Beyond The Outpost

Welcome to Episode 7 of the Beyond the Outpost Podcast, titled "Building for Generations," with your hosts Jordon Good and CJ Shaw. In this episode, we explore the importance of creating a lasting legacy and the principles of building a strong foundation for future generations.

Join Jordon and CJ as they delve into insightful discussions on:
- The significance of legacy in our personal and spiritual lives
- Biblical principles that guide us in laying a strong foundation
- Practical steps to ensure our actions today positively impact tomorrow
- Inspiring stories of individuals who have successfully built enduring legacies

Tune in for an enriching conversation that will inspire you to think long-term and act with intention. Whether you're looking to make a difference in your family, community, or beyond, this episode offers valuable insights and motivation to help you build for generations to come.

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What is Beyond The Outpost?

Welcome to "Beyond the Outpost" Podcast!

Join the adventure with us as we explore the depths of personal growth, inspiration, and purpose. Hosted by Jordon Good and CJ Shaw, this podcast is your guide for navigating the path to becoming everything you were created to be.

Each episode of Beyond the Outpost features stories, thought-provoking ideas, and actionable steps to help you unlock your true potential. If you're seeking motivation, guidance, or simply a reminder of your inner strength, this podcast if for you.

Join us as we dive into the stories of individuals who have triumphed over adversity, discovered their passions, and embraced their unique calling. Through candid conversations and insightful reflections, we illuminate the pathway to self-discovery.

Whether you're at a crossroads in your life or simply seeking inspiration to fuel your journey, Beyond the Outpost is here to accompany you every step of the way. Tune in, subscribe, and let's go on an adventure together.

Jordon Good (00:00)

had polos on this where I've asked you very blunt questions about your view on me from the outside. That's not easy to do, but it came after, I don't know if I ever explained to you where that came from, really where it came from was you will know them by their fruit. So I'm constantly like, am I bearing good fruit for the kingdom? And there's areas where God's growing me in that, but having that outside view and then having a Nathan in your life.

I love it because Nathan is, okay, I need to approach David about this. And he goes in and I mean, can you imagine like, I talked to somebody and they're like, well, Nathan knew he was a this and that. I'm like, that's not what I read because when you read it, Nathan's like David in the middle of it, he pauses. He's like, I want you to just remember that this is the Lord's words. This isn't my words. This is the, like he's pauses in the middle of this reprimand. That's not a guy who's like,

I'm the priest and I am anointed and I am delivering the Lord's words to you and you will listen to it. That's a guy who's like, this guy could kill me and I do not want to do this. Any prophet or anybody that I've known that's had to deliver a hard word has not wanted to do it. So whenever somebody comes up to you and like, I have a word for you, I wish people would be like, some people do this. I wish they would be like, you've been on my heart for like a month and I've been praying about this and I really don't.

know if this is for you, but I want to share this with you versus like, I have a word for you. I'd rather know that you struggled with it for three weeks. I'd receive it better. Take two. Wow. That was really loud. Take two. So we just recorded an hour podcast. Actually, we didn't record.

We didn't record. We got it on all the cameras that don't have good sounds. Welcome everybody to the second episode of the sixth episode of Beyond The Apples. Second take. We literally just recorded an hour and 15 minutes of, and I'm telling you, it was bomb. That was so good. And lo and behold, the God was sitting there going, this is for you too. Yes. That was just for us. And you know what, TJ? I needed it. Yeah.

So you all missed it. It's recorded on the iPad, but the audio is connected to this camera. I deleted it. And you deleted it. The Holy Spirit will continue to reveal. That was a good hour conversation that you and I both needed. And it would have been really good for the rest of you, but we trust that God. my gosh. Trust. You said it. So if you were wondering what our topic is this week, it's trusting God. And we just went down some awesome rabbit holes there.

Sometimes all you can do is just laugh and go, all right, God, I'm trusting you. He knew what we needed. And, yeah. I was not expecting this day to be as wild as it has been. And that is just another one of those things where God's like, I know exactly what you need. A good old conversation. And you guys need this. And so I thank you for the last hour of brotherly.

love and inviting the Holy Spirit into just completely minister to each of us in many different ways. We are hiring interns. We need an AVLT. We need some help. So if anybody wants to come and volunteer to help. Hey, honestly though, anybody with some social media skills, tech skills, we are trying to, this thing is taking off. I'm a dumb ditch digger. I'm a dumb ditch digger.

So anybody who has tech experience, we would love to help. Yes, but you're pretty good at digging ditches. Yeah, right. No, but it's all good. It's all good. All right. So slight recap is that I have to condense some things. We're going to just continue with maybe we'll just continue where we were going to let off until you realize that we weren't recording, which was Matthew 12. Go back. Let's go. Here's where we were about ready to. This is where we were about ready to go. And then we realized that we didn't record anything.

And everything that we had just discussed was leading to this point. So this is where we're going to start. But before we do that, are we recording? We are recording. Okay. All right. Well, welcome back everybody. We are excited for, yeah, just what God is doing here right now. And thank you guys for all the encouragement. Thank you for, yeah, just the seeds of encouragement. stuff like this is not easy. I didn't know.

Neither did you, I think what would be going into a podcast and the testimonies and some of the warfare and all of it. And, I, we're just enjoying it. Like the devil hit the record button, just as the fact that we didn't record it and we can laugh through it in a day where some stuff's being thrown at you this week. And, you know, it could be an easy week to not just experience the joy of the Lord and seeing you laugh.

and all of that is just awesome. Good. So we're not going to recap what we just spoke about because it was, it's in the Bible. Just go read your Bible. Holy Spirit will reveal it to all of you. But here's where we were at. I was getting ready to talk about.

I've spent a lot of my life just walking around in this posture of repentance and that's not a bad thing. But there is a side to that where you can slip into I'm a sinner and I'm constantly having to repent. You should get to the point where you start realizing like I actually don't walk around sinning all day long. Like if you're walking around as a child of God and you're like I'm a sinner, I'm a sinner.

Saved by grace. That's true and you are and you need to start understanding that There is a heart of repentance that you need to maintain right when you make a mistake. You need to go and own up for it. Yeah And when you get to matthew 12 here 33 Make a tree good and its fruit will be good when I read that this morning. I'm like my kids immediately. I'm like my kids Raise them in the right environment Make them understand the tree of good and evil

make a good tree and its fruit will be good. As a parent, my whole job is to raise a responsible adult in the kingdom of God. That's my responsibility. Are they going to be an effective force for the kingdom? If they're not, hopefully I can still continue to raise them in that regardless of what age they are. Or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad. For a tree is recognized by its fruit. You will know them by their fruit.

And then I love this next phrase. Everyone's like watch your mouth and watch what you say. yeah Let's just hear what he says right here. You brood of vipers That's about as mean a comment as you can make back in those days You brood of vipers How can you who are evil say anything good for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of a good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him that

This podcast for me, which we have discussed this, about the awareness that is bringing to me of what's coming out of my mouth is my heart being portrayed with my words. And in some cases not, but that's my journey. So I'm okay with it, but I have this tool where I'm like, boy, I'm really hearing what I'm saying. And that's not what my heart meant. And you guys have heard me. I think the one podcast had to correct some things that that's not what I was trying. That wasn't my heart. It came out wrong.

You're a good tree. Like we're walking with the Lord. Like the Holy Spirit is in you. You're a good person. Like you shouldn't be walking around sinning all the time. You're like, I'm such a sinner. I'm such a sinner. So I can't say anything until I'm right. Like, no, you're already right. You're already good. You're a good person because the Holy Spirit's in you. Man, I wish we could go back and talk about the giftings that you were talking about an hour ago, but we can't.

Well, it is interesting because like you get into the letters by Paul and he talks about how like you guys are talking about sinners and stuff and it's like by which I'm the chief of sinners. Right. But again, like we only have a couple of letters that Paul wrote about and he talks about how the closer he gets to God, the filthier his works look. Right. And he has a reference of like, I am by myself as a person. I'm dirt. I'm dirt. Yeah. I'm made from the dirt. I'm going back to the dirt. I'm not a good person. Right. And that's where like,

We have to at some point realize that as before we're a believer, before we're been brought in by Jesus, that we by ourselves are not good. Yeah. Right. We can't earn anything. Our soul ticket is already written out as hell. Right. That is the point that Jesus is making. And then he goes, but I'm going to purchase that. Do you think we know that intrinsically like deep in our soul? Like, do you think that there's something in us that we just know like,

to my own devices. I put this Bible away for six months. I don't pray with brothers in Christ, have conversations with people around me that are like, we're speaking about God and I stopped that for six months. I know I'm slipping into some old habits. yeah. And I, you know, people could be like, well, that's an agreement. No, I just know because I'm not actually walking full of this. You're not putting yourself in a position to be protected.

Or to fight with authority. And then you start slipping out of that, I'm not a good person. I'm not a good tree. I don't have good fruit in my life. Well, hold on a second. No, actually you do because you accepted Jesus and the Holy Spirit is with you and walks with you. Actually, you are a good fruit. You're supposed to bear much fruit and He wants to work through you. So just submit yourself and yield to that.

and watch what he does because as he prunes, he prunes the good branches so they can do what? Bear more fruit. And I think people stay in that other side that you were talking about too long. I don't necessarily think it's too much of like them saying like I'm a good or a bad person or staying too focused on the, I need to repent, need to repent, need to repent.

I think what people fall into a lot though is that they think that what God did on the cross isn't good enough to cover their sin. Right. It's, I don't believe I've been forgiven. Yeah. There you go. That is deadly. Yeah. Right. It's the only like, no. Or I don't deserve it because of what I've done. Yeah. That's the whole point. man. Like, can you imagine what Jesus feels when people say that? That you're telling me what Jesus did on the cross isn't good enough for you? Like, meanwhile, Paul.

is in prison writing letters that we're all reading now being like, this is the best thing ever. Like, and that was the guy who was directing people to kill Christians. Yeah. And yet God saved him. He believed it. But to your point, as you were talking about, like that, do you know that you're a bad person? Right. I think that as we read in John six earlier, God shows us that like to come to Jesus, God has to draw you. Yeah.

And it's like, I don't think if you're left to your own devices, you're going to be able to tell that I'm a good or a bad person. I think most people think, well, I'm a good person. I don't kill people. I don't do things. They think you're a good people. But to God, it's like, we're all sinners on our own. We're not good people. We're left to our own devices. We're bad people. What about this? So instead of, you know, you walk away from this for six months and you just fall into old.

old patterns. Now that I'm kind of just thinking as you're talking here, I'm really like thinking like if, if I walked away from all of the things in my life that always point me back to Jesus, would I fall back into those old habits? I don't think I would because they were old habits. Like my new habits pulled me away from that. Like God set me free from that stuff. So it's like, there isn't even anything in me where I'm like, I would

Like that's not even a scenario in my mind or my heart where I think that's possible. And I don't know what to say about that. I'm just kind of just thinking out loud. I'm just kind of being a little vulnerable there with that. But I think again, that point too is like what Jesus says is that those that the father has given me, I will not let go. Yeah. Right. He keeps pulling you back to him. You can't escape him. You might fall into a sin for a season. Yeah. But he's right there like the prodigal son. He was in that house to begin with, taking care of and.

was working for his father and decided I'm going to go do my own thing. And he realized this isn't good. It's like you couldn't even outrun him if you wanted to. Yeah. We were talking about healings on our, our first non -recorded episode today, but about healings and how, people need to experience that touch from God. Like once, once you really start feeling that Jesus presence and who he is and start experiencing the person of the Holy spirit and the person of Jesus and who God is.

It's like you could try and run all you want and he's like, no, no, no, you're mine. And now you know it in there, you know it. And I'm going to continue to come after you. And we had talked about purpose. What's your purpose? How do you align with your purpose? And that was so good. I wish we could go back down that road right now, but we're not going to. man. Guys, we recorded an awesome.

Part of our last one of the purpose imagine how good it would have been and then just know it was better and My goodness Ephesians 1 3 says praise be to God and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight in love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ in accordance with his pleasure and will

to the praise and the glorious grace which he has freely given us in the one he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he proposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ. What version do you read? This is the...

NIV. Okay. Then I was definitely in the wrong chapter because I'm like, I don't know what the heck he's read. Okay. Cause I'm in an NIV too. Ephesians one, but it's talking about like before the foundations of the earth was laid, God proposed God knew what was going to happen. God laid it out and knew, man, I don't even know if my mind can handle that. No. I mean, to be really honest, like I've read that and I believe it, but to really think about it, like before the foundation of the earth, you knew me that you and I would be sitting here right now. Yeah.

I can't even, I can't even go there in my carnal, minute mind. It's not a carnal mind, but. It makes you go, wait, like what am I not putting in perspective? Like my life, the things I go through, the struggles I face, the tests I go through, not the temptations, but the tests, the struggles, the good things, the not so good things. Like he didn't know we were going to face those challenges. Right. And yet he has allowed us to go through them. And he's known about it for.

Who knows how long I say 6000. So I'd love to go down that road. Yeah, we'll go down to some CJ the young earth. So we have a we're closing up this barn and the the purple Martins like their generational birds and they build a community and they they are very much so focused on raising the next generation of birds. Okay. I can't even believe that I'm turning into a bird guy. It's like I'm completely like God you must be moving in my life.

I care less about birds, but for some reason these birds, they're the most annoying thing on the planet. And one hand, I'd love to just take a shotgun out there and just start blasting birds. But on the other hand, I'm like, they really are focused on raising the next generation and then they come back next year and they, I guess this is where we're going today. Okay. Generational generational. Okay. Raising up the generations, but keep going. Keep going. So I'm trying to enclose this barn to keep the birds out like, and you open a door and.

they go right, I mean, they are waiting to get in there to make their nest for the next generation of birds. And I grabbed one the other day, because it was stuck in there, and I had it in my hand, and I'm like, wow, these little things are beautiful. They got all kinds of color. And that verse came up where it talks about the Lord provides for the sparrow, the lily of the valley, the beauty of these, like the Lord, that Solomon talks about that. And I'm like, I'm holding this bird, and I'm like, the amount of detail that God put into this bird.

and this bird is focused on one thing. It's not worried about provision. It's not worried about the only thing that bird is doing is its purpose. Make a nest so that my kids can be raised, the baby birds can be raised. Wow, this stuff must sound so weird. Does this sound weird? I keep going. I think I'm sounding weird. I'm like, I can't believe this is coming out of my mouth. But this is what I was thinking. And I'm like, God's got everything. He cares about me way more than he cares about this stupid bird. Like,

This bird is annoying to me and even I'm tenderly caring for it and setting it free. He's got everything. It started to release some things in my heart where I was kind of things I was kind of thinking about and what direction do we go and things like that. And it's like, if you realize that you are way more important to God than anything else, he loves you and cares about you and your situation. He cares about me and cares about my situation. The same. You're not any better than I am. And I'm not any better than you are. Right. And.

That's all of us. So you get these authorities or these people that we think are these amazing things. It's like, no, actually you matter more to him than David Jeremiah. You matter more to him than Stephen Furtick. Right. Like, do you realize that? We don't. We don't. We don't think we're worthy of it. Yeah.

It just made me think as you're talking about these birds that are being generational, that their focus is building a kingdom to share. And the Exodus story, which is just what shocked me through the entire story of the actual Exodus, is that God is giving them commands and things to do. And He always ends it with, so that your generations will know. And the one was the first one that popped in my head was the Passover.

in exodus 12 says on the same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt I am the Lord and the blood will be assigned for you on the houses where you are and when I see the blood I will pass over you no destructive play will touch you when I strike Egypt then it says this is a day you are to commemorate for the generations to come you shall celebrate as a festival to the Lord a lasting ordinance so this is a festival I want you guys to now partake in this festival

Every year, the Passover meal so that your generations know what I did this day. And then when you go out later, the one we talked about last night was the manna, which do you know what the word manna means?

my gosh, I do know this, but now I'm drawing a blank. Tell me. It means what is it? What is it? Yes. That's it. I don't know what it is. I'm so dumb. It is. It is. So like they came out on the ground in the morning and they go, what is it? Man, what is it? my gosh. But my gosh, think about that for a second. The provision in your life. You're like, what was that? Dude, God's like the thing that you've been asking. Well, it's a picture. Like it's a picture of faith too. When you're trying to explain to somebody of like, what is this bread of life you're talking?

What is this Jesus? What is this faith? What is it? Yeah. And you're like, man, a bread of light. Like it's all ties together. It's crazy. But at the end of Exodus chapter 16, you get like this, it just fast forwards to something that hasn't happened yet. And it's in verse 31, the people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey. And Moses said, this is what the Lord has commanded. Take an Omer, which is like two quarts.

of manna and keep it for the generations to come. Right? So now we're putting this in a big vessel and restoring it. Nobody's eating it, keeping it in place. So they can see the bread I gave you to eat in the wilderness when I brought you out of Egypt. So, and if you remember the story, if they kept it, they're supposed to eat everything they can, not keep it to the next day. Cause if you keep it at, except for the weekend, Sabbath, except for the Sabbath, you take two portions. But then there's this portion that's good for ever.

That as long as it's in the altar. So that last passage there is talking about when the altar comes or the

what's the golden thing called? The Ark of the Covenant. When that's there, they put it in front of it and inside of it, and they're walking with it for the generations to come. And their inside is man and that's perfectly preserved. So you can show your generations, the people coming behind you, this is what God gave me, what He provided for you. And yet we don't share with people our lives the way God has moved. God has done things in our lives to deliver us, to provide for us. So let's step out in faith and go like,

That little thing over there, that was even God moving. This is how God moves in my life. God's moving in your life too. Yeah. So. Do you see it? Do you see it? Yeah. I don't know if I sent this to you. The other morning I sent a polo to a couple of people, not the one that we talked about earlier, which was really good. You guys are gonna just be like, where's the other one? That was really good. Apparently that one's not supposed to be made public. So we'll keep that one aside.

But I sent another one and I woke up in the morning with just a different appreciation. It wasn't that I was unaware of the journey that I've been on. I didn't appreciate it. And that's really two different things. And I woke up in the morning and I'm like, man, I am loving this journey as much as it can suck at times. Walking the narrow path is not always fun. Being a follower of Jesus, the Bible is very clear. At times you will hate your life.

It says that that's how you know, you're a follower of me. There will be times where you hate your life. I think that's in Luke 14. We covered that, I think two podcasts ago and I woke up the other morning and I'm like, I really am enjoying the journey because now I see him in the D I'm finally understanding that God is not just unloading blessings on people in big bulk quantities. He's actually in the details leading you to the store houses. He's giving you the keys to unlock these things.

And it's like, it's like you're building a puzzle and God's just like, here's another piece over here. Like stay with me because it's going to click with this piece. And you're like, well, those two things, how did they come together? And when you start treating your relationship with the Lord, like, it's an actual relationship. And one person actually wants the best for the other person. And the human wants.

to be in relationship and union. But when it comes to our worldly stuff, we kind of can veer off. He's always like, no, no, no. I'll let you go for a little bit. But because I love you and because you love me, like I'm going to bounce you back to where I needed you. And you just start seeing God in the minute details. He's such a God of details. He's not in these big things where it's like we're waiting for the next big event. He's always in the little things guiding you. Follow me.

Hey, I'm over here. Like that's why it's so important that everybody is walking in faith. Yeah. That's in the kingdom. So we can't just sit there and just rely on the giant revival meetings. Those things are good, right? Not saying anything against those. Those are good. But if you want revival to happen, you want the kingdom to burst forth, it takes every single one of us to walk in faith and align ourselves with Christ. And is revival, we're just talking about this with a.

named Stuart, he's the youth pastor for Lifeway, and they're doing a youth ministry expansion, a big project, and he's leading the youth, and he's so good. He's got such a heart for youth. I was just talking to him about this revival, and somebody was praying about revival, and I'm like, you know the next revival? And for me, I really believe the time I've spent praying about this and just kind of just letting God

reveal things to me about it. I really believe that this revival movement is happening in the youth. I think that God is using our youth because when the youth, somebody just opened the door. It's all good. When the youth get changed. So these kids go to school and come home and you just listen to parents. They're like, my kid's struggling with this. My kid's struggling with that. You saw the kid that was here today. That was, he was getting a little bit of trouble. I'm like, no, send them one out here. We'll, we'll.

We'll minister to them and put them to work a little bit. When the Holy Spirit moves in a 12 year old or a 14 year old or a 16 year old kid that is suicidal or depressed or struggling with things of the world, most parents that hurts them and they want to fix it. But when they realize that they can't fix it and that kid gets touched by Jesus and Jesus starts healing that kid. And now the parents are like, it brings hope into the family. And she's like,

tell the kids to invite the parents to church. I think that's a weapon in the kingdom, a good weapon that God is using to ignite this next burst of freedom in Christ. Because these young kids, they're not warped by the religious spirit and the systems of religion. They're young. They just want to know about Jesus. And they're just talking about it. And...

Every time I say that there's always one or two clowns that are like, well, that's you and your little bubble. And I'm like, no, I'm aware that there are kids that are in full crazy gangs. I'm aware of all of that. I'm just telling you, I don't choose to focus on it. I choose to focus on the ones that are looking for Jesus. What's he doing in them and how do we help them be in an environment where this can grow more and more and more and encourage them.

Yeah, that always bothers me. People like, well, that's just the way it is in your little world. Like, dude, you could use that for anything. Absolutely. And I think the more that we, we just love on them, but teach them like how to listen and let the spirit guide. And can you imagine that placing not, not like working in a position to try and be like, receive grace and receive gifts, right? See that, but putting yourself in a position that God's able.

to give you that they walk in faith, that they trust God and that, yeah, I'm not trying to earn more grace, but I'm putting myself in a position to utilize it to when God gives it, I can move. And that our focus is more primarily on how can God work in my life and not what can I do for myself? I think crazy things will happen. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting times right now. Yeah. I just think people need to recognize that although life's coming at you,

And there's things happening around you, like start spending time with the Lord and ask him to reveal himself in the, in the details. Cause when you start seeing him in the little things for me, I was waiting for the big things and working towards that and God was moving. But when you can see him in the little things in the little details, like, Holy cow. You're like, if he's paying attention to that, he's definitely got that.

And it takes the pressure off to be this holier than thou spiritual being. It's just like, no, God's working on that area. And I tell you one thing I quit doing was I used to be like the guy goes like, well, everywhere I'm at, man, I've earned it. trap. Yeah. Like I've earned, I'm a hard worker. I've studied, I've done all these things like, man, I have earned where I am at. That's how I've gotten here. I've quit doing that.

Yeah, I've gone explain it more. Yeah, what I've done now is like every little detail where things happen. I'm like, man, God, you're you're moving here, man. Like, I'm not just sitting there, by the way, so I'm doing nothing. Right. Because that's useless. But it's like, all right, God, without you guiding me or giving me the strength to do this, it's not going to happen. Yeah. So I think that's a good way of just going like, all right, let me take my perspective off of me and go, let me see for how God's moving while I do this. Is he moving in there? Is he not?

Do you think there's room in that where I agree with what you just said, like I've earned this or I've said that, made good choices. Like I chose to have one woman my whole entire life. That's a choice that my wife and I made together and there's fruit because of it. I used to think it was a weird thing and now I'm like, actually we made a good choice, but that doesn't mean that we have the perfect marriage and we're perfect people. We have it all figured out. We just made a choice in that area.

which led to other good choices and not being the guy that's like that. Well, I made a good choice my way. That's why I don't have the problems that you have. Well, that's kind of stupid to say versus is it healthy every once in a while to just sit back and just be like, you know what?

Good job, good job Jordan. Not I'm better than anyone, but it's a tough road and you're making tough choices and your family is unifying in Christ. And just look at the fruit that you're bearing because of the choices you make. That is something that I personally, did we talk about it on the second part? You will know them by their fruit. We did, so you'll know them by their fruit like.

That's a great scripture, but it's like, why am I looking at the fruit that you're bearing? I first need to look at the fruit that I'm bearing in my life, and then, remember, I got met to the log and the speck in each other's eyes, but it's okay to look around and be like, you know what, my kids were depressed, my kids were suicidal, now they're not. I'm glad that, God, that we were partnering with you in raising these kids, and just take a minute and just be like, man, I really did come far.

Look, I used to be that guy that was addicted to X, Y, Z. I used to be a guy that was like, I earned it. Look what I did. And now I'm like, no. And that's what's interesting about a bunch of Paul's letters is when he talks about the flesh battling against the spirit, he almost makes it sound like when I make bad choices, it's the flesh. When I make good choices, it's the spirit. Right. And so it's like, yeah, I don't want to lose all the credit because I'm a selfish person. I want to be like, I make good decisions. Yeah.

But can you humble yourself to go, you know what, that was a bad decision and that was my part. That was a good decision. I'm going to chalk that one up to God and just be like, you know, everything I do now that works out well. Thank you, God. Thank you. Spot on man. When I made the decision to have one wife, you know, God, thank you for giving me the grace and the ability to make that decision then and to hold me there. I'm going to say this and we're not going to edit this out. I don't understand these morons that are like, I want nine wives. What are you talking about, dude?

Good luck. Like, sorry. When you said that was a topic the other day, somebody brought it. We were talking about Solomon. Like, yeah. Yeah. Of all the wisdom he had, he's like, I would love 700. Like dude, how did you miss that? Like, yeah, it's amazing. I love the fact that the Bible doesn't hide those tough stories. Yeah. Those things like, and that's one of the things that we proof the Bible on the fact that there's stories in there that are embarrassing.

Mm -hmm, right the women finding Jesus out of the tomb first Noah being naked or Solomon having so many wives David being adulterous. Mm -hmm, you know, it's like okay if those guys Did that? Yet David was a man after God's own heart Okay I'm gonna continue to trust God. Yeah, because Well, I'm not like that Yeah, I've got my own issues, but I'm gonna trust that you've got me

Let's talk about that for a second. I think this is one of those lines that people say a lot. I'm not saying that you are. I'm saying I hear it a lot. David was a man after God's own heart. Well, let's pause for a second and actually process David. David was a mess. But David was also anointed. But in his mess, he always saw, this is what I think it means to be a man after God's heart. I screwed up and I'm sorry.

And I don't want to do this anymore. God, please help me. Please forgive me. Please let me take the brunt of my decision. Do not let it go on through the generations. Like if I will take what I rightfully deserve for the decisions I've made. I think that's seeking God's heart. And I screwed up, but I'm repenting. I screwed up and I'm turning to you, not anything else. Yeah.

I don't think people really understand what that means. I think that's the only way you can sum it up is that no matter the sin that David fell into, his allegiance was Christ, or his allegiance was God. It's the first thing he turned to. Always. And that's the only thing we can hold ourselves to is no matter what I do, I'm human, that flesh is still here that's battling the spirit. I may make poor decisions at some point, but as long as your focus then turns to God, forgive me. I'm sorry.

It's okay. He's going to open it like the prodigal son. He's got his arms open, ready to embrace you and continue to love you and mold you and continue to sanctify you until your time comes. There's a part of, after Bathsheba, it's one of my favorite parts of the story of David, as you read through Samuel and Chronicles and all that is as I was really starting to grow in the

the counsel of many wise counselors and the multitude of counsel and surrounding yourself with people that have fruit and you give them permission to speak into you.

We have had polos on this where I've asked you very blunt questions about your view on me from the outside. That's not easy to do. But it came after, I don't know if I ever explained to you where that came from, really where it came from was you will know them by their fruit. So I'm constantly like, am I bearing good fruit for the kingdom? And there's areas where God's growing me in that, but having that outside view and then having a Nathan in your life.

I love it because Nathan is, okay, I need to approach David about this. And he goes in and I mean, can you imagine like, I talked to somebody and they're like, well, Nathan knew he was a this and that. I'm like, that's not what I read. Because when you read it, Nathan's like, David in the middle of it, he pauses. He's like, I want you to just remember that this is the Lord's words. This isn't my words. This is like, he pauses in the middle of this reprimand. That's not a guy who's like,

I'm the priest and I am anointed and I am delivering the Lord's words to you and you will listen to it. That's a guy who's like, this guy could kill me and I do not want to do this. Any prophet or anybody that I've known that's had to deliver a hard word has not wanted to do it. So whenever somebody comes up to you and like, I have a word for you, I wish people would be like, some people do this. I wish they would be like, you've been on my heart for like a month and I've been praying about this and I really don't.

know if this is for you, but I want to share this with you versus like, I have a word for you. I'd rather know that you struggled with it for three weeks. I'd receive it better. Right, right. I have a buddy, which I hope can come on here at some point. but he talks about that, how he's had many people who come up to him and like, yo, I've got a word for you. If I want to prophesy this over you and he goes, hold on, pump the brakes. If you do, I'm going to hold you to it. Boy, that'll put people right. And he's, he's straight up. He says, I'm, I'm going to test it. Like,

you better be sure that that's from God. And like at the same time, like that even of itself is tough sometimes because you want to encourage and grow people. You want to give them an opportunity to grow. But at the same time, it's like, I'm going to take what you say very seriously. If it's a word from God, this is the part that people miss about prophetic and it, it's such an area of misunderstanding. So people have knowledge, but most people lack understanding. So it's like, you're, you're kind of ineffective. Like knowledge only does one thing.

It puffs you up. You need the understanding to go with it. So, as you learn about the prophetic and you give people room, like maybe, maybe we'll do it sometime with our wives. We'll do just the prophetic prayer night. Like it's so much fun if it's in a right environment and that is the right environment. I'm going to test everything you say. And we just did one recently. we had some people, one person, I didn't even know who they were and they gave some really

good stuff and they don't know anything about us. So it was kind of interesting where it's like, hmm, okay, I'm going to test that and I'm going to see where it goes. And then there was people there that knew us very well, know our story very well, which usually you don't want to get prophetic words from people that know you really well because they know too much. But that's the way this one was set up and we were okay with it. There were some things that they said still, they would have had no idea. And then there was some things that they said where I'm like, we'll see. I'm going to test that.

And through testing it, I'm like, yeah, that wasn't, that wasn't from the Lord. But that other thing they said, I received that. And that's, that's wisdom. Yes. Being as a Christian, knowing that, all right, these gifts are for today, which we talked about earlier, like the gifts from the spirit, they haven't ceased, right? They're still active. The spirits moving. These things happen, but having the ability to slow down, not just take whoever's words are throwing at me and go, yes, amen. This is it. This is great. So dangerous. I hear you. I'm going to take notes. I'm going to write it down.

I'm going to pray about it and I'm going to test them. And if God continues to move, then I'm going to say yes and amen. Or I'm going to leave that one there and keep moving forward. That's wise. If the prophetic word coming at you does not pointing you to Jesus or encouraging you or growing you in the right ways, almost a hundred percent chance it's not from God. Yeah. Everybody thinks they're a prophet till it comes time to be a prophet. I've never met anybody who's prophetic. That's like one of the last things I want to do.

It's not the one you want. I was like, I do not want to be speaking things every year. I know nothing about you. Nope. There's no prophet in that Bible that I've read about yet. That was like, I love my assignment. They're all like, this is the Lord speaking. Like, don't shoot the messenger. Now that's a little bit different than prophesying. We're not going to go into that today. Everyone's called to do that. And prophesying is, it's just the most encouraging thing. And especially when you tie some words of knowledge to it, when you start,

prophesying into things that you know nothing about for somebody and it's like We were actually talking about this, but when we were praying at the beginning of our first round today about Praying into things and people don't get it and then three days later you get a text man That was so powerful and you're like, I literally had no idea what what did I say? Yeah, exactly mind repeating what I said That's how you know when you're walking in submission to the Lord because you're not waiting for that text message, right?

If anybody reaches back out to you about your prophetic word, Hey, was that from the Lord? Why are you calling me and asking me if you're so prophetic? Don't you trust it? That it was the Lord and that he's just going to move. Why do you need me to confirm it for you? You might not be as far along as you think you are in that gift. Yeah. so you're saying like, if I were to text you and be like, Jordan, this is going on in your life. And as I see this happening and, and God is saying that this is going to come. And then a day later I text you again, it was like,

was that from God? I'm going to be like, no, I deleted both those texts buddy. But I would ask you, where did this begin? Yeah. You better have some scripture to go with it. I want to know, did you wake up in the middle? Like, tell me the story about how you came to this conclusion. Because if it is from the Lord, I have to take it seriously. And normally if it's from the Lord, it's going to stretch me and I don't want to waste my time going down a road.

that's going to lead me away from the thing God has for me, but it looks so good. Yeah. And I think too, like the one thing that I've always struggled with with that stuff is like delineating between the word of God and a word from God being like something that we go like the nudges we get from the spirit when we're making decisions and doing things and just like the guidance that you get, that's different than when you get a word of knowledge or something for somebody or from somebody and just trusting like, all right, this isn't scripture that I'm hitting. I'm not saying that I have a new word that needs to be written out.

That's not what that is. I'm saying, hey, God wants you to hear something right now, to guide you, to encourage you, to build you up. It's always going to be backed by something in here. You're not going to hear something that contradicts anything in here. Boy, we could really stir some people up with this topic because there is things where, I'll give a real example. And some people like,

Don't shut down to what I'm saying. Just for, if you're hearing what I'm about to say, don't be like, that's weird, I don't believe in that, yada, yada, yada. Just open your heart up and let God teach you. And if it's something different than this, he might be doing something different in your life. And here's an example.

We were doing a prophetic prayer night recently, and I'm not going to use any names, but you would know some of these men. And if I told you what the names were, you would, I'll tell you when we're done. so as we're starting this, I'm like, I want to be with a couple of guys that I don't know. Cause I really want to like, I don't, I don't want anybody who knows me, but there was one guy who knows me really well. I'm like, I should pray with him, but I'm like, no. So we separate into groups and I run over to this group. I don't know anybody.

And we're introducing everybody and somebody's like, Hey, this group over here is too short. Anybody want to do it? Anybody who knows me, I'm always the guys like, I'll volunteer. I go over to this group. Cool. Introduce myself. I don't know anybody in this group either. I'm like, cool. There it's it's there was a woman in our group and there was a man in a group with women and he turned around and he's like, let's switch groups so that you're not with these guys and you be with the women. It's the guy that I was thought I was supposed to pray with.

that I know very, very well. And I'm like, man, I don't want to, I don't want to do prophetic stuff with someone I know. He knows all, he knows everything about me. We go into prophetic prayer and I'm just, it's a safe environment. Like it's a place where it's like, it's okay to say the thing that's on your heart and we're just going to let God reveal and test it. Like.

man, the things that these, this guy was saying about some of my story, like it wasn't, he was speaking into my story. So for example, he hadn't known that day that we had a very important meeting with some things and it didn't go well, but the favor of the Lord was there. It was just so small. And I saw it. I'm like, all right, God, you're here. But this meeting didn't go like I thought it would go. And I'm like, man, I am just plowing through some really tough stuff here. Like we're trying to do some things that.

haven't been done before in this area. I didn't get a chance to tell him all this stuff yet. He starts prophetically praying. He's like, I see you, you know, plowing and pioneering something new. He's like, you're in a field plowing and there's heavy rocks in this field. And every rock you hit is just like, you got to move it out of the way. And it's like, it's just slow going and it's a grind and it's hard work. And I mean, I'm like, ballin'.

because it tied right into the thing that we're doing with soil and boulders. And I journaled it, I actually recorded it and then I journaled a little bit and I went and prayed about it for a while for the next couple of days. And I'm like, God, if that was you, like start opening up doors. And you know what ended up happening? Some crazy, crazy doors started opening and then another person would pray and there would be some other piece about crowns and all this stuff. And I'm like, I don't, that part I was like, I don't know what all that is.

But I don't shut this stuff down right away. Just because you don't know what it is doesn't mean you just shut it out. That's where people miss the blessing of it. It means you go pray about it. Right. And here I am six weeks later. This was just yesterday. I was journaling. So this guy had said he goes Jordan I see he said something specific. I'm going to keep it probably a little private for now because I don't need to be out there. But he gave something very specific and I'm like.

I don't know about that one, but I didn't say no. I just said, Lord, if that's you, you'll bring it back up in the future. And little pieces yesterday, the scripture started coming up and I'm like, that looks familiar. God, do you have any more? And they're starting, he's starting to put the pieces together with scripture and that's the journey that people miss. They think prophetic and prophesying is like, they said it, it should happen. No, they said it and now God's going to start working, but you want to give up. You still have to have faith and you have to walk.

And you got to look for his guidance. So he starts showing me these scriptures and I'm like, boy, I might be getting ready to go on a real journey. My prophetic over you. They'll be like, I see you debt free in the future. Blah, blah, blah, blah. And they're like, I'm going to go play the scratch off. I'm going to go play the, no, it's like, yeah, get ready to work. I think God has a Dave Ramsey course for you. Right. Right. I think there's some work coming your way, some understanding and some challenges. I see your marriage being healed.

what does that mean we're gonna go through? I think people, they want the quick hit. Quick fix, it's over, it's done, I'm good to go, moving on. That's just the start of it. I would love to...

Well, we'll just stop right there for right now. We'll let that kind of unpack if God wants to unpack it. I'm not opening myself up to any more stuff right now, but if he wants to do it, he'll do it. but there are some cool things coming up, which we had talked a little bit about. So we're going to do the family night here at the farm. I'm excited about that. And, that's going to be open to anybody who wants to come. And we're going to do fri one Friday night a month through the summer.

Where I think what we're gonna do and we're just kind of unpacking this so don't hold us to this I think maybe what we're gonna do is everybody can come and Maybe like maybe you give like a little 10 -minute mini sermon just if you like to Just something short and sweet and then we're just gonna let people go 10 minutes are gonna be hard That's why I want it to be 10 minutes challenge me. It's gonna be a challenge 10 minutes. Yeah 10 minutes or less and then we're gonna let people go and just enjoy the night.

We'll have some fun and it'll just happen naturally. If somebody has a question about something, God will pair people up. My heart's desire for this is that it's everybody. I don't care if you're Catholic, I don't care if you're Christian, I don't care if you're an atheist, I don't care if you've got a thousand tattoos, I don't care if you're divorced, I don't care what you are. I think it's healthy for all of us to start coming together and unifying in Christ no matter where we're at in our journey. And I really, that's my desire for it.

I know that's your heart for the kingdom as well and your wife and I'm excited. I've been, we've been talking about it for a while. Well, now we gotta go take some action. So, so with that, what's the one thing, one, two, three things, whatever we can work on this week. I think this week is a week for people to just slow down and really do some self awareness work. Where are you at in your journey right now? Are you aligning with God's purposes for your life?

Do you even know what your strengths are? I think everyone should just slow down and just think about that and think about how far they've actually come. Think about the good things. Pray for God to show you your strengths and your weaknesses. Be prepared. Be prepared for some people to start speaking up. Yeah. There might be some people in your life that start pointing things out. That's situations that pop up that are going to test you. Yeah. And you just have faith trust that he's going to deliver you through it.

Yeah, and just see where your strengths and weaknesses are and honestly reflect to you and God Where you feel your strengths are where you feel your weaknesses are? Go from there when you do that So let's say you identify only knew only you know what God's saying to you You can try and tell me and in your wife and your friends and your men's group, but only you really really know what he meant It's very hard to articulate what God really is doing in your heart. I don't know why

but there's a knowing of, no, that was for me. It's like God gives you something for you and then it's like, he protects it. It's like, no, that's for you. And you just know, and you can't explain it to anybody. They might get it, but they don't get it. Like the fact that our first podcast today was not recorded. That was just for us. That was just for us. It's a nice little gift from God of just a good conversation of healing. Yeah. We weren't talking about this stuff during that one. It was really good. You guys missed it. Sorry.

when you talk about identifying your strengths. So.

Be aware that God's gonna use people to bring some of this stuff to the surface. But you've gotta be aware of what he put in your heart. So if you know, I'm a really good dad. You know that about you. In my heart of hearts, I'm a really good dad. I love my children. I take it very seriously. And people start coming against that. I saw what you did. You're not really a good dad.

You've got to also be aware that there are going to be people that come against your strength to expose things. You've got to get discernment if you're going to do this because what will end up happening is you'll be like, I'm not strong in that area. No, you got to be very self -aware before you give people access into that. I'm just trying to set people up for what could potentially come at them if they decide to go and do these things. You've got to know who you are in Christ first.

and you've got to know what your strengths are. You've got to know the condition of the soil of your heart. You have to know that. Because if you don't, I'm telling you, the enemy is right there waiting to pounce. Man, I might feel my heart pounding right now. Well, I think that'd be a good place to reconvene with people next week is, what is our purpose? Yeah. Well, we covered that the first round. Well, I guess you guys are going to taste it next week. Yeah. But we will. We'll go into that again next week. Just be like, what is our purpose? Yeah. Cool.

So please give us a like, give us a follow. We're working on our social media. Hey, anybody who's good on social media or cameras and wants to volunteer, we shoot these once a week. it's growing, it's growing quicker than we thought. And, yeah, we'd love to have some help. So if that's you reach out to us and let us know if not, God's got it. It'll all work out just fine. Yeah. Cool. Cool. See you guys. All right.