Popcorn & Plot Holes

Call the Meep "the Meep" when referring to the Meep.

Creators & Guests

Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...

What is Popcorn & Plot Holes?

Movies are fun! Movies are awesome! But movies can sometimes be very, very weird... or just plain terrible. In this intersection of fun, awesome, weird and terrible is where Matt, Luciano, Chris and Spencer live and thrive. They'll be watching the latest FACTS (Fantasy, Action, Comic, Thriller, Sci-Fi) movies available on streaming services and sharing their equally awesome, fun, weird and terrible thoughts on them. Welcome to Popcorn & Plot Holes!

Matt (00:00.419)
Hello and welcome back to popcorn and plot holes. This week, not only have I got the title correct of the show, we're watching a television show.

Luciano (00:10.03)
Look at you!

Chris (00:11.939)

Matt (00:14.115)
Anybody else want to interrupt me before I? Oh. Okay, thank you. That's... Because you call us... Just because you call us important doesn't mean I feel supported.

Chris (00:15.69)
No, I'm supporting. I'm like, mm. I'm supporting.

Luciano (00:16.339)
No, we are not interrupting you.

Chris (00:22.434)
Shut up and do the intro, damn it!

Matt (00:29.023)
As you can hear, Chris from Parts Unknown is back from other Parts Unknown.

Chris (00:34.722)
That's how I like it. Yeah, did you get my message? What the fuck? I spent all this money.

Luciano (00:35.994)
Back from the future, one would say.

Matt (00:40.028)
I don't know what you're talking about.

Luciano (00:41.826)
Yeah, you... Oh no. We're in, we're in a different timeline. This is bad.

Chris (00:48.791)
Oh no, the timelines are branching!

Matt (00:48.799)
Yeah, what? Don't you know that when you try time travel, you create a new branch of time. So you're on the original branch of time where you never showed up on our podcast. And the one where you showed up on the podcast, that's a completely different timeline. So we're never going to find out about that one. We're just stuck here.

Luciano (00:54.574)

Luciano (01:05.766)
This is a great prelude to...

Chris (01:06.19)
I've learned nothing from all my years as a comic book reader and movie enthusiast relating to time travel and TV show enthusiasts specifically, Doctor Who.

Matt (01:16.675)
But also confused, he almost died. That's why he was all dusty when he came back. Confusingly enough, we are actually watching Doctor Who the Star Beasts, so figure that one out. Ha ha ha.

Luciano (01:17.204)
He almost died!

Chris (01:22.018)

Luciano (01:22.241)

Chris (01:27.786)
What? It worked! Yes!

Luciano (01:27.798)
Nice. It's a convergence of timelines.

Matt (01:35.295)
It worked out really well for everybody. Spencer has gone to Parts Unknown. So I think we had to trade his body for Chris's. I think that's how time travel works.

Chris (01:44.694)

Luciano (01:45.646)
Yeah. Also, you know, think of all the losses we could have had. This is, you know, a relatively minor one.

Chris (01:53.09)
So we saved people, we saved, the message saves lives. I like to think about it that way.

Matt (01:53.113)
Yeah, that's fair.

Matt (01:59.135)
It's neutral. It's carbon neutral.

Luciano (02:01.766)
Pfft. Hahaha.

Chris (02:03.756)
What? The value of... Are you saying my life is equal to Spencer's life?

Luciano (02:09.122)
Yeah, that's bad.

Matt (02:09.159)
When you say it like that, it sounds gross. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Chris. Let's just start with this TV show and forget we got down this timeline.

Luciano (02:15.562)
Also, I'm here. I wasn't introduced a project. I don't deserve one, but you know.

Matt (02:21.303)
So that guy's here, whatever his name is. Doctor Who, the Star Beast. Some of us on this podcast currently are really big Doctor Who fans and others of us have never seen an episode.

Luciano (02:22.955)

Chris (02:23.677)

Luciano (02:34.574)
Well, now I have sin one. Nice save.

Matt (02:36.407)
I have only seen one episode.

Chris (02:40.024)
Nice indeed.

Matt (02:40.459)
Yeah, I'm a professional. So let's dive into it. Normally when we watch a movie, we ask a very simple question. What did you like about this movie? So what did you like about this special episode? Luciano, why don't you go first?

Luciano (02:44.901)

Luciano (02:55.93)
Uh, there's a lot to like is very like as someone who prior to this had never even seen anything Doctor Who related. Uh, it's a very charming show. I have to say But then again the british know what they're doing in that sense, but I think if I had to pick I think I think my favorite thing was a very small thing because it's such a It's such a

Matt (03:10.281)

Matt (03:15.513)

Luciano (03:22.502)
good concise example of British humor is when the doctor is talking to Donna's husband and he shows him his credentials or whatever the fuck it's called. That's the one. And he says, I'm the grand master of knowledge. And the guy looks and says, that says grand mistress. And he looks and.

Matt (03:41.034)
Psychic paper.

Luciano (03:50.326)
Like with the driest fucking delivery ever goes, oh ketchup and slaps it I was like, I don't know why but that for that for some reason that just made the whole show for me Just the dryness of the humor there. It was The humor in all of this was really fun. So that was probably my favorite thing is how british it is

Matt (04:09.687)
I mean, that was quintessential Doctor Who wrapped up in the dry British humor, right? Like that's exactly how to do it. Yeah, no, it was a very it was a great way to just enjoy David Tennant being back in the role. This is the Tenth Doctor was always quirky and sort of excited and kind of manic at times. And so that fits him fits him to a T. I got to say, though, and this is maybe not fair and not necessarily positive, but

Luciano (04:15.28)

Luciano (04:32.066)
That well, yeah.

Matt (04:39.939)
Um, good God is David Tennant look old in comparison to seeing him as the 10th doctor, he forget how much time. Yeah. Which is huge, right?

Luciano (04:43.091)
Oh yeah.

Chris (04:46.698)
It was 15 years ago apparently.

Luciano (04:47.682)
Well, that was, yeah, I was going to say 18 years, right?

Yeah, yeah.

Chris (04:55.35)
still him. I mean, what do you expect? At least he didn't. It doesn't look like he's been injecting himself with Botox. Thank God. That would just make it harder. That would just make it so much. Can you imagine if Courtney Cox was a doctor and then like you got Courtney Cox from Friends era when she decided to do a special or like they did like a female doctor and then cut to now? Hmm.

Matt (05:01.411)
That's true.

Luciano (05:18.762)
Yeah, but then you're being unfair because that was 30 years ago.

Matt (05:19.119)
So you're just...

Chris (05:23.306)
So, so.

Matt (05:24.567)
So you just, you came onto this Doctor Who podcast and you just fucking dragged Courtney Cox through the mud.

Luciano (05:30.364)
Yeah. See, this is what happens when he inhabits Spencer's body. He inherits in self Spencer too.

Chris (05:30.779)
You should-

Chris (05:35.686)
No, that's not incel. Bad choices. Get good work. Get good work done.

Matt (05:35.743)
Yeah. Incel, Chris? Bad. Bad choices.

Luciano (05:40.11)
Bad, bad! Yeah, where's the holes? Where's the holes?

Matt (05:43.639)
Why, maybe she shouldn't feel like she needs to have work because of the pressures of Hollywood.

Luciano (05:47.379)

Chris (05:49.73)
So what happened to... We can unpack this. We can go down this road if you like. We can unpack this. Ha ha. Listen, I told you. My statement stands. Yes, we did.

Luciano (05:52.69)
No, we can't! No, this is not about friends or Courtney Cox, what's wrong with you?

Matt (05:53.011)
We don't need to unpack this.

Matt (05:57.939)
We- we moved past- we moved past support in the patriarchy. Luciano got out of his system, and now you need to get out of your system too.

Chris (06:05.106)
Did he? Has nothing to do with the patriarch. That's right, that's what you did. You're complicit.

Luciano (06:05.185)
What the fuck did I do?

Luciano (06:11.299)

Matt (06:12.835)
Doctor Who. Good thing is about Doctor Who.

Chris (06:14.306)

Chris (06:18.999)
I liked the new abilities of a sonic screwdriver, but yes, it does everything it does. It did standard, but I also liked how you can use it as his freaking Jarvis in a way, able to check out schematics. Well, yeah, checking out schematics, assessing scenarios, and then now creating Green Lantern hard light constructs with that shield.

Matt (06:33.175)
I mean, yeah, that's fair. Yeah, I know you're right.

Luciano (06:45.214)
Oh, so that's, that's new. I didn't. Okay.

Chris (06:47.734)
To me, I think that's, to me, that's new, creating hard light constructs. So that was pretty cool. I liked that. And I was really happy, I was happy with the special. Was this, like, it's the 60th anniversary, is this his first episode back? Okay, okay, okay. I thought, my impression going into this was like, it was already going, but okay, cool.

Luciano (07:02.199)

Matt (07:02.586)

Luciano (07:12.89)
What about you, Matt? Was your favorite part the fact that David Tennant is old? Is that your favorite part? Ha ha ha!

Chris (07:18.662)
Oh my god. Little lipo section. Who was his doctor? Yeah.

Matt (07:18.703)
Yeah, it looks great. Honestly, it just looks great for being old. No, I just, I missed, I just missed the idea that.

You can have this sort of Doctor Who special where London's in peril and the doctor can save it in a way that makes no sense whatsoever. Like that to me is just, it's a warm and fuzzy feeling having that happen. And I understand that all the doctors do this, but seeing him come back and just fall into

Luciano (07:47.902)
Oh, you did get that, yeah.

Matt (07:58.787)
Like, you know, he talks about, oh, what's this faceback? What's going on? But he just shows up and does the same thing he always does. Because someone's like, of course, the ship had to land in London. And of course, the ship is going to destroy London. And of course, he saves everybody in London, and no one gets a scratch on their head.

Chris (08:04.407)

Chris (08:13.557)

Luciano (08:13.562)

Matt (08:16.267)
You know, like, yeah, that's how, you know, David Tennant was always, it's just, you see him play this, you know, as much as he's like, oh, I have a new face, but it's like the personality's back in a way that like, you know, I, you know, nothing against the other doctors, I would actually say my doctor is Smith and not Tennant, just because that's where I started. And you kind of, you get stuck to the person you start with, I think. If you, if you pick a doctor, and obviously one episode, I don't think that's gonna lose out on you, if you don't, if you continue forward.

Chris (08:16.519)
Allah tenant doctor.

Matt (08:46.039)
I don't think Tenet will be your doctor just because you watched one episode, but because I watched all of Matt Smith and then once I finished watching Matt Smith, then I went back and watched Ecclestone and Tenet. I was tied to Smith more. And so...

Chris (08:55.084)

You always remember your first.

Luciano (08:59.79)
Well, I think, you know, if I do go and watch it, which I think is a very unlikely possibility, just because there's so much of it. Not because I didn't like it, but because, you know, anyway. But I just like David Tennant as an actor, so that would probably be why I would pick him as my favorite.

Matt (09:05.167)
Wow. Wow, fuck you.

Chris (09:05.406)
Oh my God, we haven't converted you?

Matt (09:17.307)
I mean, I think that's why in the modern doctor who he's sort of the number one of—if he did a poll of all the—from Ecclestone forward, he still would be the person people love the most. And that's not to say that, you know, having Peter Capaldi or having Jodie Whittaker, they are very different people and brought very different things to the doctor. And so there's gonna be people that identify with them just like when Chris, can you say his name properly because I always struggle to.

Luciano (09:25.113)

Chris (09:27.021)

Matt (09:47.407)
Shuri Ghatwa shows up. I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of people that didn't have a fight with him as being their doctor. It'll be interesting to see how that goes. So if you like the way he acts already, because Tenet's been in a lot of stuff, that certainly helps. I gotta be honest with you, I haven't watched a whole lot of Matt Smith stuff after him being the doctor because he picked some weird projects and I'm just not.

Luciano (10:05.77)
Oh, we watched one thing with Matt Smith. Uh, Hahahaha Yeah, fucking echo, echo locate that shit out of my face. Hahahaha

Chris (10:08.495)
Morbius! M-M-M-M-MORBIUS!

Matt (10:08.907)
Well, he was a genius in that one.

Matt (10:14.571)
Anyways, that might prove my point. Yeah. But yeah, so I mean, it was nice to get back to Tenen's shoes and see him operate. You know, you don't ever get a chance to really go back to a doctor. And so it was nice to go back and kind of let him be updated and have all the memories of the people we've all seen and see how they're going to take that. It's three episodes, I think, in total. And this one was essentially a standalone.

Chris (10:17.378)

Matt (10:41.527)
You know, this is, we're gonna spoil the shit out of this, by the way, so I know this is brand new, or it'd be like a week since, maybe a week or two since when you listened to this. But if you haven't watched it, definitely watch it first, because we're gonna blow everything out of the water in terms of the story. But it's a standalone story, but the ending has Donna quote unquote accidentally spilling coffee on the TARDIS, and David Tennant saying the definitely real scientific words, we could end up anywhere in space and time.

So they're going to continue on for two more episodes, whether they will be heart connected on the next one or two, no one knows yet.

Luciano (11:10.671)

Chris (11:18.742)
Did this episode, in terms of like, like Tenant's been, like did this special just air or how long has it been out actually?

Luciano (11:18.895)

Matt (11:27.892)
Do not pay attention to society.

Luciano (11:30.18)
He literally just said it Chris. Like this is way too much Spencer in you. You need to kind of tone it down a little.

Matt (11:35.311)

Chris (11:37.307)
Listen, his essence is permeating my body! UGH!

Luciano (11:40.234)
Yeah, the next thing you're gonna say is, Chris, did you watch this episode? Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Actually, that's pretty good actually. Ha ha ha.

Matt (11:40.283)

Matt (11:45.551)
Did you watch this episode, Chris?

Chris (11:48.159)
I've seen it before you know in my you know like what is what is time you guys am I right

Matt (11:57.149)
Can you do accents that slowly evolve into column or Michael Caine?

Luciano (12:02.838)
Michael Caine or Gollum.

Chris (12:06.342)
All my all each of those impression impressions are terrible. So, you know when you

Luciano (12:13.326)
The fuck, he went to a completely different one too. Yeah. Perfect.

Matt (12:16.143)
Just like Spencer. You're nailing it. This is like Spencer, you son of a bitch.

Chris (12:17.09)
Just like Spencer, he was like, I am Alan Rickman.

Matt (12:23.775)
Perfect. Let's move on and get back to Dr. Who. We've taken enough time on Spencer. So, you know, this story, the standalone story is roughly that he lands on London kind of Christmassy. You know, the specials are Christmastime and they generally tie into Christmas or New Year. So, and he, ironically enough, sees a lady with too many packages. Everybody knows it's going to be Donald Noble. It clearly is Donald Noble. And so...

Chris (12:27.542)
Yep. Haha.

Chris (12:46.678)

Matt (12:51.063)
Listen, were you... I actually don't remember because I knew this, but like... Did they explain it enough for you to understand Dona Noble's backstory? And why he couldn't... With a little like... Yeah.

Luciano (13:01.718)
Yeah, yeah, the doctor does right at the beginning. Yeah, that was a pretty good, like solid recap of it. So like, you know, she saved the world by somehow by taking Time Lords mind into her. And then it was too much for one human to bear. So he had to make her forget. And then he went away. And then I'm assuming Matt Smith came, you know, afterwards.

Chris (13:01.774)
that the opening bumper.

Matt (13:28.683)
Basically, he went on some adventures by himself for a bit. And then he, yeah, he regenerated. Her dad, her dad helped him along the way, quote unquote. Or sorry, her grandfather helped him along the way.

Luciano (13:31.498)
Ah, gotcha. But yeah.

Yeah, so.

Luciano (13:40.046)
Her grandfather, yeah. So yeah, it was a pretty solid, like it gave me enough to understand the stakes. So that was good. What I wasn't ready for was for Donna Noble to be Catherine Tate. Because I hate her.

Chris (13:42.37)

Matt (13:54.491)
Oh, all right. Why, why do you hate her? What's the word for, cause I know why you hate her. What's the word for like, gingers aren't a race, but like, what's the word for gingers hate, hating gingers. I, wow.

Chris (13:56.598)
What does that mean? Okay.

Luciano (14:06.37)
Uh... just scum.

Chris (14:11.332)
No! Bull this man! Bull! Bull this man! Oh, man.

Matt (14:15.134)
Hmm. Boo this man indeed.

Luciano (14:18.298)
However, unlike the reason I don't like you, Matt, her I don't like, it's not about her being a ginger. So this requires a little bit of explanation. My one and only contact with Catherine Tate before watching this was watching her on eight out of 10 cats does countdown, not understanding how to use 99, the number 99 and the number two to make 101. So...

Matt (14:23.141)

Matt (14:37.477)

Matt (14:47.406)
No, no, thank you

Luciano (14:48.99)
That was the only thing I knew of her. And like, the character, when he talks about her in that recap, he's like, oh, she's like this altruistic person who's like a great friend to him. And she's just fucking insufferable in this the whole time. I just I understand you guys probably have some like emotional connection with the character from when she played it before. I just fucking hated her the whole time.

Matt (15:10.648)

Matt (15:16.775)
The thing is, yeah, I liked her, but she also was at times insufferable. So yeah. Like.

Chris (15:23.142)
Yeah, I would have to plus one It was different but go ahead you go ahead I would say Go ahead I mean I can go out

Luciano (15:23.29)
Okay, so it's not just me.

Luciano (15:30.303)
Cause it's like

It's like, I don't... I'm supposed to like her, right? Because, oh, she saved the world and she's the doctor's best friend. We're going to get into this later. Because as I understood it, he had many friends, but apparently she's the best one. And then... Yes. And then... No, we've established yours come, not her.

Chris (15:36.79)

Chris (15:42.508)

Chris (15:48.01)
you know. Oh, we got a word for that in the streets.

Matt (15:52.984)
Wow. Scum.

Chris (15:55.183)
No! Play, uh... Oh my god! Stop fighting, Mom and Dad!

Matt (15:58.634)
Oh, wow.

Luciano (16:04.442)
So I'm supposed to like her but I just couldn't. Right? And it's just, I have to say she has a couple of nice moments that made me laugh. Because she's funny. But like there's when she calls, when she says to him, you know, skinny suit, not, don't work over the age of 35. I like that. That was very funny. But the thing that she said that made me laugh the most was when she calls the me mad Paddington.

Chris (16:08.087)

Chris (16:23.67)
Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (16:30.266)
That got a solid laugh out of me. Hahaha. And uh, but I couldn't like her. Like I couldn't, like she was like Oh she's gonna die, she's my best friend and I'm like yeah fucking die, I don't care. So... Anyway.

Matt (16:31.727)

Chris (16:32.207)

Matt (16:42.315)
Wow. All right.

Chris (16:43.662)
Yeah. For me, it was like, I did, I did kind of, it was a lot. Like, I know and remember Donna, a lot of time has passed. And it was quite a lot, having her just like, come in full force. And, but the thing is, like she used to. Yes, she did. However, I enjoyed it more than.

Luciano (17:03.91)
Did you replay the character like pretty similar to what you used to play?

Chris (17:12.182)
because it was...

Luciano (17:13.956)
You were a young man and you didn't know any better.

Chris (17:17.046)
No, I think it came down to the situations. She was exposed to weird alien situations or the unexplained until it became explained. And every step of the way, she's speaking what's on her mind, but it makes sense because she's exposed to it. But then the way they delivered her in this first intro scene for her, she doesn't even get to see

Luciano (17:22.337)
Oh, gotcha.

Luciano (17:46.47)
The spaceship. Yeah.

Chris (17:46.966)
the alien spaceship, which I thought was a weird choice, because if she had seen it, she could have, I think it would have been more respectful of, I don't know, I guess it's just a choice. Either she doesn't observe it, and this is what happened, or if she did observe it, then like, it's not the doctor. So like, pick a side universe. Are you gonna treat her like an everyday bystander, or are you gonna just like drag it out because this TV show, this episode, you know?

Luciano (18:05.186)

Matt (18:16.467)
Yeah, I mean, in the challenges.

Luciano (18:17.202)
That's fair.

Matt (18:23.955)
It's hard to believe that seeing a spaceship would trigger her into remembering being a doctor because like like, you know London the doctor who is supposed to be like essentially a mirror of our universe and All the things that happen in doctor who they talk about them, right? So and historically You know if london's attacked or aliens come to the earth everybody knows about it and it gets a reference peppered throughout the show so it's not like Things always go back together perfectly right? Like there's episodes where like aliens take over like land and

London, they take over, and then like the Sobermen try to take over all London and he saves the day and stuff. But so the idea that like she's never heard of science fiction and she's never seen like people go to space like in real the real world or like aliens come like they've already like here she Her forgetting isn't like she forgets everything. It's just like she forgets all of her time with the doctor basically, right? So so it's just a weird thing to be like can't see spaceships. Can't see anything to do with science fiction at all Is a bit far

Luciano (19:07.021)

Luciano (19:19.01)
Well, her mom, her mom is like, I understand the despair of thinking her daughter is going to die if she remembers, but like her way of going about it was so annoying. Like, no, none of this is real. Stop, you're not seeing anything. It's like, come on. Like now you-

Chris (19:35.63)
But that was but by but by that point it was too far gone and the mother was desperate at that point like slapping like doctor like great. Okay, it's a fuck out not losing my child makes sense funny. But if you rewind right but if you rewind to the same opening like Christmas market scene and the spaceship descends or crash lands or what descends and Rose sees the space every fucking buddy sees the spaceship.

Luciano (19:38.766)
Well, yeah, not, yeah, but that was... That was a good scene too. Like, oh, here we go again.

Chris (20:04.466)
Rose tells her mom, look at this, why wouldn't you look at your child? Why wouldn't you listen to your teenage adult, whatever child? Why wouldn't you listen?

Luciano (20:13.226)
Why won't you listen to your daughter who's between the ages of 15 and 25?

Matt (20:14.785)

Yeah, probably. Probably. Well, and like her mom has always been un-un-sufferable, un-unsufferable. Like as much as you think Catherine Tate's unsufferable, her mom was 10 times worse. Like she, through the entire run, her, it was her and her grandfather, and her grandfather always believed in sci-fi and space and met the doctor was the greatest thing ever. And so she was like, she liked her grandfather. And so she's like, they were always together talking about it. But the mom was always like, sci-fi is the worst and everything's a lie. And like, you know, one of those like,

Chris (20:18.03)

Luciano (20:29.075)
I can tell.

Chris (20:36.948)

Luciano (20:46.623)
Ah, so Mother and Scully.

Matt (20:47.295)
anti-science, anti-vax people probably.

Luciano (20:50.93)
Oh my god. But that took a turn.

Chris (20:51.658)
Yeah, I don't even remember the mother to be honest. I remember the grandfather, but yeah.

Matt (20:57.295)
So anyway, so like, she's bang on to the character she was and she sucked, but she had a role to play. And so that was fine, right? So like that all makes sense. Danette, yeah. I mean, let's talk about the meep. The meep shows up, the meep, the meep, the meep. The meep is, at the start, the meep is this cute, cuddly, white, dumpy bear thing that Rose finds behind a trash can.

Luciano (21:01.588)

Right, being the nag. Yeah.

Chris (21:12.717)

Beat the meat.

Luciano (21:21.914)
Ha ha!

What a poet you are, my friend.

Chris (21:26.751)
I love that roast fires behind a trash can like a unpolished turd

Luciano (21:29.45)
Yeah, yeah. But now something you said, Matt, actually explained the question that I had, because I was like, everybody's so OK with this fucking alien just being there. But if it's known, then yeah, that's a little bit better. It's not the first contact they have with that, really.

Matt (21:30.275)
You're welcome. That's what I'm here for.

Matt (21:42.451)
Yeah. Well, I mean, that's why unit exists, right? And all through Dr. Who, there's always been like an organization on earth that's in England that's there to protect against. Historically, with David Tennant, it was Torchwood. And there was actually like even like spin off series with Torchwood. And then they've gone through the years, they've kind of shut Torchwood down and they add a new thing and they shut it down. And so now we're at unit.

Luciano (21:47.703)
Yeah, that makes sense.

Chris (21:59.79)

Matt (22:11.135)
as the company or the organization that's looking after the Earth. And so like, you know, like they kind of mentioned, right? Like he was the first scientist in UNIT or whatever. So there's the. Right. Yeah. So it's always like someone like that in Doctor Who's world. So like whenever he's dealing with these things, he always has assistance. And so like the world's not really surprised. They still try to keep it under wraps. Um, but, but in general, everybody's okay with it. So, um, it's pretty powerful, of course, but the MEEP itself.

Luciano (22:12.825)

Luciano (22:19.882)
Scientific advisor or whatever. Yeah.

Chris (22:22.427)

Luciano (22:27.432)

Luciano (22:31.66)

Matt (22:38.139)
It lands and it's super cute and cuddly and talks childish gibberish and everyone's trying to save the meep. And then the meep, when David Tennant decides to pull out a wig and become a... I don't... Well, but he was kind of judged dreading it. Bearster dread, as it were.

Luciano (22:52.962)
What the fuck was that?

Chris (22:54.418)
A barrister? Is it a barrister?

Luciano (22:56.586)
Yeah? Well, here's the judge, not the bearer's turban.

Chris (22:59.202)
Sure, okay.

Luciano (23:02.25)
Yeah, he was judging. Dr. Dred Esquire is what he was doing.

Chris (23:06.062)
Breading it, breading it, breading.

Matt (23:07.919)
Too far. No. Yeah, thank you. I don't know why the bread, we're not, we're not, well, we're skipping it.

Chris (23:11.65)
Dr. Bread Escoir. I'm not letting it go. Barrister and Dread, put it together, gentlemen. No, you're awful. Move on, we've moved on.

Luciano (23:16.074)
Why bread? No, no, that's awful. My brain didn't need this, no.

Matt (23:19.319)
Yeah, but, but like, but, uh.

Barrister is his job just like Judge and Dredd is his name. You don't collide his name and his job together

Luciano (23:29.057)
Yeah. Nope. You don't call him Dread. No. No, you just don't.

Chris (23:30.654)
Yes you do. Okay, I can do it again. Barrister judge dread three equals bludgeon. Suckers! Yes! Forcefully, forcefully.

Matt (23:37.691)
Okay, yeah.

Luciano (23:38.878)
No, no, just, oh, Jesus Christ.

Matt (23:42.231)
better. You know what, I'll take it. I'll take it just so we can move on. I don't want to be here anymore.

Luciano (23:47.576)

Matt (23:50.383)
So he shows up and he brings in the, and everybody stay with me here, the RARF. I don't have a speech impediment. It is W-R-A-R-T-H, RARF. And they, he asks them questions and it turns out they are jailers, intergalactic police. And they are here to hunt down the meep because the meep is a monster. And then the meep shows that it's a monster and goes completely monster mode. You know.

Luciano (23:56.322)

Luciano (24:00.581)

Luciano (24:07.395)

Chris (24:08.878)

Chris (24:13.634)

Chris (24:17.003)

Luciano (24:17.753)

Matt (24:19.559)
I wrote down jokingly, I was like, when's the meep gonna turn? I didn't actually believe the meep was gonna turn. I just thought it'd be a fun twist. I was too cute, right? But I was like, ah, that's fine.

Luciano (24:24.934)

Chris (24:25.602)
Ha ha.

Chris (24:29.068)

Luciano (24:29.355)
It was a fun twist. I copy by surprise, I have to say.

Chris (24:33.058)
They did a good job with the animatronics and the puppeteering. It was cute. They pulled that off. Until it wasn't.

Luciano (24:36.554)
Yes. Yeah.

Luciano (24:41.282)
And it was funny because, you know, you see the meep and it's actually pretty decently made, but then they show the wrath and it's like, holy shit, they're rubber suiting this hard. And the ship, yeah, yeah.

Chris (24:47.211)


Chris (24:53.291)

Matt (24:53.335)
Yeah, they spent their budget on the meep clearly.

Chris (24:57.395)
You know.

Gosh, you gotta appreciate it though. Like they go all in they leaned into the to the roth and they and you're right like they did what they did with what they had and It's fun. That's fun They look like common like it looked like mass rider Japan Japanese taunt common rider And I was like, I'm here for this now kick to me kick him rider kick

Luciano (25:02.55)
No, they leaned into it too. Yeah.

Luciano (25:12.95)
It was fun, I have to say. Even...

Luciano (25:17.418)
Yeah, Kamen Rider. Yes, they look like Kamen Rider. Black Kamen Rider, yes. Yeah. Yeah, I particularly loved when he pulls like the cord is now in session thing and the two Rhyrth guys were like super well spoken and very British. I actually have a question. Why does every fucking alien in this speaks like the Queen's English?

Chris (25:32.14)

Chris (25:36.253)

Chris (25:45.658)
the TARDIS. So when you travel, so the doctor and when he brings humans with him or like companions or like passengers in the TARDIS, the TARDIS sets up a psychic link so that it's essentially like a psychic auto-translate wherever you go, whatever planet.

Matt (25:46.723)

Luciano (25:59.787)

Luciano (26:04.342)
Is this, so is this like the Dr. Who version of the Babel fish from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Okay.

Chris (26:12.694)

Matt (26:13.7)
Yep. Or the Star Trek quote-unquote universal translator. Yeah.

Luciano (26:17.434)
Translator, yeah. The techno bullshit hand wave that we all need. It's fine, okay. That makes sense.

Chris (26:18.574)

Matt (26:25.139)
Yeah. I mean, I Yeah, doctor. That's fine.

Chris (26:25.298)
Yes. Talk to talk to Reggie about that.

Luciano (26:29.199)

Luciano (26:32.95)
Yeah, so I was, it was very fun. That scene was fun too.

Matt (26:33.312)
So yeah, so...

Matt (26:37.891)
Yeah, no, they did a really good job around that stuff. I have to ask about this, because we're not gonna cover it later and I wanna know now. So we find out at the end of the show, Rose, basically was, daughter Rose was born from Adana and we find out that she has a link to Dr. Who?

Chris (26:54.07)
daughter rose.

Matt (27:05.571)
because of him, her downloading the doctor information earlier on into her brain. And the meta crisis thing, I'm not really sure because I thought it was a different time Lord and not him, but that's not here nor there. Anyways, so she remembers all the stuff that the Doctor Who remembers, right? And so that's how she, we find out earlier on the show that she is transgendered. So she picks her.

Luciano (27:11.17)
into her brain.

Chris (27:15.007)

Luciano (27:17.267)
Oh, I've...

Matt (27:32.715)
named to be Rose, so we find out she picked it because of Rose because that was like a big companion for the doctor. And you can't pick your mom's name because that would be weird, I assume. And then we find out all these...

Chris (27:37.198)

Luciano (27:37.998)
Well, I didn't even catch that.

Luciano (27:46.839)
It wouldn't be the weirdest thing in this if she had picked her mom's name.

Chris (27:53.734)
Have you seen the US? Like, what?

Luciano (27:56.659)

Matt (27:58.467)
And, but then so, and another spot they're like, oh, that explains all the creatures she made. Like she's, so she's making little creatures because her mom lost her job. So she's going to sell these creatures online to make money for the family, right? Because they gave her $166 billion. Don't worry about that. It's not important. Pounds is right. That's even worse. And so all these creatures she makes, if you look at them, they're like, oh.

Luciano (28:10.02)

Chris (28:14.443)

Luciano (28:15.003)
Not dollars, pounds, it's even worse.

Luciano (28:23.942)
They're from different eras.

Matt (28:25.911)
Well, no, they're all monsters, the Daleks and the Cybermen. And like, they're, they saw, so like some of them are different eras because they kind of, the looks change over the years, but they're all monsters that Donna, Donna dealt with. And, and so I, it's just like, it's like, oh, that's, that explains so much about the child, but I'm also just like, how fucked up is this kid now that she knows that, like she's 15, that's already dealing with the fact that she's being dead named on the street by the kid she goes to school with.

Luciano (28:27.938)
No. Okay.

Chris (28:30.242)
that Donna saw.

Luciano (28:36.707)

Luciano (28:47.671)

Luciano (28:54.21)
Yeah. And the fact that she is 15, she's a teenager, she has enough problems on her hands. Yeah.

Chris (28:55.626)

Matt (28:55.679)
And now she's got... Right. 100%. And now she finds out she has all these memories of like all the monsters and horrible things that the doctor's done over his career and all the companions. And she's like, I'm just gonna... Like the psychedelic, no, that's the star, the sun, right? That's the sun, that's my bad. But the psychosis or like the damage to her brain, is that why she has to take all these scary things and make them into cutie animals? Because she can't process this shit any other way.

Chris (29:00.023)

Luciano (29:13.674)
That's the sun. Yeah.

Chris (29:14.542)
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. So, it's like a different.

Chris (29:23.65)
That makes a lot of sense.

Luciano (29:24.303)
Are you saying it's the manifestation of her PTSD that she's making those toys? Jeez.

Matt (29:29.112)
Yeah, I guess.

Chris (29:30.058)
One could say that. You know what helps? Getting laid.

Luciano (29:34.243)
She's too young!

Matt (29:34.564)

Chris (29:36.182)
Well, when she comes of age.

Matt (29:38.263)
I mean, I think that at 15, you're allowed to discover things and the safety of wherever you need to be.

Luciano (29:42.59)
I know, but you can't rely on it as a means of therapeutic healing. It's what I'm saying.

Matt (29:46.679)
I mean, you probably shouldn't. That's fair.

Chris (29:49.978)
Wait till she gets the hang of it. It's a great stress reliever.

Matt (29:52.692)
Ha ha ha.

Luciano (29:54.326)
That's the problem though. Until it becomes a stress reliever, it's a stress generator. Well, maybe not for women. No, I haven't been 15 in a while, Chris.

Chris (30:00.77)
How have you been getting laid?

Matt (30:07.671)
Hey, how about we just extract ourselves from a conversation we have no business conducting.

Chris (30:15.562)
know about that but anyways.

Luciano (30:16.077)
Okay fine. Listen you started it, we're just going along.

Matt (30:18.583)
Oh, I'm sorry, you have business, you know about this business? Okay, great. Anything else you got? That's it, that's all you got. Moving on. Well, hopefully, hopefully not too often. Moving on. Luciano, I think normally we do plot holes here and.

Chris (30:23.625)
I was 15.

Luciano (30:24.935)
I was 15 too at one point, a long time ago. I allegedly had sex as well. Allegedly.

Chris (30:28.206)
That's it. Yeah.

Chris (30:39.434)
Not often enough.

Luciano (30:40.667)
Oh my god. Yes.

Matt (30:46.555)
There are a couple, but I think it makes more sense for us to turn this over to you as someone who's not watched a lot of Doctor Who. And see if you have any questions. Because a lot of this Chris and I are just going along with some like, yeah, story makes sense. That's how Doctor Who operates. And so we may have missed plot holes because we're huge fanboys. So why don't you take over the plot hole section of this podcast and make sure we're not missing anything.

Chris (31:01.678)

Luciano (31:02.361)

Luciano (31:09.47)
Okay, yeah, I do have a few things, two real main things that made me go, huh? So the first one is, what exactly was the meeps plan? Because hear me out, I'm going to lay it down and then you tell me, you know, it was a little bit like weird for me. So apparently was running away from the wrath.

I guess who were trying to capture him as the last one.

Matt (31:42.826)
Sorry, the meep is meep. There's no him or her.

Luciano (31:46.146)
I didn't say he, did I say he? That's my bad. Capture them? Capture the? He says his, they say, the meeps, the meep says the pronoun is the, so I'll just say the meep all the time. So the meep was trying to, like the riot were trying to capture the meep. So the meep came to earth and.

Matt (31:48.408)
Yeah, try and capture him.

Matt (31:54.735)
Capture meep.

Chris (31:54.826)
yet. They tried to capture me.

Matt (32:03.867)
Sure. Yep, thank you.

Luciano (32:13.418)
allegedly the ships were firing at each other according to the doctor. So the meep got there, pretended to be nice. I don't understand why. And then when. A barrister dread was doing his thing. The meep decided to just go in off, fuck this, I'm just going to reveal my whole personality, I'm just going to capture everybody and blah, blah. And then when he had.

Chris (32:31.443)

Luciano (32:42.774)
you know, killed the two Wrath warriors and had the psychedelic, the solar psychedelic people surrounding the doctor and the family. The doctor is like, Oh, how do you know the Wrath are not using me to outfox you? You can't kill me because if you kill me, you'll never know and the myth goes, yeah, okay, that makes sense. Hello, can you guys make it make sense for me?

Matt (33:14.451)
Me personally? No. Not at all.

Luciano (33:17.369)
Okay, moving on. No, I'm kidding.

Chris (33:19.205)
I want to it's like the doctor's really usually really good at throwing up a conundrum that gives the villain of the week pause enough to be like oh wait a minute what the fuck did you just ask me actually oh this is this I kind of do want to know

Luciano (33:34.114)
Yeah, that wasn't it. That was a weak sauce gambit. It was very weak gambit. It was like, oh, if you kill me, you won't know if they're using me to outfox you. And the meep could have gone, you know what? If they're using you to outfox me, if I kill you, they can't use you anymore. Also, I killed all the rares, so, uh-oh, here we go.

Matt (33:54.7)
Hear me out. If you eat the doctor, there's no more doctor who, and that's bad.

Luciano (34:03.247)

Matt (34:04.751)
because we like watching Doctor Who.

Luciano (34:06.929)
Oh, so it's like a meta plot.

Chris (34:11.03)
It's Plot Armor.

Matt (34:11.036)
Yes. Even the meep likes watching Doctor Who from their prison cell.

Chris (34:16.096)

Luciano (34:16.279)
Oh, I see. 10,000 years. Well, I mean, there's enough Dr. Who for him to wife for 10,000 years, so. Ha ha ha.

Matt (34:22.107)
Take that bro. It's not that. The BBC lost so many episodes. There's not that much for the Mube to watch. You don't know this story. They lost like a bunch of the a bunch of like the Masters. Yeah, because they didn't have good process and they just taped over shit. Yeah.

Chris (34:29.72)
They lost some of them?

Luciano (34:34.686)
The master tapes, right? Yeah. Even I heard about that. Yeah. That's why there is like a big hole in the middle, right? With the, yeah. Okay, so what you're saying, and let me just see if I got it correctly, is that the BBC is so powerful that even the MEAP doesn't want their plan.

Chris (34:39.762)
Oh my god, I didn't know that. Well, I didn't go looking, I just trusted that they had good archival process.

Chris (34:50.391)

Luciano (35:01.966)
the Meebs plan to interfere with the BBC and doctor. Okay, I'm happy. I'm happy with that answer because it makes 100% sense in some way. I see. Is it a sonic plot armor?

Matt (35:05.488)

Chris (35:07.21)
Psychic plot armor paper.

Matt (35:12.579)
Yeah, as Chris said, it's psychic plot ar- paper armor. Paper armor?

Chris (35:16.93)
Psychic plot armor paper, you're welcome. Hmm.

Matt (35:22.868)
No, it's psychic paper. Come on, get your head out of the ass. Yeah.

Luciano (35:24.887)
Okay. Oh, it's psychic paper. Okay. Oh, they wrote they wrote the plot down the script down on psychic paper

Chris (35:28.958)
It's it's psychic plot armor toilet paper and it covers your ass.

Luciano (35:33.222)
Okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, see, I feel your pain now, Matt, because this is fucking derailleur and I have only asked one question. Anyway.

Matt (35:33.304)

Matt (35:39.61)
Mm-hmm. Welcome, right?

Chris (35:41.086)
You're, you're, this is the one you want to flag? Nah, bro. This is the one? Yeah, go ahead. It's cool.

Matt (35:44.607)
No, but like, okay, let's, if I wasn't gonna use BBC Psychic Paper plot armor to answer this, I... I mean, there's a couple spots in this where they're like, they're, and this is... So Stephen Moffat is back as a showrunner and he did the David Tennant run as well. And, and there are times when I find that he as a showrunner likes to do things...

Luciano (35:48.955)

Chris (35:50.827)
Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (36:05.872)

Matt (36:11.887)
that are sweet and saccharine without making the logic connect. And there's a couple times in this episode where they do that. Yeah.

Luciano (36:18.187)
Oh, the whole end, the whole ending, I got diabetes watching it. It was...

Matt (36:23.071)
And so it's nice and you want to get some really good notes in the show throughout it. But in this situation here, I mean, I don't know. I think there are so many better ways. Then it's the reason, the idea that they should keep the doctor alive because reasons is sound. But the reason he gives is the failure, right? Like it's like, and they don't.

Luciano (36:48.308)
Yeah, the gambit that he played was not a gambit at all. Yeah.

Matt (36:50.359)
Yeah. No. Like, no, I-

Chris (36:54.658)
would have believed, I was expecting the doctor to point out a vital flaw in the spaceship because he'd seen it before he met the meep and then like your plan is never going to work or like your spaceship is going to explode unless you let me help you or... because like the first thing he said... yeah the first thing he said... yeah exactly.

Luciano (37:05.651)
There you go, that would have made sense

Matt (37:05.871)
Right. Yeah.

Luciano (37:16.973)
Yeah, there you go. Even if it was a lie. Yeah.

Chris (37:22.25)
Yeah, the first thing he said after his verbal diarrhea was like, great, I can suggest many other ways than knockout, pistol whip, and then he's knocked out.

Luciano (37:32.526)
Yeah, yeah. And like to me, another thing that doesn't make sense is like, why was he? Because if he was he... sorry, I keep saying he. If the meep was really hurt, then like really hurt, then they could have... then it would make sense for the meep to pretend that they... that, oh, I'm so nice and all that stuff. But like, it was a hand injury that didn't even prevent movement or anything.

Chris (37:43.758)
Kurt how? Oh, on the physical?

Luciano (38:01.827)
So it doesn't make sense that I'm just going to pretend I'm nice for reasons.

Matt (38:06.247)
I think the meep being nice makes sense up until she gets her soldiers back because She only has like a small gun and she probably can't shoot that many people with it You're right the voice is she the meep only had a small gun and So the meep can only shoot so many people with the gun and she doesn't know that these people don't have weapons Wow, that's fucking I am it's real hard

Luciano (38:11.619)

Luciano (38:16.782)
Why are you saying she? It's not she either. You have to say the meep.

Chris (38:22.53)

Luciano (38:25.974)
Right. You went for she again. It's hard. It's very hard.

Chris (38:32.01)
Meep, meep, meep. Everybody say meep, the meep, the meep, the meep, the meep, the meep. Ha ha ha!

Luciano (38:34.762)

Matt (38:37.053)
Meep meep

Luciano (38:41.399)

Matt (38:41.635)
The meep had a gun, the meep can only shoot so many people, and so the meep needs to stay undercover until the meep gets reinforcements. Now, I don't know if the meep knows, because all the soldiers had convenient shield visors to put down after they got psychedelic. And so I don't know if the meep knows that those are the meep's.

Chris (38:42.123)

Chris (38:50.377)

Luciano (39:00.943)

Matt (39:11.541)

Chris (39:11.702)
Minions. Soldiers.

Luciano (39:11.79)
Soldiers. Right, but when the meat realizes then... Well...

Chris (39:17.366)
Well, the meat had to have known because the meat, the meat like played it. The meat revealed their true nature when they were in that car park, that underground car park more than conveniently when the minions came in. So I feel like the meat knew what was happening, like my minions have arrived. Bitches, fuck y'all. Right.

Matt (39:25.548)


Luciano (39:36.037)
But yeah, and also when the soldiers were at Donna's house, the MEEP could have turned then and it would probably have been a lot easier.

Matt (39:41.42)

Matt (39:46.627)
Yeah, because the meep could have just walked out with the soldiers, right? Well, and that's this is this is the thing I want to know about so that the meep eats people but is it like is it like Hannibal Lecter eats people whereas like I gotta I the meep eats a bit at a time or is the meep just like unhinged the meeps jaw and then swallowed whole yeah a snake bear

Luciano (39:49.715)
And fucking eat everybody.

Luciano (39:57.624)

Luciano (40:05.506)
Well, the Wrath?

Oh, like a snake? The wrath say that they got hold of the Galactic Council and chop off their heads and ate them. That's what that's what they say.

Matt (40:19.135)
Okay, so like the meep can swallow head-sized portions, assuming the intergalactic council is all humanoid.

Luciano (40:23.006)
I think it's like, yeah.

Luciano (40:28.914)
Yeah, I think it's like a Hannibal Lecter goes well with a nice Chianti sort of eat.

Matt (40:38.351)
Well, I mean, it's more like fish and chips. A Guinness.

Chris (40:38.468)

Luciano (40:43.395)
I would have liked to have seen the meep in like a mini sort of handable Lector get up with the mask and that have been funny.

Chris (40:44.181)

Chris (40:51.554)

Matt (40:53.239)
It would have been nice to see the meep just eat somebody or try to eat somebody just to get a sense of the meep's hunger.

Chris (40:57.902)

Luciano (41:00.769)
like bite a leg or something. Yeah. OK.

Matt (41:02.775)

Chris (41:05.462)
I don't think they would have had enough time. The pacing fortunately for this episode was good. It was good. And I feel like if they dwelled too long in any sort of section, it would have dragged and it's usually a fast paced trajectory for a Doctor Who episode.

Matt (41:16.848)

Luciano (41:21.021)
But like a 15 second scene before the reveal of the meep trying to eat someone's leg and then being caught and reverting back to the good looking, like the nice looking meep.

Chris (41:32.63)
Oh, like the audience camera sees, oh shit, it's, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah.

Luciano (41:34.282)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That would have been, oh, what the fuck was that? Right? But, okay. Okay, so I think we agreed that it was a bit blackluster in that sense, the plan. Well, hence being captured and now having to watch Dr. Hoof with 10,000 years. I have another question.

Chris (41:39.146)
Yeah. They do that sometimes.

Chris (41:56.238)
That's not a punishment.

Luciano (41:59.246)
What Dagger Drive? Who Dagger Drive? Why Dagger Drive? How Dagger Drive? And more importantly, when Dagger Drive?

Matt (41:59.327)
Okay? Hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Matt (42:11.136)
Well, Dagger Drive.

Chris (42:11.798)
I don't know.

Luciano (42:13.719)

Matt (42:16.291)
That is the, is it a, I guess it's not a Chekhov's dagger drive because they do use it. I don't know how they reverse the dagger drive. I do know how the dagger drive works because the doctor tells us that it basically eats up, what is it like 50, like is it square mileage he uses or like tonnage?

Luciano (42:16.902)
Ha ha ha!

Luciano (42:21.919)
No, because it's used, yeah.

Chris (42:28.265)
Yeah, that was hard.

Luciano (42:39.322)
It says five mile radius.

Matt (42:42.859)
Yeah, so basically eats up the earth in a five mile radius to power the engine to escape Um, and then they tear up streets of london pretty deep When it's activated and it's like it's about to leave right that it downs like the countdowns on like 30 seconds or something so like Of the was it a 10 minute or a five minute countdown to? 10 minutes so Fuck it went to like what like 90? 94 percent

Luciano (42:48.691)

Luciano (42:54.251)

Chris (42:55.114)
Once it's activated. Yeah.

Luciano (43:01.687)

Luciano (43:05.434)

Matt (43:12.383)
full dagger drive and then Donna shut it all down and put it all back into place. Like I don't, how would the dagger, why would the dagger drive work that way? Why would the dagger drive, sorry, the dagger drive buffer London until it got to 100% and then burn it all. Like it's clear, like it was, it was like molten rock. Like it was clearly burning it up. So I'm not sure how it unbuffered.

Luciano (43:13.152)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Luciano (43:30.362)

Chris (43:34.699)

Luciano (43:35.742)
Yeah, it like it burned, you know, concrete and literally scorched earth. It burned concrete, it burned asphalt. I was also very impressed how the fire that it was generating, like underground, conveniently followed the streets and didn't like cross through any houses and like exploded them. Yeah.

Chris (43:40.558)
Scorched earth. Yep.

Matt (43:59.215)
What? No, no, no.

Chris (44:00.636)

Luciano (44:02.102)
And then when it was like, oh, we're done. OK, let's return the resources we were taking back to. Yeah. Reverse. Yeah. So yeah. So my question is, is it a normal space, galactic time travel thing in Doctor Who for there to be self-healing asphalt? Or?

Chris (44:07.374)
Bye, buddy. Reset. Let's take it from the top. OK. Yeah. Very.

Chris (44:27.886)
This one?

Chris (44:31.37)
This one felt pretty forced, in my opinion. It felt, it was too convenient, too easy, too McGuffin-y, too, you know, control Zed. Usually it doesn't feel that heavy-handed. Usually there are, there's some repercussions and they just don't necessarily revisit. Like there's an impact, but it's not, you know, a cataclysmic earth event.

Matt (44:54.387)
Thanks for watching!

Luciano (44:59.97)
Right, right.

Matt (45:00.366)

Chris (45:00.43)
Uh, like on a damage scale, it's, it's usually, I guess with like more damage, I think larger events, planetary threatening events usually take place off world. So if like a planet is going to explode or a moon is destroyed, it's not in our solar system. It's usually elsewhere where like it's yeah. So this is kind of rare and like, hence the undo.

Luciano (45:20.077)

Matt (45:20.292)

Luciano (45:22.63)
I mean, they could have done like they could have made so that, you know, there were like tremors going around in London as the dagger drive borrowed into the floor or the ground, sorry. And like the place where they were could have just stayed destroyed. It was like an abandoned warehouse or whatever. Right. Yeah, the steel mill or was to work. Well, it was by the time the ship was there.

Chris (45:45.574)
steel work, the steel mill or whatever. It wasn't abandoned, but at the time.

Matt (45:45.579)

Luciano (45:52.398)
they evacuated. So like, you could have like...

Chris (45:53.014)
Uh, but they had minions, they had steel worker minions repairing and mending the drive, the ship and stuff.

Luciano (45:58.026)
Yeah, yeah. But like it would have been if they wanted to show the destruction that it was going to cause they could have left it contained before the takeoff. And then they wouldn't have to make the asphalt and the fucking sidewalks mend themselves, right?

Matt (46:15.131)
I mean, I think that it's like you, again, you wanted to have your cake and eat it too. You can either have the ship land in the space where it can eat up the sidewalks and doesn't have to land in what essentially was, I mean, I don't know where in London it landed because it felt like it was both downtown London, but in the industrial area that affected residential areas. So it's just like, this is a weird part of London I'm not familiar with.

Luciano (46:20.952)

Luciano (46:36.798)
Yeah, London folding it on itself like inception style.

Matt (46:44.659)
Yeah, and so like you could have just landed like, you know, like, because the central premise is that you want to be near Donna's family, right? So you could have just landed in a suburb and you could have had some damage happen. They could have been semi permanently, you know, like they don't take off. So it doesn't eat up all the land. But the idea that goes back and nothing happens is just. It's one of those things I can definitely see the writer just being like, and no one will catch it, but it's just like, well, why'd you have to have a Dagger Drive?

Couldn't it have, like why did it have to go across? Couldn't it have gone down and eaten the resources up in a hole? Yeah.

Luciano (47:18.646)
That's what I mean, right? Yeah, like what if it did, like you could have been established that if it did take off, it would like pull the fucking, like pull London like Sokovia style out of the ground, right? And then it was like, okay, that's gonna be bad, but just damage, like do the actual damage locally or like close to it as it starts powering up, right? Don't fucking make like...

Matt (47:30.511)
Great. Yeah. 100%. Yeah.

Chris (47:33.447)

Chris (47:46.69)
You don't have to go that far.

Luciano (47:46.69)
cracks filled with lava Like snake through the entire fucking CD just to make him go back

Matt (47:54.083)
The other thing I want to challenge the Dagger Drive on is I want to challenge the Dagger Drive on the idea that this is how the Dagger Drive works because I'm here for the idea that people who don't care about plants would do this, but there's a large assumption that like and they didn't explain this but like okay so how do you fuel the Dagger Drive by eating up resources? But like it doesn't fly forever. It has to refuel. So like is this plant not bad?

Chris (47:56.174)
Kidgo, it's kid gloves in a way.

Luciano (47:57.688)

Luciano (48:07.599)

Luciano (48:21.034)
Yeah. It has to park in some moon somewhere to reflect, fucking fuck the moon up just so it can keep going. Hahaha. Yeah.

Matt (48:30.095)
or find a big enough asteroid, like, I'd rather just have fuel so I could just fly around and like stop off and top myself off when I needed to, not find the right planet for resources to pillage.

Luciano (48:34.766)

Luciano (48:40.515)
This is like, what's the name of the resource distribution association fucking thing from Avatar. It's like that level of stupidity like scorched earth policy. You know, we just consume a fucking plan where we have to take off. Yeah.

Chris (48:49.021)
Oh yeah.

Matt (48:57.547)
It's fine. Yeah, yeah, it's not a big deal.

Chris (49:00.758)
Maybe, I mean, as malevolent as the MEEP reveals itself to be, part of me wondered, OK, well, is this its original spacecraft or did they steal it from somewhere else? I don't know. Does it matter? Not really, because they're the villain. It's just that this is how this one operates. So while it fits the MEEP, at the same time, it's like. Should it have?

Matt (49:24.251)
But I'm not questioning the meep having the ship, I'm questioning the ship's very existence. Why would you ever design this?

Luciano (49:27.694)
The technology, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Can you imagine testing this? Like the test runs, oh, we have this new drive. Okay, let's test it. Well, which CD we're gonna burn this time to test this thing? Like what? Yeah, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I hadn't even thought of that, but you're right. Like it's, this is the one of those things where the idea seems evil and therefore cool, but then you stop to think about it for 10 seconds, you go.

Chris (49:29.159)
I know.

Matt (49:41.467)
Thanks for watching!

Chris (49:45.143)

Chris (49:53.614)
This is bad engineering.

Luciano (49:57.466)
Ha! That doesn't work.

Chris (50:00.706)
So then is the is the dagger drive the equivalent to like a shitty Cadillac?

Matt (50:06.607)

Chris (50:08.251)
Like, insert old vehicle that has no staying power. I can't think of one, but like, just think of like an old vehicle with its fender, its rear bumper falling off the muffler, dragging against the ground, that kind of image.

Matt (50:14.495)
If, if.

Matt (50:22.88)
What it is Chris is you're not quite far enough there. It's more like a coal powered car.

Luciano (50:29.615)

Chris (50:29.678)
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe hehehe hehehe he he he he he he he he he he he he

Luciano (50:32.43)

Matt (50:32.787)
Cause a gasoline car is just too clean in comparison to the Shaker Drive. So it's like if you use coal to drive your car.

Luciano (50:37.28)

I mean, it's more like, it's more like a asphalt powered car that eats the, it eats the asphalt as it goes.

Chris (50:44.711)
It's also...

Matt (50:44.783)
I mean, fair.

Chris (50:48.042)
Okay, I've tuned into the frequency. This is like the double dragon fucking station wagon that you have to put garbage in order to fuel it. Do you remember that travesty?

Luciano (50:57.818)
Oh, I see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Only instead of garbage, you have to put whatever like place you're in inside. Yeah, okay, so

Matt (50:59.9)

Chris (51:07.234)
Correct. Wow.

Matt (51:07.359)
Yup. And not in a good way, not in like a recycling or helping the environment way, like you put the garbage in and it spits out worse things.

Luciano (51:12.71)
No. No, it's like put the clean shit in and it spits out garbage.

Chris (51:15.085)

Matt (51:18.815)

Chris (51:18.862)
I think in that movie they also had to shit in it too. You know, when times were tough, like they had a pee and shit jar, they put it in and it worked. Oh no.

Luciano (51:22.149)

Luciano (51:27.65)
Man, that movie is so shit. Yeah.

Chris (51:29.863)
It was... yeah.

Matt (51:31.415)
Maybe, maybe we'll cover it one day, we don't know. Maybe.

Luciano (51:33.675)

Chris (51:34.004)

Luciano (51:39.27)
Oh no. Anyway. I'm going to go to bed.

Matt (51:39.383)
timeline. Um, alright, Luciano, thank you for asking some weird questions that none of us Doctor Who fans would have ever come up with.

Luciano (51:46.673)

Matt (51:49.209)
Let's do into our patented weird questions. Let's talk about

Luciano (51:51.978)
Oh, yay.

Chris (51:53.758)
Hmm. That was so enthusiastic.

Matt (51:56.499)
Oh, I'm very excited. Y'all.

Luciano (51:57.733)
No, for me. I was playing you, basically.

Matt (52:02.555)
Oh, oh thank you. You did a great job. Uh, let's talk about Fudge. Not- let's not talk about that. We're talking about Fudge. Fudge- Fudge Merchandy. He is the child that is friends with Rose. And we see him a couple times. He has a couple lines of dialogue with Rose. He takes Rose out to where the- the escape pod, um, was in the park where the- the meep escaped.

Luciano (52:06.658)
My- I have a soul, it's hard to play you.

Chris (52:12.248)
Oh my god. Get a room!

Luciano (52:21.123)

Matt (52:32.223)
the first time and then he is seen watching various things happen in the street. The wrath fight, the human soldiers, the dagger drive tear up the streets neatly, very conveniently. And he was loving that shit. So I got to ask you, is fudge the real villain of this show?

Chris (52:56.046)
He's got to be.

Luciano (52:56.094)
I'd have to say I'd have to say yes. Yeah He he has he has like a delighted expression on his face as the Dagger Drive is fucking up his city

Matt (52:59.131)
It's like a fudge origin story.

Chris (52:59.202)
Like he didn't...

Chris (53:04.465)

at the wrong time. He had the whole, this is a, it's a wonderful life look on his fucking face. And I liked the kid, but he was just like grinning and looking in awe out at the window during the alien solar psychedelic minion crossfire gunfight. And when the earth was being split in two. So that tells me, that tells me two things. One, he's the real villain, or two, the editor.

made a very weird choice in the cutting room and his scenes were actually supposed to be used for something else. I feel like we gotta fill this up.

Luciano (53:41.57)
Now I think what happened is the weird light solar psychedelic shit that got to the soldiers also got to fudge. And yeah, I think the little light solar psychedelics thing got to fudge. And so they think that they captured the last of the meep. But the last of the meep is actually fudge now. And this is his origin story as a villain.

Matt (53:52.73)
Solar psychedelics.

Chris (53:58.722)

Matt (54:05.272)

Matt (54:11.651)
So fudge is going to turn into a meep.

Luciano (54:13.894)

Matt (54:16.067)

Chris (54:17.068)
Oh no. Oh, can you imagine that conversion scene? It's like, I can't even remember how Meeep's speech patterns was.

Luciano (54:20.314)

Matt (54:24.643)
fine especially pretty clean talk like a regular person

Luciano (54:26.602)
Yeah, but it would like, but the physical, the physical transformation would be fucking the fly.

Chris (54:27.95)
It's like, ooh, the meep is, is it nice meep?

Is it gonna be the, well yeah, we should cover that movie.

Matt (54:33.923)
The... So the QC meep was put on by the meep and when the meep was putting that on, it was very like child-like or, yeah.

Luciano (54:40.793)

Chris (54:40.907)

Luciano (54:46.958)
Yeah, very sort of like wimpy, whiny.

Chris (54:47.703)

Matt (54:50.943)
Yeah. And then when the meat became the true self, then, then the me had perfect diction, but was a big old giant. See you, see you next Tuesday.

Chris (54:51.707)

Chris (54:55.406)

Luciano (54:56.255)
Yeah, well.

Luciano (55:00.618)
And also, yeah, they were. The meep was whatever. The meep was like red eyes, pointy teeth. It was like, holy shit.

Chris (55:02.958)

Matt (55:15.179)
So I think that fudge is gonna be a...

Luciano (55:20.89)
Human-meap hybrid.

Chris (55:21.123)

Matt (55:22.891)
Yes, a human-meep hybrid. Whenever the human son goes psychedelic, he will turn into a meep.

Luciano (55:30.368)

Chris (55:31.562)
What would the how do we combine the how do we combine fudge human and meep? What's the what's the new name? What's the hybrid new name?

Luciano (55:39.65)
Mudge. Feep.

Chris (55:41.038)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Luciano (55:43.323)
Ha ha!

Chris (55:46.678)
Feeb. Fwap. Okay. Feeb. I like Feeb.

Luciano (55:47.414)

Luciano (55:52.33)
Yeah, suitably non-menacing.

Matt (55:52.939)

Chris (55:57.23)
Hmm, defeat.

Matt (55:57.399)
Meep... Meeman?

Luciano (56:01.03)

Chris (56:01.08)
F-fweep me man! I-I-fweep me man!

That's why it's right!

Matt (56:11.109)
That's why, that's how you know deepening your soul is correct.

Luciano (56:13.584)
Yeah, yeah.

Chris (56:14.418)
You know, you can't unhear it and you're okay with it. It's like, okay. That is a new entity.

Luciano (56:17.15)
It's like, yeah, I shouldn't be saying that word for some reason.

Matt (56:22.947)
Alright, that's fair. More important question to the Doctor Who universe. Doctor 14, we'll call him, says several occasions that Donna Noble is his best friend. How do you think all the other companions that are alive, or even dead, would feel about finding out that all the work and sacrifices they did was a

Chris (56:32.723)
Ooh, D14.

Chris (56:51.818)
they don't even get BFF standards. What is it? Standing status.

Matt (56:53.727)
No. He's got like a, he, it's not like he, he doesn't even say one of my best friends. It's a heart, I got one. And it's Donna.

Chris (57:01.387)

Luciano (57:01.459)
He says my bestest friend in the whole world. That's how he starts the episode. Yeah.

Matt (57:04.695)
Yep. 100%.

Chris (57:07.82)
Yeah, that's tough to come back from as like, you know, an other companion who caught wind of that. It's like, what the fuck? I feel so used.

Luciano (57:14.122)
So I have a question as a non-Huvian. So do all of the incarnations of the doctor have like a sidekick like Donna?

Matt (57:19.715)

Matt (57:26.623)
Yes, sometimes more than one at the same time.

Luciano (57:29.634)
Oh, that is a contingent of people to disappoint.

Chris (57:29.934)

Matt (57:35.151)
I mean, in Matt's Miss era, he was in a throuple with Rory and Amelia Pond.

Luciano (57:40.944)
Uh oh.

Luciano (57:44.27)
but not Jared Leto.

Chris (57:47.664)

Luciano (57:47.782)

Matt (57:48.951)
We don't talk about Morpheus on this podcast.

Luciano (57:53.614)
Okay, that's a lie we did for an hour and a half, but carry on.

Matt (57:56.551)
It's a it's a it's a morphery zone. Well, but other than that any other podcast is a more free zone It is it is not it is not morphing time ever

Luciano (58:01.383)
What you're saying is it's not morbid time. Okay, okay, my bad. I misjudged the timing. I'm sorry.

Chris (58:06.61)
Oh my god. It's been, I did a quick check.

I did a quick check. There has been 40 companions.

Luciano (58:16.435)
Oh my god! I thought it was gonna be like, ten.

Chris (58:19.698)
Yeah, 40... Nah.

Matt (58:22.295)
Well, no, not if you count like all the original doctors and.

Chris (58:25.534)
Yeah, from the 1960s. 30... wait no.

Luciano (58:25.961)
But those people are dead.

Matt (58:29.131)
Not necessarily canonically, like... Like, for example, Rory and Amy Pond are just lost in time, essentially.

Luciano (58:31.587)
I see.

Luciano (58:40.326)
Ah, no big deal. They're not dead, just lost in time. But like, would they even recognize the 14th as a doctor at all? Okay.

Matt (58:42.523)
It's fine.

Chris (58:44.182)
Yep, weeping angels, that's a tough one.

Matt (58:46.766)

Matt (58:52.619)
Yep. Oh yeah, 100%. Like it's varies, right? Like Rose herself is in a different dimension and she can come back whenever she feels like it essentially, but she doesn't come that often. It's She just shows up in episodes and it's like I thought you couldn't get here and it's not important But she's in a different dimension. So in theory the doctor can't find her. Doctor can't travel dimensions most of the time.

Luciano (59:07.078)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Matt (59:22.551)
He can travel time all he wants to mention this is a hard thing. There's ways around it. It's like when superheroes die. There's ways around it. Um, and then you go to.

Luciano (59:22.976)

Chris (59:27.958)

Luciano (59:28.423)
Ah, I see. Can you guys imagine a Doctor Who comic? Is that a thing? Okay.

Chris (59:35.363)
It exists. It exists. Yeah. True. Fanfiction!

Matt (59:36.311)
Yeah, oh yeah, 100%. They have audio dramas, all sorts of things.

Luciano (59:39.938)
No, because like the insanity of the story fits so well with like how comics are written.

Chris (59:46.018)
for when you table insanity, it's creativity.

Luciano (59:51.695)
I don't see how they're not mutually exclusive. They can be both.

Chris (59:58.346)
Not, no, no they can't. I'm kidding. No, I can't. Listen, me man. You are now, you are now me man. You are, wait, I got it. I have your new title. You are me man, scimitar of the patriarchy.

Luciano (59:59.386)
Yes, it can. Yes, yes it can No, I'm not me man. I am not

Luciano (01:00:14.958)
No, I don't have enough skin pigmentation to be fudge.

Matt (01:00:15.004)

Matt (01:00:20.247)

Chris (01:00:20.498)
Well, that's not the point. You are Mii Man now. You've been penetrated by the MEEP and you're now a new entity. You cannot be excused. You are Mii Man now.

Luciano (01:00:22.526)
No! I am not. Oh, I don't... Can I be excused, please? I wanna go, please. Please stop the world, I wanna get out.

Matt (01:00:34.379)
No, no, even me man, I'm sorry, this is what happens. Anyway, so coming back around to the companions, various things happen to the companions. Some of them are alive, some of them are dead, some of them are different universes. It all depends on what's happening.

Chris (01:00:43.175)
40 of them, yeah.

Luciano (01:00:50.97)
So your question was how do we think that they would feel?

Matt (01:00:55.247)
Yeah, like, cause there are some that won't care. Like, for example, one of the companions for Tenet, he did a, you know, he started off with, so he started with Rose, and then Mickey Smith also shows up. And then he has done, and then he actually spent, that's right, so he spent some time with Martha Jones. And Martha Jones would be completely fine with it, because Martha Jones thought they were like getting it on with each other, and then they had an episode where the doctor, like, gets lost in time, and he.

Luciano (01:00:56.005)

Matt (01:01:23.759)
gets a wife and is totally into her. And so Martha Jones realizes the doctor was never interested in her and she's like, I'm done, I'm getting the fuck off this ship and leaves. Should she be like, great, I'm out, I don't care. Yeah, makes sense. But you know, like other ones, that's a tough beat.

Chris (01:01:31.639)

Luciano (01:01:35.245)

Chris (01:01:35.383)

Luciano (01:01:41.486)
Like how? I don't know the name of the character but like Karen Gillian.

Chris (01:01:42.166)
Uh, Rory and Amy Pond. Yeah, Amy Pond. She was married, she was married to Rory, but it was a weird, thrupley vibe.

Matt (01:01:46.799)
That's Amy Pond.

Matt (01:01:51.247)
She was always talking about banging. That's why they were Earth Ripple, because she was always wanting to get in Matt Smith's pants.

Luciano (01:01:58.191)
Oh, I see. That was the thing.

Chris (01:01:58.474)
Hmm. Yeah.

Matt (01:01:59.031)
So she might be okay with him saying, you know, Donna was his best friend because she wants to be elevated above best friend.

Luciano (01:02:03.208)
is the best friend.

Yeah, yeah.

Chris (01:02:07.526)
Yeah, she wants that friend with benefits or that fuck buddy status. So it's like, okay, well, I don't see the doctor wanting to have laying relations with Donna. I don't see that happening.

Matt (01:02:12.703)

Luciano (01:02:13.035)
Ah, so maybe most of them.

Luciano (01:02:19.21)
Yeah, I was gonna... Jesus Christ. No horizontal rumba is what you're saying.

Matt (01:02:19.35)
It's only stand-up relations.

Chris (01:02:21.198)
It's stand up, not laying relations. Stand up sipping coffee. None. No.

Matt (01:02:27.915)
Well, I think- so I think I- Sorry Chris, the answer I'm coming to is... Eh.

Luciano (01:02:32.882)
No! They couldn't give a shit, yeah.

Matt (01:02:35.404)
Yeah, I think most of them probably don't care.

Chris (01:02:37.418)
depends on who you're talking to. And unfortunately, I don't, my backlog exposure to past companions going from one all the way to.

28 I just don't know how they would respond because Jack. Oh, wait, wait Jack. So so Rose different dimension There was a star cross dimension cross love thing there Jack Harkness who was who was pan What is the word pan? pansexual He would have been offended. He's like no Flare I mean, I think so

Matt (01:03:07.355)
and sexual. Yep.

Matt (01:03:13.411)
Would he though? I mean, cause he also wanted to be horizontal friends. Yeah.

Luciano (01:03:17.315)

Chris (01:03:19.438)
That's what I'm saying. I think he would have played it off and like, but you wanted, you can, don't worry, wink, nudge, don't worry. I know what you think about me, but when you go to sleep, you tire us every night.

Luciano (01:03:21.348)
He'd be fine.

Matt (01:03:27.547)
Okay. Yeah.

Luciano (01:03:34.031)
Thanks for watching!

Chris (01:03:34.846)
Moving on!

Matt (01:03:35.652)
Moving on!

Luciano (01:03:38.982)

Matt (01:03:39.279)
Um, I have a question. The Mipus extends to 10,000 years in space jail.

Chris (01:03:43.918)
Ten thousand years, we'll give you a crick in the meep- meeman neck.

Moving on!

Matt (01:03:54.387)
We're not, I'm not quite clear. Well, we know what the meat did. Genocide. Meep, meep knows what meep did. There it is. The meat knows what the meat did, but I'm curious if the meat, because 10,000 years is a long time. And I'm curious if the meat was sentenced in the United States.

Luciano (01:04:00.533)
He knows what he did too. They know what he did. The meep knows what the meep did. Yeah. THE MEEP.

Chris (01:04:06.358)
Meep, meep, meep. The meep knows what to meep.

Luciano (01:04:09.861)

Matt (01:04:20.119)
What would the meep get? Based on, we know the meep try to murder a bunch of the galactic, what are they called? Galactic council, the meeps generally were on super evil murderers genocide at different planets and stuff. So what would the meep have gotten in the United States? And you know, let's just make it this year. Make it easy.

Luciano (01:04:27.715)
Galactic Council?

Chris (01:04:29.486)
That sounds...

Luciano (01:04:42.726)
So there's a couple of considerations that I think we have to make. So the Meebs crimes were committed against some other entity. The US probably doesn't give a shit.

Matt (01:04:47.278)

Matt (01:04:54.459)
And I would say if the meep is a leader of the meep world, the meep is rich. Or powerful at least.

Luciano (01:05:01.85)
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Powerful. Like, almost like a SOTY prince, one would say. Okay. So on that sense, the MEEP might just get some reality TV contract rather than imprisonment. However, you must remember that the MEEP is quite literally an alien. And yeah, a foreigner.

Matt (01:05:09.841)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Matt (01:05:23.016)

Matt (01:05:27.859)
Yeah. Ooh. We don't like aliens. Foreigner. Yeah.

Luciano (01:05:32.167)

Chris (01:05:34.806)
We don't like, we don't take kindness, okay? We don't like, wait, we don't even, get out of here. Human power.

Luciano (01:05:41.387)
So there is that. There is that. On the other hand, the meep is white. So we are right, we see ourselves in front of a conundrum here. You will require the Supreme Court to rule and, you know, given the latest. So.

Matt (01:05:43.376)
Hahaha. Yup.

Matt (01:05:51.79)

Chris (01:05:53.114)

Matt (01:05:57.856)
Really, a conundrum.

Matt (01:06:06.29)
I said 2023.

Luciano (01:06:08.81)
Here's what would happen. Clarence Thomas would invite the MEEP to go on some billionaire yacht with them and he and his and then his debt to society would be paid.

Matt (01:06:17.039)
The meep would pay for it. The meep would buy a house for Clance Thomas' mom.

Matt (01:06:26.615)
So like a year, a year of minimum security, I was good behavior in like four months.

Luciano (01:06:27.998)
maybe a certain talking to as well.

Yeah. Like a year minimum security in a yacht. Yeah. Okay. That's, that would be my. Yeah.

Matt (01:06:41.355)
And this is, yeah. Um, and we're assuming that the intergalactic council was mostly Democrats.

Luciano (01:06:49.602)
Well, mostly foreigners, so who gives a shit? Ha ha Yep

Matt (01:06:53.724)

I mean, I don't see any flaws whatsoever in your system.

Luciano (01:06:58.622)
Okay. All right. I'm a regular barrister myself.

Chris (01:07:00.635)
It's flawless, infallible. I think if-

Matt (01:07:02.884)

Chris (01:07:08.11)
Are you? Can you say that on the podcast?

Luciano (01:07:10.546)

Matt (01:07:11.73)
I mean, I think he did. I don't think it's legally binding.

Luciano (01:07:14.646)
Yeah. As a barrister, I'll tell you it's not legally binding.

Matt (01:07:19.619)
Thank you. He's got you there, Chris.

Chris (01:07:24.547)
Oh, shit!

Luciano (01:07:25.798)
Call me barrister me man Esquire. Hahahaha!

Matt (01:07:27.739)

Chris (01:07:28.55)
Okay, I can't, I can't ignore or refute that nor shall I barrister what? Barrister scimitar of, oh, barrister me man Esquire scimitar of the patriarchy. Yes, sir. I respect your authority scimitar of the patriarchy. So I think that, I think that if, um, see, it's pretty cool that you went in the direction that you did. I was already.

Luciano (01:07:35.538)
Meme, Meme and Esquire.

Luciano (01:07:40.81)
No, I don't accept that moniker.

Chris (01:07:56.338)
Ruing on reality TV however, if I think the sentence in the US would be more along the lines of a lifetime sentence played out over the real housewives of Rhode Island

Luciano (01:07:58.799)

Matt (01:08:16.503)
Rhode Island, okay.

Luciano (01:08:16.671)
Why Rhode Island specifically? Okay, no, that's fine. It's it's a fine pick

Chris (01:08:19.394)
I had to choose. Don't ask why. And every year there's gonna be an anniversary episode where they go to a pawn shop and then cross over with the pawn shop pawn star cast and the meep has to work behind the counter.

Matt (01:08:20.813)
No, it's fair.

Luciano (01:08:44.107)
Oh, that's harsh punishment. I mean, the meep did commit genocide, so I can see where you're coming from as a barrister, but...

Chris (01:08:48.111)

Chris (01:08:52.714)
Yeah, with the original cast and they have to be retrained every single time. Not because they have an episode, not because of ineptitude, but because that's policy. So you've.

Matt (01:08:58.199)
Well, obviously.

Luciano (01:09:03.27)
Just to make the meep go through the instructional videos.

Matt (01:09:03.855)

Chris (01:09:07.818)
Instructionals, onboarding. It's more like, the episode is like a 30 to 45 minute sitting, but the record time of it is like a week for that training to be completed.

Luciano (01:09:18.459)

Luciano (01:09:22.339)
So what you're saying is that if the meep was being sentenced in the US, the sentence would be hell, is what you're saying. Like a literal living hell. Yeah, okay.

Chris (01:09:32.298)
In a matter, yes. If Mephistopheles was here, I shudder to think at how, how Mest could try to, yes.

Matt (01:09:34.772)
Okay, I mean...

Matt (01:09:39.223)
Uh, Chris, did you say Mephistopheles?

Luciano (01:09:42.986)
Me pistophilus. Right.

Chris (01:09:43.402)
I said Meme Nostopheles. Yes. Yeah.

Matt (01:09:45.919)
Okay, thank you.

glad that Mephistopheles can convert between being a devil and a meep. It's very important for his line of work. It's true. Everyone does know it is in the Bible. You're a barrister. You wouldn't lie to us. That's how it works.

Luciano (01:09:55.229)
Everybody knows it's in the Bible.

Luciano (01:10:01.768)
No, never. What do you think would happen, Matt, if the meep was...

Matt (01:10:07.531)
Oh, I think that we would have to probably send someone to capture the meep. I know, I don't know if dog the bounty hunter is still working in 2023, but I think he'd be the best person to track down the meep. And I think because of the meep's attitude, dog is going to have to go full judge dog and deliver both the capturing and the sentencing.

Chris (01:10:22.15)
Oh, hahaha!

Matt (01:10:37.075)
of the meep.

Luciano (01:10:37.266)
I am the law! Hehehehe Okay.

Chris (01:10:38.922)
Not good, yes? Yes.

Matt (01:10:42.151)
Um, so judge, dread dog, dog dread, barrister, barrister dog dread, dread dog.

Luciano (01:10:47.654)
Barrester dread.

Chris (01:10:50.614)
barrister dog drog cuz he Dret dogs Duh dogs mullet has grown to the to reach his ass crack and in the meat has to braid it But you still have to work a dread in there. So drog

Matt (01:10:54.468)
Barrester drog.

Luciano (01:11:05.016)
Oh, he... fuck, he's... Chris's dad said on send this e-mip to hell. Like...

Chris (01:11:09.475)

Matt (01:11:10.423)
Yeah, I was just gonna have to meet off by dog, but apparently now they're best friends. I don't know how that happened.

Luciano (01:11:14.963)

Chris (01:11:15.41)
That's not best friends, it's a sentence because Dog does not take care of his hair properly. He doesn't use any essential oils to help keep it moisturized and so there's a funk to it. Plus, what do you think happens when your hair reaches your ass?

Matt (01:11:32.007)
Chris, I don't have hair. I don't fucking know.

Luciano (01:11:32.952)
It gets braided.

Chris (01:11:33.974)
It's not about you, it's about punishing the meat.

Luciano (01:11:37.47)
No, no, the hair. Yeah.

Matt (01:11:37.603)
You just asked me what do you think happens, I don't know!

Chris (01:11:40.318)
Yes you do! He smells like shit!

Luciano (01:11:43.618)
I was going to say the head hair gets braided along with the ass hair together.

Matt (01:11:45.647)

Chris (01:11:46.582)
Thank you!

Matt (01:11:50.263)
I don't want to be here anymore. I don't know why you had to take my normal answer and shove it in someone's ass. It was unnecessary.

Chris (01:11:50.77)
That's even better! I like it. I like things to be con-

Chris (01:11:59.794)
Literally, figuratively!

Luciano (01:12:01.395)
Also something the meep could do while he's braiding dog's ass hair

Matt (01:12:04.803)
That's... God damn it.

Chris (01:12:07.135)
Make sure you put the coconut oil in between the cheeks because when you braid it, I wanna make sure it's contained, contained and connected.

Matt (01:12:14.315)
Hey, Luciano, do you think Chris is showing any of the signs of solar psychedelia?

Luciano (01:12:23.93)
Yeah, I mean he's been doing that since like episode 3 so Yeah

Chris (01:12:28.258)
Just three?

Matt (01:12:28.427)
Yeah, because I'm concerned. Just three. What, like, so what do you think some of the symptoms of solar psychedelia are? But, you know, before you get to the murderous genocidal rage, I feel like you gotta build your way up to it. It is radiation after all, right? It just isn't, it's not like a zero to one scenario.

Luciano (01:12:40.426)
I see.


Chris (01:12:45.486)
Flash mobs is one. You begin to move in unison with your other infected brethren.

Luciano (01:12:48.74)

Matt (01:12:55.135)
Is... is... is there... M-Meeper in? It... There's no brothers or sisters for meeps that don't have uh...

Luciano (01:12:56.118)
I think before...

Chris (01:12:58.487)

Don't know? You said symptoms. I'm just trying to identify shit. Meeprin, meeprin, sure meeprin, yeah. I like meeprin.

Luciano (01:13:01.698)
Yeah. Mip. Miprin. I like Miprin. Yeah. I think.

Matt (01:13:05.923)
Time ball.

Matt (01:13:09.663)
I think that the symptoms are fine, just have to use the correct term for the MEAPS.

Luciano (01:13:13.178)
Terminology. Yeah, yeah. So.

Chris (01:13:13.878)
But does the terminology matter when it happens to a gendered, a gendered portion of

Matt (01:13:23.637)
You brought the meeps up, so you have to refer to them correctly. If you want to talk about humans, then you can gender them all you like.

Luciano (01:13:27.094)
Yes. Just because, just because they're all.

Chris (01:13:28.978)
I was thinking in my head I was thinking about the affected humans and at that point it doesn't matter. It's okay. What do you mean it's the meat?

Luciano (01:13:33.59)
No, it's the meep. Yeah. They are the ones who suffer from solar psychedelia, not humans. Humans suffer from many other psychedelias, but not this one.

Chris (01:13:40.438)
But in the episode...

You said, what are other symptoms? And sorry, I was playing it out in my head and using the scene where those soldiers were affected.

Matt (01:13:49.937)
The only known sun with solar psychedelia is the one near the Mipom planet.

Luciano (01:13:53.63)
You're... so what you're saying is you're culturally appropriating the Meeps disease. How dare you? How dare you? No shame on you! You're the one who did it! Yeah you did!

Matt (01:13:59.911)
Wow, that's not yours. That's the meeps. Shave on you!

Chris (01:14:00.746)
No, exactly. Shame on you. No, shame on both of you. I didn't know. Those soldiers were casualties. I'm using, they were flash mob. I said flash mob. It's not ignorant. No, I said brethren.

Matt (01:14:11.696)
Oh, you can't use ignorance. You can't use your ignorance. Yeah, you can't use... you did.

Luciano (01:14:14.974)
Yeah, you're gonna. No.

Luciano (01:14:21.174)
And then you said brothers and sisters because you assumed it was humans and now you're appropriating the disease. Exactly.

Matt (01:14:23.501)

Chris (01:14:26.43)
I wasn't talking about the meep, I was talking literally when I was going with, right, not the meep. No, for shame on you. If you get-

Luciano (01:14:32.89)
For shame.

Matt (01:14:35.799)
You appropriate the MEAPS disease and made it for the humans.

Luciano (01:14:38.98)

Chris (01:14:39.318)
How, you don't get, that's not appropriation, you get affected by the disease.

Luciano (01:14:43.653)

Matt (01:14:44.323)
But humans can't be affected by solar psychedelia.

Chris (01:14:45.814)
Did you see the episode? Did you watch this episode, Matt? Yes, you did. It's this, no, that's what? You want another scenario?

Luciano (01:14:46.304)

That was... That's not psych... That's not... No. That is... That is possession. That's possession.

Matt (01:14:50.514)
Nah, that's... No, that's not the same thing.

Matt (01:14:56.815)
That's possession, that's not a symptom of poisoning from psilocycadelia radiation.

Luciano (01:15:00.244)

Chris (01:15:00.702)
Okay, then that's different. That's different. Okay, I see it now. I was thinking about.

Luciano (01:15:04.206)
We're sorry listeners for Chris's cultural insensitivity. So I think before, before the.

Chris (01:15:06.558)
No, fuck them! Fuck them! Fuck them! Every time, fuck them! No, I don't give a shit! I'm trying to under... The mental model I had... No, shut the fuck up! The mental model that I had was based on those soldiers that got affected, and then they moved in unison, that was one of the symptoms. Listen, I was focused on that. I wasn't thinking about the meat. Yes, it was! So...

Matt (01:15:07.818)
Yeah. Hehehehe.


Luciano (01:15:23.503)
That's not-

Luciano (01:15:27.586)
That's, but that's not psychedelia, that's possession.

Matt (01:15:31.157)
You had the symptoms wrong. Also, you can't say fuck our listeners because they're the people who listen to the show. Well, we don't anymore after you told them to go fuck themselves.

Chris (01:15:35.05)
We don't have any! Nah, just kidding. Uh... No one... I didn't tell them to fuck themselves, I said fuck them. But no one's gonna hear it anyway. Anyway...

Luciano (01:15:36.034)

Luciano (01:15:42.906)
So, okay, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna yes and this disaster, but I think before the flash mob symptoms, everybody turns to mimery, mimicry. So they all turn into street mimes. Yeah.

Matt (01:15:44.763)
Fair. Wow. Thank you. Someone save us.

Chris (01:16:01.598)
Are you? Oh, that sounds...

Luciano (01:16:04.942)
So then after they all, they're all mime. Yeah, I'm yes ending it.

Chris (01:16:06.038)
That sounds like a co-opt of my flash mob.

Matt (01:16:10.947)
Hey, it's- it's yes anting, you son of a bitch!

Chris (01:16:12.286)
Okay, good. Well, I'm very heated right now. I'm very heated. Keep going. I like it. Back me up.

Luciano (01:16:14.042)
What the fuck?

Luciano (01:16:20.143)
Being heated third symptom of having solo-psychedelia. Basically, it's basically the equivalent of menopause, but for meeps.

Chris (01:16:23.258)
Yes and yes. I'm hot right now.

Matt (01:16:23.401)

Chris (01:16:32.578)

Matt (01:16:33.46)
Meep a pause?

Luciano (01:16:34.402)
Me for Paz.

Chris (01:16:35.566)
I don't, I'm not, after having been in a recording of Barbie, I am not gonna touch that one.

Luciano (01:16:41.874)
That's fair and wise and I'm not that wise or fair What else what else happens? So I have a question I have a kind of a set of questions because they say psychedelia not psychosis Psychedelic so is it like being super high?

Chris (01:16:49.823)
Lack of awareness.

Matt (01:16:57.787)

Chris (01:17:01.006)
But what's akin to Delia? I don't know where that's derived from.

Matt (01:17:01.571)

Luciano (01:17:05.358)
Because psychedelia is like things that happen when you're hallucinating. As, as far as I know. Yeah. No, no, it's a word. It's a word from the sixties at least.

Chris (01:17:10.902)
Psychedelia is a word? Or a sci-fi word? Because...

Chris (01:17:19.638)
Psychedelic, I thought. Yes, exactly, with psychedelia, I never heard, okay.

Luciano (01:17:21.358)
Baby? Yeah.

Matt (01:17:23.247)
So, yeah, psychedelic states or psychedelia are arrays of experiences including changes of perception such as hallucinations, synesthesia, altered states of awareness, etc.

Luciano (01:17:33.914)
There you go. It's so they were it was solar psychedelia. Talk about being blazed then. Like holy shit. Yeah, but can you imagine if when you just regular psychedelia you hallucinating you have synesthesia. So you're like tasting colors and smelling letters or whatever the fuck happens. But then it's solar psychedelia.

Chris (01:17:35.362)
So they're interchangeable?

Chris (01:17:41.782)
Wow. So it's like solar weed.

Matt (01:17:46.191)
Yeah. Well.

Luciano (01:18:03.584)
Like how fucking blaze do you get when the Sun is giving you psychedelia?

Chris (01:18:07.37)
I would have loved there to have been a cut scene of like, of how the meep were first affected and how they laid waste to everything.

Luciano (01:18:11.617)

Luciano (01:18:15.038)
like an Austin Powers, like, hard cut into the meeps being blazed out of their skull.

Chris (01:18:21.154)
Tickle-oo, tickle-oo, tickle-oo.

Matt (01:18:22.351)
The way I see it is the meeps are standing around in fields, just hanging out, doing whatever, maybe wearing little business suits and business dresses, whatever.

Chris (01:18:33.134)
Hmm. Power pants. Suit, suit pants.

Luciano (01:18:37.243)
I imagined it now. Yeah.

Matt (01:18:39.083)
Right? Suit pants. Got the blazer with the pointy shoulders. Yeah. The padded shoulder. You know, whatever you wanna wear. And they're all just going about their business doing their thing. And the solar psychedelic sun pops up and starts radiating them. And the first thing they do is almost like when cats have catnip, they start rolling around on the ground, pawing at things, pawing at each other. First it's all...

Chris (01:18:45.026)
Hmm, the padded, oh the pads, oh, ah.

Luciano (01:18:45.439)
With the shoulder patch, the padding.

Luciano (01:19:03.428)
Like, like, pupils fully dilated.

Matt (01:19:07.895)
People's fully dilated first. It's all real sexy and fun because they're just getting the taste of it and then you know like it goes from being sexy and fun to a Meep having a gun and shooting another me And then you you're like you pan cut a different kind of mob Yeah, and then you basically like you do like a fast pan cut away And it's basically like Terminator 2 judgment day except it's all meeps

Luciano (01:19:22.751)
awesome it's a different kind of mob it's a different kind of mob yeah okay

Chris (01:19:34.734)

Luciano (01:19:36.914)
Yeah, okay. Like that I imagine I'm imagining that scene that Sarah Connor always imagines where of her on the on the fence and like, but just all of that with meeps. Okay.

Matt (01:19:46.935)
Yeah, and the swing set and yeah, little meep skulls being crushed by giant meep robots.

Luciano (01:19:52.43)
That's, no, like the explosion and getting burned. Talk about being blazed again. Yeah. Okay, okay, I think we've nailed it. I think that, you know, yeah.

Chris (01:19:54.138)

Matt (01:19:58.455)
Yeah. That's a solar blaze right there.

Chris (01:20:02.269)
Mm, mm, mm.

Matt (01:20:06.053)
You're welcome.

Anyways, so don't do solar. Don't do solar psychedelics. It's bad, bad kids. Solar drugs are bad. Okay.

Luciano (01:20:09.546)
Good work boys. Yeah, it's bad for you. Say no to solar drugs.

Chris (01:20:13.806)
Jugs are bad. Jugs are bad. Okay.

Luciano (01:20:18.742)

Matt (01:20:21.779)
Hey, uh, quick question.

Matt (01:20:27.167)
You're the TARDIS. Someone is clumsy with coffee.

Luciano (01:20:30.05)
What? Wait, what did you call me? We don't use that word anymore. He keeps repeating it! Stop saying that word!

Chris (01:20:32.726)
You're the TARDIS.

Matt (01:20:33.501)
Oh wow.

Chris (01:20:38.806)
You don't want to be what oh wow the acronym time in relative.

Matt (01:20:45.019)
This guy, this guy's trying to do it from his head. His brain like a crazy person. He's been on too many solar psychedelics.

Chris (01:20:49.038)
Time and relative dimension in space? No, the D is not dimension. Time and relative D in space. I can't remember the D. That sounds terrible, but I like it.

Matt (01:20:59.427)
Time and relative dimension in space.

Luciano (01:20:59.614)
dilation of dimension. OK. That was pretty close. That was impressive. I just thought you were slurring me. But that's a... Ha ha ha.

Chris (01:21:01.694)
I got it right, but that's okay.

Chris (01:21:08.31)
Making it up? No.

Matt (01:21:13.175)
So you are the thing Chris just said.

Chris (01:21:15.382)

Luciano (01:21:16.357)
Nice save!

Matt (01:21:18.183)
and someone accidentally quotation marks.

Chris (01:21:22.258)
Air quotes. Hard air quotes.

Matt (01:21:25.667)
Hard Air Quotes Spills Coffee on Your Console. Accidentally.

Luciano (01:21:30.058)
accidentally tips the mug and tosses coffee at you. Yeah.

Matt (01:21:35.171)
Tosses coffee everywhere.

Chris (01:21:36.234)
All over your electrodes. No wobbly. Bits.

Matt (01:21:38.931)
What would be your reaction to this situation? Are you gonna punish? Are you gonna flip out? Cause the Tardis here has decided to put them anywhere in space and time, as the doctor tells us. Would you think Donna learns a lesson in this scenario? Like, will it not happen again?

Luciano (01:21:58.114)
Right, because everybody knows.

Chris (01:22:04.99)
she learned anything. I feel like because like if you had a cup of hot coffee spilled on your groin that's you don't choose what to do like your immediate reaction is like pain and you might jump up. So I think that's what happened to the TARDIS because like that's what it does right? It caught on fire too. Yeah through time and relative dimension in space.

Luciano (01:22:07.undefined)

Matt (01:22:22.816)
It caught on fire and then it jumped up.

Luciano (01:22:25.961)
So what you're saying is that...

Matt (01:22:30.562)

Luciano (01:22:31.174)
that area of the TARDIS where she lit clearly tossed her coffee on purpose was the TARDIS is growing okay that checks out okay and so but so they the jump up is moving anywhere in time and space is that that's what we're saying i see i see i would just if i was the TARDIS i would just kill Dona

Matt (01:22:38.965)

Matt (01:22:43.407)

Chris (01:22:47.402)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Matt (01:22:48.639)
Yeah, relatively.

Chris (01:22:55.542)
There you go. I was gonna say if I was the TARDIS, I would move myself through time and space with the doctor, but without Donna.

So Donna would be at that point, I guess like they were at earth, but then TARDIS was malfunctioning. So from here, from earth to wherever the next episode is gonna be, Donna is just somewhere in between in space, in space, in space, in space.

Luciano (01:23:19.619)

Matt (01:23:20.207)
Chris, you say malfunctioning, but that's, the TARDIS isn't malfunctioning. The TARDIS is punishing. Medi-o-justice. It knows it-

Luciano (01:23:26.262)
Yes. It would be...

Chris (01:23:29.078)
That's what it will read on the manifest.

Matt (01:23:33.504)
It knows what it's doing is what I'm saying. Yeah.

Luciano (01:23:34.286)
Oh, the logs would say it was a malfunction. Yeah, that makes sense.

Chris (01:23:37.718)
It was an initial malfunction. And then TARDIS was still traveling through time and relative dimension in space. And then once the initial burn was like, the fire was still raging. And then if we compare it to coffee on your groin and you jump up, by the time you're upright and patting yourself down, trying to get through the pain and shuffle away the hot liquid, I imagine if you compare that to a TARDIS,

point A to point B, at some point you're, I guess this is a mega oversimplification, but you're still, TARDIS is gonna reach anger at some point and do those calculations at an incalculable speed, leaving Donna in space to rot as a frozen bagel.

Luciano (01:24:32.958)
I mean, you did not need to go to those lengths to explain the fact that the Tardis would just take vengeance, righteous and rightful vengeance on Donna, blink to some moon in fucking Saturn and then blink away from there and leave Donna there.

Matt (01:24:33.539)
Think she's a human.

Chris (01:24:43.01)
We gotta make sure that we paint a very colorful picture for the audience.

Matt (01:24:55.643)
Um, how does the Tardis turn Donna into a bagel?

Chris (01:25:00.878)
Hymi Wimey

Matt (01:25:03.975)
He's got me there. Fucking. Damn it. No. Shit.

Luciano (01:25:04.938)
Yeah, no arguments. It sounds scientific to me.

Chris (01:25:09.743)

Matt (01:25:10.423)
You're a barrister, you would know if he was lying to us.

Luciano (01:25:12.65)
Yeah, no, I sense no deception my barrister my barrister senses are not tingling

Chris (01:25:13.218)

Matt (01:25:15.715)
Fuck, alright.

Chris (01:25:17.995)
You're embarrassed. Where did you get your barrister training from, good sir? What? Was it? Oh, was the radioactive barrister a graduate from DeVry? The DeVry Institute? Was it the Louise Guzman DeVry Institute of Higher Barrister Learning? Wow.

Matt (01:25:25.216)
He was bitten by a radioactive barrister.

Luciano (01:25:27.978)
Yeah, I was and then I became...

Luciano (01:25:33.71)
Yeah, sure. Community College.

Matt (01:25:34.243)
Wow. Yes, obviously.

Luciano (01:25:42.978)
Yes. It was actually, it was Luis Guzman himself who beat me. Yes.

Matt (01:25:44.599)

Chris (01:25:47.138)
Whoa! Louise Goosman knows the law and passed the bar?

Matt (01:25:48.119)
Yeah, he's the radioactive barrister, that's correct.

Luciano (01:25:54.463)

Matt (01:25:54.659)
He did. Well.

Chris (01:25:56.562)
Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Louise.

Luciano (01:26:00.36)

Matt (01:26:00.591)
Listen we've surprisingly covered an hour and a half of Doctor Who for one hour. I'm surprised you made it this far I think we've answered all our questions And now he's reeling um so thank you for sticking us out here We do a review of the things we watch in our mates movies, but let's put a review rating on this bad boy Chris do you want to start first s tier s is the highest f is the lowest

Luciano (01:26:08.302)
But are you really?

Chris (01:26:21.486)

Luciano (01:26:21.562)

Matt (01:26:29.947)
put it somewhere in that range.

Chris (01:26:32.014)
Okay, so for me, I feel at a disadvantage because I wanna put respect on the previous Dr. Jodie Whittaker's run. And I feel very displaced in time, literally. So, you know? So for those reasons, I want to give it, I don't want to give it a B, but I think I will give it a B because Donna was more annoying than she should have been. So maybe she was rusty.

Luciano (01:26:47.622)

Chris (01:27:02.358)
And then by the time she got to the end of the episode, for me she was rusty in the beginning and I was like, thank goodness there are other people here. I don't just wanna deal with her and the doctor like this. Definitely an enjoyable watch. It was jarring. Things looked great, but as I said, something was a little off and that off was early Donna in this episode. But everything else was the way it needed to be. It's...

classic Doctor Who beginning, middle, end, and resolution, except for that fucking dagger drive, and we covered that. And then, you know, Me Man, impregnated fudge child, was a wonderful, confusing area that still baffles and stymies me. So yeah, I'm gonna stick with B.

Matt (01:27:46.695)

Matt (01:27:56.281)
How did Fudge come into your ranking? He was in the fucking TV show for like a minute and a half.

Chris (01:28:01.334)
When you have lines, you are on my radar.

Matt (01:28:04.051)
Alright, that's fair enough. Luciano, good luck.

Luciano (01:28:08.838)
Uh, yeah. Well, I needed a good luck going into this. So, you know, as the one here who has never had never seen anything, uh, from Dr. Who, I have to commend the thing as a whole for being like, I, I could follow it, which is no, I, I'll commend myself for understanding. No, I, I know the, the recap at the beginning and the way that the story.

Chris (01:28:26.126)
I thought you were gonna commend yourself just now. I have to commend myself.


Luciano (01:28:38.902)
load like yeah, I miss I probably missed some references like the rose thing for example, but it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the thing I is like

It's sci-fi at its wackiest, I have to say. Probably one of the wackiest things I've ever watched in terms of sci-fi that isn't just an outright comedy meant. Like it's not space balls, but it's also not that far. Yeah, so I love David Tennant, so that gives it points right away. I hate Catherine Tate, so that tick point takes away right away. And really, she was really annoying in this like.

Chris (01:29:03.219)
Use the Schwartz.

Matt (01:29:03.928)

Matt (01:29:13.62)
Oh God.

Luciano (01:29:16.506)
Like I said, I wasn't sure if it was just me not liking her or if it was the character. It sounds like it's a little bit of both. But I enjoyed it. Would this make me watch more Doctor Who? Maybe. Would I watch this again? Probably not. Not unless I started watching Doctor Who and I wanted to kind of watch it with fresh eyes from Lurt. So this to me is the definition of a C for me.

Matt (01:29:20.777)
Sounds like it.

Chris (01:29:30.771)

Chris (01:29:44.447)

Matt (01:29:45.229)
All right.

Luciano (01:29:45.706)
I enjoyed it. It was short, so it didn't overstay its welcome. The acting was pretty much good, except for Katharine Tate. And the story, as wacky as it was, I could follow it, even without knowing the whole series. Solid C for me.

Chris (01:29:59.238)
I think your opinion would change of Catherine Tate. If you, seeing what you've seen, I think it would be easier for you to forget this run as Donna, if you had seen, if you decided to go back and see her original run. Cause like that made sense. Their chemistry was great. They were whip smart back and forth. I liked that run with Donna. And it was, Matt.

Luciano (01:30:10.138)
The original run, yeah. That makes sense.

Luciano (01:30:16.447)
Right, right, right.

Okay, yeah.

Matt (01:30:22.127)
Um, I give it an A. I don't have a problem with how Donna operates in the show. Donna operates within the parameters of Donna. And you can not like Catherine Tate, but she's acting fine. This is how Donna roughly was. She was always very like, over the top, bombastic, extremely passionate to like a fault. Like the idea that the whole, we didn't even cover it, but the whole $166 million giveaway thing, that was Donna. Like Donna was always like, emotional to an extreme fault.

Chris (01:30:24.865)

Matt (01:30:51.959)
It didn't make sense. It was overly emotional for no reason on things. So her character makes sense to me. I had a fun time. A little saccharine at points. Like overly saccharine at points where it didn't need to be. Tenet's fun. I like all the money. They clearly got money from their Disney deal. They were spending it to make the show look nicer and make it more enjoyable. So it was great. I had a great time. I'd love to see David Tennant back. I'm excited to see where it goes. So for me, it's an A. When watching a TV show, it's hard to say how much I rewatched it because in general, like...

Chris (01:31:10.271)

Matt (01:31:21.719)
It's harder to rewatch TV shows, but at the same point in time, the format of Doctor Who makes it easy. It's the monster or the weak format that I miss a lot. A lot of sci-fi shows or TV shows don't want to do that. It's got to be dramatic story from one to eight or ten episodes that is very integral. A whole arc. And so because Doctor Who doesn't have arcs, it's easier to come back. But for me, I would definitely watch this again. I'm excited to see where it goes. So it's a hard... It's an A. It's not an S because it's like... It's a better...

Luciano (01:31:35.645)
Like a whole arc, right? Yeah, yeah.

Matt (01:31:51.163)
There's better Doctor Who with David Tennant, there's better Doctor Who with Donna. Honestly, if we had to watch the storyline we were talking about watching, that to me would have been, End of Time would have been an S rating for me.

Chris (01:31:55.767)

Chris (01:31:59.69)
End of time. Hull.

Yeah, it was. It was and is still an S. You could you should. But then the weight of it, I don't know if you'll get not that you won't get it, but the weight of an impact of it, dude. Like, don't rob yourself. Yeah.

Luciano (01:32:06.658)
Maybe I'll watch that then at some point.

Matt (01:32:09.177)

Luciano (01:32:15.158)
No, I know I understand what you mean. Yeah.

Matt (01:32:19.103)
It's so hard, yeah. It's so hard to come in because like, there's probably some episodes you can watch that give you more of the weight because, that show's about the Master, which is like, he's another Time Lord. And it goes into the Master's backstory, but you need a little, it's almost like you need to watch the other episodes with the Master and Tenet before you get there to kind of understand their back and forth. Because he...

Chris (01:32:32.686)
He's an arch nemesis.

Luciano (01:32:45.586)
Ah, I see.

Chris (01:32:46.298)
He might be okay. I think he might be okay. Cause the first time master shows up was not during the Eccleston run Eccleston first. And then tenants showed up. They didn't, I don't, I don't want to spoil anything in case you do, but like, I think if he started beginning of tenant run or beginning of Donna run, he would be fine. I think that's, does that

Matt (01:32:55.374)

Matt (01:33:03.819)
Well, I was just saying you're adding way more stuff. I was just saying, watch the Master and David Tennant episodes. You don't have to watch all the episodes. As long as you watch the ones with the Master, because they are self-contained, right? So like the Master arcs will give you the history of their back and forth and why that whole ending is meaningful. But if you want to watch all of Catherine Tate's run, because you hate yourself, then do that too.

Chris (01:33:07.009)
Okay, go ahead.

Chris (01:33:13.028)

Luciano (01:33:29.879)
I don't hate myself, I hate her. It's different.

Chris (01:33:31.33)
But when I talk about the weight, I'm talking about her family. I know what you mean, but to like pinpoint Matt, like there's also the people around, there's the other supporting characters like Grandfather Wilt.

Matt (01:33:31.99)
Well, same difference.

Luciano (01:33:35.95)
Yeah, I know what you mean.

Luciano (01:33:48.118)
Yeah, it sounds like the stuff that happens in that special affects a bunch of characters that you have to kind of form a connection with by watching the other stuff. And I wouldn't get it, right? That makes sense. All right, well, you know, I'm probably not gonna watch it, but I'll keep that in mind if I do. Ha ha ha!

Chris (01:33:49.835)

Matt (01:33:51.993)

Chris (01:33:57.526)

Matt (01:33:58.027)
Yeah, I don't I just don't think you need to watch every episode. That's their point.

Chris (01:34:01.076)

Matt (01:34:03.648)

Great. Good talk. I'm gonna erase everything we just said since it doesn't fucking matter.

Chris (01:34:08.717)
Ha ha ha!

Matt (01:34:11.927)
Moving on, next week we are back to a movie. We're gonna watch 2023's Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse.

Luciano (01:34:16.46)

Chris (01:34:22.69)

Luciano (01:34:24.503)

Matt (01:34:26.303)
We figured we'd do something a little less new, surprisingly. I was gonna say more new, but this is less new than what we just watched.

Luciano (01:34:31.69)
Yeah, this is the newest thing we've watched I think.

Matt (01:34:34.963)
Yeah, this is the second movie in the set of the across movies for Spider-Man, the animated film. So we're going to do it. We're going to have a different format though. We're trying to mix things up this month so it will not be the standard movie format, but spoilers, we're not going to tell you what the format is. You're going to have to listen.

Chris (01:34:52.91)

Luciano (01:34:54.722)
Are you going to tell us what the format is? OK. No, I'm just asking. Listen.

Chris (01:34:56.814)
Milk? Oh shit. Aww.

Matt (01:34:57.047)
No, why would I tell anybody what the format is? No one gets to know, it's a secret format.

Chris (01:35:04.363)
Oh wow.

Luciano (01:35:04.537)

Matt (01:35:05.667)
All right, cool. And maybe Spencer will be back, who knows. For now, we will see you next time. We're done, this podcast is over. I've ended it, goodbye.

Chris (01:35:10.455)

Chris (01:35:14.551)
Meme in.