After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff

Today I talk with Joff Yard.  Joff is a RN and a certified health coach.  Please check out his website here: 

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What is After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff?

Welcome after after hours with Dr. Sigoloff. This is a place where Dr. Sigoloff can share some of his thoughts and ideas with you. Dr. Sigoloff is a board certified Family Physician and he has been practicing medicine for almost a decade. Dr. Sigoloff is a Doctor of Osteopathy and therefor he has a slightly different approach to medicine. He likes to get to discuss the heart of the issue so that you can be better informed.

136. Chewing the Fat with Joff

Joff Ylarde: [00:00:00] I actually feel good eating a diet that is rich in cholesterol. You can see the stories online. Anecdotes of people who have been eating this way for a long period of time. It's not a lie. The diet itself, it's not a fad diet. This is a diet that we've been consuming throughout our evolution. Okay? And there is evidence for that.

Joff Ylarde: For people to say that, you know, this is only a fad diet. It's gonna go away fairly soon. I don't think so and look people are opening up to this idea that carnivore diet is The proper human diet

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Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If you've noticed, I've been wearing this t shirt for a few episodes now, I have them available on eBay. Check out the links below to get your size.[00:02:00]

Nurse Kelly: Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff. On this podcast, you'll be encouraged to question everything

Nurse Kelly: and to have the courage to stand for the truth.

Nurse Kelly: And now to your host, Dr. Sigoloff.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you for joining me again. I first want to give a shout out to all of my Patreon subscribers. We have Too Tough at the 30 level. We have an anonymous family donor giving 20 and 20 cents a month. We have the Plandemic Reprimando level at 17 and 76 cents a month with Ty, Charles, Tinfoil, Stanley, Dr.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Anna, Frank, Brian, Shell, Brantley, and Gary. At 10, we have Kevin Alanos. At the Refined Not Burned level at 5 a month, we have Linda, [00:03:00] Emmy, PJ, Joe, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Ken, Rick, Mary, and Amanda. Addison Mulder is giving 3 a month, and Frank is giving 1. 50. And then our Courage is Contagious level at 1 a month is Spetsnasty, Durell, Susan, BB King, and Caleb.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you so much for contributing and please be sure and check out MyCleanBeef. com That's MyCleanBeef. com slash After Hours for some of the best beef that I've ever had. My next guest is Joff Ilarde. Now he is a registered nurse, he lives in Australia, and he's been doing carnivore for a period of time.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Joff, thanks for coming on with me.

Joff Ylarde: Thank you. Thank you, Sam, for inviting me on as a guest. Pleasure to be here.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Tell me, when you first discovered, uh, carnivore, how long ago that was and, and what brought you down that road? [00:04:00] Because one of the biggest things that I've discovered as, as a practicing physician is being able to shift a patient's mind frame to understand that carnivore is actually a healthy way and that cholesterol is a good thing.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Uh, Now, tell me what kind of led you to down that road.

Joff Ylarde: Yeah, so, um, I was first introduced to the carnivore diet. Um, actually, I started actually with the low carb ketogenic diets. Um, that was my first introduction into the whole carnivore space. But, um, this happened around two, Two years ago. Oh, actually almost three years now.

Joff Ylarde: It's, it's almost three years since I tried the Keto diet and it just so happens that you know The videos and the algorithms that were pumping out at the time were a lot of the carnivore influences like Dr. Sean Baker [00:05:00] Dr. Anthony Chafee, Professor Bart Kaye Who else is there? Dr. Ken Berry and all all the content sort of just, you know, Started appearing in, in, in my, um, you know, in my searches isn't, and so that was my first introduction to it.

Joff Ylarde: Now, I got into the diet, you know, into the low carb space initially for health reasons and, uh, you know, to keep, The, the, you know, everything's sort of condensed because, you know, uh, the health journey sort of goes back, you know, a decade ago. Um, just for some background, I'm 32 years of age right now, and I got into carnivore just before I, I hit 30.

Joff Ylarde: So, um, throughout my 20s, uh, As you've mentioned, I worked as a registered nurse, uh, providing care and [00:06:00] looking after people who required, um, healthcare in the hospital setting. But at the same time, I was someone who was struggling with my own health problems and, um, a lot of the issues that I was, I was experiencing were, you know, uh, that of the metabolic nature.

Joff Ylarde: So I was, uh, overweight, going towards obese, uh, towards my 20s. I was, you know, experiencing a lot of these cardiovascular disease like symptoms, which progressed and got worse as I was closing into my 30s. And yeah, I was basically told that, uh, You know, you could try and fix it with your lifestyle change and you could do things in your life to try and, and, and, uh, improve it like lowering your cholesterol.

Joff Ylarde: So that was a lot of the medical advice that was given to me was to lower my [00:07:00] cholesterol, to eat a balanced diet, eat a lot of vegetables, a lot of fruit. Um, And yeah, exercise a little bit more, just stock standard, uh, uh, what you see on, on, you know, your standard, uh, visits to the doctors. And anyways, I, I tried doing and, and following the advice for many years, uh, up until the point where nothing was working because, um, pretty much from 20 up to 30, I was just not, uh, Like, my cholesterol was always considered to be in the higher range and no matter what I did, I exercised, I trained hard, I ate a low fat diet, I went as far as going plant based, um, and nothing worked.

Joff Ylarde: So I gave up around, you know, as I was closing into my thirties and, you [00:08:00] know, at that time as well, I was, Just in dire need to know what was going on. Like why am I so unhealthy and I tried everything. I, I tried, you know, the, the plant based diets. I, I went vegan for about a month or two and that didn't turn out so well.

Joff Ylarde: Um, I tried all sorts of, you know, fad, sort of, trends, like, uh, uh, doing intermittent fasting, uh, did the whole paleo thing, I think, at one stage, Mediterranean diets, um, and it was just back and forth, back and forth, um, with, with all these different diets, but, sort of, uh, As I was hitting my, really closing into my 30s, I was not doing so well, I started getting worsening symptoms of, of, you know, the, the [00:09:00] cardiovascular disease stuff, I was getting a lot of chest pain, I was, you know, hypertensive, my blood pressure was around the 160 systolic, um, I was, uh, definitely feeling a lot of palpitations quite frequently where I was actually going to the hospital, uh, making frequent emergency, uh, trips.

Joff Ylarde: And yeah, I got to a point where. It just, I just felt like nothing I was, that I was doing was going to work. It's all going to, you know, I'm pretty much going to be a number in the statistics. Um, and yeah, just pretty much almost gave up until, you know, a colleague of mine at work, uh, brought up this, this video by a doctor by the name of, uh, Robert, uh, Dr.

Joff Ylarde: Lustig. And the video was a sugar a bit of truth. [00:10:00] And, at first, you know, uh, Dr. Listig was talking about Carbohydrates being, uh, you know, highly inflammatory and, and, and, you know, Associated with, with a lot of things like our, you know, poor metabolic health, Um, and also, uh, cardiovascular disease. And I thought, nah, this is a bit far fetched because What I was always told and always taught as a nurse was that, Uh, Glucose was an essential nutrient, and that was something that was drilled into me, and so I always thought that, you know, uh, We can't survive without carbohydrates, and a low carb diet would pretty much, uh, well, it could kill me, so, that's what I thought, that's what I thought at the time.

Joff Ylarde: And, um, but, [00:11:00] but, the more and more videos I watched, Um, after watching this documentary, it started to make sense and I thought, I think there's something here in, in this whole, you know, low carb diet thing. So yeah, I gave it a go and pretty much from there, uh, life just changed for the better. I, I lost weight initially on, on keto, you know, uh, it was, it was a few pounds, you know, every week, every month.

Joff Ylarde: But It wasn't until I really committed to Carnivore, uh, which was, I would say, if I was to pinpoint a time, it was around November, November of, uh, 2021. And that was in the heart of, uh, the pandemic. And so I had nothing better to do but to go on the carnivore diet. And so I said, no, let's give it a go.

Joff Ylarde: Let's give, let's give this a [00:12:00] shot. And yeah, the results that I experienced just, if I thought keto and low carb was, was good. Like I was, I was getting good results, but carnivore just took it to another level. Um, the, the weight loss just rapidly, you know, accelerated. And. The, the euphoria, the energy feeling that people were saying, you know, when, once you get fat adapted, I really felt that when I got, uh, into the carnivore diet.

Joff Ylarde: Um, you know, all the issues that I was experiencing, the cardiovascular stuff, uh, you know, the chest pain, hypertension, palpitations, I haven't experienced that ever since I went carnivore. So, it's, and, yeah, like I said, it's nearly been three years. Um, Yeah, uh, and probably I found the most, uh, I guess noticeable for me was just my mood.

Joff Ylarde: I, I [00:13:00] just, uh, I felt like a shell. I was just, you know, something just opened up in me that it was just, I just felt like a new person. Um, I didn't think, you know, I wouldn't say I was depressed before going, uh, you know, low carb or keto. But, you know, my mood just lifted. Going, you know, down this path and yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Joff Ylarde: I, I, I've got a lot to thank for and, uh, and, and be grateful for, um, going into this journey, um, and so that is what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to pay it forward by being active on social media, um, you know, Posting regularly and sharing things that I think would be helpful for a lot of people. Um, and also I've, I've, uh, recently studied to become a health coach so that I could, you know, stop people from hopefully coming in to the hospital.

Joff Ylarde: So they. Don't [00:14:00] become my patients

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So you you mentioned some interesting Like exact opposite diets. So like you said you went plant based for a short period of time and even tried the vegan Now I'm assuming that the main reason that you tried Those ways of eating was purely for, for health, um, because some of the biggest issues I run into is people go into those for almost a religious fervor, um, because they, they believe that it's better for the environment.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: They believe that it's, it's, it's better for humanity to not eat red meat. Um, now, if you just want, went into those types of eating for health, tell me what helped bring you out of it. And if it was for that more, more religious idea, definitely I need to know how do you break that paradigm where people say, Oh, this is, this is makes the environment better.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: This is, you know, it's bad to kill and which it's bad to murder killing for food [00:15:00] is, is not murder. Um, it's a very different thing. Uh, how did you break that paradigm? How did you, how did someone get in? How did someone put a chip in that wall and ended up tearing that wall down?

Joff Ylarde: Well, it was a very short lived, uh, stint, the, the plant based, or sorry, the vegan stage of my life.

Joff Ylarde: It was, it was, it was about two months, I believe, or probably even less, and it was purely for health reasons. Um, I had, I had, uh, a few friends and, um, colleagues at the time who were vegan, and You know, it is touted as a diet that would, I guess, lower your cholesterol. Um, it was also a recommendation from a GP that I saw.

Joff Ylarde: Um, that you could possibly look into a vegan diet if you [00:16:00] really wanted to lower your cholesterol. Uh, it was, it was really to, to lower cholesterol. That was the biggest fear for me because, um, you know, uh, whilst I was experiencing, you know, the hypertension and, and, and all that and, and the chest pain, I, I always thought that, You know, this damn cholesterol is clogging up my arteries.

Joff Ylarde: I need to do something about it. Um, and, and it was this saturated fat. That was the evil thing that, that was the cause of it. So I, yeah, I, I wanted to go opposite to, I wanted to eat the foods that would, uh, I guess, uh, Yeah, uh, lower my cholesterol and it, it did not last for long because um, I'll just put it bluntly.

Joff Ylarde: I felt like crap. The first two weeks, um, I felt like I lived. In, in the bathroom, like [00:17:00] that's where I was because, you know, the minute I'd put some, you know, some plant matter in my mouth, I'd be rushing to that bathroom. And, um, you know, it was not a nice experience. I just, yeah, it wasn't. And so it really put me off.

Joff Ylarde: And, and also I, I, I. I just couldn't see myself sustaining it, um, you know, and, and so that, that really was the, I guess the tip that just broke me off, like I'm put off by this, uh, I cannot do this any longer.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. It's just for the listener, like going to the bathroom, the moment you eat, every time you eat is not normal.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I think most of the listeners here probably know that. And that's, what's so great about Carnivore is you'll go once a day. Once every couple of days. Not feel constipated. Um, and just go when you need to because you're making less waste. Just like the newborn infant when they're breastfed. They may, [00:18:00] they may have a stool every couple of days.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And they're not constipated. It's because they're using everything. Turning it all into energy. And then have very little solid waste to come out.

Joff Ylarde: That's very interesting. I didn't think about that actually. The newborn, yeah.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, it's, it's interesting when you start putting the pieces together, um, and it's just like, wow, it's, it's perfectly designed for us to eat animal products.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Even, even the idea behind the teeth. So, you know, babies, they, they're breastfed. You know, if this was 10, 000 years ago, they would be breastfed, then they would start, uh, and they might be breastfed until they're three or four, and then the next baby comes along and they start breastfeeding less, and they're eating a diet that's rich in sugar.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And what's really amazing is the baby teeth, well, we lose those baby teeth, and that exposure of sugar through the breast milk, um, and then, Once they stop breastfeeding, eventually [00:19:00] around six or so, they start losing those baby teeth. And then for the rest of their life, they virtually eat no sugar. Again, if this is 10, 000 years ago.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: What's really incredible about that is if you don't eat sugar, you don't get cavities.

Joff Ylarde: Yes,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: gosh,

Joff Ylarde: that is a big wow for a lot of people.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Isn't that just absolutely mind blowing? And the idea of the opposite of that is, if you get cavities and lose your teeth, you're a dead person because you can't, they didn't have blenders back then, they didn't have knives to dice up their, or meat grinders to dice up their food.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so you could keep your teeth for a very extended period of time. Actually, personally, I had, um, resolution of my gum recession. I had gum recession that was so terrible I was about to get a, um, periodontal gum grafting. I went to the, the periodontist, they measured all, all my teeth. This is from an accident when I was 17 years old.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I got my face bashed in and wired shut for [00:20:00] weeks. And I had significant gum recession. And then after I'd been on Carnivore for about six months, I said, okay, I finally need to get these, um, gum grafts. recessed gums taken care of. He measured everything. He said, get your teeth cleaned, come back in a month, and then we'll do the, the operation.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I got my teeth clean, came back in a month and there was no operation needed because everything grew back. And during that timeframe, the sensitivities that I've had since I was 17 years old, and I was probably like 34 at this point, resolved.

Joff Ylarde: Wow. It's funny that right? Like it just. Um, I don't know, sometimes, I still think, and I was watching a video earlier on as well, just thinking about how, how, how, how have we got so far from, you know, the, the way that we were designed to eat?

Joff Ylarde: Like, how, how, how do we, how do we stray so far [00:21:00] away that we have people, um, that are, you know, just so unwell? In general,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: my theory on that is, and I don't know if you have any religious persuasion or not, um, but I'm Christian and, and I, what, what the Bible teaches me is that there is a, a war going on in the unseen realm.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers and principalities of darkness. And you know, let's say, let's give him a name called the devil, the, the, the enemy, the devil can't strike at God. It's just can't. But can strike at humans, and the best way to strike at humans is to convince them that the food that is not good for them, they should eat.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And then if you go to the nth degree of that, if you're vegan for a very long period of time, you have deficiencies in minerals and nutrients. And one of them is a B12 deficiency, which causes anemia, and at its worst presentation, it can look [00:22:00] like schizophrenia. And then your mind is so altered that you can't even understand that you're having problems from the food that you're eating that is not healthy.


Joff Ylarde: It's, uh, yeah.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and it's working. There's, there's a book out there called, uh, The Screwtape Letters, and it's, it's as if you're getting the inside view of a devil that is, um, the, uh, The more senior devil writing to his nephew, who's the apprentice devil, and I encourage everyone to read it. It's still relevant to this day, and it was written in the 70s, and it's like, try it, try this technique.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: This really gets humans thinking and in their head about this and leads them astray. Well, I think this, this idea of teaching people that veganism or plant based food is, fits right into that idea, [00:23:00] because it's, it's not better for the environment, and it's not better for your health. But it does degrade your health and it does degrade the planet.

Joff Ylarde: Yep. Yep. Yeah. Wow. Interesting. Very interesting. And I'll, I'll look into it. Yeah.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Hmm. So, um, tell me what you, what you know about cholesterol, cause that's something you mentioned a few times, how you were concerned because your doctor had told you cholesterol is bad for you. You need to lower your cholesterol.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Cause this is another one of those paradigms that's so incredible as a physician, as a practicing physician, it's so hard to convince people that. Cholesterol is not the problem. So what helped tear down that wall for you?

Joff Ylarde: Uh, the biggest thing that was, uh, I guess, the catalyst for me? That made me think, hang on, we've got this wrong, um, was my own anecdote, [00:24:00] of course, and my own experience of actually, hey, um, I actually feel good, uh, regarding, you know, eating a, a diet that is supposed to be rich in cholesterol, but secondly, the information That I've learned, sorry, the things that I've learned throughout this time, throughout the three years, it's just, it's, it's, I kind of feel stupid thinking that a, someone who's been taught, um, to be a, you know, someone who's supposed to have the knowledge of, of providing healthcare, someone who's supposed to know basic physiology, didn't know that essential, that cholesterol was an essential nutrient, that it does not cause heart disease, that, that actually, [00:25:00] um, there isn't actually any science.

Joff Ylarde: To suggest that cholesterol or LDL causes atherosclerosis. Okay. And that,

Joff Ylarde: you know, I, I was just following along. I was just going on and getting along with, with what, what the status quo was. I just, I, it, it, um, you know, uh, it, It frustrated me when I, when I, when, when that gear started to kick in and just switch to, you know, Hey, hang on a second. I think I've been lied to. I felt like I've, I've just, you know, been lied to for my whole life because I always, I was always, you know, brought up to fear this whole cholesterol thing.

Joff Ylarde: Because, you know, my, you know, my. Whole family in my father's side, you know, most of the men have died [00:26:00] from cardiovascular disease or stroke, um, and same in, in, in my mother's side too. So I, I, I was always told that, hey, you know, one of the things that you got to watch out for earlier on is your cholesterol, um, and the, the bad cholesterol, especially, um, And so there was one particular video on YouTube that actually was the, the trigger for me, and it was by, um, it was by a YouTube channel called Low Carb Down Under, and the guest speaker was a fellow by the name of Dr.

Joff Ylarde: Nadir Ali, and that, his presentation to me was just, that was, uh, It was spot on. Uh, and, and that was enough to, to get my, my gears turning. Um, you know, uh, [00:27:00] yeah, it's, it's, it's just crazy to think that this is the status quo, that we are told that something that, We cannot survive with the, the, the molecule that is essential for life, um, that is essential for repairing the endothelial damage that has been caused within your, you know, blood vessels that lead to, you know, blood clots that, hey, hang on, this is the bad guy.

Joff Ylarde: This is the cause here. This is the, the cholesterol is the, the fireman at. You know, the fire, the fire scene, and we're pointing, pointing the finger at the fireman here. Cholesterol is not the bad guy.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That, that example is exactly what I use with patients. I tell them, if the only picture of a house fire you ever saw, and, you know, in that picture was a big red [00:28:00] truck, and guys with jackets and helmets, every time you saw that picture, you could easily come to the wrong conclusion that the guys in the big red truck with the jackets and the hats started that fire every time, because every time you see a picture of it, they're there.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But really, you're blaming the firefighter for the arsonist's problem.

Joff Ylarde: Exactly. Exactly. Yeah,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: uh, it's

Joff Ylarde: frustrating. It is frustrating.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It is. Um, and there's another topic that we won't go down too much because you said you're living in Australia and that can cause problems for you. Um, but the, the whole pandemic that opened my eyes to so much of medicine.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And that's why it was so much easier to start the carnivore. Actually, for me, carnivore started just before the pandemic. Um, but it's just reinforced how every bit of research that you look at, every single bit, they start with a bias. And usually that bias [00:29:00] is plant based is better. And it can be for many reasons.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Research on neurologic issues, research on cardiovascular issues, research on everything. And I guarantee you, you can manipulate any number you want to give you the answer that you're looking for.

Joff Ylarde: I'm gonna hold my tongue here, cause I, I, I Yeah, I'm not asking you to get yourself in trouble. Yeah, but, uh, look, uh, yeah.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Cause I, I once had Anthony Chafee on and he's like, I can't touch that.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So, um, I

Joff Ylarde: understand. I mean, he's practicing, so yeah, no, definitely. Yeah.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. But, but it opens your eyes when you, when you've been lied in one area, then you begin to see the lies in all areas of life. And it's not just medicine. I mean, there's. Just the basic understanding cholesterol is bad for you. You need to eat carbohydrates.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I had a, when I was in residency, I had a, um, a [00:30:00] staff resident say, and I, and I said I was doing like a, a lower carb, but this is back before I knew anything about anything. And by lower carb, I meant like I was doing maybe a hundred grams of carbs a day. Which is not low carb at all. Um, and this, this female, uh, resident staff said, Oh, you have to have carbs.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: They're essential for your brain to work. Pull out Google right now. Google it. There is no essential carbohydrate. It doesn't exist.

Joff Ylarde: Yeah, where is that in the textbooks? Where is it that it says that, that carbs, um, you know, exogenous carbs are essential? No. It's funny, Sam, because I knew about gluconeogenesis. I've read it, I knew about it in my textbooks. I've read it when I was, when 13 years ago. I, I remember that in my textbook, but only now it's kicked, it's clicked in and, and, [00:31:00] and, you know, Oh, hang on this gluconeogenesis, the process of, of your body making its own carbohydrates is, is a reason why, you know, you can survive without, without carbohydrates.

Joff Ylarde: Duh.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. I learned that. And, you know, biochemistry is like, huh? Well, one thing I learned about chemistry is the moment that you start fasting, your body begins kicking out lots of LDL. And I'll tell you the truth, that scared me. I was like, oh, oh, I can't stop eating. I gotta continuously eat. And then you look back for thousands of years of human history, people went days without eating between meals.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Why would your body kick out poison to kill you if you can't continuously eat? That doesn't make any sense.

Joff Ylarde: No, it doesn't. And look, I'll even Go, go a little further to that because [00:32:00] and I'm really just pointing at myself here looking like a fool, but I didn't know that there was a difference between LDL and cholesterol.

Joff Ylarde: I was always told that LDL was cholesterol and Actually, I knew that what a lipoprotein was but I've always associated cholesterol LDL same thing, whatever And then and then now I'm like, you know after learning more about You know, uh, biochemistry, you know, 13 years later, after working as a nurse, I thought, hang on a second, lipoproteins are not cholesterol.

Joff Ylarde: Why are we, they're two different things. They shouldn't even be in the same. I mean, obviously your lipoprotein is the carrier for cholesterol and other, you know, uh, fatty molecules that, that are hydrophilic, like, you know, people, people say like they still use. You know, in the wrong context. LDL [00:33:00] cholesterol doesn't exist.

Joff Ylarde: It's, it's, it's not, it's not a thing.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wait, and then the part that's always missed is, this is a functioning part of your immune system. Why would we want to lower your immune system?

Joff Ylarde: Exactly. Yeah. Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm just kidding. Yeah,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I don't want to get too much into things that you don't want to get into, but is there any specific health things that you specifically noticed?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You mentioned the palpitations. You mentioned blood pressure. What about like sleep? Cognition?

Joff Ylarde: So sleep, uh, yes, it did improve, um, but it actually, for me, didn't improve with carnivore. Uh, I, don't know if you're aware too much about the, um, you know, um, [00:34:00] blocking a blue light. Hence why I've got the, yeah, because it's nighttime for you as we're recording.

Joff Ylarde: Yeah. Yes, yes, correct. And, uh, so these have been the game changer for me, um, in terms of, of sleep. So I guess going on the carnivore diet opened me up to a whole bunch of other, uh, Aspects of, you know, health that I didn't consider to be as of important when it comes to, you know, just overall health, like who would have thought that, um, you know, blocking off blue light at night would assist in your circadian rhythm, you know, would help you regulate circadian rhythms, you know, I've always Worked in, you know, in the hospitals for the last decade with, with glaring led lights, um, broken sleep and, and, you [00:35:00] know, doing the shift work from morning, early mornings to graveyard shifts.

Joff Ylarde: Um, No one ever told me that to watch, to watch out for, you know, blue light exposure after hours, it wasn't until I started doing the carnivore diet and, and I heard about it from people within the community that, yeah, it was a, it was a thing. So, yeah. Um, Sorry, what was the original question? It was, what were some things, uh, other things that I experienced with carnivore?

Joff Ylarde: Yeah, um, well, I also had a lot of skin issues. So I had, um, growing up, I had eczema and a lot of dermatitis. I just had really sensitive skin. Going carnivore, it improved that a lot. Um, now [00:36:00] I never knew that I had a problem with. You know, my, you know, with my gut, I always thought it was quite normal to go three, four times a day, uh, with your bowels.

Joff Ylarde: Uh, but going in carnivore, you know, doing these, you know, poop once a day, you know, just one and done. I always thought, I thought, oh, wow, I actually feel great on this. Like I don't have to spend so much time in the bathroom. Um, and. Also, I never thought, I always thought having a little bit of reflux was, was normal, but going on Carnivore I realized, oh my gosh, I, I never realized that I had, I had reflux, um, you know, before, before doing this and, and now I'm like, ooh, and now every time I, I do go off the rails a little bit, say I, I do have, you know, a piece of bread [00:37:00] or, you know, um, a piece of cake.

Joff Ylarde: You know, the reflux comes back like it, it hits me really hard. And, and, um, I can tell that I've, I've done the wrong thing. Um, what are some other things that I experienced? Hmm.

Joff Ylarde: I think, yeah, I think I've pretty much. Hit all the things, um, that I've, uh, uh, improved on with my life. You mentioned

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: a couple of things that I'd like to delve into a little bit. Um, so, you know, not all of us are like Sean Baker, right? He's, he's an animal, he's a beast in the gym and, and with his diet. Uh, and you mentioned sometimes you go off the rails and I want to let everybody know that that happens, that happens to all of us.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. You know, there's a time where you're like, oh man. And, and the reason is it hits the The carbohydrates hit the same spot in the brain that all addictive [00:38:00] substances, you know, heroin, cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, it hits the same spot in the brain, the nucleus accumbens, and so it's not unusual for someone to, you know, maybe try this, and then it opens up a floodgate, and then you gotta get back on, get back on the wagon, so to speak, um, and That's okay.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You know, just do the best you can and you're making better decisions every day that way.

Joff Ylarde: Absolutely. And I always tell people as well, like, uh, we're, we all live in, in the same or similar environments where we just have so much supply of food or, or food like substances. So we're all, we all have the same temptations.

Joff Ylarde: You know, I, I, I, you know, I grew up, you know, in the same generation as, as, as, as all of these people around me, I, I, I will have cravings here and here and there. And, um, that is fine. You know, um, there's nothing I could do about my, my environment around [00:39:00] me. All I can focus on is on myself. So if I can, if I can get myself back on track, that is, you know, That's the best I could do.

Joff Ylarde: And

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: then the other thing that I want to go down a little bit is, it's almost like keto was the gateway drug, if you will, to carnivore, which was the gateway to other things like blue, blue blockers and red lights and things like that.


Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Are there anything else along those avenues that you've discovered since having your mind open to eating differently?

Joff Ylarde: Yeah, yeah, so, uh, light exposure was definitely a big one. Grounding? Now, I thought this was just some hippie, dippy nonsense that, you know, uh, people tout as a health benefit. You know, [00:40:00] whatever. I I I I gave it a, I I I gave it a, And hey, I actually experience, uh, some health benefits from that as well. I sleep a lot better at night.

Joff Ylarde: Um, and just generally, I feel great when I'm, when I'm grounded. And so it could be, look, hey. It could be a, uh, what's the word I'm looking for a placebo effect. Uh, but I, uh, but I actually did a, a YouTube video on this and look, it was just a silly little experiment. I I've got a grounding mat that I, that I sit on in my desk.

Joff Ylarde: So before I, before I started recording, I, I. I took my blood pressure, um, and recorded it before, and I wrote it down and I took it 30 minutes after once, you know, uh, I was recording the video while [00:41:00] seated on the grounding mat. And hey, look, the blood pressure was, was, uh, about 10. Milligrams of mercury lower than it was when I first checked the blood pressure when I recorded the video.

Joff Ylarde: I mean look it was a There could have been a lot of variables in play there. It wasn't a you know an experiment It was just something that I wanted to see for myself and yeah, it worked out so I've got that on my youtube channel as well, but Grounding for me was yeah another thing that I picked up Another little biohack.

Joff Ylarde: Um, I tried getting into cold exposure into, you know, the ice baths. I just cannot, I understand. I can see the benefits from it and I can see how, you know, uh, I can see the appeal for, for a lot of people, but it's just not for me. I'm [00:42:00] sorry. Um, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, and the other thing that I. Another, uh, biohack, I guess, that I've sort of picked up along the way is, uh, I've been taking a, a product from a company called Soror, which is, uh, you know, to help boost and enhance, uh, your stem cell release, your natural stem cell release.

Joff Ylarde: Um, but I won't get into that in, in much detail, but, but that's something I do take as well. Um, what else? I mean, I've always exercised and I've always trained throughout my life, but oh, that, that's another benefit that I've experienced from carnivores that, you know, being fat adapted or how shall I say it, a low carb athlete [00:43:00] or someone who, who, who does not use carbohydrates for, for fuel, uh, you know, I, I feel like I might, I perform much better in, in the gym.

Joff Ylarde: I'm a lot stronger without carbohydrates. So yeah, that was, sorry, I just, I just remember that from the previous questions.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, that's one thing that I've noticed is I'm able to maintain my muscle mass and strength for much longer and it's much easier to do eating this way.

Joff Ylarde: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Was there anything else that you want to leave us with or any tips or tricks to try and get to people that, that haven't quite made the jump yet or at least to have helped them open their mind? Um, cause you see patients and so I would imagine this comes up at times. Um, yes. How do you help open the minds of people that are still closed or [00:44:00] do you just plant a seed and leave it there?

Joff Ylarde: Well, Sam, that's all I could do is, is, is plant the seed. Unfortunately, in, in, you know, in my position, I, I, I don't, I don't have much influence when it comes to, you know, I obviously have to work within my scope of practice as a nurse, but also, um, I have to work within what is, You know, promoted by the, you know, uh, the status quo, like what the status quo is.

Joff Ylarde: And, and so the, the way I, I get around it is that I, I just, you know, plant the seed there. I, I never make it about the patient when, when, when, when, when. You know, when, when, if a conversation does ever come up, you know, I always just tell them, Hey, look, I, I'm, I only eat a, a, um, meat only diet. And so [00:45:00] it starts from there.

Joff Ylarde: And usually it's a curiosity, like, Oh, what, what do you mean a meat only diet? And, you know, from there it goes on, but I always make it about myself because I could never make it as a therapy claim. So that, that's, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, um, and yeah, I guess, look, uh, The message that I really do want to get through to people is, you know, you can see the stories online, you can see the anecdotes of people who have been eating this way for, you know, a long period of time.

Joff Ylarde: It's not a lie, alright? The diet itself Is, is something, it's, it's not a fad diet, this is a diet that we've been consuming for, you know, throughout our evolution, [00:46:00] okay? And there is evidence for that. So, for people to say that, you know, this is only a fad, and it's gonna go away fairly soon? I don't think so, I, I don't think so.

Joff Ylarde: And, and, Look, people are opening up to this idea that carnivore diet is the proper human diet. So, you know, if you, even if you don't want to look into it or, or, or, you know, participate or do the diet yourself, you know, uh, just look into it, you know, and listen to a few podcasts like, uh, you know, Dr. Sam Sigaloff and his After Hours podcast, or, you know, we, yes, just, just.

Joff Ylarde: Watch a YouTube video on the carnivore diet. You'll be surprised to, to know that, you know, there's actually some strong evidence or some, some strong justification as to why we should be [00:47:00] eating this way as a species. Um, and you know, uh, just one more thing that, that I do want to cap it off with is that, you know, going down this route, going If you are wanting to do, uh, or to make this lifestyle change, it's not easy.

Joff Ylarde: I know it's not easy because I've been through it, you know, Sam, you've been through it. Um, it's not easy for, for a lot, I mean, obviously it's easy in a way that, you know, you, you experience a lot of the health benefits and, and whatnot, but because the status quo is against You know, what, you know, it goes against what, what our thoughts are and what we believe it, it, it's really hard to try and, um, you know, get the word out [00:48:00] there or, or to tell people that, Hey, this is the real deal, but.

Joff Ylarde: The community is, is getting stronger. I see that, you know, over the past three years, I've seen the carnival community just expand, so it will get better from here.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, I think, well, what I do tell patients is that it's simple, it's not easy, and there's a significant difference between those things. It's simple to eat.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. Only animal products. You know, if it comes from an animal, eat it. Yeah. But that's not easy. But what's interesting is when we do more difficult things, it becomes easier to do those more difficult things. The neurochemistry in our brain actually changes, and it makes it easier when we exercise that no muscle.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: No, I'm not going to eat that piece of cake. No, I'm not going to just eat it because it's laying around. And you get better at it the more you do it.

Joff Ylarde: Yep, absolutely.[00:49:00]

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, Joff, can you give us, uh, tell us where your YouTube is? And I'll put a link down below. How do we watch more of you?

Joff Ylarde: Yeah, yep. So I go under the handle TheRN, capital R N, Carnivore. Um, so that's my YouTube handle and my Instagram name is also the same. It's the underscore RN underscore carnivore. Um, and those are my main, um, modes of, uh, social media.

Joff Ylarde: I also have, uh, you know, I also have a health coaching business where I help people, um, You know, transition into the keto or carnivore diets. So I do have a website for that. It's under healthcoachjoff. [00:50:00] com. au. And yeah, that's pretty much all my, my contacts.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you so much for coming on, for sharing your experience.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Uh, I hope this encourages others to begin to look into this, this way of living.

Joff Ylarde: Thank you so much, Sam. Look, I do appreciate you having me here.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you, God bless.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there, in duty uniform of the day, the full armor of God, let's all make courage more contagious than fear.[00:51:00]

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