Empower Apps

In this second part of our interview with Tim Condon, we follow up on Async/Await and Vapor 5, Amazon and server-side Swift, hosting, frameworks, development, and what we look forward to in 2021.

Show Notes


Youtube Video - https://youtu.be/VMNvZtw9OyU

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Vapor 5 and Async/Await

  • How Async/Await affects SwiftNIO
  • How Async/Await affects EventLoopFuture
  • Performances vs Maintainability 
  • What is the timeline on Async/Await

Amazon and Server-Side Swift

  • What is Soto?
  • What Amazon web services Soto supports?
  • How to integrate Soto into your sever-side Swift project?
  • What is Smoke?

Important Server-Side Frameworks

  • Smoke, Kitura, and Chaqmoq
  • Logging and Metrics
  • Job and Queue Management
  • Swift Tracing

Server-Side Swift in the Real World

  • Where to Host Your Server-Side App
  • Is Server-Side Swift Production Ready
  • Growth of Server-Side Acceptance in 2020
  • Differences from iOS Development
  • Scaling Your Server-Side Application
  • Can You Develop in Swift outside of Xcode?

Social Media

GitHub - @brightdigit

BrightDigit - @brightdigit

Leo - @leogdion



Instagram - @brightdigit
Patreon - empowerappshow


Music from https://filmmusic.io
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Holly Borla
  • Bertram Eber
  • Edward Sanchez
  • Satoshi Mitsumori
  • Steven Lipton
★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Creators & Guests

Leo Dion
Swift developer for Apple devices and more; Founder of BrightDigit; husband and father of 6 adorable kids
Tim Condon
Engineer, geek, triathlete. @codevapor core team. Founder @brokenhandsio. Server-side Swift @kodecodev. Organiser @SwiftServerConf @NSManchester He/him

What is Empower Apps?

An exploration of Apple business news and technology. We talk about how businesses can use new technology to empower their business and employees, from Leo Dion, founder of BrightDigit.