You Can Mentor: A Christian Mentoring Podcast

If you feel like you're not good enough to mentor, you're in good company.  So many of the Bible's characters had serious character flaws.  Peter denied Jesus three times, even after adamantly telling the Lord that he would never do so.  Moses was a murderer.  David, a man after God's own heart, was a murderer and an adulterer.  At the end of the day, we're all broken people; and yet God still can and does use us.  Time and time again, both in the Bible and in our current time, God uses the most unlikely people for the greatest impacts.  The same holds true for mentoring.  You may feel like you're not qualified to mentor, but the truth is none of us are.  God still uses us anyways.  Zach is back with John this week to talk through lies that mentors believe, and encourage you with the biblical truths that counteract those lies.

Purchase the You Can Mentor book: 
You Can Mentor: How to Impact Your Community, Fulfill the Great Commission, and Break Generational Curses 

Creators & Guests

Zachary Garza
Founder of Forerunner Mentoring & You Can Mentor // Father to the Fatherless // Author

What is You Can Mentor: A Christian Mentoring Podcast?

You Can Mentor is a network that equips and encourages mentors and mentoring leaders through resources and relationships to love God, love others, and make disciples in their own community.

We want to hear from you! Send any mentoring questions to, and we'll answer them on our podcast. We want to help you become the best possible mentor you can be. Also, if you are a mentoring organization, church, or non-profit, connect with us to join our mentoring network or to be spotlighted on our show.

Please find out more at or find us on social media. You will find more resources on our website to help equip and encourage mentors. We have downloadable resources, cohort opportunities, and an opportunity to build relationships with other Christian mentoring leaders.