Super Human Fathers

In this episode, we share the story of Isaias Coppiano who transformed through serving others. Isaias reaches out constantly to help others and despite the challenges in his life, he's found a way to improve it, and help others. 

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

Gustavo: Real quick, I just want to say
to Issa is I think the benefit of this

dude being part of this program is,
this is the most supportive guy in this


Isaias Coppiano: group, dude.


Gustavo: supports everyone,

and so,

Isaias Coppiano: that alone
The first is BJ, the first is

BJ, gotta give it to BJ, man

Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman
Father's Transformation Podcast.

If you're listening to this, you're
about to witness some of the most

incredible transformations that have
ever happened on the planet, and just

by listening to this, you will be
inspired to have your own transformation.

If you're listening to this for the
first time, or you're one of the brothers

in the brotherhood, go leave a review
on the podcast and let the brother or

member know how amazing they did and
how incredible their transformation was.

I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of
Superhuman Fathers, and not only

am I gonna change your life, I'm
gonna get you ripped as fuck.

Ryan Carnohan: It's a big moment today.

You guys saw that transformation.


Feeling it right now.

Feeling good though.

You guys are the best.


Hey, so let me tell you something.

What we built together, okay?

And I say that together because this
mindset as we've grown, where You

have a gnarly day where you wake
up and you're sick or whatever,

just something terrible happens.

And you're like, Oh, how do I
leverage this to rob an excuse to

inspire somebody like BJ's interview
last week, he saved it for the end.

Like, Hey, fuck all of you.

I have all your excuses.

I had this guy, um, he's on
Facebook and he posted something

about how he was just hurting, you
know, and I don't even know him.

I don't even remember how he's
my friend, but I sent him, you

know, I can't help it, right?

I just sent him some love and I gave
him that perspective and, uh, he

sends me this message and he's just
like, holy shit, like, thank you.

Like, I, I know how to, I know what to
do now, cause he was stuck, you know?

He was stuck in that thought process
of woe is me, or I'm unique in this,

or this happened to me, and I, I hate
everybody, and just one audio text,

cause we talk about it so much, you know?

You can make it real concise,
like, listen up, motherfucker,

this is what you need to do.

And, dude, that's you guys!

And he's like, he goes like,
he's like, hey, hey, hey, can I?

Can I message you later, you know?

And so who knows, maybe he'll
come into the group or something.

But, but that's what we do here.

Cause there's pain coming for all of us.

And there's moments where we're
not gonna know what to do.

And, scratch that.

We know what to do.

We know exactly what to do.

That's responding in line with
our values and raw excuses.

But there's gonna be those
moments that surprise us.

So with that in mind, um, let's see.

Everybody's coming in here.

We got 38 I think we can get going.

So, all right, let me give you
guys a little background here.

So East IES, first off This is like godly.

Okay, not just this transformation, but
I have a history of Jiu Jitsu Recent 30s.

I started 30 or something 31 and I changed
schools to train with this Ecuadorian

they call Sinistro He's a savage.

He's amazing.

World's He's a savage, dude.

And a couple of his other buddies,
and they level my Jiu Jitsu up insane.

And I have another coach at that
place, and there's no connection

here, like, there was no I didn't
find Isaias because of this.

What's insane is Isaias finds Superhuman
Fathers, I think it was over Instagram

or something, or I don't know.

And, uh, they know each other!

How psycho is that?

They know each other!

Like, I don't know if they grew up
together, same small town, I don't

know the whole story, but that,
right then I just knew, like, okay.

He says, he says my whole, this is like,
this is of God, you know, he's got my

whole heart, I was like, it's on, let's
go, we're going all the way, and I watched

him as he showed up to office hours, and
he's like, I have these questions, he's

giving me these looks, and I remember
the first time I spoke to him, I saw a

little bit of me in him, because he liked
different names, and he was fat, you know,

and I was like, oh, I know the pain, and
he has this beautiful, and Wife or soon to

be wife or at the time they were fiance.

I don't know what's going on but they
have a kid together and that was rough

and I could just see pain in his eyes and
We began to connect and he began to show

up and he would just take notes and I'd
almost giggle cuz I'd be like damn Dude,

like this guy he's sure he really cares.

Like he I don't think
he missed a zoom call.

Thank you.

He didn't and so that he's very Was
very focused and he just trusted the

system and then something happened and
the results started to roll in but what

before the Major physical results started
to like he became like his philosopher,

you know he's constantly tapping in to
how to overcome pain and chaos and how

to reframe when we're being selfish
and purpose And, uh, he took that and

almost made it his own, and then he just
began his own coaching group in Ecuador.

He's got a friend that's a
savage who also trains Jiu Jitsu.

But I want you guys to look at this.

I mean, I, I, should we just look at it?

Maybe we should before he talks.

I hate to interrupt while he's talking.

Like, give me a second here.

Let's, let's go in here.

I'm gonna share my screen.

Let's see if I can find this nonsense.

I think I posted it in,
uh, the team chat, right?

Here, let's see.

Yep, there it is.


So let's, let's do this.

Okay, I know I'm working
on my technical ability.

It's way improved than it used to be.

Okay, I couldn't even share anything.

So share screen, start broadcast.

Okay, it's going.

All right, so you should
be able to see now.

Look at this.

Okay, look at this.

Look at this.

It's just a face, dude.

Look at this.

Look at this.

Are you kidding me?

Like, what?

Look at this!


And so, that, that's a physical,
that's a physical representation

of what's happened on the inside.

And he's got this group now, and uh, calls
it the tribe or some shit, I don't know.

But, how long has it been, Isaias?

How long has it been?

When'd you start?

How long has it been?

Isaias Coppiano: Hey, hey, hey guys!

Dude, it just feels like a
school reunion or something.

I fucking love you all guys, man.

Uh, coach, before I answer your
question, I was just going to give a

quick shout out to the newly posted

Cory Tucker: Brad, the
man, Corbin, fucking

Isaias Coppiano: savage,
everything on the altar.

Dude, fucking love you,

Ryan Carnohan: Brad.

Thanks, bro.

Gustavo: Real quick, I just want to say
to Issa is I think the benefit of this

dude being part of this program is,
this is the most supportive guy in this


Isaias Coppiano: group, dude.


Gustavo: supports everyone,

and so,

Isaias Coppiano: that alone
The first is BJ, the first is

BJ, gotta give it to BJ, man.

Ryan Carnohan: Thank you
dude, I fucking love you.

But notice, there's a
correlation here, right?


But he's just, he didn't stop, it was
all about everybody else, even right

now, he's talking about Brad, it's just
how it's been, because it's selfless,

he stepped into that, maybe we'll talk
about that in a little bit, but how many

months have you been in this now, Isaias?

Isaias Coppiano: I don't, I don't
know my, I think it's two months.

My, my partner and my backbone and
my brother is here, which is Jose.

Uh, we're running it together.

He's Jose.

Is it like two months here?


But I think he was talking

Jose: about hello guys.

Thank you for having us here.

We're so proud.

Uh, we admire Isaiah so much.

Um, thank you guys for, uh, giving him
this space and changing his fucking life.

I see a bunch of savages.

Everything he's done for the
past seven months has, has

been talking about this group.

At the beginning, I had, I was like,
dude, what the fuck are you talking about?

And I had, I didn't believe him.

Man, just coming through some, uh,
to some Zoom calls has been fucking

amazing for us and for what he's done.

So, I think Isaias, he was
referring maybe to how long have

you been in Superhuman Fathers, but
together with the tribe, we've had

Isaias Coppiano: two months, I think.

Superhuman Fathers, that's
January 4th of this year, yeah.

Ryan Carnohan: Hell yeah.

Well, it's amazing.

Okay, well take us there, Isaias.

You're right before you sign up.

Okay, where are you at?

What are you thinking?

What made you sign up?

What were you hoping to

Isaias Coppiano: achieve?

Okay, so guys if I cry here, dude,
Ryan has this ability every time

I call Ryan happy and he makes me
cry, man It's a superpower, man

Ryan Carnohan: So, uh, basically.

Besides, feel free to take us
any direction that you want.


Oh, there's

Isaias Coppiano: no yeah Well,
whatever you want, coach.

You tell me, you ask questions, I answer.

I got a few notes I want
to share with you guys.

I want to get, uh, I want to get wild
here with the notes, whatever you tell me.

So, uh, basically, um, seven mon eight
months ago, uh, I was fat as fuck, man.

I had no confidence in myself.

I couldn't see it at the moment, but I
posted a story today in which I mentioned

Kyle and you, Ryan, and I said that...

I don't know if anyone here has seen
the Lord of the Rings, the second

movie, which is The Two Towers.

There's a poison king and he's all
gray, his eyes are gray, and he

doesn't realize that he's poisoned.

Now I can see how poison, how, how,
dude, I was drowning in poison,

man, and that poison was my comfort.

Uh, I have a beautiful girl who is soon
going to be my wife, uh, Uh, shit, I

cannot say much because I'm going to
show her this re shit, whatever, I'm

not going to show her this recording
until I give her the fucking ring, so.

I promised her I was going to get
posted, I fucking got posted, I'm

buying this ring next week or something,
man, as soon as I get all the fucking

cash, I'm buying that shit, man.

Uh, and after that I'm showing
her this recording, so.

Uh, she, basically, I was fat,
I was lazy, I already knew how

to count macros, I already knew
how to do gym, uh, everything.

I was just lazy as fuck, I was,
uh, Ah, heh, has to be more

expensive than the program.

Uh, I, uh, I don't think

Cory Tucker: I'm gonna be able
to afford something like that,

Isaias Coppiano: but I'm gonna try.

So, uh, I used to be a guy
that knew what to do, but I was

just drowning in my comfort.

I used to drink two liters
of Coca Cola on my breakfast.

I was a, uh, Addicted to League
of Legends, Diamond player,

Pyke main, Warzone player, 1.

2 KD, I used to be the mothafucka
that called everybody, hey, let's

fucking play at 7 o'clock today,
my kid's gonna be asleep at 6.

59 and we're gonna play at 7.

And I would get angry when people
didn't show up on time, I, I had

this, I've always had this ability
to like to Connect people and I

use it for the worst possible shit.

I was addicted to video games, man.

What, uh, I don't say
it with shame anymore.

I used to be ashamed of that.

So basically, uh, Daniela told me one
day, Hey Zaius, I don't like your habits.

I don't like the way your life is going.

And I feel like, uh, I'm not
in love with you anymore.

So I'm going to go back
to my parents house.

I'm not going to live with you anymore.

And I remember that day I was crying.

I was fucking sad, but I was so addicted
to video games that when she went to sleep

over here in this bed with my son, Bruno.

I started playing, but something just
stopped me from playing, and I watched

Instagram, and I saw this video from Kyle,
which is the most impactful video I've

ever seen from him, and it's basically
a video in which a son asks his dad

and says, Hey, dad, why are you lazy?

Why are you fat?

And his dad says, Well, I'm too weak
to endure discomfort, and I gotta

drink my beer, and I'm too tired of
work, so I'm not playing with you.

Something like that.

And the kid at the end
says, Okay, I get it dad.

I love you.

I want to be just like you.

And at that moment I
cried my fucking eyes out.

And I don't know about you guys,
but I didn't ask him any questions.

I just gave him a call.

I appointed.

I spoke to Michael Davis.

Shout out to Michael Davis.

That guy is a wizard.

Guys, if you're not connected with
Michael Davis, You're missing out.

The guy's a wizard.

I'm not joking.

I've told Michael Davis.

I literally take notes when
he talks He's a badass.

Fucking love you Mike.

So I connected with him After
that, I connected with Ox.

I think shout out to Ox as well, and
I didn't ask questions I just got

in the program and my life changed

Ryan Carnohan: So let's let's we'll
dig in there so okay, obviously you got

shredded We know that, but what do you
think, when you say your life changed,

what's different about all the Isaias?

And the Near East Ideas.

Isaias Coppiano: Okay, uh, I used to
feel, I used to feel that I was stuck.

I used to feel that, and I don't know
if this resonates with you, but I hope

that, I hope that if it does with someone,
you can really get this, this idea.

And, and, what I would love with this
Transformation Tuesday is that you

guys just open the mic and talk, man.

Like, just like that, like you, like
we were together in a meeting, just...

having a coffee without
sugar and uh, and talking.

So basically, now I feel that I
used to feel that I was stuck.

I used to feel that I had
so much fucking potential.

I'm a natural extrovert and I could
connect with people, but, and, but

I was not having success, you know,
I was, I felt like I had like this,

uh, Potential that I was not using,
I felt like, um, I felt like I could

do so much more, but I wasn't, and
I didn't know what was stopping me.

Now I know that it was me, but, uh,
what it changed for me is, uh, my

identity changed based on, uh, this
program's structure, and when I

changed my identity, my matrix changed.

What I mean by that is
now I see different.

When I used, when I used to see
scarcity and hardships, now I

see opportunity and abundance.

And it's the first time in my life that I
could actually say that being authentic,

you know, it's the first fucking time

Ryan Carnohan: Okay, so break that down.

That was beautiful.

Isaias Coppiano: What does that mean?

Okay, so, um So I realized that my
poison was comfort right and I realized

that I had a debt And I realized that,
uh, we keep on missing and we keep

on failing and we keep on, and I used
to put the blame on everyone else.

So I had to build a respect for me again.

I had to, and I think that this
program is perfectly made, man.

The non negotiables, they just.

They're much more than
just non negotiables, man.

I'm going to get deep into macros
because macros is my shit, man.

Cooking and food is my
fucking love, cooking.

You guys see that I'm always posting
on that Recipes and Nutrition channel,

and I think that's no coincidence.

And I think that the way this program
is made is that you start paying that

debt on the bank, uh, that we call in
Spanish la cuenta en rojo, which means

when you're in red, like you owe it.

And you owe it to yourself.

And why do you owe it to yourself?

Because that's the only way
that you can be in power.

I like to talk about being in power.

And why do you love, and
why you got to be in power?

You got to show up in power because that's
the only way that you can truly serve.

That's the, that's it, man.

If you're not in power,
you're not serving.

And if you're not serving,
you're not loving.

And if you're not loving, then your
sedations are bigger than your purpose.

And it's that simple, man.

Ryan Carnohan: So you
may have an identity.

You said your identity.

So what was your identity
before versus your identity now?

Isaias Coppiano: Man, I used to be
the guy that loved comfort, uh, I

used to be the guy that loved food,
that loved all the details, that

loved clothes, that loved good music,
that loved to have a good time.

I used to be the guy that if I
had one drink, I would have three.

If I had one donut, I would have four.

If I would play video
games, I would play online.

I always wanted more, more, more.

Pure hedonism, man.

Pure Hedonism replaced with Stoicism
now, and I realize that that, that's

the man that I don't want to be.

Uh, I got this idea from you, Ryan, and,
and I wanted to say this at the end,

but fuck it, I'm gonna say it right now.

I just, and I know that, dude,
guys, Ryan doesn't need this,

but I'm gonna say it anyways.

We owe so fucking much to Ryan, man.

He's, he's, he should
be praised so much more.

The word you put, man, You gave
me my fucking purpose and I want

to be, just like you told me with
the same words, you said, I want

to be the man that can suffer.

Fuck, I want to be the man
that can suffer too, man.

And sometimes I'm afraid of, I'm afraid
of saying this kind of shit, but.

It is the truth, man.

Now my identity is discomfort.

Fuck it.

I want that discomfort, but
at the same time, it's funny.

Cause I say this, but the little
bitch voice is never gone, man.

It's never gone.

Never, ever.

Ryan Carnohan: Okay.

So now we'll go deeper.

This is really really powerful.

I'm the man that can suffer and I want
that but you also mentioned how it's

fearful and you have this, the bitch voice
still kind of when you say that you're

like, so how do you, in that moment, how
do you stay aligned with your values?

How do you, how do you not compromise?

How do you, how do you continue being
the man who can suffer in those moments

where Like, I think you were at a
wedding or something, or you wanted to

like, have a cheat day or, or something.

It was like the hardest day, which
I probably was my next question,

but it was this really hard day
that you, you know, you wanted to...

Not hit your macros and you decided
to hit your macros and it was really

hard for you and that's just an
example How how are you doing that?

Because the old you say
it couldn't do that.

Isaias Coppiano: Okay, so basically, um,
I don't always do that I fail a lot guys

I'm not gonna lie But I got a tool if
it was a fucking gift for me that I want

to give to you guys Yeah, I don't know.

It is a it's a thinking tool.

It's like an exercise Um, of course
I will try not to, to fuck it up.

I fuck it up.

Uh, Okay, so full accountability on
my eight months of program, I had a

total of nine cheat, cheat meals or
cheat days, only nine, nothing more.

The rest of the days I
fucking hid my, my macros.

Well, at the beginning I was so low on
a budget that for three months I didn't

eat my macros, I just ate my calories.

And I used to eat a lot of protein,
a lot of carbs and low on fat, but

for me it was okay because it was
truly, I was going through a rough

spot, so that was not an excuse.

I know it sounds hard,
but it was not an excuse.

I tried and I got that lean
now, now I'm kind of better.

And I can hit my Goose X every day.

Shout out to BJ, who called
me out on the Goose X.

Shout out to Ben Jorgson,
who, He, that guy, man, I will

never forget a pose he put in.

He said, At this point, it's harder
to miss than to do the Goose X.

And I was like, fuck,
I wanna get there, man.

I'm gonna share with you some tips
on the Goose X lately, but, Answering

the question, um, You said, how
do I get back in power, right?

Or how do I stay in power?

Okay, so there's this
exercise, That I applied.

I try to apply it every day.

Sometimes I miss it, to be honest,
but Uh, this exercise was given

to me by, uh, Evan Von Worldhoff.

I think it was given
to him by Chris Flores.

I think that Ryan, you gave it to me
in such so many ways, but I was so,

so stupid that I couldn't see it.

And it was perfection by the man
himself, Chad Henkel, that guy.

Dude, there was a time where I gave a
Chad a call and we, we stayed up talking

like for two hours and a half and I slept
like three hours and it was the best bad

sleep that I've ever had in my life, man.

Chad fucking coached the My Ass Out man.

So these exercises called the Vale
Lenses, in which I'm gonna say it like.

I'm going to say like express, but you
could do it and you could write it.

So basically you write down two
values that you have, right?

Two values that you love about yourself.

Two values that you know that you have.

We're not perfect, so it's not like a
hundred percent, but uh, the ones that

you know, that you like about yourself.

I'm not going to say mine, because
if I say it, I might suggest,

like sugestionarlos, like I might
put like a bias there, right?

I don't want to do that.

So basically you do put two and you
put one that you don't, uh, one that

you admire in someone, one that you
admire in a, in a, in a mentor, in

a leader, one that you think that
it's amazing, but you don't have.

So now you've created yourself a mind
structure to take decisions and base

the decisions on what's truly important
to you, which are those values.

So you have two strengths of yours
that you can rely on, and you have

one of the values that you don't have,
so you're forced to work on that.

So that, Chad, I mean, I used to call
it the value filter, Evan showed it to

me like that, but Chad changed the name
to the value lenses, and he talked about

this guy, I think he's from Mosey, I'm
not sure, he talks a lot about lenses.

He said, Hey, Zayas, you
created the value lenses, man.

It was like, no, okay, so I'm going
through a hard decision, which is.

Uh, today, for example, I got
so much shit to do, but, uh,

I, uh, I know Bruno, my kid.

I haven't seen him today.

I've been super busy.

Uh, he's there, he's here with my
family, so I said, okay, fuck it.

Uh, I'm gonna ask him if he wants me
to sleep over, and I'm gonna do it.

That means my whole schedule for tomorrow
might be fucked up, but who cares?

He's my son.

So, what should I do?

Value Lenses.

I put my lenses on, and I do my filter.

The two values that are important for
me, and the one that I'm lacking, uh,

and based on that, I take my decision.

And why is this so important?


When you lose power, because I
don't know if it might resonate

with some of the other guys,
but maybe not with the new ones.

But once you hit your non negotiables,
you're, you're on track and you

start suffering more and getting
out of your comfort zone, you

will fucking get in power, man.

You will fucking get in power.

How does getting in
power, how does that work?

You're fully present.

You can keep on delivering, keep on
delivering, and you might be tired,

but you have a limited energy, man.

It's weird.

It's just weird, man.

I remember Ryan talking about
once he slept like at 1am and he

woke up at 3am and he was doing
like burpees on the, on the sea.

Remember that time where
Ryan used to go to the frozen

water and do burpees and shit?

So, uh, once you're in power...

And you realize how important it
is to be in power so you can serve.

You realize also that you can
lose that power when you fuck up.

When you lose your temper.

For me, it's losing my temper.

For others, it might be going to a vice.

For others, it might be slipping in.

Whatever it is.

Using the value lenses, you
get the fucking backing power.

It's amazing.

Also, service.

Once you fuck it up, service, service.

And how to avoid that?

I think that the way you avoid, um,
losing that power, or you avoid, uh,

fucking it up is remember your purpose.

You don't make it about yourself, you make
it about your purpose, uh, and actually

being conscious about what it means and,
uh, to, to a certain point, I think that

all the times that I fuck it up, now I
realize, and I was thinking about this

today, I was thinking, for example,
let's talk about food for a minute.

Uh, I don't know if you guys know,
like everybody's got their systems, and

I'm all into the GooseX, which is the
best, but I only eat two meals a day.

Whatever it is.

It works for me, because
I have Godbrother.

Ryan Carnohan: If you're listening,
and you're new, GooseX means it's

your macros to the gram, so all zero.

Isaias Coppiano: Yeah, that's the most
important like eating your good sex

and I want to get deep into macros I
got like these weird fucking ideas,

but for me is the fact that okay So I
will I will always do two meals a day.

That's the way I eat.

I just love it I just love not to
eat on the night because I'll sleep

better and I got gallbladder issues
So my digestion just becomes better.

That's the way it works.

So every day.

I'm hungry man every day My last
meal is like a thousand calories

on my on my lunch and every day.

I'm hungry at night right now I'm hungry.

I just got my water here And every day
the Beach Boys, the bitch, comes and

says hey, hey, hey, go eat, go eat, hey,
hey, hey, hey, look at that sweetie.

Okay guys, so my mom
cooks out of this world.

I've known people that they can taste,
uh, they say I don't like lasagna, I

don't like cheesecake, but when they try
my mom's, motherfuckers, they love it.

And that's a fact, man, that's a fact.

So I'm fucking cursed.

Because I gotta, I gotta stop on that, on
that sedation, which is my mom's cooking,

so I would, I would, every day I would
stop eating at lunch, and I, now I realize

that, because I binge on food, and I've,
and I've quit on my, uh, on my plan, on

my structure, and I've eaten, and after
I finish, It was just fucking pleasure.

It was no power.

It was no, I lost all my power.

So right now I'm feeling hungry, but
man, motherfucker, I'm feeling powerful.

And when you, once you realize that and
you gotta navigate your journey, and

that's why it's so important for you to
do the non negotiables perfectly, man.

Whatever it takes.

You wake up, whatever it takes.

You eat, whatever it takes.

You train and push hard.

It's not about going and training a bit.

You gotta push fucking hard.

And then you see, fuck, I'm in power, man,
and is it worth it to lose this power?

I mean, just for me, it's not, man.

For me, it's not.


Ryan Carnohan: what would
you define as being in power?

You kind of spoke on it a
little bit a second ago.

It was really, really cool.

So if I'm like, if I'm like,
how do I know I'm in power?

What does in power look like?

Isaias Coppiano: You're present.

You feel closer to God.

You can appreciate the
things in a different way.

You can serve and serve.

You get energy when
you thought you didn't.

You find purpose in meaning small,
small things like a butterfly

going in front of you, man.

And for some reason, even if
you're suffering and you're going,

you're sleeping and you're hungry,
you feel in peace with yourself.

And you see at the mirror,
you say, look, hey, say yes.

Fucking respect you bro, you know,

Ryan Carnohan: let's go dude First
off you guys could have heard this

kid talk like the first time I spoke
to him like it's Marshmallow and

this is in the second language, bro.

He's dropping bombs like Savage I
got brought a game of goosebumps

Okay, so let's say you lose it.

Okay, let's say you're killing it.

You're killing it.

You're killing it and this happens
everybody You know, all of a sudden you

wake up, we've, you and I have spoken
about this too, you woke up and you're

like, shit, I did something, I don't
know, I'm not in power right now, what

was, how would you say in the opposite
of what you said, in power, what does

it feel like to be out of power, and
then how do you get back to power?

Isaias Coppiano: You've talked about this
tunnel vision, I'm being fucking selfish,

I'm being a bitch, the bitch inside
me is just screaming about everything,

uh, And I can, and I can understand.

And this is something so
huge about this program.

I'm, I'm all into the spiritual side.

Uh, and, uh, once one of the
things that I realized here, and

I did it through journaling, I did
it through non negotiable, I did

it through suffering is the fact
that I'm not my, my thoughts, man.

I can, I used to believe that
whatever I was thinking, that was me.

That's not me, man.

I can control my thoughts and
I can separate from my mind

and say, okay, so my mind is a
fucking organ and it works for me.

And you don't want mine?

I love you, but fuck you.

You work for me, and I decide what you
do, and I don't care about what you think.

Oh, so you think this?

Fuck you in the face!

Like that.

So, when you're not in power...

You start thinking, maybe I'm,
maybe I'm, am I thought right?

Am I, am I, this is what I'm thinking?

Is this, is this true?

And it's not, man.

You guys, for all of you guys, just
by being here, man, just by deciding

to join this program, starting this
journey, you're, you're massive steps

away from the guy that you used to be.

You just gotta follow through, man.

You, you will have mental
breakdowns, you will cry.

I hope that Chris, uh,
can see this interview.

Today I spoke with
Chris, with Chris Flores.

He's, he's, he's, I love that guy.

We've had, uh, and I remember I
was asking for a refit day once.

I was asking, I was, hey,
hey, hey, my refit day.

And I was sending pictures,
and I was sending me on the

ice, like, for three minutes.

I was saying, it's a learn,
give it to me, Chris.

What else do you want
from me, Chris Flores?

I was joking.

And he didn't give it to me.

And you know what?

I had such a mental breakdown that I
told Jose Eduardo, I said, yo, if Chris

was in front of me, I would say, Hey,
Chris, I want to punch you in the face.

Let's fucking fight, man.

That was my fucking mental breakdown, man.

Cause I was just, I was
just, I wanted to eat, man.

I wanted to eat.

I wanted to eat so much.

And this is gonna happen to you guys,
and you're gonna hate your coaches,

but, man, now that I have a group that
we run with Jose, dude, all the work

behind closed doors is fucking hard, man.

And we gotta appreciate them,
and we gotta appreciate Ryan.

Ryan Carnohan: This brings up a question.

This is really fun.

When you look in the mirror now, And
I don't even mean for the physical.

I mean, when you look at your being
now compared to what you used to

see in the past, What do you see?

What kind of man do you see?

Isaias Coppiano: Okay, so I see a
man that has no idea what he's doing,

but he's sure he's on the right path.

Ryan Carnohan: Let's go, dude.

That's it!

That's true confidence
if you're listening.

Confidence is not being good at shit.

There's always someone better than you.

There's always someone better than you.


So it's not that, it is being able
to respond to any, anything in line

with your values authentically.

That's why it's such a powerful
statement for me to say, I don't

know what the fuck I'm doing,
but I know I'm on the right path.

That is a beautiful
statement to start out.



Isaias Coppiano: so uh, I see
somebody that I respect, I see

somebody that I love, and I see
somebody that can truly help someone.

And you know, it's funny
because I'm a Catholic.

I talk all the, all the time
about God, but I've never thought

that I, I was not doing too much
service for the people around me.

I was selfish and now I've found a way
that I can serve, you know, and, uh,

it is a way that I changed my life.

So I know that it's going to
change people's lives, you know,

and now I can truly, and I truly
believe that I will die when I die.

I would know that I tried to
make the world a better place.

That's, it's wild, man.

Ryan Carnohan: What gives you the
opportunity to serve now versus before?

Why can you serve now?

Isaias Coppiano: I think I could serve
because I put myself through the fire.

Because I was, I took the
decision to be in the discomfort.

I took the decision, thanks to you
guys, to, to suffer and to see what

was on the other side of the road.

So now that we're here in our safe
space, over there is a burning road.

So now I went running through
the burning road and when I got

to their place, I said, Hey!

It's better over here.

You guys gotta come, you know, like,
that place is not, you think it's cool?

It's not cool.

Come over here.

Hey, but I gotta go through the fire.

Yes, motherfucker, but it's better.


Ryan Carnohan: this is too good.

So now, you said you wanted to talk
about macros, and I, so we're already

half hour in, I don't want to...

You know, I, I, you know me, I'm all
about the philosophy, but if you want to

jump into some macro stuff, go for it.

Like, what did you learn about food,
or about for you, what did you want

to share, or anything in your notes?

You look at your notes right now,
is there anything that you just feel

like you want to share with the group?

Isaias Coppiano: Yeah, everything.

Okay, so the first one.

Guys, I eat fucking delicious
every day, and I know people, they

say they eat everything like they
repeat the meals, which I do, but

I make them fucking delicious.

Make the journey enjoyable, man.

But, food, food, my relationship with
food changed through this program.

Now I appreciate...

Every bit of O, overnight O's that I
have, I will lick, I will lick the plates

for the butter that I have there, man.

I will do everything, cause food is a gift
from God, and if you use it correctly,

it can fucking connect you to God.

And I know it sounds weird,
but macros connect you to God.

Now I'm gonna explain that
shit, cause I'm not that crazy.

I might be crazy, but I'm not that crazy.

Okay, so check it out.

You control your food, and you
control your temper, right?

I have it, I have it written over here.

Okay, let, let me, let me.

Ryan Carnohan: Okay,
everybody, get your pens out.

You're about to get schooled.

I can feel it.

Let's go.

Bring it, Isaias.


Isaias Coppiano: so, uh, funny
things about, about food.

Hunger will never go away.

I've done massive cheat meals
and I'm, I will still be hungry.

Right now, I'm bulking and
I'm still hungry every day,

just like when I was on a cut.

Never goes away.

So, uh, you control your food, right?

Uh, hunger brings, uh, hunger will bring
you power in so, in so much sense, right?

So you control your food, you
start controlling your mind, right?

You control your mind, you
become, you get your mind strong.

And once your mind is strong, you
become, you get your spirit strong.

And once you get your spirit
strong, you can connect through God.

How did it all started?

By food, man.

It's that easy, brother.

Brothers, it's that easy.

You control your fucking food and
it's like a domino effect where you

will get your soul so fucking strong.

Your character will change.

You will learn how to suffer
and in that suffering, you

will see God's blessings, man.

And if you think this, and if you're,
I don't know, Christian, Catholic,

whatever, or you believe in, in God,
now that you know that by suffering,

you will open different gates that
will let you, will allow you to see,

and you will see God too, because God
is everywhere, and he's there, man.

It's weird.

I feel like sometimes I suffer so
much that the next day I wake up

and I, Nugget's coming to my mind.

And I'm like, hey Riot, I got a Nugget.

And he was like, hey,
no, you can see, brother.

And I'm like, yeah, what the fuck?

So we

Ryan Carnohan: reversed the macros.

Why do you think that is?

Why do you think there's
this relationship?

Why is it connected to spirit or why do
you why can you connect to the universe

or to God or because it with macros?

Why do you think there is that connection?

Isaias Coppiano: Well, I think it's
because uh, And I can relate this

to many Asian Practices because
people will stop eating certain

certain kind of food and everything.

I think that uh, I think that definitely
by, by controlling everything that

comes into your, to your body, you can
control everything that comes out, right?

You, you became, you become, uh, your
soul strengthens, your mind strengthens.

And once you, once you have a mind that is
strong and a soul that is strong, you can

start to see different things and train.

It's like, for example, uh,
let's talk about the gymnastics.

I don't know if anyone has done muscle
ups here, but you cannot do muscle

ups if you don't have a first, you
can do bars and you can, you know,

have strength in your shoulders.

Like you go levels, right?

So you control your food is the first one,
and then you start, you get strength on

your mind, then strength on your soul.

And after that it's like
you're able to connect to God.

It's like God needs that at at some point.

Ryan Carnohan: Pure joy right there, dad.

Like he's say.


How rad to be shredded.

Dude, he feels your hard abs

Isaias Coppiano: Yeah.

Sorry guys.

I was, I just told my kid that if
he runs, I'll give him a candy.


Si please.

So basically, okay, go

Ryan Carnohan: ahead.

Sorry, go on.

I can guide with more questions
or you, you can keep going.

So I have like

Isaias Coppiano: maybe a few
nuggets that I could, that I could

share in regards to food, guys.

For the new guys, uh, hitting Goose
X will, first of all, and why is it

so important to hit Goose X, man?

Not only that, when you hit Goose
X, you will get faster results.

It's like our body has this power,
I don't know if this is science or

I'm just talking out of my ass, man,
but it feels like my body can adapt

to what I give it to him, right?

So once you give them the same
amount of macros every day, it's

like your body gets tapped in.

It's like, okay, this is how
we're going to work, and you

start getting seen results.

Uh, for me, my results came when I was
just hitting Goose X every day and, and

also in your mind, it's like, you get,
you winning a battle every day, brothers.

I mean, and this is one of the hardest
battles because I mean, everyone can

wake up early and everyone can, uh, do
exercise, but if you don't eat properly,

you're not going to get the results.

So, imagine winning that
battle every fucking day.

And it comes with side quests.

So you can get the goose eggs and the side
quest is hunger, the side quest is the

meal prep, the side quest is explaining
to your wife, hey baby, hey baby.

I got a macro on my things.

Breakfast or lunch, because I'm going
to have a date with you at night, so

I got to suffer a bit more, you know.

So you're just getting
win, win, win, win, win.

I saw, and I think, and I want to
give a shout out to Ryan Coleman,

who's always putting reels over there.

He's a badass.

And he put up a reel that said, it's not
about positive affirmations on a mirror.

It's about having a stack of wins
on a daily that can justify you

thinking that you're a savage.

So you, by hitting your macros, you're
getting a fucking big stack of wins.

So if I could tell, like, to the
new guys here, man, 7 months ago,

8 months ago, I would never imagine
how this interview was gonna go.

I I I I I saw people, I was just
fat, and I was seeing people,

and I said, like, what would I
say when, when my interview's up?

And now I say, KILL YOUR


Uh, guys, reach out to people, reach
out to people, watch the fucking zooms.

I've only, in my eight months of
this journey, I've only missed

one zoom, and it was Ryan's fault
because he didn't give me the link.

If it was not for him, I
would have never missed one

Cory Tucker: soon,

Ryan Carnohan: man.

That's happened to
everybody at least once.

Isaias Coppiano: So, uh, okay, I got a few
notes I would love to share with you guys.

And, uh, this one comes
from, uh, Jose Eduardo.

Jose, he always tells me that it's
not only about looking good, right?

You gotta be able to perform, to function.

God prohibits it.

If there's an emergency, you gotta
be able to carry your, your family

on your shoulders and run for
two miles and save their lives.

And what I, and how I connect this
to my journey is that through the non

negotiables and through suffering, I
realized that what we're creating here

is that we're creating the spiritual, the
spiritual strength to carry ourselves.

And how does that look like?

We all have this inner child,
man, and I think that's a fact.

It comes from the traumas that we had
in our childhood, from our insecurities,

personalities, and everything.

So, you get your soul so fucking strong
that you're able to take that inner

child who's always beat, who's always
there on the floor, and you get to carry

him, look him in the eyes and say, I
got this, uh, we're gonna do this my

way, and you get to carry your inner
child and start, and start jogging.

And once you do that, He was
like, you're like this, right?

You're going, going, going.

Once you do that, you peak on top.

And that's where Ryan always is.

And I never remember I asked him,
How does it feel to get shredded?

And he said, Well, one day you're gonna
wake up, you're gonna see yourself

in the mirror and say, What the fuck?

I'm shredded.

I think that happens with a connection
with getting shredded on your soul.

That's the way it works for me.

That's the way I think it was.


So, uh, Can I keep on sharing things?

Is that

Ryan Carnohan: okay?

Of course!

You just keep going.

That thought was epic, it's fun, it's
fun that you've had a lot of us who are,

who've experienced this too, we've talked
about this, like, I, I've gotten back to

all those traumas that I experienced as a
kid, when I couldn't defend myself, or I

didn't have the self talk, and it's like,
I went back to those moments and I choked,

I protected myself now, like, I went back
as myself, and I choked, I choked it out.

Anyways, keep going, he's
saying, this is too good,

Isaias Coppiano: bro.


So this is for the new guys here.

And, uh, uh, I remember that, uh, in
every Zoom that I could, I just, I just

would ask all the questions I could.

And if there's a question that nobody
has asked me, but I want to answer

is what's going to happen once you
start this journey and is that, you

know, check out our society, man.

You drink, you sedate, you're
fat, you're lazy, and that's okay.

But once you start doing
exercise and waking up early

and dialing your nutrition in.

Suddenly, everybody's a PhD on nutrition
and coaching and exercise and everything.

So, today a friend of mine, I don't
know if he's in the Zoom right now,

Fernando, he's in the tribe with us.

He told me like, you know what,
people's kind of seen me as the

weird guy, as the crazy guy.

And I was like, yeah, because
society's standards are fucked up.

So that, that kid, that might
even come from the family, man.

So if you're new here.

And you find it like people's looking
at weird you looking at you weird

or you feel like maybe you're not
you know You may be kind of crazy.

Fuck that man You're in the right path,
and I'm telling you cuz I was on the

bad path and now I feel like I'm Reborn
I'm not poisoned anymore and I can see

and and it's all worth it man We cannot
let the standards of society define us.

You gotta create your own standards,
your value lenses, your core values.

You gotta create what you want to do.

And you don't need to be confident, man.

I used to believe that courageous
people and confident people were the

ones that didn't feel insecurity.

Or didn't feel fear.

That's not the way it goes.

The way it goes is that when
you're brave, you feel fear,

but you fucking do it anyways.

That's the way it goes.

So, everybody's gonna be...

Everybody's gonna tell you you're crazy,
and you're like, maybe we are, but...

Fuck, I'd rather be crazy than
be the guy who I was before, man.

I know that for a fact.

Ryan Carnohan: Woo!

Keep it coming.

I know there's gonna be
questions coming too.

Hey, hey, hey, so hit your two
more thoughts, and then we'll just

open it up for questions, because
I know the boys are gonna have some

Isaias Coppiano: questions.

Thank you, man.

I got two.

Okay, so um...

Okay, I'm going to make it, I'm going
to make it one, eh, okay, I'm going

to share a fail, I'm going to share,
I want to share the experience that

I had in the winning, and I want
to say one more thing, which is,

uh, I want to talk about ego, man.

I used to believe that, uh, and I want
to give a shout out to Jose once again,

man, this guy's my accountability
partner since day one, since I started

the program, and I remember Ox telling
me on, when Isaías, you need this.

Like the program and I felt like she
cannot tell me what do I need man?

You don't even know me, but now I
can say dude, I fucking needed this

Ego will come in many ways man.

Ego will come in in pride,
in pride, it coming In fear.

For me it came in insecurity and I
want to share that with you guys.

My ego came in Perfectionism, which is a
disguise for insecurity And I just want to

let you all guys know that you can inspire
so many lives, and this is not a joke,

this is not a motivational speak, uh,
uh, motivational talk, this is the truth.

You can inspire so many lives, man.

And that's not only a choice that you
get to do, but it's a responsibility.

And when you're in your
deathbed, remember that...

You will be able to think and say,
how many people did I inspire?

What happens if you try
to inspire on a daily man?

What if you change someone's lives?

Like dude, knowing that you can do that
and just trying to pursue that just

gives you a whole new purpose in life.

That's how, how things
changed for me too, man.

And Ryan, you used to tell me that
I could inspire and you trusted me

even when I didn't trust myself.

And now, now I say,
dude, thank you for that.

Thank you for that gift.

Now, a funny fail that I want to
share just if, so if, if I ever gave

somebody a call out of the blue,
I had a broken screen and I was

poor as fuck for three months and
I couldn't change my broken screen.

So I just dialed.


So at the beginning I used to,
I used to text people like, Hey,

I'm sorry, my screen is broken.

I don't know who it was, but somebody,
someone told me, Hey bro, no, it's okay.

You can call me.

I was, No motherfucker,
my screen is broken, man.

So in case I call you out of the
blue, maybe God allowed it because

I got so much nuggets and so
much wisdom of calling you guys.

Reach out to people, man.

I'm the fucking weirdo.

I've reached out to everyone.

You can reach out to anyone.

Just reach out to a brother.

Get in the zooms.

Just reach, reach, talk.

Give a call to somebody out of the blue.

Talk about whatever.

Uh, share, share a struggle.

It's funny because I know, I've known
people, there's people that I've known

from my whole life, yet I feel closer
to people here than to those guys, man.

It's the truth.

And, okay, so, connecting back to
the, to the, VJ, what a savage.

It's not a door feast,
it's the Holy Spirit.

Fucking love you, man.

So, connecting back to the inner
child, I want to share one of the

wildest experiences I've ever had, man.

And I'm going to make it short,
because, uh, I know we're running out

of time, but, um, I remember I was
in a marriage and, and you know what?

Let's talk about a bit about
the, we're here, right?

We got our fake self.

This comes from the book A
Weeding the Devil and the fake

self will come in, in many ways.

That's the bitch voice that
tells us to, to drift, right?

And, um, my fake self is
some fucking smart guy, man.

I gotta give that, I
gotta give that to him.

I used to, I've seen people, shout
out to Cory Tucker who told me that

his fake self is called Henry and
he used to say, fuck you Henry, I'm

gonna fucking hit you in the face.

I cannot speak to my fake self like that.

I used to call him weak Isaias but
now I cannot even call him weak,

I just say young Isaias because
I know he's a kid and he's hurt.

And I remember I was, I was at
this, uh, marriage, it was my friend

Steven, and I texted Ryan and said,
Hey coach, can I have a cheat meal?

I'm gonna marry, I'm in a wedding, right?

And Ryan just goes, two
hours later, hold the line.

I was like, fuck, okay,
I'm holding the line.

And I was at this marriage, I
was talking to Jose and I said,

Dude, Ryan said to hold the line.

And Jose goes, hold the line, fuck.

And I'm like, Hey Daniela, I want
to have a good time with you.

I cannot eat, Ryan told me no, so
please just help me, help me with this.

And that, that's a nugget there.

Our women are our best accountability
partners and our coaches.

Tap into your women, man.

Serve them.

Give them love.

Okay, so I tell Daniela, help me.

And I found myself not being
hungry, not being in on food,

but I found myself depressed.

A 31 year old guy, civil
engineer, father of a kid.

Going with his soon to be wife to a
wedding, started crying in the middle

of the wedding because he couldn't eat.

I was crying, man.

And at that moment, it's the first time
that I didn't, I, I, I not only saw

myself getting out of my mind, but I saw
myself getting out of my body and I could

see my inner child, and he was hurt.

And I spoke to my fucking inner child.

I know this sounds weird, I, I don't
know, I might be, I must be tripping.

Maybe they put some mushrooms on
my, on my coffee or something,

because I just drink coffee and,
and diet soda for the night, but.

I saw myself hurting and my inner child
told me, why, why do you do this to me?

Why is it gotta be this way?

And I said, Hey, Sayes, I love you.

I know this is hard, but this
is the way it's going to be.

Just trust me.

And the guy said, okay, from that
point, it was never Wicky Sayes anymore.

He was young because I
saw him and I felt him.

I felt just like when I hugged
my kid, I felt like he was a kid.

And then I realized that.

Many of my traumas, and I don't know
if this resonates with anyone, but many

of my traumas come from being hurt as a
kid, from different aspects in my life.

Like, it's more common than you think in
many aspects, and we got to definitely got

to heal on that, but we're not going to be
able to heal until we learn how to suffer.

The ability to sit in discomfort, like
Ryan says, is the capacity of suffering.

It's a key factor, and guys, this
is conspiracy theories, but at

the same time, it's the truth.

Check out how society is.

They give us instant gratification
through social media, they give

us porn, they give us drugs, they
give us food, they give us...

They're poisoning us through every
fucking channel they can, because

that's the way they control society.

They control men.

How they control men?

They give comfort.

They take away their capacity to suffer.

And once you realize this, as clear
as it is, There you say, I gotta

tap into this shit, and I gotta
show my kids this shit, and I gotta

be able, and learn how to suffer.

Funny thing is that, my inner self,
he's a badass negotiator, I'm gonna

start learning sales from him.

You know what he used to tell me,
like, hey Zaius, you're at a wedding,

you're 50 pounds down, I'm not
telling you to binge on food, but

just have a hundred more calories.

Have those shrimp.

It's protein.

Have those shrimp.

Go and eat that shrimp.

Like that man, so remember even if it's
logical, you can get away from your

thoughts if your thoughts don't align with
your values, this is wild man, even if

your thoughts are logical, you can tell
fuck no if they align with your values,

and that's why it's so important to be
aligned with your values, and if you

don't act with your values, you're never
going to be aligned with your values, so

decide your values, you're And fucking
execute with power, man, with ambition.

Let's go.

I hope this

Ryan Carnohan: makes sense, man.

Uh, yes.

Makes perfect sense.

I mean, it is like, I swear it's
Black Belt level already, so maybe

it's gibberish to some of us.

If it's gibberish right now,
you'll understand soon enough.

Just suffer more.

So, open it up for questions, or comments.

Um, you put your hand up, BJ's
been ready, we'll let him speak.

BJ, what's up?

Hey, can you hear me good enough?

Isaias Coppiano: Oh,
it's a bit low actually.

Cory Tucker: Somebody

BJ Barrett: decided to run in the shower.

Hey, uh, are you familiar
with Austin Powers movies?

Yeah, of course.

Yeah, I just watched a clip of you, bro.

You're like, you look like the, uh, fat
bastard version of Ecuadorian, like,

the, the beginning picture, and now, and
now you're like, That's fucked up, man.

Hey, I, you can, yeah, I know.

But it's, you know, but now

Isaias Coppiano: you guys in the tribe,
they're going to make fun of me now, man.

Cory Tucker: No, no,

BJ Barrett: no.

Now you're like the Clark Kent and
Antonio Banderas had a man child savage

ready to take over the whole nation
of Ecuador and spread that shit, bro.

You know what I mean?


But, uh, what's really cool
is being able to watch you

support everybody in the group.

So since I've been here,
you always get on the Zooms.

And you're always kind of
extracting information.

You're always asking, Hey,
hey, hey, you know, extracted.

But to watch you kind of get your
time and your shine here, man.

Um, it's really incredible.

It's really incredible.

Um, obviously the aesthetics, right?

You know, you put in that hard work and
I know what it takes to do that stuff.

But for you to.

To kind of like extract information
and like pour yourself into the group

with love and then just kind of be able
to like teach and just philosophize

and just kind of, you know, give back
in the way that you're doing the way

that you're leading and speaking.

I can tell that you've been doing
that with your tribe and uh, it

makes me really proud as fuck, bro.

So I just wanted to tell you
that and I like you a lot better

when you drop the F bomb like

Ryan Carnohan: you've been doing too.

Isaias Coppiano: It's really cool.

Thank you so much.

You guys have no idea how many
times BJ has lifted me up and I

just want to say thank you, man.

I appreciate you so much.

I'm fucking inspired
by you every day, man.

This group would never be the same
without you or without anyone here.

I fucking love you, man.

Thank you.

Should I say King?

Ryan Carnohan: So let's take,
we'll go Jose and then we'll

do Brad, David and Corey.

Cory Tucker: Yeah.

I just wanted to take this opportunity,

Jose: man, to publicly.

Just say, I get to, I get to hear
this guy speak every day to me.

I've heard him speak for
the last seven months.

He's taught me so much
shit, uh, about myself.

And at the beginning of this
journey, I thought I was helping him.

I honestly thought I was a
lone wolf, and hopefully this

helps anybody out there too.

I honestly thought, I've had so
many people quit on me throughout

my life, that I thought, I'm gonna
help this guy, he needs help.

We've known each other since we were kids.

And I had no idea what it would
do to me to try to serve somebody

and open up to somebody enough.

You understand that you also need help.

I'm saying that to say,
trust the people around you.

You have no idea how much, uh, And
I'm almost tearing up with this,

dude, because I'm so proud of Isaias.

I've seen him, uh, work so hard.

Um, so, I'm proud of you, man, and I,
I'm so thankful with Superhuman Fathers,

with Ryan, with Kyle specifically,
which I've had the opportunity to speak

to and know, because you guys have no
idea how many people you've changed,

not only by those people being involved
into the group directly, but everybody

else who gets affected by those people.

You guys ignite fires that then eventually
Fucking fire up other people around, and

Isaias has done that with us, with me,
and then with the group that we have,

with the family, so I'm proud of you man,
we're here, always for you, supporting

you, and thank you for Superhuman Fathers,
you guys are changing fucking lives, every

single day, it's, this is incredible, I
never thought something like this existed,

or could be possible, I honestly gave up
and give up any hope on, like, humanity,

but this shit is, like, real, man.

So, thank you guys.

Thank you Isaias, keep up the good
work man, you're changing fucking

lives, and I'm so proud of you that
you've changed yourself, and I'm not

only proud, but I admire you man,
which is a different feeling, so,

Ryan Carnohan: thank you guys.

Hey, this is coming Guys,

Isaias Coppiano: just for the record

Ryan Carnohan: Sorry.

No, this is your time,
don't apologize to me!

Isaias Coppiano: Just for the record,
I've cried like, a hundred times

with Jose, and this is the first
time that I almost see him cry, man.

This guy's tough as fuck, man.

Jose, I fucking love you, brother.

You've been my best friend since my
whole life, and I've admired you all

my life, so, dude, thank you so much.

This means the world, man.

We're gonna, we're gonna change
every, everyone's life we can, and

we're gonna serve until we die, man.

Thank you.

Love you,

Ryan Carnohan: bro.

Jose is a, he's a savage jiu
jitsu player, and just notice,

everybody, you uncultured Americans.

These are Ecuadorians speaking English.

You see?

Yeah, learn something, okay?

Brad, get it.

Fifth pick!

Gustavo: Hold on a second.

I got some, uh,


Alright, my bad.

Uh, ACIS dude, I just
want to reiterate, uh,

Isaias Coppiano: you know, your impact.

You know,

Cory Tucker: because you're so supportive

Isaias Coppiano: to the

Gustavo: group, your impact

Cory Tucker: is, is endless.

And you realize

Gustavo: that right away.

I mean, when you're reaching out to me on

Isaias Coppiano: Instagram, I'm doing
to the other brothers too, like you,

you, you had to be in there, you
know, you had to make impact right

away and the fact that you realize

Cory Tucker: that just meaning
that you're going to, you're

going to reach the stars, like

Isaias Coppiano: before you
knew it, you know, and so

Cory Tucker: I just want to congratulate
you on your, on your, uh, your

Isaias Coppiano: posted and, um, and, uh,
and your impact in so many, so many lives.

And I'm so proud of you, bro.

Thank you, brother.

I wish I could give, I wish I could
have just like maybe, I don't know, 16

hours to give a shout out to everybody
that has helped me here and, and, and

I just want to say I fucking love you.

Uh, I don't even want to say one name
because if I do, I know I'm going to

miss on so many, but thank you, brother.

You've inspired me so much, man.

The way I see you treat your kid,
it just tells me, it just shows me

that I can also treat him like that.

I want to treat my kid
just like you do, man.

And thank you, man.

I appreciate it.

Now, to be fair with you guys, uh,
most of the time that I was just

reaching out to people and talking to
groups is because I was unemployed.

So, uh, I'm sorry.

Ryan Carnohan: Savage authenticity.

Okay, so let's go David, and
then Corey, Aaron, and Levi.

Uh, Isaias, I'm going to make
you the host of this because

I have a call in two minutes.

So I might have to escape.

Just know, I'm, no words.

Isaias Coppiano: You could make coach BJ
the host too, you know, he's a coach here.

Is he in here still?

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah.

Okay, I'll make him.

I'll make coach BJ the host.

I'll make both you guys the hosts.

I don't know.

But dude, you inspire the
hell out of me, Saeed.

I'm so proud of you.

I got no words, dude.

We'll talk later.

You know, we've talked enough.

Isaias Coppiano: I'm letting you guys.

Just for you guys, you know,
Ryan Carnahan is going to be my

godfather when I get married.

You got to come to Ecuador,
man, or else I'm going to go

over there and kidnap you, man.

Ryan Carnohan: I'll have to figure it out.

Let's go.

Isaias Coppiano: Let's go.

So, man, guys, you, I think you
could just talk, uh, whatever.

I'm, I'm, I would love to just talk
with every one of you here, you know.

Uh, Cy is, uh, David

Cory Tucker: here.

My brother.

You were the, the

Ryan Carnohan: first person
to reach out to me in the

Cory Tucker: group.

I just wanted to say thank you,
uh, for all your nuggets every day.

I read all your stuff when you post
stuff and I appreciate you and And

you just, uh, even, even from when
we spoke on the phone a month or two

ago, you, you sound, your growth is

Ryan Carnohan: phenomenal

Cory Tucker: and I can't
wait to follow your lead,

Isaias Coppiano: man.

Thank you, man.

I appreciate it.

I appreciate you.

It was amazing to talk to you.

I still remember I was having
my overnight oats and coffee.

And it was a fucking amazing call,
man, and fucking love you, bro.

Here with you, fighting next to
you, and I will say this, fighting

right beside you, and I'm fighting
right beside all of you, man.

Thank you.

That's it.

Cory Tucker: Awesome, dude.

Thanks, bud.

Isaias Coppiano: Isaias!

What's up?

What up, Cory?

Cory Tucker: What's up, brother?

My man?

Welcome to the club, baby!

Welcome to the club!

I told you, I told you on our call, bro.

You are a born leader, my friend.

When you speak, people
listen, people follow.

You say what you, you do
what you say you're gonna do.

Uh, man, goodness gracious.

I gotta tell you, bro, I
don't like the word envy.

But there it comes to mind when I think
of how wonderful it would have been

to be where you are at that age for
me to see you with all of the wisdom

and all of the The kindness, man.

There is not a person in here that is,
that is more kind than you and gives

more love and doesn't give a shit about
what, uh, people think of God and blesses

everybody with God every time that he
speaks, man, I just got to tell you, dude,

I'm so, I'm so proud of you, brother.

I'm so proud of you.

And you are, you are the
epitome of brotherhood.

You are, that word, brotherhood, it lands
with, you know, your picture is right next

to that in, uh, in the dictionary, my man.

And I mean that, I mean that
wholeheartedly, brother.

Um, and, and, and just quickly,
and I'll, I'll let, cause I

know everybody wants to talk.

I know when we spoke, I was
in a big battle with Henry.

And I'll tell you, I think
the key is to invite him in.

Walk hand in hand with him.

Walk hand in hand with him.

Invite him in.

You guys need to work together.

That's my nugget for you, my brother.

You're throwing a bunch of
nuggets out here tonight.

I want to share another one with you.

And you're a wonderful,
wonderful human being.

And I'm honored to know you.

Isaias Coppiano: That's it.

Guys, just for you to know, like for
everyone here, for everyone that watched

the Zoom recording, this is so massive
because Cory's been the guy that he's...

I mean, he's such a savage.

He's been, he's been in, he's
won every battle against Henry.

He just punches Henry in the face.

For you to tell me, Corey, you have
no idea how much this means to me.

I almost got emotional when you said this.

And my journey would have never
been the same without you, man.

I remember the time that
you gave me on the call.

I remember the nuggets you gave me.

I remember, you know, that I've
never told you this, but you're,

I'm going to send you the picture.

You look like my uncle, Luis
Roberto, which is my dad's brother.

You got the same vibe.

I just feel like I'm
talking to my uncle, man.

And thank you for changing my journey.

Thank you for...

I'm your American uncle.

Yes, you are.

And you know what, uh, Corey?

Uh, it's funny that if it was not for
you, my journey would have been different.

So every win that I have is your win,
man, every win that I have is your win.

And I owe this to so much people.

If I could give a quick shout out,
uh, dude, I don't want to, I don't

want to leave nobody behind, but
I just, I could say so many names.

Philip, Christian, Kai's, Chad,
Mikey, BJ, Daryl, Evan, Kyle

Willis, Larry Tucker, Michael Davis.

I could really, I could say so much, man,
and I know that there's so many people

that's not going to be in the names that
I said, uh, Levi, Aaron, Corey Gallop,

uh, dude, I, I'm not going to end if I say
every name of the people that has impacted

me, and I just want to say thank you.

If I can be kind and give it back to
you, it's because you have given so much

to me, man, and I really appreciate it.

Corey, I fucking love you, brother,
and we're in this together.

And your wins are my wins, and every
time that I win, it is for you too, man.

I love you too,

Cory Tucker: pal.

Hey, Puppet, good work, man.

I want to hear more about you.

I want to hear more about
your, your crew out there.

I want to hear all about it.

Let's chat again.

That'd be great.

Yes, sir.

Isaias Coppiano: Yes, sir.

It would be an honor.

You guys can speak with me.

I got, there's Levi.

Whoever's next, next.

Yeah, there's Levi and Aaron.


Cory Tucker: dude!

Isaias Coppiano: My brother!

What's up?

Cory Tucker: Bro, I'm
so proud of you, man.

You know, you've been there for me
since like, day one, man, like, you

helped me with my leg stretches.

Cause I don't, I'm not, hey, I've
been hitting my legs too, and my legs

don't hurt near as bad cause of you.

I promise you that.

And then, I mean, dude, anytime I ever
need something, you're always willing

to be there, man, and I appreciate it.

Um, you know, I probably don't say
it enough, but, you know, you, you

are, you are always there, and, uh,
You just lurk in the background, and

it's just like, boom, there he is.

Like, when I need something, it's
like, you know, at the time of crutch,

you, you come through, you know?

It's like...

You're always there, man.

You know, you were serving without even
knowing you're serving and dude, you,

you are very inspirational to me, you
know, um, man, I'm so proud of you,

bro, like seeing you, like, it's like,
I swear, man, like, just the other day,

you weren't like ripped like that, man.

It's like overnight, you just, boom, I
was like, God, man, where'd this guy come

Ryan Carnohan: from?


Man, you

Cory Tucker: did great, bro, fucking.

All your words of wisdom, you know, man,
I mean, you're doing a damn deal, dude.

I'm so fucking stoked for you, bro.

And glad, you know, God is great, man.

God is good.

And he has blessed you and just
keep blessing others with the

blessings he's given you, bro.

That's, man, I don't know, that's all I
gotta say, man, like, and thanks for the

recipes earlier, dude, those are all,
I'm about to go get some of that, yeah,

okay, I'll tell you all about it later.

Isaias Coppiano: And thank you so much,
Aaron, uh, one of the things I really

appreciate about you is how much you
have opened the group and you've helped

me directly to appreciate Daniela.

All the stories that you talked
about, you're sharing your struggle

and, and it's so deep for me and,
and you're a savage, you're a

warrior, I admire your resilience.

And I want to say thank you, man.

And I fucking love you, man.

Uh, we've got to connect more.

I remember, uh, you, since I
was, uh, coming in the program

and you're such a nice guy.

You, you, you got such a unique energy.

You used to post a lot of videos, man.

I want to see your videos again, man.

Ryan Carnohan: I got you.

Isaias Coppiano: Let's get it, man.

Thank you.

Appreciate you.

Love you, man.

You're muted.

You're muted, man.

I think Levi is speaking to
the, to the, the guy, the, the

person that sells something.

What's up?

I'm right here.

Cory Tucker: He's been

Isaias Coppiano: flaking on me, bro.

We'll see.

Oh, he was flaking.

What's flaking man?

Uh, you, you got me there.

I know.

What's flaking?

A guy, some guy said he's gonna go to
the gym tomorrow morning, so we'll see.

Oh, okay.

Anyways, anyways bro,
that's beside the point.

Um, I just want to say
congratulations, bro.

Thank you.

Thank you for your, uh, for your

Cory Tucker: inspirational

Isaias Coppiano: talk, bro.

Because it means a lot, man.

It means a lot.

That conversation we had, I mean, you,

Cory Tucker: you're like Ryan, bro.

You remind me of Ryan.

Like, you just bring this energy, bro.

And it's like, you're like the
hype man, the second hype man,

Ryan Carnohan: bro.


Cory Tucker: the, um,
Ecuadorian hype man, shit, bro.

Isaias Coppiano: But, yeah, bro.

Cory Tucker: That's it.

It's crazy, like, the reason
why we all get in this program

Isaias Coppiano: is because we
need that community, you know, and

you're the one to bring that to us,
you know, you're the one to show us

Cory Tucker: how great and
how important community is.

Because, um, me, personally, I'm,
I'm great, like, I'm a lone wolf.

I've been like a

Isaias Coppiano: 10 year old.

Cory Tucker: Yeah,

Ryan Carnohan: um, I've always been, like,

Cory Tucker: let down by people.

I try to teach myself a little
means, a little levy, like to

Isaias Coppiano: keep up these
walls, stay alone, stay aside,

Cory Tucker: walk from, watch and
look from aside from afar, not get too

close to anybody, not allow anybody too

Isaias Coppiano: close to me.

I still struggle with that, but seeing
you, bro, hearing you talk, I'm like,

Cory Tucker: alright, gotta hold
Levi's hand, bro, gotta hold

Isaias Coppiano: little

Levi's hand and got posted before
me, man, I would say that's savage,

Levi, I'm not gonna lie, man.

You're a true warrior.

You're a Gnostic warrior.

Nobody's got your burpee game, bro.

Nobody's got that style, man.

And I'm sorry for the other
guys in the burpee gang, man.

You guys got a PhD over here.

You guys got a savage over here.

Levi, thank you, man.

I, I will never remember our, I will never
forget our conversations when I, when, uh.

When we spoke, when you told me everything
about the, the, the experiences that

you had, uh, Levi told me one of the
coolest things I've heard about Kyle, man.

And I told Kyle this, and
he was so happy about it.

He said, and I said, hey Levi, hey Levi,
look, so check out, Levi's young and

I'm young, because we're the youngest
years, and we talk about amazing things,

but we also talk about childish things.

I said, hey Levi, how does it
feel to be around Kyle, man?

Because I'm in Ecuador, you guys
forgot Kyle over there in the States.

I don't.

And Levi says, he said, yes.

It feels like you're around
the disciples of Jesus.

And I was like, fuck, man.

And I told that to Kyle.

He was fucking happy, man.

It was amazing.

Thank you, Levi.

I fucking love you, man.

I gotta, I gotta meet all of you, man.

I'm going to go to the States and
just spend all my fucking money and

get in depth so I can travel all over
the States and, and, and hug you.

And I, and it's funny cause I'm always,
you know, writing this type of shit.

Like the other day, I just,
they were calling right

together, like on the same call.

And I said, I want to be in the
middle and hug you guys, no homo.

And it's the truth man, I just want to
hug you all you guys, I love you man.

Thank you Levi, you're a
savage, you're an inspiration.

I will never forgive you for being
posted before me, but I gotta

give it to you, it is what it is.

You won man, you're the best.

I told you bro, I had to.

I had to, you I wouldn't have,
you wouldn't have come through.

You did and you, you did
and you kept up your word.

Thank you, man.

That's super inspirational for me.

I love you, bro.

Love you, bro.

Gustavo, you had your hand up.

Gustavo: Hey, man.

Greetings to all man, just like the
first time I'm going to interact

here in the group, but actually just
something really quick is a yes I

had to have dinner with my wife.


Ryan Carnohan: I

Gustavo: had to leave but actually
something we were talking yesterday And

we couldn't actually talk more because
you had this on boarding, but actually

the only thing I had to tell you and Jose
Is that one of the things that makes me

keep up here is that when you see people
that has this amazing Good vibe for me.

It's like fucking shit, man It's like I
want to be like that guy and actually you

Isaias and Jose Eduardo are guys that I
can tell that, fuck, I want to be like

those guys, not actually, not, not even,
not just thinking about, uh, being ripped,

like, oh, uh, losing weight or stuff like
that, it's just like, things that come

up with, Uh, changing your mind, changing
your, your lifestyle makes you, uh,

drag people of just for being authentic.

I think being authentic
makes you change everything.

And that's what I, I want to tell
you and also others that, dude, uh,

these things actually change lives.

for all of you.

So keep on this

Isaias Coppiano: ISM hosting.

Thank you, man.

I appreciate it.

I love you, Goose.

You're light.

And, and I see so much potential in
you that once you get, you tap in,

in that power that you have, dude,
you are changing my life already.

And this is the cool thing
about it for everyone here.

Once you, once you believe that you
can inspire, I'm not helping anyone.

You guys are helping me, man.

It's amazing.

And thank you, Goose.

Thank you for trusting in me.

Fucking love you, bro.

May God bless you and we're
gonna fucking dominate, bro.

We're gonna fucking dominate.

I'm telling you that.


Gustavo: I'll text you
tomorrow when I wake up.

Isaias Coppiano: Bye, man.

He must be.



The first time that I talked to Dan
Shank, I was like, Hey, Dan, how are you?

And he, and he just texted me.


What up brother?

You look lean, bro.

Cory Tucker: Thank you, bro.

Hey, I got to say just a quick story.

So we we've.

Isaias Coppiano: We've.

We talked on WhatsApp a little bit, but.

Cory Tucker: Um, my, my iPhone
has limited storage, so it started

offloading some of my apps.

And so WhatsApp, because I never use
it, was one of the apps that it's, it

didn't download or it took it off my,
my phone, but I just downloaded it the

other day again, and I opened it up and
I see that I had 63 messages from Isaias,

but I didn't see any of them because I
didn't have the app on my phone anymore.

But this guy, even when I didn't
text back, even when I didn't

show up, he showed up every
fucking day and sent me a message.

63 of them, exactly.

That's why he's posted.

Because he shows up for everybody
else when nobody else fucking shows

up for him, even on those days.

You're the fucking man, bro.

I'm happy for you.

Isaias Coppiano: I love you, bro.

You're getting posted.

You're, you're, you're the man I will
never forget and I feel that this is

God's, uh, God's path, you know, I spoke
with Dan and he's, uh, your fiance,

your wife is from Ecuador, right?

And dude, it just feels like
there's connection everywhere.

It feels more than just
a coincidence here.

Love you, man.

Thank you.

I'm gonna reach out to Handsome Rob
because he, he went away from the

Zoom, but he was raising his hand.

I've learned so much
from Handsome Rob, man.

He's, the guy is the baddest.

So, uh, thank you.

Thank you.

We should connect more, man.

Like I told you, I miss you.

Love you back.

Ryan Carnohan: I'm going to text

Cory Tucker: you now that I know
your, your phone's not cracked.

Let's do it.


Isaias Coppiano: so guys, thank you, man.

Thank you for staying with me
until, uh, this, this late.

Uh, love you all, man.

Let's fucking get it.

Uh, I'm just a regular guy like
all of you for all the new guys.

If you want to reach out, let's connect.

Let's get, let's, let's talk about macros.

Let's, uh, dominate this.

And man, thank you for being here today.

So I think, I think that's it.

We're going to end it, right?


Cory Tucker: job.

Ryan Carnohan: Congratulations.

Isaias Coppiano: You're the man, bro.

You're the man, Jack.

How's that vibe going?

Is it good?

Cory Tucker: Hey, good, man.

Yeah, I was just going to pop on.

I don't want to take up too much time,
but ECI just got in touch with me.

I was like, A week into the
program, I threw my back out

and I was like in the shitter.

I was so down and that guy called me and
I was laid up in bed and he like gave

me all these exercises to do and gave me
this positive mindset and I'm back baby.

I'm back.

So I appreciate you man.

I appreciate you big time.

So I'm really proud of you and
I'm trying to be like you, bro.

Isaias Coppiano: You're looking good, man.

You're looking lean, bro.

Yeah, it's, it's, it's

Cory Tucker: coming.

Coming one day at a time.

Isaias Coppiano: Let's get it, man.

Thank you.

I appreciate you, bro.

I love you.

Love to connect you.

Love you too, bro.

We love to connect with you, man.

It was amazing.


Cory Tucker: I'll reach out.

I'll reach out again.

We will.

We will.

Isaias Coppiano: 100%.

I love you, bro.


Love you too, bro.

Well, I think that's it, man.

Thanks, Jesus.

Thank you, Savage.

You know it.

Take care, guys.

Bye bye.

Let's get it.

Kyle Carnohan: I hope you enjoyed
this transformation from Superhuman

Fathers, and one thing I want you
to know is that anyone can do this.

Yes, even you.

Go to superhuman and
apply for the Brotherhood right now.

Jon Baker: when I saw Brian
Hirschbrunner's progress a year

and a half ago, I was like, wow.

I've been spinning my wheels.

I'd go to the gym like a lot
of you, I'd go to the gym five,

six days a week, call it good.

The gym was a hobby for me.

You know, nothing more.

There was no progress.

Um, but I, I felt like I had found
the way, like the true way, right?

So, but again, I'm skeptical like
a lot of you, like, if you purchase

products from Instagram, you know,
or, but, but this one felt different.