Love & Learn

“A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love.” – Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

Have you ever wondered how to invite miracles into your life? What if the key to unlocking miracles isn’t about changing your circumstances but changing how you perceive them?

In this episode of Love & Learn, we dive deeper into A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles by Marianne Williamson to explore how shifting your perception from fear to love can invite healing and miracles into your life.

In this episode, we’ll uncover:
  • How miracles happen when we shift our perception from fear to love
  • Why changing your mind about a situation can lead to inner peace and transformation
  • Practical ways to invite miracles into your life by aligning with love and releasing fear
  • Actionable steps you can take to apply this shift in perception to your daily life
Whether you’re facing a difficult situation at work, in a relationship, or within yourself, this episode will guide you in seeing things differently and opening the door to miracles. Press play to learn how a simple shift in perception can change everything.

Actionable steps to apply the concept of love over fear in your own life:
  1. Pause and Reflect: When you’re in the middle of a stressful or fearful situation, take a moment to pause. Before reacting, ask yourself: Am I seeing this situation through the lens of fear or love?According to A Course in Miracles, 'Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.' This simple pause can help break the cycle of automatic, fear-based responses and allow space for a different perspective to emerge.

  2. Choose Love Over Being Right: In moments of conflict or tension—whether at work, in relationships, or within yourself—make a conscious choice to value connection over being right. Invite God in to help you see this situation differently. Say the magic words, “Dear God, I am willing to see this differently.” From here you will bring more love into this situation, rather than solely trying to control or prove your point. This mindset shift creates a path toward healing and understanding rather than deepening the divide.

  3. Focus on What You Can Control: When faced with a challenging situation, break it down into two categories: what you can control and what you cannot. By focusing on what you can control—your thoughts, your actions, your reactions—you create the space for a miracle. Instead of trying to manipulate outcomes, you’re empowered by taking ownership of your perception and actions. This often leads to unexpected solutions or changes in the situation, because your energy shifts from fear to love and trust.





What is Love & Learn?

Love & Learn is a podcast dedicated to exploring best-selling books and distilling their wisdom into life-changing concepts that are easy to engage with, even if you don't have the time to read. Hosted by Jessica Flint, a leader in the field of personal growth and healing, this show is designed to help listeners live healthier, wealthier lives from the inside out.

With years of experience empowering millions through her innovative work at Recovery Warriors, Jessica now brings her passion for transformation to Love & Learn. Each episode dives into powerful ideas that inspire new ways of thinking, being, and believing in what’s possible when you release old patterns, shift your mindset, and step into your power.

Week by week, listeners are guided through practical steps to transform their habits, unlock more confidence, joy, and vitality, and flourish in both their personal and professional lives. Through a blend of solo reflections and insightful conversations with featured book authors and fellow book lovers, you’ll cultivate self-love and build the confidence needed to embody your most radiant, authentic self.

Love & Learn is more than a podcast; it’s a transformational community of lifelong learners committed to self-healing and personal growth. Tune in and join the journey toward a more empowered and fulfilled life.