Art of Spousing

Art of Spousing Trailer Bonus Episode 23 Season 2

How to Use the Support Challenge Matrix to Liberate Your Spouse & Kids

How to Use the Support Challenge Matrix to Liberate Your Spouse & KidsHow to Use the Support Challenge Matrix to Liberate Your Spouse & Kids


Lisa and James teach the Support Challenge Matrix tool for empowering your spouse. The tool can be used in all relationships and spheres of influence

Show Notes

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. The Support Challenge Matrix: a tool for empowering relationships
2. The four quadrants of the Support Challenge Matrix: Protector, Dominator, Abdicator, Liberator
3. The consequences of living in each quadrant of the Support Challenge Matrix

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Support Challenge Matrix and Circles of Influence

Discussion Questions:
  1. How do you experience me in our relationship? (Protector or Dominator)
  2. What does challenging me look like for you to feel empowered?
  3. What does support from me look like for you to feel empowered?
If you are a protector you can ask…Have there been ways that I have created mistrust because of my lack or misuse of challenge?

If you are a challenger you could ask…Have there been ways that I have made you feel fearful or manipulated because of my lack of or misuse of support?

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What is Art of Spousing?

Art of Spousing is for marriages that what to move from being mundane to becoming masterpiece relationships. Hosts James and Lisa Duvall share truths and lessons learned from their 30 years of marriage and over a decade of teaching, coaching, and speaking on marriage.