Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, September 30th, 2024 / Happy International Podcast Day! We’ve got some new Halloween costume ideas, we go on a handful of strange tangents, Chantel’s shirt smells funny, 2 scoop Sally is back!, Josh got a flat tire and he’s pretty good at mini golf and cornhole, a fantasy football update, we still have canned food from the 90s, Josh wants chicken cordon bleu, how much does 700 pounds of bologna weigh?, what do while repairmen are at your house, and we discover how snapping works.

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Monday, September 30th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Happy International Podcast Day! We’ve got some new Halloween costume ideas, we go on a handful of strange tangents, Chantel’s shirt smells funny, 2 scoop Sally is back!, Josh got a flat tire and he’s pretty good at mini golf and cornhole, a fantasy football update, we still have canned food from the 90s, Josh wants chicken cordon bleu, how much does 700 pounds of bologna weigh?, what do while repairmen are at your house, and we discover how snapping works.

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Full show transcript:

This is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show. It's Josh and Chantel, and it's Monday, September 30th. Happy International Podcast Day. Let's go.

We've got some new Halloween costume ideas for you. We go on a handful of strange tangents. My shirt smells funny, but not in a bad way. What does it smell like? I don't know.

Does it still smell? Yeah. No. It's warmed up. It smells like my skin.

It's warmed up? It's What does that mean? Like, now it just smells like me. I've I've I've warmed it up. Okay.

2 Scoop Sally is back. Yeah. Josh got a flat tire, and he's pretty good at mini golf and cornhole. A Fantasy Football update, we still have canned food from the nineties. Maybe.

We gotta find out. We gotta figure out how old was it. There's something. There's some old food in there for sure. Josh wants chicken gourd on blue.

It's so good. How much does £700 of baloney weigh? I don't know. What are you supposed to do while repairmen are at your house? And how does snapping work?

Thanks for listening to the show. It's live every weekday morning from 6 to 10 and, of course, right here as the podcast. You can subscribe wherever you listen and rate the show because that helps us grow. Hope you enjoy today's show. Hi.

Good morning. Oh, hello. It is Monday. It is September 30th. It would be the, final day of September.

I know. I had to make the October calendar. I saw you, but you did, you drew a bat and a ghost. So that's fun and different. September just kinda laid there like, nah, September.

But you, really put some extra effort into October. Because I'm trying to get excited about, the seasons changing. Yeah. Beginning of the Q4. What?

The Q4 of the year. Oh, okay. There's 3 months left. Yeah. I get it.

Okay. I get it. Yeah. Let's see. It's mud pack day.

We're talking about, spa treatments, mud masks. We need to go get some spa treatment. You think? Yeah. Look at us.

What does that mean? We look a little rough around the edges. Oh, and a spa treatment will help that. K? Extra virgin olive oil day.

Oh, it gets us whole day. It sure does. Love people day. Love people. Just love some people.

Sometimes it's easy. Yeah. Sometimes it's difficult. Yeah. It is world stroopwafel day.

Stroopwafel? Yes. I like a stroopwafel. They're very, they're very okay. A thin waffle with some, Caramel.

Caramel in the middle, and then another thin waffle like a cookie. It's not bad. Not bad. And let's see. National Pet Tricks Day, you can teach an old dog new tricks.

It is also puppy mills survivor day, which is pretty, pretty wild. And I'm sure that's not just about the puppies, but also, the, the female dogs that end up being used in puppy mills and then surviving and being rescued from that situation. It is orange shirt day. Oh, I didn't even know. I know.

But this is why. If you wear a vibrant orange shirt, it is a united statement against discrimination and fostering inclusivity in your shared human journey. I didn't Yeah. Know. I wore a blue shirt.

I wore a black one. I have an orange shirt. I could've worn it. Well, now I know. We gotta we gotta do this the night before.

I know. I know. Dog separation anxiety awareness day. Translation day. Chewing gum day.

No no day should be chewing gum day. Today is. Most importantly, and I saved it for last, it is international podcast day. Podcasting, you know, over the past decade or so, really kind of, taken off as a as an art form and a medium for people to share information and comedy and entertainment and all that. Mhmm.

And this show right here, wake up classy 97, is now available as a podcast. This very show? This what you're hearing right now, you can listen to again later as a podcast. You don't say. I do say.

I do say. If you're into it and you wanna, you know, listen to the show, or maybe you can only listen right now, and you're like, I wonder what these guys do after this. I only ever hear this. You can listen to the whole show. Wake Up Classy 97.

The podcast is available everywhere you get podcasts, including YouTube. Sometimes we share clips and stuff, YouTube Music, Amazon Music. Spotify. Spotify. Podcast.

Apple Podcasts, Pocket Cast. That one you always say. Deezer. There's so many. I just like the name Deezer.

I think it's funny. Anyway, wherever you listen to podcasts, listen to ours. It's International Podcast Day. Subscribe even. Oh.

What would happen then? I'll tell you. You'd get updated automatically when a new episode's available every single weekday. I'll tell you. That's what would happen.

Exciting stuff. Mhmm. Good morning. Good morning. It's Josh.

Happy Monday. Tomorrow is October 1st. Yeah. So we gotta start preparing for some Halloween costumes. Okay.

Do you want me to get down the fall bin now? Yeah. Oh, now it's a Now it's time. Alright. I was thinking about it yesterday.

It's been 9 days since I asked. How do you know? Because I asked on the 1st day of of, fall, 21st. Okay. Today is the 30th.

Well, now I'm ready. It took 9 days. I almost got it out last night. I'm glad you didn't. Why?

I didn't wanna climb up there. We don't have to get it down today. I can get it down today. That's not a problem. You just didn't wanna do it yesterday?

I didn't wanna do it 9 days ago. I didn't wanna do it yesterday. Oh. Just cleaning up after camping. I don't wanna do that.

Anyway Okay. What's going on? I got some Halloween costume ideas for you. If you wanna go as something original, something no one else is gonna have k. Have I got the ideas for These are different ideas than what you've already brought up as things you actually really wanna do.

No. The things for you and me are I'm keeping that a secret for now. Okay. Our costumes are secret. These are ideas for anybody else who wants to go with something I'm on it.

Unique. Let's go. You can go as Indiana Cones, which is Indiana Jones, but you tape ice cream cones to your leather jacket. Oh, I was gonna say you're gonna wear, like, a traffic cone instead of a little hat. You could do that too.

I am Indiana cones. Smart. You could choose either. Because it's a little more durable than ice cream cones. Wearing ice cream cones on yourself is not it.

How about count spatula? Alright. So a little Dracula cape Yeah. And, and maybe the the little fangs and the widow's peak. And But then you carry spatulas.

And the chef's hat. Oh, cute. Count spatula. Count spatula. Alright.

These are you to go. These are unique. As Harry Poppins? Harry Poppins. So a little bit of the round glasses with a scar, but then also an umbrella and, and a little bag that carries all your secrets.

Yep. Okay. Darth Vader. Alright. That I actually have on a hoodie.

You I do. Oh, you do. You're right. I have Darth Vader, which is my fly fishing waiters. Different waiter, though.

But then a Darth Vader cape and mask. Darth Vader. You could be a waiter. Wait ter. A waiter, not a waiter.

A waiter. I like Darth Vader better. You could go as either or. Because then I already have the fly fishing gear. You do.

I just need the cape and the mask. Cinch. That'd be a cinch of a costume. Yeah. Done.

Darth Vader. How about Oscar Myers, which is a hot dog costume with a Michael Myers mask? Oh, yeah. You can feel free to take any of these, people. These are good.

These are good. Spongebob Square Plants. Okay. Hold on. Where are you gonna get Square Plants?

Is you know? Yeah. You just dress as Spongebob, and then you just carry plants. They have they're square, pots. Okay.

Just get square pots? I guess. That one's my least favorite so far. That one feels lazy. What's your most favorite?

I think Darth Vader, but the way I wanna do it. I don't know. Indiana cones was fine. They're all fine. I think they're all fine.

SpongeBob Square Plants is Poppins? Come on. Harry Poppins is good too. SpongeBob Square Plants is not it. The Phantom of the Oprah?

Okay. So as Oprah, but then with that half face mask mask. And a cape. I have somebody's really into capes because there's a lot of caped costumes here. How what are the costumes where I can wear a cape?

Yeah. The problem with these costumes is that you're constantly gonna have to explain your costume to people. That's what I hate. I wanna just go show up and have people be like, ah, you're that thing. That's so cool.

Yeah. Then you're gonna have to wear a recognizable character. That everybody else is wearing. I know. I get it.

But you walk in and everybody goes, what are you supposed to be? And with that attitude. You go make a guess, and I'll tell you if you're right. But it's It's not my problem to tell you what my costume is so you can get the joke. You figure it out.

Figure it out. Yeah. It's a riddle. And then when you solve this, you let me know. Well, you look like Indiana Jones, but why are you wearing that cone on your head?

You're so close. So close. Those are good ideas. Thanks, Josh. There's a new TikTok trend.

We're always talking about TikTok trends. TikTok oh, yeah. TikTok. Every every day, there's a new one. We're not always talking about it.

Sometimes we talk about it, but what's the new one? What's happening? Maxing. Sleep maxing? Yes.

Or obsessing over the perfect night's sleep. Alright. I kinda feel like I'm doing that. Yeah. I kinda feel like you're doing that.

Inadvertently. I just really wanna get some good sleep. Last night, I was getting some so good sleep. Now when you say last night, do you mean this morning? Yeah.

And when it was time to wake up? Last night slash this morning. And you were like, I don't wanna wake up and get a good sleep. It's so it was so like, you'd normally wake up 3 times tonight to go to the bathroom or because I hear a strange noise. Because you're too hot, too cold.

Exactly. You were locked in on sleep. I was locked in. That's good. Yeah.

I was locked in a sleep. I didn't wake up once. Well, that's a lie. I did wake up once. It's okay because I quickly rolled back over.

I can't tell. Hold on. What? What? This is this is a moment in time.

You keep looking at me funny. Well, there's I can't tell. Hang on. Let me zoom in here with my camera. I need to see if I can capture this.

Hold on. Okay. I'm all good. I'm Alright. I'm zoomed in.

Alright. Turn your head just a little to your right. Oh, look at that. Look at that thing. What?

I I think it's attached. What are you talking about? There is a very large eyebrow hair that is standing straight up, and I can't concentrate. It's so rude. I I couldn't tell if it was real or not.

It might not be. You're so rude. On your right eyebrow. My right eyebrow? This one?

Yeah. You gotta you gotta take a look at it. I oh. Is that real? It wasn't real.

Okay. It is it real? No. I don't know. Is it still there?

Yeah. Is that attached or no? It fell down? I can't tell. No.

It's not attached. Good news. It's it's not attached. I couldn't even look at you. What was it?

It was a I think it was a hair from the dog. It might have been. Alright. We got that sorted out. Can we go back to what you were saying now?

I don't think I can. I think I think the bit's over. No. You were talking about sleep. What's the new trend on TikTok about sleep?

You're supposed to be the person that loves me the most. I I do. That's why I told you about it. I didn't let you go a minute without knowing. Yeah.

You did it in not the nicest way possible. Listen. I I got it on TV. I gotta take this picture. Hold on.

Yeah. You've got a thing. You've seen crazy eyebrows on me sometimes. I have. And you've been unable you've been like, let's do something.

I thought that was not attached. Me too. That was frightening. That was like a 3 inch long hair. And it was white.

Yeah. And standing straight up. Sleep trend on TikTok. Okay. What's it called?

We're still doing this? Yeah. Sleep maxing. Yes. K.

A lot of people are really trying to get the perfect night sleep, so they do these hacks like mouth taping. Yeah. I know. I've heard of that. Your mouth, force yourself to breathe out of your nose.

They also have these sleepy girl mocktails. What is that? Where you mix cherry juice and seltzer water and then add in some magnesium powder, and this is supposed to, like, give you the best I sleep. Triggers my melatonin. Alright?

Experts are saying, hey, guys. You're obsessing too much over this. You're stressing yourself out. This could backfire. This is usually you ending up in stress and anxiety, and it's gonna make your sleep worse.

Now I know that we've talked a lot about, like, you know, what would help is getting out and doing some exercise Yeah. Eating better, all the things that you should be doing. All of the right things. The screen time thing where you're supposed to, like, turn screens off an hour before you go to bed Yep. So that you get a chance to really start shutting down properly.

Yeah. Like, that sounds nice, but unrealistic. It's not unrealistic. It's it's unrealistic. It's not.

It's totally doable. It sure is, but you gotta commit to it. Let's do that. Let's try it tonight. What?

We can't do them all. The things. No. We can't do them all. Why?

Because it's too much of a change at once, and then you're gonna go, no. That's not it. It has to be a gradual thing. K. So which one are we gonna try tonight?

And then we'll add in. A fall walk. You have a thing tonight, so we can't do the fall walk. Yeah. It'll be in the evening.

It'll be late. Yeah. It'll be dark because it gets dark early. It'll be, like, 9 o'clock. Okay.

A fall night walk. Okay. Let's do it. A nice evening walk. I'm down.

Okay. And then, and then we'll go to sleep. And then we'll wake up and be like, look how refreshed. But even if we turn the TV off, we could listen to some music. Yeah.

Or Not ocean sounds. I don't Ocean sounds. I don't care for the white noise sounds. I like the sounds of nature, except every time they do the sounds of nature, they're like, add water. There's gotta be a brook or a spring or some sort of that?

No. They like, they don't do it right. Like, it's it's manufactured. It's not, like, layered to 2 it's a river. Like, they got too much noise.

Stop it. Too much nature noise? Yeah. You've overdone nature. You've got nature too heavy.

I need light nature where it's real subtle. Let's ask for light nature. Like, sometimes it's just silent. Sometimes. And then sometimes you can hear A bear.

Often no. That's not gonna help. Often the distance, you can hear a a small stream way away. You know? I do.

No bears. I don't need that. Some rustling in the in the in the bushes? Do you think maybe we're stressing too much about sleep? I think so.

I think we're a prime example of what this whole thing was supposed to be about. 100%. Story comes from Provo, Utah. Oh. It's kind of a regional story then.

It's about Krissy Miller. K. Krissy Miller is a mother of 4 in Provo, Utah, and she does a good job staying healthy and physically fit. She hikes the y mountain near the BYU campus Mhmm. 3 times a week.

K. She hikes up there. Well, during one of her, hikes earlier this year, she met Schiller Joseph and struck up a conversation with him. She learned that Schiller had lupus and was waiting for a kidney transplant. She has entertained the idea of being a kidney donor for years, and so Chrissy felt an instant connection with Schiller and said, hey.

Let's let's find out if I match. Let's go check it out. Uh-huh. See what happens. Well, within a matter of months, both underwent a successful transplant surgery.

Look at that. Isn't that crazy? And now Schiller is off dialysis, dialysis. And Chrissy is back to her active life lifestyle feeling more fulfilled than ever because she was able to help somebody in need, which was pretty awesome. She says, I don't believe it was a coincidence that we met that day.

You know, the one and only time that Schiller had ever been to the Wye Mountain. And now she's a regular, but it happened to be this day, happened to be Exactly. You know, a guy who needs something that she has to offer that they would match. Like, so many interesting things happened here, which is pretty awesome. She said it was kind of a shocker.

I'm gonna donate a kidney, she said. But when you feel like you're part of a bigger thing, it's easy to wanna donate. So Oh. Way to go, Chrissy. Congratulations to both of them.

They both seem to be doing very well. So good news to get you going. My shirt smells funny today. Is it a clown shirt? No.

It's just you you have a smell. Right? Your house has a smell. Yeah. Your laundry soap has a smell.

I know that this shirt is clean. I just got it out of the closet this morning. I don't know what the smell is. Is it the shirt or is it the inside of your nose that smells different? Did you ever think of that?

I did not ever think about that. Maybe it's the inside of your nose. It could be the inside of my nose. I don't know. What does it smell like?

I don't know. Maybe you should come smell it. That's a long walk. Also, I just noticed it got, like, a hole in it. What?

It's a long walk. You smell it. I can't smell from there. That's way too far away. Just reach over.

I'll have to reach over what? You're you're still 2, 3 feet away. I just I can't decide. You know how you can smell something on yourself and you can't decide if it's gonna gross you out all day. Is it gonna gross you out all day?

What I'm trying to decide. I'm trying to help figure out. Thing, though. It's not a bad smell. It's a it's a nice smell, so it's not gonna gross me out all day, but it's am I gonna get tired of the smell?

What? You because that happens. I got some lotion the other day, and I went, I can't stand the smell of this lotion. It was nice at first, and now I'm like, no. I've worn it for 10 minutes.

I can't stand it. What do you do then? Of what? Do you do you have to take a shower to get rid of the lotion smell? I just dealt with it.

Oh. And then eventually, it the smell went away. Alright. I don't know if you had to, like, cover it up. Well, no.

But now I have this lotion? Like, how does that work? You don't you don't cover up smells with other smells. I I don't know. Never do that.

That's always a bad idea. Like, because you overpower, then you end up with, like Too much. And then people are like, oh. Uh-huh. Also, now I have a whole bottle of lotion that I don't like the smell of.

Bummer. You you your whole body went to, like, deflated mode. Oh, no. What am I gonna do? Dollars I'll never get back.

$4. Josh. Look. $4. What?

Are we made of money? No. But $4 on lotion that you didn't like, it's a mistake. If you would have been like, it's $40 lotion, I would have been like, what? It's not $40 lotion.

Is there $40 lotion? Of course. There is. Of course there is. They might high end everything.

Okay. Let's get back to the smell of this shirt. What is it? Define it. Does it have hints of cedar?

What is it? No. At first, I thought it smelled like the beard oil that you used yesterday. Uh-huh. Maybe.

But that wouldn't make any sense because I wasn't wearing this shirt yesterday when you were wearing your beard oil. You know, there's a there's some lotion that I just found out, found out about that's almost $3,000 for a tiny little, container. What's it made out of? Gold? I don't I couldn't even tell you.

It's a 16 and a half ounce moisturizing cream from Nordstrom's for $2,860. Nordstrom's is expensive. Who's There was a perfume at Nordstrom's that you liked. Yeah. Who's out there buying $3,000 16 and a half ounce lotion?

Not us. That stuff better be magic. Not radio people. I better feel so moisturized that I feel like that is $3,000 worth of moisture. We when you discovered there was a candle that you smelled at Nordstrom, and you said, I love that smell.

Yes. And the woman said, we have a perfume that smells like that. Let's go. And you wait, Chantel. You gotta get that.

Yeah. But then we looked at the price of that perfume. I know. And I said, no. I'm not gonna get that.

I'll never spend that much on perfume. And then somebody told us that you can get Testers. Testers. Yeah. Can I get a sample of that?

Sample of that for free? Yeah. There's a little life hack for you. Yeah. They don't last very long, those tester samples, though.

So Like, 2 or 3. Yeah. So, anyway, good luck with your smelly shirt. Thanks. Good luck to all of us.

We went to go get some ice cream this weekend. We were in a position where we had, we had a gift certificate actually to purchase some ice cream, and it was a gift certificate for 2 scoops of ice cream. It was. It was a 2 scoop situation. Which is my favorite kind of way to eat ice cream.

You are 2 Scoop Sally. That was determined a year and a half ago. When it comes to ice cream, you like 2 scoops. Because I can't ever decide which kind of ice cream to get. So you have to get 2 scoops, one of each flavor.

You get 2 scoops of the same flavor because getting to your flavors touch. And then you combined weird flavors as well. Everybody was ice cream shaming me, and I don't appreciate that. Because you, on your top scoop, had cotton candy ice cream. And that was delicious.

Now what would be paired well with cotton candy ice cream? Anything. No. You can pick anything. No.

You can pick anything you wanna pick. Corn dog. No. Gross. Anything.

Anything. You can have anything. So I went straight carnival, cotton candy, corn dog. You'd eat the 2 together in the same setting then? Why wouldn't you have corn dog ice cream?

I guess I could. Yeah. Exactly. I guess I could. But you didn't.

You mixed it with what? Fudge brownie. Fudge brownie. So you had, this really chocolatey fudge brownie ice cream as your as your finisher, which is important to you because you like to decide which flavor is gonna be left in your palate when you finish your ice cream. Get to decide which flavor was on the bottom.

But are you happy with the way it went? You wish that you had cotton candy on the bottom. And as I was as I finished my top layer of cotton candy and I started it on the fudge brownie, I said, I'm not gonna be happy with the with the layout of this ice cream cone. And I wished at that moment in time that I had gotten the cotton candy on the bottom. Yeah.

And then I was sad the whole time eating the fudge brownie. Fudge brownie was good. The cotton candy was better. I didn't know you were sad. I didn't see you sitting in the corner crying about it.

I didn't cry about it. Yeah. Yeah. You know why? Because you guys I know.

Yeah. I'm gonna eat it. So You guys always tease me about it, so I just kept it my kept my feelings to myself. Yeah. That's fine.

I had a, caramel cashew, delicious, delicious. Both scoops. Both scoops. Yeah. Typical.

Yeah. I'm consistent. I don't wanna change flavors mid dessert. That's like, here's a piece of pumpkin pie. Nope.

Cherry. Halfway through your pie. Well, I knew that I wanted the cotton candy one. I don't and that's not something I typically pick. But then I was looking at the flavors going, what pairs well with cotton candy?

Nothing. And none of them did. And so I went, well, I'll just get another flavor that I like. Fudge brownie, it is. Play Doh or bubble gum?

I guess I could've those could've paired well together. Because then you're staying in the candy realm. Then I'm staying in the little kid zone. I'm feeling like cotton candy was a was a kid choice. I don't care.

It was good. I don't even care. I'm a kid at heart. I know. And you got to have 2 scoops.

So Yes. Everything was just fine. But everybody was making fun. I didn't hear a a single word. I don't think anybody made fun.

Yes. They did. Who? Caught candy and fudge brownie. Yeah.

Even the guy that was scooping the ice cream said, oh, I don't know if I'd pair those 2 together. Anyway, I don't need anybody to comment on my ice cream choices. Thanks. It's a weird pairing. Doesn't matter.

You made you made a weird choice. And it was delicious. Before you even kinda dive in here, the answer is because I have a willingness to try a little tiny bit of confidence and a good support system around me when I'm trying things. Okay. But I also have all of those things.

Right. I still am terrible at them. Because as as we're engaging in different activities, you say out loud, how are you good at everything? Because you are. And I'm not.

I'm not any better than anybody else. You just have a willingness to try? I just try, and I have a good time. So do I. And I have a little bit of confidence and ability, and I try.

Like, I I put forth some effort, and I go, like, I don't know. I just wanna see what happens. We had a couple of different competitions over the weekend. Mini golf, cornhole. Now you and I were on a team for cornhole Yeah.

And we swept it We did. Which was great. So high five to you and I to you because I did good at cornhole. I know. I had some bad I had some bad throats As as you do, that's what happens.

But I did okay Right. Together, unstoppable. That's what I'm saying because you had the support. You had the confidence. You liked it when I celebrated your victories.

Yeah. So those things were like you're like, I wanna do better because I wanna see that, like, cheering me on. Yeah. Yes. That's the support thing that makes you perform better.

If you got people behind you going like, no. You're not gonna you're gonna fail. Or that don't celebrate your accomplishment. Or that, like, do better. All those things are not gonna get you there.

No. So you see what I'm saying? Yeah. We did play mini golf. I was a solo participant for that one.

Yeah. No. That's not a team sport. A team sport. And, I probably should have watched other people to learn ticks tricks and techniques.

Yeah. Like like, when somebody went first and you went, well, don't do that because that didn't work out for them. Try something different. Yeah. My method was just hitting it as hard as I could.

I saw that. How'd that work out? Not well. No. But was I having fun?

Yes. Yes. Right. And that's that's the bigger important part. Did you have a good time?

I had a great time. Great. Great. There's a tie for first. Was it?

I didn't even look at the score. Yep. Who tied? I did. I was up there and, like, stepmom.

Tie. Tie. Tie tie. Tie tie. Same.

Both of you were very good. Yeah. That's the way it goes. I think I tied for last place with Emery. As happens.

And that's okay. I'm fine being last place. I was not mad about losing mini golf. What I am upset about is the ability that you have to just be good at everything you try. No.

No. I'm not. You are. I'm not. It's nice you think so, but I'm not I'm not any better than anybody else.

I just try. I didn't see you as the best of all time. No. I know. But I watch you and I go, you're good at this too.

You're good. You're good at stuff. Just try. That's all. I'm not any good.

I tried. If I was in a tournament, awful. Bottom run. Well, you're not in the tournament. Right.

I'm just there playing recreational, having a good time. I like I like a good competition. I like a I like a challenge. I feel like there's a lot of luck involved in mini golf Well, at that little bit of chance. That's And then I had a couple of pars, and I it was all luck.

Yeah. I'd like to pretend that I was like, oh, I did that on purpose. But I also like getting into people's heads about it. You do? Yeah.

Like, when somebody has a different putter than everybody else. And I go, what's up with your, weird putter? And then the whole time, you're not focused on golf. You're focused on why is my putter weird. You jerk.

Don't do that. Can't believe you do that. That's a that's how you play. That's competition, baby. Strat.

That is. That is that is a strat. Strategy. Now this event happened Friday night. Yeah.

We're going camping. We had plans to go camping. We load up. We're a little bit later than we wanted to be. We had to stop at the grocery store.

You were a little bit frazzled because we were hours later than we wanted to be. And we get there, we set up camp, and then we say, let's go get some pizza. Mhmm. We all decide whose truck we're gonna take. Are we gonna jump in your dad's truck, or are they gonna jump in our truck?

We jump in my truck. Jump in your truck. I'm excited. I'm driving. Let's go get some pizza.

Get pizza. And then I drove forward 10 feet, maybe? Not even. It was 10 feet? It was maybe 3.

And then I stopped, and I heard a noise. Went like and I said, welp, not taking my truck. Did you immediately knew what had happened? Yeah. I did not know what had happened.

A second, I knew exactly what had happened. I was sitting in the passenger seat. Yeah. I see steam. Oh, there was steam.

I don't know if it was steam. There was just I could see air. Maybe it was dust. Maybe it was something. But then combined with the noise, I thought you would hit, like, the water valve or something.

No. No. No. What what had happened was there's a fire pit made out of a giant tractor tire rim. Oh.

And it's big and heavy and apparently sharp enough to tear through the sidewall of a tire if you get too close. So that's what had happened. I don't think it would have happened had there not been that tiny piece of metal that was really sharp that was just And and when you say tiny, we're talking like a little tiny piece of sharp metal on the side of that rim that was capable of slashing Yeah. My tire. And you just happened to hit it in just the right spot.

Just so. Slash that tire right open. So we went to get dinner, and then we came back and changed the flat tire. Yeah. We I did not change it.

Yeah. I held a flashlight. You did. That's important. That's important help.

Gotta have light where you need it. I didn't even once have to say, hey. Light over here. So that was good. Hey.

Yeah. Good for you. A good flashlight. Aw. So today, I get to get that taken care of.

Well, you you took care of it Saturday morning, because you called all the places to see where can I get a tire? Right. But I get to take care of it today. And it was expensive. I know.

It was an expensive tire. I know. I made a mistake. I ran into a campfire pit. I'm bummed about it still.

I know you are because every time you look at your truck, you go, look at that stupid tire. Like those wonky small spare tire on, like, a truck donut. It's terrible. It looks bad. It's the wrong size.

Yep. It's dirty. I know. And then I felt so bad for you because you you know, when you make mistakes like that, you're like, ugh. But then when you make mistakes like that in front of other people, it's a devil.

Yeah. It's it's a frustrating thing. I mean, if if if I would have made that same mistake and I was frustrating thing. I mean, if if if I would have made that same mistake and I was there by myself, it'd be just as I know. Heartbreaking.

But I asked, Steven. I said, can we talk about this on the radio? Because Sure. It's a sensitive topic. So Yeah.

I mean, I I'm glad it wasn't like I did this morning. Like, it I've had time to stew on it, so I'm a little bit just over it. And once I get a tire taken care of today, I'll be fine. Yeah. You'll be fine.

It's paid for. You called and paid for it. I know. You'll get it taken care of and wishy washy. Wash your hands of it.

Once I have the new tire on. Mistake over. And then I go through the car wash, then I'll wash my hands off. Then I'll feel better. My my my truck looks silly right now.

Oh. Once it looks normal, it'll be okay. Once everything's, like, back to normal, a okay. Right now, Little weird. Little weird.

Alright. Every single weekend starting Thursdays and then Sundays and then Monday nights, it's football. It is football. It's football season. You over the past year Go ahead.

A long time. Is that what you're going to say? Fan. Because I was about to say, and as of last year, you became a fan. Long time Long time football.

Football fan, fan of the Minnesota Vikings, Chantel Tielor. Let's go. Undefeated still. 4 and o. 4 and o, Minnesota Vikings.

You're feeling excited about that? Stoked. And then here's the thing. Because I follow the Vikings on Instagram Yeah. And so I see pregame stuff, like, as the as the team is unloading unloading.

Like, they arrive at the venue. So last night, yesterday, they played at the Packers field. I don't know what it's called. Lambo. It's famous or something.

Field. Yes. It is. Quite. So they arrive, and so it shows all the players arriving.

And then I watched the postgame speech. Oh, okay. And the coach Yeah. Kevin O'Connell. Yeah.

We give a football. He gives game footballs to, like, the players he feels to do a great job. Yeah. Yesterday was the return of Jordan Addison, who's one of my favorite players. Oh, we did so good.

Alright. Minnesota Vikings, 4 and o. And Jefferson? Yeah. I no.

I know. Come on, love. I did. I know you're upset. With him.

You did. You grittied through the living room. You did the mom gritty. It was it was a moment I wish I had on video because jets is doing it on the TV. Justin Jefferson, Grittian, and there's you across the living room doing it too.

It was a moment. It was a moment. It was good. It was it was special. Touchdown.

Did you? Yeah. So this is now the we of we are 4 and o. Yeah. Alright.

Who else is, 4 and o right now? Oh, the Chiefs. That's right. The Kansas City Chiefs are 4 and o. Yeah.

They don't deserve to be. Seattle Seahawks are 3 and o. They play tonight. Oh. Ah.

We know a Seahawks fan. The we know a whole family of them. Yeah. And, and so we'll see if they continue to be undefeated. I believe that would be the totality of undefeated teams at this point.

3? I'm looking I'm looking to see there were 5. There were 5 going into this week. Oh. That is not the case anymore because the Bills are now 3 and 1.

The Steelers are now 3 in 1. The Texans are now 3 in 1. The Chiefs are 4 in o. The Minnesota Vikings are 4 in o. 4 in o, baby.

And Commanders went 3 in 1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers are 3 in 1. And Seattle Seahawks are 3 in o, but they play tonight. So we'll see what happens there. And I've got one guy left to play on my fantasy team.

I'm doing real well this week after a giant rebuild. I am doing well. You are doing okay. I am pretty excited about what's going on. You guys think that I'm a bully on our fantasy football league, but I did great yesterday.

I didn't trash talk at all. In fact no. In fact, I told everybody I don't know if you had heard, but I told everybody, good job playing. Good job. Everybody played very well.

Good job playing. Good job playing. Yeah. I am winning, Bec. You are beating Bec right now in in your matchup?

Yeah. And currently, I have the most points out of our whole team. Right. There's a good chance that I might be able to take that from you. We'll see what happens.

You're you have one player left to play, and he's gonna have to score at least And who do I have left? Metcalf. Metcalf. D. K.

Metcalf. There's a good chance I beat you at the end of this week. We'll see. To go from I didn't do so hot the first three weeks into where I'm at right now, I am excited. Okay.

So I'll take that for you. Got a pretty great team. I know. We all know. No one can stop me at football.

Oh, boy. We were having a conversation this weekend, and the topic of a case slot sale got brought up. Yeah. Because there's nothing like, going to the grocery store and, buying things by a pallet. Like, what are you gonna do with all that green beans?

I'll tell you what we're gonna do. My mom's gonna put them in the pantry and then forget that we have them. Right. And because you're still gonna go to the store every week. That's what's gonna happen.

And then you're gonna go, what are we gonna have with this meatloaf? But I'll tell you. I wish I had a side. When a case slot sale was happening at our local grocery store Yeah. It was all hands on deck.

I don't remember doing a lot of case lot stuff. Really? Like, I remember lived for case lot sales. I remember there were times where it was like, this seems like a good deal, and we eat a lot of corn. So let's just buy a a Yeah.

Sealed you know, what? 24 cans or something like that of corn. My mom would buy corn and green beans and peas. Peas? I don't know why you said that.

I was gonna say peaches. I was gonna say peaches and peas. We did buy peaches, but nobody would ever eat the peas, so we would always have cans of peas. Why was she buying so many peas? She thought that maybe one day we'd eat them, and we never did.

Do you think she still has cans of peas? I bet she probably does. From the eighties? If I go to my mom's house right now and look in her pantry, I bet she still has I bet not. The the kitchen was rebuilt.

So No. No. No. No. The pantry is by the bedroom.

Oh. Do you know what I'm talking about? Do know what you're talking about. The pantry. Yes.

The linen closet turned pantry. Yeah. Yes. That's where all of the case lock goods would go. You think there's still some stuff in there?

I don't know. I'm curious. Been a long time since I've looked in that. Oldest can of food in the pantry? That is a good question.

Now I'm wondering what's the oldest can of food we have in our cupboard. Oh, we have a few. I just pulled everything out the other day because I had to fill our salt and pepper. Yep. And so I had to empty the whole bottom shelf of the pantry to get to the very back where the salt and pepper was located.

What'd you find? I don't know. A bunch of stuff I left on the counter, and I was like, did you know this was here? And you're like, yeah. I knew that was there.

I said, did you know about this? Yeah. I knew about that. I'm like, well, why aren't we using any of this? That's all the noise I got.

As you walk away. Yeah. This is your project. Backed. Okay.

This is not my project. That was your project. Yeah. I left. You're cleaning out the cupboards.

Oh, boy. Oh, I gotta go. See you. Yeah. I'm trying to think, like, today.

Is there is there, like, a I need I need a case lot sale right now because if I don't have a case lot sale, I'm going without green beans. I don't know. You know what's funny to me is that my kids will never know a case lot sale because I never bought case lot goods. Yeah. I never went to the case slots.

I mean, we would go to the grocery store, and they would have it on display, and I'd be like, no. Thanks. Right. I don't need one can. Or have space for that many cans of green beans.

Mhmm. So it's a good bargain to be sure. And I look. I I think there's that part. I think there's the bargain thing.

I think there's the bulk buying thing makes sense on on items that are gonna last for a long time. Yeah. Because you can put them away. You're gonna have those, those items as, like, backup food or emergency rations or whatever you might need, for sputnik. I don't know why people do that.

Whatever. I don't know. But, that is a thing that people still very much buy a lot of bulk stuff and put away. You have a large family. Sure.

There are 4 of us. That's a good point too. 2 of us don't eat vegetables. I eat vegetables. I so do I.

So guess who doesn't? Although our daughter did have a salad over the weekend. She was like, I'll be having a salad. Did she eat the whole salad? Eat the whole salad.

Let's go. No. That's a big deal. The burnt croutons is what she called them, but it was just croutons made with a different bread. Uh-huh.

They were a dark brown crouton. Yeah. Burnt croutons. I Okay. Were they good?

They were good. Okay. Good. Good. Good.

Good. Yeah. Canned vegetables. What are some other like, those instant potatoes? Like, there's some stuff you could keep around for a long time.

For a while. Yeah. Sure. Do you know what I would like to bulk buy is, like, gravy mix. Okay.

Why? Because I I never have it when I need it. How often do you need gravy? A lot of times during breakfast will be like I want to make biscuits and gravy or I wanna make, you know, a skillet or something with gravy on top, and I never have the gravy packet. You can make your own gravy.

Yes. Easier with a packet. I'm I wanna be real lazy and just have a whole bunch of packets around. Gravy's pretty cheap. I bet you could just go stockpile packets of gravy.

That's what I'm saying. I wanna buy a case of gravy. Can I buy a case of gravy? Just go buy, like, a handful. What if I want more?

Because I really wanna, like, not have to think of whether or not I have gravy. Handfuls of gravy. That's what I'm talking about. How many handfuls of gravy do you have at your house? That's a good question.

None. Not enough. I do we have any gravy right now? No. We have no gravy.

I have one thing of hollandaise. Oh. Uh-huh. How old is that? I bet it's pretty old.

A minute or 2? Isn't it a minute or 2 old? I don't know. From the spring, maybe? It's not, like, a 100 years.

I didn't know you had that. I didn't know we had that. Yeah. Look at us. It's in the cupboard.

We're fancy. I found it when I was filling up the salt and pepper. Good find. Would've showed you if you wouldn't have walked away. No way.

I've Grumbling. Bye. One of my favorite things to do is to, bug my children. Okay. It's my right as their mother.

I see. And all the grief and pain they have caused me. Uh-huh. Alright. And they do the same to me.

They like to push my buttons. Now that's what I was gonna say. When you say bugged, do you mean pestered? Do you mean, like, like, teas? What what do you what do you getting at?

I'd like to call it getting Beck's goat. Oh, okay. Beck is a major football fan, which is why I, in an effort to connect with him, started to watch football. Sure. And so we have conversations about football.

He is he latches on to memory like that. He can remember stats. He can remember players. He can remember this guy played for this this guy played for the Broncos in 1985, and he used to play for the Eagles in 1978. Like, he knows all of those stats.

That is correct. My favorite thing to do is I don't know a lot of the players. Beck knows a lot of the players. When I see a jersey for a different team and I just see their last name, I like to pretend that I know their first name. You do this in the Fantasy Football app as well.

And it makes me So you laugh. You have a receiver, on your team. His first initial is z. His last name is Flowers. What's his name?

Zach? No. It's not. It's Zay. Zay?

It's Zay Flowers. And every time you talk about him, you go, oh, and Zach Flowers, and both Beck and I go, Zay? Now a lot of them I know. Some of them I do not know. And in the fantasy, it does just give you the first initial.

If I'm watching Correct. It just gives you a last their last name. So I have a full range of first names I could say. In the league, the fantasy league, I can see, you know, like, I know that guy's name. So I see this guy.

His name is t McBride. And so I go, ah, that's Tyson McBride. Travis. Trey. Trey.

Excuse me. Okay. See, I I guessed as well. What makes me laugh the most is sometimes Becklet just brush it off, and he'll just quietly correct me. So I'll say, oh, man.

I really hope Travis McBride is playing good in all this. Trey McBride. Trey. Trey. Right.

And that makes me laugh more than anything. I love it so much. Just little little things that get me excited about life. Well, there you go. That's it.

That's all it takes. Just a little a little nudge of, of Of annoyance. Of annoyance, and you're like, yeah. I'm good. I am so good.

Yep. Is my right as a parent? I guess so. Maybe you heard this story already, but, we haven't talked about it. So I'm gonna get your opinion.

Sure. Did you have the Schwann's delivery? I think we got it, like, one time. Oh, I knew you were rich. No.

Because I think we saw the truck go by a few times and went, what are they up to? And you would go get a catalog, and we would, order the chicken cordon bleuze because they were delicious. And, and that's about what I remember about the Schwann's truck. Okay. I remember the catalog.

I remember the yellow trucks, and I remember the chicken cordon bleu was awesome. They announced that they are going out of business after 72 years. Wow. Really? They started off in 1952 delivering ice cream.

They later expanded to a large variety of frozen foods like pizza and pasta. And chicken cordon bleu? They were yep. Did they have okay. Time out.

Did they have potatoes? Like, twice baked potatoes? Probably. I remember twice baked potatoes, but I don't remember if I got my dad worked for ORIDA for years years years. So I don't know if that came from ORIDA or if that came from Schwartz.

Probably ORIDA. Okay. So they rebranded. Yeah. They did.

So Schwann's was the original food delivery service, and everybody knew their local Schwann's guy. You had a guy that delivered in your neighborhood. Yeah. Right? Yeah.

That right. The truck came down the road, and we went, let's go get a catalog and see what all this hype is about. And people are people were upset when they announced that they were finally shutting down. They said this is the end of an era. Our personal Schwann's guy was like a distant family member who came to visit once a month.

Yeah. It's her Schwann's guy. Yeah. I'm trying to see if they still have the, chicken cordon bleuze. But, no, you can't get them.

They're gone. I'm looking at their website right now because they rebranded as yellow Yeah. Dotcom. I don't know how to spell Cordon Bleu. I thought the whole place was going out.

No. Schwan's company is still in business and supplies grocery stores and other food service. They just are not delivering. So it's just their delivery services that are out. I see.

You can still get the chicken Cordon Bleu, stuffed chicken Cordon Bleu. You still can, Well, it's sold out. Oh. But it it shows up on their website, but it's currently sold out. But it was delicious.

Wait. I wonder if you can get it in store. In store? Yeah. Because they still deliver to stores, it says.

Yeah. But you gotta, like, now you gotta find somebody who's gonna carry the yellow. That's what I'm saying I know. When you find it in store, and you said, same store. I searched by ZIP code, and it says sold out.

Oh, sorry, Josh. That's what I'm saying. Is that what you're saying? Yep. I never had that chicken cordon bleu.

So good. You guys are fancy. Yeah. Look at you guys. Like, once or twice ever.

Richie rich. Ever. Not true. Not true at all. At all.

There was a woman coming into Texas, and she, From where? From Mexico. So she's crossing the border from Mexico into Texas. And they said, do you have anything to declare? And she said, I have a cooked meal.

Okay. And they said, okay. And then they caught her trying to smuggle more than £700 of bologna. Hey. That's a cooked meal.

Alright? You didn't ask what I cooked. I'm not sharing my secret family recipe, and it's £700 of bologna. If you are wondering what £700 of bologna looks like I kinda am. Are you?

Yeah. It's a lot. The officers noticed that her suitcases were heavier than normal during the second exam that they had. Uh-huh. £700 of bologna.

Righty. Do you see it? It's a whole bunch of chubs of baloney. It's yep. That's exactly what it is.

I mean, listen. Where do you get £700 of baloney? From the baloney store. Duh. Come on.

You know where to get baloney Do it. In the deli. Where do you think baloney comes from? Do you think there's a limit on baloney? Clearly not.

She goes to the deli and they're like, you can only get 6 chubs of this. She's like, no. I need £700. Also, calling her a baloney smuggler is pretty funny to me. Like, that's that's pretty funny.

That's a funny name. Okay. Now she did not get in trouble for having that much baloney. She also had some prescription drugs. 7 oh, that's the big deal.

That's the big story. We were gonna let the baloney go, but then we found all the pills. She had £748 of baloney and 280 boxes of undeclared prescription medications Oh. And $76100 in concealed currency. Oh.

So I didn't hear that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. This lady This lady. I got a cooked meal.

Let me tell you about my cooked meal. What is that? And I think it's hilarious that she put the baloney in her suitcases. Obviously, it's to hide the prescription drugs. Right?

It have to be. Let's see. If you hide drugs in enough baloney, the dogs will only smell baloney. I think that's it. But, also, she's full of baloney.

Oh. Yeah. You're waiting. So nope. I just came up with that one just then.

I wasn't waiting. That was brand new. Do you have more? That one was fresh. That's fresh baloney.

Do you have more? I don't know. Maybe. I haven't I haven't finished talking about it yet. Some other stuff might come up.

Okay. A cooked meal. A cooked meal. What a terrible answer. Do you have anything to declare?

I got a cooked meal. Oh. What? Baloney. Yeah.

What are you gonna do with all that baloney? Hide drugs. I wonder how much 7 £100 of baloney costs. How much? Well, how much is baloney per pound?

Yeah. Are you looking that up? Yeah. Listen. Our show is just we're hitting hard facts.

I know. Hard truth. I don't know I don't know where she got her baloney, but I'm getting somewhere around, like, big baloney K. Which let's call it big baloney, which is a bit she's got big baloney. That's what she's carrying around.

And if you buy it in the big the big chub, which is what she's got Yeah. It's, it's basically, like, 8:8:8, $9 a pound. Okay. That's expensive. That is expensive.

8 to $9 a pound of baloney. If you get it, sliced, it's the same price. Also Oh, here you go. Per 4 and a half pound piece. They're $40 a chub.

How much does it weigh? That's my other question. Oh, 700 and something pounds. What do you mean? No.

I did not. That was the whole story. What are you talking about? I don't know. Over £700 a bollies.

How much does it weigh? I was thinking she bought, like, 700 of the chubs. I forgot. £700. I get it.

I got it. Let's talk about what you're supposed to do when you have, a stranger in your home that you've hired to be there. Okay. Like, somebody cleaning the carpets. Or Somebody cleaning the carpets or a plumber or an electrician or even a tree trimmer who is not even inside your home, but he's outside your home.

And you're secretly watching from the window going, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. What am I supposed to do with myself? I don't know. Because at some point, you forget how to live. You forget to be yourself.

You're like, what would I normally be doing? I would probably just be doing normal stuff. I'd be watching a show or I'd be, you know, cleaning a thing or doing laundry or whatever. Or watching a show on yeah. I think it's even weirder if it's if it all happens at a time of day when you're not used to being at home Yeah.

And they're like, hey. We're gonna swing by at 11, and you're like, 11? I don't even know what my house looks like at Wednesday at 11. What? I have a the light?

I have a home? What does the light look like? I Yeah. I know. So then it's weird because you're already out of sorts because you're at a place you're not normally at at that time of day.

Yeah. And then they're like, okay. Cool. We're just gonna take a look at the thing. We'll just be in and out.

And you're like, okay. Do I sit? Do it too. Do you want me to hold a flashlight for you? I always go, do you need something to drink?

Can I offer you some water or something? Yeah. Like, can I can I host you? Yeah. What's Are you snacky?

Do you want me to make some lunch? Like, I get so disoriented. I do too. It's awful. I don't know what to do.

And then I have to think it's gotta be even more awkward for them. I've been on that side. Because they're in a stranger's home, and they are make they are the person that's making the homeowner uncomfortable, but they're also very uncomfortable. I'm gonna have to take a look under your sink. Can you Yeah.

Can you move all your stuff out? I had to install a dishwasher. I did some construction for a little while where I was putting windows into some homes that had already been built, so we're taking old windows out, put new windows in. But you have to be on the outside of the house, like, up up high. The ones we were doing were up in an upper level, and so somebody had to go in the house and then go up the stairs and then go into the room and stand there while we're putting the thing the window in, and it's you gotta trim it inside and outside.

It all takes time, and you're just in somebody's space. Yeah. And it is a little bit weird, but at the same time, you got a job to do. So you're like, look. I I put in a 100 windows.

I gotta put in this window too. So it it is that, but it's also you're in somebody's space. A few months ago, we got fiber Internet. Yeah. And the fiber people came over.

You weren't able to be there, and you said, hey. You need to go home and do this. And I'm like, I don't know where any of the I don't know where the cord cords are. What? So they came over and they were like, where's your modem?

I went, I don't do I have one of those? I don't know what that is. I don't that's not something I deal with. And then they had to go outside and come inside. Right.

And they had to ask a couple of different questions. So I had to it's not like I could just go in the bedroom and hide. I had to be available in case they had questions. Your kitchen table. Like, I'll be right here if you need me.

But I do also don't wanna watch them because that's Right. Uncomfortable. I don't want somebody sitting there watching me do my job. Yeah. But they probably don't want me standing around being like, so how long you been, doing this?

I'm not here for an interview. I'm just here to install Internet and leave. You want me to ask you a bunch of questions? What's your favorite color? What do you like to do for fun?

Yeah. I don't know. What are you supposed to do? I don't know. So weird.

It's very strange. I'm I'm gonna dust the ceiling fan that I haven't dusted in 20 years. Don't find me. I'll just be in here being normal. Yeah.

I'm over here being normal if you need me. Yeah. I don't know what to do. Still, I still right now don't know what to do. No.

Nobody does. You know how you read something that blows your mind a little bit and you go, I didn't know that. I just read something that said, I just realized the sound of a snap is the finger hitting the palm of your hand and not your fingers rubbing together. Look at you. You're snapping so good.

Oh, thanks. I'm pretty snappy. You are snappy. You might think that I have little shells in my hands that I pluck them together, but it's not true. No.

It's your fingers. I see it. I'm proof. Alright. You're proof?

I'm proof. I'm a witness, so I'm the proof. Alright. What about it? Yeah.

It's the sound of your finger hitting the palm of your hand right next to your thumb. You didn't know that? No. I thought it was your fingers rubbing together. You did?

Yeah. It did. So then you sit here for a minute or 2 going, how can I snap without hitting my palm? Well, it'll be silent. It will be the silent snap.

Let me get a video of you playing this. Whoops. I took a picture. Alright. That'll work.

Playing my snaps. You're so good at snapping. Oh, so good? Whatever. You're the best at snapping, I think.

You just had the confidence and the willingness to try. You can even snap with your left hand. Can you not? Now look. What I'm I'm looking.

What am I hearing? There's a noise there. Little. That's like an ABBA song. Yeah.

I'd have to pan I'd have to pan one to each side. Oh, yeah. You know. You know. I can snap ABBA.

Snabbah. It's my new band. Snabbah. Wow. You're gonna go far, kid.

America's Got Talent. And I walk out there, and they're like, what's up? What do you got? And I go, hey. I'm Josh.

I'm from Idaho. Here's what I can do. I I snap ABBA songs. I'm Snappa. And they go, what?

And I go, and they go, wow. What? And red buzzers across the floor. Way, man. It'd be all green.

No. Instant. We don't even golden buzzer. You think I'm golden buzzer? Hear it.

Mhmm. We already know this is gold. Snapping ABBA songs. Sign me up. Let's ask the question, would you rather this or that?

We ask the hard hitting questions here on this class c ninety Chevron program. Yep. Like, would you rather this or that? Would you rather this or that? Would you rather carve a pumpkin?

Carve a pumpkin? Holy moly. Would I rather carve a pumpkin Or paint a pumpkin? Or paint a pumpkin. Carve or paint?

Carve a pumpkin. Hear him. I've worked Would I rather carve a pumpkin paint a pumpkin. Or paint I'm gonna I I like a carved pumpkin. I hate dealing with the guts.

I think it takes long. It's a long time. Long? It takes a long time to carve. I don't mind I don't mind dealing with the guts.

I kinda like that sensory part. You clean out the pumpkin and I'll carve my pumpkin. I'm happy to clean out the pumpkin. I don't mind doing that. I don't like the carving of it because surprise.

Surprise. I'm not I'm not any good at it. What are you talking about? Do you end up with a carved pumpkin? Yeah.

I'm good at it. That's it. That is pretty basic design. You get pretty intricate, and you do some pretty amazing stuff. What I enjoy.

That's fine. That's what okay. I enjoy. I don't mind the guts. I really don't.

Well, you're on gut patrol. Oh, great. You're on because I don't like it. You're on car duty, Ben. Of all the pumpkins?

Yeah. No. If I'm on gut patrol for all the pumpkins, I can't be on gut patrol and have time to carve mine. I just don't like carving out the, guts. That's I'll call I will do the guts.

But I only wanna carve 1 pumpkin. Well, then we've got a problem. No. You like the guts part. Yes.

I know, but I don't have Okay. Okay. Okay. Here's the idea. Shared pumpkin.

We get 1 pumpkin? One pumpkin. Pumpkin? Did you say pumpkin? Pumpkin.

No. I did not. But we get one pumpkin between the 2 of us. You take out the guts. I'll carve it.

1 pumpkin. Okay. Is that fun? Are you gonna be able to play with the guts? Yeah.

Am I gonna be able to carve? Yeah. Then yep. One pumpkin. 1.

1. It's so easy. Why didn't we think about 1 pumpkin before? I don't know. It's the Josh and Chantel pumpkin.

The one pumpkin. The one pumpkin. To rule them all. Yeah. Yes.

That's the one. Alright. Today is international podcast day. That's right. So we wanna invite you to celebrate by listening and, enjoying wake up classy 97, the podcast.

Friday was national morning show host day, and today is national podcast day. Yeah. Podcast day. It has been a couple of days for us, hasn't it? This is true.

This is absolutely true. If you wanna check out wake upclassy 97, the podcast, what we do is we take the whole show that goes from 6 until 10, the 4 hours of it, and we take out all the stuff in between us talking. So it's just us talking. So you just get the show. Lucky you.

Your favorite part. Lucky. Yeah. Lucky you. Yeah.

You're like, you know, the music's great and all, but, man, if I could just hear the whole show of them talking. Sense. Yeah. That'd be great. I bet there are people out there that are like, I wish you would take out the talking and just play the music.

Well, those people are not fans of the show. Those people, I say, phooey on you. Yeah. That's right. It is it is international podcast day.

So wherever you listen to podcasts, maybe you have never listened to a podcast, and you're like, I don't know what that is, but I wanna find out. Open up Apple Podcasts, open up Spotify, open up YouTube Music, whatever you listen on, Amazon Music, whatever it is. Tell your smart speaker to play wake up classy 97, and you can listen to the show. If you've got a young person in your life, a grandson or a granddaughter or have them show you. Sure.

Say, hey. I I wanna listen to a podcast. Show me how to get a podcast. Yeah. And they'll say, alright, grams.

I'll help you. Or sure, mom. Let me tell you how to get that radio program. Yeah. I just tell my mom because she doesn't Yeah.

She goes, oh, I heard you on the radio, and she hasn't. No. But you can listen, anywhere you get podcasts. It's available. It doesn't cost you anything.

You can subscribe. You get updates when we post new episodes, and you get to listen to the whole show in one shebang, which is pretty awesome. One shebang. Celebrate podcast day with us. Download and listen to and enjoy Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast.

And if you subscribe, like I said, you get the, the episodes automatically, and you can also rate the show. You can give us some feedback. That helps us out, helps us grow, helps us be bigger and better. So thanks for listening to the show live. Thanks for listening to the podcast, and, that's gonna do it for us for today.

Happy Monday. Yeah. Wipe the sweat from your brow. The show is done for today. We'll be back tomorrow.

Done so. See you then. Bye. Thanks for listening to Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake Up Classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.