Sports Round Table from The State News

Host Nick Lundberg and Impact's sports contributor Carter Frye discuss women's soccer's win against Milwaukee during the NCAA tournament

Show Notes

Nick Lundberg and recurring guest Impact's sports contributor, Carter Frye discuss the women's soccer team's win against Milwaukee during the NCAA tournament and each player's updated status. Lundberg and Frye then move on to discuss the women's cross-country team and their winning status. After that, the two discuss the hockey team's win against Ohio State, Frye mentions similarities between the team's head coach Adam Nightingale with the women's soccer team head coach, Jeff Hosler. 

Later in the episode, Lundberg and Frye transition into updates on the women's and men's basketball teams. The women's team won against Oakland University on Tuesday and will be playing against Iowa State and the men's team were defeated by Gonzaga on Friday and will be playing against Villanova. Finally, Lundberg and Frye discuss the football team's past game and their surprised reaction to each player's performance. 

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Nick Lundberg 0:10
Welcome back, everyone. My name is Nick Lundberg. And this is the Sports Roundtable. Your end of the week sports update on all things Michigan State. We're live here from Impact and I'm back with Carter Frye sports contributor. How are we doing today? Carter?

Carter Frye 0:22
Doing well, Nick, thanks for having me back.

Nick Lundberg 0:23
Yep. Always good to have you back. And obviously, we were talking about this on the way here, Michigan State Basketball has been. We're going to talk about this later. But that's on the way. So don't, don't worry about we got you covered with that. But we want to start off with another team that's doing really well so far, especially this year's women's soccer.

Nick Lundberg 0:42
They beat Milwaukee in a crazy first-round game of the NCAA tournament, and their first ever home game, the NCAA Tournament, might I add three to two an extra time against Milwaukee, the Horizon League winner, Evans, Camryn Evans scored the game winner, the Gaynor sisters both had a goal of peace. And by the time this podcast is posted, I'm not sure exactly when, if this final score for their next game against five-seeded TCU. In the second round will be posted. But if they do end up going to win that they will play the winner of number one Notre Dame and number eight, Santa Clara.

Nick Lundberg 1:17
But Carter, I just wanted to say this woman's soccer team has been you know, we've talked about this on a couple podcasts beforehand. But this women's soccer team every time we talked about it seems to be, you know, continuing to just break down barriers, further expectations. And I mean, it's just really exciting to have this kind of a team have having this kind of the season and, you know, keeping going through postseason play.

Carter Frye 1:43
Yeah, it's, it's astonishing to think that Hosler is only a second-year coach, and, you know, you watch him in the press conferences and postgame interviews. And, you know, it seems like he is really building a winning culture here at MSU. And it's evident by where they're making it so far in the tournament, they're obviously going to play TCU tomorrow, but their game against Milwaukee, the Gaynor sisters gotta go on both of them chipping in a goal and getting it down against Milwaukee and extra time. So being able to, you know, overcome that adversity that, you know, the Milwaukee game, I think a lot of people just expect that a win coming in. But because they played them so tough being able to overcome that adversity, I think that's going to help them in their game against TCU.

Nick Lundberg 2:26
Yeah, I mean, Hosler, like, I've been following the team, I'm for the state news. I've been, you know, at their games and stuff, I went to Columbus for the Big 10 tournament. And listening to Hosler talk about how he always seems to mention whenever you talk to him about how this is kind of the first time for this team, because it's such a young team. And obviously, like they didn't make it last year. And then the years before that, they were kind of in a down, you know, their record would not allow them to do or to be where they are right now.

Nick Lundberg 2:56
But he always seems to mention that these games are kind of firsts for his teams. And you saw that kind of in the Big 10 championship against Penn State when they lost three to two. And they always seem to hang around in these kinds of games. But it seems like the difference between sort of like a good team and a great team, and this is why I think this team is a great team is that they figure out how to win these games. In these past few tournament games like they go down early to Minnesota. They have a tough test against Nebraska, they they pull through, they pulled through against Minnesota, they didn't pull through against Penn State, but then they look kind of learn from that. And obviously, like you go up, you're up to two, one in the final minute. And then they score to tie it and move into extras and you know, a decent team or not, not a great team would see that as kind of like a momentum, their momentum wouldn't be shot from there and Milwaukee would kind of just take over.

Nick Lundberg 3:50
But this team is like they know how to win. And it seems like hustlers really instilled that in his players. And that's how I see them, you know, coming out with that win against Milwaukee and extra time. And then they're going to need to have more of those performances against as their competition continues to get better, especially if they end up facing a number one see the Notre Dame. But they have gone through they ran through the gauntlet, the Big 10 schedule, which is a gauntlet. And obviously Penn State was their only last throughout Big 10 play. And Penn State is no joke either. So it's promising to see what they've done so far, but you just got to you just got to keep it going. But I do like where or what the fight I see from his team whenever they face a little bit of adversity.

Carter Frye 4:33
Do you have a prediction for the TCU game?

Nick Lundberg 4:36
Prediction right now? I think they come away with it because they have faced better opponents and Big 10 play. But if the only way I see them losing is that if so because TCU compared to some of the other teams they played besides Penn State these past couple of weeks. If they allow TCU to get going early and they don't fight back. TCU is good enough to fight off the Spartans from where they can allow allow themselves to get back in the game. So I feel like in order to win this one, they're gonna have to match how TCU starts or just start out better than him, and then be able to just run through them from there. Because, like you said, if you give TCU too much momentum, they're good enough team to where they can allow you to not come back into the game. So I think that it's either we got to start off quick and win, or if we don't, we don't match them, even though they have shown to be matt, they have shown the season that they can match when they're down against good teams, I still think that tournament plays a little different. So honestly, I think that it'll either be like a to one in favor of MSU, or like, just like a three one in favor of TCU. So we'll see. I'm very interested to see what happens. But that's kind of what I'm thinking right now.

Carter Frye 5:47
Yeah. And they're playing in South Bend. And if they somehow or if they go on to win this game, then they could have the chance to play against Notre Dame in the game after that. So if, you know, obviously, that's, you know, take it one game at a time. And that's, you know, far ahead. But yeah, just looking ahead, there are tougher tests ahead. So this women's soccer team definitely has proven a lot this season, and will I assume will continue to get better as Hosler, Hosler's rain continues.

Nick Lundberg 6:15
Exactly. But moving on to the volleyball team, they, you know, were not doing so well for a while. They lost to Illinois, zero to three last week. And but then they finally beat Northwestern to end, you know that, I believe it was a 10 game losing streak at that point. But they swept Northwestern, they're now 11 and 16, on the season two and 14 and conference play, which isn't a good luck. But when you consider when all things considered in which we'll discuss that in a second. It's not fair and not a terrible thing.

Nick Lundberg 6:16
But they'll play at Illinois tonight at 8pm. And going back to that conference play record. We've talked about this earlier with this team, all things considered, you've got a new coach, new coaching staff, a ton of new players, a ton of new young players. And you go and you start the season very hard against, you know, winnable teams, which is a good sign. Because obviously, as a young team you want to beat you want to be able to show that you can beat teams, that you know that you're better than just in general, but then you start to play Big 10 play, and then you've got, I believe at one point, they faced like seven straight reg teams, and most of those games are on the road.

Nick Lundberg 7:22
And that's a killer for any team, especially young team with maybe not the players that Leah Johnson has envisioned for them later in the future to be in right now. So just to be able to kind of scrap out a win in these last few games. I talked about this last week with our friend Mel as well when she was on, but I talked about this, like they're gonna have to, you know, win some of these later games of the regular season because none of these teams are ranked, and there's some home games mixed in there.

Nick Lundberg 7:52
So obviously you don't they have a chance to get some Illinois revenge tonight. But beating Northwestern is a good sign. And you just got to for next year sake, maybe not even for the end of this season sake but for next year sake just to get some momentum going into next year. You want to get some of these wins out of these easier games compared to you know, all those ranked teams who played early in the season.

Carter Frye 8:14
Yeah, and hopefully they can get that revenge game against Illinois, they kept each set last time to within three points. They only they didn't lose by more than three points last time.

Carter Frye 8:23
So hopefully they can get that and I was looking earlier this year, there was a month stretch where they played eight ranked games in a month, which for any team, you know, no matter how good you are, that's that's a tough stretch. So I think that might have hindered their confidence a little bit, but like you said, building that confidence at the start against the teams, you can win as good. And I think the remaining four games of the year are also winnable games, not like you said no one's ranked and, you know, build keep building that confidence to finish the season I think is important. Yep.

Nick Lundberg 8:55
And moving on to a team that I've been mentioning a couple times these past couple weeks is they've been doing some notable things as the cross country team wanted to show them a little bit of love. The women are headed after winning the Big 10 I believe. We talked I talked about that like last week, but they won the Big 10 and then the women's side are altogether headed to the NCAA cross country championships. And then the men got two individual bids with CarLeee Stimpfel and Aden Smith. So just wanted to give a little shoutout to them. It's always nice to see, you know, kind of those lower, not lower tier, but you know, teams that get less attention than the other teams do these big things.

Nick Lundberg 9:34
So just always it's good to shout out these guys and I'm glad they're you know, make it some waves throughout the country, for sure.

Nick Lundberg 9:41
But moving on to hockey, a lot of excitement is going around them as rightfully so as they swept their weekend series with number 10 the Ohio State Buckeyes for their fourth straight win on the season. They moved into the after knocking on the door of the rankings last last week. They moved into the top 20. They're now ranks 17th.

Nick Lundberg 10:04
They'll play Penn State on the road tonight, which is that series is going to be very tough starting at 7pm, after Penn State beat Michigan earlier this season. And then Nico Mueller after a big weekend, he had two goals and two assists. And both games earned a Big 10 first star, which is good to see. And I just wanted to say like, I feel like this team is defying any expectations they had coming into the season getting off to such a hot start. And it seems like it's not just one guy on this team. It's everyone from the the three freshmen like Tanner Kelly, and Karsen Dorward.

Nick Lundberg 10:45
That's the big minutes to Miroslav Mucha coming in. Erik Middendorf had four goals and a game against Wisconsin last week, Nico Müller having a big, big weekend this weekend. So I mean, I feel like every time this team kind of steps into a bigger game, a bigger role, someone else steps up and shows up for this team. And it's just, I think that's just a sign of like, good coaching, just to be able to develop guys throughout your roster to be able to step up, when maybe someone else isn't, you know, doing as well as they should be.

Carter Frye 11:21
Nightingale's reminding me very much of Hosler right now, just the way he comes in here, you know, they're not, you know, obviously, the rank either one of they, now they are 17/17. So being ranked, obviously, is a huge step in the right direction. And it's something that I don't think anyone expected this year. And they haven't been, like, exceptionally good, like a top team in the country. But a year or two from now, I think Nightingales got this program going in the right direction.

Nick Lundberg 11:49
Yeah, because we've, when we talk about hockey, we talked about this, like our past couple podcasts together, the recruiting has been, you know, very, very solid to start off Nightingale's you know, tenure, but we knew that it was going to be like that coming in from given his pedigree and where he's been before with the United States development team. So he's coached the best of the best amateur players and to see some of those guys kind of follow him. And now these guys who committed him, the ones who already looking at MSU, can see what he's done in just one year with players that he honestly didn't really have anything like he didn't bring them in.

Nick Lundberg 11:49
These really aren't his guys, but a good sign of a good coach is to be able to take any group of players that you're there, no matter how talented they are, and make them cohesive. And that's exactly what he's done with this team. So it's gonna be very exciting to see like how the rest of the season turns out. Honestly, I don't think that the level of some of these big, top Big 10 Guys which I mean, realistically, it's that's how it just is because you got Minnesota who's I believe, number one in the country. Michigan's always in the top five, they're, I think their top three right now Penn State's in the top 10.

Nick Lundberg 13:04
So I mean, some of these guys are just some of these teams are just, too I feel like they're on another level right now that Nightingale could honestly one day reach, maybe not with this team or this group. I mean, it's still a young season. So we'll see like, what happens going forward. But if you start to get his guys in there, and you know, developing the way he's developed some of these other players that aren't even his, it's gonna be exciting. I have high hopes for Nightingale and this team.

Carter Frye 13:32
All I know is that that for one on one conference record is looking real nice to some recruits right now.

Carter Frye 13:37
Yeah, exactly. So this is this is the time where you kind of pounce on some of those recruits. He's like, Hey, we're winning. We're big things are going on.

Nick Lundberg 13:43
But I will say just to look at the future. Three of our next four series are Penn State, Minnesota, and Michigan. Three teams you just mentioned.

Carter Frye 13:46
Yeah, we're just gonna, we're gonna learn. We're gonna learn what this team has over these next couple of weeks. So I'm excited to see the kind of fight they bring to, to these big dogs, but it's that time to talk about basketball. You gotta go got the whole campus jumping right now.

Nick Lundberg 14:09
But first, I want to talk about the women's team. They obviously haven't. They don't have like the gauntlet of a nonconference schedule that that the men's team has, but you know, they've been doing their thing they've been winning big against multiple teams. They just beat Oakland last night by I believe it was like 40 points. They've been running through Delaware State pretty far away in those kinds of teams, which is good to see. And I mean, after slow starts DeeDee Hagemann and Matilda Ekh are starting to pick up a little bit stats wise Matilda just had a 20 point game.

Nick Lundberg 14:41
DeeDeee had 19 and four assists, Kamaria McDaniel and Gabby Elliot the transfers have been doing good so far. Taiyier Parks got her career higher earlier this year. So it's just good to see. They haven't had really a big test yet this season. But it's good to see the team, the women's side just getting things done and you know, winning these easy games.

Carter Frye 15:03
And by 30 plus points every time to so winning the games that they need to not let them hang around or anything with the with the men's, you know, they started their first two games off really slow like Grand Valley was rough was I think a single probably close to a 10 point game at halftime.

Nick Lundberg 15:20
Yeah, we're down five at halftime. Remember?

Carter Frye 15:22
Down five?

Carter Frye 15:23
Okay, down five at halftime, I'm sorry. But yeah, they're getting the ones that they need to they still have, you know, a bulk of nonconference games coming up before the actual, you know, the season starts. But so far I'm, you know, they're missing a few pieces from last year. But I've been really impressed with what I've seen so far.

Nick Lundberg 15:41
Yeah, they're the big test coming up in a couple of weeks is number eight Iowa State. So they'll I believe they're on the road for that one. So though, that's, that's going to be their, you know, first real test. So that's going to kind of be my marker of where I believe this team will be at. But compared to last year, the depth is just so much more noticeable. Like, I mean, you've got players like Theryn Hallock, this year that just step in. And she's one that's very, I'm very been very impressed with as a backup point guard for a freshman just coming. And she's one of those really feisty guards that just loves to get in the opponent's faces. And she causes many turnovers. She's very quick, very smart. And I feel like she's gonna be very good for a long time. But you've got guys like Tory Ozment, Julie Ayrault, who are out for all of last season off the bench. And they were supposed to be last year coming in going to be wanting to have your leaders of the team last year and obviously, like, we're missing Nia Clouden which is a big loss.

Nick Lundberg 16:37
But you've got, you've got everyone, everyone's is better this year down the board. And you've got more depth to backup, the players who have improved from last year. So it's, I'm interested to see what this team ceiling is, I think they can, you know, do some big some good things in the Big 10. I'm not sure if their ceiling is a championship in the Big 10. But that'll only you know, that'll come with time. But there are some good pieces to work with. And I do think they'll make the tournament unlike last like last year, they didn't they just missed it. But I think this year, they'll you know, be in the NCAA tournament. And I mean, that's we're obviously talking really far away. So who knows what can happen in between now and a couple months from now. But right now I do like what I'm seeing from this team, and I'm just kind of waiting till they see a real, you know, a real real opponent just to kind of give myself a marker of where they're at.

Carter Frye 17:26
Yeah, it's definitely evident that Suzy Merchant did well on the player development side of things this offseason. And because the starters are playing, I think better than last year and some of the people that weren't getting minutes last year are stepping up and filling in that that's that depth roll that was missing with a lot of people leaving so this could be an exciting season for MSU women's basketball have to wait and see.

Carter Frye 17:27
It could but we're going to talk about the men's team which time Yeah, and I mean, we saw the game against Gonzaga earlier last week. And that really kind of got my hopes up for all of this. That's you know, happening right now. They played him really tough. Mady like, had a his first breakout game. I was I'm going to be honest, I was very, very skeptical of him coming into this year. But we've we've learned to never doubt Izzo never doubt Izzo, but in that game. They were up double digits at one point.

Nick Lundberg 18:23
They stalled at the end. And it was just kind of those one of those games where you're like, you can take out of it that we played really well. But we didn't get the win, which when we could have which was upsetting but and then the next game you come out against honestly, I think Kentucky is better than Gonzaga they have I feel like they have better players. But you come out against number four ranked Kentucky after losing barely to number two Gonzaga, and on another, you know, neutral court game and you answer every punch Kentucky throws you just continue to just go at them and then Mady outlast Oscar Tshiebwe, the National Player of the Year in foul trouble, which is something I would never have imagined to say before coming into this game.

Nick Lundberg 19:07
And you just find a way to just outlast a very good opponent in Kentucky it's just I can't say enough about Izzo's teams performance and just everything about it from the play calling to the players performances to everything is beautiful.

Carter Frye 19:22
Yeah, and that whole Mady falling out thing I think that's so funny because they missed I don't know if you remember he he went elbowed yeah Mady in the face. They missed it. They reviewed it after our didn't call anything. And then mighty got a foul on the unknown and one on the same place. So had that happened. We are chieveley might have been out of there even sooner and Mady might have not been in so much foul trouble, but he still did it even though it was obvious Kentucky was trying to go at him to make him draw that fifth bow. Yeah, because the second he was if he fouled out of that game, and Jaxon Kohler had to be the five the whole time. He okay no disrespect to Jaxon Kohler though, because he played great minutes last night you got to loose ball got down on the floor played awesome. Izzo was hyped up after that.

Carter Frye 20:09
But playing him at the fire for an extended period of time against the reigning college basketball player of the year, probably wouldn't have gone so well in the late game. Yeah, so it was definitely important that Mady got through to OT, and finish the game for us, because that was huge and contributing to the win.

Nick Lundberg 20:29
Yeah, and then I've talked about this in earlier podcasts. But Joey Hauser finally seems to be confident, and they Izzo it seems like finally has figured out his role on the team. It kind of started, in my opinion with that Davidson game last year, when he just, you put them running off screens, you know, on the perimeter, and he gets open and like, sets his feet. It's, he's not missing. And that's exactly what he did last night, he would just run off screens, and he would find himself open and just hit hit shots. And that's like what you need out of him. You can't, he's not a guy you put down low and expect to make, you know, make moves in the post or take you off the dribble. He's perfect. I just running off screens, like well set screens, like Malik and Mady were doing with those pin downs. And just getting him open and letting him shoot threes. And you know, pull up jumpers, and it was working, he had over 20 points. He was looking confident. And then on the other hand of that you got Malik Hall deciding, and it's he's one of those guys that feels like he can fade away and big games like we've seen that from him last year, but this year, at least in this Kentucky game. He went at it like he had.

Nick Lundberg 20:44
Just tied the game twice. Yeah, two dunks exactly that type of game. Yeah, that the first OT and the under regulation.

Nick Lundberg 21:47
Yeah, that double ot play, or that ot play to send it to double overtime, which is that ball fake was just absolutely beautiful. But we can just the whole play was just gorgeous. And I wanted to shout out Don Borowicz, the new recruiting coordinator, I saw on Twitter that he was a big part of installing that play call. So that that was just, it was it was just all around a beautiful design play.

Nick Lundberg 22:10
But it seems like Malik this game, whenever like, the momentum wasn't exactly with us, he kind of just took it upon himself to just get a bucket and get this team back in it. And that's something I want to see out of Malik this year, consistently as a leader of this team. Like, we know that he can assert himself in these big games and make these big plays. But sometimes he doesn't always do that. So it's just, it was very, very nice to see. Malik step up. And I think he had like over 15 points. And he was just doing stuff every now and then they're like, Okay, this is what we need out of him. It was it was great to see.

Carter Frye 22:51
Now I will say I think MSU fans, we're on top of the world right now. And obviously our expectations are soaring way higher than we thought they could especially after that opening Grand Valley game. Exactly. And even the Northern Arizona game wasn't very, like I wasn't sold. Yeah, it would be like good and I think some people are even you know worried about not making the tournament this year. But I think all that's out the window. This team is definitely going to go through its ups and downs, though. And this is a high point there's gonna be low points people are gonna get injured. Yep. COVID can still be a thing. Yep. And you know, we're gonna have to fight through that and so much went right in this in the Gonzaga game and this game to make it close and to have us win. Exactly.

Carter Frye 23:37
And is it is everything gonna go right like that every time? No, we've been shooting so well from three. turnovers are a little bit of an issue that can be corrected, as usual. But the play calling has been much better than it was last year. Last year. I was yelling at as though every game What are you doing? What are you doing this year? I'm like, That's genius. Yes, this is an offensive move in, you know that a bounce play call on both. One where they got them all mixed up at the top of the key and the Malik, you know, sunk down and caught it, dunked it. And then again on the one where was it Hoggard that threw it to Ache or who threw it to who on the inbound on the football path?

Nick Lundberg 24:15
It was Walker to Hoggard back to Walker? Yes. And then Walker to Malik. Yeah.

Carter Frye 24:20
And then yeah, the little pump fake made the guy slip and then end so beautiful. But everything really went right in these games. And we've shown that we can hang with these teams. But yeah, everything has to go right. I think.

Nick Lundberg 24:32
Before we talk about football, which is you know, been doing good a little bit. I just wanted to mention that this basketball team, it's such an Izzo team. Oh, it's this is what I this is what I absolutely love about this squad because they're all tough. They're all tough as hell. They play hard as hell, like Madi And Akins just watching them out there just in Kohler getting on the floor to like you said just all of these guys are absolutely going after the ball scrapping for it and playing smart too. Um, obviously the turnovers within those teams are always an issue. And I mean, you can't expect turnovers with this team the way it how fast they play to not be an issue right now. So we'll see kind of how they progress with that going forward. But like you said, there's definitely going to be some high and low points. But you can tell what this team that every night they're just gonna go at you and give it their all.

Carter Frye 25:21
Yeah, and like you said, the culture of this team it like, I don't think it's been like this since at least the 2019 team when they went to the final forum, you know, that team was fun. That team was fun. This team is fun. Whenever I see that bench, like they're everyone's up. Yeah, I like I obviously, every state team, you know, the bench is why, you know, they have fun, get the crowd into it. But somehow watching that game last night, they were they were handed up every single possession and they were acting as Izzone in Indianapolis last night. So that was it was that was awesome. I'm so excited for this team.

Nick Lundberg 25:55
Yeah, so they'll play Villanova tonight, which will be Villanova obviously, hasn't gotten off to their start they they would want so this game at home is going to be a very could be very fun game. So but you don't want to take anything for granted right now. I don't want to go in overconfident.

Nick Lundberg 26:09
But moving on to the football team has been you know, after that Michigan game, those guys suspended they've been playing playing a lot better than basically with a lot of backups defensively, and offensively. They've been you know, doing a lot better. They beat Rutgers 27 to 21. They've got Indiana at home this weekend again, another noon game, this one is a big one because if they win, they'll be in their a bowl game officially and obviously looking forward. You can't take anything. I feel like Penn State. If you win this game, I feel like Penn State on the road is a winnable game. I obviously don't expect to go in there and win because Penn State is a good team. But they're one it's one of those things where it's like Penn State isn't playing for a playoff or a big 10 championship. So they're you're gonna you can come in and if you really want it, I feel like you can take it away from them because Penn State is known to not be show up in the biggest games in the biggest moments. But going back to the performance against Rutgers, like the running game with solid, which is a kind of a first after they've been Okay, coming into this game.

Nick Lundberg 27:16
They started off obviously the season very strong and then disappeared and then kind of been picking it up. But this game they had 165 yards between Berger and Broussard, when 27 carries in the touchdown. Thorne looked good. Again, he was making some solid decisions a lot, especially with the run options like he was taking it a lot himself. And that was it was good to see because it kind of spread out the defense. He had 256 yards and two touchdowns. The defensive was solid especially like their whole defensive line was basically backups. Besides like Jacob Slade, they had three sacks and Cal Haladay another solid day with knights and tackles. So just overall, it was a it was a solid performance from a team that you know, needed to come out with a win in that game.

Carter Frye 27:56
The way you just described the team. I think this is how we all expected them to be at the start of the year. Yep. And if you had told me in August that we would be inching to a bowl game if we even get one at all. I would have been really disappointed. But then if you had asked me early October, if we would make a bowl game, I would have exhausted you crazy because we weren't going to make a ballgame. No. So this team has again got like basketball might that up and down throughout the year and they've been finished, you know, seems like they're making a really strong finish the season, especially after that Michigan game.

Carter Frye 28:35
I don't think anyone expected them to win that Michigan game. And you know, starting off, you know, they beat Wisconsin, beat, Illinois, beat Rutgers on a little bit of a roll. And Indiana should be should be a win. It should be we should clinch the Bowl this weekend. And if we don't in East Lansing is going to be very disappointed.

Nick Lundberg 28:55
Yeah, it. It doesn't really look good. If you come off a loss against Indiana who's three and seven at home and then go on the road to play. Possibly at this point, a top-10 team and Penn State. They're obviously like I mentioned that they're not going to be playing for big 10 championship or a playoff appearance or anything like that. But they're still in the top 10. And that's, you know, just like they want a good bowl game spot. So nothing is guaranteed in that one.

Nick Lundberg 28:55
Regardless, sports on campus this week has been very exciting. A lot going on lots of keeping track. And I just want to say that's about all the time we have today. So thanks again, Carter for coming on. It's always a pleasure having you on.

Carter Frye 29:35
Absolutely. Always a good time.

Nick Lundberg 29:36
And thanks, everyone for listening. We'll be back next Friday with another edition of Sports Roundtable. I'm Nick Lundberg. Peace out.

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