CJ & The Duke

#ServiceNow Knowledge22 is right around the corner, and finally live again! If its your first time attending, take some advice from CJ & The Duke, who've watched the conference grow over the last 11 years.

Show Notes

#ServiceNow Knowledge22 is right around the corner, and finally live again!  If its your first time attending, take some advice from CJ & The Duke, who've watched the conference grow over the last 11 years.

Thanks to our sponsor, Clear Skye the premiere ID Governance & Automation solution built natively on Servicenow.  Check out the episode we did with their VP of Engineering.   And Magic Mind, the world's first productivity drink, and the cure to The Duke's 3pm crash.  Use promo code "CJD20" for a 20% discount!!  Learn more about Magic Mind.

- CJ & The Duke LIVE from Philadelphia with Oscar Technologies team
- How to Win a ServiceNow Hackathon

Cory and Robert are vendor agnostic freelance ServiceNow architects.
Cory is the founder of TekVoyant.
Robert is the founder of The Duke Digital Media

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What is CJ & The Duke?

Authentic, Authoritative, Unapologetic ServiceNow commentary by Cory "CJ" Wesley and Robert "The Duke" Fedoruk

[00:00:00] Duke: , this episode of course is brought to you by our two favorite sponsors. Sponsored. Number one is clear sky. Corey, why do we love clarity?

[00:00:09] Cory: Duke. We love clear sky because clear sky is built on the platform. It is a native app that has full access to the service now platform and allows you to utilize their product in the, in the best way possible.

[00:00:27] Duke: Yeah. There's lots of, ,

Legacy apps in the ID management space. And, you know, maybe they were great and cutting edge at one point. But there's a lot of tech debt and a lot of lessons that the market has learned. And now you have this unique opportunity to grab the best of breed ID management, ID governance, and automation thinker.

Who have taken and built fresh on the service now platform where all the rest of your workflow is. So think about all the workflows that you do that might include an ID governance and automation component. it's a no-brainer Right.

So, uh, check them out.

There'll be in the description below clear sky. it's the best way to do it.

[00:01:10] Cory: Awesome.

[00:01:11] Duke: And our second sponsor is the world's first productivity drink. Magic mind. You can go visit them@magicmind.ceo. Corey, I know you haven't tried it yet, but can I just go on for a minute about magic mind?

[00:01:25] Cory: Go for it.

[00:01:27] Duke: It's got all the good stuff in it. It's got, matcha has gotten tropics. It's got adaptogens. It's got a big dose of honey for the flavor. it.

tastes fantastic. I wish you could drink it by the jug, but 40 to just give you these little kind of shot glass type quantities, but it's not about what's in it, man. Like it's all, it's got all the good stuff in it, but it makes you feel good too. you ever have a drink of coffee or maybe like a pot of coffee you're awake, but it's that, gosh, it's that jittery awake, you know,

[00:01:55] Cory: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, look, I mean it right. I've got a super high tolerance for coffee, right. But yeah, eventually you get to that point where you get the shakes.

[00:02:04] Duke: Yeah, the shakes and it's just, it's not a good, it's not a good awake feeling. It's like, thank goodness I'm awake, but it's not a good awake feeling. And with magic mind with all this good stuff that they have, the macho, the adoptions of nootropic, man, I feel great. It's just like a drink. And then an hour later you didn't realize you've been working for an hour in perfect flow state.

I love it. I haven't ditched coffee yet, but if I do ditch coffee, it will be because I've got magic mind in my back pocket, we got a special offer for our listeners. If you go to the link that we have in the description below, it'll take you to magic mind.co, , but you'll also get a 20% discount if you use the discount code that we'll have in the description below.

So be sure to check that out. All right, Corey, what are we talking about?

[00:02:48] Cory: Man duke today, we're talking about what do you do at your first now?

[00:02:53] Duke: Oh, yeah, that's coming up.

[00:02:55] Cory: Yeah, man, this is the end of the, uh, the end of the month. It's the first knowledge since the pandemic started the first oil, the first in-person knowledge, since the pandemic started, it's going to be wild because people haven't been outside in a long time. People haven't seen each other in a long time, that good service now energy that the electricity that you feel when you get to geek out with people who have.

Who loved the platform and the ecosystem as much as you do. I like that electricity is going to be in the air, man. I can't wait.

[00:03:28] Duke: into my veins, just.

[00:03:30] Cory: Do I can mainline knowledge straight up?

[00:03:33] Duke: Yeah. One line man. Just, yeah. Uh, or now a PG 13 rated podcast. Okay. Um, so which knowledge is.

[00:03:49] Cory: Oh, God. Um, I haven't counted, but the first knowledge I went to was the one in Vegas at the aria. And I think that was 13. So yeah.

[00:04:01] Duke: are really good knowledge for

[00:04:02] Cory: Do you, that was amazing knowledge. Oh my God. I was still on the client side. So I had a sales guy. So anyone who's going to knowledge and you got a service now, sales person.

Let me tell you

[00:04:14] Duke: Yeah.

[00:04:15] Cory: your knowledge is about to be amazing. Respond to every email, to every text message beyond the. All of that good stuff, you're going to have a blast. I was on the client side and you know what it means we were paying service now money. And that means that, you know, they want to make sure that you, you stick around and continue to pay them money and maybe pay them more money.

And so, you know, you, you, there was some dinners, right. There are some drinks here and there and, and it was a great time. Right. And I got the meat, but the best part about it, right. I mean, it was in Vegas. I mean, that's number one, right? That automatically elevates it. You know, your sales person knows everybody in the ecosystem, right.

And then they still, they bring together all of you and they make these introductions. And so all of a sudden you're interacting with people who you didn't know, who live, where you live, right. and you can make these connections and you're talking shop and, it's just an amazing expense.

[00:05:08] Duke: Yeah. If you haven't been, if this is your first time, man, it's such an experience. It would have been my, um, gosh, I'm trying to figure out what the, my first one was knowledge 11 and we had 19 and 20 cancel. Right.

[00:05:20] Cory: Yeah.

[00:05:21] Duke: So I think it would have been one.

[00:05:23] Cory: Wow. That's like, uh, I feel like you got like a badge or something when that happens.

[00:05:29] Duke: I'm not going this year, unfortunately, but, but this episode is about you and what you guys should get out of it. If it's your first time. Corey and I have been there a bunch of times, and we're going to talk about the things that you can't miss. Like you can't do it all. You can't do it all, but there's some stuff that you just, I may have missed it once or twice.

Totally regretted it. Totally regretted it.

[00:05:50] Cory: But, but, but before we talk about that, I do, I do have one more question is since you've started going to knowledge, is this the first knowledge you've missed?

[00:05:59] Duke: The first one I've missed voluntarily. Yeah.

[00:06:02] Cory: Wow.

[00:06:03] Duke: Yeah. So, I mean, obviously you're not, uh, 20, 21 we're canceled.

[00:06:06] Cory: Right.

[00:06:07] Duke: , so, or at least not canceled. Right.

But virtual.

[00:06:10] Cory: Yeah. I mean, you know, right. The physical presence was, was canceled. Okay, so I'm going to have a lot of fun. And I'm going to do that for you.

[00:06:19] Duke: Do it? Yeah.

[00:06:22] Cory: I'm going to tell

[00:06:23] Duke: you. remember it.

[00:06:24] Cory: Yes. Well, I don't, I don't promise that, but I will promise that I have a lot of fun and I'll scream out. Occasionally. This is for duke.

[00:06:36] Duke: Maybe we can start a hashtag or something, do it for the duke.

[00:06:39] Cory: Oh, I love it. I love it. We're doing it. Do it for the duke. I love it. That is the unofficial hashtag of knowledge. Do it for the duke.

[00:06:48] Duke: you were here. Wish you were here. Duke send me all the best pictures.

[00:06:54] Cory: We are, this is a little trend on Twitter. I'm going to make this a trend on Twitter. This is going to be awesome.

[00:07:00] Duke: Yeah.

Everybody gets to tease me this year. Cause I'm not going. I, but anyways, let's, let's talk about, let's talk about what, what they can't miss for the newcomers. Right. And so all roll off with don't Ms. Day one and day three keynote. All right today, one keynote is magic. They'll have all kinds of just the production value on that first video and stuff.

It's just, yeah, it's like, a half hour long movie trailer and you're just strapped your secret. Oh man. But they'll, they'll,

[00:07:29] Cory: Like industrial light and magic.

[00:07:31] Duke: yes. Yeah. they'll feature some of the most amazing customer stories just to like, what's your appetite and a challenge you internally to say, what am I going to do at my organization to beat that next year?

So you get all these super, super inspirational customer stories, ways they bent and twisted the platform to get these amazing results. And then they'll talk. I mean, what do they do besides that on one.

[00:07:53] Cory: honestly, that, part of it is the thing that I always love, right. Is that inspiration that I get from hearing what people are doing with the platform. when they show me. Yeah, those customer success testimonials, right? Like it's the part that like I'm sitting in the, in the sea and it's always like new cutting edge tech to right.

That either just released or is about to release. And you're just sitting there, like, God is about to be awesome.

[00:08:17] Duke: Yeah. Yeah. like Cory and I said energy straight into your veins. Like you're going to be walking around with lead weights on your eyelids just to close them. just to be able to blink you'll be so energized from it. And again, it's all about why everybody loves service now, who works on it.

Right. And it's an ode to that. Love. Why do we love it? Because it allows us to solve business problems. Way above our pay grade. And you're going to see those in that first, keynote. That's right. Okay. And then also the last keynote, because that's where they, really go to town on the new oh wow.

Features of whatever the next version.

[00:08:54] Cory: I feel like it's intentional too. Like they want to send you away with the best possible view of the platform, right? they want to inject all of this cool stuff into your vein so that as you're getting on the plane, that's the only thing you're thinking. And they do it. Well, man, they do it well.

Like I have never left the knowledge uninspired, it's amazing. Like, all the keynotes right. Are, are great, but that first one and that third one and it doesn't hurt. That the third one is typically frat muddy. It's not always. Or pat Casey. and if you've ever heard either one of them deliver a keynote, then, I mean, it just it's the thing is the place to be.

And yeah, like, man, I don't know. I'm already hype, right? I'm a little upset now because it was like three weeks before this thing kicks off, but I'm literally hype. Now I can go walk on a plane right now, go to Vegas and just sit and wait for knowledge to kick up.

[00:09:51] Duke: And here's a challenge for you to take notes at that last keynote,

[00:09:56] Cory: Oh,

[00:09:56] Duke: because what I've found over the last 10 years, like it just, I used to tweet every thing that I found insightful or exciting, and then my thumbs would just be worn down at like tiny little nubs. But, but what I realized over the years, It's interesting to go back and see the story of what things actually made it and what things kind of just didn't .

And it's important because I think it's, it's not, it's not a nag on service now either, but it's to show you how much time and energy and effort they did to like, take a swing at something that. maybe even the market didn't know where to go.

[00:10:33] Cory: Yeah.

[00:10:34] Duke: Right. Like I mean, there was two knowledges in a row where it's like, and the big blockbuster was, a service now app on the apple watch.

[00:10:44] Cory: Oh

[00:10:44] Duke: Right. And,

[00:10:45] Cory: that. Yeah.

[00:10:46] Duke: and then it became a meme afterwards. Like what? No apple watch,

no apple watches here. What the hell man? W, but there always, it goes to show like, like it's a brave organization in some sense, right. That they, that they actually like let's wrap part of our ending keynote on this feature, which we think whether it was one year of financial close and everybody's like, whoa, I think it's still a thing, but it wasn't a big blowout thing.

[00:11:14] Cory: What was that? The,

[00:11:16] Duke: Uh, it was like 17, 18 or 19. I think the big ending keynote was like financial close,

[00:11:21] Cory: oh yeah.

[00:11:24] Duke: and I'm sure it's still a thing, but it was just like, Did the market really go that direction or not? Anyways, it's sounding. I know. I don't mean it that way. It's sounding like a nag on service now. It's not meant to be that way, but it's, it's a good way to pay attention over the long-term to see the ebbs and flows.

what we think might happen?

versus what's actually happening. And actually that's a super important lesson to everybody who comes and messages us about what certification is the safest, because you'll come out of that. Like here's, what's coming up, that you come out of the last keynote and you'll be like, there there's my niche Right. there, but what's it going to look like in three years,

[00:12:02] Cory: Right.

[00:12:03] Duke: you know, it might not be the thing that sticks.

[00:12:06] Cory: Absolutely. Do, do you remember the one key note when, it was right around the beginning of the service portal and he had the live interactive polls and surveys

[00:12:17] Duke: Yeah.

[00:12:19] Cory: Like the whole place went up.

[00:12:23] Duke: Yeah, I remember that. It's ah, we're so, okay. As usual, we're 15 minutes in we're on 0.1. Uh, and we're like, I don't want this to be a nag on service now because that. last keynote is dude knowledge 13. Was it 12 or 13 where Fred pulled out his iPhone and he said, order me a laptop. You spoke it into his phone.

[00:12:51] Cory: Oh,

[00:12:52] Duke: And it created a catalog item on the screen

[00:12:55] Cory: I remember that

[00:12:56] Duke: and it

was like pre Siri pre all of that. You know what I mean? I was just gobsmacked. I thought the clouds that opened and God had spoken to me. even now we're like, oh, virtual agent, you can talk, you can shot with it over your phone.

And then Siri happened and anyway,

[00:13:16] Cory: No, man. I mean, look, this is why we go, right? Like this. all of this is, what gets you hype in the moment don't miss the keynotes. look, I know folks in Vegas, let's be clear. Knowledge is going to be in a lot of places this year. So not everyone is going to be tempted, right?

Like to, to not get any. Right. Like, I mean, I don't know, I've never been to the hog, uh, but it doesn't sound like a place where I could stay up 24 hours. Right. But I can definitely pull that in Vegas. Right. And probably New York city. So, it's going to be tempting to sleep in miss the keynote. And let me tell you, you don't want to do it right.

Like you just don't want to do it. You'll, you'll miss so much excitement and so much that, um, so much about, of what service now is about.

[00:14:00] Duke: yeah. As if

[00:14:01] Cory: in those keynotes.

[00:14:02] Duke: the very least watch the broadcast of it. I remember one day it was just like, we went way too hard the night before, but we watched it from the living room in the house. We, all went to.

[00:14:12] Cory: So yeah, if you have a

[00:14:13] Duke: but then You don't get the, in the veins energy, right. It's just not, yeah, we got to get off

[00:14:18] Cory: can't do.

[00:14:18] Duke: out.

[00:14:19] Cory: Yeah. You got to get in there, man. But I know, I know, but you got to get in there, right? Like if you're going to watch it remotely and you need to watch. Right because that energy, you need that energy. Right. And you don't, you can only get the energy from other people.

[00:14:30] Duke: yep. Okay. Uh, the next one I think we talk about is it's similar to keynotes. There's a lot of overlap, but any other place where pat Casey or Fred Luddy or.

[00:14:40] Cory: Yes, absolutely.

[00:14:42] Duke: only heard legends of Fred Luddy, but all the early knowledges used to end with Fred Luddy saying, oh yeah, just one more thing.

Just one more thing we're working on. Right. And it would always be this whoop was just like mind blown moment. He was usually the last keynote, but the last couple of years they've had like a fireside chat with him. and he's always just the smartest dude in the room. Like. Even if you're standing, , a hundred feet away from the guy and he's talking and you're like instantly smarter.

[00:15:09] Cory: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's like being in the presence of this guy, delivering any kind of knowledge. Right. Like, you know, pun intended look, it's just where you want to be. Like, this is why we do this.

Like, you know, there are folks out there who are in the ecosystem. They don't do this for the same reasons, but if you found. And you're listening to us. This is why you do this and you don't want to miss Fred Lee or word from Fred Luddy, right. Or pat Casey, like you just don't

[00:15:37] Duke: I worked in ticketing tools before service now. And it was not an exciting, inspirational motivational space.

[00:15:45] Cory: right.

[00:15:46] Duke: You know, there's a reason why I was like before service now is just list like piece of shit, human being. I was a schlub, you know, cause I clock in at eight and I do nothing but rearrange category trees, you know what I mean?

And then I just, I, I sh I clock out at five and I drink a six pack to just forget about how bullshit my job was,

[00:16:10] Cory: So the six pack of old style

[00:16:12] Duke: Yeah. Of whatever.

[00:16:15] Cory: slits.

[00:16:16] Duke: I hate to say it that way, but it's like in what other space where we do what we do. Can it be that inspirational? We're totally, we're totally going to go over on this one.

All right. So What else did You don't want to want to

[00:16:27] Cory: You don't want to miss the expo hall, especially on, welcome night. You don't want to miss the expo hall on welcomed with the welcome night experience, right? That's when service now goes all out, you know, it is the oh my God. We love you. and yeah, and we should, uh, you should come in and eat all of this free food.

Get all of these free drinks and look at all of this cool, products by all of the vendors also have really kick ass. Right. And if you're a swagger, right? Like you want some swag t-shirts but I still got knowledge t-shirts from 2013. They're awesome. if you got kids, get some of those nice little stress balls, those things are always popular when you come home from a week of, no sleep in Vegas and you need to appease those folks so that you can try to get a couple of hours of a shut eye.

But yeah, those work really well. The expo hall, man, and then this. Like, you're just going to see still many people that you've never seen before. And so many that you might've interacted with online. those you've only ever heard of, and everybody wants to talk,

[00:17:30] Duke: They really make you feel like a king there, a king amongst Kings, right. And

[00:17:33] Cory: yeah, no, absolutely.

Absolutely. I mean, you do feel you go in there and you do feel like, you know, Hey, I am the CEO of wherever I come from. Right. And, and, and they roll out the red carpet, literally in some cases, I think they've had a red carpet.

[00:17:47] Duke: There, there, there have been knowledges where the expo hall is all I remember,

[00:17:52] Cory: Yeah.

[00:17:53] Duke: in my experiences, in the expo hall. And I know sometimes it can be hard because you might feel like a carp in a pool of sharks, because you're like a customer and like everybody's there to sell you something.

you know, you don't have to engage in a conversation, you don't need to, right? You can excuse yourself. you don't want to waste their time. They don't want to have their time wasted. You don't want to have your time wasted. So just feel free to disengage in conversations that are not interested in into you.

But even once you see all the different stuff, all the different vendors and the services and products out there, that alone will open your mind. To a whole new way of thinking and don't just go to the big platinum and diamond sponsor booths, either take a good look around and go to the teeny tiny booths

[00:18:36] Cory: Oh, man, those boosts in the

[00:18:38] Duke: that's out there.

[00:18:39] Cory: the boosts that are often the cut man, there is some serious value.

[00:18:44] Duke: Yeah.

[00:18:45] Cory: those are the guys that are working the cutting edge of the cutting edge, right. Layer on the bleeding edge of this thing. And they been scraped off enough money to get a little small booth and knowledge with the hopes, right.

That their technology is going to inspire somebody to take a chance on them. Give those guys a little bit of time. you can see some stuff there is going to blow your mind. And like duke said, right, like feel free to, to disengage with conversations that you're not interested in and feel free to be also be upfront.

Right. Like, uh, you know, I'm, I'm not on the customer side anymore. So I, I, whenever folks, you know, are approaching me now and knowledge and expo hall is let him know, Hey, I'm not buying it, but, you know, and, and, but if the thing looks interesting, it's like, Hey, I'm not buying if you're free. Right. Like,

[00:19:26] Duke: Yup, exactly. again, you don't have to buy, but you can ideate for

[00:19:31] Cory: Yeah, absolutely

[00:19:32] Duke: even services like there's tons of people there that are just like, they're interested in being helpful. If they're not going to sell you something, then they want to help you to some kind of good outcome, because then you remember who provided you that.

[00:19:46] Cory: do. Right. And then you might refer them to somebody else who is buying in your now.

[00:19:52] Duke: Yup.

[00:19:53] Cory: Like you said, do you, sometimes you walk in there and you felt like a fish in a pool of sharks. Right. sometimes that that fill is not misplaced,

but there's still a lot of value on the expo floor. if you look around and take advantage of it, so definitely don't miss don't miss out on the expo hall. Like to me, it is one of, is one of the places where things go down. That's where it goes down, man. It's not in the DMS is in the expo.

[00:20:14] Duke: I wish I wish there was a way to explain to them how that has evolved. Like I remember my first knowledge, the.

expo hall was there are high schools in America that have larger science fairs, in their gymnasiums.

[00:20:30] Cory: Right.

[00:20:30] Duke: And it was like basically like a small sized high school gymnasium with all these booths.

There was one circuit two sides. it was like, and then it ended at the drink line, the drink line. Now there's just the bars serve a radius, you

[00:20:50] Cory: And they, and they bring the drinks to you as well, right? Like there's always someone circulating, well, at least for a couple of, I remember a drinks being circulated. I don't know if they do that now in my I'll be at the bar, but.

[00:21:00] Duke: There was one year. I don't know if they just plan the layout wrong or something, but I remember like turning a corner in one of the circuits of all the booths and it was just a crush of people.

oh, now I know what it's like to be in a white collar mosh pit. It's like you couldn't move. It was just, you were just, you had to surrender to the, all of the, you know, gradually this thing is gonna throw you on the shores of the, but for now, you're just in the press. You can't do anything about it.

[00:21:32] Cory: Look guys, hashtag white collar mosh pit. I want to see a trend in like D like duke you're you're, you're killing it with the, with the, with the hashtags today, man. This is awesome. Hashtag white collar mosh pit. Like I got to see it, but Like I I've been in that situation too, where you just have to go with the flow of the crowd, right.

Like there's no way anymore to your will is no longer your own.

[00:21:58] Duke: So my next one is, kind of a tangent, but as soon as the same, Spirit, but that is, go see your friends. Um, you know, the people that you talk to you on community, the people that you talked to on the SN dev slack channel, the people that you talk to you on LinkedIn, go meet them and, break bread with them, shake their hand.

it's such an, it's such a pleasure to finally. Be in the presence of people who have helped you, who you have helped. And it forges All kinds of just legit human bonds,

[00:22:33] Cory: after two years of most people being stuck in the house, having, you know, really rare human contact, that's not someone in their family or a close friend, now is the time to go out. And all of these friends that you've made online. Right. Because that, that's what we did over the last couple of years, get out there and meet them and shake their hand, you know, talk to them, just get to know people in person.

I get it.

[00:22:57] Duke: it's not just a field thing, it's a networking thing.

[00:23:01] Cory: Yeah, that's

[00:23:01] Duke: what I mean? And, getting your, your real life presence imprinted on somebody's mind, and, and having conversations about what's happening and when everybody's vibe and like that, the memories are forged a lot harder, so I like, like, I have service now, conversations every year. but I'll be on my death bed with, all I've forgotten the names of my children and grandchildren. And I will still remember conversations that I had at knowledge.

Cause you're just like so pumped and so hyped and,

[00:23:29] Cory: Can you imagine duke being like 20, 30 years from now? back in my day, it was just one product how's service, service service. Now I think it was when he called. And where does that knowledge is? The fat off France festival, something like that. And just going on and on for your grandkids. They're crazy before they fly off and they're like spaceship car or whatever.

[00:23:54] Duke: May we all be so blessed, man. May we all be so blessed? Where was I going with this? There's some other point I wanted to make, but it is the power of networking, also knowledge is a place where I got, totally flipped over on my head about what an introvert. 'cause I would've said at knowledge 11, I went there as a introvert.

I felt really uncomfortable in the lines. There's a whole bunch of people that are there for the exact same thing, passionate about the exact same thing. And I'm standing in line with all of them and it's like, what am I going to talk to these people about?

[00:24:25] Cory: Ah,

[00:24:28] Duke: And I was so afraid. I was so afraid and

[00:24:32] Cory: what is the true.

[00:24:33] Duke: yup. And I went to see speakers and I was like, gosh, someday. Someday years or now I want to be good enough that I could stand in front of people and talk about something.

[00:24:44] Cory: Right.

[00:24:45] Duke: where I was at at knowledge 11. And they had this speaker Tom singer and he wasn't even like a service.

[00:24:50] Cory: before.

[00:24:52] Duke: Like it wasn't even in the service now ecosystem. He was just like a key, a rental keynote speaker, basically. Right. And, and he was doing the keynote and he talked about how introverts make more powerful networks, because I don't want to be anxious to know what to say.

So I'm going to keep asking you questions. So the attention is off me

[00:25:11] Cory: right.

[00:25:12] Duke: And then all of a sudden, because people are like, the extroverts are talking about themselves, right.

Or have the attention on themselves, which they like, then you become likable and memorable in their mind. Cause you're deflecting basically.

Getting them To do the

[00:25:28] Cory: To do the thing that they want to do.

[00:25:29] Duke: yeah. And that blew the back of my head off in terms of insight. I was just changed my life. Cause then I was like, oh, it's cool to be an introvert. And I'm going to talk about all these people. I'm going to talk to all the people I can and learn. Like let them talk, learn all about them Capitalize off that energy. The was, are going with this.

[00:25:50] Cory: I don't know, but like, let me, let me, let me bootstrap, let me jump on the back of that. Right? Because, um, there, there was a quote that I read up, but from a guy I follow on Twitter, and he said, the thing that has helped him the most with his public speaking is reframing. The jobs and responsibilities of all the parties were in the building, His job is to give a speech and to do it well. Right. So that the audience can understand it, but it's not his job to enjoy it. That's the audience's job is their job to listen, to be attentive, to enjoy the speech, to be engaged. And if they, so decide to come up to him after and form a.

that's their job. His job is simply to get up on that stage, give a great speech and then let the chips fall where they may, when you look at it like that, It definitely changes your perspective of introvert versus extrovert. Um, your perspective on whether or not you can do this, or you can't do this.

But you only have to worry about doing this one. And then everybody else has to worry about the part that they're supposed to, the part that they have to play. Right. I, I internalized this before we did a CJ and a duke live. Right. Because it was so different doing a podcast live in front of people.

And I've spoken in front of people before, ran for office and things like that. Right. So, you know, you have all the intention in, on you in that moment and you're on stage and you're talking into a mic and you're, trying to be heard and be articulate and all that kind of. But it's still a, was still a little different to me and I was looking to make sure I can, you know, and it also has been a couple of years, right.

Because it's been a couple of years since I did it. So I was looking for, you know, just some tips to get my, kind of my mind right on this thing. And that's one of the things I, that I came across and, you know, I put it to work there and I think, I think it worked out really well.

[00:27:35] Duke: It did, man. That was a great event. We're going to have the link in the description for the live event. Corey and I did thanks to the Oscar crew. be sure to check that out, but it's a different energy, Right.

But I think. If you take one thing away from this episode is that whether you think you're an extrovert or an introvert, you can have power. Powerful networking connection opportunities at knowledge. the trick is mindset, right? Don't think introvert, therefore can't network, no introverts make excellent networkers when they play to their strengths, play to your strengths and have those powerful networking events. I know why I did it changed my life.

And as a matter of fact, there's been a whole streak of knowledges where I didn't really go to a lot of the breakup.

[00:28:16] Cory: There've been a couple of those for me to where I, I didn't hit so many of the breakouts only to break outs of folks that I knew. Right. Like if you were speaking on show up at yours, if James. And I got a bounce in the hairs, you know, things like that, but I wasn't really hitting folks. , they didn't bring out sort of folks that I didn't know, but I was with everybody that I knew or making friends with people, I didn't know.


[00:28:41] Duke: I'm not saying don't go to the breakouts, but I'm

[00:28:43] Cory: No, absolutely.

[00:28:44] Duke: feel guilty for having big gaps on your schedule and just go around and meet people and hang with them because it's not like that isn't valuable. I think even like a lot of the breakouts are still you can access them later. Can't you.

[00:28:58] Cory: Yeah, a lot of them are digital and they were moving towards having a digital version of the breakout, I think even before the pandemic. Um, so I think that just accelerated plants that were already in effect and look right, like the speaker's name is on the breakout session and they are acknowledged to do the same things.

You're there to do. So if you're having a conversation of you're in a group or with a somebody in need and you've you, and you're going back and forth and just having, you're getting a tremendous amount of value out of what you're doing at that moment. Right. Don't, you know, don't fit, right. Don't feel that super pressure to leave it right.

Catch up with the person who was speaking later, they would love, love to talk about the thing that they just spent time talking about.

[00:29:43] Duke: I've spoken at knowledge 10 times and don't think for one second that I wouldn't just completely start from scratch and do the whole thing over. If somebody asked me to after hours. I totally would like if I was excited enough to talk about.

it in front of all those people, and somebody said, Hey, I missed your session, give you the chest course.

I will sit down for an hour,

[00:30:05] Cory: Right

like that. Not only are you going to get like the, the stage versus you to get the cliff notes and the back and the backstage and, and all of it, right?

[00:30:14] Duke: yep. okay. So as creator, Conan, ha and knowledge the same time and place this year.

[00:30:19] Cory: Yes.

[00:30:19] Duke: Okay. if I were to suggest one more thing, it would be to do the hackathon.

[00:30:24] Cory: I'm not sure if there is a hackathon this year,

[00:30:27] Duke: Really. I think I felt that uncertainty every single year, but if you're at all interested in the build component of service, now do the hackathon. Don't think about it, just do it. and don't think that, oh, I'm not a hardcore developer. I can't do a hackathon. That's BS too. Right. when you get to the hackathon registries, there'll be all kinds of teams that are still looking for people, Right.

You can hit social media, you can find yourself a team. You don't have to be a hardcore developer. Sometimes all it takes is an extra set of hands to just do. sometimes every team needs a taskmaster. sometimes you might have really good developers. That have no idea. And you have to be the person that says, Hey, you know, what's, what's bullshit is when this process happens and can we fix that?

[00:31:10] Cory: Right.

[00:31:11] Duke: And I feel like I say this over and over again, hackathon, it was like totally the unsung hero of knowledge, because,

[00:31:18] Cory: I feel so bad that I didn't do them.

[00:31:20] Duke: well, I mean, you still can, the thing is everybody's there to sell you something. Even service now, and everybody will treat you nicely, Right To sell you the thing and go enjoy that. But the hackathon is where the rubber meets the road.

It's where people say there is a distinct problem out there. And I'm going to take a swing at at least conceptually saying service. Now can solve that under no other motivation. Nobody's paying them to do. They aren't trying to sell it back to you is just a kit. It's the purity of the platform inaction.

What can it do? How can we think it?

[00:31:56] Cory: dude. That's what

[00:31:57] Duke: thing. That's a

[00:31:58] Cory: I totally agree with you. Right? Like I, just standing back and watching these things and I almost joined the last one, but my team fell apart at the last minute. , but There's a magic in just hacking at Riley hackathon, hacking at the system, right at the platform and building something from scratch that didn't exist before.

And that is just may or may not have any practical business value, but has a whole lot of cool value.

[00:32:24] Duke: Yeah.

[00:32:25] Cory: to me, that's amazing. Right. I, I completely am B the fact that you've, uh, that you've done. And one that, the one, the hacker, how many times have you won a hackathon?


[00:32:33] Duke: I want to acknowledge and to at fruit out con.

[00:32:37] Cory: Yeah. I mean, yeah, fucker.

[00:32:43] Duke: Well, look at me. I'm not like a real dev, right. I teamed with real devs, but for three out of the four, I was like the idea of fuel. That's all I brought to the table and all the other people would be definitely crazy. And I'd be trying to find whatever little bits I could squeeze in.

Right. But then they'd be like, no, wait, dude, run me through that whole thing. Like, how is this supposed to work again? that's a legit job over an eight hour piece of work. Like who's got the idea of the build in their mind and it might not be the same people who are the depths

[00:33:12] Cory: Do we could do a whole show on the mission, right? Like who's the man with the mission or the person with the mission,

[00:33:17] Duke: I should do. we're kind of at time I have one that wasn't really scheduled on our list.

[00:33:21] Cory: No, go for it, dude. I think, cause we, got a little bit of time fluffing.

[00:33:25] Duke: Yeah, I think we'd be remiss if we didn't mention that? our sponsor clear sky has a keynote of keynote speakers add knowledge, M GOP.

So her name is Maria. Gabriela Alcoa Perez walked her. I've totally messed that up. I'm sorry, Maria. but she works for clear sky. She's a senior developer there and she is going to be speaking at one of the service now, keynotes, which. I can't stress enough is absolutely amazing.

The keynotes of keynotes have been reserved for Fred Luddy, you know, whatever CEO was at the time, whatever the ultra super premium diamond ultra sponsor was. And they've never talked to like the everyday people, right.

That and so for the first time ever, they're going to bring one of us on stage, right.


[00:34:15] Cory: is a great way of putting it. She is one of us.

[00:34:17] Duke: Yup. And kudos to clear sky cause their, talent stack is so stacked that they've got, you know, the person that got handpicked for this unbelievable. And Maria, Congratulations, What an honor.

[00:34:31] Cory: Congratulations, Maria. I mean, absolutely a big

[00:34:34] Duke: don't, don't miss it. She's got a super important message and I'm not going to blow it for you, but just do us a favor.

Don't miss it.

[00:34:41] Cory: One last thing, right? To call Steve jobs. you don't want to miss the service now. What was it the day before the last day party? Like the Wednesday night party? Like, I don't know what it is now at, you know, with this kind of abbreviated event.

Right. But if there is a, service now a main event party, That isn't the opening day now expo hall, there is a main event party. You do not want to miss that.

[00:35:09] Duke: That's the one thing I miss is that one giant party for everybody now it's too big to have that. So they usually have like three or four different.

[00:35:17] Cory: that's true


[00:35:19] Duke: the high watermark on that one was the one in new Orleans, the one in new Orleans where basically like fruition partners they basically had the bourbon street parade.

[00:35:29] Cory: So that is the, that's the knowledge right before, I started attending, we hadn't signed our contract yet, and I almost was able to talk to my boss at the time into, uh, sended me, but it didn't turn out. but yeah, I heard a lot about that one.

[00:35:44] Duke: yeah, it was insane. It just like bar after bar, after bar of live music, like wherever you were, you were banging as service now, people. And then one big service now parade at the end of it, it was just boom. that's to me was the most memorable ones, but make your own memories at 22, the parties are awesome.

Just enjoy being treated well, especially after all this two years of whatever the fuck that was, right. Just,

[00:36:07] Cory: misery, let's call it for what it is.

[00:36:09] Duke: enjoy yourself. And Corey will see you there. And remember to just, uh,

[00:36:14] Cory: Do it for the duke,

[00:36:15] Duke: yeah. Wish you were here. Do cash tag.

[00:36:19] Cory: has dad do it for the duke man? That's what we're doing. That's what we're rolling with. And you know, I'll be there. Um, I'm going to post some details on LinkedIn as we get to look closer to knowledge and you know, so folks can contact me if they want to, you know, meet up or whatever, and we're going to hashtag do it for the duke.

[00:36:36] Duke: right. Thanks for listening folks. We will see you on the next one.

[00:36:39] Cory: All right guys. Bye. Bye.