
In this episode, we'll examine how strong interpersonal skills are like a magic charm for your store. They turn customers into regulars, foster loyalty, and even make your job way more enjoyable!

What is Survive?

This podcast is for convenience store sales associates looking to promote to assistant managers as well as for new assistant managers. This can be a tough role when you just get thrown into position. I will prepare you to survive in this role.

The Art of Winning Over Customers
Howdy folks. Mike Hernandez here. Welcome Assistant Managers to this edition of Survive from C-Store Center. Let's face it: Our stores aren't just a pitstop for fuel or snacks. We're a lifeline for many customers—a morning coffee fix, a late-night snack run, a friendly face in their day. In this episode, we'll examine how strong interpersonal skills are like a magic charm for your store. They turn customers into regulars, foster loyalty, and even make your job way more enjoyable!
The Power of a Smile and a Genuine One!
A cheesy, forced smile is customer-repellent. Think about it—would you trust a car salesman with a smile that looks like it might crack at any moment? Probably not.
Now, picture this: You walk into a convenience store after a long, stressful day. The cashier gives you a warm, genuine smile the moment you enter. It's not over the top or forced – just a simple welcome gesture. Suddenly, you feel a bit of that stress melt away. That cashier made you feel acknowledged and valued as a customer, even without saying a word. That's the power of a genuine smile. Combine it with friendly eye contact and a simple "Hello there!" and set the stage for a positive customer interaction. Remember, creating a welcoming atmosphere starts with you!
Name Games: The Ultimate Compliment
If a customer is wearing a name tag or you catch their name on a credit card receipt, remember it! A simple "Thanks for shopping with us, Sarah!" the next time they come in makes them feel special and remembered. Bonus points if you remember their regular order!
Here's a real-world example: Imagine you're ringing up a customer named Emily. You notice her name on her credit card and use it to thank her for her purchase. "Thanks for coming in, Emily!" is all it takes. The next time Emily visits your store, she's pleasantly surprised when you greet her by name and even ask if she'd like her usual order of coffee. Talk about making someone feel like a regular! These small gestures build loyalty and encourage Emily to tell her friends about the excellent service at your store.
The Importance of Listening Like, Really Listening
Ever talk to someone and feel like they're just waiting their turn to speak? Don't be that person! Actively listen to your customers. Are they confused about a promotion? Are you frustrated because your favorite soda is out of stock? Let them vent within reason and genuinely try to understand their problem. Just lending a listening ear can make a world of difference.
Imagine a regular customer, Mr. Jones, who comes in looking flustered. He explains that he saw a promotion for his favorite chips but can't find the display, and the price isn't ringing up correctly. Instead of brushing him off or immediately explaining, you take the time to listen. You look into the promotion details, double-check the shelf, and realize there's been a miscommunication. You apologize for the confusion, explain the situation, and offer to honor the advertised price. Mr. Jones leaves feeling heard and satisfied, knowing you genuinely tried to understand his problem. That's the power of actually listening to your customers.

Solving Problems Like a Superhero
A customer needs something you don't have or has an issue with their transaction. Turn into their problem-solving superhero! Channel your inner detective to help them find an alternative solution or walk them through the return process. The goal is to leave them feeling satisfied and valued.
Here's a scenario: A customer walks in looking for a specific brand of energy drink that's currently out of stock. This is your chance to shine! Instead of simply saying, "We're out," you suggest a similar alternative you have in stock. You might even offer to check a nearby store's inventory or help them order their favorite drink online. By going that extra step, you've turned a potential disappointment into a positive experience. That customer now sees you as a resourceful problem-solver and is more likely to return.
Remember, even if you don't have the perfect solution immediately, a willingness to help goes a long way. Take their situation seriously, empathize with their frustration, and do your best to find a way to make things right. Customers remember those who step up to the plate for them!
The Magic Words that Matter
Assistant Managers, these simple words – "please," "thank you," and "you're welcome" – are often underestimated. But trust me, they pack a powerful punch in customer service. Imagine two scenarios:
• Scenario 1: A customer approaches the counter with their items. You scan them and announce the total without a glance or a word. The transaction feels impersonal and abrupt.
• Scenario 2: The same customer, but this time you greet them with a smile and say "please" as you reach for their items. After ringing up the purchase, you say, "Thank you for your business!" and offer a genuine "You're welcome!" when they thank you.
See the difference? The second scenario demonstrates basic courtesy and respect, making the customer feel valued. It might seem like a small detail, but these simple words build a positive rapport with everyone who walks through your doors.
A Pinch of Positivity
Have you ever walked into a store teeming with grumpy employees? It's a total buzzkill! A positive attitude is contagious. Greet customers with warmth. Engage in light, friendly conversation at the register. Even if you're swamped, a smile and a genuine "I'll be with you in just a moment!" goes a long way.
Imagine yourself as a customer walking into two different convenience stores:
• Store 1: The cashier is slumped over the counter, frowning at their phone. You grab your items, but the transaction is completed silently, followed by a mumbled "Have a nice day" that barely registers.
• Store 2: The cashier greets you with a smile and a friendly "How's your day going?". You chat briefly about the weather while they ring up your items. Even though it was a quick visit, you feel a little lighter and brighter.
Positive energy is infectious. While it's important to remain professional, a little warmth and genuine friendliness go a long way in creating a welcoming environment. Your positive attitude can make a big difference in how customers perceive your store and might have them coming back for more than just the coffee!
Building strong customer relationships isn't rocket science. It's about little things done consistently – a genuine smile, remembering a name, genuinely listening, and showing them you care. The payoff? Happier customers who keep returning, a smoother-running store, and a much more enjoyable work environment.
Oh, and before I go, here are some questions for you to consider:
• Do you make eye contact and smile warmly at all customers?
• Are you actively practicing listening skills, not just with customers but with your team as well?
• When was the last time you went the extra mile to solve a problem for a customer?
Remember, every customer interaction is an opportunity to make a positive impact. So, brush up on those interpersonal skills and make our stores shine with excellent customer service!
Thank you for tuning in to another insightful episode of "Survive" from C-Store Center. I hope you enjoyed the valuable information. If you find it useful, please share the podcast with anyone who might benefit from it. Again, I'm Mike Hernandez. Goodbye, and see you in the next episode!
Survive by C-Store Center is a Sink or Swim Production.