Strong Opinions Weekly Held

In this episode Ali gives will feedback on his interview on the podcast, and we show off our new matching tatoos!



What is Strong Opinions Weekly Held?

The watercooler for ideas, opinions, and fun topics as it relates to product, design, and engineering in the world of software...and maybe more. Guess we will find out!

We're back.

Alright, I did not publish anything.

Last week.

I have an episode recorded with a guest.

But I don't know if you recognize
this guy with his security blanket.

This is why I wear a hat.

He does have hair.

Um, he doesn't always wear
a hat, but this is in fact.

The will king.


Whatever you do.



That's an intro for you.

Um, I've got an episode that is
being recorded or was recorded.


I just haven't edited it yet.

There's something about having
one with like remote video.

I tried to like, In this
program and it didn't work.

So then I had to learn something else.

And so now I'm like, yeah, stalling.

So now you needed to up your views
and say, You brought in the big guns.

Well, now you're just like,
you're just part of the show.

It's not about, it's not
about upping my views.

It's just talking with you.

Um, on this is more fun
than talking about myself.


It's I'm sure a lot better to listen
to you than just eat rambling for.


But we got a good, we've got a
good, got a good lineup today.

We, uh, I was on
by, uh, Sam Huckabee.

We're gonna break that down.

Allison's going to give me some critique.

Uh, so we'll do that.

We're going to talk about our
matching tattoos tattoo reveal.

Uh, we got matching tattoos.

So get excited.

And, uh, and then we'll see what
else we get to, but either way.

This has strong opinions weakly held
with will and alley episode, number 10.

Let's do it.


Should we do the tattoo reveal first.

By your wings.

I'm going to fly away on this episode.

Tattoo reveal first, and then we
can break down the podcast episode.

But what if that's like your hook?

You know, like what if people are.

We're here for the tattoos.

People are only here for the
tattoo reveal, then like,

It's already disappointed.

It's already a lost cost.

So we'll just get this out of the way.

Um, me and Allie got matching
tattoos because okay.

Go ahead.

I'm sorry.

I don't mean to cut you off.

That's fine.

Cut me off.

It's fine.

It's fine.

It's fine.

It's fine.

This is not like something
we did on a whim.

We've no.

I've been talking about it for, did I say.

Say we did it on a whim.

I just want to disclaimer,
like disclaimer.

Do I seem like the kind of guy
who just does stuff on a whim.


That is literally all you do.

I look at something and you're
like, I'm going to do that now.

That's fair enough.

And Allie's the opposite.

Nothing has been done on with.

This for awhile.

And it's just one of those
things where the stars never

aligned where we had childcare.


It's tough to get a tattoo
when you got three kids.

We here we live.

I wouldn't necessarily be like.


Hoo, let's go get.

So true.

Got to find a.

Rapid reputable tattoo artist.

So yeah, it was like,
All the stars aligned.

All of the stars aligned and
we have matching tattoos.

A lot of you had very terrible guesses.

No, we did not get matching cabinet doors.

But I add tried real hard.

No for that.


That would have been so good
or it will, could have just

gotten close the cabinet door.

Ah, right.

Checklists, you know, like you could
look at and be like, ah, yeah, yeah.

Well, I still, I still think
we should've gotten you.

Boom, me roasted boom, roasted.

We're in the same golf.

One time you've won it
one and a half times.

You flooded the kitchen both times?


I only flooded at one time.


Maybe you should put like put
lettuce back in the fridge.

Became Alison.

you put the salad in a drawer one time
and like in the cabinet drawers, like.

He closed it at least, but you
know, I can go to get a spatula.

And there's a bag of lettuce in
the spatulas in the refrigerator.

It was a bad day.


I had a lot going on.

But no, I really wanted the cabinet doors.

We're not instead of.

We got something that.

It's a lot to us.

One because we need it.

We have to have it.

And the other reason is because.

As a parent is like the only
time that you have like a moment

of peace in your day sometimes.


And it's been like a, a peaceful
moment for us since we've met.


Even before kids, we
always did this together.


Yeah, that's fair.

That's fair.



Let's see if we can.

And see if y'all can see it.

Matching coffee cups.


I know.

It's a, it's a choice.

It's pretty it.

I mean, it's crazy.

I stay in.

Just wild, wild and out over here.

Coffee mugs.

Mine's got like the
left-handed mug handle.

Cause I'm left-handed.



Michelle didn't know that.


Tattoos have our coffee together.

And now we will literally
always have our coffee together.

All right.


Tattoo reveal done.

If that's all you were
here for, you can go now.

Thank you for joining.

Now, Allie's going to just roast me about
my interview with Sam on,

which was a lot of fun by the way.


You did great.

I mean, who doesn't like
to talk about themselves.

I mean, come on.

But I mean, I feel like most
people, but you know, I can't

hardly breathe in here with wills.

Head just, just in my hair.

You are awesome.

It was, it was a great interview.

A bit of a stretch.

We're not here to, uh, okay.

To be your hype man for a second.

You were awesome.

And I appreciate it.

Can you talk about.

How you started from the
bottom and now you're.

I don't know if you're here,
but I'm not there somewhere.

I'm not there yet, but we're having fun.

That's what that's what matters.


I'm going to start out by saying.


I listened to the whole
interview myself, which like.

I might be thinking.


Well, why would you listen
to your own interview?

You big head, like you just
want to hear yourself talk.


Well, no, that's, that's
like one of the rules.

It's like, if you want to
get better at speaking or.

Interviewing you have
to watch the game tape.

Yeah, you have to rewatch it,
no matter how painful it is.

And this one was painful.

So that you.

I can figure out all the spots
that you need to improve.


And I've got a few just
right off the top of my head.

Same one is I say like
way too much, like a lot.

Yeah, I mean, but that's
just like human filler words.

It is.

But I don't want filler words.

I don't want to sound put together.

And that's one of them.

That's one.

My other one is that.

I mean, I think I was a little
sick that day, but it felt like.

The entire time was.

Don't get it.

It felt like I was like sniffling or like.

Taking a deep breath before.

Speaking a lot, like a lot, it was bad.

You just took your breath away.

I mean, let's just make me sound like
more of like a pompous Jack wagon.

No my own breath, but you're right.

I hear God saying, thank you to me.

For listening to it for an hour because.

Let's be honest.

We need to go to the evidence at wa.

I am bringing up exhibit a.


I understood.

None of that, but she
knows that's not true.

As a good supportive spouse.

I talked about us dating.

You understood that.

As a good supportive
spouse Ellison to at all.

I appreciate that.

You know, it was a time that
I had, I really do like that.

You did this.

That makes me feel pretty good.

One, because I want you to tell me all
the things I did wrong, but to all right.

Exhibit eight, everyone.

Let me read this text message
I got from Allie today.

I'm trying to get through this podcast.

Not dots, seven.

Can someone make a highlight real for me?

I mean.

It was long.

It was a long podcast.

You talked about good stuff, you know?

It was it a clickable to me?


I mean, that's.

The point, the point is just
like, All this stuff about you.

So, you know, interesting.


I have a question then.

You knew all of this stuff about me.

Your words, your words just now.


Was there anything that you heard
in it that you were like, Huh.

I mean.

No, you just left out
some important facts.

Oh, So I didn't talk enough.

No, you talked flooding.

Um, if you haven't noticed well
does better and like tit for

tat situation, like he needs
somebody to kind of interrupt me.

He needs somebody to just
have a good rapport with.

Um, he's notorious for doing
this in like, I hate to say it,

but like even Bible classes.


And I'll start talking.

And he's answering the question.

But then he veers off.

And then he travels down another path
and then we get distracted by another

path and then we're wandering around
and then we kind of turn and get back

and answer the question, but, you know,

You were, it was.

Definitely wordy, but you answered
some good stuff, but no, you did

leave out important information.


Well, okay.

I mean, Let's get into
what I left out first.


And then let's discuss.

The whole thing about where I
just like meander around too much

and let's decide on like, What's
the right amount of meandering.

Cause I think that's, we'll get there.

We'll get there.

You're right.

The day, I just not

getting better.



The self-control what do I leave out?


Well, I think I nailed everything.

I mean, He talked about at all, but like,
There are some pretty big points of.


You did interview for a job.

Um, you said that you had
never interviewed except for.

The job.

With the industrial.

Design degree or whatever.


Oh, this is a fun story.

Nailed it.

Yeah, you got me on this one that I did.

So when will and misinformation.

Taught me, you.

Yeah, I'm done.

Okay, I'm done.

Go ahead.

Um, so when will, and I were talking about
getting married, we weren't engaged yet.

But we were having the
conversations of, Hey.

We kind of want to live near family.

I'm going to have to
be located at a school.

What do we want your work to be?

Am I going to get a job in Birmingham
or are we going to Huntsville?

Are we going to Montgomery?

And we had too many options.

And so we'll was like, well, if I can
find something remote, Then that just

kind of eliminates one of the things
off of our list of like location.

It just is based upon
wherever I got a job.


I guess you had been doing
the skill of crush glasses.

I'm not really sure.

I had already finished.

I had finished all the skill.

Credit classes.

No, it's not.

You started putting out feelers, right?


Remote jobs and came across somebody
who needed something done remotely.

All right.

Um, but we'll fail to mention that
he did interview for this job.

And it was a pretty
pivotal day for, for him.

Oh, it was the biggest day of my life.

I mean, not birth of your
children or whatever.

But up until this point, it was the
biggest, most important day of your life.


And it had nothing to
do with the interview.

I forgot about that.


I did this interview.

Uh, via phone call.

On the interstate.

Headed to set up.

Um, Allie's engagement.

No, that's not how you
need to phrase that.

That's really weird.

My engagement.

How about you?

Yeah, I'm engaged to you mean?

Yeah, but like he was planning
on proposing that day.


We lived in Birmingham at the time
because Allie was up there doing.

Uh, what did you call it?

Teaching my internship internship.

That's what it is.

She was doing an internship at
a school in Birmingham, and as

mentioned, I was working in Birmingham
at the cherry picker truck company.

And, um, when I.

Left for work that morning.

What I actually did was drive all the
way down to Montgomery where her family

lives and where her grandparents.

Uh, who owned some land?

Where they lived.

And they have this giant.

Had this giant Oak tree.

Uh, giant Oak tree and I
set up like lot anyway.

I set up this whole engagement.


The plan was, I drove down in the
morning, set up the engagement, drove

back before she got off of school around
the time that I would get home from work.

Uh, to my apartment.

And then I walked over to her
apartment and we like, we were going.

We were going down to Montgomery for like
dinner with her grandparents, because

they needed help fixing some people
don't need to know how we got engaged.



He interviewed for this.

The way down in the morning,
I interviewed for this job.

And he's like, oh, I'm
sorry, I'm on the phone.

I'm on the way to set up.

Uh, proposal, right.


And let me tell you nothing kicks
off an icebreaker, like telling

the person who's interviewing you.

Uh, that you're like headed to
like set up with a proposal for

your girlfriend at the time.

It like major brownie points.

They were like, oh, it was good.

It was a good icebreaker.

And I ended up getting the job.

He did.

And on the way to the proposal.

Then I did, obviously it
didn't know it was happening.

He's explaining this
remote opportunity, right?

And true psycho girlfriend
reaction, which Allie has no idea.

We're driving down to Montgomery
at the time for me to post.

He gets so mad at him because
I'm like, well, I don't even

know why you're doing this.

I don't even know why you care
about taking the remote job.

It's not like we're
getting engaged any times.

Should we tell the now.

It's good.


So ask, ask, ask, ask about the
fake proposal story sometime

for anyone who's interested in.


It's a funny story.

Haley, he did interview for a job.

It happened to be probably not on
the best day you would want for an

interview, but you know, he got it out.



It was for where you're at.

Now that I ended up getting two
remote jobs, two part-time remote

jobs and leaving my full-time job.

So like the first.

Five or six months.

Of being remote.

I did it working like two separate
remote jobs before finally getting

like the full-time role at Skillcrush.


So that was misinformation.

I forgot to, I forgot to mention how I
interviewed for my first developer job.

On the road to engage again.

I guess called origin story.

I left out.

One of the stories.

All right.

And then you said, you said things as
I'm, like, there was more than one.

All right.

So is there another one?

Yeah, absolutely.

I think I mentioned on my jobs.

I, you mentioned all your jobs,
but you painted a light of that.

You switched jobs every time I'm pregnant.

And that's not true.

And I need to bring to light.

It's like directionally.


I mean, somewhat, but.

One of the jobs.

There's so many, I can't keep up.

There's only been three jobs.


Just because you're a kindergarten
teacher and you're going to work the

same job until you either quit or retire.

No, it does not mean.

Working three different companies is
like so many jobs, but like, They just

count the remote wins, like the part-time
you went before that, then it just

looks like, and like any time I'd do a
freelance project, she calls that a job.


But anyhow.

The job where.

It wasn't crunchy.

Was it was this crunchy for crunchy?

No, it was the one before.

It was Vic TZ.


What a name, man.

Skillcrush Vic TZ, crunchy data.

I just want to work at a company
with just like a regular name of

initially you want to build cool
things with cool people and cool name.

You did listen.


Um, the VEC DZ job.


Um, You.

Were recruited for whatever
we want to call it.

You didn't.

Actively search, but.

Um, we'll fail to mention that he
brought up this job opportunity.


Y possibly.

I forgot about.


Time ever now, hang on.

I'm going to paint a picture
here and you don't get you.

Can't alright, Bob Ross, what you got?

Got it.

Now, these happy little trees.

Here we go.


I have three kids now, but
at the time we had two.

Our oldest was two and a half.

And I had had our son.

A week ago.

Okay, so press pause.

Anybody who happens to
be listening to this.

And you have children.

I want you to think about your wife.

One week.

After having a baby.

All right.

So that's an important details
of an important detail.

So our baby is a week old and he was
born at the end of January, which

would now be like the beginning
of February, which is like one of

the coldest times where we live.

I think it's jar.

The coldest times where anyone lives.

In the north hemisphere.

Alabama's not unique that
February is cold and.

I didn't get that cold in Florida.

But it's still the coldest.

There could be flukes, you know, Okay.

It's freezing.

I have a two and a half year old.

Just had a baby.

Our power goes out.

Due to not just the power goes out.

A giant tree fell.

And when that happened.

This would be the electrical situation.

Or they thought they were going
to fix the box in the whole.

I don't know how it goes out.

And so mind you I'm sobbing, crying.

We have this newborn baby.

Our house is freezing.

We can't stay here.

Some sweet friends take us in.

And as I am wiping tears of
just our life is in shambles.

I'm exhausted.

We've got a three-year-old and
a newborn in somebody else's.

Three bedroom house,
little decides to tell me.


I'm quitting.

My job.

I know this is a really bad
time to mention this, but.

He just failed to mention.

The surroundings, but you know, it's.

It's great.

I mean, that is very important context.


To, uh, the situation.

Oh, yeah, I forgot.

Yeah, I forgot that that is, yeah.

Which Morel patient woman.

Every here.

Cabinet doors, leaving sinks on.

Let us in a drawer.

Life events.

Various sizes.


Those are all I got right now,
y'all talked for an hour or so.

Well, that's pretty good.

And we talked for like an hour and a half.

Yeah, I only missed two details.

I'm sure there, so that's
a pretty good record.

Everybody be real honest.


A lot of it, the last thing.


I do these.

I want to get better at these.

I want to do conference talks.

And so.


Talking public speaking.

Like I need to get better at.


You know, so.

I relisten to it.

I mentioned some things that I thought.

You listened to the whole thing.

What are some areas?

Then I can improve that.

I need to improve.

For optimum trap for optimum
storytelling, no holds barred.



Did I nail that?

That's a hard one to.

I'm way too tired.

It's barred.


Moving on.

Here you were great.

You are a person that when you feel
passionate about something, You just.

Keep on going.

But it's not quit trended.

Like make me feel good.

About myself, which I really appreciate.

It's super encouraging.

You have any jerk?


I'm not, you are very supportive.

Always have been.

Every time I've changed jobs, done
different projects, tried new things.

You're always the first person
supporting me to do that.

This is one of the new things
I want to do, and I need to get

better at it in your family.

Is very good with their words
and very good at speaking.

Both publicly and privately.

I am neither of those.


What I hear you saying?

Classes from your father-in-law.

On public speaking.


I don't.


Just kidding.

Um, no, you just need to figure out a way.

To be concise, being
concise is not a bad thing.


Not a question.

It's not.

You're right.

Being concise is good.


And moving on.

It's good.

You know, you don't need
to just give a mini sermon.

For everything you're asked this.

This is true.

There's a balance though, right?


When you're kind of just talking with
somebody and that's what an interview

essentially is, you know, you're not.

This is true.

Because they're not next to you
doesn't mean they're not there will.


Kind of like your
imaginary friends online.

You know, that's all or not imaginary.



I think there's a balance though.

Because if I'm too, like there's gotta
be, everyone loves a good side quest.

You don't know what that
is, cause you're not a nerd.

More on that because she didn't think
I was a nerd, but I tricked her.

All right.

Side quests.

Side quests just means like, Yes,
this is like the main storyline,

but something's going on over here.


I got it.

Right, right.

There's gotta be a good side
quest every now and then, but I

think I take side quests from my
side quests and then next thing.

And then next thing you know,
you're trying to think of how.

And then you've got so far over here.

You got to figure out
how to get back here.

You know, This is true.

But also, you could argue that if you
were to go on and on and on, right.

And sad quest this way.

In that way.

It doesn't sound as authentic as if
you were just having a conversation.

With somebody.

What do you mean authentic?

Just like, you know, if you were having
a conversation, you wouldn't want

somebody to just like drone on for.

Forever because it doesn't feel
like a genuine conversation.


It was a fantastic interview.

Fields that like.

Lots of lots of room
for improvement, right?

Lots of room for improvement.

I understand what they're talking about.

I'm sure it's riveting.


So, yeah, some.

To summarize it all.

I need to work on filler words.

I need to.

You need to work on.

Removing filler words.


You can't remove too many
words, a parent's eyes.

To clear to concise.

It's too concise.



Remove filler words.

Uh, I need to only have
the occasional side quest.

And not be stack inside quests.

Clear and concise.


Got it.


I think I can work on that.

I'm sure you can.

We can do like a practice interview.

If anybody else wants to have me
on their podcast so I can practice.

Come on down.

It'll be great.

It will be great.

It will be a time.


Podcast breakdown.


That was a lot of yikes.


Matching tattoos.

Check we did it.

Do we want to call it?

Do you want to cover
any of these other ones?

There's a really funny kid
story with a potential.

It's potentially explicit.

Here's the huh?

But like all parents can relate to it,
but like, is it that good of a story?

I don't know.

I mean, I think it's funny.

I think it's really funny.



This will be on here for forever.

It will be.

I can bleep it out.

It makes it sound worse than that.

I don't know, you didn't want
to get weird with this cancer.

You do get weird, this kind of stuff.

All right, Wilson.

Our two-year-old.


He's middle child, middle child
he's potty training training.

I would say we're potty
trained, potty trained.

We are.


Don't w don't diminish the accomplishment
that we all worked through.

By golly.

The context is important.

We recently potty trained.

Oh, Potty training potties.

Our bodies.

Are on our mind.

All the time.

So we travel up to
Athens this last weekend.

Oh, I'm so sorry to interrupt.

This is good.

He said he grew up in
Huntsville, Alabama, and that.


A bold face lie.

He's great.

Nobody knows what Athens is.

Up outside of Huntsville and a
small town called Athens, Alabama.

That's great town home with
the Fiddler convention.

It's great.

It's glorious.

And one day we'll get into a little bit
more about will and his Athens history.

We don't need to move in on.

That'd be great.

But he's not from Huntsville.

He's from Athens people.

So we go to Athens.


The Athens is where we get the
matching tattoos because my

parents can watch the kids.


We are at church Sunday morning.

With Wilson.

Who I had just taken, who has now favorite
thing that now he knows to use the potty.


This sermon's kind of going long.

What's a good way to get out of here.

This is right before church.

I need to TT.


So this happens at any time in
church when he's like, yeah,

I need to get out of here.

I need to go TT.

We go out, we go use the potty.

We come back and Wilson wants to draw.

So he's drawn away mind.

Mind you, people are
still talking services.

Hadn't quite started yet.

He's drawing.

Fresh from the restaurant.

From the restroom and he's
working, Allie is working.

Kindergarten teacher over
here, always working.

She's working on with Wilson,
drawing people, drawing faces.

Cause it's a big developmental milestone.

If you can draw like eyes and a mouth.

So Wilson's just worked out.

He draws himself, he
goes, look, it's Debbie.

Debbie is what, this is a sad episode.


Anyway, back to it, back to the story.


So, yeah, I say, oh, Hey
buddy, can you draw me?

You did such a good job.

Can you draw on me?

So he starts drawing.

He's just shouting.

Graebel in a way.

Talking talking, talking, talking.

And then it's about to start and say,
you know, like the hush of a crowd.

The four sentence about to start, and
then it gets like, All of a sudden.

Very excited.

Two year old.

In the middle of drawing his daddy.

Looks down and goes, daddy, look,
he has a lateral lateral lisp, which

is like, when you say your S's.


I can't believe you're about to say.

As the hush is happening.

I hear.

Daddy look.

I drew your penis.

Daddy look at your penis.

So, not only do we hear that?




It's your pain?


It stopped saying it.



For parents.

Um, fantastic.

This is like going down in the history.

We have this notion.

I don't know if I've
mentioned it on here yet.

Um, But we have this notion doc
of like every funny thing that

we think our kids have ever said,
or every cute memorable thing.

We'll have to go through on the episode
and share some of these, but needless to

say, this made it on the list for sure.

It was probably the most.


Moment it.

It was.

I was like one of those like
parent moments where you just

want to like crawl into a hole.

Just like disappear.

I'm gonna tell ya, Wilson.

Keeping us on her test.

Let me tell ya the puzzle master himself.


But, you know, We live to tell the tale.

We did, apparently we're telling it to
everybody literally to tell the tale.


So, all right.

These other two are
going to last for awhile.

I think please let's stop
because we're going to stop.

Online that tomorrow is a full man.

Anything about small children.

Which y'all probably don't
because let me tell you, I.

I thought I knew stuff
about small children.

And a class.

And follow them.

Teachers a lot about kids,
piano teacher tomorrow.

Or whenever this airs.

Thursdays was a full moon.

Check on him.



We won't be okay.

Kids are crazy on full moon.





I don't know.

We're going to peace out.

We're going to go get some
ice cream and go to bed.


Don't you want to like wave
goodbye with your hair?

I know it's kind of bad.
