unique personality type, but there's thousands of unique personality types on rise. And so what's even cooler is, like, you know, it's not like the high school click thing where, you know, I am only friends and friendly with people that are just like me, but, like, people that are from very different areas, you know, employed, like, jobs, family environments. We're all the same.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's so cool.

Drew Beech:

We like to say united in hard work.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Yeah. United in hard work. What you what you feel is everybody's so different and not all of us believe the very same things. Right. We have different beliefs,

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

of us. But there are, 11 things that we all believe and they are the rules of the few and that's what unites us in there. So you may see somebody that looks different than you, that has a different, you know, religious ideology, that lives, you know, on the other coast or whatever. But what bonds us all are the rules of the few, that code of conduct. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

You know, so yeah, if you want RISE, it's our private community. You did a great job of explaining it, so I don't need to explain it anymore. But what I will say is, you know, it's one thing to be in the community and rep the few with the gear. It's a whole another level. Like, the people that are in RISE, our community members that are in RISE are at another level of commitment

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

To personal and professional growth, really.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I think it's true.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. One common theme I hear from a lot of people is that they were tired of being the smartest person or the hardest worker in the room. Yeah. Like we said in the beginning of the show is that and if you're working a typical job or for a company in today's society, you might feel alone. Right?

Drew Beech:

You might feel like you don't think or work like everybody else, and those are the people that are in RISE.

Joey Rosen:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

Well, I think 2 things there. A 100% agree. Like, when you're when you're actually, I think that's we talked about this when I was on your show is that is that when I found you guys, it was because I was feeling I was feeling like people who were like me, who who wanted to restore the dignity of hard work, were honestly afraid to talk about it. Like, everybody was afraid to be actionable at that time when I came across you guys, and I was so thankful that I wasn't alone in that. So that but then the other thing that you just made me think of is, you know, anyone that has kids out there and you're trying to figure out, like, where, you know, your kid has an opportunity to train with, you know, a more elite group, somebody this group that has high standards and is gonna really focus on skill and technique and and and that's a goal that your child wants to get better at versus, you know, going with the if the goal is social and the goal is not technique and things, then maybe the the other team that's less technical is is a good fit for them.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yep. But, like, when your growth mindset

Joey Rosen:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, you guys are, you know, promoting and lots of the few are promoting, it's it's more cultivating to be around those that are like minded that way.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Every, every member of the few, they have three things in common. They're in the gym, you know Mhmm.

Joey Rosen:

In some way, shape, or form, jujitsu, strength training, whatever. They're growing, so they have a growth mindset like you just mentioned. And the third thing is they've gone through some ish, Like, they've gone through some things in life. You know, they're the 3 things that when you look at any community member Yeah. And I meet anyone on the street, I know about them.

Joey Rosen:

I know they're training some way. Yeah. I know they wanna be better. They wanna grow. Mhmm.

Joey Rosen:

And I know that they've they've taken some licks. Yeah. You know? They've had to, you know, climb over some obstacles

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

In life. So there are there are 3 things, and that's exactly what you find in RISE. So no matter, like, how you're feeling on any given day, you could be having the best day ever, the the most challenging day ever.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

RISE is a great home for you because not only are the strategies there, but the support's there.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I was just thinking that as you said that because the other thing I love about RISE is the the support you get, it's not pity. Like, there is no one on RISE that I've ever seen wallow for like, you know, there's no value really to sitting there and, like, it's Okay to be like, man, that sucks. Let's move on. But, like, they're all going to be like, all right, that sucked. Here's this resource.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Here's this resource. Like, let's let's build you up. It's all about the build up. It's not about the it's not about, you know, perseverating on the on the knockdown.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. The the the pity party is never a fun party. You know? And a lot of times what I see in Rise 2 is when somebody does come with that type of energy and they're like, today sucked, but this is what we do and we're gonna move forward. There's a lot of Rise Eagles that come out and they say, hey, look, like, I've went through that same exact thing.

Joey Rosen:

Yes. And I've actually come out on the other side and here's how I did it or here's how it feels to come out on the other side. Like one of those two things and the person that originally made the post, they're like, that's exactly what I needed. They needed the support, but the hope, like the confirmation and the hope that like, okay, you did it. I can do it too.

Joey Rosen:

And there's brighter days on the other side of it. Just because I had one dark day doesn't mean I have a dark life.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's right.

Joey Rosen:

You know? Very cool.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. It's support, not sympathy. Well, you might get some sympathy, but that's not gonna stop.

Joey Rosen:

60 seconds. Exactly.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's my kinda yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. Do you guys feel like I know you talked about when you when you first started, you know, the the community concept of Fuel Hunt.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

There was this struggle with your your current state and feeling like you aren't meeting your own purposes. Were there any other obstacles that you feel like in your personal or professional life that really helped shape your your tendency towards growth? Like your, I know that's sort of

Drew Beech:

a 1, a couple of things for me. Right? When you start to grow and get into the personal development space or personal growth space, you start to feel different, right? You start to get hate. You start to be judged and you start to feel alone because when you start to skip a drink or skip a happy hour, everyone likes to say, like, oh, you're too good for us now.

Drew Beech:

Like, oh, you're not you're not drinking, or, oh, you're at the gym on a Friday night. Like, cool. I can't do that on a Wednesday afternoon. Like, you should be out with us. Or, oh, you're not gonna eat at this fast food joint.

Drew Beech:

You're too good now when realistically you're just committed to this better version of yourself. So one thing that was hard for me to overcome is when my friends and colleagues started to treat me differently because I was starting this thing Yeah. That was so polarizing to them. They they thought I thought I was saying I was better than them. Realistically, I was just saying I I felt differently.

Drew Beech:

I wanted to work for something greater than myself. So it was hard to start this with Joey because I would hang the the flags and the banners in my office or my gym, and I would just get comments and looked at differently or just jokes. Right? Like, oh, like, I'm not a pigeon. Like, I'll be I'll be here being a pigeon, right, not an eagle.

Drew Beech:

So that was one part. That was hard growing for me, but I feel like if you don't get the hate, then you're not actually growing.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's like everything. Right? Like, the struggle is part of the process.

Drew Beech:


Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Yeah. I agree.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

But I can see how, like, emotionally, that's an emotionally, that's an even that's a really that is a hard thing because you're letting go you're basically letting a part of you die Mhmm. So that you can grow. Right? You're shedding. So you're for yourself.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. You're you're molting, you're shedding, and not everybody's gonna understand it, and that's okay. They don't they don't have to, and they're gonna project, you know, their own feelings about where they are Mhmm. Potentially, you know, on you and all those funny things happen, you know, and they happened to me too in the beginning, the last, the jeers, all that stuff. But, like, we were very confident that there were people out there like us.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

And we were very confident in our mission.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's awesome. We were

Joey Rosen:

gonna die trying. So we dealt we we dealt with it, and we rolled on. Like, you know

Drew Beech:

It's funny, though, that when you're in those room, it's hard or in those rooms, it's hard. But really, you just start finding yourselves in different rooms with different people that actually

Joey Rosen:


Drew Beech:

Are more successful than you are in a better play further ahead than you. Right?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. From where you wanna be at least. Like, you're just going to 2 different roads. Right?

Joey Rosen:

Yep. Yeah. One one thing, like, we're definitely, like, we know who the few are. We know who our people are. Like, if you're gonna join the community, you can read the rules of the few.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I got them on the fridge.

Joey Rosen:

I know. Yeah. A lot. When I got

Dr. JJ Thomas:

the text, I was like, I love it.

Drew Beech:

A lot of people do. And the magnets would be

Joey Rosen:

of my espresso machine.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I love it.

Drew Beech:

I wish I could say that the mag the fridge mat the rules of the few fridge magnets were this grand plan that we were like, everyone's gonna hang this on their fridge, but they weren't. They were just let's just get give them in order for people to like them. And I looked over the weekend. We we sold because they're a give to our customers

Dr. JJ Thomas:

that we

Drew Beech:

purchased, but they were the our top product for this this month.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. We had a, Drew came up with the idea of a poster, including a poster.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

In every order with community members with the rules of the few. But the poster was logistically a bit challenging. Oh. You needed, like, a tube. Oh.

Joey Rosen:

And then, like, if you Yeah. Yeah. To put the tube, the tube didn't fit in the mailer, so it became, like, a shipping thing. So we're, like, how can we figure this out? So then we sat down.

Joey Rosen:

We're, like, let's do a mag.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

The magnet's great. You know

Joey Rosen:

what I mean?

Drew Beech:

So I remember I had a vision that everyone would frame the the poster and put it in there, but really, we're all busy. So Yeah. That that's my

Dr. JJ Thomas:

pride. Good.

Joey Rosen:

So we we know who the few are. Like, you can read the rules on a magnet, but at the same time, we've never been the type to say, like, hey, f you, buddy. Like, if you don't if you don't live by these rules, f you. You're worthless. Like, we've never

Dr. JJ Thomas:

that's not I mean, you know us. A 100% not you.

Joey Rosen:

So, like, we're coming from the place of, like, hey. Here's a different way of thinking if you're up for it.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Take a read. Yeah. You know? So for people to come to us, especially in the very beginning, you'd be like, I'm attacking the day. Do they sort of yeah.

Joey Rosen:

I'm like, oh, of course. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm like,

Dr. JJ Thomas:

okay. I know. Fine. Like, if it's not your thing, just, like,

Joey Rosen:

carry on.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

To me, I just find that, like, it was, like I think when people judge, it's normally their own insecurities. Right? So

Joey Rosen:

I mean, I get, you know, I get it. We're doing something different. Mhmm. We were blazing a trail, especially at a time

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

As we were a couple years into it, a time where it was not popular. No. Arguably, like, people are always surprised to say, like, I get, like, I I get emails that are not friendly people.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I am so surprised.

Joey Rosen:

Like, replies, like, that are not friendly. Like, some borderline some borderline, like, you know, like, dangerous.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Yeah. Now it happens it just it it's not every day. Like, you know, I'm emailing 3 times a week Right.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

You know,

Joey Rosen:

in the community. It's not every day. It's not every week, but every once in a while, I'll get one, and I'm like, yo, bro. Like, it's cool. Like, if hard work's not your thing, you're not gonna, like, threaten me.

Joey Rosen:

You know what I'm saying?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So What do you do? Do you write back to that?

Joey Rosen:

I do.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. I

Joey Rosen:

always do. And Drew will tell you I

Drew Beech:

hope your day gets better.

Joey Rosen:

Drew will tell you.

Drew Beech:

That's true.

Joey Rosen:

And Drew will tell you, I did the same thing, early on with comments, you know, on social media. I reply and I speak, hey, look. Like, we're here for you. Like, I hope your day gets better. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

Again, here's a little something, not like in a dick way. Yeah. Not like

Dr. JJ Thomas:

in a video.

Joey Rosen:

I'm giggling. This

Dr. JJ Thomas:

is something else. I'll tell you.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. But, you know, like, hey, look, like, sounds like you're going through something. Yeah. Hope your day gets better.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

If this isn't for you, it's totally cool. If you think it might be, read through this.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. It's a

Joey Rosen:

different way of thinking.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Love it.

Joey Rosen:

You know what I mean? And literally 9.7 times out of 10, I get a reply back, and they're like, sorry, bro. I do really like what you're doing. Oh, it's

Dr. JJ Thomas:

so good.

Joey Rosen:

I was having a bad day, and, like, I just didn't wanna hear it today.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Well, and, like, I get that. They probably didn't even think that you'd respond. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

Probably. Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

To be honest, like, that's what's so rare about you guys is, like, they probably didn't even think you were getting them. They probably didn't think you were writing the emails, and they probably didn't think you were getting them.

Joey Rosen:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

But they don't know you, and now they do.

Joey Rosen:

What I was giggling like that. No.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

But what I was giggling about is when I was a kid, talk about impressionable moments. I remember my mom, my family's from New York originally. And so, my mom was a single mom, raised the 4 of us, and so we would drive to New York pretty much every weekend to go see family. She's one of 10. We had a big big family.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Mhmm. So one weekend, we're driving to New York, and my mom was, like it was before E ZPass. Right? So we were, like, getting ready to go through the toll, and the toll closed. The the lane closed.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So she, like, quickly went to get over, and I guess she accidentally cut somebody off. This guy was so mad. He was his horn, flipping her the bird, like and my mom was just like, oh my god. So what she did? And I was like, mom, he's very upset.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And she's like, it's okay. We go to the toll thing. She paid for him. Yeah. And and so she was like, listen.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Can you please just I didn't mean to cut him off. I'm gonna pay his toll. And we and I looked in the rearview mirror, and the guy was so confused. Like, he he could not fathom that my mom but it's that. It's like, you know what?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

You're having a bad day. Let me just

Joey Rosen:

here It's a level set.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

This will make your day better.

Drew Beech:

I don't wanna take credit for this, but I heard somewhere that it's pretty much impossible to meet love with hate. So if you're receiving hate and you give love, they'll most likely give you love back.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. I think that's right. I think that's and it's not easy to do. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

But No. No. I mean, the way I look at it is, like, if we're composed and common off and we have that level of self awareness to bring that to a situation Yeah. We we that's our duty. Like, we should absolutely do

Dr. JJ Thomas:

that because you

Joey Rosen:

know what we did? We just essentially created another community member. Yeah. Most of the time.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's true.

Drew Beech:

And one thing we've done since day 1, and this I'll give Joey credit for this, but he's had to be one time. We're building building bridges, not trenches. We're not looking to divide people in a world that's so divided. Like, on Instagram and social media, there's so much effing hate nowadays. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

And even in the content people create, they're literally just shitting on other people. Right? They're

Joey Rosen:

Every every brand guru out there is gonna tell you, like, be polarizing. Like, find the topic that's going on right now in the news and put your spin on it and be polarizing. And I'm like, look. Like, I'm sorry

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

But that's not who we are. Like, you know, we're just not trenches.

Drew Beech:

100%. We're never saying you can't fly with us. We're just saying you have to put in the work if you want to fly

Dr. JJ Thomas:

with us.

Joey Rosen:

Here are the rules.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

Slide them across the table. Well Just take a read. Yeah. Let us know how you feel. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

If you're ready to live just at least one of them just today

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Just one rule just for today, come on over to our side.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I love it. That's awesome.

Drew Beech:

Is your mom like you, Jojo? I feel like Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Your mom is I mean, I think I'm like her.

Drew Beech:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. She's she's pretty I she's

Joey Rosen:

Tolbo's story tells us.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I mean Yeah. She's pretty smart.

Drew Beech:

Explains how you became the way you are.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

My mom's hilarious. We'll talk more about my mom someday.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

I would love to know.

Drew Beech:

Can we could she be in here the next time?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Let's do it. She's in Florida, but we could do it.

Drew Beech:

Florida. Okay.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Well, she'll be up. Oh my god. That'd be so fun.

Joey Rosen:

Be amazing.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

She's really cool lady.

Drew Beech:

Wear our stuff? Is she one of the few? Or

Dr. JJ Thomas:

She does. Okay. How amazing. She loves the average is the enemy shirt. She is so funny.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I mean, it's so funny because I don't I would tell her, like, she's like, what? Same kinda thing.

Joey Rosen:


Dr. JJ Thomas:

What's that shirt? And I'm like, oh, average is the enemy. This is my friend's mom. Like, this is how they roll. And she's like, I really like is the enemy.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

This is my friend's mom. Like, this is how they roll. And she's like, I really like it.

Drew Beech:

And so I actually got I

Dr. JJ Thomas:

shouldn't I'll take a picture. I got her that shirt after the accident. Mhmm.

Drew Beech:

Oh, yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Because I was I wanted, you know, I wanted that vibe for her. Like, I was like yeah. So, yeah, she's a cool lady. Yeah. Well, I guess one last thing I was gonna ask you guys, and then we'll wrap up, is any and we've kinda covered a lot.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So if you guys haven't learned anything so far, I don't know what to tell you. But if you are if if if there are PTs out there who wanna open their own clinic, and I know you guys aren't PTs, but you certainly have a lot of experience in the world of, like, building a community. And I think, really, that's what building your own business regardless of whatever whatever it is is is, like, the community. Yeah. So is there any advice you would give to PTs like me who wanna build their own practice?

Joey Rosen:

Like, looking to make the leap in Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Practice. Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

I gotcha.

Drew Beech:

I'll take a couple of if you want original quotes. Right? To risk is to live. If you're to risk nothing is to risk everything. Right?

Drew Beech:

So take that jump, but when you do, just know that it gets hard.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

And you

Drew Beech:

have to be willing to work really effing hard to get to where you want to go. And the only people that make it there are the ones that refuse to quit. Right? You have to be willing to work really fucking hard and refuse to quit and wait long enough to get there.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Drew Beech:

So I would say all of that, and then just keep going and keep growing.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I love that. Did you guys was it you guys recently it wasn't that recent, actually. It was probably a month ago. Somebody, I think it was you guys, posted something like like the the people who quit didn't realize how close they were. Mhmm.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Like, was that it might have been you guys. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

The one I put up was you're closer than you think.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Yeah. Exactly.

Drew Beech:

That's always an image you see on online too. The guy digging for gold or diamonds. Yeah. The one guy walks away, but and he doesn't realize that he's actually 1

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Of course.

Drew Beech:

One stroke away from getting to goal.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's cool.

Joey Rosen:

It's like the, mirrors on your car, objects.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Are closer. That's so good.

Joey Rosen:

That's, like, always what I think about, like, visually

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

When when I hear that. Yeah. I would I mean, definitely to risk is to live. I would say, I'll I'll give them 3 things. 3 things that I've learned along the journey.

Joey Rosen:

Best time to start was 5 minutes ago. Like, just stop waiting.

Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Like, waiting is the the worst human habit. Like, just stop waiting. The best time to start was 5 minutes ago. The second thing I'll say is it's going to feel like you don't have time, but you do. You just have to remove things from your life.

Joey Rosen:

Mhmm. So, you know, rewinding all the way back to what we spoke about earlier on in the show, subtraction will be involved. You're going to add this new business, this new venture, this new purpose, this new impact you're gonna have on society, you will have to subtract things.

Drew Beech:


Joey Rosen:

So, you know, you're gonna have to subtract the drinks. You're gonna have to subtract the parties. You're gonna have to subtract hang with the homies that don't really support what you're doing anyway. You're gonna have to subtract some limiting beliefs from your mind and do the work. Like, there's gonna be a lot of subtracting Yeah.

Joey Rosen:

To make the time. You have the time. You just need to subtract some things. So So that's the second thing. And then, the third thing I'll say is we are in an unprecedented time.

Joey Rosen:

Like, I don't need to tell anybody this, but I have to tell everybody this. Information is so free and plentiful. Right? And even if it's not free, the investment that it takes to gain the knowledge and information you need to succeed is is minimal. Like, talk about primal university.

Joey Rosen:


Dr. JJ Thomas:


Joey Rosen:

Right? Something like that. Yeah. Right? The resources from people that have been there and done it and do it well, like yourself

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Thank you.

Joey Rosen:

They're there. Yeah. You know, this is not a time that I lived in when I started my first business Right.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Or when

Joey Rosen:

I've I was at the library learning how to be a programmer.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

I love it.

Joey Rosen:

You know, now you can go to a boot camp for 2 weeks and learn how to be a programmer. I was at the library I know. Reading books on programming. Like, information is so plentiful. Most of it is free.

Joey Rosen:

The other resources that aren't are worth it, so invest in them.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's awesome. Time collapse.

Drew Beech:

There's never been a time where you can get in contact with someone like JJ who's successful in what you want to do Or, like, a bedroze where you can literally just make an investment and be connected with a multimillionaire that's Yeah.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

So true.

Joey Rosen:

Insane. So those those three things, I feel like they come up everybody I speak to, they're like, I wanna start my own gig. You know, a lot of people, that we speak to now in the community are in RISE, and they can schedule, like, 30 minute calls with us in RISE. Right?

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Love that.

Joey Rosen:

So a lot of them are starting businesses. Like, that's what we're finding. There's a lot of entrepreneurs. Right? And those are the 3 themes.

Joey Rosen:

Like, I don't know how to do it. Okay. Well, you need skills. Right. And information is free and plentiful.

Joey Rosen:

Right? YouTube YouTube University, like, if you don't have the funds right now, YouTube University for a solid week and a half. You can learn something that's gonna make you proficient enough to have the confidence to take the leap.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

It's awesome.

Joey Rosen:

Don't wait. Start 5 minutes ago.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

You know what I mean? Good. Really valuable. Yes.

Joey Rosen:

Yeah. There are 3 things that I would leave.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Thank you, guys. Yep. Thank you so much.

Joey Rosen:

Thank you for having us. This is amazing.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Happy new year.

Joey Rosen:

And I'll be back because I gotta get work done.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

And now I'm gonna gonna do some work with Drew. I'm gonna

Drew Beech:

be able to squat freely.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

That's right. Next podcast, Drew's gonna do in an entire squat the entire time.

Drew Beech:

Squatting. That's right.

Joey Rosen:

Am I My sweeps my sweeps are gonna get better. View and My sweeps are gonna get better. My upsweeps are gonna get way better.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Let's go. Alright. Well, thank you guys again.

Joey Rosen:

Thank you.

Dr. JJ Thomas:

Thank you to all of you for listening and tuning in. Like I said, if you don't know these guys already, I'm sure you'll be tuning in. And I'll see you maybe on Fuel Hunt Rise. And, otherwise, I'll see you next time on the podcast.