We are rebooting
The Value of Biosphere Earth podcast series, starting with a focus on the meaning of the word,
biosphere. In this episode, author/researcher Chris Searles reads an extremely-well cited synopsis of the academic research on why other-Life, Earth’s
biodiversity of plants, animals, fungi, microbes, etc., is the most valuable and intelligent thing in the known universe. (Citations below.) A STACK… all of the elements of a system, creates our ability to live in the universe. More on this in podcast #3 in this series,
Ecosystem Services.
Defining the "Software Stack" analogy
The Human Life-Support System is essentially (top down): a) Stuff we need: Food, Clothes, Fuel, Atmosphere, Freshwater, etc., generated by:
b) Other macro life: Plants, Animals, Wilderness Ecosystems, and
c) Micro life: Protista, Soils, Fungi, Microbes, Microbiomes, and their interactions with
d) The geosphere: Rocks, Minerals, Chemicals, Climate Conditions (non-living elements).
Read The Value of Biosphere Earth, A Self-Generating Stack:
About Chris Searles
1:30 Paragraph 1, Biosphere Earth
3:00 Paragraph 2, Smarter than our Computers
(the software stack analogy) 6:25 Chris goes through the diagram in paper. Our life-support system = inanimate elements of Earth (minerals & climate conditions) + interactive, intelligent, relational life-layers, which ultimately led to and presently create our everyday life-support system, (aka.
Nature, as we know it).
7:45 This planetary life-support system is EXCEPTIONALLY RESOURCEFUL: self-integrating, adaptive, self-healing, self-correcting. It appears to always be going towards more diversity of life (more biodiversity) when climate conditions are favorable.
Images and Oxford
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No other planet known to contain organisms after thousands surveyed
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Science has established that the foundation for human existence is simple and complex life
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Everything we have is a result of living inside of Biosphere Earth
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Definition of “software stack”
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Biosphere Earth is self-creating, self-organizing, more complex and varied than we can visualize.
> Self-creating and self-organizing
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> Ocean life integration
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> Atmospheric life integration
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> Freshwater life integration
• Migliorini, Romero. Warming and leaf litter functional diversity, not litter quality, drive decomposition in a freshwater ecosystem. Sci Rep 10, 20333. (2020) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77382-7
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> Landscape life integration
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> Subterranean & Microbial life integration:
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> Big picture life integrations
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